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Jul 30th, 2016
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  1. --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Grid
  3. Compact party and raid unit frames.
  4. Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Kyle Smith (Pastamancer), Phanx
  5. All rights reserved.
  6. See the accompanying README and LICENSE files for more information.
  10. ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  12. local _, Grid = ...
  13. local L = Grid.L
  14. local Layout = Grid:GetModule("GridLayout")
  15. local Roster = Grid:GetModule("GridRoster")
  17. -- nameList = "",
  18. -- groupFilter = "",
  19. -- sortMethod = "INDEX", -- or "NAME"
  20. -- sortDir = "ASC", -- or "DESC"
  21. -- strictFiltering = false,
  22. -- unitsPerColumn = 5, -- treated specifically to do the right thing when available
  23. -- maxColumns = 5, -- mandatory if unitsPerColumn is set, or defaults to 1
  24. -- isPetGroup = true, -- special case, not part of the Header API
  26. local Layouts = {
  27. None = {
  28. name = L["None"],
  29. },
  30. ByGroup = {
  31. name = L["By Group"],
  32. defaults = {
  33. sortMethod = "INDEX",
  34. unitsPerColumn = 5,
  35. maxColumns = 1,
  36. },
  37. [1] = {
  38. groupFilter = "1",
  39. },
  40. -- additional groups added/removed dynamically
  41. },
  42. ByClass = {
  43. name = L["By Class"],
  44. defaults = {
  45. groupBy = "CLASS",
  47. sortMethod = "NAME",
  48. unitsPerColumn = 5,
  49. },
  50. [1] = {
  51. groupFilter = "1", -- updated dynamically
  52. },
  53. },
  54. ByRole = {
  55. name = L["By Role"],
  56. defaults = {
  57. groupBy = "ASSIGNEDROLE",
  58. groupingOrder = "TANK,HEALER,DAMAGER,NONE",
  59. sortMethod = "NAME",
  60. unitsPerColumn = 5,
  61. },
  62. [1] = {
  63. groupFilter = "1", -- updated dynamically
  64. },
  65. },
  66. KvaernStyleTwenty = {
  67. name = L["Kvaern Style 20"],
  68. defaults = {
  69. sortMethod = "INDEX",
  70. unitsPerColumn = 5,
  71. maxColumns = 4,
  72. },
  73. [1] = {
  74. groupFilter = "1", -- updated dynamically
  75. },
  76. [2] = {
  77. groupFilter = "2",
  78. },
  79. [3] = {
  80. groupFilter = "3",
  81. },
  82. [4] = {
  83. groupFilter = "4",
  84. },
  85. },
  86. KvaernStyleTen = {
  87. name = L["Kvaern Style 10"],
  88. defaults = {
  89. sortMethod = "INDEX",
  90. unitsPerColumn = 5,
  91. maxColumns = 2,
  92. },
  93. [1] = {
  94. groupFilter = "1", -- updated dynamically
  95. },
  96. [2] = {
  97. groupFilter = "2", -- updated dynamically
  98. },
  99. }
  100. }
  101. --[===[@debug@
  102. GRIDLAYOUTS = Layouts
  103. --@end-debug@]===]
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. local Manager = Layout:NewModule("GridLayoutManager", "AceEvent-3.0")
  108. Manager.Debug = Grid.Debug -- GridLayout doesn't have a module prototype
  110. function Manager:OnInitialize()
  111. self:Debug("OnInitialize")
  113. Grid:SetDebuggingEnabled(self.moduleName)
  115. for k, v in pairs(Layouts) do
  116. Layout:AddLayout(k, v)
  117. end
  119. self:RegisterMessage("Grid_RosterUpdated", "UpdateLayouts")
  120. end
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. local lastNumGroups, lastUsedGroups, lastShowPets
  126. local function AddPetGroup(t, numGroups, groupFilter)
  127. t = t or {}
  128. t.groupFilter = groupFilter
  129. t.maxColumns = numGroups
  131. t.isPetGroup = true
  132. t.groupBy = "CLASS"
  134. -- t.sortMethod = "NAME"
  136. return t
  137. end
  139. local function UpdateSplitGroups(layout, numGroups, showPets)
  140. for i = 1, numGroups do
  141. local t = layout[i] or {}
  142. t.groupFilter = tostring(i)
  143. -- Reset attributes from merged layout
  144. t.maxColumns = 1
  145. -- Remove attributes for pet group
  146. t.isPetGroup = nil
  147. t.groupBy = nil
  148. t.groupingOrder = nil
  149. layout[i] = t
  150. end
  151. if showPets then
  152. local i = numGroups + 1
  153. layout[i] = AddPetGroup(layout[i], numGroups, groupFilter)
  154. numGroups = i
  155. end
  156. for i = numGroups + 1, #layout do
  157. layout[i] = nil
  158. end
  159. end
  161. local function UpdateMergedGroups(layout, numGroups, showPets)
  162. layout[1].groupFilter = groupFilter
  163. layout[1].maxColumns = numGroups
  164. if showPets then
  165. layout[2] = AddPetGroup(layout[2], numGroups, groupFilter)
  166. else
  167. layout[2] = nil
  168. end
  169. for i = 3, numGroups do
  170. layout[i] = nil
  171. end
