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a guest
Oct 8th, 2015
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  1. [vagrant@openshiftdev sample-app]$ oc process -f application-template-stibuild.json | oc create -f -
  2. service "frontend" created
  3. route "route-edge" created
  4. imagestream "origin-ruby-sample" created
  5. imagestream "ruby-20-centos7" created
  6. buildconfig "ruby-sample-build" created
  7. deploymentconfig "frontend" created
  8. service "database" created
  9. deploymentconfig "database" created
  10. [vagrant@openshiftdev sample-app]$ oc logs "$(oc get builds -o name)"
  11. I1008 19:52:03.523489 1 sti.go:407] ---> Installing application source ...
  12. I1008 19:52:03.533326 1 sti.go:407] ---> Building your Ruby application from source ...
  13. I1008 19:52:03.533431 1 sti.go:407] ---> Running 'bundle install --deployment' ...
  14. I1008 19:52:10.262165 1 sti.go:407] Fetching gem metadata from
  15. I1008 19:52:13.157540 1 sti.go:407] Installing rake (10.3.2)
  16. I1008 19:52:13.624496 1 sti.go:407] Installing i18n (0.6.11)
  17. I1008 19:52:15.521810 1 sti.go:407] Installing json (1.8.3)
  18. I1008 19:52:16.055978 1 sti.go:407] Installing minitest (5.4.2)
  19. I1008 19:52:16.655986 1 sti.go:407] Installing thread_safe (0.3.4)
  20. I1008 19:52:17.267290 1 sti.go:407] Installing tzinfo (1.2.2)
  21. I1008 19:52:18.045357 1 sti.go:407] Installing activesupport (4.1.7)
  22. I1008 19:52:18.410496 1 sti.go:407] Installing builder (3.2.2)
  23. I1008 19:52:18.796451 1 sti.go:407] Installing activemodel (4.1.7)
  24. I1008 19:52:19.204508 1 sti.go:407] Installing arel (
  25. I1008 19:52:19.933945 1 sti.go:407] Installing activerecord (4.1.7)
  26. I1008 19:52:22.300924 1 sti.go:407] Installing mysql2 (0.3.16)
  27. I1008 19:52:23.934996 1 sti.go:407] Installing rack (1.5.2)
  28. I1008 19:52:24.221687 1 sti.go:407] Installing rack-protection (1.5.3)
  29. I1008 19:52:24.594761 1 sti.go:407] Installing tilt (1.4.1)
  30. I1008 19:52:25.010563 1 sti.go:407] Installing sinatra (1.4.5)
  31. I1008 19:52:25.402023 1 sti.go:407] Installing sinatra-activerecord (2.0.3)
  32. I1008 19:52:25.402370 1 sti.go:407] Using bundler (1.3.5)
  33. I1008 19:52:25.403271 1 sti.go:407] Your bundle is complete!
  34. I1008 19:52:25.403360 1 sti.go:407] It was installed into ./bundle
  35. I1008 19:52:25.423349 1 sti.go:407] ---> Cleaning up unused ruby gems ...
  36. I1008 19:52:30.113933 1 sti.go:121] Using provided push secret for pushing image
  37. I1008 19:52:30.113968 1 sti.go:123] Pushing image ...
  38. [vagrant@openshiftdev sample-app]$ oc get pods
  40. database-1-mbtb8 1/1 Running 0 58s
  41. ruby-sample-build-1-build 1/1 Running 0 1m
  42. [vagrant@openshiftdev sample-app]$ oc logs ruby-sample-build-1-build
  43. I1008 19:52:03.523489 1 sti.go:407] ---> Installing application source ...
  44. I1008 19:52:03.533326 1 sti.go:407] ---> Building your Ruby application from source ...
  45. I1008 19:52:03.533431 1 sti.go:407] ---> Running 'bundle install --deployment' ...
  46. I1008 19:52:10.262165 1 sti.go:407] Fetching gem metadata from
