
Final Note

Jun 1st, 2015
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  1. note to Herald
  2. note subject A Bit of Work..
  3. note +
  4. note +
  5. note + Dear Heraldry,
  6. note +
  7. note + If you would be so kind.. I’d like to see that a personal moment of my life be
  8. note + sent out to all the world to see. A bordered piece of paper to make it look
  9. note + a bit more festive would be appreciated. I took time to describe the event in
  10. note + detail and I would greatly appreciate the quality of print to mimic the mastery
  11. note + of the piece that was created.. I’ve titled the event “ Life’s Final Note “.
  12. note +
  13. note + As Always,
  14. note +
  15. note + Thank you..
  16. note +
  17. note + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  18. note +
  19. note +
  20. note + The hour drew long, and we were nearly complete.
  21. note + And there she was, begging me to finally cease.
  22. note + " Please be quiet.. I can’t hear your heartbeat. “
  23. note +
  24. note + With free hand, away from gauging of wound,
  25. note + I scribble on sheets of music, copying her heart’s tune..
  26. note + " There we are.. there it is.. “ She prays it ends soon..
  27. note +
  28. note + A minor kicking of feet as steel punctures skin..
  29. note + A change in rhythm, the tune makes me grin,
  30. note + “ Oooh.. A pleasant shift in our little hymn.. “
  31. note +
  32. note + Eyes leaking the caustic substance of tears,
  33. note + A grimace of disdain, I stared on at my capture peer.
  34. note + " Hate our song..? " She was no more than eight in years.
  35. note +
  36. note + Her blood streaming down the links of the chain,
  37. note + It was clear her life force was beginning to wane.
  38. note + “ Bah! But, you’ve given me so much its hard to complain.. “
  39. note +
  40. note + Placing a hand over her mouth, leaning in close..
  41. note + I leaned over her frail body, ear sticking to bloody clothes..
  42. note + Thump.. thump.. her heart beat softly slows..
  43. note +
  44. note + “ Life’s.. Final.. Note.. “
  45. note +
  46. note + Simply,
  47. note + Trivaith
  48. note +
  49. note + P.S.
  50. note +
  51. note + Thank you, Llana, for you assistance in the creation of this work. It was
  52. note + truly a great experience.
  53. note +
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