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- //
- //
- // sections:
- // colors - all the colors used by the scheme
- // basesettings - contains settings for app to use to draw controls
- // fonts - list of all the fonts used by app
- // borders - description of all the borders
- //
- //
- Scheme
- {
- //Name - currently overriden in code
- //{
- // "Name" "ClientScheme"
- //}
- //////////////////////// COLORS ///////////////////////////
- Colors
- {
- // omp colours
- "OmpText" "255 255 255 255"
- "OmpShadow" "30 30 30 255"
- "OmpLightBG" "30 30 30 125"
- "OmpMediumBG" "30 30 30 175"
- "OmpDarkBG" "30 30 30 225"
- "OmpDarkerBG" "30 30 30 250"
- "OmpDarkestBG" "30 30 30 255"
- "OmpWhiteBG" "225 225 225 225"
- "OmpHP" "255 255 255 255"
- "OmpHPBuff" "0 193 63 255"
- "OmpHPLow" "255 200 30 255"
- "OmpSpecHP" "255 255 255 255"
- "OmpSpecHPBuff" "0 193 63 255"
- "OmpSpecHPLow" "255 200 30 255"
- "OmpAmmoClip" "255 255 255 255"
- "OmpAmmoReserve" "0 193 63 255"
- "OmpAmmoMetal" "0 193 63 255"
- "OmpDemoPipes" "255 255 255 255"
- "OmpAmmoClipLow1" "255 30 30 255"
- "OmpAmmoClipLow2" "200 30 30 255"
- "OmpAmmoReserveLow1" "255 30 30 255"
- "OmpAmmoReserveLow2" "200 30 30 255"
- "OmpHealNumbers" "0 193 63 255"
- "OmpDamageNumbers" "255 255 30 255"
- "OmpMeterLabel" "125 125 125 255"
- "OmpMedicCharge1" "0 193 63 255"
- "OmpMedicCharge2" "0 193 63 255"
- "OmpChargeAmount" "30 225 225 255"
- "OmpRespawnTime" "255 30 255 255"
- "OmpHighlights" "0 193 63 255"
- // base colors
- "Orange" "178 82 22 255"
- "OrangeDim" "178 82 22 120"
- "LightOrange" "188 112 0 128"
- "GoalOrange" "255 133 0"
- "TFOrange" "145 73 59 255"
- "White" "235 235 235 255"
- "Red" "192 28 0 140"
- "RedSolid" "192 28 0 255"
- "Blue" "0 28 162 140"
- "Yellow" "251 235 202 255"
- "TransparentYellow" "251 235 202 140"
- //"Black" "0 0 0 255"
- //Changed black to a NTSC safe color
- "GreenSolid" "76 107 34 255"
- "Black" "46 43 42 255"
- "TransparentBlack" "0 0 0 196"
- "TransparentLightBlack" "0 0 0 90"
- "FooterBGBlack" "52 48 55 255"
- "HUDBlueTeam" "104 124 155 127"
- "HUDRedTeam" "180 92 77 127"
- "HUDSpectator" "124 124 124 127"
- "HUDBlueTeamSolid" "104 124 155 255"
- "HUDRedTeamSolid" "180 92 77 255"
- "HUDDeathWarning" "255 0 0 255"
- "HudWhite" "255 255 255 255"
- "HudOffWhite" "200 187 161 255"
- "HudBlack" "65 65 65 255"
- "ProgressBarBlue" "91 122 142 255"
- "CreditsGreen" "94 150 49 255"
- "Gray" "178 178 178 255"
- "Blank" "0 0 0 0"
- "ForTesting" "255 0 0 32"
- "ForTesting_Magenta" "255 0 255 255"
- "ForTesting_MagentaDim" "255 0 255 120"
- "HudPanelForeground" "123 110 59 184"
- "HudPanelBackground" "123 110 59 184"
- "HudPanelBorder" "255 255 255 102"
- "HudProgressBarActive" "240 207 78 255"
- "HudProgressBarInActive" "140 120 73 255"
- "HudProgressBarActiveLow" "240 30 30 255"
- "HudProgressBarInActiveLow" "240 30 30 99"
- "HudTimerProgressActive" "251 235 202 255"
- "HudTimerProgressInActive" "52 48 45 255"
- "HudTimerProgressWarning" "240 30 30 255"
- // training
- "HudTrainingHint" "212 160 23 255"
- "TanDark" "117 107 94 255"
- "TanLight" "255 255 255 255"
- "TanDarker" "46 43 42 255"
- "StoreDarkTan" "131 121 104 255"
- "StoreGreen" "76 107 34 255"
- // Building HUD Specific
- "LowHealthRed" "255 0 0 255"
- "ProgressOffWhite" "251 235 202 255"
- "ProgressBackground" "250 234 201 51"
- "HealthBgGrey" "72 71 69 255"
- "ProgressOffWhiteTransparent" "251 235 202 128"
- "LabelDark" "48 43 42 255"
- "LabelTransparent" "109 96 80 180"
- "BuildMenuActive" "248 231 198 255"
- "DisguiseMenuIconRed" "192 56 63 255"
- "DisguiseMenuIconBlue" "92 128 166 255"
- "MatchmakingDialogTitleColor" "200 184 151 255"
- "MatchmakingMenuItemBackground" "46 43 42 255"
- "MatchmakingMenuItemBackgroundActive" "150 71 0 255"
- "MatchmakingMenuItemTitleColor" "200 184 151 255"
- "MatchmakingMenuItemDescriptionColor" "200 184 151 255"
- "HTMLBackground" "95 92 101 255"
- "ItemAttribLevel" "117 107 94 255"
- "ItemAttribNeutral" "235 226 202 255"
- "ItemAttribPositive" "153 204 255 255"
- "ItemAttribNegative" "255 64 64 255"
- "ItemSetName" "225 255 15 255"
- "ItemSetItemEquipped" "149 175 12 255"
- "ItemSetItemMissing" "139 137 137 255"
- "ItemIsotope" "225 255 15 255"
- "ItemBundleItem" "149 175 12 255"
- "ItemLimitedUse" "0 160 0 255"
- "ItemFlags" "117 107 94 255"
- "ItemLimitedQuantity" "225 209 0 255"
- "QualityColorNormal" "178 178 178 255"
- "QualityColorrarity1" "77 116 85 255"
- "QualityColorrarity2" "141 131 75 255"
- "QualityColorrarity3" "204 204 250 255"
- "QualityColorrarity4" "134 80 172 255"
- "QualityColorVintage" "71 98 145 255"
- "QualityColorUnique" "255 215 0 255"
- "QualityColorCommunity" "112 176 74 255"
- "QualityColorDeveloper" "165 15 121 255"
- "QualityColorSelfMade" "112 176 74 255"
- "QualityColorCustomized" "71 98 145 255"
- "QualityColorStrange" "207 106 50 255"
- "QualityColorCompleted" "134 80 172 255"
- "QualityColorHaunted" "56 243 171 255"
- "QualityColorCollectors" "170 0 0 255"
- "QualityColorPaintkitWeapon" "250 250 250 255"
- "ItemRarityDefault" "131 126 119 255"
- "ItemRarityCommon" "176 195 217 255"
- "ItemRarityUncommon" "94 152 217 255"
- "ItemRarityRare" "75 105 255 255"
- "ItemRarityMythical" "136 71 255 255"
- "ItemRarityLegendary" "211 44 230 255"
- "ItemRarityAncient" "235 75 75 255"
- "ItemRarityDefault_GreyedOut" "44 42 40 255"
- "ItemRarityCommon_GreyedOut" "59 65 72 255"
- "ItemRarityUncommon_GreyedOut" "31 50 72 255"
- "ItemRarityRare_GreyedOut" "25 35 85 255"
- "ItemRarityMythical_GreyedOut" "45 24 85 255"
- "ItemRarityLegendary_GreyedOut" "70 15 77 255"
- "ItemRarityAncient_GreyedOut" "78 25 25 255"
- "QualityColorNormal_GreyedOut" "44 44 44 255"
- "QualityColorrarity1_GreyedOut" "20 29 21 255"
- "QualityColorrarity2_GreyedOut" "35 33 19 255"
- "QualityColorrarity3_GreyedOut" "51 51 62 255"
- "QualityColorrarity4_GreyedOut" "36 20 43 255"
- "QualityColorVintage_GreyedOut" "18 25 36 255"
- "QualityColorUnique_GreyedOut" "64 54 0 255"
