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  1. [Nov 20, 12:18:26] Alexandra ( join
  2. [Nov 20, 12:18:27] <PeachTart> hey Night_Owl{neko}
  3. [Nov 20, 12:19:27] <Night_Owl{neko}> Hullo Alexandra
  4. [Nov 20, 12:19:55] * Night_Owl{neko} reminds everyone.. Please don't PM without permission - it's a good way to get on a woman's *BAD* side, and can earn you a free trip *outside* the room, possibly with the door locked behind you! And if you get an uninvited PM, please feel free to inform one of our many friendly and helpful staff! Thanks and have a pleasant day :)
  5. [Nov 20, 12:19:56] * Night_Owl{neko} requests that if you're reporting uninvited PM's, please paste the contents of the PM to the staff in #btops. We greatly appreciate it :)
  6. [Nov 20, 12:20:00] <Alexandra> hi nightol
  7. [Nov 20, 12:20:17] <Alexandra> nightowl, rather
  8. [Nov 20, 12:20:32] <Night_Owl{neko}> I think I've seen you here before, but I don't recall for sure.. Can we get your age please?
  9. [Nov 20, 12:20:49] <Alexandra> 23
  10. [Nov 20, 12:20:52] <Night_Owl{neko}> ty
  11. [Nov 20, 12:20:55] <Alexandra> np
  12. [Nov 20, 12:21:25] <Alexandra> I'm not giving my measurements :)
  13. [Nov 20, 12:21:35] <Night_Owl{neko}> But.. but why not?
  14. [Nov 20, 12:21:47] <tostig> because it's more enticing ~
  15. [Nov 20, 12:22:05] <Night_Owl{neko}> hey tostig.. didn't see you slide in
  16. [Nov 20, 12:22:15] <tostig> I know, i'm small and easily missed
  17. [Nov 20, 12:22:22] <Alexandra> keep people guessing :)
  18. [Nov 20, 12:22:22] <Night_Owl{neko}> Ah.. you popped in while I was in the shower.
  19. [Nov 20, 12:22:24] <tostig> sup chief
  20. [Nov 20, 12:22:52] <Night_Owl{neko}> Notta lotta
  21. [Nov 20, 12:23:27] Mail_Man ( join
  22. [Nov 20, 12:23:34] <Night_Owl{neko}> Hullo Postie
  23. [Nov 20, 12:23:45] <Mail_Man> hey ltns
  24. [Nov 20, 12:23:53] <Night_Owl{neko}> What's new?
  25. [Nov 20, 12:24:06] <Mail_Man> not to much,you?
  26. [Nov 20, 12:24:15] <Night_Owl{neko}> Not a lot at the moment
  27. [Nov 20, 12:24:20] Domitor_Invictus (~unix@ACE77957.DC8249C9.D2BF2AE1.IP) join [has entered before as Big_Majestic_Cock ]
  28. [Nov 20, 12:24:28] <Night_Owl{neko}> Hullo DI
  29. [Nov 20, 12:24:28] <Mail_Man> ok
  30. [Nov 20, 12:25:07] * Mail_Man has quit IRC (Nice ass! Mail_Man)
  31. [Nov 20, 12:25:30] <Night_Owl{neko}> so
  32. [Nov 20, 12:25:33] <Night_Owl{neko}> Alexandra..?
  33. [Nov 20, 12:25:48] <Alexandra> yes?
  34. [Nov 20, 12:26:06] <Night_Owl{neko}> Who's this Atreus person I keep hearing brought up?
  35. [Nov 20, 12:26:20] <Night_Owl{neko}> *hearing being brought up
  36. [Nov 20, 12:26:53] * tostig has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
  37. [Nov 20, 12:27:18] * Night_Owl{neko} waits
  38. [Nov 20, 12:27:23] <Alexandra> beats me
  39. [Nov 20, 12:27:27] <Night_Owl{neko}> hm
  40. [Nov 20, 12:27:50] <Domitor_Invictus> atreus is the king of Mycenae in greek mythology
  41. [Nov 20, 12:27:53] <Night_Owl{neko}> You're at home?
  42. [Nov 20, 12:28:09] <Alexandra> yes, there's the king of Mycenae...
