
Anon in Equestria (Current Updated 18/07/20)

Feb 16th, 2020
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  1. Blackness. Empty Void. Some swirly colours. The inner monologue says 'Your eyes are closed fool.' and so they are.
  2. A blue sky above, the sun, some clouds lazily drifting in the breeze. 'I seem to be lying on my back in the middle of a forest.'
  3. Master of the obvious, though it is a very pretty forest.
  4. Some trees are bare, autumn leaves already fallen and piled in great drifts, covering up the grass and bushes and other forest shrubbery.
  5. Others still clinging to their leaves against the breeze that ever so slowly strips them away one by one.
  6. 'I could stay a while and watch this. Don't think I've seen something so, well, beautiful before.'
  7. But something seems off. Aside from the current desire to watch autumn take its course, a question nags on the edge of the mind.
  8. 'Why am I here?' The inner monologue has no response and there seems to be no memory that can answer that.
  9. Realisation and terrible awareness begins to dawn. 'Where am I? How'd I get here?'
  10. A flood of questions. 'Where'd I come from? Who? What?'
  11. Each more damning than the last, as silence and a void of memory seems the only answer.
  12. 'Well I must be me.' Feverishly hands paw at, well, everything.
  13. 'Am I bleeding? No. Nothing hurts.'
  14. A terrible sense of confusion fills the mind. 'Which way do I go?'
  15. The forest answers the unspoken question only with rustling leaves and distant birdsong.
  16. Fear rises and with it a horrible tightening sensation in the throat that seems a little too much like choking.
  17. "No. No! I have to stay calm."
  18. The silence of the forest is broken by deliberate and frankly over-exaggerated deep breaths. A silly display but at least it distracts from the building terror.
  19. 'Clam down, stay clam. calm down. Let's look at this sensibly. Upside, I am uninjured and seem to be in good health. Downside, I'm lost in a forest with no idea how I got here.'
  20. The breeze picks up and blows fiercely through the trees for a few moments. Composure returns after a few more deep breaths.
  21. 'Don't panic. Can't fix all those downsides but I can certainly try to un-lost myself.'
  22. The forest suddenly seems a lot less pretty and a lot more foreboding after the admission of being lost, trees as far as the eye can see, no signs of life beyond the animals that live here.
  23. Silence reigns again as panic rises for a fresh round of being wrestled down.
  24. 'I guess I just pick a direction and walk in it. It's not like I have any other options. Yes. That's the rational solution. Just stay sensible and I'll be fine.' And with that a trudging march begins.
  26. While barely contained fear had made the forest seem like an endless, trackless expanse, it wasn't long before a rough dirt trail was found.
  27. The trail led a winding way through the autumn trees to a wide path of packed and disturbed earth.
  28. 'I'm no tracker but I'd like to think a trail this large means this place is well travelled.' The taunting fears of being lost forever evaporate in the face of a road to travel.
  29. 'Now. Which way? Left or right?' But the nagging doubts return, the sun seems to be getting lower.
  30. A wrong choice here could mean a night in the forest, which would be cold, hungry and possibly dangerous. 'Right it is. Not that I know if left is any better. And put on some speed.'
  31. What feels like hours pass by, the pace of what was a modest run turned into a slow half-hearted jog.
  32. The stomach loudly voices its starved discontent and a lack of convenient streams had led to a rapidly building thirst, that left the mouth dry and a head feeling lighter than it should.
  33. 'Ok, ok need to stop. Just a bit further then I'll stop. Being lost in a forest after dark is worse than a little runner's pain'
  34. A wave of disorientation causes some rather undignified stumbling, forcing a halt. Kneeling on the path huffing and puffing for breath and in the relative quiet, the sound of yelling and laughter can be heard from the distance.
  35. 'Hoooo, finally. Just need to stumble a bit further.'
  36. On pure grinding determination the pace quickens again. A few minutes later the trees finally give way to what appears to be the remains of a banner over the finishing line of a race.
  37. 'That's not strangely poetic at all.' In the distance the silhouettes of houses can be made out in the deepening night.
  38. Much closer is a well lit tent, the sounds of laughter and music coming from within.
  39. 'Fantastic.' A lurching step forward is followed by another wave of disorientation, black spots dance on the edge of vision.
  40. 'Come on. Don't. Pass out. Now.' A desperate stumbling dive into the fabric wall of the tent, arms outstretched and unconsciousness finally descends.
  42. Three days in a dull hospital room. Three days of forced inaction. Three days of boredom, broken only by long conversations with doctors and wondering why the curtains are made from the same material as the gowns.
  43. It really isn't an exciting place to be, a plain bed, a small nightstand, a lamp. The food equally bland, purple jello and what may be the most plain salad ever constructed.
  44. Three times a day, every day. And worst of all, no answers as to how you ended up in that forest.
  45. It was all so confusing. It was as if you'd been born four days ago. No not born... just sprung into being.
  46. Expert opinion seemed to have no answers.
  47. After three days of boredom and hard thinking a decision had been reached.
  48. 'It doesn't matter. I still have to start somewhere. But how to do that? Suppose I should start with a name.'
  49. Silence descends over the room, waiting for inspiration to strike. 'I have no ideas.' The silence drags out.
  50. 'Come on get it together. Pony names, you've met at least seven in the past few days, what about those? There was Nurse Red Heart, Doctor Hoarse, that pair that came to play instruments, Lyra and Octavia. It all seems related to what they do. But what do I do? No-one knows. Maybe location? I did wake up in a forest. Oh! And I'm green.'
  51. "Forest Green?"
  52. 'No that doesn't sound right out loud.' Maybe there's something on the medical chart, maybe the ponies gave you a temporary name you can use.
  53. "Name: Anonymous. Age: Unknown, more unknown, not applicable, not known."
  54. An uninspiring list if there ever was one. Inspiration seems in short supply around here.
  55. "Hmmm. Anonymous. A-nonym. AH-Noon. Ue-nown. Anon, Anon. That doesn't sound too bad." A name that's certainly not going to win any awards for creativity. "But it'll do for now."