- "QualityColorCommunity_GreyedOut" "28 44 19 255"
- "QualityColorDeveloper_GreyedOut" "41 4 30 255"
- "QualityColorSelfMade_GreyedOut" "28 44 74 255"
- "QualityColorCustomized_GreyedOut" "71 98 19 255"
- "QualityColorStrange_GreyedOut" "52 27 13 255"
- "QualityColorCompleted_GreyedOut" "34 20 43 255"
- "QualityColorHaunted_GreyedOut" "14 61 43 255"
- "QualityColorCollectors_GreyedOut" "60 0 0 255"
- "QualityColorPaintkitWeapon_GreyedOut" "60 60 60 255"
- "SaleGreen" "76 107 34 255"
- "LightRed" "200 80 60 255"
- "LighterRed" "220 100 80 255"
- "LighterDarkBrown" "59 54 48 255"
- "DarkBrown" "41 37 38 255"
- "UpgradeDefaultFg" "87 82 74 255"
- "UpgradeDefaultBg" "111 104 94 255"
- "UpgradeArmedFg" "194 96 47 255"
- "UpgradeArmedBg" "239 128 73 255"
- "UpgradeDepressedFg" "204 106 57 255"
- "UpgradeDepressedBg" "249 138 83 255"
- "UpgradeSelectedFg" "204 106 57 255"
- "UpgradeSelectedBg" "249 138 83 255"
- "UpgradeDisabledFg" "64 59 52 255"
- "UpgradeDisabledBg" "79 77 68 255"
- }
- ///////////////////// BASE SETTINGS ////////////////////////
- // default settings for all panels
- // controls use these to determine their settings
- BaseSettings
- {
- // vgui_controls color specifications
- ReplayBrowser.BgColor "DarkBrown"
- ReplayBrowser.Details.TitleEdit.Carat.FgColor "LightRed"
- ReplayBrowser.Button.ArmedBgColor "TFOrange"
- ReplayBrowser.Button.DepressedBgColor "TFOrange"
- ReplayBrowser.CollectionTitle.FgColor "LightRed"
- ReplayBrowser.Warning.FgColor "White"
- ReplayBrowser.ScrollBar.SliderButton.FgColor "TransparentYellow"
- ReplayBrowser.Search.BgColor "TanDark"
- ReplayBrowser.Search.FgColor "White"
- Replay.RenderDialog.BgColor "LighterDarkBrown"
- Econ.Dialog.BgColor "Blank"
- Econ.Button.BgColor "25 25 25 255"
- Econ.Button.FgColor "TanDark"
- Econ.Button.ArmedBgColor "35 35 35 255"
- Econ.Button.ArmedFgColor "TanLight"
- Econ.Button.DepressedBgColor "25 25 25 255"
- Econ.Button.DepressedFgColor "TanDark"
- Econ.Button.PresetDefaultColorFg "TanLight"
- Econ.Button.PresetArmedColorFg "TanLight"
- Econ.Button.PresetDepressedColorFg "TanLight"
- Econ.Button.PresetDefaultColorBg "LighterRed"
- Econ.Button.PresetArmedColorBg "LightRed"
- Econ.Button.PresetDepressedColorBg "TFOrange"
- Border.Bright "Blank" // the lit side of a control
- Border.Dark "Black" // the dark/unlit side of a control
- Border.Selection "Gray" // the additional border color for displaying the default/selected button
- Button.TextColor "TanLight"
- Button.BgColor "25 25 25 255"
- Button.ArmedTextColor "TanLight"
- Button.ArmedBgColor "50 50 50 255"
- Button.SelectedTextColor "TanLight"
- Button.SelectedBgColor "25 25 25 255"
- Button.DepressedTextColor "TanLight"
- Button.DepressedBgColor "50 50 50 255"
- CheckButton.TextColor "Yellow"
- CheckButton.SelectedTextColor "Yellow"
- CheckButton.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- CheckButton.Border1 "Yellow" // the left checkbutton border
- CheckButton.Border2 "Yellow" // the right checkbutton border
- CheckButton.Check "Yellow" // color of the check itself
- CheckButton.HighlightFgColor "Yellow"
- ComboBoxButton.ArrowColor "TanLight"
- ComboBoxButton.ArmedArrowColor "TanLight"
- ComboBoxButton.BgColor "Blank"
- ComboBoxButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
- Frame.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- Frame.OutOfFocusBgColor "TransparentBlack"
- Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.0" [$WIN32] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on focus/out of focus
- Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.0" [$WIN32] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on open/close
- Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.15" [$X360] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on focus/out of focus
- Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.15" [$X360] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on open/close
- Frame.AutoSnapRange "0"
- FrameGrip.Color1 "Blank"
- FrameGrip.Color2 "Blank"
- FrameTitleButton.FgColor "Blank"
- FrameTitleButton.BgColor "Blank"
- FrameTitleButton.DisabledFgColor "Blank"
- FrameTitleButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
- FrameSystemButton.FgColor "Blank"
- FrameSystemButton.BgColor "Blank"
- FrameSystemButton.Icon ""
- FrameSystemButton.DisabledIcon ""
- FrameTitleBar.TextColor "Orange"
- FrameTitleBar.BgColor "Blank"
- FrameTitleBar.DisabledTextColor "Orange"
- FrameTitleBar.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
- GraphPanel.FgColor "Orange"
- GraphPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- Label.TextDullColor "TanDark"
- Label.TextColor "TanLight"
- Label.TextBrightColor "TanLight"
- Label.SelectedTextColor "White"
- Label.BgColor "Blank"
- Label.DisabledFgColor1 "Blank"
- Label.DisabledFgColor2 "Black"
- ListPanel.TextColor "Orange"
- ListPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- ListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
- ListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Red"
- ListPanel.SelectedOutOfFocusBgColor "Red"
- ListPanel.EmptyListInfoTextColor "Orange"
- Menu.TextColor "TanLight"
- Menu.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- Menu.ArmedTextColor "TanDark"
- Menu.ArmedBgColor "TanLight"
- Menu.TextInset "6"
- Chat.TypingText "Orange"
- Panel.FgColor "Gray"
- Panel.BgColor "Blank"
- HTML.BgColor "Blank"
- ProgressBar.FgColor "ProgressOffWhite"
- ProgressBar.BgColor "ProgressBackground"
- CircularProgressBar.FgColor "White"
- CircularProgressBar.BgColor "White"
- "BuildingHealthBar.BgColor" "HealthBgGrey"
- "BuildingHealthBar.Health" "ProgressOffWhite"
- "BuildingHealthBar.LowHealth" "LowHealthRed"
- PropertySheet.TextColor "Orange"
- PropertySheet.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
- PropertySheet.TransitionEffectTime "0.25" // time to change from one tab to another
- RadioButton.TextColor "TanLight"
- RadioButton.SelectedTextColor "TanLight"