  47. I1008 19:52:13.157540 1 sti.go:407] Installing rake (10.3.2)
  48. I1008 19:52:13.624496 1 sti.go:407] Installing i18n (0.6.11)
  49. I1008 19:52:15.521810 1 sti.go:407] Installing json (1.8.3)
  50. I1008 19:52:16.055978 1 sti.go:407] Installing minitest (5.4.2)
  51. I1008 19:52:16.655986 1 sti.go:407] Installing thread_safe (0.3.4)
  52. I1008 19:52:17.267290 1 sti.go:407] Installing tzinfo (1.2.2)
  53. I1008 19:52:18.045357 1 sti.go:407] Installing activesupport (4.1.7)
  54. I1008 19:52:18.410496 1 sti.go:407] Installing builder (3.2.2)
  55. I1008 19:52:18.796451 1 sti.go:407] Installing activemodel (4.1.7)
  56. I1008 19:52:19.204508 1 sti.go:407] Installing arel (
  57. I1008 19:52:19.933945 1 sti.go:407] Installing activerecord (4.1.7)
  58. I1008 19:52:22.300924 1 sti.go:407] Installing mysql2 (0.3.16)
  59. I1008 19:52:23.934996 1 sti.go:407] Installing rack (1.5.2)
  60. I1008 19:52:24.221687 1 sti.go:407] Installing rack-protection (1.5.3)
  61. I1008 19:52:24.594761 1 sti.go:407] Installing tilt (1.4.1)
  62. I1008 19:52:25.010563 1 sti.go:407] Installing sinatra (1.4.5)
  63. I1008 19:52:25.402023 1 sti.go:407] Installing sinatra-activerecord (2.0.3)
  64. I1008 19:52:25.402370 1 sti.go:407] Using bundler (1.3.5)
  65. I1008 19:52:25.403271 1 sti.go:407] Your bundle is complete!
  66. I1008 19:52:25.403360 1 sti.go:407] It was installed into ./bundle
  67. I1008 19:52:25.423349 1 sti.go:407] ---> Cleaning up unused ruby gems ...
  68. I1008 19:52:30.113933 1 sti.go:121] Using provided push secret for pushing image
  69. I1008 19:52:30.113968 1 sti.go:123] Pushing image ...
  70. [vagrant@openshiftdev sample-app]$ oc logs pod/ruby-sample-build-1-build
  71. I1008 19:52:03.523489 1 sti.go:407] ---> Installing application source ...
  72. I1008 19:52:03.533326 1 sti.go:407] ---> Building your Ruby application from source ...
  73. I1008 19:52:03.533431 1 sti.go:407] ---> Running 'bundle install --deployment' ...
  74. I1008 19:52:10.262165 1 sti.go:407] Fetching gem metadata from
  75. I1008 19:52:13.157540 1 sti.go:407] Installing rake (10.3.2)
  76. I1008 19:52:13.624496 1 sti.go:407] Installing i18n (0.6.11)
  77. I1008 19:52:15.521810 1 sti.go:407] Installing json (1.8.3)
  78. I1008 19:52:16.055978 1 sti.go:407] Installing minitest (5.4.2)
  79. I1008 19:52:16.655986 1 sti.go:407] Installing thread_safe (0.3.4)
  80. I1008 19:52:17.267290 1 sti.go:407] Installing tzinfo (1.2.2)
  81. I1008 19:52:18.045357 1 sti.go:407] Installing activesupport (4.1.7)
  82. I1008 19:52:18.410496 1 sti.go:407] Installing builder (3.2.2)
  83. I1008 19:52:18.796451 1 sti.go:407] Installing activemodel (4.1.7)
  84. I1008 19:52:19.204508 1 sti.go:407] Installing arel (
  85. I1008 19:52:19.933945 1 sti.go:407] Installing activerecord (4.1.7)
  86. I1008 19:52:22.300924 1 sti.go:407] Installing mysql2 (0.3.16)
  87. I1008 19:52:23.934996 1 sti.go:407] Installing rack (1.5.2)
  88. I1008 19:52:24.221687 1 sti.go:407] Installing rack-protection (1.5.3)
  89. I1008 19:52:24.594761 1 sti.go:407] Installing tilt (1.4.1)
  90. I1008 19:52:25.010563 1 sti.go:407] Installing sinatra (1.4.5)
