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Sep 19th, 2018
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  1. /**
  2. * This is a Jenkins pipeline script created to orchestrate xAgent performance workloads
  3. * from the instructions/parameters specified in the canned scenario JSON files.
  4. *
  5. * @author Yaroslav Styranivskyy
  6. * @since 2017-06-22
  7. */
  9. import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic
  10. import groovy.json.JsonOutput
  12. def scenario_config_dir = ""
  13. if (env.HOME)
  14. {
  15. scenario_config_dir = "${env.HOME}/userContent/perf_params"+
  16. '/agent/jobs/pipe_master_abstract/scenario_configs'
  17. }
  18. else if (env.JENKINS_HOME)
  19. {
  20. scenario_config_dir = "${env.JENKINS_HOME}/userContent/perf_params"+
  21. '/agent/jobs/pipe_master_abstract/scenario_configs'
  22. }
  23. def config_json = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(params.CONFIG)
  24. def utils = null
  25. def agentFlows = [:]
  26. def allFlowsPassed = true
  27. def allFlowsFailed = true
  29. node(config_json.execution_node) {
  30. cleanWs patterns: [[pattern: 'virtualenvs/**', type: 'EXCLUDE']], deleteDirs: true
  31. stage('Prepare') {
  32. utils = load "${env.JENKINS_HOME}/userContent/perf_params"+
  33. '/common/pipeline/utils.groovy'
  34. echo """
  35. **********************************
  36. * JOB CONFIG *
  37. **********************************
  38. ${JsonOutput.prettyPrint(params.CONFIG)}
  39. """
  40. // Read configuration for the specified scenario.
  41. def scenario_config = readFile("${scenario_config_dir}/${config_json.workload_scenario}.json")
  42. def scenario_config_json = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(scenario_config)
  43. echo """
  44. **********************************
  46. **********************************
  47. ${JsonOutput.prettyPrint(scenario_config)}
  48. """
  49. /* Merge "agent" element from canned scenario config with all agents,
  50. * while ensuring merged items match the agent platform. */
  51. config_json.hx.agents = config_json.hx.agents.collect {
  52. def agent = scenario_config_json.hx.agent.collectEntries { k, v ->
  53. if(! k.contains('install_config')) {
  54. [(k): (v)]
  55. }
  56. else if(k == 'pre_install_config'
  57. && ! scenario_config_json.hx.agent.containsKey('pre_install_config_'+ it.platform)) {
  58. [(k): (v)]
  59. }
  60. else if(k == 'pre_install_config_'+ it.platform) {
  61. ['pre_install_config': (v)]
  62. }
  63. else if(k == 'post_install_config'
  64. && ! scenario_config_json.hx.agent.containsKey('post_install_config_'+ it.platform)) {
  65. [(k): (v)]
  66. }
  67. else if(k == 'post_install_config_'+ it.platform) {
  68. ['post_install_config': (v)]
  69. }
  70. else {
  71. [:]
  72. }
  73. }
  74. it << agent
  75. }
  76. scenario_config_json.hx.remove('agent')
  77. // Merge supplied config and scenario config.
  78. config_json = utils.mapPlus(scenario_config_json, config_json)
  79. config_json = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(utils.evalExpressions(JsonOutput.toJson(config_json)))
  80. writeFile(
  81. file: 'config.json',
  82. text: JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(config_json))
  83. )
  84. echo """
  85. **********************************
  87. **********************************
  88. ${JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(config_json))}
  89. """
  91. /* TODO - should take parameters in the format of config_json,
  92. * so this conversion can be avoided. */
  93. def hx_reset_param = [
  94. hx_host: config_json.hx.hostname,
  95. hx_admin_pass: config_json.hx.password
  96. ]
  97. writeFile(
  98. file: "hx_reset_config.json",
  99. text: JsonOutput.toJson(hx_reset_param)
  100. )
  101. // TODO - temporarily transfer JSON to older HX format.
  102. def hx_config_param = [
  103. hx_host: config_json.hx.hostname,
  104. hx_admin_pass: config_json.hx.password,
  105. hx_api_user: config_json.hx.api_user,
  106. hx_api_pass: config_json.hx.api_pass,
  107. hx_config: config_json.hx.config
  108. ]
  109. writeFile(
  110. file: "hx_configure_config.json",
  111. text: JsonOutput.toJson(hx_config_param)
  112. )
  113. // TODO - end.
  115. currentBuild.displayName = "${params.BUILD_TAG}_${config_json.environment}_#${currentBuild.number}"
  117. // Checkout projects based on HX release.