- RadioButton.ArmedTextColor "TanLight"
- RichText.TextColor "Gray"
- RichText.BgColor "Blank"
- RichText.SelectedTextColor "Gray"
- RichText.SelectedBgColor "Red"
- ScrollBarButton.FgColor "Gray"
- ScrollBarButton.BgColor "Blank"
- ScrollBarButton.ArmedFgColor "Gray"
- ScrollBarButton.ArmedBgColor "Blank"
- ScrollBarButton.DepressedFgColor "Black"
- ScrollBarButton.DepressedBgColor "Blank"
- ScrollBarSlider.FgColor "Gray" // nob color
- ScrollBarSlider.BgColor "Blank" // slider background color
- SectionedListPanel.HeaderTextColor "Orange"
- SectionedListPanel.HeaderBgColor "Blank"
- SectionedListPanel.DividerColor "Black"
- SectionedListPanel.TextColor "Orange"
- SectionedListPanel.BrightTextColor "Orange"
- SectionedListPanel.BgColor "TransparentLightBlack"
- SectionedListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
- SectionedListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Red"
- SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor "Black"
- SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "255 255 255 32"
- Slider.NobColor "108 108 108 255"
- Slider.TextColor "127 140 127 255"
- Slider.TrackColor "31 31 31 255"
- Slider.DisabledTextColor1 "117 117 117 255"
- Slider.DisabledTextColor2 "30 30 30 255"
- TextEntry.TextColor "Gray"
- TextEntry.BgColor "Blank"
- TextEntry.CursorColor "Gray"
- TextEntry.DisabledTextColor "Gray"
- TextEntry.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
- TextEntry.SelectedTextColor "TanLight"
- TextEntry.SelectedBgColor "Gray"
- TextEntry.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "Blank"
- TextEntry.FocusEdgeColor "Blank"
- ToggleButton.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
- Tooltip.TextColor "TransparentBlack"
- Tooltip.BgColor "Red"
- TreeView.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- WizardSubPanel.BgColor "Blank"
- TimerProgress.Active "HudTimerProgressActive"
- TimerProgress.InActive "HudTimerProgressInActive"
- TimerProgress.Warning "HudTimerProgressWarning"
- HudObjectives.FgColor "HudPanelForeground"
- HudObjectives.BgColor "HudPanelBackground"
- HudObjectives.BorderColor "HudPanelBorder"
- HudProgressBar.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
- HudProgressBar.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
- HudCaptureIcon.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
- HudCaptureIcon.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
- HudCaptureProgressBar.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
- HudCaptureProgressBar.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
- // scheme-specific colors
- "FgColor" "Orange"
- "BgColor" "TransparentBlack"
- "ViewportBG" "Blank"
- "TeamSpec" "204 204 204 255"
- "TeamRed" "255 64 64 255"
- "TeamBlue" "153 204 255 255"
- "MapDescriptionText" "Gray" // the text used in the map description window
- "HudIcon_Green" "0 160 0 255"
- "HudIcon_Red" "160 0 0 255"
- // CHudMenu
- "ItemColor" "255 167 42 200" // default 255 167 42 255
- "MenuColor" "233 208 173 255"
- "MenuBoxBg" "0 0 0 100"
- // weapon selection colors
- "SelectionNumberFg" "251 235 202 255"
- "SelectionTextFg" "251 235 202 255"
- "SelectionEmptyBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
- "SelectionBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
- "SelectionSelectedBoxBg" "0 0 0 190"
- // Hint message colors
- "HintMessageFg" "255 255 255 255"
- "HintMessageBg" "0 0 0 60"
- "ProgressBarFg" "255 30 13 255"
- // Top-left corner of the menu on the main screen
- "Main.Menu.X" "32"
- "Main.Menu.Y" "248"
- // Blank space to leave beneath the menu on the main screen
- "Main.BottomBorder" "32"
- "VguiScreenCursor" "255 208 64 255"
- }
- //////////////////////// BITMAP FONT FILES /////////////////////////////
- //
- // Bitmap Fonts are ****VERY*** expensive static memory resources so they are purposely sparse
- BitmapFontFiles
- {
- // UI buttons, custom font, (256x64)
- "Buttons" "materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_32.vbf"
- }
- //
- //////////////////////// FONTS /////////////////////////////
- //
- // describes all the fonts
- Fonts
- {
- // fonts are used in order that they are listed
- // fonts listed later in the order will only be used if they fulfill a range not already filled
- // if a font fails to load then the subsequent fonts will replace
- "Default"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Newtown"
- "tall" "11"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "DefaultUnderline"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Tahoma"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "500"
- "underline" "1"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Arial"
- "tall" "11"
- "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
- "weight" "800"
- }
- }
- "DefaultSmall"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "480 599"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "13"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "600 767"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "768 1023"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "20"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "22"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "1200 6000"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "6"
- {
- "name" "Arial"
- "tall" "12"
- "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
- "weight" "0"
- }
- }
- "DefaultVerySmall"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "480 599"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "600 767"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "768 1023"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "16"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "1200 6000"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- DefaultLarge
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "18"
- "weight" "900"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "480 599"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "21"