  91. I1008 19:52:25.402023 1 sti.go:407] Installing sinatra-activerecord (2.0.3)
  92. I1008 19:52:25.402370 1 sti.go:407] Using bundler (1.3.5)
  93. I1008 19:52:25.403271 1 sti.go:407] Your bundle is complete!
  94. I1008 19:52:25.403360 1 sti.go:407] It was installed into ./bundle
  95. I1008 19:52:25.423349 1 sti.go:407] ---> Cleaning up unused ruby gems ...
  96. I1008 19:52:30.113933 1 sti.go:121] Using provided push secret for pushing image
  97. I1008 19:52:30.113968 1 sti.go:123] Pushing image ...
  102. [vagrant@openshiftdev sample-app]$ oc get builds
  104. ruby-sample-build-1 Source Git Running 2 seconds ago
  105. [vagrant@openshiftdev sample-app]$ oc logs "$(oc get builds -o name)" --nowait
  106. I1008 20:05:05.048051 1 sti.go:407] ---> Installing application source ...
  107. I1008 20:05:05.056698 1 sti.go:407] ---> Building your Ruby application from source ...
  108. I1008 20:05:05.056886 1 sti.go:407] ---> Running 'bundle install --deployment' ...
  109. [vagrant@openshiftdev sample-app]$ oc logs "$(oc get builds -o name)" --nowait --follow
  110. I1008 20:05:05.048051 1 sti.go:407] ---> Installing application source ...
  111. I1008 20:05:05.056698 1 sti.go:407] ---> Building your Ruby application from source ...
  112. I1008 20:05:05.056886 1 sti.go:407] ---> Running 'bundle install --deployment' ...
  113. I1008 20:05:11.632528 1 sti.go:407] Fetching gem metadata from
  114. I1008 20:05:14.031417 1 sti.go:407] Installing rake (10.3.2)
  115. I1008 20:05:14.392258 1 sti.go:407] Installing i18n (0.6.11)
  116. I1008 20:05:15.764444 1 sti.go:407] Installing json (1.8.3)
  117. I1008 20:05:16.126067 1 sti.go:407] Installing minitest (5.4.2)
  118. I1008 20:05:16.432966 1 sti.go:407] Installing thread_safe (0.3.4)
  119. I1008 20:05:16.792226 1 sti.go:407] Installing tzinfo (1.2.2)
  120. I1008 20:05:17.268575 1 sti.go:407] Installing activesupport (4.1.7)
  121. I1008 20:05:17.536360 1 sti.go:407] Installing builder (3.2.2)
  122. I1008 20:05:17.835056 1 sti.go:407] Installing activemodel (4.1.7)
  123. I1008 20:05:18.266000 1 sti.go:407] Installing arel (
  124. I1008 20:05:18.675900 1 sti.go:407] Installing activerecord (4.1.7)
  125. I1008 20:05:20.948128 1 sti.go:407] Installing mysql2 (0.3.16)
  126. I1008 20:05:22.800134 1 sti.go:407] Installing rack (1.5.2)
  127. I1008 20:05:23.173122 1 sti.go:407] Installing rack-protection (1.5.3)
  128. I1008 20:05:23.499389 1 sti.go:407] Installing tilt (1.4.1)
  129. I1008 20:05:23.895922 1 sti.go:407] Installing sinatra (1.4.5)
  130. I1008 20:05:24.188716 1 sti.go:407] Installing sinatra-activerecord (2.0.3)
  131. I1008 20:05:24.188769 1 sti.go:407] Using bundler (1.3.5)
  132. I1008 20:05:24.189582 1 sti.go:407] Your bundle is complete!
  133. I1008 20:05:24.189625 1 sti.go:407] It was installed into ./bundle
  134. I1008 20:05:24.213006 1 sti.go:407] ---> Cleaning up unused ruby gems ...
  135. I1008 20:05:28.640099 1 sti.go:121] Using provided push secret for pushing image
  136. I1008 20:05:28.640133 1 sti.go:123] Pushing image ...
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