  118. def perf_setup_scm = utils.getProjectSCMInfoByHXRelease('perf_setup', config_json.hx.release,GIT_ORG)
  119. utils.checkoutAndSetupProject('perf_setup', perf_setup_scm)
  121. def pyhx_workload_scm = utils.getProjectSCMInfoByHXRelease('pyhx_workload', config_json.hx.release,GIT_ORG)
  122. utils.checkoutAndSetupProject('pyhx_workload', pyhx_workload_scm)
  124. // Checkout projects based on xAgent version
  125. def agent_veresions = config_json.hx.agents.collect { it.version }.unique()
  126. agent_veresions.each {
  127. // Checkout projects.
  128. perf_setup_scm = utils.getProjectSCMInfoByAgentVersion('perf_setup', it, GIT_ORG)
  129. utils.checkoutAndSetupProject("perf_setup_${it}", perf_setup_scm)
  131. pyhx_workload_scm = utils.getProjectSCMInfoByAgentVersion('pyhx_workload', it, GIT_ORG)
  132. utils.checkoutAndSetupProject("pyhx_workload_${it}", pyhx_workload_scm)
  134. def pwrg_scm = utils.getProjectSCMInfoByAgentVersion('pwrg', it, GIT_ORG)
  135. utils.checkoutAndSetupProject("pwrg_${it}", pwrg_scm, "pip install -r xAgent/requirements.txt")
  136. }
  138. // Setup HX actions if needed.
  139. if(config_json.workload.containsKey('hx_actions')) {
  140. def hx_workload = [:] << config_json.workload
  141. hx_workload['actions'] = hx_workload.remove('hx_actions')
  142. def hx_workload_config_param = [
  143. hx: config_json.hx,
  144. agent: [
  145. platform: 'hx'
  146. ],
  147. workload: hx_workload
  148. ]
  149. writeFile(
  150. file: "hx_actions_config.json",
  151. text: JsonOutput.toJson(hx_workload_config_param)
  152. )
  154. agentFlows['HX Actions'] = {
  155. stage('HX Actions') {
  156. utils.runProject('pyhx_workload',
  157. "agent_workload --config-file ${env.WORKSPACE}/hx_actions_config.json"
  158. )
  159. }
  160. }
  161. }
  163. // Setup agent flows.
  164. config_json.hx.agents.each { agent_conf ->
  165. def pfm_spec_items = [
  166. 'scenario_description': 'scenario_description_'+ agent_conf.platform,
  167. 'actions': 'actions_'+ agent_conf.platform
  168. ]
  169. def agent_config_param = [
  170. hx: config_json.hx,
  171. agent: agent_conf,
  172. workload:
  173. // Ensure workload actions are for the correct platform.
  174. config_json.workload.collectEntries { k, v ->
  175. if(pfm_spec_items.containsKey(k) && ! config_json.workload.get(pfm_spec_items.get(k))) {
  176. [(k): (v)]
  177. }
  178. else if(! pfm_spec_items.find{ k.startsWith(it.key) } ) {
  179. [(k): (v)]
  180. }
  181. else if(pfm_spec_items.containsValue(k)) {
  182. [(pfm_spec_items.find{ it.value == k }.key): (v)]
  183. }
  184. else {
  185. [:]
  186. }
  187. }
  188. ]
  189. writeFile(
  190. file: "agent_${agent_conf.hostname}_config.json",
  191. text: JsonOutput.toJson(agent_config_param)
  192. )
  194. agentFlows["${agent_conf.hostname} Flow"] = {
  195. try {
  196. stage("Configure Agent") {
  197. utils.runProject("perf_setup_${agent_conf.version}",
  198. "agent_configure --config ${env.WORKSPACE}/agent_${agent_conf.hostname}_config.json"
  199. )
  200. }
  202. try {
  203. stage('Start Monitoring') {
  204. utils.runProject("perf_setup_${agent_conf.version}",
  205. "agent_data_collection --config ${env.WORKSPACE}/agent_${agent_conf.hostname}_config.json --action start"
  206. )
  207. }
  209. stage('Execute Workload') {
  210. utils.runProject("pyhx_workload_${agent_conf.version}",
  211. "agent_workload --config-file ${env.WORKSPACE}/agent_${agent_conf.hostname}_config.json"
  212. )
  213. }
  214. }
  215. catch(exc) {
  216. throw exc
  217. }
  218. finally {
  219. stage('Stop Monitoring') {
  220. def collection_type = (agent_conf.deployment.type == 'uninstall' ||
  221. agent_conf.deployment.type == 'none') ? 'basic' : 'xagent'
  222. utils.runProject("perf_setup_${agent_conf.version}", """
  223. agent_data_collection --config ${env.WORKSPACE}/agent_${agent_conf.hostname}_config.json \
  224. --action stop --collection_type ${collection_type}
  225. """
  226. )
  227. dir("perf_setup_${agent_conf.version}") {
  228. archive (includes: "performance_${agent_conf.hostname}.zip")
  229. }
  230. }
  231. }
  233. stage('Generate Report') {
  234. dir("perf_setup_${agent_conf.version}") {
  235. def zipRootEntry = sh(
  236. script: "zipinfo -1 performance_${agent_conf.hostname}.zip | head -1",
  237. returnStdout: true
  238. ).trim()
  239. if(zipRootEntry.equalsIgnoreCase('performance/')) {
  240. unzip(
  241. zipFile: "performance_${agent_conf.hostname}.zip",
  242. dir: "performance_${agent_conf.hostname}"
  243. )
  244. sh "rm -rf performance_${agent_conf.hostname}.zip"
  245. dir("performance_${agent_conf.hostname}") {
  246. sh "mv ${zipRootEntry} performance_${agent_conf.hostname}"
  247. sh "zip -r ../performance_${agent_conf.hostname}.zip ."