  43. [Nov 20, 12:28:15] AHardGuy ( join
  44. [Nov 20, 12:28:26] <Night_Owl{neko}> Hullo AHG
  45. [Nov 20, 12:28:39] <AHardGuy> hi all
  46. [Nov 20, 12:28:41] <Alexandra> Elektra's grandfather,
  47. [Nov 20, 12:28:49] <Domitor_Invictus> Elektrafying
  48. [Nov 20, 12:28:52] <Alexandra> (checking wikipedia)
  49. [Nov 20, 12:29:15] <Alexandra> Agamemnon's father.
  50. [Nov 20, 12:29:18] <Night_Owl{neko}> .. And someone that comes on from the same IP address as you, from what I've been told more than once.
  51. [Nov 20, 12:29:27] <Alexandra> oh?
  52. [Nov 20, 12:29:28] * MoneyShot has quit IRC (Nice ass! MoneyShot)
  53. [Nov 20, 12:29:37] <Domitor_Invictus> this is what he was meaning to get at from the beginning
  54. [Nov 20, 12:29:41] <Night_Owl{neko}> !seen Alexandra!*@*
  55. [Nov 20, 12:29:42] <Serra> Alexandra ( was last seen joining #bigtits 11 minutes ago. Alexandra is still on #bigtits.
  56. [Nov 20, 12:29:47] <Night_Owl{neko}> !seen Atreus!*@*
  57. [Nov 20, 12:29:50] <Serra> Atreus ( was last seen parting #bigtits 13 days, 9 hours, 40 minutes ago stating "{}".
  58. [Nov 20, 12:30:39] <Night_Owl{neko}> !seen *!*
  59. [Nov 20, 12:30:41] <Serra> I found 2 matches to your query (sorted): Alexandra Atreus. Alexandra ( was last seen joining #bigtits 12 minutes ago. Alexandra is still on #bigtits.
  60. [Nov 20, 12:31:55] lizzy19 (sx@6A97FEB5.6856C56C.FD9795E9.IP) join
  61. [Nov 20, 12:32:00] <Alexandra> I'm not in Buford, GA, though
  62. [Nov 20, 12:32:25] <Night_Owl{neko}> .. Well, now I know what the 'bufr' means
  63. [Nov 20, 12:32:48] <Alexandra> it's a city in Georgia.
  64. [Nov 20, 12:32:52] <Alexandra> north of Atlatna.
  65. [Nov 20, 12:32:53] <Night_Owl{neko}> I live near Toronto, Canada, but have shown up as being in Montreal before, which is six hours' away.
  66. [Nov 20, 12:32:57] <Alexandra> I'm assuming that's what it means
  67. [Nov 20, 12:33:06] <Alexandra> I'm no where near there
  68. [Nov 20, 12:33:14] <Night_Owl{neko}> Be that as it may
  69. [Nov 20, 12:33:39] * AHardGuy has left #bigtits
  70. [Nov 20, 12:33:45] <Alexandra> like you, I'm at least 3-4 hours away
  71. [Nov 20, 12:33:47] <Night_Owl{neko}> When two people show up from the same connection, one claiming to be male and one claiming to be female, it raises some.. interesting questions.
  72. [Nov 20, 12:33:51] <Alexandra> from Buford GA
  73. [Nov 20, 12:34:13] <Alexandra> I'm sure it does
  74. [Nov 20, 12:34:21] <furnierGA> Alexandra: oh? i'm more like 30-40 minutes
  75. [Nov 20, 12:34:50] <Alexandra> Furnier: You're where?
  76. [Nov 20, 12:35:07] -> -furnierGA- Psst.. pay attention.. you might wish to catch up on roughly the last screenful here.. it might be relevant to your interests..
  77. [Nov 20, 12:35:12] <Alexandra> But I'm not sure what I can do to help you, here...
  78. [Nov 20, 12:35:45] <furnierGA> Alexandra: south gwinnett
  79. [Nov 20, 12:35:56] <Alexandra> I'm not even in Georgia
  80. [Nov 20, 12:36:02] <Night_Owl{neko}> See, this isn't the first time it's been brought to my attention.
  81. [Nov 20, 12:36:19] <Alexandra> Night_Owl{neko}: OK?