  56. The door swings open, Doctor Hoarse trots in.
  57. "Good news, you're free to be discharged Mr, oh, sorry. Force of habit."
  58. "I'm just going by Anon for now Doctor."
  59. "A good sign you're getting back on track."
  60. "So, can you tell me anything new Doc?"
  61. "You're physically fine and you have none of the classic signs of memory loss. I know this is causing you distress but I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do for you." A blunt and rather sobering pair of statements.
  62. "There's not much I can do then."
  63. Doctor Hoarse nods sagely "Perhaps you just need some time. If you just sign these forms and leave them with a Nurse on your way out, you're free to go."
  64. Forms are signed after some fumbling with a quill. The walk down the rather drab corridor to the nurse's office is at a slow pace, it's hard to walk quickly when distracting questions pound at the mind.
  65. 'Perhaps the Doctor is right, I just need time. Running through the same questions again and again in my head isn't going to solve anything. Time may reveal the answers and if doesn't. Well, I've still got a life to get on with either way.'.
  66. A much more optimistic outlook. Yes, that's what you need in a time like this. But it still answers few questions.
  68. Quickening the pace, you finally arrive at the nurse's office. Redheart is on duty. She's been very nice to you.
  69. "Here you go Nurse." The nurse takes the last of the papers in her hooves, filing them away.
  70. "Thank you. Keep safe now and have a wonderful day."
  71. All these ponies are so cheery, there's probably a lesson you can use there. "Thanks, see you around Redheart."
  72. Stepping through the main doors and into the fresh autumn air, a path bordered by white fencing leads into the town, a deep breath inhaled and exhaled, worries and cares seem to wash away in the cool breeze.
  73. Until one thing, that had never been considered, surges in your mind with the force of a lightning bolt.
  74. 'I don't have a home. Or food or anything. Why didn't the doctors think of this?! They've just kicked me out into the world with nothing to my recently invented name. That-'
  75. Building anger flows away with a deep sigh. 'No. Can't get mad at them, I didn't think of this either and it's more my responsibility than theirs. They're doctors they've got bigger problems to worry about than where I'm going to eat and sleep on their hooves.'
  76. An unpleasant sensation rises, choking and rather too much like the fear felt when you were lost in the forest.
  77. "What do I do now? I've nowhere to go."
  78. Large blue eyes, rimmed with pink suddenly block all view of the path to town and everything else, an excited voice yells "I know where you can go!"
  81. The eyes retreat revealing a light pink mare with a darker pink mane bouncing in place. You can't immediately tell if she's bouncing from excitement or is trying to look you in the eyes. Ponies are only eye level with your waist or stomach unless they stand on their rear hooves.
  82. "Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie and it is so, so, so good to finally meet you. I mean we kinda met already when you fell through the party tent but you were all BLEURGH and unconscious and we were all AAAAHHHHHHHHHH. So it doesn't really count."
  83. "I-"
  84. "Anyway I'm here to officially welcome you to Ponyville." Pinkie stops bouncing to stare up at you with a big smile. It makes you smile widely too. Infectious.
  85. "Oh, thank you Pinkie Pie. That's very nice of you."
  86. "It will be nice once we get to the welcome party. In fact it'll be better than nice. It's gonna be super, duper, extra great!"
  87. "Welcome Party?" Pinkie starts bouncing down the path to the town and you follow. You can't turn down an official welcome, especially after every pony has been so nice and helpful. Not that you would ever turn it down to begin with.
  88. "Normally I only have a few hours to plan a welcome party but you were in the hospital for three whole days! I've never had that long to plan a welcome party before."
  89. Pinkie leads you through the winding, open streets, occasionally stopping to wave at a pony or wish them well or tell them about the party. You just take it all in. The buildings thatched with pale gold straw, some painted with hearts and flowers. Perhaps the town symbol? You don't have long to ponder as you reach a wide open area, at the centre a towering round building with many floors, a river with a bridge leading across it to an open grassy area that looks like a market. You seem to be heading in the direction of a particular shop decorated to look like cakes and candy. A pony looks out the window, their eyes widen, they say something you can't quite hear and duck back inside.
  90. Pinkie turns to wave you onward, then walks inside. As you enter, what must be dozens of ponies sitting under a 'Welcome ?' banner leap to their hooves "WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!"
  92. A glass of fruit punch was quickly put in your hand and a cupcake shoved in your mouth. What followed was introductions to around two dozen ponies, it'll probably be some time before the barrage of names sinks in enough for you to recall them. Some ponies start talking amongst themselves, others head to the food tables and quite a few head over to the music player to dance.
  93. You don't have time for dancing though as Pinkie leads you elsewhere to a group of three ponies and what you're told is a dragon.
  94. "And these are my friends, Twilight, Applejack, Spike and Fluttershy."
  95. For some reason Spike seems familiar in a way you can't place. "Why do I want to call you Spyro?"
  96. This draws a confused look from Spike. "Uh. Well it's Spike."
  97. You sit down, bringing yourself down to Spike's eye level. "Sorry I don't know where that came from. I go by the name Anon."
  98. Pinkie suddenly gasps "We've got to change the banner!" She rushes off, leaving you alone with Spike and the three mares.
  100. There's a moment of silence as you just look at each other, noone sure what to say next. Applejack is the first to speak up.
  101. "I hope ya don't think it rude for asking. But just what in the jumpin' junebugs are you? I ain't never seen anything like you before."
  102. You'd been wondering that yourself in the hospital. Green. Tall. You've begun to think you might be some type of tree creature.
  103. "I don't really know."
  104. Another brief silence descends, you've kind of brought the party mood down with that answer. And yourself a little.
  105. Twilight suddenly points a hoof across the room. "Oh look, they're starting pin the tail on the pony. We'll show you how to play."
  107. The party went on for the entire evening, you don't think you've ever had so much fun. Or so many cupcakes. But as the Sun set and the Moon rose, it was time for it to end.
