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Apr 16th, 2018
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  1. 00:56:10.940 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Enable ALT for speaker
  2. 00:56:10.940 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 ALT batt_temp = 281
  3. 00:56:10.940 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4. 00:56:10.940 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  5. 00:56:10.940 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  6. 00:56:10.940 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  7. 00:56:10.940 Info ActivityManager 5446 START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 bnds=[120,98][240,248]} from pid 5663
  8. 00:56:10.940 Warning WindowManager 5446 Failure taking screenshot for (180x300) to layer 21030
  9. 00:56:10.940 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{41679e18 Starting paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  10. 00:56:10.940 Info ActivityManager 5446 Start proc for activity pid=7824 uid=10060 gids={3003, 1015}
  11. 00:56:11.159 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  12. 00:56:11.159 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 6 1
  13. 00:56:11.159 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Enable ALT for speaker
  14. 00:56:11.159 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 ALT batt_temp = 281
  15. 00:56:11.159 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  16. 00:56:11.159 Info HTC Acoustic 1325 update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  17. 00:56:11.159 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY, 5, 6, 1)
  18. 00:56:11.159 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 addToTable (dec_id 5, dev_rx 6, dev_tx 65535, type 1, active 1)
  19. 00:56:11.598 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_CONCURRENT freed 172K, 3% free 10181K/10439K, paused 33ms+2ms
  20. 00:56:11.598 Info AsyncCursor1:1 7824 Initialized for content://, proj:_id#name, sel: 'null', args: null, order: null
  21. 00:56:11.703 Debug MusicPreferences 7824 New Active account: null
  22. 00:56:11.703 Info TopLevelActivity 7824 Restoring savedState: null
  23. 00:56:11.703 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_CONCURRENT freed 316K, 4% free 10419K/10823K, paused 2ms+3ms
  24. 00:56:11.923 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_CONCURRENT freed 68K, 2% free 10862K/11079K, paused 2ms+3ms
  25. 00:56:11.924 Debug TopLevelActivity 7824 Using 3D on phone in landscape...
  26. 00:56:11.924 Debug TopLevelActivity 7824 initialize Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 bnds=[120,98][240,248] } allowPlayback: true orientationChange: false
  27. 00:56:11.924 Debug MusicStateStack 7824 New MusicStateStack
  28. 00:56:11.924 Debug TopLevelActivity 7824 action android.intent.action.MAIN
  29. 00:56:11.924 Debug MusicStateStack 7824 Pushed new state MusicState { intent=Intent { flg=0x4000000 } clear_top=true single_top=false }
  30. 00:56:11.924 Debug MusicStateStack 7824 0:MusicState { intent=Intent { flg=0x4000000 } clear_top=true single_top=false }
  31. 00:56:12.034 Info NetworkMonitor 7824 Network Type: 0 isConnected: true
  32. 00:56:12.034 Info GL2AlbumWallActivity 7824 initializeState: Intent { flg=0x4000000 } mode: 5
  33. 00:56:12.034 Debug TabbedLists 7824 onCreate()...
  34. 00:56:12.034 Warning MusicState 7824 Unknown intent: Intent { }
  35. 00:56:12.034 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_CONCURRENT freed 112K, 2% free 11179K/11399K, paused 2ms+3ms
  36. 00:56:12.140 Debug SyncManager 5446 setSyncAutomatically: , provider -> false
  37. 00:56:12.140 Debug SyncManager 5446 setSyncAutomatically: already set to false, doing nothing
  38. 00:56:12.140 Info AsyncCursor2:1 7824 Initialized for content://, proj:_id#RecentAlbumId#album_name#album_artist_id#album_artist#RecentListId#list_name#ListType#hasLocal, sel: 'null', args: null, order: null
  39. 00:56:12.140 Debug SyncManager 5446 setIsSyncable: Account {,}, provider -> 0
  40. 00:56:12.140 Debug SyncManager 5446 setIsSyncable: already set to 0, doing nothing
  41. 00:56:12.140 Debug ArtistAlbumBrowser 7824 onCreate: intent = Intent { }
  42. 00:56:12.140 Debug ArtistAlbumBrowser 7824 - extras: null
  43. 00:56:12.140 Debug ArtistAlbumBrowser 7824 Got artist / album from launchIntent: -1 / -1
  44. 00:56:12.140 Info AsyncCursor3:1 7824 Initialized for content://, proj:_id#artist#KeepOnId#hasLocal#hasRemote, sel: 'null', args: null, order: null
  45. 00:56:12.140 Debug AlbumBrowser 7824 onCreate: intent = Intent { }
  46. 00:56:12.140 Debug AlbumBrowser 7824 - extras: null
  47. 00:56:12.141 Debug AlbumBrowser 7824 Got artist / album from launch intent: -1 / -1
  48. 00:56:12.141 Debug SyncManager 5446 setSyncAutomatically: , provider -> false
  49. 00:56:12.141 Debug SyncManager 5446 setSyncAutomatically: already set to false, doing nothing
  50. 00:56:12.141 Info AsyncCursor4:1 7824 Initialized for content://, proj:_id#album#artist#artist_id#KeepOnId#hasLocal#hasRemote, sel: 'null', args: null, order: null
  51. 00:56:12.141 Debug TrackBrowser 7824 onCreate()...
