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Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. A week or two ago I was at a bender with the boys and I stumbled across something that I feel out of my depth in and I think you would find highly interesting. We were watching David Attenborough's new nature documentary Our Planet (my first time seeing it) when something clicked in my head that I had seen this before. As I was watching it, it started looking more and more fake to me. I could see, in little snippets, how they had faked certain scenes, but I didn't know why. I then realised that, a few weeks before this, I had seen a video on YouTube that was deconstructing, piece by piece, how majority of this documentary was fake, and I was watching and seeing it right before my eyes. The more I watched, the more I was convinced that it was fake. I expressed this insight to the boys, who instantly ridiculed me and said I was stupid. And no matter how much I tried to convince them, they all believed it was real, much to my frustration. So, as soon as I got home, I googled stuff like "our planet fake" and "our planet cgi", and to my surprise there was nothing. Then I remembered the video, so I went onto YouTube and tried to find it. Nothing. Very strange. 
  3. The few points I remember why I think it's fake
  4. I believe the show uses a combination of real life shots (~20%) and highly sophisticated CGI (~80%) to trick responders into thinking it is real. If you watch closely, you can easily distinguish between the real shots and the CGI, some of it just looks too good to be true, (the sweeping shots over the jungles, the hyper-close action shots of the critters). I do not remember all of the points in the video but here are the ones I do:
  5. If you watch the birds closely in the sky, you can see that some of them follow basic patterns on the screen, and most of them move in linear trajectories. 
  6. No collisions are really shown on screen, and when they do you can easily notice how they just 'bounce' off each other. When watching animals fight, if you look closely, no damage is done to each other. The software isn't advanced enough to show this. My memory isn't good enough to remember the rest, but if you trust me at all, please watch some of this doco and try and see where I'm coming from, hopefully I'm not insane. 
  8. tl;dr
  9. I know this is going on but I STRONGLY believe that Our planet is climate change/environmental propaganda. It's just too much of a coincidence that all talk of it being fake online has disappeared, and when I watched it, it looked so fake to me and I started believing that it could very well be a test to see if the masses believed something fake, though there's not enough evidence yet for a conspiracy. I believe it was portraying nature as being fine, even though climate change is slowly destroying ecosystems worldwide. The only person I thought to tell this to was you, seeing as everyone else I've told spat in my face. I hope you find this as intriguing as I do, and I'm looking forward to your response.
  10. Many thanks and goodluck, Mr. Allen
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