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Quad CHIMPS Patch 14.3 by Maximus

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Jan 22nd, 2020
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  1. Quad CHIMPS Patch 14.3 strat:
  3. R6: 3 Dart Start
  4. Top Dart on Strong
  5. R8: 000 Sub on Strong
  6. R9: You might need to micro the top Dart to First when a red bloon comes up to his left, but this isn't always needed. I did it in the video just to be safe. Put him back on Strong after he pops the red bloon.
  7. R11: Obyn
  8. R12: Sub to 100
  9. R14: Sub on First, get 200 ASAP, use Brambles at start
  10. R15: Sub on Strong, use Brambles off cooldown
  11. R16: Sub to 201, switch to First
  12. R19: Brambles just in case
  13. R20: Sub to 202, switch to Strong
  14. R21: Sub on First
  15. R22: Sub on Strong
  16. R23: Sub on First, use Brambles. If you can get Brambles on the top track, you can skip the next step until R33
  17. R24: Right Dart to 002
  18. R25: Brambles
  19. R26: Sub to 203
  20. R27: 000 Sniper on Strong
  21. R28: Sniper to 100
  22. R30: 100 Alc on First
  23. R31: Might want Brambles
  24. R33: Brambles. Get Alc to 300. If you haven't need to yet, Right Dart to 002.
  25. R34: 000 Ninja on First
  26. R35: Brambles at start of the round.
  27. R36: Obyn on First, micro Sub to start on Last and swap to First when most of the Pinks on the top-left path are popped. Repeat this micro for the second wave of Pinks. Use Brambles on second camo wave. This round is pretty RNG, especially based on Alc buff timings and Obyn's totem placement, so even with good micro you can die here. (I restarted here due to messing up the micro, but I probably would have lost on third Pink wave).
  28. R37: Alc to Strong, get to 400 ASAP. Use Brambles after Leads have popped.
  29. R38: While nothing needs to be done here, Obyn totem RNG might make this round difficult.
  30. R40: Sub to 204, use Brambles.
  31. R42: 102 Village, this placement is really specific. Also get a Wizard on the top of the Village's range hugging the lake (if this placement is done correctly, you can fit a Ninja in the space between Wizard and Obyn). Get Wizard to 102 ASAP and eventually to 302.
  32. R45: Brambles
  33. R46: 002 Village. Placement for this Village is also really specific. You want just barely enough space for an Ice Monkey to fit between the Villages while hugging the lake. You can place down the Ice beforehand if you're not confident in your placement. Then first Village to 202.
  34. R47: 201 Boomerang in double discount range and directly below Alc. Get to 302 ASAP. Use Brambles on camo wave. This round can be really annoying.
  35. R49: Second Village to 022. Use Brambles. Get Boomerang to 402 ASAP (I kinda messed up and didn't get him as soon as I could, but didn't matter too much).
  36. R52: Brambles and Trees
  37. R53: Brambles off cooldown
  38. R55: 402 Wizard ASAP. Refresh Trees before 4th ceram wave or when it breaks, whichever comes first.
  39. Then get a 031 Ice and a Ninja in the EXACT CENTER OF THE MAP (I reset here because Ninja was misplaced). After that, upgrade the Ninja to 302, then get an Alc directly to the left and touching the Ninja at 300. Then center Ninja to 402 then Alc to 400 -> 402. Note: Ninja placement can be off a pixel or two one way or another (mine might have been a pixel to the right), but any more will ruin the run.
  40. R59: You shouldn't need Trees, but I refreshed in the video just to collect money.
  41. R60: Brambles
  42. At this point, use Brambles when off cooldown and not near the end of a round.
  43. R63: Use Trees before third ceram wave or when trees break, whichever comes first.
  44. R64: This could be RNG because the previous strat had Wizard on First, but then I needed Wizard on Strong here. Either way, Wizard on Strong (I also might not have needed to reset, but it looked like a Blue was about to leak from the bottom).
  45. From here, it should be smooth sailing until R75. Keep Wizard on Strong. Just make sure you refresh Trees when it stops vore'ing MOABs and have Trees off cooldown for R75.
  46. R75: Use Trees if/when it breaks (or immediately if they broke last round). When Leads are popped, swap Wizard to First, then back to Strong when the Fortified MOAB pops. When the BFB from the top exit pops, swap back to First, then back to Strong when its MOAB insides pop. This is one of two micro-intensive rounds for the rest of the strat.
  47. R76: Wizard on Strong should work here, but it was way too close in the video. Might be RNG based on totem and Brambles placement.
  48. R77: This round is aids. Refresh Trees before BFBs enter (or ASAP). Wizard starts on Strong, swap to First when a BFB from the top pops, then back to Strong when the MOABs from it pop, back to First when the second BFB from the top pops, back to Strong when the MOABs from it pop. If any of the MOABs from the top make it to the bottom-right path, you should probably reset. Probably the hardest round in the run.
  49. R78: Refreshing Trees after first ceram wave and Wizard on First should beat this round.
  50. R79: DO NOT REFRESH TREES THIS ROUND. Wizard on Strong. Get your 502 Grandmaster Ninja in the center ASAP.
  51. R80: Should be fine, but Alc buff timings can make the round RNG. Unfortunately it did that here. If Trees didn't break last round, use Trees to collect money.
  52. Now the fun begins, but could be a tad RNG. Keep Wizard on Strong for the rest of the run. Refresh Trees when needed just like R65-73 period of time, but have it off cooldown for R95.
  53. R81-87: Ninja left of Obyn to 130, then buy 12 Ninjas 030. See video for placements and when to go for each one. Try to get every Shinobi in at least one discount range. If you follow the Ninja placements done in the video, you won't need to make any of then 130. Also make sure they are at least one pixel away from the Alc next to Grandmaster so Grandmaster gets constantly buffed.
  54. R88-89: Bottom Village to 032
  55. After this, buy 8 more Shinobis, then get 040 Engineer in double discount range. I reset on R94 because I tried to get away with using only 17 Shinobis but that makes the mid 90s too RNG.
  56. R95: Refresh Trees. With healthy Trees and 20 Shinobis, you should survive this round, but this is anxiety-inducing.
  57. R96: Get Engineer to 040 ASAP.
  58. R97: Overclock your Grandmaster ASAP. Should be close to off cooldown when round ends. Use Trees near the end of the round so it can be used for 98.
  59. R98: Oh boy. This round is....terrifying. Overclock Grandmaster when he starts attacking (or as close to that as possible), then make a Shinobi 040/140 ASAP, then get a Spike Factory in double discount range and upgrade it to 130 ASAP. The best I can say when it comes to determining if you'll live or not is if MOABs are covering every inch of the track, then reset. If there's even a segment of the track where there aren't any bloons, you should be able to barely survive.
  60. R99: Use Sabo immediately and buy 140 Spike ASAP. This might be by the skin of your teeth, but you should survive.
  61. R100: Use whatever money you have for extra MOAB damage, but you shouldn't need it too much. Overclock the Grandmaster right when he starts attacking, and use Spike Storm at the same time (or as close to that timing as possible). If done correctly, you should win.
  63. Congrats! If you followed this guide exactly (and didn't have RNG screw you over), then you just beat Quad CHIMPS!
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