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Nov 21st, 2014
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  1. 19:04:36]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): You've been warned a ton about following objectives/commands of your makers. I don't care if they made a joke, you're an artificer. [19:05:02]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I messaged you beforehand and didn't do anything but stay out of the way of fire. captain killed me. [19:05:25]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): I was deadminned until I saw you being awful. [19:05:47]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): Well I messaged you first. Long before I was turned. [19:05:59]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): Just stop finding every reason you can to screw over somebody elses game, I have had way, way too many complaints about you since you've started playing a month or two ago. [19:06:06]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): And this is the same girl who made her AI name a rape joke to fuck with me. Shes metagrudging. [19:06:28]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I found a way to screw up their game???? [19:06:34]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): "someone is mean to me, i better screw over the rest of the cult" doesn't justify itself. [19:07:04]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): Thats not even kind of what happened. It wasn't mean it was making fun of the rape. Which was an actual thing. Not make up. Not something I consented to. [19:07:29]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): What rape? When did this happen? [19:08:02]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): Like a week ago. It was logged and the guy was permabanned. Shes making fun of an actual rape. [19:08:23]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): We'll permaban people for rape, but you should really get over it if it's already been handled. Your sprite is fine, trust me. [19:08:46]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): Can you paste the line where she made fun of irl rape? [19:08:51]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I don't need assholes making rape jokes and purposely stripping my character to fuck with me. [19:09:01]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I already did [19:09:05]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): They're a cult. Sacrificing you. They're not nice guys. [19:12:30]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): She said rape in particular when I asked why they needed my clothes off I had already agreed to join said I wouldn't put up a fight. She came in and made the rape joke and took my clothes off. [19:14:11]ADMIN: PM: Aranclanos/(Dana Ray)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): you should pastebin that [19:14:25]ADMIN: PM: Aranclanos/(Dana Ray)->Mandurrh/(Artificer (929)): or privatepaste, it's way cooler [19:14:31]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->Aranclanos/(Dana Ray): Kenzie Smith says, "Put my clothes on"#OOC: StarToad: There will be, Louis, if Miggles and Danno don't whine about taking more Tyrian stuff#Maynard Wolfe says, "Cool"#You are buckled in to the chair by Wilson H. Stockwell.#Wilson H. Stockwell says, "Good morning."#Maynard Wolfe says, "Never"#Kenzie Smith says, "PUT THEM ON"#Jim Otis fires the energy gun!#Maynard Wolfe is hit by an electrode in the chest!#You attempt to unbuckle yourself. (This will take around one minute and you need to stay still.)#Jim Otis fires the energy gun!#Maynard Wolfe stammers, "W-W-WEEP-P W-WOOP-P-P!"#Wilson H. Stockwell has disarmed Kenzie Smith!#Wilson H. Stockwell has disarmed Kenzie Smith!#Maynard Wolfe exclaims, "RAPE OOP!"# [19:14:38]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Artificer (929))->Aranclanos/(Dana Ray): Sorry [20:02:10]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Then /stop talking about it/. Every single round I see you forcing someone to listen to you talk about rape. [20:02:58]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I didn't say anything about it in any of the rounds it was brought up in. Thats bullshit and you know it. Look back at the logs and show me where I bring it up. [20:03:23]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): It's not pleasant, and I'll talk to the people who are making jokes about it. For now, get over it, the person was banned, it happened to a 2d sprite. If it triggered real-life flashbacks, I'm sorry, but there's nothing else to do. You bringing it up every chance IC is only goading people to tease you for taking it to seriously. [20:03:56]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I saw you gibbering to Marion about it endround a moment ago. I'm guessing the people that make the jokes will let it die as soon as you do. [20:04:01]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): Except I didn't bring it up they did and you are making jokes. [20:04:40]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I spawned a monkey on your back named "rape joke" when you were sitting in the shuttle forcing someone to hear about it. [20:04:52]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Are you familiar with the phrase "monkey on my back"? [20:05:02]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I was telling marion in an ic way that I'm getting in trouble for people making rape jokes to me. I didn't bring it up any of the times it was used against me. And its shit that you encourage it and send it. Ask marion if I was talking about the rape or forced her to listen to it. [20:05:36]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Send what? [20:05:40]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): You are setting an example as an admin that its okay to make fun of that situation. [20:06:25]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I'm telling you, as a person, OOC, to get over it and drop being exposed to rape as an IC feature of your character, and told you I'd ask the offenders to cease referring to it as long as you also stopped. [20:06:50]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): This is extremely silly and doesn't need to be happening from either party, is what I'm saying. [20:06:52]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I didn't bring it up to you or those other people. And if you read the logs all I did was quote centcomm. I didn't talk about the incident. You are being an ass and I have done nothing. Again I did not say anything in IC about it. I sent you the logs. I didn't mention it once Maynard did. [20:07:44]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Are you currently reading what I am proposing to you? You keep defaulting to outrage as if you haven't. [20:11:57]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): You're saying to let it go and not say anything but I haven't said