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Jul 25th, 2014
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  1. 2014-07-25 19:37:26 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.6.4
  2. 2014-07-25 19:37:26 [INFO] MinecraftForge v
  3. 2014-07-25 19:37:26 [INFO]
  4. 2014-07-25 19:37:26 [INFO] Initialized
  6. 2014-07-25 19:37:26 [INFO] Replaced 111 ore recipies
  7. 2014-07-25 19:37:31 [INFO] M&B - Patching Class NetServerHandler (ka)
  8. 2014-07-25 19:37:31 [INFO] Patching method handlePlace in NetServerHandler
  9. 2014-07-25 19:37:31 [INFO] Patching method handleBlockItemSwitch in NetServerHandler
  10. 2014-07-25 19:37:31 [INFO] M&B - Patching Class NetServerHandler done
  11. 2014-07-25 19:37:37 [INFO] LOaded: public net.minecraft.item.ItemStack net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer.field_70457_g
  12. 2014-07-25 19:37:38 [INFO] [Info] [CloneCraft] Loading the common stuff
  13. 2014-07-25 19:37:38 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Preinitializing Flan's mod.
  14. 2014-07-25 19:37:38 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Preinitializing complete.
  15. 2014-07-25 19:37:38 [INFO] [Immibis Core] Preferred energy system set to: infinite
  16. 2014-07-25 19:37:40 [INFO] Overriding Glass
  17. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.stone
  18. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.dirt
  19. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.stonebrick
  20. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.wood
  21. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.wood_1
  22. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.wood_2
  23. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.wood_3
  24. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.log
  25. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.log_1
  26. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.log_2
  27. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.log_3
  28. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.leaves
  29. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_1
  30. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_2
  31. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_3
  32. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.sponge
  33. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material:
  34. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.blockLapis
  35. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone
  36. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_1
  37. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_2
  38. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth
  39. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_1
  40. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_2
  41. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_3
  42. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_4
  43. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_5
  44. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_6
  45. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_7
  46. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_8
  47. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_9
  48. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_10
  49. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_11
  50. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_12
  51. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_13
  52. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_14
  53. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_15
  54. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.blockGold
  55. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.blockIron
  56. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.brick
  57. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.bookshelf
  58. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.stoneMoss
  59. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.obsidian
  60. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.blockDiamond
  61. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material:
  62. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.snow
  63. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clay
  64. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.hellrock
  65. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.hellsand
  66. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.lightgem
  67. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth
  68. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_1
  69. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_2
  70. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_3
  71. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.netherBrick
  72. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.whiteStone
  73. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.blockEmerald
  74. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.blockRedstone
  75. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.quartzBlock
  76. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained
  77. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_1
  78. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_2
  79. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_3
  80. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_4
  81. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_5
  82. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_6
  83. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_7
  84. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_8
  85. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_9
  86. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_10
  87. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_11
  88. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_12
  89. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_13
  90. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_14
  91. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_15
  92. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
  93. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.blockCoal
  94. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.grass
  95. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.mycel
  96. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Loading properties
  97. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
  98. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] M&B - Patching Class ItemInWorldManager (jw)
  99. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] Patching method tryUseItem in ItemInWorldManager
  100. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] M&B - Patching Class ItemInWorldManager done
  101. 2014-07-25 19:37:43 [INFO] This server is running MCPC+ version git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-164-262 (MC: 1.6.4) (Implementing API version 1.6.4-R2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  102. 2014-07-25 19:37:44 [INFO] Generating keypair
  103. 2014-07-25 19:37:44 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
  104. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] ./SVLib.log
  105. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loading Flan's mod.
  106. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded content pack : Modern Warfare-Content Pack-1.7.2-4.3.0.jar
  107. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded content pack list server side.
  108. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded bullets.
  109. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded attachments.
  110. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded guns.
  111. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded grenades.
  112. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded parts.
  113. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded planes.
  114. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded vehicles.
  115. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded AA guns.
  116. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded mecha tools.
  117. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded mechas.
  118. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded tools.
  119. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded gun boxes.
  120. 2014-07-25 19:37:45 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded armour.
  121. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded classes.
  122. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded teams.
  123. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loaded recipes.
  124. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Flan's Mod : Loading complete.
