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Feb 16th, 2019
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  1. config-version: 44
  2. lang:
  3. prefix: '&8[&4Envoys&8] &4'
  4. no-permission: You do not have permission for this
  5. setup-finished: Envoy setup successfully
  6. not-a-valid-id: That ID does not exist / is not valid
  7. removed-envoy: Successfully removed envoy.
  8. envoys-refilled: ALL ENVOYS HAVE BEEN REFILLED
  9. amount: There are %amount envoys (%worldAmount in your world)
  10. list: '%id (%tier) - World: %world X: %x Y: %y Z: %z'
  11. random-envoy-locations: 'An envoy spawned at World: %world X: %x Y: %y Z: %z!'
  12. reload: Reloaded successfully
  13. data-saved: Data file saved successfully
  14. invalid-syntax: Invalid syntax, type /envoys help for help
  15. add-item-no-name-or-chance: You must specify a name and a chance
  16. no-item-in-hand: You must have an item in your hand
  17. name-already-exists: This name already exists in the config
  18. added-item: Successfully added item
  19. broadcast-open-message: '%player opened an envoy at %world, %x, %y, %z'
  20. called-drop: You have called a drop in!
  21. already-opened: This envoy was already opened %minutes minutes ago!
  22. current-envoys:
  23. top: Current envoys
  24. line: 'There is an %tier envoy at: %world, %x, %y, %z'
  25. contents:
  26. tiers:
  27. tier1:
  28. chance: 100
  29. items:
  30. - leg1
  31. - leg2
  32. - leg3
  33. - leg4
  34. - epic1
  35. - epic2
  36. - epic3
  37. - rare1
  38. - rare2
  39. - rare3
  40. - common1
  41. - common2
  42. - common3
  43. - common4
  44. - common5
  45. - common6
  46. - common7
  47. - common8
  48. items:
  49. epic1:
  50. type: item
  51. chance: 1.0
  52. id: 312
  53. data: 0
  54. name: '&5&lGift of Pride'
  55. amount: 1
  56. lore:
  57. - '&f+7 Armor'
  58. - '&2+8 Health'
  59. - '&4+3 Critical Damage'
  60. - '&6+4% Critical Chance'
  61. - '&3+5% Dodge'
  62. - '&5&lEpic item'
  63. - '&fOnce belonged to the most prideful paladin.'
  64. enchants:
  67. epic2:
  68. type: item
  69. chance: 1.0
  70. id: 276
  71. data: 0
  72. name: '&5&lGlamdring'
  73. amount: 1
  74. lore:
  75. - '&e+3 Smite'
  76. - '&5+2 Life Steal'
  77. - '&4+9 Critical Damage'
  78. - '&6+8% Critical Chance'
  79. - '&5&lEpic item'
  80. - '&fAn old orcish sword.'
  81. enchants:
  83. - DAMAGE_ALL,2
  84. epic3:
  85. type: item
  86. chance: 1.0
  87. id: 313
  88. data: 0
  89. name: '&5&lCursed Mail Treads'
  90. amount: 1
  91. lore:
  92. - '&f+5 Armor'
  93. - '&2+6 Health'
  94. - '&4+4 Critical Damage'
  95. - '&6+5% Critical Chance'
  96. - '&3+6% Dodge'
  97. - '&5&lEpic item'
  98. - '&fCursed beyond despair.'
