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UT2004 TR mimic

a guest
Aug 19th, 2019
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  1. Log: Log file open, Mon Aug 19 12:54:44 2019
  2. Init: Name subsystem initialized
  3. Init: Version: 3369 (128.29)
  4. Init: Compiled: Sep 19 2008 18:13:58
  5. Init: Command line: DM-Fractionary-X2?Game=XGame.xDeathMatch --nohomedir
  6. Init: (This is Linux64 patch version 3369.3)
  7. Init: Character set: Unicode
  8. Init: Base directory: /home/ut2k4/dedicatedserver3369.3-bonuspack/System/
  9. Init: Ini:UT2004.ini UserIni:User.ini
  10. Init: Build label: Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]
  11. Init: Object subsystem initialized
  12. Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
  13. Log: Browse: DM-Fractionary-X2?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255?Game=XGame.xDeathMatch
  14. Log: Collecting garbage
  15. Log: Purging garbage
  16. Log: Garbage: objects: 38822->38807; refs: 653770
  17. Log: Game class is 'xDeathMatch'
  18. Log: Bringing Level DM-Fractionary-X2.myLevel up for play (60) appSeconds: 3.155433...
  19. ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
  20. ScriptLog: <---------- ComLine Server Restart ---------->
  21. ScriptLog: ProcessServerTravel: DM-Rankin-FE?Game=3SPNvTR20Dfx2.TeamArenaMaster?Mutator=3SPNv3223.MutNecro?MaxPlayers=16?GoalScore=12?TimeLimit=0
  22. ScriptLog: PreClientTravel
  23. ScriptLog: MasterServerUplink: MasterServerGameStats not found - stats uploading disabled.
  24. Log: Defaulting to false
  25. Log: Defaulting to false
  26. Log: Resolving
  27. ScriptLog: Webserver is not enabled. Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
  28. ScriptLog: Epic Game Object Fix 3.0
  29. ScriptLog: ### Starting MonsterAnnouncer2k4 v0.1.4! © 2004 )°DoE°(-AnthraX
  30. ScriptLog: ### - AnnounceLevel = 1
  31. ScriptLog: ### - Your GameSpeed = 1.00
  32. ScriptLog: Admin override workaround active
  33. Log: MasterServerUplink: Resolved as
  34. AntiTCC:
  35. AntiTCC: ==================================================
  36. AntiTCC: Anti TCC 2009 Release 6 build 2010-01-08 17:52
  37. AntiTCC: Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Wormbo
  38. AntiTCC: ==================================================
  39. AntiTCC: * NOTE: Silent admin login is disabled because the login manager of your
  40. AntiTCC: [Engine.GameInfo] AccessControlClass is not supported. Consider using
  41. AntiTCC: XAdmin.AccessControlIni if you want to use Anti TCC's silent login.
  42. AntiTCC: * Admin faker name is n72fJ7vvXi (DM-Fractionary-X2.xPlayerReplicationInfo)
  43. AntiTCC: * Initializing checks...
  44. AntiTCC: * Calculating Quick MD5 for AntiTCC2009r6...
  45. AntiTCC: [ 60dc92b63a4d913ac9fb9d96507f4868 ]
  46. AntiTCC: * Calculating Full MD5 for AntiTCC2009r6...
  47. AntiTCC: [ 774ffbe3fb242109cd4e81ab6d3111cb / E876CDEB4F1E62B5D51C079241D20574 ]
  48. AntiTCC: * Player IDs are logged to AntiTCCPlayerIDs, old IDs are removed after 365 days
  49. AntiTCC: * Player view rotation lock is enabled
  50. AntiTCC: * Audio rolloff lock is enabled
  51. AntiTCC: * FOV lock is DISABLED
  52. AntiTCC: * Securing PlayerControllers
  53. AntiTCC: * Securing client consoles
  54. AntiTCC: * Logging output to AntiTCC_2019-08-19_12-54_xDeathMatch_DM-Fractionary-X2
  55. AntiTCC: when neccessary
  56. AntiTCC:
  57. Log: MasterServerUplink: Connection to established.
  58. Log: Approval APPROVED
  59. Log: Master server requests heartbeat 0 with code 1580
  60. Log: Master server requests heartbeat 1 with code 1580
  61. Log: Master server assigned our MatchID: 0
  62. Log: Server switch level: DM-Rankin-FE?Game=3SPNvTR20Dfx2.TeamArenaMaster?Mutator=3SPNv3223.MutNecro?MaxPlayers=16?GoalScore=12?TimeLimit=0
  63. Log: Browse: DM-Rankin-FE?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255?Game=3SPNvTR20Dfx2.TeamArenaMaster?Mutator=3SPNv3223.MutNecro?MaxPlayers=16?GoalScore=12?TimeLimit=0
  64. Exit: Socket shut down
  65. Log: Collecting garbage
  66. Log: Purging garbage
  67. Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated.