  125. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] blockMultipart true 1439
  126. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] itemSaw true 13782
  127. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] InfernalMobsCore load() completed! Modifiers ready: 26
  128. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [SEVERE] Trait already registered for net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidHandler
  129. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [SEVERE] Trait already registered for net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidHandler
  130. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock
  131. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear0
  132. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear1
  133. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear2
  134. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear3
  135. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear4
  136. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear5
  137. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear6
  138. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear7
  139. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear8
  140. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear9
  141. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear10
  142. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear11
  143. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear12
  144. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear13
  145. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear14
  146. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear15
  147. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick0
  148. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick1
  149. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick2
  150. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick3
  151. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick4
  152. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick5
  153. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick6
  154. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick7
  155. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick8
  156. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick9
  157. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick10
  158. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick11
  159. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick12
  160. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick13
  161. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock0
  162. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock1
  163. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock2
  164. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock3
  165. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock4
  166. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock5
  167. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock6
  168. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock7
  169. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock8
  170. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock9
  171. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock10
  172. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy0
  173. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy1
  174. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy2
  175. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy3
  176. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy4
  177. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy5
  178. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy6
  179. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy7
  180. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy8
  181. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy9
  182. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy10
  183. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy11
  184. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy12
  185. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy13
  186. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy14
  187. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy15
  188. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery2
  189. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery4
  190. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery5
  191. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery6
  192. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery7
  193. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery8
  194. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery9
  195. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery10
  196. 2014-07-25 19:37:46 [INFO] load proxy sentry
  197. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.reinforced
  198. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.glasswall
  199. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.reinforced_1
  200. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.glasswall_1
  201. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.reinforced_2
  202. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.glasswall_2
  203. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.reinforced_3
  204. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.glasswall_3
  205. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.basalt
  206. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.marble
  207. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.basalt_1
  208. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.marble_1
  209. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.basalt_2
  210. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.marble_2
  211. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.basalt_3
  212. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.marble_3
  213. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.basalt_4
  214. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.marble_4
  215. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.basalt_5
  216. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.marble_5
  217. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.artifice.steel
  218. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore
  219. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore_1
  220. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore_2
  221. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore_3
  222. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore_4
  223. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material:
  224. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_1
  225. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_2
  226. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_3
  227. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_4
  228. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_5
  229. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_6
  230. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_7
  231. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_8
  232. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_10
  233. 2014-07-25 19:37:47 [INFO] Registered micro material:
  234. 2014-07-25 19:37:48 [INFO] [Flan] Hooking complete.
  235. 2014-07-25 19:37:48 [INFO] CONFLICT @ -198 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@43583bb9 while adding lumien.randomthings.ItemBlocks.ItemBlockCrafting@55b91139
  236. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] Mapping loaded 5 packages, 8495 classes, 28815 fields, 56825 methods, flags 1fdd6
  237. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] Loaded inheritance map of 792 classes
  238. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [WorldBorder] Loading WorldBorder v1.7.5
  239. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [HideStream] Loading HideStream v3.3
  240. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [SimpleAutoAnnouncer] Loading SimpleAutoAnnouncer v1.1
  241. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [GroupManager] Loading GroupManager v2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix)
  242. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [ClearLag] Loading ClearLag v2.7.1
  243. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v5.5.8
  244. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v5.8
  245. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.12.2
  246. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.12.2
  247. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.12.2
  248. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 162 Tainted Land at BiomeBase[162]
  249. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 163 Magical Forest at BiomeBase[163]
  250. 2014-07-25 19:37:50 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 164 Eerie at BiomeBase[164]
  251. 2014-07-25 19:37:51 [INFO] Registered command hats with permission node hats.common.core.CommandHats
  252. 2014-07-25 19:37:51 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
  253. 2014-07-25 19:37:51 [INFO] Registered command debug with permission node vanilla.command.debug
  254. 2014-07-25 19:37:51 [INFO] Registered command spreadplayers with permission node vanilla.command.spreadplayers
  255. 2014-07-25 19:37:51 [INFO] Registered command playsound with permission node vanilla.command.playsound
  256. 2014-07-25 19:37:51 [INFO] Registered command scoreboard with permission node vanilla.command.scoreboard
  257. 2014-07-25 19:37:52 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Dimension: 0, Seed: 360872377500491351)
  258. 2014-07-25 19:37:52 [INFO] M&B - Patching Class EntityAIControlledByPlayer (pl)
  259. 2014-07-25 19:37:52 [INFO] Patching method updateTask in EntityAIControlledByPlayer
  260. 2014-07-25 19:37:52 [INFO] M&B - Patching Class EntityAIControlledByPlayer done
  261. 2014-07-25 19:37:52 [INFO] M&B - Patching Class EntityTrackerEntry (jx)
  262. 2014-07-25 19:37:52 [INFO] Patching method tryStartTrackingEntity in EntityTrackerEntry
  263. 2014-07-25 19:37:52 [INFO] M&B - Patching Class EntityTrackerEntry done
  264. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 78%
  265. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [WorldBorder] Enabling WorldBorder v1.7.5
  266. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Using elliptic/round border, knockback of 3.0 blocks, and timer delay of 5.