  82. [Nov 20, 12:36:57] -Domitor_Invictus- it's definitely him
  83. [Nov 20, 12:38:26] <Night_Owl{neko}> See, there's people that have brought those two nicks and that addy to my attention before, from other channels as well.. and when two people come in from the same addy, it means they're using the same connection.
  84. [Nov 20, 12:38:57] <Alexandra> ok?
  85. [Nov 20, 12:39:15] <Night_Owl{neko}> Meaning Alexandra and Atreus use the same Internet connection.
  86. [Nov 20, 12:39:23] <Alexandra> ok?
  87. [Nov 20, 12:39:34] * lizzy19 has left #bigtits
  88. [Nov 20, 12:39:35] <Night_Owl{neko}> Not just the same ISP, the same exact connection.
  89. [Nov 20, 12:39:53] * Anubis peeks in, scrolling up, then nodding
  90. [Nov 20, 12:40:07] <Night_Owl{neko}> In the case of a residential connection, we're talking the same home.
  91. [Nov 20, 12:40:45] mezmer ( join
  92. [Nov 20, 12:41:21] <Alexandra> ok?
  93. [Nov 20, 12:41:30] <Night_Owl{neko}> It's also been noticed that one nick will join shortly after the other one leaves.
  94. [Nov 20, 12:41:59] <Night_Owl{neko}> I suggest you think about what I've said for a moment.
  95. [Nov 20, 12:42:01] <furnierGA> mmm hm
  96. [Nov 20, 12:42:01] <Alexandra> people come and go all the time here.
  97. [Nov 20, 12:42:02] <KingofEcstasy> LOL @ Not even from Georgia.
  98. [Nov 20, 12:42:12] <Domitor_Invictus> right, KingofEcstasy?
  99. [Nov 20, 12:42:13] <KingofEcstasy> If you're not from Georgia, you're using a proxy.
  100. [Nov 20, 12:42:19] <Domitor_Invictus> i lol'ed too
  101. [Nov 20, 12:42:22] <Night_Owl{neko}> KoE: Not necessarily.
  102. [Nov 20, 12:42:42] <KingofEcstasy> What then?
  103. [Nov 20, 12:42:47] <Night_Owl{neko}> Montreal is in the province of Quebec, Toronto is in the province of Ontario, both I believe larger than Texas.
  104. [Nov 20, 12:42:55] <Alexandra> my ISP has been known to route through different cities.
  105. [Nov 20, 12:42:57] <Night_Owl{neko}> [Nov 20, 12:32:53] <Night_Owl{neko}> I live near Toronto, Canada, but have shown up as being in Montreal before, which is six hours' away.
  106. [Nov 20, 12:43:31] * Anubis is now known as Anubis|afk
  107. [Nov 20, 12:43:39] <KingofEcstasy> That has the exact same IP as someone else who also comes to this same chatroom?
  108. [Nov 20, 12:43:57] <Domitor_Invictus> possible, but not likely
  109. [Nov 20, 12:44:01] <Alexandra> I don't know anyone in this chatroom.
  110. [Nov 20, 12:44:03] * furnierGA has left #bigtits (Leaving)
  111. [Nov 20, 12:44:03] ZombiePriest ( join
  112. [Nov 20, 12:44:37] Singleman ( join
  113. [Nov 20, 12:44:37] ifthen ( join
  114. [Nov 20, 12:45:04] <Night_Owl{neko}> Alexandra, it's simple..
  115. [Nov 20, 12:45:05] <Domitor_Invictus> is there are language where you have to put 'then' for the if statement?
  116. [Nov 20, 12:45:08] <Night_Owl{neko}> !seen Alexandra!*@*
  117. [Nov 20, 12:45:10] <Serra> Alexandra ( was last seen joining #bigtits 26 minutes ago. Alexandra is still on #bigtits.
  118. [Nov 20, 12:45:11] <Domitor_Invictus> because it's usually if { statements }
  119. [Nov 20, 12:45:43] * ifthen has left #bigtits
  120. [Nov 20, 12:45:58] <Night_Owl{neko}> That address that Serra just pulled up, if unmasked, is essentially your front door.
