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Jul 20th, 2019
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  2. Charles P.:Hi guys. I'm in a traffic jam that is delaying my availability greatly.
  3. Blix (ambnz):All good! I'm available in limited capacity as well so no worries, may have to hop in later/hop out early depending on a variety of factors
  4. 7th Outpost:aww, everyone's gone already
  5. Charles P.:I finally made it home! Y'all still alive?
  6. 7th Outpost:we got ambnz
  7. so I'm okay with idly wandering or looking for rose bushes, I wanna go into the estate with yaboi ambro if he ends up being there one day
  8. Charles P.:I'd like to finally see about that Dragon Hoard!
  9. 7th Outpost:oh yeah
  10. good point
  11. All for it
  12. ey durk
  13. Durk:Ey
  14. Charles P.:It's Dragon Hoard time!
  15. Who's the new PC?
  16. 7th Outpost:I think I've seen this pic somewhere
  17. Charles P.:Four people! Now that's a party.
  18. Wizzzargh (GM):sure is
  19. Charles P.:Yay! Wizzargh's alive too! Everything is happening so fast, I'm hyperventilating.
  20. Charles P. and his Duck Honk gear up for a trip to the Desert, and there's just one question: Are you in?
  21. Saab:*
  22. 7th Outpost:The desert's not near the castle?
  23. If it's not that works for me
  24. Saab:Looks like it's in the same direction, but a lot farther out.
  25. 7th Outpost:Ok, sure, let's go
  26. Wizzzargh (GM):Alright, can someone draw a general path? Also remember that a day of rations also includes a day of water, for provisioning for the trip.
  27. Though it is raining sporadically, so that should help.
  28. Leonard Halford:Likely not gonna see rosebushes on the way so
  29. haha
  30. Saab:Oof, I forgot how expensive rations are. S'up with that Mole meat?
  31. Scribe Elmyr has no money for rations
  32. Wizzzargh (GM):A good point- there should be 133.33333333333334 rations worth of mole meat available in various forms of jerky, etc, though you reckon it should be eaten before the end of the week before disease spirits move in
  33. Leonard Halford:Guess we're covered
  34. Saab helps himself to a week of rations and dumps the rest off at the Kracklin Kraken, while the party gets ready for their trip.
  35. Leonard Halford:I'll take a week as well
  36. Saab:"I suggest we head out to the location of Sheriff Sandwide's grave. It will give us a good vantage point of the desert, to plan our trip."
  37. Leonard Halford:"I've not been to the desert. Feel free to lead the way here."
  38. Also taking pilgrim with me
  39. just to be sure
  40. Scribe Elmyr takes a week o' rations
  41. Wizzzargh (GM):Alright then- you head to the mountain where Sandwide is buried. Inclement weather slows the journey, and rivulets of mud slide off the rocky slopes of mountain as thunder booms in the distance every so often.
  42. (To GM)rolling 3d6
  43. (
  44. 3
  45. +
  46. 3
  47. +
  48. 4
  49. )
  50. =10
  51. Wizzzargh (GM):anybody have a tent?
  52. Leonard Halford:goddamnit
  53. I'll come back for one
  54. Wizzzargh (GM):feel free to have bought that before you left, the storm was mentioned in the session log and is no surprise
  55. Leonard Halford:Ah, gotcha!
  56. Saab:I'm writing a char desc since someone expressed surprise at my inventory, last session.
  57. Leonard Halford:2 small tents
  58. Saab has a new shield and weapon, today. He carries a Heavy crossbow while walking, with his standard Kopesh and new mace left to hang at the waist. On his back sits a pack laden with rope, gourds, and torches. At his waist hang all manner of trinkets and garbage, like a chisel, skull and bunch of candles
  59. You'll set up tents on the side of a mountain ridge that's most sheltered from the weather for the night- nightowls should take 1st watch, people who don't mind sleeping in bursts the 2nd watch, and early birds the 3rd watch
  60. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 3d6
  61. (
  62. 2
  63. +
  64. 6
  65. +
  66. 1
  67. )
  68. =9
  69. Saab takes 2nd
  70. Leonard Halford:1st works for me and pilgrim likely
  71. Oh, btw, Saab, do you think we should sell the tiara?
  72. ohai blix
  73. And Blix was probably along too
  74. Leonard Halford:obai blix
  75. Wizzzargh (GM):f
  76. Scribe Elmyr:f
  77. Leonard Halford:f
  78. Saab:Blix wanted to keep it for themselves. Probably to do freaky sex stuff with.
  79. Wizzzargh (GM):Then Scribe Elmyr, towards the end of everyone's sleep cycles, will notice!
  80. (To GM)rolling 2d6
  81. (
  82. 6
  83. +
  84. 1
  85. )
  86. =7
  87. Wizzzargh (GM):Movement down to the northeast
  88. (To GM)rolling 1d4
  89. (
  90. 1
  91. )
  92. =1
  93. Wizzzargh (GM):A lone torch, flickering in the darkness of the storm, down in the desert
  94. Scribe Elmyr observes quietly
  95. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 2d6
  96. (
  97. 4
  98. +
  99. 2
  100. )
  101. =6
  102. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 1d6
  103. (
  104. 2
  105. )
  106. =2
  107. Blix (ambnz):(I had some last minute things pop up but may be around later!!! Have fun!)
  108. Eventually it stops moving and it looks like a campfire is started up, the occasional flash of lightning illuminating a small campsite with a cart, a pack-animal, and a bulky figure in a hammock at the base of the mountain.
  109. Saab:A pack animal. That's some serious loot.
  110. Leonard Halford:"I have a strange feeling that's one of Sahib's folks."
  111. Scribe Elmyr:"I assume it's some sort of lone trader."
  112. Leonard Halford:"Let us approach and hail the man. I am certain he is friendly."
  113. Scribe Elmyr:"Hmm. I suppose we could."
  114. "I'll lead the way."
  115. (Then again, who knows how long it will take to get to him.)
  116. Wizzzargh (GM):Probably just 10 minutes down the mountain, and sort of on your way anyway
  117. Scribe Elmyr:Oh alright
  118. Scribe Elmyr leads the way
  119. Saab breaks camp and follows along
  120. Wizzzargh (GM):Alright, as you approach, you see it is a tuskman of prodigious bulk adorned in leather and metal spikes, and the pack animal is a giant boar. (see discord for a 'eh, close enough' reference pic)
  121. Saab:(In other words, More HP and damage output than we can handle.)
  122. Wizzzargh (GM):The cart is also more of a war-chariot, wheels adorned with what look like polearm heads for scythes, The dozing tuskman snorts and snores.
  123. Scribe Elmyr shouts "Hail!" from a good distance away
  124. Leonard Halford whispers "Do their traders... dress lik this?"
  125. Scribe Elmyr:"I'm not familiar with Tuskmen culture."
  126. Wizzzargh (GM):The bone-carved moon-glasses nearly fall off as the pigman starts and half-sits up, he and his boar looking around.