anything at all to them. I have only talked to you and you encouraged that behavior and rewarded it. I don't care if it was a 2d character or not. Were you there? It was pretty fucking sick. Did you read it? Making jokes about it and encouraging them when I am not bringing it up is you in the wrong. Want me to forward you the messages from security that shift anf how fucked up they thought it was and so sorry it happened and admins will protect me? I can do that. But don't down play it and put me at fault for your jokes and encouragment and their lowlifeness because I didn't bring it up or mention it they just keep throwing it in my face. And its fucked up of you all because I didn't ask to have my character raped. I didn't do the raping. And I wish you would leave me alone about it. Instead I'm being harassed and punished as if I asked for it. [20:13:29]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I offered to help you as long as you got over the incident/didn't use it as an excuse to betray team antagonists. Would you not like the help? [20:14:05]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): Yes [20:14:26]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): You're fine with them continuing to make the jokes, then? [20:16:46]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): No of course not and definitely not okay with you continuing to do it either. [20:17:16]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I have no idea what message you're talking about that centcomm sent, but it wasn't me. [20:18:27]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): that was def about you threatening to ban me when i messaged you for help [20:18:58]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I recieved none of your messages. I was de-adminned at the time and I informed you of that. [20:19:24]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I suggested a ban when you were about to screw the cult over because of somebody making a joke against you. [20:20:11]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): and i sent you los of me sending the message before i was even converted [20:20:36]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): You sent me an unfiltered block of illegible text that, when asked to transfer to pastebin, you didn't. [20:21:26]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): she stripped my character naked and said it was rape hilarious joke [20:22:20]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): She said the words "rape hilarious joke"? [20:22:43]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): And stripping is a very, very common thing when cultists abduct you. No radio or items you can potentially use right away if freed. [20:24:02]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): other guy had already removed that stuff long before she came. she took off my jumpsuit and shoes then said rape. [20:24:40]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): ..Why didn't you just post that one line? You posted like 3 PM's worth of unfiltered game text. [20:24:49]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): No i said why are you taking my clothes off she said 'reasons' I said please stop she said ' RAPE' [20:25:05]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): SO YOU COULD SEE I DIDN'TBRING IT UP OR FIGHT AGAINST THE CULT OR START ANYTHING. [20:25:42]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): You already have blamed me for the jokes. I was proving I cooperated with cult and did not start it or say anything about the situation. That was all her being a bitch. [20:25:44]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): You opened a wall for the security to get to the cult hideout, said "help" to the officers as an artificer, and refused to assist the cult if she was there. [20:25:52]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): /That/ is what I PM'd you for. [20:26:06]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Do you understand that, at least? [20:26:10]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): You weren't anwsering adminhelp and that wall was a fake wall they opened it [20:26:42]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Why'd you tell the cultists you weren't going to help them, and then call to the security team for help, then? [20:27:03]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): Because they were letting her take my clothes off and say she was going to rape me. [20:27:08]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I was not adminned at the time of the PM and there was literally no way I would have seen that. [20:27:28]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Did she emote anything? Did she do anything aside from say that? [20:27:41]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): Read back in the logs I sent. I had already agreed to be cult and he had already buckled me in hanmdcuffed me and taken my radio and pda and back pack. She came in later and brought the captain with her. [20:28:15]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): She did not bring the Captain with her. Security located the base. [20:28:34]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): they literally came in right behind her [20:28:40]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): walked in when she did [20:29:05]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): they broke through when she said rape and dude turned me then he ran up and the space heater was blocking them [20:30:13]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I went into the cubby captain opened the trick wall shot me and killed me in one shot. [20:30:57]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): The point I'm trying to get accross to /you/, is not to ditch out on the cult because one of the members did something mean. [20:31:10]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I'll handle the other issue separately, but do you understand that? [20:31:17]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I've had to talk to you about this before. [20:31:18]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I thought she was going to fuck with me again and you werent going to help. [20:31:41]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): I had already agreed to work with the dude. Am I to consent to rape if you don't anwser? [20:31:46]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): Please just tell me you're not going to do this again so we can stop going in circles. [20:32:05]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): Fine [20:32:06]ADMIN: PM: TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez)->Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith): I didn't "not answer". I didn't get the PM. [20:32:20]ADMIN: PM: Mandurrh/(Kenzie Smith)->TheBibleMelts/(Rick Sanchez): sure
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