- "weight" "900"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "600 767"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "22"
- "weight" "900"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "768 1023"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "28"
- "weight" "900"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "30"
- "weight" "900"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "1200 6000"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "6"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "20"
- "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
- "weight" "900"
- }
- "7"
- {
- "name" "Arial"
- "tall" "20"
- "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
- "weight" "800"
- }
- }
- CenterPrintText
- {
- // note that this scales with the screen resolution
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS" [!$OSX]
- "name" "Helvetica" [$OSX]
- "tall" "18"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- }
- }
- "PlayerPanelPlayerName"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "6"
- "weight" "500"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "PlayerPanelPlayerName2"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "8"
- "weight" "500"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- HudHintText
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "480 599"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "13" [$WIN32]
- "tall" "23" [$X360]
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "600 767"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "768 1023"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "20"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "24"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "1200 10000"
- }
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- "2"
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- "tall_hidef" "120"
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- "bitmap" "1"
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- "scaley" "0.4"
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- "weight" "500"
- "additive" "0"
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- "tall" "21" [$X360]
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- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
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- "antialias" "1"
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- "tall" "28"
- "weight" "0"
- "additive" "1"
- "antialias" "1"
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- "name" "Tahoma"
- "tall" "16"
- "tall_hidef" "24"
- "weight" "900"
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- "name" "TF2"
- "tall" "24"
- "antialias" "1"
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- "GoalText"
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- "tall_hidef" "48"
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- "antialias" "1"
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- "1"
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- "name" "Newtown"
- "tall" "36"
- "weight" "500"
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- "additive" "0"
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- "MatchSummaryStatsAndMedals"
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- "1"
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- "weight" "400"
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- }
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- "ControlPointTimer"
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
- "tall" "10"
- "weight" "400"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
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- "ControlPointTimerSmaller"
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- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
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- "antialias" "1"
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- "TargetID"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
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- "dropshadow" "0"
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- "name" "Verdana"
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- "2"
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- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "600 767"
- "dropshadow" "1"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "768 1023"
- "dropshadow" "1"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "20"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- "dropshadow" "1"
- }
- "5"
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- "name" "Verdana"
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- "name" "TF2"
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- CapPlayerFont
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2"
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- TFFontMedium
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- "1"
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- InstructionalText
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- "name" "Verdana"
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- "tall" "9" [$OSX]
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- "antialias" "1"
- }
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- MatchmakingDialogTitle
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Build"
- "tall" "36"
- "tall_lodef" "28"
- "weight" "500"
- }
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- MatchmakingDialogSessionOptionsTitle
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Build"
- "tall" "30"
- "tall_lodef" "22"
- "weight" "500"
- }
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- MatchmakingDialogMenuLarge
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
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- "weight" "500"
- }
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- MatchmakingDialogMenuBrowserHostname