  127. Tuskman: Oi, more humies. You lot looking to hoire a moicenary? The last group coulda used da muscle.
  128. Scribe Elmyr looks at the rest of the group
  129. Saab:"Heck yeah. What are you charging?"
  130. Scribe Elmyr:(Also Elmyr is holding a torch, forgot to mention)
  131. Saab:(I've got 11HP. It would be very nice to share the frontline.)
  132. He flicks down the bone moon-goggles to examine your group more carefully. "Metal's always a peach in these parts."
  133. Tuskman: Howzit... 10 stone weight, in metal? (10 inventory slots or a 100 pounds)
  134. Scribe Elmyr bows as a greeting
  135. Scribe Elmyr:(after he flicks down his goggles, that is)
  136. Saab:"We definitely don't have that on us..."
  137. Leonard Halford:"Uhm, where the hell are we to get that sort of metal?"
  138. Saab wracks his brain for good locations to loot
  139. Leonard Halford:*scratch, I can't imagine hal swearing
  140. Scribe Elmyr:"Unfortunately, I'm not carrying any metal with me either."
  141. Saab:"Oh right, There's an iron mine near town, lol"
  142. Leonard Halford:Oh
  143. Tuskman: Well, that's not so bad. Might spare you from raiders if yer not clinking and clakin about.
  144. Leonard Halford:"If you could wait for us a few days..."
  145. Saab:"There's a mine where we can retrieve the stuff, not one day away from here."
  146. Scribe Elmyr:"That sounds awfully inconvenient for the poor fellow."
  147. Tuskman: Oh yeh? Bully for you then, but I've gotta keep on the move.
  148. Scribe Elmyr:"As expected"
  149. Saab:"Will you come along, or set up a rendezvous?"
  150. Scribe Elmyr:"Would you mind sharing some information, sir? Where you come from and where you are headed?"
  151. Tuskman: Right now, I'm from Oldtown and headed to dreamland. Wouldn't recommend the likes of you visiting, frankly.
  152. He flicks the glasses back up and settles down into the hammock.
  153. Scribe Elmyr:"I see. Well, we will leave you to your rest, or at least I will. It was a pleasure to meet you."
  154. Saab:"Right."
  155. Saab moves on
  156. Leonard Halford:Yeah, let's
  157. You saw two things from your mountain vantage point- a crater to the northwest, and an oasis to the northeast. A tower, distantly seen to the northeast past the oasis, but just blowing clouds of dirt and sand in the storm elsewhere,
  158. Saab heads for the tower!
  159. Scribe Elmyr hauls his sack of books and writing tools along after Saab
  160. Saab:"
  161. Leonard Halford:"Have you seen this tower before?"
  162. Saab:'"No. I only heard about a man who had heard about a tower that might house the dragon's hoard."
  163. The wind whips up clouds of stinging dirt as you enter the desert, a lowland of loose, dry dust and scrubby plant life. You envy the tuskman's goggles about now, and visibility is terribly.
  164. Leonard Halford:"Huh, wonder if anyone's stumbled into it before."
  165. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 3d6
  166. (
  167. 4
  168. +
  169. 5
  170. +
  171. 2
  172. )
  173. =11
  174. Saab looks for some rocks to carve into glasses
  175. Saab:"Manfred went looking for it, a while ago. I reckon he found it too, or he would have been back."
  176. Leonard Halford:"Sounds like he didn't come back."
  177. Saab:"So, Elmyr, you're a scholar?"
  178. Wizzzargh (GM):Saab doesn't find any rocks of appropriate size, and hasn't the time to cut them down to size.. Eventually you reach the little oasis though, navigating through the breaks in the dirt- there's lots of cloven hoof-prints in the mud around the oasis, and while the water is a bit shallow and muddy, it seems fine to drink...
  179. Saab dumps a ton of wine in there, to sanitize it, and kill some fish for dinner
  180. Scribe Elmyr:"Yes, a scholar of sorts."
  181. Saab:"What is your chosen field?"
  182. Scribe Elmyr:"The stars, but I dabble in weather as well."
  183. Saab:"I like to think of myself as a scholar on the subject of light, but I really haven't managed to learn much about it."
  184. "I must admit, I've studied only the moon and sun, never the star's light."
  185. (Dinner got, Wizz?)
  186. Wizzzargh (GM):(you called it, i now have sammich)
  187. Saab:(lol)
  188. Scribe Elmyr:"I meant just about everything in the sky."
  189. "The moon, the suns, the stars..."
  190. Saab:"Awesome. I created some spell wisps that can emulate the sun and moons' light. Wanna see?"
  191. Scribe Elmyr:"Perhaps later. We may be in dangerous territory and I'd rather not draw any attention."
  192. Saab continues to dump wine into the oasis
  193. Moving past the oasis (no fish bobbed to the surface after dumping wine inside), you come to the tower, and find there are others who have arrived
  194. Leonard Halford:"What makes me wonder are those hoofprints. Manfred's men? Did they find their end inside the tower?"
  195. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 1d4
  196. (
  197. 4
  198. )
  199. =4
  200. Wizzzargh (GM):6
  201. woof
  202. Saab woofs back
  203. Those others being 6 of manfred's men, whose corpses lie abandoned around the tower...
  204. Saab:"Damn."
  205. Wizzzargh (GM):said tower being about 6 stories high, quite thick, and broken open at the top
  206. Saab:(Made of stone?)
  207. Wizzzargh (GM):yup, though there's splintered wooden scaffolding at the top
  208. Saab looks for the cause of death.
  209. Wizzzargh (GM):Manfred (assuming he fled and is not ded) must have left in incredible haste to not even cover up the corpses with sand... or, more charitably, he did and the wind blew the shallow graves away
  210. Saab:"When's the last time skull came through, guys?"
  211. Wizzzargh (GM):Looks like stab wounds. Their spears are stained with old blood.
  212. Leonard Halford:"Calamity!"
  213. Saab:SpEaRS??? (Those are worth a ton of money, in today's economy.)
  214. Leonard Halford:All right, let's search them, then I'll work Black Wind on them.
  215. Wizzzargh (GM):3
  216. Alright, they've got leather armor, spears, waterskins...
  217. One has a torn backpack strap, but none have packs.
  218. Saab:"Right, I forgot you were a necromancer."
  219. "I'm excited to see that in action."
  220. Wizzzargh (GM):Leonard spends time breathing the black wind into them, and they groan and stir.. 9
  221. Saab sends Honk up to check out the roof
  222. Risen Faithful of M'shesh: Greetings, Leonard. The Mother of Undeath has no business with the tuskfolk, and so we are at your disposal for the time being.
  223. Saab:"Neat."
  224. Leonard Halford:"We may yet have need of you. Keep the spears and armour, I will ensure you are not brought to your doom in my care."
  225. Leonard Halford turns to Elmyr. "This is the Black Wind. The unstoppable force that denies Death. Follow M'shesh and you will not die."
  226. Wizzzargh (GM):Honk returns in a moment, saying there is a dark hole through wooden scaffolding leading deeper into the tower, a cut rops tied near the top, and something lurking within. He didn't want to get any closer.
  227. As for the front door of the place, it is an impressive edifice of black metal, 12 feet tall, with 3 locks and some engraving.
  228. Saab makes a circle of the tower, to examine the walls
  229. Wizzzargh (GM):Though scarred by the mark of what you assume are dragon-claws, they seem to be in excellent condition.
