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Jul 12th, 2018
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  1. Autodesk.Revit.Creation.FamilyItemFactory.NewSweep()
  3. Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException
  4. The attempted operation is not permitted in this type of family.
  6. // sweepPath is a CurveByPoints instance.
  7. if (null != sweepPath)
  8. {
  9. acTrans.Start("Cable");
  10. // create a circle as bottom shape for the cable
  11. IList<XYZ> points = sweepPath.GeometryCurve.Tessellate();
  12. XYZ center = points[0];
  13. Plane workingPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(XYZ.BasisZ, center);
  14. Arc bottomShape = Arc.Create(workingPlane, _radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  16. // create profile
  17. CurveArray curveArray = new CurveArray();
  18. curveArray.Append(bottomShape);
  19. CurveArrArray arrArray = new CurveArrArray();
  20. arrArray.Append(curveArray);
  21. SweepProfile profile = _rvApp.Create.NewCurveLoopsProfile(arrArray) as SweepProfile;
  23. // create path
  24. XYZ sweepPathDirection = points[1] - points[0];
  25. double angle = sweepPathDirection.AngleTo(XYZ.BasisZ);
  26. XYZ direction = sweepPathDirection.CrossProduct(XYZ.BasisZ);
  27. Line axis = Line.CreateUnbound(center, direction);
  28. ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement(familydoc, sweepPath.Id, axis, angle);
  29. CurveArray path = new CurveArray();
  30. path.Append(sweepPath.GeometryCurve);
  32. // create sketch plane
  33. Plane plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(10, 0, 0), refPointArray.get_Item(0).Position);
  34. SketchPlane pathPlane = SketchPlane.Create(familydoc, plane);
  36. // create the cable
  37. // Sweep sweep = familydoc.FamilyCreate.NewSweep(true, curveArray, pathPlane, profile, 0, ProfilePlaneLocation.Start);
  38. ReferenceArray refArray = new ReferenceArray();
  39. refArray.Append(sweepPath.GeometryCurve.Reference);
  40. Sweep sweep = familydoc.FamilyCreate.NewSweep(true, refArray, profile, 0, ProfilePlaneLocation.Start);
  41. acTrans.Commit();
  42. }
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