  108. You stayed to see everypony go and wave goodbye. For a something whose first impression was crashing through a tent and frightening everypony, you seem to have made a lot of friends very quickly.
  109. "It was kind of you to help me clean up after the party, but you didn't have to. You were the guest of honor after all."
  110. You couldn't let Pinkie clean this mess up herself, especially after what happened with the pinatas.
  111. "So you keep saying Pinkie but it's fine, I want to help."
  112. Sweeping some more debris into a pile, you decide it's time to tell Pinkie the other reason you wanted to stay.
  113. "Pinkie I, er, I have nowhere to go."
  114. Pinkie stops sweeping to look at you with curiosity. "What do you mean?"
  115. "Remember, when we met outside the hospital and I said I've nowhere to go. I don't have a home."
  116. "Oh my gosh, do you know what this means!?" Pinkie is giving you one of her huge infectious smiles again.
  117. "Wha-"
  118. "Sleepover!"
  120. Pinkie kindly invited you to stay the night. You weren't in any state of mind to refuse but you don't think she would have taken a no for an answer anyway.
  121. Both of you are sharing the bed tonight. There's no spare and Pinkie's sleeping bags weren't long enough to fit you. Her bed however is just about long enough to be comfortable.
  122. A few board games were played before you and Pinkie decided it was time for sleep. But you have a few things to think about first before sleep comes.
  123. Pinkie lays her head on her pillow, looking at you while you stare at the ceiling.
  124. "What ya thinking about Nonners? You look like Twilight when she's studying." She's perceptive.
  125. "Ponies."
  126. "Ponies?"
  127. "What they look like. How friendly they are."
  128. "That's a weird thought."
  129. "I did introduce myself by flattening a tent, ruining a party and scaring everypony. But everypony is treating me like a friend."
  130. "Yeah. That wasn't the best way to say hello Nonny. But Ponyville learned not to judge after Zecora."
  131. "Zecora?"
  132. "She was an evil enchantress who everypony was afraid of until a few moons ago. But she wasn't an evil enchantress, it was just a misunderstanding, she was just a Zebra coming into town to do some shopping. And not evil or enchantressable at all."
  133. "Huh." Sounds like there's quite the story behind that.
  134. "Well that's enough thinking out of you mister. Goodnight Nonie Non." Pinkie claps her hoofs together and whatever was lighting the room goes out.
  135. "Goodnight Pinkie."
  137. "GOOD MORNING!" Your eyes snap open to the sight of Pinkie smiling down at you and you flail your arms a little under the blanket in surprise.
  138. "Oh Geez!"
  139. "Stop your snoozin it's time to get movin." Pinkie leaps off the bed. Your gaze goes to one of the windows, the sun has barely crept above the horizon.
  140. "What? The sun looks like it's barely risen!" Pinkie takes no notice of your plea, marching around the room doing this and that.
  141. "We got a lot to do Nonners. As much fun as a Sleepover every night would be, we gotta find you a homesome for your ownsome."
  143. You follow Pinkie down the winding set of stairs, Mrs Cake is at the counter icing a cake. Guess the early rising is a baker thing.
  144. "Good Morning Pinkie. Oh hello dearie, I didn't know you'd stayed the night. Would you like some breakfast?"
  145. "That sounds gr-"
  146. "Sorry Mrs Cake but we've got too much to do." Hooves press against your back and Pinkie begins pushing you towards the door.
  148. Standing on the pale greenish stone that makes up the paths in Ponyville, Pinkie turns to you with a serious face, then looks at a passing pony with a smile and a wave.
  149. "Hi Zecora!"
  150. "Good Morning Pinkie Pie." She turns back to you, serious face again.
  151. "Now first things first Nonny. Can you fly?" Well you've never tried. And you haven't noticed any concealed wings.
  152. "I'll go with no." Pinkie rests a hoof against her muzzle in thought.
  153. "That rules out Dashie and my other Pegasi friends. Next stop Sweet Apple Acres!"
  155. Pinkie begins leading you through Ponyville, greeting everypony who passes. You try to do the same to those you recognise while trying not to yawn.
  156. Soon enough you find that you've left town and are now following a path that leads past an entire forest of apple trees, most of the leaves have fallen but the appley smell is unmistakable. You can hear a repetitive sound of something striking wood but you can't find the source. Pinkie ignores it, continuing along the path until a barn or house or some combination of both comes into view. Guess this must be a farm and you just passed the orchard.
  157. Outside the barn is a rocking chair with an old green mare with white hair, just taking in the morning.
  158. "Howdy there Pinkie Pie. What brings you out here? And who's that tall lookin green fella?"
  159. "Granny Smith, this is Anon. Anon this is Granny Smith." Granny? Is she? No, best not to jump to any conclusions. From what you've learned of pony names, they can get a little odd.
  160. "Well ain't you a sight. Don't think I've ever seen something like you. You another critter from the Everfree?"
  161. You're about to speak up but Pinkie speaks first.
  162. "He's not from anywhere Granny Smith, he doesn't have a home. I was hoping he might be able to stay here." Granny Smith sits deep in thought for a moment.
  163. "Hmmm, I'm sorry y'all but I don't think we'll have room. There's no spare bedrooms and with harvest season just ending, the barn is packed to the rafters."
  164. "That's ok Granny Smith. We've plenty of other places to check."
  165. Granny Smith waves goodbye and you both head back towards Ponyville, that thunking sound still comes from the orchard as you pass, it's probably just one of the farmers.
  167. You seem to be heading back to where you started, the centre of town where the market and shops seem to be, perhaps that breakfast Mrs Cake offered is next. You are starting to get a little hungry. But at the last stretch Pinkie veers off leading you to building that's been shaped to resemble a white tent with ornate decorative features covering it. You have little time to examine it closely as Pinkie is already moving inside.
  168. Entering you find the interior is filled with dresses and hats and clothes. Near a platform at the back of the room is a white mare with an immaculate purple mane, working on a half finished dress. She turns at the sound of the door bell ringing.
