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Sep 24th, 2018
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  1. SynYesterday at 11:30 PM
  2. what
  3. what does that even mean
  4. youre seriously going to ignore me for a whole day
  5. because of a miustake
  6. NoaYesterday at 11:31 PM
  7. No I'm ignoring you because of
  8. SynToday at 11:29 PM
  9. ...
  10. there should be an alarm on your lapyop
  11. you can use that
  12. good night
  13. ^
  14. Ciao
  15. If my laptop alarm fucking worked don't yo uthink I would of used it rather then asked you -.-
  16. I am the 'tech' wizzard.
  17. But it's okay. If I do end up falling asleep. I'll ask Vinny to wake me up.
  18. Night.
  19. You're so unbelievable. Lol You don't even care.
  20. September 24, 2018
  21. SynToday at 5:51 AM
  22. Callled you in fb messenger I don’t know if it woke you up but I’ll assume yes
  23. Have a good rest of the day.
  24. If you don’t reply I’ll call in 5mins
  25. You missed a call from Syn.Today at 5:55 AM
  26. You missed a call from Syn.Today at 5:55 AM
  27. You missed a call from Syn.Today at 5:56 AM
  28. You missed a call from Syn.Today at 5:57 AM
  29. NoaToday at 5:58 AM
  30. Thanks just got of the shower.
  31. SynToday at 5:59 AM
  32. Nvmd then
  33. Have a good day
  34. NoaToday at 5:59 AM
  35. You said you wouldnt so I had a friend ... thank you though. and you too.
  36. SynToday at 5:59 AM
  37. ...
  38. You played on my insecurities last night
  39. SynToday at 6:00 AM
  40. And insulted me
  41. NoaToday at 6:00 AM
  42. i called you an asshole... really?
  43. SynToday at 6:00 AM
  44. You told me you’ll get vinny to call
  45. I had every intention of calling you
  46. But I’m glad you had a friend call
  47. NoaToday at 6:01 AM
  48. Welp, from your statement, I had no idea if you were going to or not.
  49. And sorry, but i can't play games when it involves zayn.
  50. I needed up to get zayn ready for school.
  51. SynToday at 6:02 AM
  52. I don’t play games.
  53. And I honestly didn’t know
  54. I’ve been running on less then 4 hours of sleep the last three days
  55. I’ve stayed up every night to be with you
  56. NoaToday at 6:02 AM
  57. you basically told me you wouldnt wake me up, so I believed ya.
  58. SynToday at 6:03 AM
  59. You pulled that card
  60. NoaToday at 6:03 AM
  61. SO i didnt rely on you.
  62. SynToday at 6:03 AM
  63. You played on the one thing that you knew would upset me
  64. That is a game I have not time for
  65. NoaToday at 6:03 AM
  66. Having Vinny wake me up cus he hardly sleeps?
  67. SynToday at 6:04 AM
  68. But I’m glad vinny could wake you up
  69. NoaToday at 6:04 AM
  70. How the hell does that have anything to do with you
  71. SynToday at 6:04 AM
  72. “Vinny noticed”
  73. “Vinny will wake me up”
  74. That was a low blow and you know it Noa
  75. NoaToday at 6:05 AM
  76. Lordie
  77. Are you that self consumed?
  78. SynToday at 6:05 AM
  79. I guess so
  80. Oblivious and self consumed
  81. NoaToday at 6:05 AM
  82. I was talking to Lucas and Vinny lastnight, you knew it, so obviously the person speaking to me would know and Vinny so happened to be one of the three I was talking to
  83. Had nothing to do with you.
  84. SynToday at 6:06 AM
  85. Okay.
  86. NoaToday at 6:06 AM
  87. if I wanted to do a low blow, I'd of had fun with it and used something else :wink:
  88. Get over yourself.
  89. SynToday at 6:06 AM
  90. ...