  52. 00:56:12.141 Debug TrackBrowser 7824 initializeState()...MusicState { intent=Intent { } clear_top=false single_top=false }
  53. 00:56:12.252 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_CONCURRENT freed 248K, 4% free 11397K/11783K, paused 2ms+3ms
  54. 00:56:12.252 Debug SyncManager 5446 setIsSyncable: Account {,}, provider -> 0
  55. 00:56:12.252 Debug SyncManager 5446 setIsSyncable: already set to 0, doing nothing
  56. 00:56:12.253 Info AsyncCursor5:1 7824 Initialized for content://, proj:_id#title#album#artist#AlbumArtistId#duration#album_id#hasRemote#hasLocal#year#Genre#StoreId, sel: 'null', args: null, order: null
  57. 00:56:12.253 Debug TrackBrowser 7824 init()...
  58. 00:56:12.253 Info AsyncCursor6:1 7824 Initialized for content://, proj:_id#name#hasLocal#hasRemote, sel: 'null', args: null, order: null
  59. 00:56:12.359 Debug dalvikvm 5446 GC_EXPLICIT freed 348K, 17% free 14101K/16839K, paused 3ms+5ms
  60. 00:56:12.359 Debug GenreAlbumBrowser 7824 Got Genre / album from launchIntent: -1
  61. 00:56:12.359 Debug TopLevelActivity 7824 onResume
  62. 00:56:12.359 Debug TabbedLists 7824 onResume()...
  63. 00:56:12.359 Debug TrackBrowser 7824 onResume()...
  64. 00:56:12.359 Debug TrackBrowser 7824 - onResume: refreshed mIsNowPlaying: false
  65. 00:56:12.468 Debug MediaStoreImportService 7605 onBind
  66. 00:56:12.468 Debug MediaStoreImportService 7605 Handle action: MediaStoreImportService.status
  67. 00:56:12.468 Debug TopLevelActivity 7824 onServiceConnected: ComponentInfo{}
  68. 00:56:12.468 Info AudioService 5446 Remote Control registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{41866a90: PendingIntentRecord{4181d0a0 broadcastIntent}}
  69. 00:56:12.468 Debug TrackBrowser 7824 onServiceConnected()... name = ComponentInfo{}
  70. 00:56:12.468 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{416c5180 paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  71. 00:56:12.580 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{41717338 SurfaceView paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  72. 00:56:12.580 Debug MusicPreferences 7824 New Active account: null
  73. 00:56:12.580 Debug libEGL 7824 loaded /system/lib/egl/
  74. 00:56:12.685 Warning dalvikvm 7824 threadid=16: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x409f51f8)
  75. 00:56:12.685 Error AndroidRuntime 7824 FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 172
  76. 00:56:12.685 Error AndroidRuntime 7824 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No configs match configSpec
  77. 00:56:12.685 Error AndroidRuntime 7824 at$BaseConfigChooser.chooseConfig(
  78. 00:56:12.685 Error AndroidRuntime 7824 at$EglHelper.start(
  79. 00:56:12.685 Error AndroidRuntime 7824 at$GLThread.guardedRun(
  80. 00:56:12.685 Error AndroidRuntime 7824 at$
  81. 00:56:12.685 Warning ActivityManager 5446 Force finishing activity
  82. 00:56:12.685 Warning WindowManager 5446 Failure taking screenshot for (180x300) to layer 21045
  83. 00:56:12.685 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_CONCURRENT freed 132K, 3% free 11694K/11975K, paused 3ms+4ms
  84. 00:56:12.799 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{416550e8 paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  85. 00:56:12.799 Info CheckMusicStoreAvail 7824 store availability: true
  86. 00:56:13.015 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 77K, 3% free 11826K/12167K, paused 88ms
  87. 00:56:13.015 Info dalvikvm-heap 7824 Grow heap (frag case) to 12.895MB for 1324816-byte allocation
  88. 00:56:13.123 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 3% free 13119K/13511K, paused 24ms
  89. 00:56:13.123 Warning TextLayoutCache 7824 computeValuesWithHarfbuzz -- need to force to single run
  90. 00:56:13.123 Warning TextLayoutCache 7824 computeValuesWithHarfbuzz -- need to force to single run