  121. [Nov 20, 12:46:18] * mezmer has quit IRC (Nice ass! mezmer)
  122. [Nov 20, 12:46:28] <Alexandra> I thougth the IP was the identifier.
  123. [Nov 20, 12:46:35] <Alexandra> That's not an IP.
  124. [Nov 20, 12:46:51] <Alexandra> I don't know much about this, but I know what an IP looks like
  125. [Nov 20, 12:46:55] <Night_Owl{neko}> Sexnet masks part of it.
  126. [Nov 20, 12:47:06] Hellena ( join
  127. [Nov 20, 12:47:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Hellena
  128. [Nov 20, 12:47:15] <Domitor_Invictus> hi Hellena
  129. [Nov 20, 12:47:19] <KingofEcstasy> That is how SexNet displays your IP address to protect it.
  130. [Nov 20, 12:47:26] <Hellena> Hello
  131. [Nov 20, 12:47:29] <Domitor_Invictus> from IP THIEVES
  132. [Nov 20, 12:47:37] <Domitor_Invictus> they come in the night and STEAL your ip!
  133. [Nov 20, 12:47:40] Hot_Olderguy ( join
  134. [Nov 20, 12:47:57] <Domitor_Invictus> steal your hairnets they do
  135. [Nov 20, 12:48:02] <SixtyNineGuy> hey Hellena
  136. [Nov 20, 12:48:07] <KingofEcstasy> Each mask is unique, dependent upon the address.
  137. [Nov 20, 12:48:08] * Alexandra protects her hairnets
  138. [Nov 20, 12:48:09] <Night_Owl{neko}> Apparently Atreus and you share the exact same connection.
  139. [Nov 20, 12:48:17] <Hellena> Hi
  140. [Nov 20, 12:48:24] <Domitor_Invictus> Alexandra, you're a man, that sometimes pretends to be a woman, it's alright
  141. [Nov 20, 12:48:40] <Domitor_Invictus> if you just come out with it, all this will be over, and your reputation will be scarred forever
  142. [Nov 20, 12:48:43] <Night_Owl{neko}> DI, I can handle this, thanks.
  143. [Nov 20, 12:48:46] <Alexandra> I do have roomates :)
  144. [Nov 20, 12:48:50] <Domitor_Invictus> but it'll all be over also
  145. [Nov 20, 12:49:30] <Night_Owl{neko}> .. If you have roommates, why did you not bring it up before?
  146. [Nov 20, 12:49:35] <KingofEcstasy> LOL
  147. [Nov 20, 12:49:41] <Alexandra> You didn't ask.
  148. [Nov 20, 12:49:59] <Alexandra> I don't think my personal life is relavent.
  149. [Nov 20, 12:50:02] <Domitor_Invictus> hello, i have roommates
  150. [Nov 20, 12:50:05] <Domitor_Invictus> how are YOU?
  151. [Nov 20, 12:50:10] <KingofEcstasy> *Motions for T.O. to get the popcorn ready.*
  152. [Nov 20, 12:50:27] <Domitor_Invictus> i'm having distro-craze
  153. [Nov 20, 12:50:31] <Domitor_Invictus> it's so addictive
  154. [Nov 20, 12:50:50] * ZombiePriest has quit IRC (Nice ass! ZombiePriest)
  155. [Nov 20, 12:50:51] <Night_Owl{neko}> .. You do realize that a *lot* of people feel the same thing about you that Domitor_Invictus suggested a moment ago..
  156. [Nov 20, 12:51:06] <Alexandra> What's that?
  157. [Nov 20, 12:51:16] <Night_Owl{neko}> [Nov 20, 12:48:24] <Domitor_Invictus> Alexandra, you're a man, that sometimes pretends to be a woman, it's alright
  158. [Nov 20, 12:51:21] <Domitor_Invictus> of course!
  159. [Nov 20, 12:51:26] <Night_Owl{neko}> aka you and Atreus are the same person..?
  160. [Nov 20, 12:51:46] <Domitor_Invictus> of course, we are all Atreus
  161. [Nov 20, 12:51:46] <Alexandra> I've learned that public opinion is rarely correct, and never something to be chased after.
