

Jun 27th, 2022
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  1. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 [CMaNGOS Classic World server v0.18] id(1) port(8085)
  2. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  4.        _____     __  __       _   _  _____  ____   _____
  5.       / ____|   |  \/  |     | \ | |/ ____|/ __ \ / ____|
  6.      | |        | \  / |     |  \| | |  __  |  | | (___  
  7.      | |ontinued| |\/| | __ _| . ` | | |_ | |  | |\___ \
  8.      | |____    | |  | |/ _` | |\  | |__| | |__| |____) |
  9.       \_____|   |_|  |_| (_| |_| \_|\_____|\____/ \____/
  10.\__,_|     Doing emulation right!
  13. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Built on Jun 27 2022 at 22:48:23
  14. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Built for Win64 (little-endian)
  15. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Using commit hash(a2ad9a2f6b0dd4f15ed180bff6fb02baa80b1b38) committed on 2022-06-26T17:00:47+02:00
  16. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Using configuration file mangosd.conf.
  17. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  18. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 <Ctrl-C> to stop.
  19. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 World Database total connections: 2
  20. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL client library: 8.0.23
  21. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL server ver: 8.0.29
  22. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL client library: 8.0.23
  23. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL server ver: 8.0.29
  24. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Character Database total connections: 2
  25. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL client library: 8.0.23
  26. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL server ver: 8.0.29
  27. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL client library: 8.0.23
  28. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL server ver: 8.0.29
  29. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Login Database total connections: 2
  30. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL client library: 8.0.23
  31. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL server ver: 8.0.29
  32. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL client library: 8.0.23
  33. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL server ver: 8.0.29
  34. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Logs Database total connections: 2
  35. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL client library: 8.0.23
  36. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL server ver: 8.0.29
  37. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL client library: 8.0.23
  38. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 MySQL server ver: 8.0.29
  39. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  40. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Realm running as realm ID 1
  41. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  42. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Using World DB: Classic DB version 1.12 "Melting Pot". For Classic core z2793.
  43. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Using creature EventAI: ACID 1.12.x (Classic) for CMaNGOS-CLASSIC (1.12.X Client)
  44. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  45. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Using DataDir D:/Games/wow classic 1.1.2/
  46. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1
  47. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 WORLD: VMap data directory is: D:/Games/wow classic 1.1.2/vmaps
  48. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 WORLD: MMap pathfinding enabled
  49. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  50. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Loading MaNGOS strings...
  51. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Loading texts from mangos_string
  52. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 >> Loaded 914 MaNGOS strings from table mangos_string
  53. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  54. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Loading spell_template...
  55. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 >> Loaded 22374 spell_template records
  56. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  57. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 >> Loaded 709 spell_cone records
  58. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  59. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Loading broadcast_text...
  60. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 >> Loaded 11104 texts from broadcast_text
  61. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  62. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Loading world safe locs ...
  63. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 >> Loaded 122 world safe locs
  64. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Initialize DBC data stores...
  65. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 >> Initialized 52 data stores
  66. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  67. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Using zhCN DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: zhCN
  68. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  69. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Loading cinematic...
  70. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 >> Loaded 10 cinematic waypoint sets in 1 ms
  71. 2022-06-28 01:23:02
  72. 2022-06-28 01:23:02 Loading Script Names...
  73. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 406 Script Names
  74. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  75. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading WorldTemplate...
  76. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 2 World Template definitions
  77. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  78. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading InstanceTemplate...
  79. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 ERROR:ObjectMgr::LoadInstanceTemplate: non-instanceable mapid 369 for template!
  80. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 ERROR:ObjectMgr::LoadInstanceTemplate: non-instanceable mapid 449 for template!
  81. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 ERROR:ObjectMgr::LoadInstanceTemplate: non-instanceable mapid 450 for template!
  82. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 33 Instance Template definitions
  83. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  84. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMaps Data...
  85. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 5072 SkillLineAbility MultiMaps Data
  86. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  87. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading SkillRaceClassInfoMultiMap Data...
  88. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 148 SkillRaceClassInfo MultiMap Data
  89. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  90. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Cleaning up instances...