  169. "Pinkie, it's wonderful to see you. And you've brought our friend from the Running of the Leaves. I don't believe we've been introduced, I am Rarity." How formal.
  170. "I'm Anon." Pinkie bounces into the space between you and Rarity.
  171. "And I'm Pinkie Pie! Oh wait, everypony already knew that. Anyway Nonny here doesn't have anywhere to call home. Do you think he could stay with you Rarity?"
  172. "I'd certainly be happy to help somepony in need. But I don't think I can do so here."
  173. "Why not?"
  174. "While I do have a spare bedroom for guests, I'm afraid it won't be suitable or comfortable for our friend Pinkie. He's as tall as Princess Celestia and all the furnishings are scaled for a pony."
  175. That is true. Sleeping in Pinkie's bed wasn't uncomfortable but after a few nights it might grow a little bothersome.
  176. "Oh, I hadn't thought of that. Oh I know! Fluttershy, she lets creatures of all sizes stay at her cottage. Let's go Nonners." Pinkie spins you round and begins pushing you towards the doorway.
  177. Rarity waves goodbye. "Good luck!"
  178. You manage a "Thanks Rarity." before Pinkie pushes you out the door.
  180. Once again Pinkie seems to be leading you out of town, the houses fade away to sparse cottages many with living grass on their roofs in place of thatch. The furthest out, nearest a foreboding forest unlike the one you woke up in, appears to be your destination. Bird houses are everywhere and small creatures flit through the air and scurry through the undergrowth, though most move to hide away at the approach of you and Pinkie.
  181. Despite the nearness of the foreboding forest, this seems like a nice quiet place to live. Though the abundance of bird and squirrels and critters might take some getting used to. You probably should have got to know Fluttershy better at the party but she was rather timid and reserved. Pinkie quietly knocks on the door of the cottage, the top half of the door opens revealing Fluttershy.
  182. "Good Morning Fluttershy!"
  183. "Good Morning Pinkie Pie, you're up early."
  184. "We have a lot of work to do. Nonny here doesn't have anywhere to sleep at night." Fluttershy looks worried.
  185. "Oh dear. It's nice to see you again, Anon. I think I have something that might help." She disappears inside her cottage for a short time before returning with a bundle of cloth. Some of the braver critters have emerged from their burrows and nests to observe.
  186. Pinkie takes the bundle of cloth. "This hammock was a present for Mr Bear but you seem to need it more. I'm sure he won't mind."
  187. "So where can we put this up? Which room is Nonners?"
  188. Fluttershy suddenly looks nervous and worried. "Room? Oh, I'm sorry. I think you got the wrong idea Pinkie. I don't have any room for Anon to sleep here. I do have room for lots of little animal friends and room for big animal friends to visit. But even Mr Bear has to go to his home to sleep."
  189. Guess your not living here but you are leaving with something useful.
  190. "Thanks for the gift Fluttershy. It's perfect. Next stop Pinkie?" You look at Pinkie.
  191. "Yepper roonie Noonie!"
  192. As you depart back down the path you hear Fluttershy quietly shouting after you. "I hope you're not sad. Please come visit!"
  194. Pinkie leads you back into Ponyville, not back to the market but to a place within sight of a train station. A rather unique place, it appears to be a living tree. But a house has been carved into its centre, windows, a balcony. It's amazing and beautiful. You stop in your tracks to admire it a little but Pinkie keeps bouncing towards the door forcing you to continue on. The door is already open and she's disappeared inside by the time you catch up. The inside is even more amazing than the outside, Twilight told you she lived at the library but you never imagined it would be like this.
  195. "Heya Twilight."
  196. "Hello Pinkie. Hello, Anon."
  197. Pinkie dives at Twilight grabbing her with her hooves. "Twilight, you've got to help us. Nonny here has nowhere to live and nopony seems to have room for him."
  198. Twilight looks thoughtful, apparently undisturbed by Pinkie's dramatics. "I suppose the basement is free. And there isn't much down there."
  199. "That's great." You'll take anything really as long as its warm and dry.
  200. "But it might not be comfortable for you."
  201. Pinkie interjects "That's what Rarity said."
  202. "And the spare bed is scaled for a pony and you're as tall as Princess Celestia."
  203. Pinkie interrupts again before you can speak. "That's what Rarity said. Wait, Fluttershy gave us this neat hammock! Anonners can sleep on that." Pinkie releases Twilight, bouncing to her hooves with a smile.
  204. Twilight turns to you. "Would you be happy in the basement? It's awfully dark down there."
  205. "I don't have to stay down there Twilight, it's just a place to sleep and keep my things."
  206. Twilight smiles, nearly as broadly as Pinkie. "In that case, I'd be happy to offer you a place to stay."
  207. "Thanks Twilight."
  208. Pinkie lets out a loud excited gasp. "House warming party!"
  210. The house warming party was a much smaller affair than the Welcome to Ponyville party. There were seven guests, Fluttershy and Applejack. Rarity and Pinkie. Rainbow Dash, a boisterous pegasus who hadn't been able to make it to the welcome party for the same reason as Rarity. And of course Twilight and Spike who live here.
  211. Pinkie had wanted to hold the party in your new bedroom but had been dissuaded. It's not dark or dank or anything like that but it's still a basement. There was punch and party games and you got to know a little more about your new friends. Pinkie, the baker and party planner. Rarity, the fashion designer. Fluttershy, who looks out for many of the critters that call Ponyville home. Applejack, the farmer. Rainbow Dash, who leads the weather patrol. Twilight Sparkle, librarian and student of Princess Celestia. And Spike, Twilight's number one assistant.
  212. The party only lasted an hour or so, it had begun late in the evening and ended on the story of Rainbow and Applejack making a mess of the Running of the Leaves race with their competitive natures. You'd picked an exciting day to come crashing into that party tent. With Moonrise, everypony was off to bed early, apparently the next week is going to be a very busy one. Though no one elaborated on why, sure you'll find out soon enough. This is your home now.
