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a guest
Mar 1st, 2018
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  1. Feature: Signup in
  2. As an unregistered user
  3. I want to signup with my details
  4. So that I can login
  6. Scenario: Email is not unique
  7. Given a registered user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
  8. And I am on the "/signup" page
  9. When I fill in "Email" with ""
  10. And I fill in "Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
  11. And I fill in "Verify Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
  12. And I press "Sign up"
  13. Then the signup form should be shown again
  14. And I should see "Email has already been taken"
  15. And I should not be signed in
  17. Scenario: Password is not valid
  18. Given I am on the "/signup" page
  19. When I fill in "Email" with ""
  20. And I fill in "Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
  21. And I fill in "Verify Password" with "doughnuts"
  22. And I press "Sign up"
  23. Then the signup form should be shown again
  24. And I should see "Password doesn't match confirmation"
  25. And I should not be registered
  26. And I should not be signed in
  28. Scenario: Email is unique and password is valid
  29. Given I am on the "/signup" page
  30. When I fill in "Email" with ""
  31. And I fill in "Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
  32. And I fill in "Verify Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
  33. And I press "Sign up"
  34. Then a new user with the email "" should be created
  35. And an email with the subject "account confirmation" should be sent to me
  36. And I should see "You will receive an email within the next few minutes."
  37. And I should not be signed in
  39. Scenario: User not confirmed
  40. Given a registered user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
  41. When I confirm my email
  42. Then I should be redirected to "/"
  43. And I should see "Confirmed email and signed in"
  44. And I should be signed in
  46. Scenario: User already confirmed
  47. Given a confirmed user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
  48. When I confirm my email
  49. Then I should be redirected to "/"
  50. And I should see "Confirmed email and signed in"
  51. And I should be signed in
  53. Scenario: User forgot password
  54. Given a confirmed user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
  55. When I go to the forgot password page
  56. And I fill in "Email" with ""
  57. And I press "Reset Password"
  58. Then an email with the subject "change your password" should be sent to me
  59. And I should see "Details for changing your password have been sent"
  60. And I should not be signed in
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