  91. 00:56:13.123 Warning ActivityManager 5446 Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{415c2758}
  92. 00:56:13.233 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{415f9648 paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  93. 00:56:13.452 Debug dalvikvm 7824 GC_CONCURRENT freed 3K, 3% free 13117K/13511K, paused 3ms+167ms
  94. 00:56:13.559 Info MusicCache 7605 Cached file or directory "/data/data/" does not exist.
  95. 00:56:13.671 Info ActivityManager 5446 START {flg=0x10000000} from pid 7824
  96. 00:56:13.780 Warning WindowManager 5446 Failure taking screenshot for (180x300) to layer 21030
  97. 00:56:13.780 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{419328f0 Starting paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  98. 00:56:13.997 Info AsyncCursor7:165 7824 Initialized for content://, proj:_id#name#ListType#KeepOnId#hasRemote#hasLocal, sel: '', args: null, order: null
  99. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  100. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Deroute pcm out stream
  101. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 deleteFromTable, type 1
  102. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  103. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  104. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 6 0
  105. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  106. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 11 0
  107. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  108. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  109. 00:56:14.217 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  110. 00:56:14.218 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  111. 00:56:14.218 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  112. 00:56:14.324 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  113. 00:56:14.324 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_powerdown
  114. 00:56:14.324 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  115. 00:56:14.324 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  116. 00:56:14.439 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{415f3d50 paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  117. 00:56:14.652 Warning InputManagerService 5446 Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@4175fcd8 (uid=10060 pid=7824)
  118. 00:56:14.652 Warning InputManagerService 5446 Client not active, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@418e3d38
  119. 00:56:14.875 Warning TextLayoutCache 7605 computeValuesWithHarfbuzz -- need to force to single run
  120. 00:56:15.090 Info ActivityManager 5446 Displayed +895ms (total +4s99ms)
  121. 00:56:15.418 Debug TopLevelActivity 7824 onDestroy isFinishing: true
  122. 00:56:15.418 Debug TrackBrowser 7824 onDestroy()...
  123. 00:56:15.418 Debug MediaStoreImportService 7605 onUnbind
  124. 00:56:15.418 Debug MediaStoreImportService 7605 onDestroy
  125. 00:56:15.418 Info ActivityManager 5446 Displayed +4s458ms
  126. 00:56:15.530 Error TopLevelActivity 7824 onReconfigRequested from non-primary fragment:
  127. 00:56:15.530 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 onReceive
  128. 00:56:15.530 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Action:
  129. 00:56:15.530 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Package name:
  130. 00:56:15.530 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Audio session: 491
  131. 00:56:15.530 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelEffect 7684 closeSession(,, 491)
  132. 00:56:15.530 Info AudioService 5446 AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from$8@41410a28
  133. 00:56:16.076 Debug dalvikvm 5873 GC_EXPLICIT freed 184K, 7% free 10109K/10759K, paused 2ms+4ms
  134. 00:56:16.076 Info MusicCache 7605 Cached file or directory "/data/data/" does not exist.
