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Apr 28th, 2015
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  1. Tuesday
  3. Trening:
  4. Weightlifting
  5. A. OH Mobility Warm Up + OH Squat Hold - 3 x 5/exercise + 1 OH Squat Hold @ 30 seconds
  6. -see video description for details
  7. -1 set to be done before each of your first 3 warm up sets for the jerk
  8. -Each OH squat Hold will be done right after each round of the OH Mobi(ie, shoulder rotations, kip swing, BN press/stretch, OH Squat Hold, then a warm up set of the jerk)
  9. -for the OH squat hold anything more narrow than your regular snatch grip, though with quality lockout/position OH in bottom-elevate heels as needed(recommended for at least the first set)
  10. -YES that's a 30 second hold in the bottom of the squat with bar OH, try to find relaxation(again, use elevation to achieve this)
  11. B. Split Jerk - 5-10 total reps @ 85% and above
  12. -it's not wrong to stay with 85% for only 5 reps on the low end if that's what feels good for the day but go after it if you can
  13. -any of the reps can be done as doubles, singles, or clusters(ie, 1 every 30-60 seconds)
  14. -sample warm up - 1x5@bar, 1x3@40%, 2x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 1x2@70%, 1X1@80%
  15. Strength
  19. A. Back squat - 5 x 5 @ 78%, Tempo Free, Rest 3 - 6 minutes b/t sets
  20. Conditioning (SPP)
  21. A. 9 minute AMRAP
  22. 6 Front squat 70/45kg (155/105lbs)
  23. 9 Push up (hand release)
  24. 12 Deadlift 70/45kg (155/105lbs)
  25. Cool Down
  26. A. 15 minutes total - Easy Row/AD/Ski erg etc., HR (Heart Rate) < 140 + Mobility work
  28. Thursday
  30. Weightlifting
  31. A. Snatch Progression
  32. A1. High Hang Snatch - 3 x 3 @ 50-60%
  33. -high hang = upright hip snatch(shoulders stay over hips as the knees break forward and out slightly to set up)
  34. -hold high hang position(dip) briefly before initiating up to complete the snatch
  35. -pause 2 seconds in the bottom of the squat of 1st rep of each set
  36. A2. High Hang Snatch + Above Knee Snatch - 3 x 1+1 @ 60-70%
  37. -pause 2 seconds in the bottom of the squat of 1st rep of each set
  38. A3. Above Knee Snatch + Snatch - 3 x 1+1 @ 70-80%
  39. -pause 2 seconds in the bottom of the squat of 1st rep of each set
  40. A4. Snatch - 3 x 1 @ 80% and above
  41. Conditioning (Intervals)
  42. A. 16 x 90 seconds on : 30 seconds off, Alternate between the following intervals
  43. You will need to pace this effort to sustain work
  44. A1. AMRAP
  45. 7 Thruster 40/30kg (95/65lbs)
  46. 7 Toes to bar
  47. 7 Bar facing burpees
  48. A2. AMRAP
  49. Row for calories
  50. Cool Down
  51. A. AirDyne / Rower easy (HR < 140) for 10 minutes + 10 minutes Mobility work
  54. Friday
  56. Tips on BB efficiency training
  57. - Warming up:
  58. 1.) Start with empty barbell, do few reps where you hold all the receiving positions for 5 seconds each. Focus on the balance over the feet and any unnecessary tension (notice the word “unnecessary” as of course certain areas like the core needs to be braced - although there are degrees based on the load)
  59. 2.) Next focus on moving smoothly from one position to another (quality of movement) while maintaining balance and relaxation (again, amount of tension dependent on the load, eliminate unnecessary tension)
  60. 3.) Once you are moving smoothly you can start to increase speed until you get to your natural rhythm (or little faster so you are pushing your ability). If you want to be meticulous in your approach, you can use a timer/metronome to determine your “cadence” (turn over time) over a set of 10 reps.
  61. - Once you start adding load:
  62. 4.) Now start adding load and see what happens to the quality of the movement, your cadence and the effort required to sustain these two.
  63. Hope the above highlights the importance of not only developing the weights but more importantly the skill of moving efficiently with a barbell.