  99. enchants:
  102. rare1:
  103. type: item
  104. chance: 3.0
  105. id: 307
  106. data: 0
  107. name: '&1&lFurious Scaled Chestplate'
  108. amount: 1
  109. lore:
  110. - '&f+3 Armor'
  111. - '&2+4 Health'
  112. - '&4+3 Critical Damage'
  113. - '&6+3% Critical Chance'
  114. - '&3+2% Dodge'
  115. - '&1&lRare item'
  116. enchants:
  119. rare2:
  120. type: item
  121. chance: 3.0
  122. id: 306
  123. data: 0
  124. name: '&1&lDoom Mithril Gaze'
  125. amount: 1
  126. lore:
  127. - '&f+2 Armor'
  128. - '&2+2 Health'
  129. - '&4+3 Critical Damage'
  130. - '&6+2% Critical Chance'
  131. - '&3+2% Dodge'
  132. - '&1&lRare item'
  133. enchants:
  136. rare3:
  137. type: item
  138. chance: 3.0
  139. id: 308
  140. data: 0
  141. name: '&1&lWinds Chain Platelegs'
  142. amount: 1
  143. lore:
  144. - '&f+3 Armor'
  145. - '&2+3 Health'
  146. - '&4+2 Critical Damage'
  147. - '&6+2% Critical Chance'
  148. - '&3+2% Dodge'
  149. - '&1&lRare item'
  150. enchants:
  153. common1:
  154. type: item
  155. chance: 12.0
  156. id: 300
  157. data: 0
  158. name: '&7&lHowling Wool Pants'
  159. amount: 1
  160. lore:
  161. - '&f+1 Armor'
  162. - '&2+2 Health'
  163. - '&4+1 Critical Damage'
  164. - '&6+1% Critical Chance'
  165. - '&3+2% Dodge'
  166. - '&7&lCommon item'
  167. enchants:
  170. common2:
  171. type: item
  172. chance: 12.0
  173. id: 299
  174. data: 0
  175. name: '&7&lRugged Leather Tunic'
  176. amount: 1
  177. lore:
  178. - '&f+1 Armor'
  179. - '&2+1 Health'
  180. - '&4+1 Critical Damage'
  181. - '&6+1% Critical Chance'
  182. - '&3+3% Dodge'
  183. - '&7&lCommon item'
  184. enchants:
  187. common3:
  188. type: item
  189. chance: 12.0
  190. id: 300
  191. data: 0
  192. name: '&7&lReincarnated Silk Legwraps'
  193. amount: 1
  194. lore:
  195. - '&f+2 Armor'
  196. - '&2+2 Health'
  197. - '&4+1 Critical Damage'
  198. - '&6+1% Critical Chance'
  199. - '&3+1% Dodge'
  200. - '&7&lCommon item'
  201. enchants:
  204. common4:
  205. type: item
  206. chance: 12.0
  207. id: 301
  208. data: 0
  209. name: '&7&lWarped Cloth Boots'
  210. amount: 1
  211. lore:
  212. - '&f+1 Armor'
  213. - '&2+1 Health'
  214. - '&4+2 Critical Damage'
  215. - '&6+2% Critical Chance'
  216. - '&3+1% Dodge'
  217. - '&7&lCommon item'
  218. enchants:
  221. common5:
  222. type: item
  223. chance: 12.0
  224. id: 299
  225. data: 0
  226. name: '&7&lWindsong Cloth Tunic'
  227. amount: 1
  228. lore:
  229. - '&f+3 Armor'
  230. - '&2+1 Health'
  231. - '&4+1 Critical Damage'
  232. - '&6+1% Critical Chance'
  233. - '&3+1% Dodge'
  234. - '&7&lCommon item'
  235. enchants:
  238. common6:
  239. type: item
  240. chance: 12.0
  241. id: 298
  242. data: 0
  243. name: '&7&lProud Linen Helm'
  244. amount: 1
  245. lore:
  246. - '&f+1 Armor'
  247. - '&2+1 Health'
  248. - '&4+2 Critical Damage'
  249. - '&6+2% Critical Chance'
  250. - '&3+1% Dodge'
  251. - '&7&lCommon item'
  252. enchants:
  255. leg1:
  256. type: item
  257. chance: 0.01
  258. id: 311
  259. data: 0
  260. name: '&6&lTheroks Rage'
  261. amount: 1
  262. lore:
  263. - '&f+20 Armor'
  264. - '&2+15 Health'
  265. - '&4+15 Critical Damage'
  266. - '&6+15% Critical Chance'
  267. - '&3+5% Dodge'
  268. - '&6Legendary item'
  269. - ''
  270. - '&2On Equip: Your attacks have change to summon'
  271. - '&2A pool of rage granting you increased strength'
  272. - '&2for 6 seconds.'
  273. - ''
  274. - '&e1...2...REEEEEE'
  275. enchants: []
  276. leg2:
  277. type: item
  278. chance: 0.01
  279. id: 298
  280. data: 0
  281. name: '&6&lCall of night'
  282. amount: 1
  283. lore:
  284. - '&f+15 Armor'
  285. - '&2+10 Health'
  286. - '&4+10 Critical Damage'
  287. - '&6+10% Critical Chance'
  288. - '&3+5% Dodge'
  289. - '&6Legendary item'
  290. - ''
  291. - '&2On Equip: Your attacks have change to summon'
  292. - '&2A Night terror attacking nearby enemies.'
  293. - ''
  294. - '&eLife begins at night.'