  135. 00:56:16.180 Debug dalvikvm 7605 GC_CONCURRENT freed 270K, 4% free 10877K/11271K, paused 2ms+6ms
  136. 00:56:16.180 Info MediaStoreImporter 7605 Update: incremental Added music: 0 Updated music: 0 Deleted music: 0 Created playlists: 0 Updated playlists: 0 Deleted playlists: 0 Inserted playlist items: 0 Deleted playlist items: 0 Removed orphaned playlist items: 0
  137. 00:56:17.166 Debug InputReader 5446 Fake event sent, touch=1 !
  138. 00:56:17.166 Debug InputReader 5446 Fake event sent, touch=1 !
  139. 00:56:17.274 Info Process 7824 Sending signal. PID: 7824 SIG: 9
  140. 00:56:17.385 Warning InputManagerService 5446 Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@41565f20 (uid=10016 pid=5930)
  141. 00:56:17.492 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Enable ALT for speaker
  142. 00:56:17.492 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 ALT batt_temp = 281
  143. 00:56:17.492 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  144. 00:56:17.492 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  145. 00:56:17.492 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  146. 00:56:17.492 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  147. 00:56:17.492 Info ActivityManager 5446 Process (pid 7824) has died.
  148. 00:56:17.492 Warning IInputConnectionWrapper 5930 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  149. 00:56:17.928 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  150. 00:56:17.928 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 6 1
  151. 00:56:17.928 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Enable ALT for speaker
  152. 00:56:17.928 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 ALT batt_temp = 281
  153. 00:56:17.928 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  154. 00:56:17.928 Info HTC Acoustic 1325 update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  155. 00:56:17.928 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY, 5, 6, 1)
  156. 00:56:17.928 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 addToTable (dec_id 5, dev_rx 6, dev_tx 65535, type 1, active 1)
  157. 00:56:17.928 Warning AudioFlinger 1325 write blocked for 523 msecs, 69 delayed writes, thread 0x17060
  158. 00:56:18.692 Debug InputReader 5446 Fake event sent, touch=1 !
  159. 00:56:18.692 Debug InputReader 5446 Fake event sent, touch=1 !
  160. 00:56:18.803 Warning WindowManager 5446 Failure taking screenshot for (180x300) to layer 21035
  161. 00:56:18.803 Info ActivityManager 5446 START {flg=0x4000000} from pid 7605
  162. 00:56:18.803 Warning ActivityManager 5446 Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{4163a1c8}
  163. 00:56:18.803 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{416a9bc8 paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  164. 00:56:19.242 Info ActivityManager 5446 Displayed +430ms
  165. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 Could not find reference holding on to MusicPreferences:
  166. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 java.lang.Throwable
  167. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  168. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  169. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  170. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  171. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  172. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  173. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at$1200(
  174. 00:56:19.242 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at$H.handleMessage(
  175. 00:56:19.243 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  176. 00:56:19.243 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at android.os.Looper.loop(
  177. 00:56:19.243 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  178. 00:56:19.243 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  179. 00:56:19.243 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  180. 00:56:19.243 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at$
  181. 00:56:19.243 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  182. 00:56:19.243 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  183. 00:56:20.985 Debug InputReader 5446 Fake event sent, touch=1 !
  184. 00:56:21.094 Debug InputReader 5446 Fake event sent, touch=1 !
  185. 00:56:21.314 Debug dalvikvm 7605 GC_EXPLICIT freed 444K, 5% free 10852K/11399K, paused 2ms+4ms
  186. 00:56:22.518 Debug dalvikvm 5553 GC_CONCURRENT freed 338K, 5% free 10079K/10503K, paused 2ms+2ms
  187. 00:56:24.262 Debug MusicPreferences 7605 New Active account:
  188. 00:56:24.262 Info ActivityManager 5446 START {flg=0x4000000} from pid 7605
  189. 00:56:24.262 Warning WindowManager 5446 Failure taking screenshot for (180x300) to layer 21035
  190. 00:56:24.262 Warning ActivityManager 5446 Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{416abef8}
  191. 00:56:24.262 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{41676d18 paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  192. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  193. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Deroute pcm out stream
  194. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 deleteFromTable, type 1
  195. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  196. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  197. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 6 0
  198. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  199. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 11 0
  200. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  201. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  202. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  203. 00:56:24.370 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  204. 00:56:24.371 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  205. 00:56:24.480 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  206. 00:56:24.480 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_powerdown
  207. 00:56:24.480 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  208. 00:56:24.480 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  209. 00:56:24.480 Info ActivityManager 5446 Displayed +261ms
  210. 00:56:24.590 Info NetworkMonitor 7605 Network changed: type(0) name(mobile) isConnected : true noData: false bitrate:192
  211. 00:56:24.590 Debug SyncManager 5446 setIsSyncable: Account {,}, provider -> 1
  212. 00:56:24.590 Info MusicCache 7605 Cached file or directory "/data/data/" does not exist.
