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Sep 26th, 2018
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  1. #
  2. # ███████╗██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗
  3. # ██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔═══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝████╗ ██║██║ ██║██╔═══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝
  4. # ███████╗█████╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║██║ █████╔╝ █████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝
  5. # ╚════██║██╔═██╗ ╚██╔╝ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██╔═██╗ ██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██║ ██║ ╚██╔╝
  6. # ███████║██║ ██╗ ██║ ██████╔╝███████╗╚██████╔╝╚██████╗██║ ██╗███████╗██║ ╚████║ ╚████╔╝ ╚██████╔╝ ██║
  7. # ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝
  8. #
  10. # For the material list:
  11. # For the enchantment list:
  13. settings:
  14. prefix: '&8[&9SkyBlock&6Envoy&8] &7&l»&e '
  15. placeholderformat: 'mm:ss'
  16. # For the format:
  17. # This format will also used in /SkyBlockEnvoy TimeLeft
  18. # MVdWPlaceHolderAPI placeholder: {skyblockenvoy_time}
  19. # PlaceholderAPI placeholder: %skyblockenvoy_time%
  20. timeleft: '<Time> left to chests envoy!'
  21. mustplayer: '&cYou can''t use this command from console!'
  22. useteamchat: false
  23. teamchatdisabled: 'TeamChat disabled!'
  24. teamchatprefix: '&8[&6Team Chat&8] &6<Player> &7&l»&e '
  25. islandleader: '&8[&cTeamLeader&8] &6'
  26. teamchatspy: '&8[&7Team Chat Spy&8] &7<Sender> &7&l»&e <Message>'
  27. teamchatspyactive: 'You are now spy team chat message.'
  28. teamchatspydeactive: 'You are no longer spy team chat message.'
  29. reloaded: 'Config reloaded!'
  30. nopermission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do that!'
  31. usage:
  32. - ''
  33. - '&8&m=============&r &9SkyBlock&6Envoy &eCommands &8&m============='
  34. - ''
  35. - '&e/SkyBlockEnvoy Reload &7&l»&f Reload the config and database'
  36. - '&e/SkyBlockEnvoy EnvoyChest &7&l»&f Envoy chests without waiting the time'
  37. - '&e/SkyBlockEnvoy EnvoyChest <Player> &7&l»&f Envoy chest for specified player'
  38. - '&e/SkyBlockEnvoy SpyTeamChat &7&l»&f Toggle the spying team chat'
  39. - '&e/SkyBlockEnvoy TimeLeft &7&l»&f Check time left to envoy'
  40. - ''
  41. - '&8&m================================================'
  42. - ''
  43. usage2: '/TeamChat <Message>'
  44. chestsenvoyed: 'Chests envoyed!'
  45. chestenvoyedplayer: 'Chest envoyed for &6<Player>&e!'
  46. playernotfound: '&6<Player>&e Not found!'
  47. playerneedbreakchest: '&6<Player>&e Need to break old chest!'
  48. noteam: '&cYou don''t have a team!'
  49. noonlineteam: '&cNobody online in your team!'
  50. breakchest: 'Chest couldn''t drop because you did not break the old chest, please break old chest.'
  51. breakblock: 'Chest couldn''t drop because there is a block at <X> <Y> <Z>, please break that block.'
  52. chestfull: 'Your chest is full. Collect items from it.'
  53. chestdropped: 'Chest dropped go and pick up items!'
  54. chestdroppedtitle: '&9SkyBlock&6Envoy'
  55. chestdroppedsubtitle: '&eChest Dropped'
  56. chestdroppedtitlesubtitletime: 3
  57. # Second
  58. chestdroppedactionbar: '&bChest Dropped'
  59. chestdroppedactionbartime: 3
  60. # Second
  61. chesttitle: '&9SkyBlock&6Envoy'
  62. chestfallincenter: false
  63. # Do you want chest fall in center of island?
  64. chestfallheight: 20.0
  65. # Fall height of the chest
  66. # If you set chestfallincenter false chest will fall from 20 block height otherwise chest will spawned in 20 block height
  67. # Don't recommend high value when chestfallincenter is false
  68. chestspawnminimumy: 5
  69. # Minimum y coordinate to chest spawn only works if chestfallincenter is false
  70. particle: FLAME
  71. # Particle type of falling chest and rising chest
  72. # For 1.8.8 visit:
  73. # For 1.9 and higher visit (Make sure your version support specified particle):
  74. particlecount: 10
  75. # Particle count of falling chest and rising chest
  76. chestrise: true
  77. # Do you want chest rise when you break it?
