
Land of Honesty

Oct 21st, 2019
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  5. i just can't look that Nestle boy any other way then a closet white supremacist after connecting this...
  6. i mean, i not telling he will go full Mickel J on us,
  7. related to lightness,
  8. but he might turn in to  beaez  M.Perry or whatnot might happen if a controlled i communist farm.
  10. or as the before mentioned study say's, something far worse..
  12. Com projects in (f)warm lands, relating to plans implemented now in EU is no less then ower 50, 100+ y long and many kings like it...
  13. For a muslims, i thought today, Europe might as well be the land of 70 virgins, but unfortunately, current Europe's slutty life standards and liberal life will make virgins hunting proper hell all ower again. So is it worth...
  15. As the plan is, after unwinnable has won, they will deal with what helped to win it. As to deal with it after winning unwinnable will be much like a breeze compared to attempt to do alone one or another
  17. So yea.. who is doing this..
  20. " A now-archived thread from 4Chan’s /pol/, ( headed ‘Enter the Milk Zone’, pretty much sums up the whole thing. :
  22. I mean, really, this is like for real:
  26. This URL's are not from a prank site(we do hope it all tobe satire tho), well, as much we can take seriously anything from the situation of this world but still..
  27. ---
  28. As the Prof. say who started it, @iselin Gambert :
  31. Milk is a “symbol and tool” of “white dominance and superiority,” according to Gambert, who explains: "Milk is one of the most ubiquitous and heavily regulated substances on the planet – and perhaps one of the most contested. "It is tied closely to notions of purity, health, and femininity, and is seen as so central to human civilization that our own galaxy – the Milky Way – is named after it. "But despite its wholesome reputation, milk has long had a sinister side, being bound up with the exploitation of the (human and nonhuman) bodies it comes from and being a symbol of and tool for white dominance and superiority. "The word itself, in verb form, means 'to exploit.' "It is also a word at the center of a decades-old, multinational battle taking place in courthouses, the halls of Congress, on social media, and in the streets."
  33. I am Estonian so we only have seen other races mostly from TV and from educational encyclopedias up to recent years, so might be making unjustic in here but probably will be alright.
  35. --
  36. Oh, Communist is white right? This is why they made this now scilogy supported Muslim Outreach some kind of power organization that is Also  as is Sciology, a Com front as anyone with any interest related to it knows who has looked in to more than 5 minutes.
  38. Some weird one was also part of it...not th Marthing Luther but the other one, half red-one seemed for a time before their own crew i think pay what is the price for going all gangster on "Muslim" Coms.  
  39. Oh.. american History X kind of bring this guy back to mind, Malcom X.
  40. Muslim them  self, who proper pipe smoking towelhead gurus have told that as these guys are Not according to prophet's pillars,then, by Islam self Law,  they anything but muslim.s
  41. but America looks it as mayor Islam/Africa outreach for making justice in america.. and allowing  this org to be funded so much that a lot  
  42. of actual good is made in so large scale eventually by people self organized logic, that crips to bloods will pack it up and
  44. well, story shortis the similarkind of pomei/mek org ya can find under #trumpteam some links relatd to paris meetings with orgs who was proper best service offerer for making "spuprice" attack on Arab to say it was iran, and by God will it really looks like as iran as the Marxisits democrats have teterminated to say them self, with backing of USA and Communist party is the actual New proper iran Gow (after they have assasinated about more then 70 officialstate leaders including prsident etc.. few USA gov people as well publiclly.. but as they are USA Global partners is kind of not so big issue once the 3000 year old mpire gets proper tuned up for new values , in the land of Honesty.
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