  213. As Twilight helps you hang the hammock, she turns to you. "Anon, I've been meaning to ask you something."
  214. "What is it?"
  215. "If you don't mind, could we go to the Whitetail woods where you appeared. I know you don't know what you are or where you came from. And nothing like you is in any of my books. I thought we might look for some clues?"
  216. You didn't think you'd be confronting the mystery so quickly but "Sure, no problem."
  217. "Great! We'll go first thing in the morning, I'll have Spike pack some bags before bed."
  218. After some awkwardness climbing into the hammock, it's off to the land of sleep.
  220. The next morning came and despite the lack of windows, you somehow rose with the sun. Upstairs you found Twilight with a list checking the contents of two bags.
  221. Twilight turns to smile at you. "Good morning Anon, good timing. I just finished checking the bags and we're ready to go. This one is yours."
  222. The bag floats over to you and you belt the strap around your waist. "Is Spike not coming?"
  223. Twilight giggles. "Spike can be a little grumpy in the morning."
  224. "Aren't we all."
  225. "Sometimes but he's also a baby dragon and needs his sleep."
  226. "Well let's get started."
  227. Twilight leads you through Ponyville and you're not the only ones up and about. Most of the ponies you see you don't recognise but you wave to the ones you do. Eventually you reach the outskirts, though the tent and finish line are gone you recognise the place.
  228. Twilight takes out a scroll from her saddlebag. "This is where you first met ponies. And you said you woke up in the woods. Do you think you could find your way back to that place?"
  229. You give it some thought but the answer is no. "Sorry Twilight, I don't think I can. It was dark and I was tired." And about to faint.
  230. Twilight's academic mood seems to deflate. "Oh."
  231. "Maybe we can find my tracks?"
  232. She instantly brightens again. "Good idea."
  233. After some searching your footprints are found, it's good thing it hasn't rained and the soil of the track is soft. After three hours of searching, more searching and occasionally losing the trail both you and Twilight arrive at the place you woke up. You can tell by the roughly you shaped imprint in the grass and soil.
  234. Twilight brings out her scroll again, scribbling some notes with a quill. "Let's search the immediate area for clues. Or anything that seems familiar to you."
  235. You do as she says. Both of you wandering the small clearing, peering at everything and under everything.
  236. Twilight even checks the trees with her magic after you half-jokingly suggested you must have fell from one like an apple. But still nothing is found.
  237. Now you're just sitting on the ground next to your imprint feeling down, lost and very confused.
  238. Twilight places a hoof on your shoulder. "I'm sorry Anon, maybe I shouldn't have suggested this."
  239. You turn your head to look at her hoof and suddenly realisation hits you.
  242. "Spike, take a letter."
  243. Dear Princess Celestia,
  245. Today I met a new friend who didn't know who he was, what he was or how he got here.
  246. And it left him feeling lost and confused.
  247. But he taught me that while the past can play an important part in a ponies life.
  248. What really matters is what they do in the present. Whether it's sharing stories and laughter or just helping to clean up after a party.
  249. And though we still may not what he was, we do know he is a good friend. And that's what really matters.
  251. Your faithful student,
  252. Twilight Sparkle
  253. Spike looks up at you, his tone sad. "So I guess you didn't solve the mystery then."
  254. "Of course we did. I know exactly what I am. I'm Anon." Twilight and Spike trot over to hug you smiles on their faces and you hug them back.
  255. "Now, about breakfast. Twilight and I are starving."
  258. Waking up it feels like morning. And way too early to be awake, so its probably early morning. It's dark as you swing out of your hammock but you are in the basement afterall. No windows.
  259. But not so dark that the path up the steps to the library floor can't be found.
  260. "Good morning Anon." It's Spike, sweeping the floor with a small broom.
  261. "Hi Spike. Did I wake up late?"
  262. "Nah, we haven't even had breakfast yet."
  263. "Where's Twilight?"
  264. "She's up on the balcony making sure all the leaves are down. The Running of the Leaves doesn't go through Ponyville."
  265. Ah yes, somepony explained that to you at your welcome party. The ponies running generates some sort of magic that causes the leaves to fall all at once, even on the trees that aren't close enough to path to just be shaken loose by a herd of sprinting ponies.
  266. "She's probably going to be a while then."
  267. "I don't know, this is our first Winter here. Oh! Can I show you around Ponyville? It would beat sweeping this floor until Twilight is done."
  268. "Sure. I didn't have any plans."
  269. "Great, it won't take long and we'll be back in time for breakfast. Come on."
  270. As you leave, Spike yells up at Twilight he's taking you on a tour. She smiles and waves a hoof before going back to concentrate on leaf removal. Even with magic some of those branches look a little hard to see and reach.
  271. "Ok, our first stop on the tour is Town Hall. It's easy to spot, it's the tallest building in Ponyville."
  272. As you make your way through Ponyville, all the houses are in the same style. Wooden beams, golden-yellow thatched rooves, pale yellow plastered walls. Pink seems to be the preferred colour for window frames and doors.
  273. The shape of each one is utterly different. One is a simple two floor rectangle. Another has a two level tower sprouting out of it. Two others have a bridge joining the upper floors. And nearly all of them are decorated with hearts, perhaps its the Ponyville symbol.
  274. Ponies walk the streets, some talking, some going about on business. Some you and Spike exchange waves or greetings with.
  275. As you enter the clear area around Town Hall you take a good look at it. The gazebo styling, you've seen it before but now that you're taking a proper look at it there's only one thing to say. It's tall. Must be huge inside.
  276. Spike hops up on the ledge of a water fountain with a statue of a pony on top.
  277. "This is the Town Hall, pretty much any important event in Ponyville will happen in there or out here."
  278. He points towards a distant mountain. "In the north you can just about see Canterlot." A white city with hints of purple and gold on a plateau, high up the side of the mountain. "Twilight and I lived there before we moved here. Most ponies have their houses on the north side of Ponyville."
