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Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. Dennis Olvera
  2. Hi there! Thank you for reaching Huawei Device USA. How may I be of help today?
  4. Jay
  5. 1:25 pm
  6. Hi Dennis, my Nexus 6P has been bootlooping and I was told Huawei extended the warranty for the device
  7. Dennis Olvera
  8. Hi Jay, this is Dennis! How are you doing today?
  10. Jay
  11. Hi Dennis, I'm okay, just this phone has been causing me lots of issues, especially in emergencies
  12. Dennis Olvera
  13. I understand that this is an important matter for you and I will be more than happy to assist you.
  15. If I understood correctly, your Nexus 6P is rebooting constantly and you want to know if we can repair it, am I correct?
  17. Jay
  18. correct
  19. Dennis Olvera
  20. Thank you.
  22. Have you already attempted any troubleshooting steps on your own to resolve this issue?
  24. Jay
  25. yes
  26. everything I could find
  27. first the early shutdown issues, even at 45%, now the constant bootlooping.
  28. Dennis Olvera
  29. Could you please tell me what you have tried?
  31. Jay
  32. the last support person I spoke to asked me to do try re-installing the OS
  33. and I've also tried a bunch of things from Reddit and XDA
  34. nothing fixes the issue
  35. Dennis Olvera
  36. Did you try a factory reset in the device?
  38. Jay
  39. yes
  40. and safemode
  41. Dennis Olvera
  42. I understand.
  44. May I have please the IMEI number of your device? :)
  46. Jay
  47. one sec
  48. Dennis Olvera
  49. Sure!
  51. Jay
  52. IMEI: 867979021741993
  53. S/N: 8XV5T16219002635
  54. Purchased 4/27/2016
  55. Dennis Olvera
  56. Thank you.
  58. This is the information that our system shows:
  60. Nin-A12
  61. Model: Nin-A12
  62. IMEI/SN: 8XV5T16219002635
  63. Warranty Expiration Date: 2017-09-15
  64. Warranty applicable country: United States
  66. It seems that the device is out of warranty, also the warranty of this device only applied in the US since we do not have international warranty policies.
  68. Jay
  69. I was told Huawei extended the warranty to 2 years
  70. Dennis Olvera
  71. Jay, could you tell me where you heard about this?
  73. Jay
  74. yes, one sec
  75. Dennis Olvera
  76. We do not have any official information from our HQ about changes in the warranty policy
  78. Jay
  79. https://www.reddit.c…ccepted_my_212_year_old_nexus/
  80. r/Nexus6P - Hauwei Canada has accepted my 2-1/2 Year old Nexus 6P in for bL warranty repair24 votes and 7 so far on reddit
  82. Dennis Olvera
  83. I see.
  85. Jay
  86. could you please check with someone higher up? I've been hearing this quite a bit, perhaps something has changed?
  87. Dennis Olvera
  88. That is not an official post from Huawei.
  90. I can verify with other area to see if the know something about this.
  92. Jay
  93. well going by official posts, Huawei has never acknowledged the fact they've been collecting $700+ for a clearly defective device that has constantly had issues with early battery shutdown and bootlooping issues for anyone who purchased it. Very disappointing experience.
  94. please do, thank you.
  95. Dennis Olvera
  96. Please allow me 2 minutes to verify this.
  98. Jay
  99. thanks
  100. Dennis Olvera
  101. You are welcome.
  103. Thank you for patiently waiting Jay, I have verified this information with my superiors and they told me that we did not receive any information from our HQ about any change in our warranty policy, they told me that in Canada we can repair the issue of your device but with a cost.
  105. Jay
  106. it seems this is pretty widely reported actually
  107. https://mobilesyrup.…rage-on-bootlooping-nexus-6ps/
  109. Huawei Canada opens the door to extended coverage on bootlooping Nexus 6PsHuawei Canada has opened the door to extended coverage on bootlooping Nexus 6Ps, on a case-by-base basis.
  111. Dennis Olvera
  112. I understand Jay, but we have not received any information about any change in the warranty policy.
  114. Jay
  115. I don't think it's reasonable to expect a customer who spent $700+ and received a defective phone to further foot the bill for a defect that has shown up in many millions of devices
  116. Dennis Olvera
  117. I totally understand you Jay.
  119. But this is the option we have at the moment for devices with this issue.
  121. Jay
  122. this should be something handled by Huawei, I'm not asking to be paid for the emergency situations this defective phone has placed me in and cost me, I'm merely expecting that Huawei take responsibility for not delivering on the basic expectations of a phone.
  123. can I speak with a manager?
  124. Dennis Olvera
  125. Jay we do not have managers that can take chats.
  127. If you want to talk with one you will need to contact us in the hotlines.
  129. Jay
  130. then why do your managers exist? How do I get in touch with one? Can they email me?
  131. Dennis Olvera
  132. Huawei Hotline Support.
  133. 888.548.2934
  134. Monday - Sunday 7:00am – 9:00pm (CST).
  135. English / Spanish / French / Mandarin.
  137. Our managers can take calls.
  139. Jay
  140. okay
  141. thanks
  142. Dennis Olvera
  143. You are welcome.
  145. Jay, could I assist you with anything else for now?
  147. Jay
  148. no
  149. Dennis Olvera
  150. Great! I would really appreciate it if you could please answer the survey once this chat is over. It will really help me a lot. The survey will be to rate me and the service I provided. If you have any comments towards Huawei, please leave them in the feedback section, we will greatly appreciate them.
  152. I truly appreciate your time and kindness, thank you so much for contacting Huawei support and choosing our products.
  154. You have a great day.
  156. Also, You can check outside the chat window you will see an envelope icon, please click on it and the whole chat transcript will be sent to you.
  158. As soon as you end the chat the survey will appear. :)
  160. Jay
  161. kay
  162. Read
  163. Dennis Olvera
  164. Thank you.
  166. Dennis Olvera has closed the chat.
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