  230. Saab:Does the door swing outwards, or inwards?
  231. Wizzzargh (GM):Outwards.
  232. Saab:No windows?
  233. Wizzzargh (GM):None, the only access via climbing would be in the broken upper level.
  234. Saab:Outwards was a design flaw! That means the hinges are exterior, right?
  235. Leonard Halford:"If only we had the damn acid."
  236. Saab pulls out his new magic chisel
  237. Wizzzargh (GM):Yes, though they are no simply deconstructed affairs as many 'budget' doors are. That said, working at the stone itself with the chisel might allow you to unhinge the door.
  238. Scribe Elmyr:"Acid?"
  239. Saab:"Honk! Think you can catch that tuskman and give him a note? I think we just found the metal to pay him with.."
  240. Leonard Halford:"Wait, didn't the chisel cut through stone?"
  241. Scribe Elmyr sets down his bag
  242. Saab:"YEEEEAH BOI!!!"
  243. Leonard Halford:Haha
  244. Scribe Elmyr:"I have acid if we require acid."
  245. Leonard Halford:Damn
  246. Yeah no we're fine
  247. The chisel
  248. it's just a matter of time tho
  249. Scribe Elmyr:"Ah, the chisel..."
  250. Scribe Elmyr picks his bag back up
  251. Saab:(Well? Can Honk catch yon Tuskman? Geese are legendary distance flyers and a pig chariot doesn't sound super fast, but idk what the dinosaur mods did to his endurance. )
  252. Also the storm...
  253. Wizzzargh (GM):Yeah, though Honk could certainly catch the mercenary in good conditions, the storm is pretty foul for your fowl
  254. Saab asks for a leg up so he can hammer away at the top mounts first
  255. Saab:"That's too bad. We're definitely rigging these doors up as rikshaws to bring the dragon hoard home, though."
  256. Even with the magically ever-sharp chisel, this method will take hours and hours... but with no Princess-Taker dragon threatening arrival at any moment, that should be fine to chisel until it's time to camp and beyond, right?
  257. Saab:(Absolutely.)
  258. Leonard Halford:I think yeah
  259. Scribe Elmyr:Let's give it a go
  260. Saab asks Honk to keep an eye on the roof
  261. Saab:"Hopefully you can get a glimpse of what's up there."
  262. a: "Faithful of M'shesh" I cannot help but think our presence will strain your rations... do you wish us to remain, or? If you direct us to the nearest settlement we will be off.
  263. Wizzzargh (GM):(this concern broached when it's time to eat, so they haven't eaten 6 rations yet)
  264. Leonard Halford:"True."
  265. Leo turns to the rest. "How many do we want remaining?"
  266. Saab:"Let's just ask them to drag these doors back to the town, once we get them down."
  267. Leonard Halford:It'd take a ton of rations for em tho
  268. Saab:"Three masterwork locks and a ton of metal will cover a meal or two."
  269. Leonard Halford:Okay good point
  270. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 3d6
  271. (
  272. 3
  273. +
  274. 5
  275. +
  276. 6
  277. )
  278. =14
  279. Saab:"We brought rations for a week and found the place in one day, so we're not dying yet. I'll ask Honk to keep an eye out for game, too, while he's up there."
  280. Wizzzargh (GM):Well, two days if we count how this day is nearly over...
  281. Faithful of M'shesh: No need- we should be able to go hungry for a day if the alternative is hunting.
  282. Leonard Halford:"We'll simply eat less for today, then tomorrow you'll help us haul the doors."
  283. Charles P.:(Hippies...)
  284. You get two hinges chiseled out before everyone is too tired to continue, and the night proves uneventful, though an extra 6 rations will be gobbled to give them the strength for the hauling task- though some of them will try to subsist entirely on wine rather than partake of the mole-meat
  285. Wizzzargh (GM):You should finish up next work shift.
  286. Charles P. likes these guys after all!
  287. Saab:*
  288. Saab gets drunk with the wine partakers and gets to know them
  289. Wizzzargh (GM):They're relative nobodies- farmers and wine-makers from the Fault, an island far to the southeast.
  290. Saab:Wine makers!
  291. Leonard Halford:"Ah, Fault-folk."
  292. Wizzzargh (GM):Most M'sheshans are, really
  293. Leonard Halford:I am not
  294. Saab asks about the quality of his wine
  295. Wine Taster: Certainly palatable, though flat somehow. I would not go so far as to call it bad, and the way the wind parches the throat certainly adds to my enjoyment... but it lacks a certain spirit. But quantity is a quality all of it's own, eh?
  296. Wizzzargh (GM):ey PK
  297. you here ta rob a dragon-hoard, or just to ping ina nd out like ambnz?
  298. Saab:"Definitly."
  299. Pkdragon:hmmm robbing a dragon hoard? Give me a bit to read the log and I'll jump in soon
  300. Saab:Levels for everybody!*
  301. Leonard Halford:Aye
  302. Saab:(*survival and any profit at all not guaranteed)
  303. Leonard Halford:Survival especially
  304. Saab and the M'sheshans probably have at least a point of drunkenness by the end, but at last, the doors fall
  305. Wizzzargh (GM):You wanna have them fall inside, or outside
  306. Saab:Out
  307. Leonard Halford:obviously have the msheshans move away
  308. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii borrow a bit of cash from a certain goblin queen to buy like 4 maces
  309. Saab:So as not to cruch the deadly guardians waiting within.
  310. (The pilgrims! I haven't seen those guys in forever.)
  311. POMF into the sand once everyone is clear. Give the M'sheshans two ropes and they'll start the long haul dragging the metal doors (which must be hollow or they'd never move one, let alone two) back to the hamlet.
  312. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:(I haven't played them in forever! They're level 1! Acceptable losses if all goes haywire!)
  313. Wizzzargh (GM):Or you can have them wait outside if you'd prefer.
  314. Saab:We can get ahold of some logs to move them later, if they're too heavy.)
  315. Leonard Halford:Are they able to move the doors?
  316. Wizzzargh (GM):yup
  317. You'll probably catch up to them on the way back, but they can move 'em
  318. Saab:Send them on their way, then. The loot from those doors alone is probably epic.
  319. Leonard Halford:Yeah, question is who goes to retrieve it from em
  320. Once they get there
  321. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii also descend upon the remaining mole meat like a swarm of locusts taking as much with them as they need for their trip into the desert
  322. Wizzzargh (GM):lel
  323. Leonard Halford:Oh
  324. We have our answer
  325. Saab hands out torches, lights up a lantern for himself, and gives an unspeakably loud whistle to summon Honk.
  326. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 2d6
  327. (
  328. 1
  329. +
  330. 4
  331. )
  332. =5
  333. Scribe Elmyr peers inside the tower after torches have been handed out and the door has fallen
  334. Leonard Halford:"Pilgrims, many as you are, perhaps you could aid in moving the doors and collect the gold for them later on with us. Unless one of the Faithful offers to make a trip through the desert.
  335. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii arrive at the tower
  336. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Hello we have no idea where we are and what is going on"
  337. Leonard Halford points at enormous metal door.
  338. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"We thought we were going to the estate but I believe one of us took a wrong turn"
  339. "Door?"
  340. "Yes, that is a door."