  279. He hops down from the ledge. "Around town hall are some of the stores." He starts pointing out buildings. "Barnyard Bargains, Sugarcube Corner, Quills and Sofas. And across the river to the east there's the market, with a bunch of tents and stalls, you can find almost anything to spend your bits on there."
  280. Spike leads you towards the rivers edge so you can get a better look at the colourful array of tents on the grassy field.
  281. "There are more places over there too, like the Spa. And most importantly Rarity's Boutique." Spike's voice was a little wierd when he said that. And he seems to have started daydreaming.
  282. "Spike?"
  283. "What? Oh, right. The tour. We have to go a little out of town for the next part." He walks off and you follow. "There's really only two things out here. The schoolhouse and Sweet Apple Acres."
  284. For a while you both followed the road past the schoolhouse, before veering off to climb a small hill. Spike seems to have found a place with a great view of the farm. A sea of apple trees in all directions, surrounding a red barn. You can also see other fields growing other things, corn and it's hard to see from a distance but those look like lettuce.
  285. "And the Apples do all this themselves? That's a lot of work for four ponies."
  286. Spike waves a claw dimissively. "The Apples only look after the apple orchards. The entire place is theirs but other ponies look after the other plants, like Golden Harvest looks after the carrot fields."
  287. A thought begins to form. It looks you're going to need to find a way to make Bits. Working off the idea that you're green because you're part tree, maybe you'd be good at growing things. Then you can sell them at the market. Perhaps the Apples have a spare field you can use. You share your idea with Spike.
  288. "I don't know Anon, you might wanna wait a while before asking. Winter starts in a few days and everypony in Sweet Apple Acres is going to be super busy right now getting ready for it."
  289. Guess he's right. You'll have plenty of time to ask when they're less busy. Things don't grow until Spring right? "Come on Spike, lets head back and see if Twilight is done so we can get breakfast."
  291. By the time you and Spike got back Twilight had finished pulling the leaves down into a nice neat ring around the Golden Oak.
  292. Over a breakfast of toast and apples, you finally asked the question you'd been wondering about. "So how does everypony seem to know that winter is coming in a few days."
  293. Spike giggles and Twilight smiles as she says "Because that's when Cloudsdale arrives silly." Realisation dawns for both of them as your face remains serious.
  294. Spike stops giggling. "Oh, you don't know. This must be your first winter."
  295. "Spike! Fetch me Windy Whirl's World of Weather. Don't worry Anon, I'll explain everything."
  296. A small muffled groan comes from Spike as he gets up to find the book. When he returned, you left him to finish breakfast while you and Twilight got settled in the main library.
  297. Sharing a cushion, you began going through the book together. Twilight was very thorough and began with the Running of the Leaves.
  298. If the ponies didn't run, the leaves wouldn't fall until spring and the new leaves sprouting pushed them off or some huge, unsafe windstorm blew them all off. If they fell all at once, they could break down under the snows of winter and fertilise the soil around the tree they fell from. All nice and ready for new growth in spring. Hence the Running of Leaves just before winter arrives.
  299. The weather in every town and city in Equestria is provided by a Weather Patrol, a team of Pegasi whose innate magic allows them to touch and manipulate clouds, where Earth ponies and Unicorns would just fall through them. Twilight's friend Rainbow Dash leads the Ponyville team. They have a small river, not far from the town, with a dam so they can collect water to make clouds. They schedule the weather providing rain, snow and clear skies when needed.
  300. But there are limits to what a small team of pegasi and one cloud machine can do, which is where Cloudsdale comes in. A cloud city where the main weather factory is. It travels around Equestria doing the big weather, like storms, rainbows or helping out towns whose Weather Patrols are having trouble. And the biggest one of all, bringing in winter. Cloudsdale can set up a town for winter in a day, if Ponyville tried to do it by themselves it would take a month, even with every one in town helping.
  301. Then three months later, winter is wrapped up. You didn't get much explanation on that point. Twilight became all giddy and excited, insisting it will be amazing and "I don't want to spoil the surprise, it's going to be so much fun."
  302. After the book closed and Twilight went upstairs to begin her studies for the day, you felt thoroughly instructed on weather in Ponyville. And you began to understand why so many ponies were so busy, if a season changes in the space of a day, you better be ready for it. Spike was right about not going to the Apples with your idea just yet, that farm must be busier than a beehive.
  304. Two days later and Cloudsdale arrived. It was quite a sight, a huge mass of clouds. You were a little disappointed it stayed so far away, far enough away you couldn't see much detail except for the larger cloud structures, some sort of arena and of course the Weather Factory. Guess it would be rude to hover a cloud city directly over the town. A constant stream of Pegasi flew back and forth between there and Ponyville, hauling clouds, arranging them. A thick blanket of white began to spread across the sky of Ponyville.
  305. You watched it all with Twilight from a balcony. While you had spotted Rainbow Dash and some of the Ponyville Pegasi flying about and small number of Earth Ponies helping from the ground, the Cloudsdale team seemed to have most of the work under control. Spike had brought you both some hot cocoa then retreated back inside.
  306. "Are you sure Spike won't join us?"
  307. Twilight giggles into her cocoa. "While Spike likes winter fun as much as any pony, he doesn't like to be outside when it's snowing."
  308. "That's a shame, it's quite a sight." The fluffy white cloud cover has spread to point it's starting to dim the light of the sun and make the day a little darker.
  309. "I don't think even the promise of hot cocoa would lure him out from under his blanket."
  310. That draws a laugh from you, you may have only lived with them for a week but you've learnt all about Spike's love of sleep.
  311. The afternoon draws on, the cloud cover is complete. The river looks like its starting to freeze up and fewer Pegasi are flying through the skies.
  312. "Anon. Look! I think it's about to start."
  313. Taking a last sip of your cocoa, you turn your eyes skyward. Ponyville is silent, the streets and skies are clear of Pegasi. Maybe its your imagination but you think you can hear the dull pomf of Pegasi kicking the clouds to start them up. The first flakes begin to fall, slowly at first and few in number. Twilight makes a small noise of awe, you stay silent but you certainly feel the same as she does.
