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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2017
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  1. Rozerem: somewhere only we know
  2. Rozerem: <3
  3. git: ohh ya
  4. Operation: okay em<3
  5. git: i love this pairing
  6. Rozerem: its one of my fave songs
  7. git: ;-P
  9. git: oh there is he
  10. Ixie cling to op.
  11. Rozerem: lol
  12. Operation: o:
  13. Operation cling
  14. Ixie: ;_;
  15. git: im the one that gripped you tight
  16. git: and raised you from perdition
  17. git: >:|
  18. Operation: Ix
  19. Rozerem: xD
  20. Operation: you dun mind my stank? :o
  21. Ixie: hm?
  23. Ixie: i mind..
  24. Ixie: :-(
  25. Rozerem makes op not stank
  26. Operation: LOL
  27. Rozerem: >:*
  28. git: -.-
  29. Operation: NO ROSES EITHER >:*
  30. git: i'm like GOD DAMN IT STOP WITH THE SKANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  31. Rozerem pours boiling water on op
  32. Ixie: so funny.
  33. Rozerem: xD
  34. Ixie: ahaahahhehhaehheahehaeoaeae.
  35. Rozerem: there
  36. Rozerem: stank gone
  37. Rozerem: :-(
  38. Operation moan :~(
  39. Rozerem: *.*
  40. git: ..
  41. Ixie: euu
  42. Rozerem: i made him moan
  43. git: skank gone
  44. git: -.-
  45. Rozerem: he's turning gay
  46. Tuva: meuu o.o
  47. Rozerem: ` ´
  48. git: ..
  49. git: ST
  50. git: ` ´
  51. Rozerem: lmao
  52. Tuva: i'm bored :-(
  53. Rozerem: git *.*
  54. Operation: YES, I'M VERY HAPPY
  55. git: i need 2 learn how 2 type
  56. git: jk
  57. Rozerem: u thinking what im thinking bby
  58. Rozerem: lol
  59. Operation: uhh...
  60. Operation: snow ball fight? *.*
  61. Operation: THEN YES
  62. git: that is so sexual
  63. Rozerem: hmmm
  64. Rozerem: mgm
  65. Rozerem: mhm*
  66. Ixie: i love the ignore function so much. o_o
  67. Operation: v_v
  68. Rozerem: git lets go snowball fight *.*
  69. Ixie: seriously.
  70. Rozerem: lol
  71. Operation: shutupgit
  72. git: that is sexual
  73. git: snowball = sexual
  74. git: sry *.*
  75. Rozerem: mhm
  76. Rozerem: ` ´
  77. git: mind is 4eva corrupted
  78. Rozerem: and fun
  79. Rozerem: lol
  80. Ixie: now all I see is Op
  81. Ixie: #
  82. Operation: Ix
  83. Rozerem: snowballing ` ´
  84. Ixie: ?
  85. Operation: LOL
  86. Operation: ily
  87. Ixie: ilutoo!
  88. git: i should stop drawing strippers
  89. git: ..
  90. Operation: who you be ignoring?
  91. Ixie: Started ignoring player 'rozerem'. Started ignoring player 'git'.
  92. Operation: ah.
  93. git: IT'S THE INTERNET
  94. Rozerem: idc
  95. Ixie hates flood :C
  96. Ixie: yeah
  97. git: can't take something sexual?
  98. git: get off
  99. Operation: same.
  100. Rozerem: i never liked u anyways ixie
  101. git: LOL
  102. Operation: xD
  103. git: LOOOL roz
  104. Rozerem: :-(
  105. Rozerem: well i didnt
  106. git: roz we need to bond
  107. Operation: Started ignoring player 'git'. :/
  108. Rozerem: ok
  109. Ixie: HRT
  110. Rozerem: we shall bondy bby
  111. git: get off the internet
  112. Rozerem: bond*
  113. Ixie: I thought he was banned
  114. Rozerem: bond over bondage *.*
  115. Ixie: but I guess not
  116. git: the internet is full of obnoxious
  117. git: racist
  118. git: ignorant
  119. git: sexist
  120. git: sexual
  121. Operation: No not banned - yet. :/
  122. git: douchebags
  123. Ixie may talk to em about that.
  124. Rozerem: bitchy
  125. Rozerem: whoreish
  126. Operation: yeah.
  127. Rozerem: lol
  128. git: lol
  129. git: i love how i draw op something
  130. Rozerem: who banned?
  131. git: and that honkey just ignores me :\
  132. git: and treats me like shit :\
  133. Ixie: in fact I think I will right now
  134. Rozerem: well
  135. Rozerem: he's straight
  136. Operation: Em is aff though
  137. Rozerem: of course
  138. Criminal: Git, please just stop.
  139. git: yea
  140. git: lol
  141. Rozerem: lol
  142. Couple: Hm?
  143. git: wat is wrong
  144. git: with their minds
  145. git: jk
  146. Operation: oh nvm XD
  147. Ixie: I'll whisper you Em o_o
  148. Couple: What about me being aff and something about ban?
  149. Couple: Alright
  150. git: em
  151. Operation: Yeah...
  152. git: they want me banned
  153. git: dumb honkeys
  154. Operation: x3
  155. git: :\
  156. Rozerem: lol
  157. Tuva srsly quiet
  158. Criminal: Well, Git, when you constantly insult others, yeah, we are.
  159. git: it's the internet
  160. Couple: Please do not talk to staff members like that.
  161. Criminal: Now, please, just stop.
  162. Rozerem pets git
  163. git: that's what the internet is full of
  164. Couple: :p
  165. Rozerem: twee
  166. git: so
  167. Couple: Willll
  168. Rozerem: i love you you stupid asian <3
  169. git: lool
  170. Rozerem: do you love this stupid white boy?
  171. Rozerem: :o
  173. Operation got tired of Git. :/
  174. Rozerem hugs twee
  175. Rozerem: i jk
  176. git: op
  177. Rozerem: your a fucking genius
  178. git: oh wait i'm ignored
  179. Rozerem: ilu twee
  180. git: this is why i don't do free art
  181. Rozerem: ,3
  182. git: i draw for people
  183. Rozerem: <3*
  184. git: then they treat me like shit
  185. git: :x
  186. Operation: Because you don't listen to rules, Git.
  187. Criminal: Git, just stop. Just drop it. It's not a big deal./
  188. git: yes it is
  189. Criminal: No, it's not. This is my final warning.
  190. git: you act just like sam
  191. git: -.-..
  192. Criminal: I don't even know who that is, but okay.
  193. Couple: Also stop constantly insulting others gits, you have been warned many times to cut it out and for other reasons. This is your Final warning.
  194. git: (URL: furc://dogpound) furc://dogpound
  195. git: ok
  196. git: peace niggas
  197. git: tell me when your period ends
  198. Couple: Aff.
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