
Molly Allsong

Feb 16th, 2012
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  1. Str 12 - 2 racial = 10 (+0)
  2. Dex 14 + 2 racial = 16 (+4)
  3. Con 14 (+2)
  4. Int 14 (+2)
  5. Wis 12 (+1)
  6. Cha 16 + 2 racial = 18 (+4)
  8. Skills
  9. Acrobatics (Dex): 3 + 3 trained + 3 Dex + 2 racial = +12
  10. Bluff (Cha): 3 + 3 trained + 4 Cha = +10
  11. Knowledge (arcana) (Int): 1 + 3 trained + 2 Int + 1 bardic knowledge = +7
  12. Knowledge (local) (Int): 1 + 3 trained + 2 Int + 1 bardic knowledge = +7
  13. Knowledge (nature) (Int): 1 + 3 trained + 2 Int + 1 bardic knowledge = +7
  14. Knowledge (planes) (Int): 1 + 3 trained + 2 Int + 1 bardic knowledge = +7
  15. Knowledge (psionics) (Int): 1 + 3 trained + 2 Int + 1 bardic knowledge = +7
  16. Knowledge (religion) (Int): 1 + 3 trained + 2 Int + 1 bardic knowledge = +7
  17. Linguistics (Int): 3 + 3 trained + 2 Int +1 trait = +9
  18. Perform (oratory) (Cha): 3 + 3 trained + 4 Cha +1 trait = +11
  19. Perform (act) (Cha): 3 + 3 trained + 4 Cha +1 trait = +11
  20. Perception (Wis): 3 + 3 trained + 1 Wis + 2 racial = +10
  21. Use Magic Device (Cha): 3 + 3 trained + 4 Cha = +10
  23. Languages: Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Draconic, Celestial
  25. Traits
  26. Intense Artist (+1 to Perform (oratory) and Perform (act))
  27. Cosmopolitan (+1 to Linguistics)
  29. Feats
  30. 1st: Weapon Finesse
  31. 3rd: Song of the Heart
  33. Spells (CL 3rd)
  34. 1st (4/day) - inspirational boost, charm person (DC 15), adoration, vanish
  35. 0th - detect magic, read magic, prestidigitation, mage hand, message, summon instrument
  37. Racial Abilities
  38. Small
  39. Slow speed
  40. Fearless
  41. Halfling luck
  42. Keen senses
  43. Sure-footed
  45. Class Abilities
  46. Bardic knowledge +1
  47. Bardic performance 10 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +2, inspire competence +3)
  48. Versatile performance (Oratory)
  49. Well-versed
  51. Combat
  52. HD: 3d8 + 6 (23 hp)
  53. Attack: rapier +6 melee (1d6/18-20) or masterwork shortbow +7 ranged (1d6/x3)
  54. Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5
  55. AC 10 + 1 size +4 masterwork chain shirt +3 Dex = 18
  56. Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft.
  57. Speed 20 ft.
  59. Equipment
  60. rapier (20 gp)
  61. masterwork shortbow (375 gp)
  62. masterwork chain shirt (250 gp)
  63. adventuring stuff (55 gp)
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