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- "1" // brower item hostname
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- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "22"
- "weight" "900"
- }
- }
- MatchmakingDialogMenuBrowserDetails
- {
- "1" // browser item players and map name
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "18"
- "weight" "900"
- }
- }
- MatchmakingDialogMenuMedium
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
- "tall" "22"
- "weight" "500"
- }
- }
- MatchmakingDialogMenuMediumSmall
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
- "tall" "18"
- "weight" "500"
- }
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- MatchmakingDialogMenuSmall
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- "1"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "22"
- "tall_lodef" "18"
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- "1"
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- "name" "Verdana"
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- "1"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "15"
- "weight" "900"
- }
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- "name" "TF2 Build"
- "tall" "36"
- "weight" "500"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "TeamMenu"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
- "tall" "11"
- "weight" "600"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "IntroMenuCaption"
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
- "tall" "18"
- "weight" "400"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "AchievementNotification"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "ImportToolSmallestBold"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "10"
- "weight" "600"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "ImportToolSmallest"
- {
- "1"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "10"
- "weight" "500"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
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- "SpectatorVerySmall"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Newtown"
- "outline" "1"
- "tall" "12"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- // Used by scoreboard and spectator UI for names which don't map in the normal fashion
- "DefaultVerySmallFallBack"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "10"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "480 599"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "2"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "600 1199"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "15"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "1200 6000"
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- "1"
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- "additive" "0"
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- "antialias" "1"
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- "ItemFontAttribSmall"
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- "antialias" "1"
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- "ItemFontAttribSmallv2"
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- "1"
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- "name" "Newtown"
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- "weight" "500"
- }
- }
- "ItemFontAttribLarge"
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- "1"
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- "name" "Newtown"
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- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "ItemFontAttribLarger"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "500"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "AchievementTracker_Name"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Newtown"
- "tall" "9"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "AchievementTracker_NameGlow"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Newtown"
- "tall" "9"
- "additive" "1"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "AchievementTracker_Desc"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "7"
- "additive" "1"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "QuestObjectiveTracker_Desc"
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- "1"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "7"
- "weight" "0"
- "additive" "1"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "QuestObjectiveTracker_DescGlow"
- {
- "1"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "7"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "QuestObjectiveTracker_DescBlur"
- {
- "1"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "7"
- "weight" "0"
- "blur" "3"
- "additive" "1"
- "antialias" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- "ItemTrackerScore_InGame"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "7"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "QuestFlavorText"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "ocra"
- "tall" "10"
- "weight" "400"
- "yres" "480 599"
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- "2"
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- "name" "ocra"
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- "yres" "600 1023"
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- "name" "ocra"
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- "yres" "1024 6000"
- "antialias" "1"
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- "1"
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- "antialias" "1"
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- "2"
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- "name" "ocra"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "800"
- "additive" "0"
- "yres" "600 1023"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "ocra"
- "tall" "18"
- "weight" "800"
- "additive" "0"
- "yres" "1024 6000"
- "antialias" "1"
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- "name" "ocra"
