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Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. local _, Sequences = ... -- Don't touch this
  3. ----
  4. -- Rename this file to Sequences.lua before you get started, it uses a different file name so as not to overwrite your existing file with a future update.
  5. -- Every entry in the Sequences table defines a single sequence of macros which behave similarly to /castsequence.
  6. -- Sequence names must be unique and contain no more than 16 characters.
  7. -- To use a macro sequence, create a blank macro in-game with the same name you picked for the sequence here and it will overwrite it.
  8. ----
  10. --
  11. ----
  12. -- Cazador Punteria.
  13. ----
  14. -- Single target:
  15. Sequences['MmSingle'] = {
  16. StepFunction = [[
  17. limit = limit or 1
  18. if step == limit then
  19. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  20. step = 1
  21. else
  22. step = step % #macros + 1
  23. end
  24. ]],
  25. PreMacro = [[
  26. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  27. /cast Fuego rápido
  28. ]],
  29. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo de puntería',
  30. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo de puntería',
  31. '/cast [nochanneling] !Disparo de quimera',
  32. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo firme',
  33. '/cast [nochanneling] !Bandada de cuervos',
  34. '/castsequence [nochanneling] Disparo firme,Disparo firme, Disparo de puntería',
  35. '/cast [nochanneling] !Disparo de quimera',
  36. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo de puntería',
  37. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo firme',
  38. '/cast [nochanneling] !Disparo de quimera',
  39. '/cast [nochanneling] !Disparo de quimera',
  40. PostMacro = [[
  41. /startattack
  42. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  43. ]],
  44. }
  45. -- AOE:
  46. Sequences['MmAOE'] = {
  47. StepFunction = [[
  48. limit = limit or 1
  49. if step == limit then
  50. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  51. step = 1
  52. else
  53. step = step % #macros + 1
  54. end
  55. ]],
  56. PreMacro = [[
  57. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  58. /cast Fuego rápido
  59. ]],
  60. '/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=5 Multi-Shot,Disparo firme,Disparo firme',
  61. PostMacro = [[
  62. /startattack
  63. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  64. ]],
  65. }
  66. ----
  67. -- Cazador Maestro de las Bestias.
  68. ----
  69. -- Single target:
  70. Sequences['BMSingle'] = {
  71. PreMacro = [[
  72. /cast [nopet,nodead]Llamar a mascota 1;[@pet,dead]Corazón del fénix
  73. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  74. /petattack [@target,harm]
  75. /petautocastoff [group] Bramido
  76. /petautocaston [nogroup] Bramido
  77. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
  78. /cast Fuego rápido
  79. ]],
  80. '/cast [nochanneling,combat] Cólera de las bestias',
  81. '/cast [nochanneling] Llamada de maestro',
  82. '/cast [nochanneling] Enfocar Fuego',
  83. '/castsequence reset=target !Disparo mortal,!Disparo mortal',
  84. '/cast [@Poo] Redirección',
  85. '/cast [nochanneling] !Matar',
  86. '/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=10 Disparo de cobra, Disparo de cobra',
  87. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo de conmoción',
  88. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo Arcano',
  89. '/cast [nochanneling] !Matar',
  90. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo Arcano',
  91. '/cast [nochanneling] Disparo Arcano',
  92. '/cast [nochanneling] !Intimidación',
  93. '/cast [nochanneling] Zarpa',
  94. PostMacro = [[
  95. /startattack
  96. /cast [@Poo]Aliviar mascota
  97. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  98. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  99. ]],
  100. }
  101. -- AOE:
  102. Sequences['BmAOE'] = {
  103. StepFunction = [[
  104. limit = limit or 1
  105. if step == limit then
  106. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  107. step = 1
  108. else
  109. step = step % #macros + 1
  110. end
  111. ]],
  112. PreMacro = [[
  113. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  114. /cast Fuego rápido
  115. ]],
  116. '/cast [nochanneling] Multidisparo',
  117. '/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=5 Multi-Shot,Disparo de cobra,Disparo de cobra',
  118. '/cast [nochanneling] Multidisparo',
  119. '/cast [nochanneling] Multidisparo',
  120. '/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=5 Disparo de cobra,Disparo de cobra',
  121. PostMacro = [[
  122. /startattack
  123. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  124. ]],
  125. }
  126. ----
  127. -- Brujo Demonologo.