  68. Log: Garbage: objects: 58788->39564; refs: 500761
  69. Log: Game class is 'TeamArenaMaster'
  70. Log: Bringing Level DM-Rankin-FE.myLevel up for play (60) appSeconds: 12.464985...
  71. ScriptLog: Mutators 3SPNv3223.MutNecro
  72. ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
  73. ScriptLog: MasterServerUplink: MasterServerGameStats not found - stats uploading disabled.
  74. Log: Defaulting to false
  75. Log: Defaulting to false
  76. Log: Resolving
  77. ScriptLog: Webserver is not enabled. Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
  78. ScriptLog: Epic Game Object Fix 3.0
  79. ScriptLog: ### Starting MonsterAnnouncer2k4 v0.1.4! © 2004 )°DoE°(-AnthraX
  80. ScriptLog: ### - AnnounceLevel = 1
  81. ScriptLog: ### - Your GameSpeed = 1.00
  82. ScriptLog: Admin override workaround active
  83. Log: MasterServerUplink: Resolved as
  84. AntiTCC:
  85. AntiTCC: ==================================================
  86. AntiTCC: Anti TCC 2009 Release 6 build 2010-01-08 17:52
  87. AntiTCC: Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Wormbo
  88. AntiTCC: ==================================================
  89. AntiTCC: * NOTE: Silent admin login is disabled because the login manager of your
  90. AntiTCC: [Engine.GameInfo] AccessControlClass is not supported. Consider using
  91. AntiTCC: XAdmin.AccessControlIni if you want to use Anti TCC's silent login.
  92. AntiTCC: * Admin faker name is xaanjngk (DM-Rankin-FE.Misc_PRI)
  93. AntiTCC: * Initializing checks...
  94. AntiTCC: * Calculating Quick MD5 for AntiTCC2009r6...
  95. AntiTCC: [ 60dc92b63a4d913ac9fb9d96507f4868 ]
  96. AntiTCC: * Calculating Full MD5 for AntiTCC2009r6...
  97. AntiTCC: [ 774ffbe3fb242109cd4e81ab6d3111cb / E876CDEB4F1E62B5D51C079241D20574 ]
  98. AntiTCC: * Player IDs are logged to AntiTCCPlayerIDs, old IDs are removed after 365 days
  99. AntiTCC: * Player view rotation lock is enabled
  100. AntiTCC: * Audio rolloff lock is enabled
  101. AntiTCC: * FOV lock is DISABLED
  102. AntiTCC: * WARNING: A custom mod that replaces the PlayerController is active on this
  103. AntiTCC: system. Anti TCC will not be able to prevent certain server crash
  104. AntiTCC: attempts from affecting the server or unpatched clients.
  105. AntiTCC: (custom class: 3SPNvTR20Dfx2.Misc_Player)
  106. AntiTCC: * Securing client consoles
  107. AntiTCC: * Logging output to AntiTCC_2019-08-19_12-55_TeamArenaMaster_DM-Rankin-FE
  108. AntiTCC: when neccessary
  109. AntiTCC:
  110. Log: MasterServerUplink: Connection to established.
  111. Log: Approval APPROVED
  112. Log: Master server requests heartbeat 0 with code 1540
  113. Log: Master server requests heartbeat 1 with code 1540
  114. Log: Master server assigned our MatchID: 0
  115. NetComeGo: Open myLevel Mon Aug 19 12:55:16 2019
  116. ScriptLog: Sanitized options string '?Name=eD>?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Faraleth?team=255' to '?Name=eD>?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Faraleth?team=255'
  117. ScriptLog: Securing new player...
  118. ScriptLog: Found new security actor DM-Rankin-FE.AntiTCCSecurity for DM-Rankin-FE.Misc_Player
  119. ScriptLog: Changed name to eD>
  120. ScriptLog: New Player eD> id=37dc9bf6fea8e8bc586199746fa8b88b
  121. ScriptLog: Loading settings for player eD>
  122. ScriptLog: ProcessServerTravel: DM-Asbestos?Game=3SPNvTR20Dfx2.TeamArenaMaster?Mutator=3SPNv3223.MutNecro?MaxPlayers=16?MinPlayers=1
  123. ScriptLog: PreClientTravel
  124. Log: Server switch level: DM-Asbestos?Game=3SPNvTR20Dfx2.TeamArenaMaster?Mutator=3SPNv3223.MutNecro?MaxPlayers=16?MinPlayers=1
  125. Log: Browse: DM-Asbestos?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255?Game=3SPNvTR20Dfx2.TeamArenaMaster?Mutator=3SPNv3223.MutNecro?MaxPlayers=16?GoalScore=12?TimeLimit=0?MinPlayers=1
  126. NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection Mon Aug 19 12:56:13 2019
  127. AntiTCC: [2019-08-19 12:56:13] - [Disconnect] eD> [ 37dc9bf6fea8e8bc586199746fa8b88b ] IP: Security ID: 1 using v3369
  128. Exit: Socket shut down
  129. Log: Collecting garbage
  130. Log: Purging garbage
  131. Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated.