  341. Wizzzargh (GM):All of the faithful were gonna be carrying the fallen iron doors across the desert, yeah
  342. Saab:(Nah, sending the pilgrims with the door would leave them completely out of the fun for the whole session.)
  343. Wizzzargh (GM):well, dragging, assuming y'all have 2 ropes to give
  344. Leonard Halford:What I'm saying is: have one of the faithful deliver the gold for the door to the hamlet later.
  345. I do
  346. Or we just catch up with them later
  347. Saab:(What gold?)
  348. Wizzzargh (GM):the gold for the door would presumably be in the hamlet already so they can just wait for you there
  349. Leonard Halford:Gotcha
  350. So hamlet's the closest settlement, works for me
  351. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:So let me make sure I get what's going on- we're at a tower, there's a door, it's made of expensive material and you all removed it from it's hinges?
  352. Saab:(Closest known and friendly settlement.)
  353. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:(Speed reading is hard!)
  354. Wizzzargh (GM):you got it
  355. Inside is a large room of aged alchemical equipment, and a staircase upwards. Everything seems slightly oversized, as though the prior occupant was larger than a human.
  356. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii will dutifully pick up the door
  357. Saab ejaculates in his robes
  358. Elmyr's eyes are presumably drawn to the gold in some of the glass vials of outlandish shape...
  359. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:if nothing else we can use it as a shield against a dragon
  360. But some mold, or sulfur-looking corrosion has taken over that alchemical area. Looks nasty.
  361. Saab:"So much cool gear! We have to take it all, on the way out!"
  362. Scribe Elmyr:"The lab has been conquered by mold."
  363. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"I don't trust mold, it gives me allergies" one of the pilgrims mutters
  364. "We could light it on fire?"
  365. Saab:(Where exactly is the mold located?)
  366. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:Bartleby, spokesperson of the Pilgrims, considers the wisdom of lighting an alchemy lab on fire
  367. Wizzzargh (GM):The mold lies like snowfall or a blanket over the alchemical research table,
  368. Saab:"Yup, scorching mold is a tried and true method of cleaning."
  369. Leonard Halford:"Careful. The mould might be poisonous or disease-bearing."
  370. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"We'll just throw a torch"
  371. "It'll be fine"
  372. Scribe Elmyr looks elsewhere in the room, for a set of stairs or someting.
  373. Saab:(Is there anything on the table that would be destroyed by a little fire?)
  374. Leonard Halford:The moment anyone legit tries to set this shit on fire me and pilgrim are long outta there
  375. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii starts to light up a torch if anyone wishes to stop them now is the time to do so
  376. Saab waves a molotov menacingly!
  377. Wizzzargh (GM):Paper research notes, though the mold might have made them useless anyway.
  378. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii throws a torch at the mold from the entryway
  379. Saab:"Hold off on that, please!"
  380. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Hold off on what-"
  381. Saab:(Dammnit, too late.)
  382. The torch ignites the mold!
  383. Leonard Halford:Fucking hell
  384. Scribe Elmyr hurries out of the room!
  385. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii find cover
  386. Saab:(Make a to hit roll, at least!
  387. )*
  388. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:oh yeah
  389. Wizzzargh (GM):oh nah
  390. Leonard Halford:told ya I'm outta there
  391. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:lol ok n/m
  392. Wizzzargh (GM):to hit rolls are for hard shots and crisis situations
  393. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:yeah that's kinda what i figured
  394. No explosions yet, though the flames are spreading. Just gonna sit around and wait outside for the fire to take its course?
  395. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:yeah what do you think we are, crazy?
  396. Saab:Sounds like a plan.
  397. (Spreading?)
  398. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:no way we're going into an alchemist's lab that some asshole lit on fire
  399. Wizzzargh (GM):(yep)
  400. Horrible smells and odors come from within the room that you all hurriedly left...
  401. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 1d4
  402. (
  403. 4
  404. )
  405. =4
  406. Saab:"Well, at least any gold will be left over."
  407. Scribe Elmyr looks around the tower and out on the horizon as he waits for the fire to run its course.
  408. Saab has some wine, to fortify the spirit
  409. Wizzzargh (GM):Hmmm, elmyr
  410. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii discuss the finer points of theology with each other
  411. Wizzzargh (GM):one of the dust clouds on the horizon doesn't look like it's just the storm whipping it up- people?
  412. Saab has Honk take a look
  413. Leonard Halford:Uh, the ones hauling the door?
  414. Wizzzargh (GM):Nah, this is from the east, the haulers are off to the southeast
  415. Leonard Halford:oh
  416. Wizzzargh (GM):*west, southwest
  417. Leonard Halford:goddamnit battle of 7 armies
  418. Wizzzargh (GM):20 8
  419. nooooo
  420. Leonard Halford:bye honk
  421. Honk is shot out of the sky by an arrow!
  422. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:NOOOO
  423. Saab:It's pretty presumptuous to think Honk would be in arrow range.
  424. Leonard Halford:^
  425. Wizzzargh (GM):He's a goose not a hawk, and excessive heights are a problem with the storm
  426. Leonard Halford:*was
  427. Saab:Welp, RIP Honk.
  428. The first time we actually make use of his flight abilities and he dies horribly.
  429. Leonard Halford:Ok
  430. Is the fire out?
  431. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Hmm, looks like someone shot your pet turkey. I suppose that means they aren't friendly"
  432. Wizzzargh (GM):The fire is out, yes
  433. Leonard Halford:Ok, head inside, how's it look like?
  434. Any stairs up?
  435. Saab:"He's food. They're hungry, is all that tells us."
  436. Wizzzargh (GM):Yup, the stairs are still there
  437. Saab looks for any leftovers in the lab
  438. Wizzzargh (GM):The alchemy benches are broken glass and stinking charcoal
  439. Leonard Halford:Testing them and everything I could reach with polearm
  440. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:'"I suppose that's a possibility," Bartleby nods
  441. Wizzzargh (GM):It will take some time to sift through it all
  442. Leonard Halford:I assume polearm is like 10ft tho
  443. hu
  444. or around 10ft
  445. enough to be safe
  446. Wizzzargh (GM):But the Pilgrims are here! Able to do the work of ten men!
  447. Saab:(Noice)
  448. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii quietly follow Leonard inside. Just in case
  449. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:indeed we are
  450. Nothing horrible happens initially, so the pilgrims can, in a few minutes, recover some blobby gold nuggets
  451. Leonard Halford:"Sift through stuff in this room, I need to ensure we have a good defensive position."
  452. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"WE'RE RICH"
  453. Saab heads up the stairs
  454. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii pull out GOLD
  455. Scribe Elmyr heads after the Swedish car man
  456. Leonard Halford:"Pack shit up as you see it. Glass is worth something too."
  457. *stuff, not shit
  458. damnit
  459. Wizzzargh (GM):not broken shards of bottles tbh
  460. Saab:"All of y'all combined only get as much of a share as each of us alone, by the way."
  461. Wizzzargh (GM):grab 'em if you have some use for them ofc, it's just selling won't be one of them
  462. Saab:"In fact..."
  463. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Of course we are at ease with the way the universe works"
  464. Leonard Halford:Are the stairs safe as I test them and tap the area around?
  465. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii grabs enough shards of broken glass to use as horrible improvised weapons if need be
  466. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:and then we follow Leonard upstairs
  467. Saab points at the mute and forgotten wierdo who doesn't even have a name
  468. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:(so that's probably 10 shards)
  469. Wizzzargh (GM):too many pilgrims!
  470. Saab:"That thing right there gets more treasure than each of y'all, even.
  471. Leonard Halford:My pilgrim follows, I imagine
  472. more or less behind
  473. I'll have her look through the stuff in this room.
  474. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Don't worry Other Pilgrim, if you feel bad about your treatment in this party, we always have job openings within the Pilgrim Horder ;)"
  475. Leonard Halford:Btw I do want the many pilgrims to also sift through stuff for any full bottles and such
  476. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:*Hoard
  477. Leonard Halford:ingredients, anything valuable that survived the fire
  478. Saab heads upstairs, grumbling
  479. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:I imagine we would have kept an eye out for anything obvious
  480. Upstairs is a lavish bedroom adorned with a giant four-poster bed of fairly clean silk, artists supplies, and about a half dozen paintings. Seven, in fact- three of noble looking ladies, each with a portrait of a fully armored knight, helm included, next to them.