  128. ----
  129. -- Single target:
  132. ----
  133. -- Brujo Destruccion.
  134. ----
  135. -- Single target:
  136. Sequences['DestroS'] = {
  137. PreMacro = [[
  138. #showtooltip Inmolar
  139. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  140. /petautocastoff [group] Presencia amenazadora
  141. /petautocaston [nogroup] Presencia amenazadora
  142. /cast [combat] Alma oscura: Inestabilidad
  143. ]],
  144. "/cast Quemadura de las Sombras",
  145. '/castsequence reset=target Inmolar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar',
  146. "/cast Quemadura de las Sombras",
  147. '/cast Conflagrar',
  148. '/cast [nochanneling] Descarga de Caos',
  149. "/cast Quemadura de las Sombras",
  150. PostMacro = [[
  151. /startattack
  152. /petattack [@target,harm]
  153. ]],
  154. }
  156. Sequences['DestroA'] = {
  157. PreMacro = [[
  158. #showtooltip Fuego y azufre
  159. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  160. /petautocastoff [group] Presencia amenazadora
  161. /petautocaston [nogroup] Presencia amenazadora
  162. ]],
  163. "/cast !Fuego y azufre",
  164. '/castsequence Inmolar, Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar,Incinerar',
  165. '/cast Conflagrar',
  166. PostMacro = [[
  167. /startattack
  168. /petattack [@target,harm]
  169. ]],
  170. }
  171. ----
  172. -- Paladin Tanque.
  173. ----
  174. -- Single target:
  175. Sequences['Prot'] = {
  176. StepFunction = [[
  177. limit = limit or 1
  178. if step == limit then
  179. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  180. step = 1
  181. else
  182. step = step % #macros + 1
  183. end
  184. ]],
  185. PreMacro = [[
  186. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
  187. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  188. ]],
  189. '/cast Cólera Sagrada',
  190. '/cast [nomod] Golpe de cruzado',
  191. '/cast [mod] Martillo del honrado',
  192. '/castsequence Escudo Sagrado,Sentencia,Sentencia,Sentencia',
  193. "/cast Escudo de vengador",
  194. '/cast Sentencia de ejecución',
  195. '/cast Martillo de cólera',
  196. '/cast Consagración',
  197. PostMacro = [[
  198. /castsequence Serafín, Escudo del honrado(Mitigación activa), Escudo del honrado(Mitigación activa), Escudo del honrado(Mitigación activa)
  199. /cast Protección divina
  200. /startattack
  201. /use [combat]13
  202. /use [combat]14
  203. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  204. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  205. ]],
  206. }
  207. ----
  208. -- Paladin Holy.
  209. ----
  210. -- Shock:
  211. Sequences['ShockPVP'] = {
  212. StepFunction = [[
  213. limit = limit or 1
  214. if step == limit then
  215. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  216. step = 1
  217. else
  218. step = step % #macros + 1
  219. end
  220. ]],
  221. PreMacro = [[
  222. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
  223. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  224. ]],
  225. '/castsequence [@target,harm] Sentencia',
  226. '/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=11/target !Acusar, Acusar, Acusar, Acusar',
  227. '/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=6 !Puño de Justicia',
  228. '/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=6 !Choque Sagrado',
  229. '/castsequence [@target,harm] Palabra de gloria',
  230. '/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=20 !Prisma Sagrado',
  231. '/castsequence [@target,harm] Martillo de cólera',
  232. '/castsequence [@target,harm] Reprimenda',
  233. PostMacro = [[
  234. /startattack
  235. /use [combat]13
  236. /use [combat]14
  237. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  238. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  239. ]],
