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a guest
Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. # Welcome to the configuration of ProPractice!
  2. # &3Inventories: &a(winnerClickables)&7[&bW&7]&3, &c(loserClickables)&7[&bL&7]
  3. Use-Potion-Modifier: false
  4. Enderpearl-Cooldown: 12
  5. Ranked-Limit: -1
  6. Freeze-Player-Before-Match-Starts: true
  7. MySQL:
  8. Use: false
  9. Host: localhost
  10. Port: 3306
  11. Database: ProPractice
  12. Table: ProPracticeData
  13. User: root
  14. Password: password
  15. Scoreboard:
  16. Update-Ticks: 10
  17. Title: '&c&lVexy&b&lNetwork'
  18. Starting: '&f00:00'
  19. Separator: '&7&mc-------------'
  20. Ladder: '&e(ladder)'
  21. Rating: '&7: (rating)'
  22. Enderpearl: '&9EnderPearl: &f(time)'
  23. Lobby-Lines:
  24. - '&7&m------------------------'
  25. - '&bOnline: &f(playersOnline)'
  26. - '&3In Fights: &f(inFights)'
  27. - '&bIn Queues: &f(inQueues)'
  28. - '&3Your Ping: &f(ping)'
  29. - '&7&m------------------------'
  30. Queue-Lines:
  31. - '&7&m------------------------'
  32. - '&bOnline: &f(playersOnline)'
  33. - '&3In Fights: &f(inFights)'
  34. - '&bIn Queues: &f(inQueues)'
  35. - '&7&m------------------------'
  36. Match-Lines:
  37. - '&7&m--------------------'
  38. - '&bOpponent: &f(opponent)'
  39. - '&3Duration: &f(time)'
  40. - '&3Your Ping: &f(ping)'
  41. - '&7&m--------------------'
  42. Kit-Editor-Lines:
  43. - '&7&m------------------------'
  44. - '&bOnline: &f(playersOnline)'
  45. - '&3In Fights: &f(inFights)'
  46. - '&bIn Queues: &f(inQueues)'
  47. - '&7&m------------------------'
  48. Spectator-Lines:
  49. - '&7&m------------------------'
  50. - '&bOnline: &f(playersOnline)'
  51. - '&3In Fights: &f(inFights)'
  52. - '&bIn Queues: &f(inQueues)'
  53. - '&7&m------------------------'
  54. Tab:
  55. Use: false
  56. '1': '&f'
  57. '2': '&f'
  58. '3': '&f'
  59. '4': ''
  60. '5': ''
  61. '6': ''
  62. '7': ''
  63. '8': ''
  64. '9': ''
  65. '10': ''
  66. '11': ''
  67. '12': ''
  68. '13': ''
  69. '14': ''
  70. '15': ''
  71. '16': ''
  72. '17': ''
  73. '18': ''
  74. '19': '&bShop:'
  75. '20': ''
  76. '21': '&b&l&c&lVexy&b&lNetwork'
  77. '22': ''
  78. '23': '&6Online Players:'
  79. '24': '&7(online_players)'
  80. '25': ''
  81. '26': '&6Fighting:'
  82. '27': '&7(playing_amount)'
  83. '28': ''
  84. '29': '&6Queuing:'
  85. '30': '&7(queuing_amount)'
  86. '31': ''
  87. '32': '&6Latency:'
  88. '33': '&7(ping)'
  89. '34': ''
  90. '35': ''
  91. '36': ''
  92. '37': ''
  93. '38': ''
  94. '39': ''
  95. '40': ''
  96. '41': ''
  97. '42': ''
  98. '43': '&6Statistics:'
  99. '44': '&bGlobal Rating:'
  100. '45': '&7(globalrating)'
  101. '46': '&bRanked Wins:'
  102. '47': '&7(ranked_wins)'
  103. '48': '&bRanked Losses:'
  104. '49': '&7(ranked_losses)'
  105. '50': '&bUnranked Wins:'
  106. '51': '&7(unranked_wins)'
  107. '52': '&bUnranked Losses:'
  108. '53': '&7(unranked_losses)'
  109. '54': '&bMatches Played:'
  110. '55': '&7(matches_played)'
  111. '56': ''
  112. '57': ''
  113. '58': ''
  114. '59': '&bTeamSpeak:'
  115. '60': '&'
  116. setup:
  117. spawn-location: 13.593229105617135|62.4264408685065|-2.3452387300332935|Lobby|-359.61057|19.002266
  118. editor-location: 290.5211650712881|4.0|256.45587466351435|Lobby|359.00537|4.2385373
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