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Feb 25th, 2020
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  1. #include "Player.h"
  2. #include <cstring>
  3. //inicializirasht spisuk, po-burzo
  4. CPlayer::CPlayer():score(0),lives(2),state(1),nick(new char[6]){
  5. //tui kato ne move v spisuka
  6. strcpy_s(nick, 5, "Gosho");
  7. }
  8. //trqbva da se dobavqt vsichki chlen danni
  9. CPlayer::CPlayer(char * nick): score(0), lives(2), state(1), nick(new char [strlen(nick)+1] ){
  10. //zashtoto ima kolizii izpolzvame this->
  11. strcpy_s(this->nick, strlen(nick), nick);
  12. }
  13. CPlayer::CPlayer(unsigned score, unsigned lives, bool state, char* nick): nick(new char[strlen(nick) + 1]) {
  14. //nqma da slagame drugite v spisuka, za da moje da napravim proverka dali sa validni danni
  15. this->score = (score >= 0) ? score : 0;
  16. this->lives = (lives >= 0) ? lives : 2;
  17. this->state = (state ==false && lives>0) ?true : state;
  18. strcpy_s(this->nick, strlen(nick), nick);
  19. }
  20. CPlayer::CPlayer(bool, char*):score(0), lives(2), nick(new char[strlen(nick) + 1])
  21. {
  22. this->state = (state == false && lives > 0) ? true : state;
  23. strcpy_s(this->nick, strlen(nick), nick);
  25. }
  26. //zapochvame cpy construktor
  27. //CPlayer ivan; ima defaulten construktor
  28. //cplayer joe, prisvoqva stoinosti na ivan(defaultnatite)
  29. CPlayer::CPlayer(const CPlayer &rhs): score(rhs.score),lives(rhs.lives),state(rhs.state), nick(new char[strlen(rhs.nick) + 1]) {
  30. strcpy_s(this->nick, strlen(rhs.nick),rhs. nick);
  31. }
  32. //ne e konstruktor nqma spisuk
  33. //neka imame CPlayer ivan,joe,gosho;
  34. //joe=ivan=gosho
  35. //dokato ima funkciqta sushtestvuva i obekta, ako nqmashe & v nachaloto shteshe da e tmp
  36. CPlayer& CPlayer::operator=(const CPlayer &rhs){
  37. if (this != &rhs) {
  38. if (nick != nullptr) {
  39. delete[] nick;
  40. nick = nullptr;
  41. }
  42. }
  43. score = rhs.score;
  44. lives = rhs.lives;
  45. state = rhs.state;
  46. nick=new char[strlen(rhs.nick) + 1];
  47. strcpy_s(this->nick, strlen(rhs.nick), rhs.nick);
  48. //funkciq e za tova trqbva da vurne rezultat
  49. //vrushtame obekt za tova e s *
  50. return *this;
  51. }
  53. CPlayer::~CPlayer(){}
  55. int CPlayer::setScore(unsigned score){
  56. this->score = (score > 0) ? score : 0;
  57. return 0;
  58. }
  59. int CPlayer::setLives(unsigned lives){
  60. this->lives = (lives > 0) ? lives : 0;
  61. return 0;
  62. }
  63. //nqma proverka za state
  64. int CPlayer::setState(bool state){
  65. this->state = state;
  66. return 0;
  67. }
  68. int CPlayer::setNick(char * nick){
  69. if (this->nick != nullptr) {
  70. delete[]this-> nick;
  71. this->nick = nullptr;
  72. }
  73. this->nick = new char[strlen(nick) + 1];
  74. strcpy_s(this->nick, strlen(nick), nick);
  75. return 0;
  76. }
  78. unsigned CPlayer::getScore() const{
  79. return score;
  80. }
  81. unsigned CPlayer::getLives() const{
  82. return lives;
  84. }
  85. bool CPlayer::getState() const{
  86. return state;
  88. }
  89. char * CPlayer::getNick() const {
  90. return nick;
  91. }
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