  267. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task started.
  268. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "world" has border radius 15000 at X: -233.5 Z: -2142.5
  269. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] For reference, the main world's spawn location is at X: 180.0 Y: 64.0 Z: 256.0
  270. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [HideStream] Enabling HideStream v3.3
  271. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [HideStream] Loaded configuration file.
  272. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [HideStream] Running update checker ..
  273. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [HideStream] ---
  274. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [HideStream] A new version has been found! (HideStream v3.7)
  275. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [HideStream] You are currently running HideStream v3.3
  276. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [HideStream] ---
  277. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [HideStream] Version 3.3 enabled.
  278. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [SimpleAutoAnnouncer] Enabling SimpleAutoAnnouncer v1.1
  279. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [SimpleAutoAnnounce] Config : Defaults loaded
  280. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [SimpleAutoAnnounce] Config : loaded
  281. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [SimpleAutoAnnounce] Enabled
  282. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [GroupManager] Enabling GroupManager v2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix)
  283. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - World Found: world
  284. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Superperms support enabled.
  285. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is set for every 10 minutes!
  286. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Backups will be retained for 24 hours!
  287. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] GroupManager version 2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix) is enabled!
  288. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [ClearLag] Enabling ClearLag v2.7.1
  289. 2014-07-25 19:37:53 [INFO] [ClearLag] Loading modules...
  290. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [ClearLag] No config updates found...
  291. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [WARNING] [ClearLag] mob-range requires you to use bukkit v1.7_r3
  292. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [ClearLag] Modules have been loaded!
  293. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [ClearLag] Clearlag is now enabled!
  294. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [ClearLag] Searching for updates..
  295. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v5.5.8
  296. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] WEPIF: GroupManager detected! Using GroupManager for permissions.
  297. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [ClearLag] No updates found!
  298. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v5.8
  299. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  300. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  301. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is blocked.
  302. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  303. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
  304. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-37) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  305. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-37) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  306. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-37) Lava fire is blocked.
  307. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-37) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  308. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'DIM-37'
  309. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-38) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  310. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-38) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  311. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-38) Lava fire is blocked.
  312. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-38) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  313. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'DIM-38'
  314. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM1) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  315. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM1) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  316. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM1) Lava fire is blocked.
  317. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM1) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  318. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'DIM1'
  319. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-1) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  320. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-1) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  321. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-1) Lava fire is blocked.
  322. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-1) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  323. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'DIM-1'
  324. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 1 regions loaded for 'world'
  325. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'DIM-37'
  326. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'DIM-38'
  327. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'DIM1'
  328. 2014-07-25 19:37:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'DIM-1'
  329. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [INFO] [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.12.2
  330. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [INFO] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
  331. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [INFO] git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-164-262 (MC: 1.6.4)
  332. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [INFO] 1.6.4-R2.1-SNAPSHOT
  333. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [SEVERE] §4Unknown item [essentials.itemspawn.item-all in item-spawn-blacklist list.
  334. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [SEVERE] §4Unknown item essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname] in item-spawn-blacklist list.
  335. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [SEVERE] §4Unknown item essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]] in item-spawn-blacklist list.
  336. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [INFO] Essentials: Using GroupManager based permissions.
