

Jun 26th, 2023
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  1. ! Couldn't create surface from image: Couldn't open logo.bmp
  2. OpenXRay Release Master Gold build 8850, May  1 2023 (Linux 64-bit, shared)
  3. Custom build from commit[025120a4dee7d4aa3d9c1b5d2e15ec1860a80fcc] branch[dev]
  5. command line -nointro -noprefetch -noshadows -fsltx /home/delvin/.wine/drive_c/games/STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux/scop/fsgame.ltx
  7. * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE
  8. * CPU threads: 4
  10. Initializing File System...
  11. $fs_root$ = /home/delvin/.wine/drive_c/games/STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux/scop
  12. using fs-ltx /home/delvin/.wine/drive_c/games/STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux/scop/fsgame.ltx
  13. FS: 40830 files cached 32 archives, 12Kb memory used.
  14. Init FileSystem 2.134105 sec
  15. -----loading \home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
  16. -----loading \home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
  17. ! Failed to determine on which monitor the game is launched.
  18. ! SDL: Invalid window
  19. Starting INPUT device...
  20. Loading module: xrRender_GL
  21. Available render modes[1]:
  22. renderer_rgl
  23. Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
  24. [\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
  25. Selected renderer: renderer_rgl
  26. Loading module: xrGame
  27. Initializing Engine...
  28. SOUND: OpenAL: system default sound device name is OpenAL Soft
  29. Executing config-script "\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
  30. [\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
  31. Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
  32. Executing config-script "\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\configs\rspec_minimum.ltx"...
  33. [\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\configs\rspec_minimum.ltx] successfully loaded.
  34. Executing config-script "\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
  35. [\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
  36. ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'sv_adm_menu_ban_time'
  37. ~ Valid arguments: ui_mp_am_10_minutes/ui_mp_am_30_minutes/ui_mp_am_1_hour/ui_mp_am_6_hours/ui_mp_am_1_day/ui_mp_am_1_week/ui_mp_am_1_month/ui_mp_am_3_monthes/ui_mp_am_forever
  38. ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'sv_suspicious_actions_ban_time'
  39. ~ Valid arguments: ui_mp_am_10_minutes/ui_mp_am_30_minutes/ui_mp_am_1_hour/ui_mp_am_6_hours/ui_mp_am_1_day/ui_mp_am_1_week/ui_mp_am_1_month/ui_mp_am_3_monthes/ui_mp_am_forever
  40. [\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
  41. SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft
  42. * SOUND: EFX extension: present
  43. * sound : cache: 32768 kb, 2428 lines, 13820 bpl
  44. Starting RENDER device...
  45. * GPU vendor: [Mesa] device: [AMD REDWOOD (DRM 2.50.0 / 5.15.79-rt54, LLVM 15.0.7)]
  46. * GPU OpenGL version: 4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.0.3
  47. * GPU OpenGL shading language version: 4.50
  48. * GPU OpenGL VTF units: [16] CTI units: [96]
  49. * DVB created: 4096K
  50. * DIB created: 512K
  51. ! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world'
  52. * HWDST/PCF supported and used
  53. Starting engine...
  54. * [ Linux ]: free[443692 K], reserved[17256 K], committed[2217956 K]
  55. * [ Render ]: textures[0 K]
  56. * [ x-ray  ]: process heap[177 K]
  57. * [ x-ray  ]: economy: strings[7947 K], smem[0 K]
  58. -nointro -noprefetch -noshadows -fsltx /home/delvin/.wine/drive_c/games/STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux/scop/fsgame.ltx
  59. * phase time: 0 ms
  60. * phase cmem: 200 K
  61. * phase time: 21 ms
  62. * phase cmem: 200 K
  63. * phase time: 109 ms
  64. * phase cmem: 207 K
  65. * phase time: 0 ms
  66. * phase cmem: 207 K
  67. * Loading spawn registry...
  68. * 6464 spawn points are successfully loaded
  69. * Loading objects...