  162. [Nov 20, 12:51:50] <Domitor_Invictus> and we all do this
  163. [Nov 20, 12:52:14] <Alexandra> And,
  164. [Nov 20, 12:52:16] <Night_Owl{neko}> And you were given the opportunity more than once to offer an alternative, and chose not to?
  165. [Nov 20, 12:52:20] <Alexandra> to play devil's advocate....
  166. [Nov 20, 12:52:34] <Alexandra> nm
  167. [Nov 20, 12:52:41] <Alexandra> I did offer an alternative.
  168. [Nov 20, 12:52:58] <Night_Owl{neko}> That you weren't from Georgia?
  169. [Nov 20, 12:53:00] <KingofEcstasy> *Cough.* Do not feed the troll. *Cough.*
  170. [Nov 20, 12:53:39] <Night_Owl{neko}> That's not relevant. If I show up from Montreal, so does Serra, my bot, since we're both on the same connection.
  171. [Nov 20, 12:54:50] * celcius has left #bigtits
  172. [Nov 20, 12:54:59] celcius (~celcius@7BA0B0BA.9122694F.92E126F3.IP) join
  173. [Nov 20, 12:55:02] <celcius> whoops
  174. [Nov 20, 12:55:03] <celcius> hi
  175. [Nov 20, 12:55:06] <Domitor_Invictus> you approached him in a democratic way
  176. [Nov 20, 12:55:07] <Night_Owl{neko}> wb celcius
  177. [Nov 20, 12:55:17] <Domitor_Invictus> if you had done so in an inyourface way, he would have fled
  178. [Nov 20, 12:55:18] Helmax (~helmax_eg@9FA8053F.5367779E.30C28632.IP) join
  179. [Nov 20, 12:55:21] <Domitor_Invictus> and this would have been over
  180. [Nov 20, 12:55:45] <celcius> gotta approach people indirectly
  181. [Nov 20, 12:55:48] <celcius> like JFK did
  182. [Nov 20, 12:55:57] <Domitor_Invictus> JFK came straight out with it in that speech
  183. [Nov 20, 12:56:00] * Helmax has left #bigtits
  184. [Nov 20, 12:56:09] <celcius> nope
  185. [Nov 20, 12:56:12] <Domitor_Invictus> "...we are facing a global conspiracy of many evil people etc.."
  186. [Nov 20, 12:56:13] <celcius> thats what they want u to think
  187. [Nov 20, 12:56:19] <Domitor_Invictus> oooooh
  188. [Nov 20, 12:56:21] <celcius> thats so vague
  189. [Nov 20, 12:56:27] <Domitor_Invictus> it's what i remember from it
  190. [Nov 20, 12:56:44] <Domitor_Invictus> i dont have it word for word, since it didnt mean anything to me, its just the way things are
  191. [Nov 20, 12:56:52] <Domitor_Invictus> but you have a president that now realizes it and comes out with it
  192. [Nov 20, 12:56:55] * Alexandra scans the list of channel members....
  193. [Nov 20, 12:56:55] <Domitor_Invictus> that's why i liked it
  194. [Nov 20, 12:56:59] * SteamingNights has left #bigtits
  195. [Nov 20, 12:57:00] <Alexandra> aha!
  196. [Nov 20, 12:57:09] <celcius> ??
  197. [Nov 20, 12:57:09] <Night_Owl{neko}> What?
  198. [Nov 20, 12:57:16] <Alexandra> I know where this comes from.
  199. [Nov 20, 12:57:22] <Domitor_Invictus> jealousy, Alexandra
  200. [Nov 20, 12:57:24] <celcius> what
  201. [Nov 20, 12:57:39] <Night_Owl{neko}> This comes from at least three distinct people bringing it to my attention, some of whom aren't here.
  202. [Nov 20, 12:57:59] <Alexandra> who?
  203. [Nov 20, 12:58:15] <Night_Owl{neko}> They are staff members in other channels, and regulars here.
  204. [Nov 20, 12:58:49] <Alexandra> then I'm sure they deal with channel problems often...
  205. [Nov 20, 12:58:56] <Alexandra> and have no problem being identified
  206. [Nov 20, 12:59:01] <Alexandra> right?
  207. [Nov 20, 12:59:24] <celcius> uh...