  91. Really
  92. Wow..
  93. NoaToday at 6:07 AM
  94. Really Alex.
  95. You think that there is a motive
  96. there wasnt.
  97. SynToday at 6:07 AM
  98. I’m gonna go.
  99. I hope your day goes well
  100. NoaToday at 6:07 AM
  101. You did that already.
  102. I'm so close...
  103. SynToday at 6:07 AM
  104. Yeah
  105. NoaToday at 6:07 AM
  106. soooo close
  107. SynToday at 6:07 AM
  108. To what?
  109. Seeking someone else
  110. Splitting up with me
  111. Going to someone else for comfort?
  112. Please tell me I really wanna know what waking you up in the middle of the night is going to cost me
  113. NoaToday at 6:09 AM
  114. I'm not upset about that Im upset about your reaction and statement after.
  115. You're actions, is going to cost you me.
  116. Js
  117. SynToday at 6:09 AM
  118. So you’r thinking about leaving
  119. NoaToday at 6:10 AM
  120. O
  121. SynToday at 6:10 AM
  122. Even though my actions were to still call you this morning
  123. NoaToday at 6:10 AM
  124. I'm thinking about is this mental assult your doing really worth fighting for you.
  125. SynToday at 6:10 AM
  126. Even though they went against my works
  127. Words*
  128. I wasn’t playing a game with you
  129. Yu always think it’s a game
  130. It’s not
  131. NoaToday at 6:11 AM
  132. What you did last night was beyond fucked up
  133. SynToday at 6:11 AM
  134. You insulted me Noa
  135. How
  136. NoaToday at 6:11 AM
  137. I called you an asshole, and you run off
  138. SynToday at 6:11 AM
  139. Please tell me
  140. NoaToday at 6:11 AM
  141. lmao really.
  142. SynToday at 6:11 AM
  143. No I didn’t run off
  144. Lucas saw how upset I got
  145. Lucas was the one calling you by the way
  146. Not me
  147. NoaToday at 6:12 AM
  148. I insulted you by calling you an asshole xD
  149. and you got that upset.
  150. SynToday at 6:12 AM
  151. No
  152. NoaToday at 6:12 AM
  153. Smh
  154. SynToday at 6:12 AM
  155. I got upset about the tone under
  156. “I’ll just get vinny to wake me up”
  157. NoaToday at 6:12 AM
  158. Because of what you said
  159. SynToday at 6:13 AM
  160. But apparently I’m making that up
  161. NoaToday at 6:13 AM
  162. Your statmennt on not waking me up
  163. I wouldnt of said it if it wasnt for YOU
  164. SynToday at 6:13 AM
  165. And you being the blame back to me
  166. That was a low blow and you know it
  167. You blew up on me
  168. NoaToday at 6:14 AM
  169. Alex. For once....
  170. SynToday at 6:14 AM
  171. What?
  172. NoaToday at 6:14 AM
  173. sighs
  174. SynToday at 6:14 AM
  175. I’m willing to let this go Noa
  176. NoaToday at 6:14 AM
  177. I'm not.
  178. SynToday at 6:14 AM
  179. See
  180. For once what
  181. NoaToday at 6:14 AM
  182. You broke your promise.
  183. SynToday at 6:14 AM
  184. No I didn’t
  185. I called you
  186. I was still here
  187. I gave you some extra time to sleep
  188. I didn’t say I was breaking up
  189. I didn’t say I wasn’t coming back
  190. NoaToday at 6:15 AM
  191. "Baby... can you make one promise with me? Never go to sleep angry?"