  64. Introduction to Capacity work with gymnastics
  65. - To keep this simple, the goal is for you to do long sets on gymnastics movements today. I mean hang on to that bar/stay against the wall to finish the set. That being said, tearing your hands or not stopping if the quality of movement is crap would not be clever. Try to relax as much as possible on gymnastics, keep breathing and move as economically as you can.
  66. A. Gymnastics progressions, spend as long with these as needed
  67. A1. Butterfly pull up
  68. A2. Toes to bar
  69. B1. Overhead squat - 7 minute EMOM, 10 reps
  70. - Choose a load that’s challenging but allows you to do all repetitions unbroken each minute, you can adjust up but not down during the work (so choose wisely)
  71. - Be as explosive as possible
  72. REST 2 - 5 minutes
  73. B2. Pull up - 7 minute EMOM, 5 - 15 reps (based on ability)
  74. - Aim to do chest to bar pull ups if possible (based on ability)
  75. - Be as explosive as possible
  76. - If you start to feel fatigued with this, bring the weight down
  77. REST 2 - 5 minutes
  78. B3. Deadlift - 7 minute EMOM, 5 reps + 20 Double unders
  79. - Be as explosive as possible
  80. - If you start to feel fatigued with this, bring the weight down
  81. REST 2 - 5 minutes
  82. B4. Jerk - 7 minute EMOM, 7-10 reps (based on ability)
  83. - Choose a load that’s challenging but allows you to do all repetitions unbroken each minute, you can adjust up but not down during the work (so choose wisely)
  84. - Be as explosive as possible
  85. Strength (20 minute time cap)
  86. A. Back squat - In 3 - 4 sets, build to a heavy set of 8, Tempo free, Rest as needed b/t sets
  87. As per above, this section shouldn’t take longer than 20 minutes
  88. Cool Down
  89. A. 10 minute, very easy run or AD, Heart rate < 140 + mobility
  92. Saturday
  94. Weightlifting
  96. A. Clean & Jerk Progression
  97. A1. CPU + Jerk - 3 x 3+1 @ by feel up to 50%
  98. A2. Clean w/pause Above Knee + Jerk - 2 x 3+1 @ 50-60%
  99. A3. Clean w/pause Above knee + Clean + Jerk - 3 x 1+1+1 @ 60-70%
  100. A4. Clean + Jerk - 3 x 2+1 @ 70-80%
  102. Conditioning (SPP)
  104. A. Gymnastics skill warm up
  105. A1. Muscle up progressions
  106. A2. Handstand push up progressions
  108. B. Practise Box jumps (max total reps 40)
  109. B1. 1 - 3 sets of 5 - 10 to 12/10” box
  110. B2. 1 - 3 sets of 5 - 10 to 16/14” box
  111. B3. 1 - 3 sets of 5 - 10 to 20/18” box
  112. B4. 1 - 3 sets of 5 - 10 to 24/20” box
  113. Idea is to perform these with almost (but NOT fully) straight legs if possible (use tendon elasticity of your achilles, not hips) with minimal hip flexion on the way to box.
  114. Do not move to a higher box if cannot complete reps with good form on a lower one
  115. Stand up on top of each box jump as per typical CF competition standards
  117. C. 48 minute EMOM, alternate between 6 stations (each for a minute), Aim to add repetitions from last week, do one set in each movement, once your set is done, rest for the remaining of the minute.
  118. 1: Muscle up, 1 - 7 reps (based on ability)
  119. 2: Box jump, 22/20”, 10 - 20 reps (based on ability)
  120. - We are purposefully using a lower box here to develop consistency in your form. Choose a height that allows for a good form (minimal knee and hip flexion, landing like a ninja on and off the box), this might be lower than prescribed.
  121. 3: Handstand push up, 1 - 15 reps (based on ability)
  122. - Strict or kipping, your choice
  123. 4: Wall ball, 9/6kg (20/14lbs),10 - 20 reps (based on ability)
  124. - If this is easy for you, choose a heavier ball or higher target
  125. 5: Bar facing burpee (over the bar), AMAP (As Many As Possible)
  126. You must face the barbell on each rep, as per common CFG Open standard
  127. 6: REST 1 minute
  129. Cool Down
  131. A. 50 Calorie Air dyne / Row, easy pace, HR < 140 + 10-20 minutes mobility
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