  337. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [INFO] [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.12.2
  338. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.12.2
  339. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  340. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [SEVERE] Could not create inventory type lumien.randomthings.TileEntities.TileEntityInventoryInterface Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
  341. 2014-07-25 19:37:55 [SEVERE] Could not determine default inventory size for type lumien.randomthings.TileEntities.TileEntityInventoryInterface using size of 9
  342. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [SEVERE] Could not create inventory type net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.tile.crate.TileEntityCrate Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
  343. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [SEVERE] Could not determine default inventory size for type net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.tile.crate.TileEntityCrate using size of 9
  344. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.tileEntity.TEHomHeart with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  345. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.tileEntity.TEOrientable with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  346. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.tileEntity.TESpellEffectBlock with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  347. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.tileEntity.TESpellEnhancementBlock with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  348. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.tileEntity.TESpellModifierBlock with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  349. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.tileEntity.TESpellParadigmBlock with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  350. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE com.emoniph.witchery.blocks.BlockBloodRose$TileEntityBloodRose with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  351. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE com.emoniph.witchery.blocks.BlockCandelabra$TileEntityCandelabra with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  352. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE com.emoniph.witchery.blocks.BlockPlacedItem$TileEntityPlacedItem with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  353. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE com.emoniph.witchery.blocks.BlockStatueGoddess$TileEntityStatueGoddess with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  354. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE com.mia.hamster.TileWaterBottle with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  355. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE gaia.block.TileEntityBustValkyrie with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  356. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE gaia.block.TileEntityBustVampire with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  357. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE lumien.randomthings.TileEntities.TileEntityFluidDisplay with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  358. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE mods.battlegear2.heraldry.TileEntityFlagPole with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  359. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE shipmod.blockitem.TileEntityGauge with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  360. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE tconstruct.blocks.logic.CraftingStationLogic with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  361. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE tconstruct.blocks.logic.PartBuilderLogic with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  362. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Detected TE thaumcraft.common.tiles.TileGrate with canUpdate set to true and no updateEntity override!. This is NOT good, please report to mod author as this can hurt performance.
  363. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Done (7.405s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  364. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command forge with permission node net.minecraftforge.server.command.ForgeCommand
  365. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command gene with permission node com.advGenetics.Command.GeneCommand
  366. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command as with permission node shipmod.command.CommandASHelp
  367. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command asreloadmeta with permission node shipmod.command.CommandReloadMetaRotations
  368. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command asdismount with permission node shipmod.command.CommandDismountShip
  369. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command asinfo with permission node shipmod.command.CommandShipInfo
  370. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command asdestroy with permission node shipmod.command.CommandKillShip
  371. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command asalign with permission node shipmod.command.CommandAlignShip
  372. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command thaumcraft with permission node thaumcraft.common.lib.CommandThaumcraft
  373. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command cofh with permission node cofh.command.CommandHandler
  374. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command coroutil with permission node CoroUtil.forge.CommandCoroUtil
  375. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command tps with permission node mods.immibis.core.commands.TPSCommand
  376. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command om_config_s with permission node openmods.config.CommandConfig
  377. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command flimflam with permission node openblocks.rubbish.CommandFlimFlam
  378. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command luck with permission node openblocks.rubbish.CommandLuck
  379. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command ob_inventory with permission node openblocks.common.CommandInventory
  380. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command playerinterface with permission node lumien.randomthings.Commands.CommandPlayerInterface
  381. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command rt with permission node lumien.randomthings.Commands.CommandRT
  382. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command weather2 with permission node weather2.CommandWeather2
  383. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command witchdump with permission node com.emoniph.witchery.server.DumpCommand
  384. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command chant with permission node com.emoniph.witchery.server.ChantCommand
  385. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command config with permission node modconfig.forge.CommandModConfig
  386. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Damage Indicators Mod Mod v. is up to date.
  387. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command direload with permission node DamageIndicatorsMod.server.CommandDI
  388. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command dragon with permission node info.ata4.minecraft.dragon.server.cmd.CommandDragon
  389. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Registered command teams with permission node
  390. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] Weather2 being reinitialized
  391. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] CoroUtil being reinitialized
  392. 2014-07-25 19:37:56 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Bukkit Permissions Updated!
  393. 2014-07-25 19:37:57 [INFO] New update available for TF2Sentry!
  394. 2014-07-25 19:38:07 [INFO] BigDrewskii[/] logged in with entity id 130 at ([world] -516.9171732499756, 56.0, -2200.3400668199824)
  395. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -12
  396. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at
  397. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at
  398. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at
  399. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at
  400. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at
  401. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(
  402. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(
  403. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.util.AsynchronousExecutor$Task.finish(
  404. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.util.AsynchronousExecutor.finishActive(
  405. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.tick(
  406. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
  407. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
  408. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
  409. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at
  410. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] at
  411. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] Encountered an unexpected exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  412. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -12
  413. at
  414. at
  415. at
  416. at
  417. at
  418. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(
  419. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(
  420. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.util.AsynchronousExecutor$Task.finish(
  421. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.util.AsynchronousExecutor.finishActive(
  422. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.tick(
  423. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
  424. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
  425. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
  426. at
  427. at
  428. 2014-07-25 19:38:08 [SEVERE] This crash report has been saved to: /disk2/multicraft/servers/server10639/./crash-reports/crash-2014-07-25_19.38.08-server.txt
  429. 2014-07-25 19:38:19 [INFO] [Survivor]BigDrewskii: Here comes the crash!
