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Water Games

a guest
Mar 5th, 2017
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  1. Water Games: that's quite a good looking team
  2. Water Games: What's your main alt Ashe?
  3. Ashe Princess: Hello
  4. Water Games: hey ^^
  5. Ashe Princess: No, i have another one
  6. Water Games: oh what's it called? (If I may ask)
  7. Ashe Princess: Oh with elsa
  8. Ashe Princess: Always with ice princess
  9. Water Games: oh what's it called?
  10. Ashe Princess: Btw
  11. Water Games: Elsa IcePrincess?
  12. Water Games: yes?
  13. Ashe Princess: How did you find me
  14. Water Games: I saw a game of yours, with you using steel randomly
  15. Ashe Princess: We meet before?
  16. Ashe Princess: Ohh
  17. Water Games: you used jirachi
  18. Water Games: and I thought you were pretty ungeneric
  19. Water Games: not many steel users use jirachi
  20. Ashe Princess: Thanks
  21. Water Games: how long you been playing ashe
  22. Ashe Princess: Not much in this tier
  23. Ashe Princess: Like 1 month
  24. Water Games: and overall?
  25. Ashe Princess: yes
  26. Ashe Princess: Oh other tiers
  27. Ashe Princess: lets say 6 7 months
  28. Water Games: woah that's cool
  29. Water Games: what was your first pokemon game?
  30. Ashe Princess: Oh it was ruby
  31. Water Games: oooh
  32. Ashe Princess: I looved that game
  33. Water Games: generation 3!
  34. Water Games: I loved it too
  35. Ashe Princess: Yes
  36. Water Games: that was a lot of fun, gen 3 was the best
  37. Water Games: i'm guessing you've been playing mons for like
  38. Water Games: 10 years now
  39. Ashe Princess: Yes
  40. Ashe Princess: But into competititve just recently
  41. Ashe Princess: This last year
  42. Water Games: ooh I see
  43. Water Games: are you like
  44. Water Games: first year college
  45. Water Games: or something
  46. Ashe Princess: im finishin school
  47. Ashe Princess: Last year
  48. Water Games: ah I see, sounds cool ashe
  49. Water Games: play another game? i'd love to see you play
  50. Water Games: or face me for fun haha
  51. Ashe Princess: Okay
  52. Water Games: you and me !
  53. Water Games: you ready ashe
  54. Water Games: okay you're quite good :)
  55. Water Games: now make a real wager haha
  56. Ashe Princess: Thanks
  57. Water Games: what happens if you win game 2!
  58. Ashe Princess: Buut you normally stick on here?
  59. Water Games: yep
  60. Water Games invited you to join the room "writing"
  61. Join writing
  62. Ashe Princess: I need go to eat in a bit
  63. Water Games: I chill here usually
  64. Water Games: awwe
  65. Ashe Princess: Ok
  66. Water Games: how long do I have you for
  67. Ashe Princess: 20 30 mins
  68. Ashe Princess: Then i return
  69. Water Games: mhm when you leaving princess
  70. Ashe Princess: Yes
  71. Ashe Princess: Parents are calling
  72. Water Games: do you want to play a game before you leave?
  73. Water Games: oooh
  74. Ashe Princess: See you later
  75. Water Games: come back soon
  76. Ashe Princess: Byee
  77. Water Games: cya!
  78. Water Games: hey back?
  79. Water Games: hey?
  80. Water Games: ..
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