  314. The flakes build and build in number over the next half hour until it seems almost on the verge of becoming a blizzard. Drifts of snow have begun to pile up.
  315. "I think we should head inside Twilight. The snow is falling hard now and we're out of cocoa."
  316. Twilight nods and you both head inside.
  317. The snow continued to fall all day and as night fell you propped yourself up beside a window and watched it fall through the night.
  319. You awoke with a yawn the next morning, must have fallen asleep while snow watching. And somepony has put a blanket on you. "Blanket?"
  320. "Good morning Anon." Twilight is at her desk, horn aglow as she writes with a quill.
  321. "Guess I fell asleep watching the snowfall."
  322. She smiles "We didn't want to wake you." Little things like that makes you glad you ended up living Twilight and Spike, even though it's only been a few days.
  323. Throwing off the blanket you stand and stretch. "So what's the plan for today?"
  324. Twilight stops writing, the scroll floating into the air so you can see it. "I just finished making the checklist. Item one; Create checklist of things I have to do today. Check." She puts a tickmark next to it.
  325. "Item two; Get Spike out of bed before breakfast. Item three; Clear the snow off the balconies and away from the door. Item four; Meet up with the girls for the first day of winter fun. Item five; The three of us are invited to Pinkie Pie's Welcome to Winter party."
  326. "Sounds like a fun day."
  327. "Great. If you can make a start on breakfast, I'll work on checking off the next item."
  328. Heading down to the kitchen, not a place you spend much time in it's a rather cramped space wedged between the upper floor and the main library, you ponder what to make.
  329. Pancakes sound good, but it's going to be cold out there. Something hot might be better, oatmeal and jam. That'll do.
  330. As it heats up you can dimly hear Spike's groaning complaints as Twilight wakes him. They enter just as you're spooning it out. Extra jam because oatmeal isn't exactly a festival of flavour.
  331. Twilight smiles at you but Spike still looks a bit sleepy. "Thanks Anon."
  332. Twilight gobbles down the Oatmeal quickly and it's quickly apparant why. "Item three, Clear the snow off the balconies and away from the door. Anon could you take the broom and clear the upper balcony, I will clear the middle and Spike you can take the shovel and clear the doorway."
  333. This pony loves her checklists and completing them. After your done with your own oatmeal, you grab a broom and head up to the upper balcony. Twilight normally keeps a telescope up here.
  334. It doesn't take long to remove the snow, not that it went very far. You just swept it over the edge where it landed on the tree branches below. But you weren't asked to sweep the snow to anywhere, only from here.
  335. Spike can be heard scraping away below with his shovel, so you take some time to admire the view. The Golden Oak is tall but not quite tall enough to see over the other houses. But it's a beautiful sight in all directions nonetheless.
  336. Ponyville under a blanket of white. And you're not the only one outside, other ponies are out clearing snow away from the places they'd rather not have it. Mostly around their doorways or window ledges. One or two you recognise from the welcome party.
  337. And you'll be out there soon yourself. Item four, winter fun. Whatever that means. And you get to finally meet Rainbow Dash and Rarity properly. Your mind drifts as you take in the view and refreshing cold air for a few moments.
  338. Got to head back inside though, yesterday you spent the day enjoying the view and you fell asleep at the window. Fall asleep up here and you might throw off Twilight's checklist. A bad idea if there ever was one.
  339. Downstairs you find Twilight finished and checking off item three. Spike has covered his spikes with a wool hat and is looking a bit more awake, Twilight has some cute yellow boots and a scarf on.
  340. You feel a bit underdressed for the cold now, Twilight seems to be thinking that too. "Would you like to borrow one of my scarves Anon?"
  341. "Thanks Twilight, it's not too cold but no sense in taking chances."
  342. "It might be a little small for you but we can ask Rarity if she can make one that's more your size."
  343. "That would be great." Now your neck won't get cold but really you're more worried about your feet.
  344. Spike interjects "So where are we going first?"
  345. "Item four, Meet up with the girls for the first day of winter fun. Sugarcube Corner!"
  346. Spike cheers "Awesome, we can get some cupcakes."
  347. "It's a little early for cupcakes isn't it?"
  348. "It's never too early for cupcakes Anon."
  349. Twilight opens the door. "Come on you two."
  351. There is a rush of warmth and the tinkling of a bell as the three of you enter Sugarcube Corner. A greeting is barely out of your mouths before mugs of hot cocoa are shoved into hoof, hand and claw.
  352. Pinkie bounces up and down in front of you. "About time you got here, we've been waiting forever for you to arrive."
  353. Applejack rolls her eyes. "It's been five minutes Pinkie."
  354. "Six to be precise." Rarity interjects.
  355. Fluttershy smiles behind her cocoa mug. "I don't mind waiting."
  356. Pinkie bounces across the room, back behind the counter. "It's the first day of Winter! Do you know how much we have to do?"
  357. "The snow isn't going anywhere Pinkie." A rainbow maned Pegasus interrupts, this must be Rainbow Dash. "Hey, you must be Anon. Nice to finally meet you."
  358. "You too Rainbow Dash, I saw you working on the weather yesterday. It was pretty amazing to watch."
  359. "Thanks but the Cloudsdale team did most of the work." She look a little unsure for a moment. "Anon, I've been meaning to thank you for showing up at the end of the race. The way you tore down the party tent. It was a great distraction."
  360. "Distraction?" Did you do something else that nopony told you about?
  361. "Yeah, from..." Rainbow trails off.
  362. But Spike there to finish her sentence. "From coming last?"
  363. Applejack chimes in. "From embarassing ourselves in front of the Princess?"
  364. Pinkie looks up from whatever she was doing behind the counter. "Both?"
  365. Dash rubs the back of her neck a with a hoof. "Yeeeaah, those."
  366. Twilight speaks up. "It's alright Rainbow, the Princess was more amused than anything and happy we all learned something from it. Now, lets finish this cocoa. I was reading a book on snow sculpting and I want to try out some of the techniques."
