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a guest
Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. local Skill = {}
  2. Skill.Name = "skill_p_m_leech"
  3. Skill.PrintName = "Leech"
  4. Skill.Icon = "icons/bt/skill_inner"
  5. Skill.Desc = {}
  6. Skill.Desc["story"] = "Steals life from your enemies"
  7. Skill.Desc[1] = "You steal 1 health"
  8. Skill.Desc[2] = "You steal 2 health"
  9. Skill.Desc[3] = "You steal 3 health"
  10. Skill.Desc[4] = "You steal 4 health"
  11. Skill.Desc[5] = "You steal 5 health"
  12. Skill.Desc[6] = "You steal 6 health"
  13. Skill.Desc[7] = "You steal 7 health"
  14. Skill.Active = false
  15. Skill.Category = CATEGORY_COMMON_PASSIVE
  16. Skill.Levels = 7
  17. Skill.Requirements = {}
  18. for i = 0, 7 do
  19. Skill.Requirements[i] = {}
  20. Skill.Requirements[i].Skills = {}
  21. Skill.Requirements[i].Level = 3+ i*3
  22. end
  23. function Skill:BulletCallBack(plyPlayer, intSkill, trcTrace, tblDamageInfo)
  24. if !SERVER then return end
  25. local entEntity = trcTrace.Entity
  26. if intSkill > 0 && entEntity:IsNPC() && entEntity.Race != "human" then // && entEntity.Race != "antlion"
  27. plyPlayer:SetHealth(math.Clamp(plyPlayer:Health() + 1, 0, plyPlayer:GetMaxHealth()))
  28. end
  29. end
  30. function Skill:OnSet(plyPlayer, intSkillLevel, intOldSkillLevel, load)
  31. lvl_effect( plyPlayer, intSkillLevel, intOldSkillLevel, load )
  32. end
  33. Register.Skill(Skill)
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