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- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "QuestStickyText"
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Professor"
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- "custom" "1" [$OSX]
- "weight" "500"
- }
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- "TradeUp_Text"
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- "1"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "8"
- "weight" "400"
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- "additive" "0"
- }
- }
- "TradeUp_Quote"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "9"
- "weight" "400"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "0"
- "italic" "1"
- }
- }
- //
- //////////////////// REPLAY FONTS //////////////////////////////
- //
- "ReplayVerySmall"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "480 599"
- }
- "2"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
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- }
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- "yres" "1024 1199"
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- }
- "5"
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- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "16"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "1200 6000"
- "antialias" "1"
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- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
- "tall" "11"
- "weight" "500"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- "ReplaySmaller"
- {
- "1"
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- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "480 599"
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- "2"
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- "name" "Verdana"
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- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
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- "3"
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- "name" "Verdana"
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- "yres" "1200 6000"
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- "6"
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- "name" "Arial"
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- "weight" "0"
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- "ReplayMediumSmall"
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Build"
- "tall" "11"
- "weight" "500"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
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- "ReplayMedium"
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Build"
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- "weight" "500"
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- "ReplayMediumBig"
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2"
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- "ReplayBrowserTab"
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- "1"
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- //////////////////// ECON FONTS //////////////////////////////
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Build"
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- "EconFontMedium"
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- "1"
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- "name" "TF2 Build"
- "tall" "24"
- "weight" "500"
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- ControllerHintText
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "TF2 Secondary"
- "tall" "15"
- "weight" "500"
- "range" "0x0000 0x007F" // Basic Latin
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "0"
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- // omp fonts
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- "1"
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- "name" "Newtown"
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- "1"
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "src_corner_width" "24"
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
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- TFThinLineBorder
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/tournament_panel_brown"
- //"image" "../hud/color_panel_browner"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "8" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "8"
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/color_panel_brown_opaque"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
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- TFFatLineBorder
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/color_panel_brown"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/color_panel_red_opaque"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
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- TFFatLineBorderRedBGOpaque_Store
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/color_panel_red_opaque"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
- }
- TFFatLineBorderRedBG
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/color_panel_red"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
- }
- TFFatLineBorderBlueBG
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/color_panel_blu"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
- }
- TFFatLineBorderBlueBGOpaque
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/color_panel_blu_opaque"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "5" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "5"
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- TFFatLineBorderClearBG
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "../hud/color_panel_clear"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "5" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "5"
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- ToolTipBorder
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- "inset" "0 0 1 1"