  91. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Instances cleaned up
  92. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  93. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Packing instances...
  94. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Instance numbers remapped, next instance id is 1
  95. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  96. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Packing groups...
  97. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Group Ids remapped, next group id is 1
  98. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  99. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  100. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Page Texts...
  101. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 1427 page texts
  102. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  103. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Game Object Templates...
  104. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 10743 game object templates
  105. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  106. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading GameObject models...
  107. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  108. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Spell Chain Data...
  109. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 2888 spell chain records (1786 from DBC data with 2 req field updates, and 1102 loaded from table)
  110. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  111. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Checking Spell Cone Data...
  112. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Spell Elixir types...
  113. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 60 spell elixir definitions
  114. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  115. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Spell Facing Flags...
  116. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  117. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 971 facing caster flags
  118. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Spell Learn Skills...
  119. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 58 Spell Learn Skills from DBC
  120. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  121. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Spell Learn Spells...
  122. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 9 spell learn spells + 4735 found in DBC
  123. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  124. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
  125. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 ERROR:Spell 1784 listed in `spell_proc_event` probably not triggered spell (no proc flags)
  126. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 ERROR:Spell 5215 listed in `spell_proc_event` probably not triggered spell (no proc flags)
  127. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 155 extra spell proc event conditions +12 custom proc (inc. +8 custom ranks)
  128. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  129. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Spell Bonus Data...
  130. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 135 extra spell bonus data
  131. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  132. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Spell Proc Item Enchant...
  133. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 7 proc item enchant definitions
  134. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  135. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
  136. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 75 spell threat entries
  137. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  138. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading NPC Texts...
  139. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 2449 npc texts
  140. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  141. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...
  142. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 27892 Item Enchantment definitions
  143. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  144. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Item Templates...
  145. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 14889 item prototypes
  146. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  147. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Item Texts...
  148. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  149. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 0 item pages
  150. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...
  151. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 10534 creature model based info
  152. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  153. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Equipment templates...
  154. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 4903 equipment template
  155. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  156. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature Stats...
  157. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Found 189 creature stats definitions.
  158. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  159. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature templates...
  160. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 10384 creature definitions
  161. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  162. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature immunities...
  163. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 207 creature_immunities definitions
  164. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  165. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature spell lists...
  166. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 0 creature_spell_list definitions
  167. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  168. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature cooldowns...
  169. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 0 creature_cooldowns definitions
  170. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  171. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature template spells...
  172. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 0 creature_cooldowns definitions
  173. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  174. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading ItemRequiredTarget...
  175. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 49 Item required targets
  176. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  177. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Reputation Reward Rates...
  178. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 3 reputation_reward_rate
  179. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  180. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...
  181. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 442 creature award reputation definitions
  182. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  183. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Reputation Spillover Data...
  184. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 12 reputation_spillover_template
  185. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  186. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Points Of Interest Data...
  187. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 244 Points of Interest definitions
  188. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  189. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Pet Create Spells...
  190. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  191. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 7 pet create spells from table and 332 from DBC
  192. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature Conditional Spawn Data...
  193. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 ERROR:creature_conditional_spawn table is empty!
  195. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 0 creature_conditional_spawn entries
  196. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  197. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature Spawn Template Data...
  198. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 25 creature_spawn_data_template entries
  199. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  200. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature Spawn Entry Data...
  201. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 >> Loaded 3308 creature_spawn_entry entries
  202. 2022-06-28 01:23:03
  203. 2022-06-28 01:23:03 Loading Creature Data...
  204. 2022-06-28 01:23:04 >> Loaded 65447 creatures
  205. 2022-06-28 01:23:04
  206. 2022-06-28 01:23:04 Loading Gameobject Spawn Entry Data...
  207. 2022-06-28 01:23:04 >> Loaded 5504 gameobject_spawn_entry entries
  208. 2022-06-28 01:23:04
  209. 2022-06-28 01:23:04 Loading Gameobject Data...
  210. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 52798 gameobjects
  211. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  212. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading SpellsScriptTarget...
  213. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 869 spell_script_target definitions
  214. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  215. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Generating SpellTargetMgr data...