  481. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:but we are not alchemists lol
  482. The final portrait is alone, a lugubrious looking woman titled 'Lachrymosa'
  483. Leonard Halford:GM just said it's gonna take time to sift
  484. so
  485. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:We'll take another look when we're done
  486. with the rest of the tower
  487. Saab:"Alright, we're definitely stealing all of this."
  488. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:and whoever is following us
  489. Leonard Halford:Mind this: you've got an army coming up here
  490. Saab:"Pilgrims, ATTACK!"
  491. Leonard Halford:It's just the portraits
  492. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"ATTACK!"
  493. Leonard Halford:not nobles themselves
  494. Saab helps fold the bedding and roll the portraits
  495. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii get very hyped to attack but are not sure what to attack so they start punching each other
  496. Leonard Halford:Ok, Pilgrim's sifting through 1st floor stuff, but not if she hears anything outside.
  497. Saab:"I meant attack the loot, guys! Your job is to carry stuff, not fight!"
  498. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Oh", Bartleby says, as one of the pilgrims stabs another in the eye with a shard of broken glass
  499. Upon touching the bed, a bundle of silk bunches into a fist and slaps Saab across the room 10 8
  500. Leonard Halford:lol
  501. +7
  502. Wizzzargh (GM):He rolls out of it without taking damage, but yikes
  503. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"YOU HEARD HIM! ATTACK THE LOOT!"
  504. Saab:"Torch the bitch!"
  505. Leonard Halford:I'm so damn glad I'm not doing the quests I actually care about
  506. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii charge the silk with maces
  507. Saab:Molotov 20
  508. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:
  509. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii attacks with Maces
  510. Attack
  511. hits AC 19
  512. Damage
  513. 9
  514. Leonard Halford:nice
  515. The four poster bed is ignited and beaten soundly with maces!
  516. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"TAKE THAT LOOT! TAKE THAT LOOT!"
  517. It looked like it might have been settling down once Saab was no longer touching it, but now it lays about the horde of pilgrims with flaming fists of fury 17 8
  518. Saab:"Good job, guys, now please collect the paintings."
  519. "Oh shit!"
  520. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:thank god we have 12 hp
  522. The animated furniture even goes so far as to growl and the mattresses part like lips to reveal a fanged maw with a huge tongue slavering within!
  523. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"FOR DEETWENTEEEE"
  524. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 7d8
  525. (
  526. 5
  527. +
  528. 2
  529. +
  530. 1
  531. +
  532. 3
  533. +
  534. 4
  535. +
  536. 3
  537. +
  538. 3
  539. )
  540. =21
  541. Scribe Elmyr:Wizz Wars V: The Loot Strikes Back!
  542. Saab:(Let's just leave and let it finish burning to death. Fire should be pretty deadly, to this thing."
  543. Wizzzargh (GM):roll 2d8 for fire damage btw saab
  544. for initial hit and burning next round
  545. Leonard Halford:I'll keep on sifting through the loot downstairs and set up the shards of grass to get into the legs of anyone who tries to run through.
  546. Saab:If it's flammable, wouldn't it just burn until it dies, though? 12
  547. Wizzzargh (GM):Alright, caltrops set up downstairs
  548. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:the only problem with that is that it'll be a mess going back down the stairs as my giant group: V
  549. Leonard Halford:Not the stairs, the floor
  550. lvl 1
  551. Gonna have to step carefully and slowly af
  552. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:I was replying to Saab
  553. sorry
  554. Leonard Halford:gotcha
  555. Saab shoots at the maw 19 7
  556. Leonard Halford:You got another gun?
  557. The killer bed has succumbed to flames (or perhaps the final bolt), and collapses, fat tongue sticking out between the 'mattresses.' In death, the colors of the 'silk' fade until the entire thing is a mottled, stony grey.
  558. Leonard Halford:ah, cb
  559. nvm
  560. Saab:"Gross."
  561. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Very good shot, my friend! We had complete faith in you," Bartleby says.
  562. Saab pulls out his sword and goes looking for the heart
  563. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Now let get to the portraits"
  564. *lets
  565. Leonard Halford:I think sab rolled them up
  566. Wizzzargh (GM):He was gonna, but got interrupted
  567. portraits get
  568. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:we grab them, roll them up, and tie them to the back of the door for safe storage
  569. Wizzzargh (GM):giant grey heart, get
  570. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:wait do these have frames
  571. Wizzzargh (GM):Those downstairs see the dust cloud of the approaching humans are quite close
  572. they do
  573. Saab:"Thanks! I certainly appreciate y'all attacking it and helping with the fight!"
  574. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:we'll just place them on top of the door
  575. Wizzzargh (GM):though the frames are crude and worthless if you'd rather roll them
  576. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"We have no idea why we're here, so might as well follow orders!"
  577. Saab eats a giant grey heart
  578. Leonard Halford:How many of these humans?
  579. Wizzzargh (GM):they're probably close enough to count now...
  580. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:sure we'll roll them so that they're easier to carry
  581. Leonard Halford:"Ready up, everyone! We've got company!"
  582. Wizzzargh (GM):A half-dozen, looks like
  583. Scribe Elmyr emerges from the tower to greet the h00mans
  584. Saab:"Six? Easy killin."
  585. Leonard Halford:"You're welcome to step forth then."
  586. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 2d6
  587. (
  588. 6
  589. +
  590. 2
  591. )
  592. =8
  593. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:Are there any windows on the second floor?
  594. Wizzzargh (GM):There are no windows in this strange tower
  595. Saab:"I don't need an invitation feom you jackass."
  596. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:We go down the stairs last. And stay on the stairs. Maces in hands.
  597. Leonard Halford:Me and Pilgrim stay upstairs, awaiting the outcome of events
  598. Human Introduced as Saloman Later In this Post: Hail, fellow human! I am Saloman- who are you strangers in these tusk-folk ruled lands?
  599. Scribe Elmyr:"Hail!"
  600. Scribe Elmyr bows
  601. Saab waves
  602. Saab:"We're from Noure."
  603. "What about you guys?"
  604. Saloman: Not everyone turned to Oresh to forsake their humanity in the times of famine.. we are the remnants of those who once lived on these once-fertile plains.
  605. Saab:"I mean more like, is there another town of humans in this gods forsaken land? We could strike up an alliance, maybe!"
  606. "I'm Saab by the way."