  368. It's a short journey from Ponyville to one of the several lakes around it. It's completely frozen over. Skating isn't going to happen today, no one has skates.
  369. The shore however has deep drifts of snow, the first part of winter fun, you're helpfully informed, is building snowponies.
  370. You set about building your Snowpony. Four thick columns of snow for the legs, easy enough. Got a small ball of snow pre-rolled to serve as the head.
  371. Now you just have to build the body. But try as you might you just can't get it right. The tummy region between the four legs just keeps falling out.
  372. At one point your Snowpony spilt in half, bringing down two of the legs as well. Rainbow and Pinkie, having built their own Snowponies in record time, spot your mounting frustration and lack of success.
  373. "Having trouble with your Snowpony Nonners?"
  374. "Yeah, looks like it."
  375. Rainbow Dash trots forward and begins kicking away your broken torso snow. "Rookie mistake Anon, you're compacting the snow in the tummy too much because you're afraid it'll fall without support."
  376. She starts building a new torso piece with Pinkie's help. "All you're doing is turning it into ice and making it heavy, so it'll fall down every time. You need a light hoof."
  377. Guess the Weather pony would know more about snow than you. "Dashie is right Nonners, you need to keep it light and fluffy like vanilla wafer cake."
  378. As Dash and Pinkie help you build a Snowpony the right way, out of the corner of your eye you spy Rarity levitating a small bag out from somewhere.
  379. Applejack spots it too. "What you got there Rarity?"
  380. "Hats, Applejack. No Snowpony is complete without a chapaeu and I refuse to leave any Snowpony I've had a hoof in building looking less than fabulous."
  381. "Ain't they a bit fancy for Snowponies? They look good enough to sell in your boutique."
  382. "Fashion is meant to be seen darling. And if somepony would happen to wonder where such fabulous and fashionable headwear came from..."
  383. "Yeah, I get ya." Applejack chuckles, which starts Rarity off as well. They both start going through the bag and arguing over which snowpony should have which hat.
  384. Attention turns back to Dash and Pinkie as they complete your Snowpony, you have a feeling you'll be building more of these over winter, so now's the time to learn.
  385. You've barely begun to concentrate on what they're doing when you a hear a splatting sound. Turning you find Applejack with her hat askew, a smear of snow on it.
  386. Applejack wipes off her hat and sets it back in place. "Who in the hay did that?"
  387. All the ponies freeze up and silence descends. It drags out and you begin to wonder what's going on. Twilight and Spike are the first to move, diving behind a bank of snow, giggling.
  388. Before you can even blink, snow is flying through the air in all directions.
  390. It was a much colder walk back to Sugarcube Corner. Suffice to say you didn't do well in your first snowball fight.
  391. Indeed by the time you got the hang of things, you resembled a snowpony more than anything else. Twilight and Spike were the clear winners, while everypony else fought alone. They teamed up from the start.
  392. Not to say everything went their way, after the snowball fight ended Applejack kicked the tree they were standing under, dropping a big pile of snow on their heads. Pinkie giggled so hard, you thought she might need to be carried back to Sugarcube Corner.
  393. More mugs of cocoa were poured as stories about the snowball fight were swapped. Dash in particular enjoyed recounting her acrobatic dodges and moves.
  394. Hot apple pastries, straight from the oven, were served. You didn't catch the name, all you heard was hot and that was enough.
  395. But something is on your mind. You get a little closer to Rarity as she refills her cocoa. "So who threw the first snowball?"
  396. She almost blushes. "Are you trying to imply something my dear?" You weren't implying anything. But a reaction like that amswers your question. Never would have expected Rarity but then you're still learning about your new friends. The fashion designer has a mischievous streak.
  397. You've known Spike and Twilight for six days. And even though you met Pinkie first, you've spent even less time with her. Guess you shouldn't assume so much.
  398. Twilight's list explicitly said this was the first day of winter fun. So you'll be spending plenty more time with your new friends but perhaps you should try to arrange some one on one time with them, to get to know them better.
  399. You interrupt the ongoing tales of exploits. "So when is the second day of winter fun?"
  400. Pinkie bounces over to the table with more pastries. "Tomorrow silly!"
  401. "And the day after?"
  402. "More fun." Seems Pinkie has all the answers right now.
  403. Twilight seems to understand your thoughtful expression. "This is your first winter Anon. A lot of work stops during the winter season, so everypony has more free time."
  404. Applejack speaks up. "The market is still there, selling the food stored up for winter. But there ain't any harvesting or farming work to do."
  405. Dash shrugs. "And the weather is almost entirely about keeping the snow topped up."
  406. Rarity finally finishes brushing snow both real and imagined from her mane. "And the Spa and Boutique remain open of course."
  407. Twilight sighs at the interruptions. "What I'm saying is, while many places remain open, most ponies are not as a busy as they would be the rest of the year."
  408. "Which means more time for fun. Snowponies, snowball fights, iceskating, the Winter Fashion Show, the Snow Roll. Oh and Hearth's Warming and all the Hearth Warmingest things that go with it." Pinkie practically bounces in her seat as she lists off more things to do.
  409. There may not be much work happening but it looks like your winter days will be action packed nonetheless. "Sounds like it's going to be a great winter."
  411. After the last pastry was eaten, everypony said their goodbyes and returned to their homes. As Fluttershy pointed out, winter nights are a time to be cozy at home.
  412. Spike immediately went to bed, he is a baby dragon and perhaps ate too many pastries.
  413. You and Twilight stayed up a little longer, she had something to write. Perhaps the results of that snowsculpting research she'd mentioned.
  414. However you just wanted to stare out the window for a bit, take in the sight of winter Ponyville at night. And reflect on the day.
  415. Seems you've got seven friends. And while you've got to know two of them, it's time you learned more about the rest.
  416. The snow outside almost glows in the moonlight. You better get downstairs to bed before you fall asleep at a window again.
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