  217. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Creature Addon Data...
  218. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 7517 creature template addons
  219. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 1780 creature addons
  220. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >>> Creature Addon Data loaded
  221. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  222. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading CreatureLinking Data...
  223. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 > Loading table `creature_linking_template`
  224. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded creature linking for 140 creature-entries
  225. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  226. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 > Loading table `creature_linking`
  227. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded creature linking for 1419 creature-Guids
  228. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  229. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Objects Pooling Data...
  230. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  231. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 5202 objects pools
  232. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  233. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 168 creatures in pools from `pool_creature`
  234. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  235. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 843 creatures in pools from `pool_creature_template`
  236. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  237. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 27582 gameobject in pools from `pool_gameobject`
  238. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  239. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 828 gameobject in pools from `pool_gameobject_template`
  240. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  241. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 3023 pools in mother pools
  242. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  243. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Weather Data...
  244. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 33 weather definitions
  245. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  246. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Quests...
  247. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 4244 quests definitions
  248. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  249. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Quests Relations...
  250. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  251. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 245 quest relations from gameobject_questrelation
  252. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  253. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 208 quest relations from gameobject_involvedrelation
  254. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  255. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 3822 quest relations from creature_questrelation
  256. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  257. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 3950 quest relations from creature_involvedrelation
  258. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >>> Quests Relations loaded
  259. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  260. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Game Event Data...
  261. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  262. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 62 game events
  263. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  264. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 2385 creatures in game events
  265. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  266. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 10689 gameobjects in game events
  267. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  268. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 909 creature reactions at game events
  269. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  270. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 61 quest additions in game events
  271. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  272. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 1 start/end game event mails
  273. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >>> Game Event Data loaded
  274. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  275. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Dungeon Encounters...
  276. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading WorldState Names...
  277. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 1 worldstate names
  278. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  279. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Conditions...
  280. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 998 Condition definitions
  281. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  282. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Spawn Groups
  283. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 236 spawn_group definitions
  284. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  285. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Transports...
  286. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 9 transports
  287. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  288. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Creating map persistent states for non-instanceable maps...
  289. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  290. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Creature Respawn Data...
  291. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 0 creature respawn time.
  292. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  293. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Gameobject Respawn Data...
  294. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 0 gameobject respawn time.
  295. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  296. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading SpellArea Data...
  297. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 5 spell area requirements
  298. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  299. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading AreaTrigger definitions...
  300. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 103 area trigger teleport definitions
  301. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  302. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Quest Area Triggers...
  303. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 42 quest trigger points
  304. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  305. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Tavern Area Triggers...
  306. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 42 tavern triggers
  307. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  308. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading AreaTrigger script names...
  309. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 58 areatrigger scripts
  310. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  311. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading event id script names...
  312. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 51 scripted event id
  313. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  314. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Graveyard-zone links...
  315. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 171 graveyard-zone links
  316. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  317. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading taxi flight shortcuts...
  318. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 98 taxi shortcuts
  319. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  320. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading spell target destination coordinates...
  321. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 350 spell target destination coordinates
  322. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  323. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading SpellAffect definitions...
  324. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  325. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 132 spell affect definitions
  326. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading spell pet auras...
  327. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 24 spell pet auras
  328. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  329. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Player Create Info & Level Stats...
  330. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  331. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 40 player create definitions
  332. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  333. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 0 custom player create items
  334. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  335. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 954 player create skills
  336. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  337. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 1497 player create spells
  338. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  339. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 215 player create actions
  340. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  341. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 540 level health/mana definitions
  342. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  343. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 2400 level stats definitions
  344. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  345. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 60 xp for level definitions
  346. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >>> Player Create Info & Level Stats loaded
  347. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  348. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Exploration BaseXP Data...
  349. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 61 BaseXP definitions
  350. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  351. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Pet Name Parts...
  352. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 260 pet name parts
  353. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  354. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Cleaning character database...
  355. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  356. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading the max pet number...
  357. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded the max pet number: 0
  358. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  359. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading pet level stats...