  607. Saloman: Alas, not so. We only wish to obtain enough resources to escape these accursed moonlands... if you are from Noure, does that mean the Noure Hamlet thrives?
  608. Saab:"Yeah! We feast on meat, and have enough treasure from the estate that there are plenty of modern amenaties."
  609. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"They seem friendly, Leonard!"
  610. They whisper among themselves for a bit, then
  611. Leonard Halford:Leo's behind yall, listening in.
  612. Saab:"You guys should come! It's not half bad."
  613. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii make room for you to listen
  614. Saab:"By the way! Can I have that bird you guys shot down, it was my pet."
  615. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:shuffle shuffle
  616. Leonard Halford:"The town is safe and fertile. I am certain you would be welcome within."
  617. Saloman: Very well! That dragon has pilfered much of the riches that once were ours and our people. If you allow us to take as much treasure as we can carry, we will show you a route into the mountains sure to avoid tuskman patrols.
  618. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Wait, what's this about treasure? And dragons?"
  619. Saloman: An then we will purchase our escape in your hamlet with those treasures.
  620. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii show themselves
  621. Saab:"Well, we haven't really found any treasure yet."
  622. "There's no point dividing it when we don't have it yet."
  623. Saloman: It is indubitably there- the beast could smell gold miles away. And sorry about your pet...
  624. He shows the already plucked goose
  625. Leonard Halford:lol
  626. Saab:(Do these guys have spears?)
  627. They are equipped in savage-looking patchwork gear of leather and spikes of nails, and are equipped with short horn bows and various makeshift weapons like bricks on ropes, meat cleavers, etc
  628. Saab:"If you all are willing to help us get it, and get it back to town, then you'd be entitled to a fair share. Sharing the danger means sharing the rewards!"
  629. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Indeed! More people to- did you say dragon or did we mishear- more people to fight this beast the better"
  630. "We probably heard wrong"
  631. Saab:"I turned the dragon into a rat, actually. It seems to have a bunch of other horrible monsters to serve it, though."
  632. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Oh, huh. Well, rats we can deal with!"
  633. Saab:"I recall that the xp from that was very dissapointing. I didn't even level up."
  634. Leonard Halford:welcome to xp for treasure and not kills
  635. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Several among our ranks were ratcatchers once"
  636. Saab:"Anyway, are you and your men agreeable, Solaman? I've got a monster that needs skinning."
  637. Saab takes the goose
  638. Saab:"We can eat that instead of my son, here."
  639. Solaman: Hmm? Oh, your proposal was essentially our proposal, of course we accept.
  640. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Do you know of any pet cemeteries nearby? It may not be too late for the dinosaur!"
  641. Saab:(If we stop for a meal we can heal up 1d6 damage for the pilgrims.)
  642. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:Oh yeah we are injured
  643. Saab:"Do you guys have any ingredients for cooking?"
  644. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:... "We have mole meat"
  645. "We don't really "cook""
  646. Solaman: Afraid not- that monste-err, your son, was our only meal.
  647. Saab:"We've got mimic meat."
  648. "It's good."
  649. Saab wipes blood and grey gristle from his mouth
  650. Wizzzargh (GM):Alright, so mimic-mole-meat kabobs, unless you want to add your son to it
  651. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"We've never tried mimic meat before but if you say so"
  652. Saab:Nope!
  653. With wine, ofc.
  654. Any good stuff left from the fire?
  655. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:5 HEAL FROM MEAL?
  656. Saab:(Back in the game!)
  657. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:9 hp we are good
  658. Wizzzargh (GM):First it had to be rolled to be cooked successfully 1
  659. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:(that's fine i just wanted to get that roll out of the way)
  660. Wizzzargh (GM):close, but yes
  661. The mimic meat is rather like crab or octopus and though rubbery, is delicious
  662. Also very easy to cook- it turns bright red when done
  663. Saab:"Alright! Let's go. Me and Solamon will take point, Pilgrims and Mad Max wannabes in the second wave, and the little children in the back."
  664. Saab heads back upstairs
  665. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii follow Saab, as he said to follow him
  666. Wizzzargh (GM):(for those unfamiliar with m'shesh, 'Child' is the term for those faithful to the mother of undead)
  667. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:ok that doesn't sound ominous at all
  668. Wizzzargh (GM):these are the cool pacifistic undead, not the gibbering undead horrors of the skull moon
  669. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:oh ok
  670. Leonard Halford:Eh 'undead' is a loose term
  671. Can the raised use the wind?
  672. Wizzzargh (GM):THey cannot, it takes a living faithful to channel the black wind
  673. And up you go! Though three stories of damaged 'rings' of partially destroyed floors remain above, strange and ominous groans coming from those layers of crumbled wood and stone, open to the sky
  674. You have found the treasure-hoard!
  675. Leonard Halford:Hah, nice
  676. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:oh hey there were more floors
  677. Saab:"Sweet. Let's move it all outside, and quietly, so the monster above doesn't see us."
  678. Saab casts speak with magic, to identify possible traps, and nifty items
  679. Wizzzargh (GM):Some of it is clearly missing- there's even a half-filled potato sack of Noure hamlet make lying abandoned in a pile of silver
  680. How many sacks/backpacks y'all got
  681. Each can hold 400 coinds
  682. Saab:None from me.
  683. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:hahaha
  684. Leonard Halford:Quite a few, including a huge ass cloak
  685. Saab:We can absolutely chase down the door haulers and use those as rickshaws, though.
  686. Scribe Elmyr:I've got a single sack, but it contains all of my inventory.
  687. Leonard Halford:Oh wait
  688. I have 2 FUCKING TENTS
  690. Saab:Lol. That'll do.
  691. Wizzzargh (GM):pshaw, who needs protection from the elements
  692. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:ofc i bought a backpack on leah
  693. Saab:Not RICH FOLKS!
  694. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:but not these dudes
  695. Wizzzargh (GM):Alright, so mostly you stuff pockets as best you can
  696. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:we have a lot of pockets
  697. i suppose there's three burlap sacks that never got claimed >_>
  698. Wizzzargh (GM):and set the pilgrims to carry Leonard and Pilgrim's tents stuffed full of coinage, starting with the gold
  699. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:oh well i'll grab those when we get home
  700. all three of them
  701. Saab:There's more than two tents worth???
  702. Wizzzargh (GM):not all gold, mind you- most the hoard is silver
  703. Saab:I've got a tent too.
  704. Wizzzargh (GM):but yeah, you can make a second trip for the rest of the silver and copper
  705. were you so inclined
  706. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii strips bartleby and uses his clothes to carry more gold
  707. Leonard Halford:Okay, how much does it allow us to carry?
  708. 3 tents
  709. Saab:Loads, I assume. Absolute filthy huge loads.
  711. Wizzzargh (GM):hah
  712. Over a thousand gold coins in the tents, and then probably another two thousand silver in tents/assorted pockets
  713. Saab:(ALSO, Are we gonna murder the NPC's in their sleep so we don't have to give them half the treasure, or what?)
  714. Leonard Halford:I think we make 1 haul with Samael and one without
  715. Uh
  716. Wizzzargh (GM):whomst
  717. Leonard Halford:Leo's not gonna help you
  718. Scribe Elmyr will not murder anybody
  719. Saab:(It's an OOC question)
  720. Wizzzargh (GM):Oh Saloman
  721. Leonard Halford:but he ain't gonna interfere
  722. saloman lol
  723. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:uhh
  724. yeah the pilgrims are totally down for that
  725. but only because they are easily influenced
  726. Saab:(I couldn't care less about Saabs alignment, I just want to scribe more spells. I'm asking if you guys as players are cool with it, since I've had PCs go out of their way to kill me for messing with npcs, before.)