  240. }
  241. -- Heal:
  242. Sequences['HealPVP'] = {
  243. StepFunction = [[
  244. limit = limit or 1
  245. if step == limit then
  246. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  247. step = 1
  248. else
  249. step = step % #macros + 1
  250. end
  251. ]],
  252. PreMacro = [[
  253. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
  254. ]],
  255. '/castsequence reset=0.3 !Choque Sagrado',
  256. '/castsequence reset=20 !Prisma Sagrado',
  257. '/castsequence reset=13 !Destello de Luz',
  258. '/castsequence [@player] reset=5 !Palabra de gloria',
  259. '/castsequence reset=7 !Escudo Sagrado',
  260. '/castsequence reset=30 !Mano de pureza',
  261. '/castsequence reset=25 !Mano de libertad',
  262. '/castsequence reset=25 !Señal de la Luz',
  263. PostMacro = [[
  264. /use [combat]13
  265. /use [combat]14
  266. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  267. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  268. ]],
  269. }
  270. -- Healer PVE
  271. Sequences["Healer"] = {
  272. StepFunction = [[
  273. limit = limit or 1
  274. if step == limit then
  275. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  276. step = 1
  277. else
  278. step = step % #macros + 1
  279. end
  280. ]],
  281. PreMacro = [[
  282. ]],
  283. '/castsequence reset=target Escudo Sagrado,null',
  284. '/castsequence reset=10 Choque Sagrado,Choque Sagrado,Choque Sagrado,Señal de la Luz',
  285. '/cast [@targettarget] Prisma Sagrado',
  286. '/cast Destello de Luz',
  287. PostMacro = [[
  288. /use [combat]13
  289. /use [combat]14
  290. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  291. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  292. ]],
  293. }
  294. ----
  295. -- Druida Tanque.
  296. ----
  297. -- Single target:
  298. Sequences['DTSingle'] = {
  299. StepFunction = [[
  300. limit = limit or 1
  301. if step == limit then
  302. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  303. step = 1
  304. else
  305. step = step % #macros + 1
  306. end
  307. ]],
  308. PreMacro = [[
  309. /cast Carga salvaje
  310. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  311. ]],
  312. '/cast Fuego feérico',
  313. '/castsequence reset=10 Magullar,Defensa salvaje,Regeneración frenética',
  314. '/castsequence reset=10 Destrozar,Vapulear,Lacerar,Lacerar,Lacerar,Magullar',
  315. '/cast Destrozar',
  316. '/cast Vapulear',
  317. '/cast Lacerar',
  318. '/cast Magullar',
  319. '/cast !Pulverizar',
  320. '/cast !Pulverizar',
  321. '/cast Rabia',
  322. '/cast Piel de corteza',
  323. [[/console autounshift 0
  324. /cast [@Beelzëbub,combat]Toque de sanación
  325. /console autounshift 1]],
  326. PostMacro = [[
  327. /startattack
  328. ]],
  329. }
  330. -- AOE:
  331. Sequences['DTAoE'] = {
  332. StepFunction = [[
  333. limit = limit or 1
  334. if step == limit then
  335. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  336. step = 1
  337. else
  338. step = step % #macros + 1
  339. end
  340. ]],
  341. PreMacro = [[
  342. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  343. ]],
  344. '/cast Fuego feérico',
  345. '/castsequence reset=10 Destrozar,Vapulear,Vapulear,Destrozar,Magullar,Magullar',
  346. '/cast Destrozar',
  347. '/cast Vapulear',
  348. '/cast Magullar',
  349. '/cast Vapulear',
  350. '/cast Rabia',
  351. '/cast Piel de corteza',
  352. '/cast Defensa salvaje',
  353. '/cast Regeneración frenética',
  354. [[/console autounshift 0
  355. /cast [@Beelzëbub,combat]Toque de sanación
  356. /console autounshift 1]],
  357. PostMacro = [[
  358. /startattack
  359. ]],
  360. }
  361. ----
  362. -- Druida Gato DPS.