  360. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 1560 level pet stats definitions
  361. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  362. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Player Corpses...
  363. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 >> Loaded 0 corpses
  364. 2022-06-28 01:23:05
  365. 2022-06-28 01:23:05 Loading Loot Tables...
  366. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 185112 loot definitions (4387 templates) from table creature_loot_template
  367. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  368. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 155 loot definitions (135 templates) from table fishing_loot_template
  369. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  370. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 14404 loot definitions (573 templates) from table gameobject_loot_template
  371. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  372. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 4060 loot definitions (180 templates) from table item_loot_template
  373. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  374. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 75 loot definitions (75 templates) from table mail_loot_template
  375. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  376. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 6909 loot definitions (1560 templates) from table pickpocketing_loot_template
  377. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  378. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 2777 loot definitions (765 templates) from table skinning_loot_template
  379. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  380. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 80 loot definitions (37 templates) from table disenchant_loot_template
  381. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  382. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 34791 loot definitions (585 templates) from table reference_loot_template
  383. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  384. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >>> Loot Tables loaded
  385. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  386. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements...
  387. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 57 areas for fishing base skill level
  388. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  389. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Instance encounters data...
  390. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 240 Instance Encounters
  391. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  392. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Npc Text Id...
  393. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 76 NpcTextId
  394. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  395. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Scripts random templates...
  396. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading DB-Scripts Engine...
  397. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 476 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_relay
  398. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  399. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 346 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_gossip
  400. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  401. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 603 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_quest_start
  402. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  403. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 1358 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_quest_end
  404. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  405. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 32 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_spell
  406. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  407. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 37 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_go_use
  408. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  409. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 170 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_go_template_use
  410. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  411. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 449 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_event
  412. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  413. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 38 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_creature_death
  414. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  415. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 1746 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_creature_movement
  416. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  417. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 0 locales_areatrigger_teleport
  418. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >>> Scripts loaded
  419. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  420. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Scripts text locales...
  421. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Gossip Menus...
  422. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 (Re)Loading Gossip menus...
  423. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 3797 gossip_menu entries
  424. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  425. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 (Re)Loading Gossip menu options...
  426. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 2378 gossip_menu_option entries
  427. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  428. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Vendors...
  429. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 45 vendor template items
  430. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  431. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 12502 vendor items
  432. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  433. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Trainers...
  434. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded `npc_trainer_template`, table is empty!
  435. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  436. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 >> Loaded 27308 trainer spells
  437. 2022-06-28 01:23:06
  438. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Waypoint scripts...
  439. 2022-06-28 01:23:06 Loading Waypoints...
  440. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 2728 paths, 52612 nodes and 0 behaviors from waypoints
  441. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  442. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 426 path templates with 14200 nodes and 0 behaviors from waypoint templates
  443. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  444. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 79 path templates with 2346 nodes and 0 behaviors from waypoint movement templates
  445. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  446. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading ReservedNames...
  447. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 reserved player names
  448. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  449. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading GameObjects for quests...
  450. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 680 GameObjects for quests
  451. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  452. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading BattleMasters...
  453. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 24 battlemaster entries
  454. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  455. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading BattleGround event indexes...
  456. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 1390 battleground eventindexes
  457. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  458. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading GameTeleports...
  459. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 228 GameTeleports
  460. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  461. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Questgiver Greetings...
  462. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 165 questgiver greetings.
  463. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  464. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Trainer Greetings...
  465. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 454 trainer greetings.
  466. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  467. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Localization strings...
  468. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 creature locale strings. DB table `locales_creature` is empty.
  469. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 gameobject locale strings. DB table `locales_gameobject` is empty.
  470. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 Item locale strings. DB table `locales_item` is empty.
  471. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 Quest locale strings. DB table `locales_quest` is empty.
  472. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 NpcText locale strings. DB table `locales_npc_text` is empty.
  473. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 PageText locale strings. DB table `locales_page_text` is empty.
  474. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 gossip_menu_option locale strings. DB table `locales_gossip_menu_option` is empty.
  475. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 points_of_interest locale strings. DB table `locales_points_of_interest` is empty.