  248. }
  249. sh "rm -rf performance_${agent_conf.hostname}"
  250. }
  251. }
  253. def reportGenCmd = """cd xAgent
  254. python \\
  255. --perf ${env.WORKSPACE}/perf_setup_${agent_conf.version}/performance_${agent_conf.hostname}.zip \\
  256. --output output_${agent_conf.hostname}"""
  257. if(config_json.containsKey("report") &&"dashboard")
  258. && == 'couchdb') {
  259. reportGenCmd += """ \\
  260. --couchdb_ip ${} \\
  261. --couchdb_db ${}"""
  262. }
  263. utils.runProject("pwrg_${agent_conf.version}", reportGenCmd)
  264. dir("pwrg_${agent_conf.version}") {
  265. archive (includes: "output_${agent_conf.hostname}/**")
  266. }
  267. }
  269. allFlowsFailed = false
  270. }
  271. catch(ex) {
  272. allFlowsPassed = false
  273. throw ex
  274. }
  275. }
  276. }
  277. }
  279. if(config_json.hx.deployment.type == "reset") {
  280. stage('Reset HX') {
  281. utils.runProject('perf_setup',
  282. "hx_reset --config_file ${env.WORKSPACE}/hx_reset_config.json --regen_pki"
  283. )
  284. sleep 60
  285. }
  286. }
  288. //Configure HX appliance if required.
  289. if(config_json.hx.config.type != 'none') {
  290. stage('Configure HX') {
  291. utils.runProject('perf_setup',
  292. "hx_configure --config_file ${env.WORKSPACE}/hx_configure_config.json"
  293. )
  294. def set_addr = "/bin/bash ${env.JENKINS_HOME}/userContent/policy_scripts/set_default_addr " + config_json.hx.hostname
  295. def sout = new StringBuilder(), serr = new StringBuilder()
  296. def proc = set_addr.execute()
  297. proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
  298. proc.waitForOrKill(20000)
  299. def rc = proc.exitValue()
  300. println "out> $sout err> $serr rc> $rc"
  301. if (rc != 0)
  302. {
  303. return(rc)
  304. }
  305. }
  306. }
  308. stage('Deploy Agents') {
  309. def agent_deploy = build(job: 'agent_deploy', parameters: [
  310. [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'BUILD_TAG', value: params.BUILD_TAG],
  311. [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'HX_RELEASE', value: config_json.hx.release],
  312. [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'CONFIG', value: JsonOutput.toJson(config_json)],
  313. new org.jvnet.jenkins.plugins.nodelabelparameter.NodeParameterValue(
  314. 'EXECUTION_NODE', 'description', config_json.get('execution_node', 'master')
  315. )
  316. ], wait: true, propagate: false)
  317. def deployOut = agent_deploy.getRawBuild().getLogReader().getText()
  318. echo deployOut
  319. def numFailed = deployOut.findAll(".*failed=1.*").size() + deployOut.findAll(".*unreachable=1.*").size()
  320. if(numFailed > 0 && numFailed < config_json.hx.agents.size()) {
  321. currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
  322. }
  323. else if(agent_deploy.result == 'FAILURE') {
  324. throw new Exception('Deployment failed for all agents!!!')
  325. }
  326. }
  328. parallel(agentFlows)
  330. if(!allFlowsPassed && !allFlowsFailed) {
  331. currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
  332. }
  333. else if(allFlowsFailed) {
  334. currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
  335. }
  336. }
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