  70. * 12744 objects are successfully loaded
  71. * Game delvin - quicksave is successfully loaded from file '\home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\_appdata_\savedgames\delvin - quicksave.scop' (2.117s)
  72. * phase time: 2116 ms
  73. * phase cmem: 398 K
  74. * phase time: 35 ms
  75. * phase cmem: 398 K
  76. * phase time: 11 ms
  77. * phase cmem: 398 K
  78. * client : connection accepted - <All Ok>
  79. * phase time: 11 ms
  80. * phase cmem: 398 K
  81. * phase time: 5 ms
  82. * phase cmem: 398 K
  83. * phase time: 1372 ms
  84. * phase cmem: 626 K
  85. * phase time: 412 ms
  86. * phase cmem: 626 K
  87. * phase time: 3260 ms
  88. * phase cmem: 626 K
  89. * phase time: 59 ms
  90. * phase cmem: 626 K
  91. * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
  92. * [DETAILS] 10126 v(20), 5368 p
  93. * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(197K), IB(31K)
  94. * phase time: 76 ms
  95. * phase cmem: 626 K
  96. * Loading HOM: \home\delvin\.wine\drive_c\games\STALKER_OpenXRay_Linux\scop\gamedata\levels\pripyat\level.hom
  97. * phase time: 37 ms
  98. * phase cmem: 626 K
  99. * phase time: 15 ms
  100. * phase cmem: 626 K
  101. * phase time: 2 ms
  102. * phase cmem: 626 K
  103. * phase time: 6 ms
  104. * phase cmem: 626 K
  105. ! OpenGL: 0x500: Invalid 3D texture: 'water\water_SBumpVolume'
  106. ! OpenGL: 0x502: Invalid compressed 3D subtexture: 'water\water_SBumpVolume'
  107. * t-report - base: 977, 69898 K
  108. * t-report - lmap: 17, 4349 K
  109. ~ [ui\pda_tasks_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [background]
  110. ! Can't find texture 'ui_ingame2_pda_buttons_background_e'
  111. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_l'
  112. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_r'
  113. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_t'
  114. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_lt'
  115. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_rb'
  116. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_rt'
  117. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_lb'
  118. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_back'
  119. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_l'
  120. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_r'
  121. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_t'
  122. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_b'
  123. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_lt'
  124. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_rb'
  125. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_rt'
  126. ! Can't find texture 'ui_pda2_fr_delimiter_fraction_lb'
  127. ~ [ui\pda_fraction_war_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [background]
  128. ~ [ui\pda_fraction_war_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [static_line1]
  129. ~ [ui\pda_fraction_war_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [static_line2]
  130. ~ [ui\pda_fraction_war_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [static_line3]
  131. ~ [ui\pda_fraction_war_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [static_line4]
  132. ~ [ui\pda_fraction_war_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [static_line_left]
  133. ~ [ui\pda_fraction_war_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [static_line_right]
  134. ~ [ui\pda_logs_16.xml] stretch attribute is unsupported for [background]
  135. * phase time: 8960 ms
  136. * phase cmem: 626 K
  137. ! Unknown command:  dump_infos
  138. * MEMORY USAGE: 632 K
  139. * End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
  140. * phase time: 17796 ms
  141. * phase cmem: 632 K
  142. * [ Linux ]: free[83480 K], reserved[2388 K], committed[2605704 K]
  143. * [ Render ]: textures[94394 K]
  144. * [ x-ray  ]: process heap[632 K]
  145. * [ x-ray  ]: economy: strings[24777 K], smem[7772 K]
  149. [error] Expression    : <no expression>
  150. [error] Function      : handler_base
  151. [error] File          : /opt/xray-16/src/xrCore/xrDebug.cpp
  152. [error] Line          : 885
  153. [error] Description   : segmentation fault
  156. stack trace:
  158. xrDebug::GatherInfo(char*, unsigned long, ErrorLocation const&, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)
  159. xrDebug::Fail(bool&, ErrorLocation const&, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)
  160. bin-linux/ [0x7f606e2e1f27]
  161. /lib64/ [0x7f606da4a920]
  162. R_dsgraph_structure::insert_static(dxRender_Visual*)
  163. R_dsgraph_structure::add_static(dxRender_Visual*, CFrustum const&, unsigned int)
  164. R_dsgraph_structure::build_subspace()
  165. render_sun::calculate_task(Task&, void*)
  166. TaskManager::ExecuteTask(Task&)
  167. IGame_Level::OnRender()
  168. CLevel::OnRender()
  169. CRenderDevice::DoRender()
  170. CRenderDevice::ProcessFrame()
  171. CRenderDevice::message_loop()
  172. CRenderDevice::Run()
  173. Startup()
  174. RunApplication()
  175. bin-linux/xr_3da(+0x15e9) [0x55a6343725e9]
  176. bin-linux/xr_3da(+0x134f) [0x55a63437234f]
  177. /lib64/ [0x7f606da3620a]
  181. [error] Expression    : <no expression>
  182. [error] Function      : handler_base
  183. [error] File          : /opt/xray-16/src/xrCore/xrDebug.cpp
  184. [error] Line          : 885
  185. [error] Description   : segmentation fault
  188. stack trace:
  190. xrDebug::GatherInfo(char*, unsigned long, ErrorLocation const&, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)
  191. xrDebug::Fail(bool&, ErrorLocation const&, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)
  192. bin-linux/ [0x7f606e2e1f27]
  193. /lib64/ [0x7f606da4a920]
  194. R_dsgraph_structure::insert_static(dxRender_Visual*)
  195. R_dsgraph_structure::add_static(dxRender_Visual*, CFrustum const&, unsigned int)
  196. R_dsgraph_structure::build_subspace()
  197. render_sun::calculate_task(Task&, void*)
  198. TaskManager::ExecuteTask(Task&)
  199. IGame_Level::OnRender()
  200. CLevel::OnRender()
  201. CRenderDevice::DoRender()
  202. CRenderDevice::ProcessFrame()
  203. CRenderDevice::message_loop()
  204. CRenderDevice::Run()
  205. Startup()
  206. RunApplication()
  207. bin-linux/xr_3da(+0x15e9) [0x55a6343725e9]
  208. bin-linux/xr_3da(+0x134f) [0x55a63437234f]
  209. /lib64/ [0x7f606da3620a]
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