  78. chestriseheight: 5.0
  79. # Rise height after you break chest
  80. hologram: true
  81. # Do you want hologram above the chest?
  82. hologramheight: 1.0
  83. # Hologram height from the chest
  84. hologramlines:
  85. - '&8*--------------------------*'
  86. - '&eCome and pick up the items!'
  87. - '&8*--------------------------*'
  88. lightning: true
  89. # Do you want lightning when chest dropped?
  90. needbreakchest: false
  91. # Need player to break old chest for the new one?
  92. teamchatcontainscoop: true
  93. # Do you want team chat receiver contains coop players?
  94. placeholdercountdown: true
  95. # If true time placeholder will countdown to chest fall time. If false time placeholder will count to chest fall time.
  96. time: 30
  97. # How many minutes for chest envoy? (0 will disable this. But you can envoy chest with /SkyBlockEnvoy EnvoyChest or based on events.)
  98. useevents: false
  99. # Do you want to use events? If you don't set the time to 0 both of them will be used.
  100. events:
  101. - 'islandLevel >= 100'
  102. # Chest will envoy when island level reach 100 (islandLevel events works once and only for island's leader).
  103. # islandLevel event based on island level change so island's leader may need update island's level.
  104. # Spaces are important to check event.
  105. useconditions: false
  106. # Do you want to use conditions? Time must be higher than 0.
  107. # Conditions will be check when envoy will drop with time. Events wont use any condition.
  108. conditions:
  109. - 'islandLevel >= 100'
  110. - 'onlineTime > 30'
  111. # Integer in onlineTime condition is minute.
  112. # Spaces are important to check condition.
  113. # Player must meet all conditions to make envoy drop.
  114. minimumplayerfordrop: 5
  115. # Set 0 to disable this.
  116. deleteenvoyafter: 10
  117. # Minute
  118. # Set 0 to disable this.
  119. version: 1.4
  120. # Do not change this
  121. MySQL:
  122. enabled: false
  123. # False means flatfile will be used.
  124. host: "hostname"
  125. database: "database"
  126. port: 3306
  127. user: "root"
  128. password: "123456"
  129. loottable:
  130. ores:
  131. # Any name you want
  132. # Permission: skyblockenvoy.loottable.<Name> for example: skyblockenvoy.loottable.ores
  133. # If you want to give all the permission use skyblockenvoy.loottable.*
  134. diamond: DIAMOND:64:5
  136. emerald: EMERALD:64:10
  137. gold: GOLD_INGOT:64:20
  138. iron: IRON_INGOT:64:25
  139. stone: STONE:64:40
  140. block:
  141. diamondblock: DIAMOND_BLOCK:32-64:10
  143. emeraldblock: EMERALD_BLOCK:64:20
  144. goldblock: GOLD_BLOCK:64:30
  145. ironblock: IRON_BLOCK:64:40
  146. weapons:
  147. diasword: DIAMOND_SWORD:1:5:0
  149. diasword_name: '&9SkyBlock&6Envoy&e''s Sword'
  150. # Name_name: 'Name'
  151. diasword_lore:
  152. - '&7A sword which'
  153. - '&7blessed by GOD!'
  154. # Name_lore:
  155. # - 'First line'
  156. # - 'Second line'
  157. diasword_enchant:
  158. - DAMAGE_ALL:5
  159. - DURABILITY:3
  160. # Name_enchant:
  162. diapickaxe: DIAMOND_PICKAXE:1:40
  163. bow: BOW:1:15
  164. steak: COOKED_BEEF:64:40
  165. foods:
  166. steak: COOKED_BEEF:64:40
  167. chicken: COOKED_CHICKEN:16:20
  168. rabbit: COOKED_RABBIT:16:20
  169. mutton: COOKED_MUTTON:16-32:20
  170. commands:
  171. command_0: 'c: effect <Player> night_vision/50'
  172. # Name: 'sender: command/chance'
  173. # Name must contains "command"
  174. # Senders: c = console, p = player
  175. commandforplayer: 'p: msg <Player> Hi there!||msg <Player> Multiple command!/50'
  176. # Name: 'sender: command||anothercommand/chance'
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