  727. Leonard Halford:Yeh
  728. Duncare
  729. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:I don't care lol
  730. Scribe Elmyr:(Don't care)
  731. Wizzzargh (GM):alright, you conspire amongst yourselves to betray mad max- I mean, Saloman and crew
  732. Leonard Halford:I'm obviously staying far outta that
  733. Saab:Well, prolly just me and the pilgrims.
  734. Wizzzargh (GM):SInce Leonard's objections would be obvious, will you inform him, or keep him in the dark till it's too late?
  735. Saab:Are they taking full cuts, or something more reasonable? "As much as they could carry," was mentioned?
  736. Wizzzargh (GM):full cuts seems reasonable to them
  737. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:oh yeah they're being maced
  738. Saab:Yeaaaah... They might need to dissapear one night...
  739. Leonard Halford:Keep him in the dark
  740. Saab:Leonard and the scribe seem less marshall, and will be left out of it.
  741. Saloman: That about does it for our pockets- come, we will take you to the hideout of the survivors.
  742. Leonard Halford:he doesn't know shit
  743. Saab:"Eh, survivors? How many folks are there?"
  744. He looks at you and gestures widely.
  745. Leonard Halford:[Leo's just raising the corpses as the faithful to help us carry loot for free]
  746. To the dirt and sandstorms all around.
  747. Saloman: How many do you think" He says bitterly
  748. Leonard Halford:[win and win]
  749. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:the pilgrims probably shouldn't be told until the betrayal is ready to happen tbqh
  750. because they are incapable of not saying every thought that passes through their brains
  751. Saab:"Welp, that's a lot. Sounds like you're going to need all that coin to get everyone to the Noonlands."
  752. (Meh, cancel it, it sounds like we're being dicks to a whole faction instead of six dudes. Maybe the goodwill will be worth something later on. Probably not, but you never know.)
  753. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:k
  754. Saab:"Great, let's go."
  755. Wizzzargh (GM):rolling 1d6
  756. (
  757. 2
  758. )
  759. =2
  760. I find it unlikely that anything will attack your small horde but lessee
  761. (To GM)rolling 2d6
  762. (
  763. 3
  764. +
  765. 2
  766. )
  767. =5
  768. Saab:"Do you guys have any maps of the area?"
  769. Wizzzargh (GM):Just some boars.
  770. Saab:73
  771. Wizzzargh (GM):You can hunt them if you like, but-
  772. Ah, looks like saab hits them with bolts
  773. Saloman: Wait! Ah, blast...
  774. Leonard Halford:lol
  775. Saab:"What?"
  776. Leonard Halford:they're pigmen, not boars
  777. Saloman: That's probably some pigherd's flock.
  778. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"oh no desert dogs"
  779. Saloman: They'll probably bring down the horde upon us.. he sighs. But we're getting out of here anyway.
  780. Might as well snag the one you've downed.
  781. Boar get!
  782. Saab:"Can they actually communicate, or will the pig men just know that one is missing?"
  783. Saloman: The latter.
  784. Saab:"No big deal, then. We should be gone before too much retaliation happens."
  785. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"I suppose we should get going then"
  786. Saab eats a boar heart
  787. Pig aside, you are led to a crater a few hundred feet across with a ruined inn hidden in the shadows- this is the hideout of the human survivors in the Tusklands, and the news that they are escaping is met with great glee. There are quite a few of them hidden in little concealed pits and tunnels inside the crater.
  788. Saab:"Let's go! Take everything you can!"
  789. Wizzzargh (GM):26 more of them, mostly the children and the elderly-
  790. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Now, just remember, it is the great god Diit'wendii that is responsible for your salvation"
  791. Wizzzargh (GM):With a few more tough-looking hunter types.
  792. Saab:"Please don't remember that."
  793. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"It was by his light we were led to this place, whereever we are, so that we could lead you away from this pit"
  794. a party of roast pig, etc etc
  795. Saab passes Solamon a letter, addressed to his father, and asks him to deliver it, if he ever gets a chance.
  796. Saab:And wine! Never forget the wine.
  797. Wizzzargh (GM):Oh yeah, everyones pleased as punch
  798. Saab asks about Manfred
  799. they've never heard of 'em
  800. Wizzzargh (GM):Now, do you want to backtrack the way you came to Mount Sandwide
  801. Or cut through the mountain range, maybe come up on Rift Village, and get back to the hamlet that way?
  802. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:weren't these guys going to show us a way to avoid monsters on the way back?
  803. Leonard Halford:Was there anything left in the hoard?
  804. Wizzzargh (GM):Yup
  805. That was just to their area
  806. Leonard Halford:Let's go back to hoard on our way then, unless we're still hauling loot rn
  807. Wizzzargh (GM):that oasis is apparently pig-central and it's a miracle you got past without seeing any
  808. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:oh
  809. we're still pretty loaded with loot
  810. and if the oasis is pig central
  811. Wizzzargh (GM):you are indeed still hauling loot, unless you want to give it all to the survivors
  812. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:I would suggest we just head back =(
  813. and take 3 sacks next time we come out here = (
  814. in addition to our tents
  815. Wizzzargh (GM):or even more sacks
  816. Leonard Halford:Let's head shortest route to hamlet then come back
  817. asap
  818. so the survivors don't haul everything off
  819. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:agreed
  820. Wizzzargh (GM):alright, you head up into the mountains, quickly depleting all sotres of mole-meat
  821. (To GM)rolling 3d6
  822. (
  823. 6
  824. +
  825. 4
  826. +
  827. 3
  828. )
  829. =13
  830. Wizzzargh (GM):(To GM)rolling 3d6
  831. (
  832. 5
  833. +
  834. 4
  835. +
  836. 2
  837. )
  838. =11
  839. Saab:What survivors? We're taking them all with us, right now.
  840. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:yeah but we should still come back anyway
  841. Leonard Halford:I'd expect food from em
  842. Ah, well
  843. Wizzzargh (GM):Nothing bars the horde's journey, and after another night on Mount Sandwide, you have returned to the hamlet
  844. Leonard Halford:I still have plenty for myself
  845. Wizzzargh (GM):Nah, they are not a well-fed crew
  846. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"A successful estate expedition I do say", Bartleby puffs up his chest
  847. Leonard Halford:"Drop haul and return to hoard?"
  848. Saab:"Sounds good to me.""
  849. (Did the doors make it back?)
  850. Scribe Elmyr:I'll have to stay behind for the second journey
  851. Wizzzargh (GM):They did.
  852. Leonard Halford:nice
  853. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:"Yep, just wait, we gotta get some more food from the nice lady in the mine who keeps giving us loans"
  854. Saab:"You won't be missing much. The haul will be about a tenth of the first trip."
  855. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:Wait is there only a 10th of the horde left?
  856. we got most of it on the first run?