  476. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 locales questgiver greetings
  477. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 locales trainer greetings.
  478. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 66624 texts from broadcast_text_locale
  479. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  480. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >>> Localization strings loaded
  481. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  482. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Auctions...
  483. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 auction items
  484. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 auctions. DB table `auction` is empty.
  485. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >>> Auctions loaded
  486. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  487. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Guilds...
  488. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 guild definitions
  489. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  490. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Groups...
  491. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 group definitions
  492. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  493. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Returning old mails...
  494. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Only expired mails (need to be return or delete) or DB table `mail` is empty.
  495. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  496. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading GM tickets...
  497. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 GM tickets
  498. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  499. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading CreatureEventAI Summons...
  500. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 39 CreatureEventAI summon definitions
  501. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  502. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading CreatureEventAI Scripts...
  503. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 10840 CreatureEventAI scripts
  504. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  505. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Initializing Scripting Library...
  506. 2022-06-28 01:23:07   _____           _       _   _____
  507. 2022-06-28 01:23:07  / ____|         (_)     | | |  __ \
  508. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 | (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_| |  | | _____   __
  509. 2022-06-28 01:23:07  \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __| |  | |/ _ \ \ / /
  510. 2022-06-28 01:23:07  ____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_| |__| |  __/\ V /
  511. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 |_____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|_____/ \___| \_/
  512. 2022-06-28 01:23:07                    | |
  513. 2022-06-28 01:23:07                    |_|
  514. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 SD2: Loading Script Texts...
  515. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading texts from script_texts, with additional data
  516. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 1554 text templates from script_texts
  517. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  518. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 SD2: Loading Custom Texts...
  519. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading texts from custom_texts, with additional data
  520. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  521. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 string templates. DB table `custom_texts` is empty.
  522. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 SD2: Loading Gossip Texts...
  523. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading texts from gossip_texts
  524. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 25 string templates from gossip_texts
  525. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  526. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 SD2: Loading Script Waypoints for 60 creature(s)...
  527. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  528. >> Loaded 1677 Script Waypoint nodes.
  529. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 SD2: Loading C++ scripts
  531. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  532. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading spell scripts...
  533. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 406 C++ Scripts.
  534. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Initialize game time and timers
  535. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Starting Outdoor PvP System
  536. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 2 Outdoor PvP zones
  537. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  538. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Starting Map System
  539. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  540. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Starting BattleGround System
  541. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 3 battlegrounds
  542. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  543. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Deleting expired bans...
  544. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  545. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Calculate next weekly quest reset time...
  546. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  547. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Starting server Maintenance system...
  548. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  549. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Flushed all ranking points
  550. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Honor Standing list...
  551. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  552. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> Loaded 0 Horde and 0 Ally honor standing definitions
  553. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Spam records...
  554. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  555. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Starting Game Event system...
  556. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 GameEvent 1 "Midsummer Fire Festival" started.
  557. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 GameEvent 4 "Darkmoon Faire (Elwynn Forest) - July 2020 - Darkmoon Faire Open" started.
  558. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 GameEvent 11 "Elemental Invasion: Air" started.
  559. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 GameEvent 13 "Elemental Invasion: Fire" started.
  560. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 GameEvent 19 "Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch!" started.
  561. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 GameEvent 39 "Elemental Invasion: Earth" started.
  562. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  563. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Player::DeleteOldChars: Deleting all characters which have been deleted 30 days before...
  564. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  565. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading anticheat library
  566. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading antispam system...
  567. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> 211 blacklist entries loaded and normalized
  568. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> 13 ASCII string replacements loaded
  569. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 >> 42 unicode character replacements loaded
  570. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading Warden scan database...
  571. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading scripted Warden scans...
  572. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Loading WorldState
  573. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  574. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 Playerbot: Using configuration file playerbot.conf
  575. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 ---------------------------------------
  576. 2022-06-28 01:23:07       CMANGOS: World initialized      
  577. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 ---------------------------------------
  578. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  579. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 5 seconds
  580. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  581. 2022-06-28 01:23:07 mangosd process priority class set to HIGH
  582. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
  583. 2022-06-28 01:23:07
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