  172. end
  174. -- These are the number of groups actually used
  175. local function UpdateNumGroups()
  176. local groupType, maxPlayers = Roster:GetPartyState()
  177. local usedGroups = {}
  178. local numGroups = 0
  179. local realGroups = 1
  180. -- local curZone = GetRealZoneText()
  181. -- GetCurrentMapAreaID does not match the mapID from UnitPosition
  182. -- local curMapID = GetCurrentMapAreaID()
  183. local _, _, _, curMapID = UnitPosition("player")
  184. local showOffline = Layout.db.profile.showOffline -- Show Offline groups
  185. -- Debug
  186. local offlineGroups = {}
  187. local zoneGroups = {}
  188. local showWrongZone = Layout:ShowWrongZone()
  190. -- Manager:Debug("Layout.db.profile.showWrongZone ", Layout.db.profile.showWrongZone, ", showWrongZone ", showWrongZone, ", groupType ", groupType)
  192. if groupType == "raid" or groupType == "bg" then
  193. if maxPlayers then
  194. numGroups = ceil(maxPlayers / 5)
  195. else
  196. numGroups = 1
  197. end
  199. for i = 1, 8 do
  200. usedGroups[i] = false
  201. end
  202. for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do
  203. local name, _, subgroup, _, _, _, zone, online = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);
  204. local unitid = "raid" .. i
  205. local _, _, _, mapID = UnitPosition(unitid)
  206. -- If the highest group only has offline players it will not be shown
  207. -- if name and online then
  208. -- usedGroups[subgroup] = true
  209. if name then
  210. -- GetRaidRosterInfo zone comparison can show players in the same instance
  211. -- when they are not. For example, outside Hellfire Citadel still shows
  212. -- "Hellfire Citadel" as the zone text.
  213. -- if (showOffline or online) and (showWrongZone or curZone == zone) then
  214. -- Manager:Debug("curMapID ", curMapID, " name ", name, " mapID ", mapID)
  215. if (showOffline or online) and (showWrongZone or curMapID == mapID) then
  216. usedGroups[subgroup] = true
  217. else
  218. if (not online) then
  219. offlineGroups[subgroup] = true
  220. end
  221. -- if (curZone ~= zone) then
  222. if (curMapID ~= mapID) then
  223. zoneGroups[subgroup] = true
  224. end
  225. end
  226. end
  227. end
  228. for i = 1, 8 do
  229. if usedGroups[i] and i > realGroups then
  230. -- realGroups = numGroups + 1
  231. realGroups = i
  232. end
  233. -- Debug
  234. if not usedGroups[i] and offlineGroups[i] then
  235. Manager:Debug("Group ", i, "is not used because players were offline.")
  236. elseif not usedGroups[i] and zoneGroups[i] then
  237. Manager:Debug("Group ", i, "is not used because players were in wrong zone.")
  238. end
  239. end
  240. else
  241. numGroups = 1
  242. end
  243. return numGroups, realGroups
  244. end
  247. function Manager:UpdateLayouts(event)
  248. self:Debug("UpdateLayouts", event)
  250. local groupType, maxPlayers = Roster:GetPartyState()
  251. local showPets = Layout.db.profile.showPets -- Show Pets
  252. local splitGroups = Layout.db.profile.splitGroups -- Keep Groups Together
  254. -- local numGroups, groupFilter = ceil(maxPlayers / 5), "1"
  255. -- for i = 2, numGroups do
  256. -- groupFilter = groupFilter .. "," .. i
  257. -- end
  258. local numGroups = 1
  259. local usedGroups = 1
  261. if groupType == "raid" or groupType == "bg" then
  262. numGroups, usedGroups = UpdateNumGroups()
  263. elseif maxPlayers then
  264. numGroups = ceil(maxPlayers / 5)
  265. usedGroups = numGroups
  266. end
  268. self:Debug("maxPlayers", maxPlayers, "numGroups", numGroups, "usedGroups", usedGroups, "showPets", showPets, "splitGroups", splitGroups)
  270. if lastNumGroups == numGroups and lastUsedGroups == usedGroups and lastShowPets == showPets then
  271. self:Debug("no changes necessary")
  272. return false
  273. end
  275. lastNumGroups = numGroups
  276. lastUsedGroups = usedGroups
  277. lastShowPets = showPets
  279. -- Update class and role layouts
  280. if splitGroups then
  281. UpdateSplitGroups(Layouts.ByClass, numGroups, showPets)
  282. UpdateSplitGroups(Layouts.ByRole, numGroups, showPets)
  283. else
  284. UpdateMergedGroups(Layouts.ByClass, numGroups, showPets)
  285. UpdateMergedGroups(Layouts.ByRole, numGroups, showPets)
  286. end
  288. -- By group should always be split group
  289. UpdateSplitGroups(Layouts.ByGroup, usedGroups, showPets)
  291. -- Apply changes
  292. Layout:ReloadLayout()
  294. return true
  295. end
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