  857. Saab:We got all the gold, which is ten times as valuable as silver.
  858. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:ah right
  859. Wizzzargh (GM):and what remains is partially copper as well
  860. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:hmmm
  861. Wizzzargh (GM):might even be more like 1/50th the haul
  862. Saab:Still worth looting to me!
  863. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:In that case I'm going to bow out
  864. Greed was the only reason I was up for a second trip XD
  865. Saab:Oh, 50th?
  866. Leonard Halford:Huh, what?
  867. Damnit
  868. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:might not even pay for the rations at that point tbqh
  869. Saab:Damn. I'm down if Leonard is, tho.
  870. Leonard Halford:okay wait how about we hire a fucking carriage
  871. to haul this shit
  872. Saab:Buy one.
  873. You're rich now.
  874. Wizzzargh (GM):It won't be able to get through the mountains, but you could head to oresh manor
  875. though that has problems of its own...
  876. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:well good luck on your second expedition!
  877. Scribe Elmyr:Anywho, my downtime will be rumormongering I guess.
  878. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:don't get eaten by pig-men!
  879. Wizzzargh (GM):alrighty
  880. Scribe Elmyr:Good luck and godspeed
  881. Leonard Halford:Uh
  882. What about a sleigh?
  883. That sounds mountain-able
  884. Wizzzargh (GM):Sure, though then it's your own strength rather than horsepower
  885. Leonard Halford:A horse-pulled sleigh
  886. can a horse get through the mountains?
  887. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:pilgrims gunna carouse
  888. we're RICH
  889. Wizzzargh (GM):naturally donkeys could get through the mountains
  890. Leonard Halford:There ya go
  891. Donkey-pulled sleigh
  892. Saab:Depending on how much loot we got, a trip to the day lands might be a good idea. We could buy things not available here, and at one tenth the price.
  893. Leonard Halford:How much hiring/renting one would cost?
  894. Saab:A donkey is 40gp, but it's only 4gp in the daylands.
  895. Leonard Halford:oh
  896. Saab:Also, I doubt this place has a donkey for sale.
  897. Wizzzargh (GM):the same as buying one because the farmers can't afford to give up plowing their fields because some adventurer 'totally won't die'
  898. 'honest'
  899. Leonard Halford:Okay, good point. I'm kinda iffy about just leaving the gold but damn, still 50 parts of the treasure left
  900. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:what's the resting dice again? first time i've been injured since the pilgrims got disbanded
  901. Wizzzargh (GM):no resting dice, it's just 7hp, or 14 for rest and relaxation
  902. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:7 hp ok cool
  903. I am healed
  904. Wizzzargh (GM):assuming you're around to play next week- if you're out for longer you're assumed to rest and relax and end up healing 14hp each session you miss so
  905. Saab:1 part out of 50 was left behind, not the other way around. It's not really worth the risk.
  906. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:Good to know
  907. I'm going to burn money carousing because I can
  908. Saab:I'm good to call it a session end here.
  909. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:Can't wait to see how much money we actually made
  910. might be able to afford real armor for the pilgrims
  911. Saab:I want to turn that mimic skin into a magic cloak.
  912. For DT.
  913. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:just need 600 gp to afford 10 sets of chain mail lol
  914. Leonard Halford:How much time have you got left before you need to get going Wiz?
  915. Saab:Really though. A trip to the daylands might be a good idea.
  916. 300gp will get you ten sets of plate.
  917. Wizzzargh (GM):why, what solo are you thinking of doing?
  918. Leonard Halford:Going to talk to sbd's brother
  919. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:300 gp is 1 plate
  920. Saab:300sp is one plate.
  921. Wizzzargh (GM):ah, I don't reckon there's time for that then
  922. Leonard Halford:Gotcha
  923. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:wait really? I thought all the prices were still in gp
  924. Leonard Halford:Also, what?
  925. Wizzzargh (GM):that would involve charging through ~100 rooms of the castle proper solo
  926. Leonard Halford:Ahhhh
  927. ok
  928. Prices are in SP?
  929. Saab:Prices are inflated bc Sahib Hanut overcharges.
  930. Wizzzargh (GM):no
  931. prices are inflated because peasants overcharge
  932. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:ahh so if we went to the daylands we'd be able to get them cheaper?
  933. Leonard Halford:How far are the daylands?
  934. Wizzzargh (GM):months travel
  935. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:oh gods that doesn't sound like a downtime activity
  936. Leonard Halford:Bit far damnit
  937. Wizzzargh (GM):no, that's a 'big overland adventure session'
  938. The Pilgrims of Diit'Wentii:ok carousing still on the menu then. I'm heading out!
  939. see you next time!
  940. Saab:Cya!
  941. Leonard Halford:I want to go into the estate looking for rosebushes then.
  942. Should be quick enough
  943. Saab:It'll be relatively safe on the trip there, since the refugees are headed that way soon. I think it's a great idea.
  944. Wizzzargh (GM):as downtime or as a solo
  945. Leonard Halford:Solo
  946. Wizzzargh (GM):hmm, you sure?
  947. Leonard Halford:Absolutely
  948. Wizzzargh (GM):be a big oof if you die on a solo and lose the 8000xp...
  949. Saab:111
  950. Leonard Halford:nvm fuck it
  951. XD
  952. Saab:!!!*
  953. Leonard Halford:Downtime
  954. Or rather
  955. I'll cover dt in PMs
  956. need to clarify some stuff
  957. Wizzzargh (GM):pilgrims showing up were a godsend re:hauling
  958. Leonard Halford:Yeh
  959. Damnit 8k
  960. Saab:My xp requirments are a joke, so 8k is less epic, to me. I do level up though!! WooHOO!! HP:2
  961. Yup, d6 sucks.
  962. Hey! I get a con bonus, tho, so there's that.
  963. And my attack bonus goes to +3!
  964. Is it to late for me to switch my int and str scores, wizz? The 18 int hasn't helped...wracks brain at all, I think.
  965. Leonard Halford:XD
  966. I love how you have fighter hd but Lily's hp
  967. Wizzzargh (GM):you forgot all the speeches in avian and dog!
  968. But yeh, it's too late- think of it as a good justification for all your lore knowledge and spell research
  969. it does help spell research, tho that's unseen player side admittedly
  970. 5250+6500
  971. 11250
  972. Saab:Hey! Solo time? I need to revivify Honk.
  973. Mentioning the speeches made me remember, and it can't really wait a week.
  974. Wizzzargh (GM):y'all should've colluded for honk revival and flower harvesting before I started making the session log, smh
  975. honk's spirit is probably not returning anyway tho
  976. probably better off mutating a new goose
  977. Saab offers Honk gold for his nest
  978. Saab:He finaly had gold! sobs
  979. Wizzzargh (GM):*Hank
  980. Saab:Hank actually made off with some loot, once, right?
  981. Leonard Halford:ok, I'm outta here. Cyall!
  982. Wizzzargh (GM):ye
  983. Saab:He's the alpha goose for sure, now.
  984. Wizzzargh (GM):525
  985. Saab:Have they started pumping out gold eggs yet? I don't think it'd be appropriate to sell them, but if they fail to hatch, all bets are off.
  986. Wizzzargh (GM):iirc what i googled about goose growth cycles, not quite yet
  987. Saab informs the family about the tragic death
  988. hoooooooooooooonk
  989. Wizzzargh (GM):148.88888888888889
  990. 2500
  991. 3000
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