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Dec 17th, 2017
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text 2.84 KB | None | 0 0
  1. documentclass{minimal}
  2. usepackage[a5paper,margin=1cm]{geometry}
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  7. addtolength{oddsidemargin}{-4.75cm}
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  9. usetikzlibrary{positioning,shapes,shadows,arrows,backgrounds,fit}
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  11. begin{document}
  12. tikzstyle{textstyle}=[rectangle, text width=3.5cm, text badly ragged, scale=0.8]
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  15. begin{center}
  16. begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style = {draw=black, fill=white,
  17. rounded corners}, show background rectangle, node distance=0.2cm]
  18. node (side) [textstyle, fill=white, rotate=90, text width=4cm, scale=1.2, text centered] {%
  19. begin{tabular}{r}
  20. textbf{
  21. Item %TYPE
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  25. node (kind) [textstyle, right=of side, scale=1.2] {textbf{Bottle}};%
  26. node (desckind) [textstyle, below=of kind, text width=5cm, scale=.8] {
  27. A mysterious silvery yellow liquid inside a tall, glass bottle. The bottle holds about half a liter of liquid, from your best guess. The liquid smells sweet and reminds you of home.
  28. };
  29. node (title) [textstyle, below=of desckind, scale=1.2] {Consumable};
  30. node (separator) [thin, fill=black, below=of title, text width=3.5cm] {};
  31. node (description) [textstyle, below=of separator, text width=5cm, scale=.8] {
  32. The mother of 1000 is one of the few entities that is known for rewarding her followers in turn for blood sacrifices.
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  46. textbf{
  47. Item %TYPE
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  50. };
  51. node (kind) [textstyle, right=of side, scale=1.2] {textbf{Slaver’s claws}};%
  52. node (desckind) [textstyle, below=of kind, text width=5.2cm, scale=.75] {
  53. A set of claws worn on the fist, used to distinguish the slavers of the Csawxthoth clan. The slavers have some of the most important jobs of the Csawxthoth, and as such, they are made to be of high rank. Legend says of a rogue slaver who decided that he was above the natural law, but came crashing into the ground.
  54. };
  55. node (title) [textstyle, below=of desckind, scale=1.2] {Weapon};
  56. node (separator) [thin, fill=black, below=of title, text width=3.5cm] {};
  57. node (description) [textstyle, below=of separator, text width=5cm, scale=.8] {
  58. textbf{Damage} (2 handed only): 2d4+1 Slashing
  59. };
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  64. end{document}
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