  208. [Nov 20, 12:59:37] <celcius> i missed this latest topic change
  209. [Nov 20, 12:59:40] <Domitor_Invictus> sure, i'll be one of them
  210. [Nov 20, 12:59:51] <Domitor_Invictus> i hereby accuse you of doing what was above hinted at
  211. [Nov 20, 12:59:51] <Alexandra> That's one!
  212. [Nov 20, 13:00:04] <Domitor_Invictus> how do you plead?
  213. [Nov 20, 13:00:18] Will_I_Am (~pirch@56D4409B.AB58CB7C.2557E2D8.IP) join
  214. [Nov 20, 13:00:21] <Alexandra> Who are the others?
  215. [Nov 20, 13:00:24] <Will_I_Am> Hello
  216. [Nov 20, 13:00:42] <Night_Owl{neko}> People who aren't here. And please remember that IRC is not a democracy.
  217. [Nov 20, 13:00:48] <Night_Owl{neko}> Hey Will
  218. [Nov 20, 13:01:24] <Alexandra> but if one makes an accusation, does not the accused face his accuser? ?
  219. [Nov 20, 13:01:48] <Night_Owl{neko}> Said accusers are not currently here to be faced.
  220. [Nov 20, 13:01:53] <celcius> if irc is not democracy what is it
  221. [Nov 20, 13:02:00] <Domitor_Invictus> it is a chat client
  222. [Nov 20, 13:02:09] <Domitor_Invictus> :))
  223. [Nov 20, 13:02:11] <Will_I_Am> Not always. If the accused is a stranger but the accuser is well known, then maybe not.
  224. [Nov 20, 13:02:12] <Alexandra> Surely then, their names can be revealed
  225. [Nov 20, 13:02:22] <celcius> its like oligarchy
  226. [Nov 20, 13:02:28] <celcius> or communism
  227. [Nov 20, 13:02:33] <Night_Owl{neko}> Not really.
  228. [Nov 20, 13:02:36] <Night_Owl{neko}> See
  229. [Nov 20, 13:02:45] <celcius> ok joe mccarthy
  230. [Nov 20, 13:02:48] <Night_Owl{neko}> I own this channel
  231. [Nov 20, 13:03:07] <Will_I_Am> No, it's like a single person having to put up with petty bullshit and taking the best course of action to maintain sanity for a form of entertainment.
  232. [Nov 20, 13:03:08] <celcius> so then... monarchy
  233. [Nov 20, 13:03:17] <Night_Owl{neko}> If I decide there are certain rules in place - or not in place - that's how it goes.
  234. [Nov 20, 13:03:25] <Night_Owl{neko}> More or less.
  235. [Nov 20, 13:03:34] <Domitor_Invictus> Hellena
  236. [Nov 20, 13:03:36] <celcius> monarchy/dictatorship
  237. [Nov 20, 13:03:43] <Alexandra> Yes. I've heard of this channel's "rules."
  238. [Nov 20, 13:03:47] <Night_Owl{neko}> It's like, this is my own fief.
  239. [Nov 20, 13:03:51] <Alexandra> exactly
  240. [Nov 20, 13:03:57] <Alexandra> rather draconian.
  241. [Nov 20, 13:04:07] <celcius> hah
  242. [Nov 20, 13:04:13] <Night_Owl{neko}> As long as I obey the rules of Sexnet, I can rule my fief as I please.
  243. [Nov 20, 13:04:29] <Alexandra> But since we're airing grievances, may I air some of mine?
  244. [Nov 20, 13:04:30] <celcius> long live #bigtits
  245. [Nov 20, 13:04:38] <Domitor_Invictus> i'd like to talk to you, but you can see what is going on out here in the main, and so the only resort i can think of is private messages, how do you plead, Hellena
  246. [Nov 20, 13:05:00] <Night_Owl{neko}> That being said, I tend to give most people a fairly wide berth.
  247. [Nov 20, 13:05:22] <Alexandra> I see.
  248. [Nov 20, 13:05:43] <Hellena> um..ok
  249. [Nov 20, 13:06:06] <Night_Owl{neko}> (If you'll note from the conversation, for example, I never said I felt you were Atreus.)