  363. ----
  364. -- Single target:
  365. Sequences['DFSingle'] = {
  366. PreMacro = [[
  367. /cast Carga salvaje
  368. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  369. ]],
  370. '/castsequence reset=combat Rake,shred,shred,shred,!Rip,Rake,shred,shred,shred,ferocious bite,Rake,shred,shred,shred,ferocious bite',
  371. '/use [combat] Berserk',
  372. '/use [combat] survival instincts',
  373. "/cast Nature’s Vigil",
  374. '/cast War Stomp',
  375. '/cast Incarnation: King of the Jungle',
  376. PostMacro = [[
  377. /startattack
  378. /cast Tiger’s Fury
  379. /use [combat]13
  380. /use [combat]14
  381. ]],
  382. }
  383. -- AOE:
  384. Sequences['DFAoE'] = {
  385. PreMacro = [[
  386. /cast Carga salvaje
  387. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  388. ]],
  389. '/castsequence reset=combat Vapulear(Feral, Guardián),Swipe,Swipe,Swipe,Rip,Swipe,Vapulear(Feral, Guardián),Swipe,Ferocious Bite,Swipe,Vapulear(Feral, Guardián),Swipe,Ferocious Bite',
  390. '/use [combat] Berserk',
  391. '/use [combat] survival instincts',
  392. "/cast Nature’s Vigil",
  393. '/cast War Stomp',
  394. '/cast Incarnation: King of the Jungle',
  395. PostMacro = [[
  396. /startattack
  397. /cast Tiger’s Fury
  398. /use [combat]13
  399. /use [combat]14
  400. ]],
  401. }
  402. ----
  403. -- Caballero de la Muerte Hielo DPS Dual.
  404. ----
  405. -- Single target:
  406. Sequences["DKFSingle"] = {
  407. StepFunction = [[
  408. limit = limit or 1
  409. if step == limit then
  410. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  411. step = 1
  412. else
  413. step = step % #macros + 1
  414. end
  415. ]],
  416. PreMacro = [[
  417. /cast Presencia de escarcha
  418. /cast [combat] Pilar de Escarcha
  419. ]],
  420. "/castsequence reset=combat Golpe de Escarcha",
  421. "/castsequence reset=combat Golpe de peste, Absorver Plaga",
  422. '/castsequence reset=combat Explosión aullante, Explosión aullante, Explosión aullante, Asolar',
  423. '/castsequence reset=combat Explosión aullante, Explosión aullante, Explosión aullante, Explosión aullante, Golpe de peste',
  424. '/castsequence reset=combat Suelo Profanado,Golpe letal,Golpe letal',
  425. '/cast [nochanneling] reset=target/25 Absorver Plaga',
  426. PostMacro = [[
  427. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  428. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  429. ]],
  430. }
  431. ----
  432. -- Caballero de la Muerte Sangre Tanque.
  433. ----
  434. -- Single target:
  435. Sequences['BloodDK'] = {
  436. StepFunction = [[
  437. limit = limit or 1
  438. if step == limit then
  439. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  440. step = 1
  441. else
  442. step = step % #macros + 1
  443. end
  444. ]],
  445. PreMacro = [[
  446. /cast Escudo óseo
  447. /cast [combat] Sangre vampírica
  448. /cast [combat] Caparazón antimagia
  449. /cast [combat] Arma de runa danzante
  450. ]],
  451. "/cast Golpe letal(Mitigación activa)",
  452. "/castsequence reset=combat Absorber plaga, Brote",
  453. "/castsequence reset=combat Brote, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte, Espiral de la muerte",
  454. '/castsequence reset=combat Hervor de sangre, Hervor de sangre, Segador de almas, Golpe letal(Mitigación activa)',
  455. '/castsequence reset=combat Hervor de sangre, Hervor de sangre, Hervor de sangre, Hervor de sangre, Hervor de sangre, Hervor de sangre, Hervor de sangre, Segador de almas, Golpe letal(Mitigación activa)',
  456. '/cast [combat] Transfusión de sangre',
  457. PostMacro = [[
  458. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  459. ]],
  460. }
  461. ----
  462. -- Sacerdote Shadow.