  213. 00:56:24.699 Debug SyncManager 5446 setSyncAutomatically: , provider -> true
  214. 00:56:24.917 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Commencing sync for;
  215. 00:56:26.232 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Downstream loop 1
  216. 00:56:26.354 Debug dalvikvm 7605 GC_CONCURRENT freed 355K, 5% free 10893K/11399K, paused 2ms+2ms
  217. 00:56:26.461 Debug InputReader 5446 Fake event sent, touch=1 !
  218. 00:56:26.572 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Enable ALT for speaker
  219. 00:56:26.572 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 ALT batt_temp = 281
  220. 00:56:26.572 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  221. 00:56:26.572 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  222. 00:56:26.573 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  223. 00:56:26.573 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  224. 00:56:26.573 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  225. 00:56:26.573 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 6 1
  226. 00:56:26.573 Warning WindowManager 5446 Failure taking screenshot for (180x300) to layer 21035
  227. 00:56:26.573 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Enable ALT for speaker
  228. 00:56:26.573 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 ALT batt_temp = 281
  229. 00:56:26.573 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  230. 00:56:26.574 Info HTC Acoustic 1325 update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  231. 00:56:26.574 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY, 5, 6, 1)
  232. 00:56:26.574 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 addToTable (dec_id 5, dev_rx 6, dev_tx 65535, type 1, active 1)
  233. 00:56:26.574 Info WindowManager 5446 createSurface Window{415f9648 paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
  234. 00:56:27.008 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 Could not find reference holding on to MusicPreferences:
  235. 00:56:27.008 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 java.lang.Throwable
  236. 00:56:27.008 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  237. 00:56:27.008 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  238. 00:56:27.008 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  239. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  240. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  241. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  242. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at$1200(
  243. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at$H.handleMessage(
  244. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  245. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at android.os.Looper.loop(
  246. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  247. 00:56:27.009 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  248. 00:56:27.010 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  249. 00:56:27.010 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at$
  250. 00:56:27.010 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at
  251. 00:56:27.010 Warning MusicPreferences 7605 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  252. 00:56:27.668 Debug dalvikvm 7605 GC_CONCURRENT freed 311K, 5% free 11001K/11463K, paused 3ms+3ms
  253. 00:56:28.117 Warning MusicSyncAdapter 7605 No content in 'data' field in GET sync response for Track
  254. 00:56:28.117 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Downstream loop 2
  255. 00:56:28.336 Warning MusicSyncAdapter 7605 No content in 'data' field in GET sync response for SyncablePlaylist
  256. 00:56:28.336 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Downstream loop 3
  257. 00:56:28.662 Warning MusicSyncAdapter 7605 No content in 'data' field in GET sync response for SyncablePlaylistEntry
  258. 00:56:28.662 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Waiting on downstream reader thread to finish...
  259. 00:56:28.662 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Waiting on downstream merger thread to finish merging...
  260. 00:56:28.662 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Downstream sync complete.
  261. 00:56:28.662 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Commencing upstream sync.
  262. 00:56:28.662 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Waiting on upstream reader thread to finish...
  263. 00:56:28.662 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Waiting on upstream merger thread to finish merging...
  264. 00:56:28.662 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Upstream sync done.