  295. enchants: []
  296. leg3:
  297. type: item
  298. chance: 0.01
  299. id: 300
  300. data: 0
  301. name: '&6&lFlame Wardens Promise'
  302. amount: 1
  303. lore:
  304. - '&f+17 Armor'
  305. - '&2+12 Health'
  306. - '&4+12 Critical Damage'
  307. - '&6+12% Critical Chance'
  308. - '&3+5% Dodge'
  309. - '&6Legendary item'
  310. - ''
  311. - '&2On Equip: Your spells have change to spawn'
  312. - '&2A Pillar of flames on the target.'
  313. - ''
  314. - '&eBetter a broken promise than none at all.'
  315. enchants: []
  316. leg4:
  317. type: item
  318. chance: 0.01
  319. id: 298
  320. data: 0
  321. name: '&6&lClaritys Cowl'
  322. amount: 1
  323. lore:
  324. - '&f+15 Armor'
  325. - '&2+10 Health'
  326. - '&4+10 Critical Damage'
  327. - '&6+10% Critical Chance'
  328. - '&3+5% Dodge'
  329. - '&6Legendary item'
  330. - ''
  331. - '&2On Equip: Your spells have change to spawn'
  332. - '&2A Goblet healing the nearest player every 5 sec.'
  333. - ''
  334. - '&eClarity is the counterbalance of profound thoughts.'
  335. enchants: []
  336. common7:
  337. type: item
  338. chance: 12.0
  339. id: 272
  340. data: 0
  341. name: '&7&lGrasscutter'
  342. amount: 1
  343. lore:
  344. - '&e+1 Bane'
  345. - '&4+2 Critical Damage'
  346. - '&6+2% Critical Chance'
  347. - '&7&lCommon item'
  348. enchants:
  349. - SWEEPING_EDGE,1
  350. - DAMAGE_ALL,1
  351. common8:
  352. type: item
  353. chance: 12.0
  354. id: 275
  355. data: 0
  356. name: '&7&lReplica Broadaxe'
  357. amount: 1
  358. lore:
  359. - '&5+1 Smite'
  360. - '&4+2 Critical Damage'
  361. - '&6+2% Critical Chance'
  362. - '&7&lCommon item'
  363. enchants:
  364. - SWEEPING_EDGE,1
  365. - DAMAGE_ALL,1
  366. holograms:
  367. enabled: true
  368. text: '&b%tier Envoy'
  369. envoys-refilled-by-command-only: false
  370. envoy-refill-delay: 20
  371. tell-if-already-opened: true
  372. updates-per-second: 5
  373. random-location:
  374. enabled: true
  375. amount: 50
  376. min-x: 0
  377. min-z: -1000
  378. max-x: -1000
  379. max-z: -2000
  380. always-on-top: true
  381. custom-y: 200
  382. disabled-worlds:
  383. - world1
  384. - exampleWorld
  385. broadcast-locations:
  386. enabled: true
  387. only-to-players-in-same-world: true
  388. only-refill-random-location-envoys: false
  389. delete-old-envoys: true
  390. worldguard-integration:
  391. enabled: false
  392. type: everywhere
  393. blacklisted-regions:
  394. - region1
  395. - region2
  396. whitelisted-regions:
  397. spawnregion1:
  398. amount: 1
  399. world: Neu
  400. spawnregion2:
  401. amount: 5
  402. world: world
  403. random-tiers:
  404. - tier1
  405. max-items: 4
  406. min-items: 1
  407. firework-on-open:
  408. enabled: true
  409. power: 2
  410. flicker: false
  411. trail: true
  412. type: STAR
  413. colors:
  414. - RED
  415. - WHITE
  416. - YELLOW
  417. delete-after-open: true
  418. broadcast-on-open: true
  419. drop-item:
  420. enabled: true
  421. material: REDSTONE_TORCH_ON
  422. name: '&cCall envoy'
  423. tier-color: c
  424. lore:
  425. - '&cRight click this item'
  426. - '&cto call an envoy'
  427. broadcast-on-place: '%player called an envoy in at %x, %y, %z'
  428. broadcast-location: true
  429. wait-time: 0
  430. refill-countdown:
  431. '60': 60 seconds until refill
  432. '120': 120 seconds until refill
  433. start-refill-countdown-after-opened: true
  434. refilled-message-worlds:
  435. - world
  436. - world_nether
  437. - world_the_end
  438. - Neu
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