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StaffTools | Config.yml File

a guest
Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. staff-authentication-status: disabled
  2. sa-register-message: '&cYou must register: &e/register &6<password>'
  3. sa-login-message: '&cYou must login: &e/login &6<password>'
  4. register-success: '&6&lREGISTER SUCCESSFUL&8 | &eYou are now registered.'
  5. register-fail: '&4&lREGISTER FAILED&8 | &cPlease retry.'
  6. login-fail: '&4&lLOGIN FAILED&8 | &cPlease retry.'
  7. login-success: '&6&lLOGIN SUCCESSFUL&8 | &eYou are now logged in.'
  8. found-password: '%prefix% &ePassword of &f%name%&e is &6%password%&e.'
  9. changed-password: '%prefix% &eChanged password of &f%name%&e to &6%password%&e.'
  10. announcement-header: '&a&lAnnouncement'
  11. announcement-fadein: 10
  12. announcement-stay: 40
  13. announcement-fadeout: 10
  14. bad-command-blocker-status: enabled
  15. bad-command-message: '&cThat command is forbidden!'
  16. mentions-status: enabled
  17. mentioned-notification: '&6%name% &ehas mentioned you!'
  18. mention: '&e&l@&6%name%'
  19. mention-alerts-toggled: '%prefix% &eYou have &6%toggle% &emention notifications.'
  20. commandblocker-added-command: '%prefix% &eAdded command &6%command% &eto the list.'
  21. commandblocker-removed-command: '%prefix% &eRemoved command &6%command% &efrom the
  22. list.'
  23. commandblocker-listed-commands: '%prefix% &eBad command list: &6%list%&e.'
  24. banned-join-attempt-status: enabled
  25. banned-join-attempt-message: '&c%name% attempted to join, but is banned.'
  26. anti-swear-status: enabled
  27. swearing-message: '&cPlease do not swear.'
  28. swear-word-list: '%prefix% &eWordlist:&6 %words%&e.'
  29. swear-word-added: '%prefix% &eYou added &6%word% &eto the filter list.'
  30. swear-word-removed: '%prefix% &eYou removed &6%word% &efrom the filter list.'
  31. anti-commandspam-status: enabled
  32. anti-commandspam-cooldown-seconds: 2
  33. anticaps-status: enabled
  34. max-caps-characters: 7
  35. plugin-reloaded-message: '%prefix% &eYou have reloaded StaffTools successfully.'
  36. anti-caps-message: '&cPlease use less CAPS lock.'
  37. prefix: '&6&lST&8 »&e'
  38. must-be-player: '%prefix% &cYou must be a player!'
  39. no-permission: '&cInsufficient permission.'
  40. usage: '%prefix% Usage: &c%usage%'
  41. unsupported-version: '%prefix% &cYou are currently running StaffTools on an unsupported
  42. version (%version%).'
  43. staff-chat-enabled: '%prefix% Your staffchat status was updated to TRUE.'
  44. staff-chat-disabled: '%prefix% You staffchat status was updated to FALSE.'
  45. toggled-players-staffchat: '%prefix% &eYou &6%toggle% &estaffchat of &f%name%&e.'
  46. staffchat-format: '&6&l SC&8 » &e%name%&f:&c %message%'
  47. target-is-offline: '%prefix% &cYour target (%name%) is offline.'
  48. player-reported: '%prefix% You reported &f%name% &efor &6%reason%&e.'
  49. reported-notification: '%prefix% &f%target_name% &ewas reported by &e%name%&e for
  50. &6%reason%&e.'
  51. report-cooldown-seconds: 60
  52. reportlog-format: '&7[%date%&7]&e Reporter:&6 %reporter%&8 |&e Reason:&6 %reason%'
  53. on-cooldown-message: '%prefix% &eYou are on cooldown for &6%time%&e seconds.'
  54. check-report-info: '%prefix% &f%name% &ehas a total of &6%count% &ereports.'
  55. cleared-reports: '%prefix% &eYou cleared all reports from &f%name%&e.'
  56. chat-cleared: '&8 » &eThe chat was cleared by &6%name%&e.'
  57. chat-slowed: '&8 » &eThe chat was set to a slow interval of &6%seconds%&e by &f%name%&e.'
  58. chat-slow-disabled: '&8 » &eThe chat slow was disabled by &f%name%&e.'
  59. chat-locked-speak: '&cThe chat is currently locked!'
  60. chat-lock-enabled: ' &8 » &eThe chat was locked by&f %name%&e.'
  61. chat-lock-disabled: '&8 » &eThe chat was unlocked by&f %name%&e.'
  62. argument-isnt-number: '%prefix% &cThe argument &f%arg%&c must be a number!'
  63. automatic-clear-lag: enabled
  64. clear-lag-repeat-interval-seconds: 300
  65. clear-lag-message: '&7[&6%total%&7]&e Entities were removed from the ground.'
  66. commandspy-toggled: '%prefix% &eYou have %toggle% commandspy.'