  132. Log: Garbage: objects: 73702->51358; refs: 787107
  133. Log: Game class is 'TeamArenaMaster'
  134. Log: Fixing up DM-Asbestos
  135. Log: Bringing Level DM-Asbestos.myLevel up for play (60) appSeconds: 92.162145...
  136. ScriptLog: Mutators 3SPNv3223.MutNecro
  137. ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
  138. ScriptLog: MasterServerUplink: MasterServerGameStats not found - stats uploading disabled.
  139. Log: Defaulting to false
  140. Log: Defaulting to false
  141. Log: Resolving
  142. ScriptLog: Webserver is not enabled. Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
  143. ScriptLog: Epic Game Object Fix 3.0
  144. ScriptLog: ### Starting MonsterAnnouncer2k4 v0.1.4! © 2004 )°DoE°(-AnthraX
  145. ScriptLog: ### - AnnounceLevel = 1
  146. ScriptLog: ### - Your GameSpeed = 1.00
  147. ScriptLog: Admin override workaround active
  148. NetComeGo: Open myLevel Mon Aug 19 12:56:19 2019
  149. Log: MasterServerUplink: Resolved as
  150. AntiTCC:
  151. AntiTCC: ==================================================
  152. AntiTCC: Anti TCC 2009 Release 6 build 2010-01-08 17:52
  153. AntiTCC: Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Wormbo
  154. AntiTCC: ==================================================
  155. AntiTCC: * NOTE: Silent admin login is disabled because the login manager of your
  156. AntiTCC: [Engine.GameInfo] AccessControlClass is not supported. Consider using
  157. AntiTCC: XAdmin.AccessControlIni if you want to use Anti TCC's silent login.
  158. AntiTCC: * Admin faker name is wU0H (DM-Asbestos.Misc_PRI)
  159. AntiTCC: * Initializing checks...
  160. AntiTCC: * Calculating Quick MD5 for AntiTCC2009r6...
  161. AntiTCC: [ 60dc92b63a4d913ac9fb9d96507f4868 ]
  162. AntiTCC: * Calculating Full MD5 for AntiTCC2009r6...
  163. AntiTCC: [ 774ffbe3fb242109cd4e81ab6d3111cb / E876CDEB4F1E62B5D51C079241D20574 ]
  164. AntiTCC: * Player IDs are logged to AntiTCCPlayerIDs, old IDs are removed after 365 days
  165. AntiTCC: * Player view rotation lock is enabled
  166. AntiTCC: * Audio rolloff lock is enabled
  167. AntiTCC: * FOV lock is DISABLED
  168. AntiTCC: * WARNING: A custom mod that replaces the PlayerController is active on this
  169. AntiTCC: system. Anti TCC will not be able to prevent certain server crash
  170. AntiTCC: attempts from affecting the server or unpatched clients.
  171. AntiTCC: (custom class: 3SPNvTR20Dfx2.Misc_Player)
  172. AntiTCC: * Securing client consoles
  173. AntiTCC: * Logging output to AntiTCC_2019-08-19_12-56_TeamArenaMaster_DM-Asbestos
  174. AntiTCC: when neccessary
  175. AntiTCC:
  176. Log: MasterServerUplink: Connection to established.
  177. Log: Approval APPROVED
  178. Log: Master server requests heartbeat 0 with code 1536
  179. Log: Master server requests heartbeat 1 with code 1536
  180. Log: Master server assigned our MatchID: 0
  181. ScriptLog: Sanitized options string '?Name=eD>?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Faraleth?team=255' to '?Name=eD>?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Faraleth?team=255'
  182. ScriptLog: Securing new player...
  183. ScriptLog: Found new security actor DM-Asbestos.AntiTCCSecurity for DM-Asbestos.Misc_Player
  184. ScriptLog: Changed name to eD>
  185. ScriptLog: New Player eD> id=37dc9bf6fea8e8bc586199746fa8b88b
  186. ScriptLog: Loading settings for player eD>
  187. ScriptLog: START MATCH
  188. NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection Mon Aug 19 12:57:46 2019
  189. ScriptLog: Changed name to Cyclops
  190. NetComeGo: Open myLevel Mon Aug 19 12:57:48 2019
  191. Log: CTRL-C has been pressed.
  193. Log: appRequestExit(0)
  194. Log: Success - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
  195. Exit: Preparing to exit.
  196. Log: Purging garbage
  197. Exit: Game engine shut down
  198. NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection Mon Aug 19 12:58:19 2019
  199. Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated.
  200. Exit: Socket shut down
  201. Log: Garbage: objects: 70514->0; refs: 787107
  202. Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
  203. Exit: Exiting.
  204. Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 157 MByte 547 KByte 17 Bytes from HD took 1.202855 seconds (1.202855 reading, 0.000000 seeking).
  205. Log: FileManager: 0.000000 seconds spent with misc. duties
  206. Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
  207. Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
  208. Uninitialized: Log file closed, Mon Aug 19 12:58:19 2019
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