  463. ----
  464. -- Single target:
  465. Sequences['ShadowDPS'] = {
  466. StepFunction = [[
  467. limit = limit or 1
  468. if step == limit then
  469. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  470. step = 1
  471. else
  472. step = step % #macros + 1
  473. end
  474. ]],
  475. PreMacro = [[
  476. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  477. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
  478. /use [combat]13
  479. /use [combat]14
  480. /cast [noform] !Forma de las Sombras
  481. ]],
  482. '/cast [target=player]Palabra de poder: escudo',
  483. '/cast Maligno de las Sombras',
  484. '/cast Peste devoradora',
  485. '/cast Explosión mental',
  486. '/cast Palabra de las Sombras: muerte',
  487. '/cast !Cascada',
  488. "/cast [channeling] Tortura mental",
  489. '/cast Púa mental',
  490. PostMacro = [[
  491. /startattack
  492. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  493. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  494. ]],
  495. }
  496. -- Single target 2:
  497. Sequences['ShadowDPS1'] = {
  498. StepFunction = [[
  499. limit = limit or 1
  500. if step == limit then
  501. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  502. step = 1
  503. else
  504. step = step % #macros + 1
  505. end
  506. ]],
  507. PreMacro = [[
  508. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  509. /cast [nostance:1] Forma de las Sombras
  510. ]],
  511. '/cast Peste devoradora',
  512. '/cast Explosión mental',
  513. '/cast Palabra de las Sombras: muerte',
  514. '/cast Púa mental',
  515. '/cast Maligno de las Sombras',
  516. '/cast !Cascada',
  517. ck = [[
  518. /startattack
  519. ]],
  520. }
  521. ----
  522. -- Chaman Resto.
  523. ----
  524. -- Single target:
  525. Sequences['CHResto'] = {
  526. PreMacro = [[
  527. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
  528. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  529. /castsequence [@focus] reset=target Earth Shield,null
  530. ]],
  531. '/castsequence [@targettarget] reset=target Riptide,Chain Heal,Unleash Life,Healing Wave,Riptide,Chain Heal,Healing Wave,Chain Heal,Unleash Life,Healing Surge',
  532. '/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Flame Shock,Lightning Bolt,Elemental Blast,Purge',
  533. '/cast [nochanneling] Elemental Blast',
  534. '/cast [combat] Healing Stream Totem',
  535. '/cast [combat] Cloudburst Totem',
  536. PostMacro = [[
  537. /startattack
  538. /cast [combat] Spiritwalker's Grace
  539. /use [combat]13
  540. /use [combat]14
  541. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  542. ]],
  543. }
  544. ----
  545. -- Chaman Mejora.
  546. ----
  547. -- Single target:
  548. Sequences['CHMDPS'] = {
  549. StepFunction = [[
  550. limit = limit or 1
  551. if step == limit then
  552. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  553. step = 1
  554. else
  555. step = step % #macros + 1
  556. end
  557. ]],
  558. PreMacro = [[
  559. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  560. /use [combat]13
  561. /use [combat]14
  562. ]],
  563. '/cast !Golpe de tormenta',
  564. '/castsequence reset=combat/target/10 !Latigazo de lava,!Golpe de tormenta,!Descarga de relámpagos,!Latigazo de lava,!Golpe de tormenta,!Latigazo de lava,!Golpe de tormenta,!Latigazo de lava,!Golpe de tormenta,!Nova de Fuego',
  565. '/castsequence reset=combat/target/15 !Choque de llamas,!Choque de llamas,!Desatar elementos,!Desatar elementos',
  566. '/cast !Tótem Corriente de sanación(Tótem de agua)',
  567. '/cast !Ascensión',
  568. '/cast !Espíritu feral',
  569. '/cast Guía ancestral',
  570. '/cast Explosión elemental',
  571. '/cast !Tótem Elemental de tormenta',
  572. PostMacro = [[
  573. /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  574. ]],
  575. }
  576. ----
  577. -- Mago Arcano.
