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Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. -scout better pre buff
  2. - improve wolf cheese
  3. - after backing from cheese, clear needs to be uniform gromp->krugs, abuse olaf showing top and double scuttle into kurgs->gromp
  4. - e double strike meditate, dont meditate first 4 gromp autos
  5. - dont gank mid from lane bush, come from sides (4:40)
  6. -leave mini raptor/ wolf when stealing
  7. - kite small krug round big one or focus it
  8. - 7:03 transition sucessful bot counter gank to drake with bot prio and malza being too low as well as olaf
  9. =7:43 do drake before red to save red duration, if you had done drake you wouldnt need to be bot and could be full clearing from top gromp->krugs winning an extra rotation
  10. - control ward drakes and smite properly :P
  11. - did not need to waste ult diving nami bot
  12. - 9:10 save meditate for the camp when q is off cd to buy time for it and use dmg reduction on w to your advantage, start from krugs anyway itno gromp for efficient clear, or krug->raptors back if you think olaf took top side jg after botside play
  13. -12:00 pop plants in jg when you invade and you missed a ward that you swept, when using oracle stress on bushes and entrance choke points, commonly warded rather than random walking
  14. - 12:27 you took down olaf and camille and know malza isnt top from map, take plates from tower and 2 waves , possibly first tower because yours is low to deny tower first blood or at least get 2 plates, 0 risk play with camille olaf down
  15. -13:39 when running from skilshot champions like olaf path in small zigzags to dodge his axe here, if he had axe flash e he got you
  16. - afterwards path towards your red and take it for the regen it gives as well as lifesteal from machette but save smite, because he either might take it or do drake knowing your low, so red buff regen helps, ping bot and mid to help cover drake. ward drake and ward jg bush entrance in case olaf comes invade/do drake after
  17. = 15:20 sorry for dc :p but spam gnar's teleport and put a ward, and spam ping bot lane to come (aphelios) but good drake call overall , just spam them to come you need them
  18. - 16:10 olaf and his team are taking bot tower, top side of the map open, go and rush herald, and go back to full clearing, your jg is up for too long and its making them give less xp and gold because the camps are so many levels behind
  19. - 17:58 again you beat olaf and camille and can see their other teammates on the map, no reason to back, get back to full from lifestealing on his camps or meditating, or in this case the herald, the eye gives you healing because of ravenous hunter
  20. - ( baron is not up in this play, but IN CASE IT WAS) you cannot go botlane if your whole team is top and baron is up and you see them trolling/playing aggro, its a huge throw, you must tell them to back off , ward baron, or group in mid lane. if you insist on splitting, you have to split top lane when baron is up and have your team mid or bottom for a 1 3 1 or a 1 0 4
  21. -20:24 ping your team drake is up, dont count on them to group and realise its importance, they will go and troll int like they ddi in this clip , always assert leadership and shotcall in solo q
  22. -20:48 very bad q since it didnt dodge nami bubble or camille e, had you saved it, maybe sidestepped nami q and qed camille e you'd have gotten a triple possibly w aa reset on olaf too
  23. -22:53 huge lack of map awarness facechecking a bush you knew vayne could be in, avoid and retreat having used r for malzahar
  24. - that being said, it was a potential baron play with olaf not spawned, malza picked off, team almost all near baron and gnar having tp up, coulda 4v5ed a baron here easily
  25. 25:17 it was correct to path to baron from base but once it was taken you should ping whole team to drake immediatly to sweep off vision, and possibly make a pick/secure drake, if they are ahead avoid the fight though
  26. 25;40 very bad engage malzahar having r up, you no qss and no vision on where his teammates are, huge throw with drake coming up and them having baron
  27. 26:40 do not qinto a vayne 1v3, help team with olaf first then move onto next target, you cannot beat vayne + a support alone
  29. general notes: sell refillable for a pink ward after bloodrazor
  31. - do not q the camp instantly , auto it first than animation cancel it with a q, it helps you detect invaders if the camp moves while youre in alpha, if it stays still you know no one is nearby
  32. - your itemisation is horrid, merc threads into 2 auto attackers , a camille , and a very behind malzahar which has a suppression aka qss requiring is a poor choice. never build bortk unless they have 3+ tanks, ddance/wits or honestly randuin's omen is good in this game vs mobile vayne, phage speedy camille and nami giving movement speed to everybody
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