  430. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] The server is going slow. Last server tick was 25800ms ago
  431. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Last Tick: 1406338688218 Current Time: 1406338714018 Warning: 20000 Timeout: 60000
  432. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] [TPS]: 20.0 Server Tick #233
  433. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Dimension:0
  434. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 312 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 56 Tile Entities: 148
  435. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 18
  436. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  437. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Dimension:-37
  438. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  439. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  440. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  441. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Dimension:-38
  442. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  443. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  444. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  445. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Dimension:1
  446. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  447. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  448. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  449. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Dimension:-1
  450. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  451. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  452. 2014-07-25 19:38:34 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  453. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] The server is going slow. Last server tick was 35802ms ago
  454. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Last Tick: 1406338688218 Current Time: 1406338724020 Warning: 20000 Timeout: 60000
  455. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] [TPS]: 20.0 Server Tick #233
  456. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Dimension:0
  457. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 312 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 56 Tile Entities: 148
  458. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 18
  459. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  460. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Dimension:-37
  461. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  462. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  463. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  464. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Dimension:-38
  465. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  466. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  467. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  468. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Dimension:1
  469. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  470. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  471. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  472. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Dimension:-1
  473. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  474. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  475. 2014-07-25 19:38:44 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  476. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] The server is going slow. Last server tick was 45803ms ago
  477. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Last Tick: 1406338688218 Current Time: 1406338734021 Warning: 20000 Timeout: 60000
  478. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] [TPS]: 20.0 Server Tick #233
  479. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Dimension:0
  480. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 312 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 56 Tile Entities: 148
  481. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 18
  482. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  483. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Dimension:-37
  484. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  485. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  486. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  487. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Dimension:-38
  488. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  489. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  490. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  491. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Dimension:1
  492. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  493. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  494. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  495. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Dimension:-1
  496. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Loaded Chunks: 0 Active Chunks: 0 Entities: 0 Tile Entities: 0
  497. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Entities Last Tick: 0
  498. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] Tiles Last Tick: 0
  499. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save..
  500. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] CONSOLE: Save complete.
  501. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] CONSOLE: Stopping the server..
  502. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] Stopping server
  503. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Disabling EssentialsSpawn v2.12.2
  504. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [EssentialsChat] Disabling EssentialsChat v2.12.2
  505. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [Essentials] Disabling Essentials v2.12.2
  506. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Disabling WorldGuard v5.8
  507. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v5.5.8
  508. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [ClearLag] Disabling ClearLag v2.7.1
  509. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [GroupManager] Disabling GroupManager v2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix)
  510. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is disabled!
  511. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] GroupManager version 2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix) is disabled!
  512. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [SimpleAutoAnnouncer] Disabling SimpleAutoAnnouncer v1.1
  513. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [SimpleAutoAnnounce] Config : saved
  514. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [SimpleAutoAnnounce] Disabled
  515. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [HideStream] Disabling HideStream v3.3
  516. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [HideStream] Version 3.3 disabled.
  517. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [WorldBorder] Disabling WorldBorder v1.7.5
  518. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task stopped.
  519. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] Saving players
  520. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [WARNING] DSCT: Socket closed
  521. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] Closing listening thread
  522. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] §eBigDrewskii left the game.
  523. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] Unknown org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.chunkio.QueuedChunk {
  524. x: -29
  525. z: -137
  526. loader: null
  527. world: world
  528. dimension: 0
  529. provider:
  530. }
  531. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] This should not happen. Please report this error to MCPC+ dev team.
  532. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] Unknown org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.chunkio.QueuedChunk {
  533. x: -29
  534. z: -137
  535. loader: null
  536. world: world
  537. dimension: 0
  538. provider:
  539. }
  540. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] This should not happen. Please report this error to MCPC+ dev team.
  541. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] Saving worlds
  542. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
  543. 2014-07-25 19:38:54 [INFO] Saving chunks for level 'DIM-37'/Spirit World
  544. 2014-07-25 19:38:55 [INFO] Saving chunks for level 'DIM-38'/Torment
  545. 2014-07-25 19:38:55 [INFO] Saving chunks for level 'DIM1'/The End
  546. 2014-07-25 19:38:55 [INFO] Saving chunks for level 'DIM-1'/Nether
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