  67. commandspy-format: '%prefix% &f%name%&f: &6%command%'
  68. follower-message: '%prefix% &eYou are now following %f%name%&e.'
  69. staffmode-toggled: '%prefix% &eYour staffmode was &6%status%&e.'
  70. toggled-players-staffmode: '%prefix% &eYou toggled staffmode of &f%name%&e.'
  71. teleport-successful: '%prefix% &eYou were teleported to &f%name%&e.'
  72. teleport-random-fail: '%prefix% &eNot enough online players to teleport.'
  73. frozen-player-quit: '%prefix% &4&l%name% HAS LEFT WHILE FROZEN.'
  74. frozen-player: '%prefix% &eYou froze &f%name%&e.'
  75. frozen-message: '&eYou have been frozen by a staff member. Do not leave the server!'
  76. unfroze-player: '%prefix% &eYou unfroze &f%name%&e.'
  77. unfrozen-message: '&eYou are no longer frozen.'
  78. chatcolor-list-msg: '%prefix% disable, &0black, &1dark_blue, &2dark_green, &eyellow,
  79. &3cyan, &4dark_red, &5purple, &6orange, &7gray, &8dark_gray, &9blue, &agreen, &cred,
  80. &baqua, &dpink&7.'
  81. chatcolor-changed-target: '%prefix% You changed chatcolor of %name% to %color%.'
  82. chatcolor-changed: '%prefix% &eYour chatcolor is now %color%.'
  83. miner-list-gui-name: '&0&lMiner List'
  84. staff-list-gui-name: '&0&lStaff List'
  85. player-inspect-gui-name: '&o&l%name%'
  86. toggled-vanish: '%prefix% &eYou &6%toggled%&e vanish.'
  87. toggled-players-vanish: '%prefix% &eYou &6%toggled% &evanish for &f%name%&e.'
  88. added-note: '%prefix% &eAdded note &6%note%&e to &f%name%&e.'
  89. cleared-notes: '%prefix% &eCleared notes for &f%name%.'
  90. doesnt-have-notes: '%prefix% &f%name%&e does not have any notes.'
  91. checknote-format: '%prefix% &7[&6%count%&7] &e%note%'
  92. must-be-holding-item: '%prefix% &eYou must be holding an item.'
  93. lore-changed: '%prefix% &eYou successfully changed the lore of your item.'
  94. name-changed: '%prefix% &eYou successfully changed the name of your item.'
  95. item-meta-reset: '%prefix% &eYou successfully reset your item.'
  96. enchanted-item: '%prefix% &eYou successfully added &f%enchantment% &eLv.&6 %level%
  97. &eto your item.'
  98. enchantments-cleared: '%prefix% &eYou successfully cleared all enchantments.'
  99. enchantment-not-found: '%prefix% &cCould not find enchantment &f%enchantment%&c.'
  100. xray-alert-format: '&7[&c!&7] &3%name%&7 might be using X-Ray &cVL&f: &7[&c%vl%&7]
  101. &c(found %ore%)'
  102. xray-alerts-toggled: '%prefix% &eYou %toggle% X-Ray alerts.'
  103. xray-alerts-toggled-player: '%prefix% &eYou %toggle% X-Ray alerts for %name%.'
  104. show-miners-under-y-level: 25
  105. staffmode-randomtp-name: '&6Random Teleport'
  106. staffmode-randomtp-material: COMPASS
  107. staffmode-randomtp-amount: 1
  108. staffmode-randomtp-slot: 0
  109. staffmode-freeze-name: '&6Freeze Player'
  110. staffmode-freeze-material: PACKED_ICE
  111. staffmode-freeze-amount: 1
  112. staffmode-freeze-slot: 7
  113. staffmode-minerlist-name: '&6Miner List'
  114. staffmode-minerlist-material: RECORD_9
  115. staffmode-minerlist-amount: 1
  116. staffmode-minerlist-slot: 3
  117. staffmode-stafflist-name: '&6Staff Online'
  118. staffmode-stafflist-material: NETHER_STAR
  119. staffmode-stafflist-amount: 1
  120. staffmode-stafflist-slot: 2
  121. staffmode-inspectbook-name: '&6Inspect'
  122. staffmode-inspectbook-material: BOOK
  123. staffmode-inspectbook-amount: 1
  124. staffmode-inspectbook-slot: 1
  125. staffmode-vanishoff-name: '&6Vanish &6(&cOFF&6)'
  126. staffmode-vanishoff-amount: 1
  127. staffmode-vanishoff-slot: 8
  128. staffmode-vanishon-name: '&6Vanish &6(&aON&6)'
  129. staffmode-vanishon-amount: 1
  130. staffmode-vanishon-slot: 8
  131. staffmode-follower-name: '&6Follow Player'
  132. staffmode-follower-material: LEASH
  133. staffmode-follower-amount: 1
  134. staffmode-follower-slot: 4
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