  192. I was the one fighting for us.
  193. You took off.
  194. SynToday at 6:16 AM
  195. No Noa..
  196. You said laters
  197. Ciao
  198. NoaToday at 6:16 AM
  199. Did you see my last statemnt?
  200. SynToday at 6:16 AM
  201. You said bye aswell
  202. NoaToday at 6:17 AM
  203. You didn't reasure me like I always do you.
  204. And I continued talking after saying bye cus I needed you to fight for me...
  205. SynToday at 6:17 AM
  206. Because you were upset now
  207. Noa*
  208. You said shit that you’ve never said before
  209. NoaToday at 6:17 AM
  210. What ever Alex... I'm always doing the chasing...
  211. SynToday at 6:17 AM
  212. You’re the one person in this world
  213. Whose never called me anything...
  214. NoaToday at 6:18 AM
  215. I'm hurt and mad.
  216. SynToday at 6:18 AM
  217. Those.. were low blows
  218. I know.. I’m stupid and oblivious
  219. NoaToday at 6:18 AM
  220. low blows... omg
  221. How old are you?
  222. SynToday at 6:18 AM
  223. But.. you clarified that.. that shit hurt Noa
  224. Old enough to read the intentions behind words
  225. NoaToday at 6:19 AM
  226. No. You're paranoid.
  227. SynToday at 6:19 AM
  228. You were coming for me last night
  229. Wow
  230. I wanted to wake up
  231. Say sorry
  232. And attempt to have you have a good day
  233. Those were my intentions
  234. You and I are different people Noa, we react to things differently.
  235. If you haven’t figured that out by now then o don’t know what to say.
  236. With you I never come from a place of hurt, I never insult you. And I never look to inflict wounds on you with words.
  237. NoaToday at 6:22 AM
  238. I want someone that'll chase after me, I'm ALWAYS doing the fucking chase. So sick of it dude. So tired of it. Then you got upset and said you wouldnt do that one thing for me... which had nothing to do with ME it was so I could get zayn ready for school... as a parent... my son will always come first and you played with that...
  239. SynToday at 6:22 AM
  240. No I didn’t
  241. NoaToday at 6:22 AM
  242. You insulted me when you took your word back, that had something to do with my son.
  243. That... is a HUGE insult.
  244. SynToday at 6:23 AM
  245. And for that I apologize
  246. NoaToday at 6:23 AM
  247. So Now I know I can't rely on you, even when you're upset.
  248. SynToday at 6:23 AM
  249. I want to give you the day to calm and clear your head
  250. NoaToday at 6:23 AM
  251. I am calm ^^
  252. SynToday at 6:24 AM
  253. But I don’t know if you’ll see that as me running away
  254. NoaToday at 6:24 AM
  255. It's whatever Alex. :stuck_out_tongue: you do you. :ok_hand:
  256. SynToday at 6:24 AM
  257. No..
  258. Because.. I’m scared all of this will cost me you
  259. I don’t know.. what to do.
  260. It’s seems like everything I do is wrong.
  261. NoaToday at 6:25 AM
  262. You're so abusive.
  263. SynToday at 6:25 AM
  264. No.. I’m really not.
  265. What do you want Noa
  266. NoaToday at 6:26 AM
  267. Someone that would actually fight for me, not abandon me when things get tough... :/ you obviously ... can't be that
  268. SynToday at 6:27 AM
  269. Then say what you mean
  270. Don’t dance around it with words
  271. NoaToday at 6:27 AM
  272. I can't.
  273. SynToday at 6:27 AM
  274. Say it out right
  275. NoaToday at 6:27 AM
  276. Because no matter how much pain you put me through... how much you mentally and emotionally damage me... I can't.
  277. SynToday at 6:28 AM
  278. Say it Noa, because you think I’m something I’m not. And I will not be made to be the manipulative asshole you see me to be.
  279. I don’t play games, I also won’t sit there and take verbal insults from someone I care about when their pissed.
  280. NoaToday at 6:29 AM
  281. I call em as I see's em.
  282. SynToday at 6:29 AM
  283. Say it Noa, because this game your playing.
  284. NoaToday at 6:29 AM
  285. And I only called you an asshole...
  286. really
  287. lmao
  288. Jeesus.
  289. My little brother takes being called an asshole more better then u do
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