  250. [Nov 20, 13:06:17] <Alexandra> Yet you have accused me, tried me, and found me guilty.
  251. [Nov 20, 13:06:18] greg24 ( join
  252. [Nov 20, 13:06:40] vincent ( join
  253. [Nov 20, 13:07:11] <Alexandra> When is sentencing?
  254. [Nov 20, 13:07:33] <Night_Owl{neko}> Have I then? I asked who it was, and pointed why the questioning over again, to which no answer that made sense actually came forth.
  255. [Nov 20, 13:07:40] * Hot_Olderguy has quit IRC (Nice ass! Hot_Olderguy)
  256. [Nov 20, 13:08:21] <Alexandra> and you've also not provided any other accusers to back up your claims.
  257. [Nov 20, 13:09:45] <Night_Owl{neko}> Show when I accused you then.
  258. [Nov 20, 13:10:38] <Alexandra> If I present such a problem, then ban me.
  259. [Nov 20, 13:10:44] MoneyShot ( join
  260. [Nov 20, 13:10:45] <Alexandra> If not, leave me alone
  261. [Nov 20, 13:11:18] ela30 ( join
  262. [Nov 20, 13:11:19] <Alexandra> in your "fief..."
  263. [Nov 20, 13:12:17] <Night_Owl{neko}> You have an opportunity to show me being in the wrong. I am willing to accept being wrong and you being right, should it be the case.
  264. [Nov 20, 13:12:43] <Alexandra> but that sounds democratic.
  265. [Nov 20, 13:12:52] <KingofEcstasy> *Cough.* Do not feed the troll. *Cough.*
  266. [Nov 20, 13:13:07] <Domitor_Invictus> if he were not being democratic, a ban is what would have solved it
  267. [Nov 20, 13:13:15] <Domitor_Invictus> you have the chance to prove that you are not pathetic, go ahead
  268. [Nov 20, 13:13:22] <Alexandra> yeah, I don't know why I'm playing this game, KoE...
  269. [Nov 20, 13:13:43] <Night_Owl{neko}> It is my channel and my rules. If a ruler is willing to accept he made a mistake, with no harm, no foul, what could it hurt?
  270. [Nov 20, 13:13:56] <Alexandra> domitor: that would involve 'admitting" I'm pathetic. I do not.
  271. [Nov 20, 13:14:11] <Domitor_Invictus> there we go
  272. [Nov 20, 13:14:14] <SixtyNineGuy> cool down guys :)
  273. [Nov 20, 13:14:52] <Domitor_Invictus> hi ela30
  274. [Nov 20, 13:15:51] <Alexandra> I have nothing that will prove my innocence. No logs and records (which of course, can be doctored)
  275. [Nov 20, 13:16:02] <KingofEcstasy> You haven't made a mistake and you know you haven't. You're just going around in circles.
  276. [Nov 20, 13:16:19] <Night_Owl{neko}> I will then paste the entire log for you and send you the link.
  277. [Nov 20, 13:16:23] <Domitor_Invictus> but you are talking like a man would
  278. [Nov 20, 13:16:25] <Domitor_Invictus> hehe
  279. [Nov 20, 13:16:33] <Alexandra> How does "a man talk?"
  280. [Nov 20, 13:16:38] <Domitor_Invictus> like you are talking
  281. [Nov 20, 13:16:43] <Domitor_Invictus> recursive
  282. [Nov 20, 13:17:00] <KingofEcstasy> There are some blunt, no-nonsense talking women.
  283. [Nov 20, 13:17:05] <KingofEcstasy> Not a lot, but some.
  284. [Nov 20, 13:17:14] <Domitor_Invictus> he does not get outraged and filled with emotions about how horrific this accusal is (like a woman who is innocent would)
  285. [Nov 20, 13:17:18] <Alexandra> so "all men" do this, and "all women" do that?
  286. [Nov 20, 13:17:19] <Domitor_Invictus> he takes it lightly and plays along
  287. [Nov 20, 13:17:31] <Domitor_Invictus> haha shut the fuck up
  288. [Nov 20, 13:17:35] <Domitor_Invictus> you are too sad
  289. [Nov 20, 13:17:35] <Alexandra> horrific? hardly.
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