  265. 00:56:28.774 Debug dalvikvm 5446 GC_CONCURRENT freed 829K, 16% free 14231K/16839K, paused 3ms+10ms
  266. 00:56:28.774 Info KeepOnUpdater 7605 Updating SHOULDKEEPON
  267. 00:56:28.880 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Commencing sync for;
  268. 00:56:29.099 Info KeepOnUpdater 7605 Update of SHOULDKEEPON complete
  269. 00:56:29.099 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Downstream loop 1
  270. 00:56:29.099 Info KeepOnScheduler 7605 Not doing predictive downloading because KeepOnScheduler is disabled
  271. 00:56:29.099 Info MusicDL 7605 The download queue is empty.
  272. 00:56:29.099 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 onReceive
  273. 00:56:29.099 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Action:
  274. 00:56:29.099 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Package name:
  275. 00:56:29.099 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Audio session: 496
  276. 00:56:29.099 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelEffect 7684 closeSession(,, 496)
  277. 00:56:29.099 Info AudioService 5446 AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from$8@413bd928
  278. 00:56:29.206 Info MusicDL 7605 DownloadManager.onDestroy
  279. 00:56:29.318 Debug dalvikvm 7605 GC_CONCURRENT freed 334K, 5% free 11106K/11591K, paused 18ms+4ms
  280. 00:56:29.318 Warning MusicSyncAdapter 7605 No content in 'data' field in GET sync response for Track
  281. 00:56:29.318 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Downstream loop 2
  282. 00:56:29.648 Warning MusicSyncAdapter 7605 No content in 'data' field in GET sync response for SyncablePlaylist
  283. 00:56:29.648 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Downstream loop 3
  284. 00:56:29.648 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  285. 00:56:29.648 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 Deroute pcm out stream
  286. 00:56:29.648 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 deleteFromTable, type 1
  287. 00:56:29.648 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  288. 00:56:29.648 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  289. 00:56:29.649 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 6 0
  290. 00:56:29.649 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  291. 00:56:29.649 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 value of device and enable is 11 0
  292. 00:56:29.649 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  293. 00:56:29.649 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  294. 00:56:29.649 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  295. 00:56:29.649 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  296. 00:56:29.649 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  297. 00:56:29.752 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  298. 00:56:29.752 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_powerdown
  299. 00:56:29.752 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl()
  300. 00:56:29.752 Debug AudioHardwareMSM7X30 1325 aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  301. 00:56:29.862 Warning MusicSyncAdapter 7605 No content in 'data' field in GET sync response for SyncablePlaylistEntry
  302. 00:56:29.862 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Waiting on downstream reader thread to finish...
  303. 00:56:29.862 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Waiting on downstream merger thread to finish merging...
  304. 00:56:29.862 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Downstream sync complete.
  305. 00:56:29.862 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Commencing upstream sync.
  306. 00:56:29.862 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Waiting on upstream reader thread to finish...
  307. 00:56:29.862 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Waiting on upstream merger thread to finish merging...
  308. 00:56:29.975 Verbose MusicSyncAdapter 7605 Upstream sync done.
  309. 00:56:29.975 Info KeepOnUpdater 7605 Updating SHOULDKEEPON
  310. 00:56:29.975 Info KeepOnUpdater 7605 Update of SHOULDKEEPON complete
  311. 00:56:29.975 Info MusicDL 7605 Creating a new DownloadExecutor (was originally null)
  312. 00:56:30.085 Info MusicDL 7605 DownloadManager binded via: Intent {$DownloadManagerService }
  313. 00:56:30.194 Info MusicCache 7605 Cached file or directory "/data/data/" does not exist.
  314. 00:56:30.302 Info KeepOnScheduler 7605 Not doing predictive downloading because KeepOnScheduler is disabled
  315. 00:56:30.302 Info MusicDL 7605 The download queue is empty.
  316. 00:56:30.302 Info KeepOnScheduler 7605 Not doing predictive downloading because KeepOnScheduler is disabled
  317. 00:56:30.302 Info MusicDL 7605 The download queue is empty.
  318. 00:56:30.302 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 onReceive
  319. 00:56:30.302 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Action:
  320. 00:56:30.302 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Package name:
  321. 00:56:30.302 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelReceiver 7684 Audio session: 497
  322. 00:56:30.302 Verbose MusicFXControlPanelEffect 7684 closeSession(,, 497)
  323. 00:56:30.302 Info AudioService 5446 AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from$8@413ea4d0
  324. 00:56:30.302 Info MusicDL 7605 DownloadManager.onDestroy
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