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- "1"
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- "color" "TanDarker"
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- "color" "TanDarker"
- "offset" "1 0"
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- "color" "TanDarker"
- "offset" "0 0"
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- OptionsCategoryBorder
- {
- "inset" "0 0 1 1"
- // This border is used just to create a horizontal line, so it only has a bottom border
- Bottom
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- "1"
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- "color" "TanLight"
- "offset" "0 0"
- }
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- GrayDialogBorder
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "loadout_rect"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
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- StoreFreeTrialBorder
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "loadout_rect_red"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
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- EconItemBorder
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "loadout_rect"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
- }
- Econ.Button.Border.Default
- {
- "inset" "0 0 0 0"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- }
- Econ.Button.Border.Armed
- {
- "inset" "0 0 0 0"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- }
- LoadoutItemMouseOverBorder
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "loadout_rect_mouseover"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
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- LoadoutItemPopupBorder
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "button_holder_central"
- "src_corner_height" "32" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "32"
- "draw_corner_width" "4" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "4"
- }
- BackpackItemGrayedOut
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "Black"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
- }
- BackpackItemGrayedOut_Selected
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "Black"
- "image" "backpack_rect_selected"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "0"
- }
- // Standard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "backpack_rect"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemMouseOverBorder
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover"
- "color" "156 146 128 255"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemSelectedBorder
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "backpack_rect_selected"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "Black"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "Black"
- "image" "backpack_rect_selected"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- // Unique ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Unique
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorUnique"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_Unique
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorUnique"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_Unique
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorUnique_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_Unique
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorUnique_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- // Rarity1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_1
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity1"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_1
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity1"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_1
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity1_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_1
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity1_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
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- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- // Rarity2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_2
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity2"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_2
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity2"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_2
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity2_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_2
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
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- "color" "QualityColorrarity2_GreyedOut"
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- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- // Rarity3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_3
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity3"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_3
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity3"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_3
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity3_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_3
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity3_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- // Rarity4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_4
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity4"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_4
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity4"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_4
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity4_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_4
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorrarity4_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
- }
- // Haunted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Haunted
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorHaunted"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_Haunted