  578. ----
  579. -- Single target:
  580. Sequences['ArcDPS'] = {
  581. StepFunction = [[
  582. limit = limit or 1
  583. if step == limit then
  584. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  585. step = 1
  586. else
  587. step = step % #macros + 1
  588. end
  589. ]],
  590. PreMacro = [[
  591. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
  592. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  593. ]],
  594. '/cast [nochanneling] Misiles Arcanos',
  595. '/cast [nochanneling] Supernova',
  596. '/castsequence [nochanneling] Explosión Arcana,Explosión Arcana,Explosión Arcana,Explosión Arcana,Tromba Arcana',
  597. '/cast [nochanneling] Misiles Arcanos',
  598. '/cast [nochanneling] Misiles Arcanos',
  600. PostMacro = [[
  601. /cast Mordedura de frío
  602. /cast Presencia mental
  603. /cast Poder Arcano
  604. /cast Resguardo de hielo
  605. /startattack
  606. /use [combat]13
  607. /use [combat]14
  608. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  609. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  610. ]],
  611. }
  612. Sequences['ArcAoE'] = {
  613. StepFunction = [[
  614. limit = limit or 1
  615. if step == limit then
  616. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  617. step = 1
  618. else
  619. step = step % #macros + 1
  620. end
  621. ]],
  622. PreMacro = [[
  623. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
  624. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  625. ]],
  626. '/cast [nochanneling] Misiles Arcanos',
  627. '/cast [nochanneling] Supernova',
  628. '/cast [nochanneling] Cono de frío',
  629. '/castsequence [nochanneling] Deflagración Arcana,Deflagración Arcana,Deflagración Arcana,Deflagración Arcana,Tromba Arcana',
  631. PostMacro = [[
  632. /cast Presencia mental
  633. /cast Poder Arcano
  634. /cast Resguardo de hielo
  635. /startattack
  636. /use [combat]13
  637. /use [combat]14
  638. /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
  639. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
  640. ]],
  641. }
  642. ----
  643. -- Mago Hielo.
  644. ----
  645. -- Single target:
  646. Sequences['Frost'] = {
  647. StepFunction = [[
  648. limit = limit or 1
  649. if step == limit then
  650. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  651. step = 1
  652. else
  653. step = step % #macros + 1
  654. end
  655. ]],
  656. PreMacro = [[
  657. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  658. ]],
  659. '/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=25 !Descarga acuática,Descarga de Escarcha,Descarga de Escarcha',
  660. '/cast [nochanneling] Descarga de Escarcha',
  661. '/cast [nochanneling] Lanza de hielo',
  662. '/cast [nochanneling] Resguardo de hielo',
  663. '/cast [nochanneling] Reflejo exacto',
  664. '/cast [nochanneling] Bomba de Escarcha',
  665. '/cast [nochanneling] Descarga de Pirofrío',
  666. '/cast [nochanneling] Orbe congelado',
  667. PostMacro = [[
  668. /startattack
  669. /use [combat]13
  670. /use [combat]14
  671. /cast [combat]Ice Barrier
  672. /cast [combat]Témpanos de hielo
  673. /cast [combat]Venas heladas
  674. ]],
  675. }
  676. ----
  677. -- Druida Guardian.
  678. ----
  679. -- Single target:
  680. Sequences['Guardian'] = {
  681. StepFunction = [[
  682. limit = limit or 1
  683. if step == limit then
  684. limit = limit % #macros + 1
  685. step = 1
  686. else
  687. step = step % #macros + 1
  688. end
  689. ]],
  690. PreMacro = [[
  691. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
  692. /cast [combat] Carga salvaje(Talento)
  693. /cast [combat] Rabia
  694. /cast [combat] Piel de corteza
  695. ]],
  696. '/castsequence reset=combat Destrozar,Lacerar,Destrozar,Lacerar,Destrozar,Lacerar',
  697. '/castsequence reset=combat Destrozar,Vapulear(Feral, Guardián),Magullar,Lacerar,Lacerar,Lacerar,Destrozar,Vapulear(Feral, Guardián),Magullar',
  698. '/cast [nochanneling] Destrozar',
  699. '/cast [nochanneling] Lacerar',
  700. '/cast [nochanneling] Pulverizar',
  701. '/cast [nochanneling] Magullar',
  702. '/cast [nochanneling] Vapulear(Feral, Guardián)',
  703. '/cast [nochanneling] Pulverizar',
  704. '/cast [nochanneling] Piel de corteza',
  705. '/cast [nochanneling] Destrozar',
  706. [[/console autounshift 0
  707. /cast [@player,combat]Toque de sanación
  708. /console autounshift 1]],
  709. PostMacro = [[
  710. /startattack
  711. /cast Defensa salvaje(Mitigación activa)
  712. /use [combat]13
  713. /use [combat]14
  714. ]],
  715. }
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