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorHaunted"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_Haunted
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorHaunted_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_Haunted
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorHaunted_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- // PaintkitWeapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_PaintkitWeapon
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorPaintkitWeapon"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_PaintkitWeapon
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorPaintkitWeapon"
- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_PaintkitWeapon
- {
- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorPaintkitWeapon_GreyedOut"
- "image" "backpack_rect_color"
- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_PaintkitWeapon
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorPaintkitWeaponGreyedOut"
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- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- // Collector's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Collectors
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_Collectors
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- // Vintage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Vintage
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_Vintage
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_Vintage
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
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- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- // Community ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Community
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_Community
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_Community
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- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- // Developer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Developer
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "color" "QualityColorDeveloper"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_Developer
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- "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "24"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_Developer
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- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- // SelfMade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_SelfMade
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_SelfMade
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- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- // Customized ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Customized
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- BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_Customized
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
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- "src_corner_width" "24"
- "draw_corner_width" "2" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "2"
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- // Strange ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Strange
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- // Completed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackpackItemBorder_Completed
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- // ***************************************************************************
- // Rarity Default
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- // ***************************************************
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- //
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- //**************
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- //******************
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- "src_corner_width" "24"
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- "src_corner_width" "32"
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- "draw_corner_height" "4"
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "src_corner_width" "32"
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "blog_tabby"
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- "src_corner_width" "32"
- "draw_corner_width" "8" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "store/innershadow_border"
- "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "23"
- "draw_corner_width" "8" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- "src_corner_width" "32"
- "draw_corner_width" "4" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "sale_corner"
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "store/store_inspector_bg_small"
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- "src_corner_width" "32"
- "draw_corner_width" "8" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "store/store_add_to_cart"
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- "src_corner_width" "32"
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "src_corner_width" "32"
- "draw_corner_width" "12" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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- "backgroundtype" "2"
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- "src_corner_height" "32" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "32"
- "draw_corner_width" "16" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "12"
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- "bordertype" "scalable_image"
- "backgroundtype" "2"
- "image" "store/store_coupon_border"
- "src_corner_height" "16" // pixels inside the image
- "src_corner_width" "16"
- "draw_corner_width" "8" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
- "draw_corner_height" "8"
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