
my radios

Feb 26th, 2016
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  1. <div id="product-options-wrapper" class="product-options">
  2. <dl class="last">
  3. <dt>
  4. <label class="required">
  5. <em>*</em>
  6. Baby sengesæt
  7. </label>
  8. </dt>
  9. <dd>
  10. <div class="input-box display">
  11. <ul id="options-6032-list" class="options-list">
  12. <li>
  13. <input id="options_6032_2" class="radio validate-one-required-by-name product-custom-option" type="radio" price="0" value="42978" name="options[6032]" onclick="opConfig.reloadPrice()" checked="checked">
  14. <span class="label">
  15. <label for="options_6032_2">Uden Navn </label>
  16. </span>
  17. <script type="text/javascript">
  18. $('options_6032_2').advaiceContainer = 'options-6032-container';$('options_6032_2').callbackFunction = 'validateOptionsCallback';
  19. </script>
  20. </li>
  21. <li>
  22. <input id="options_6032_3" class="radio validate-one-required-by-name product-custom-option" type="radio" price="100" value="42979" name="options[6032]" onclick="opConfig.reloadPrice()">
  23. <span class="label">
  24. <label for="options_6032_3">
  25. Med Navn
  26. <span class="price-notice">
  27. +
  28. <span class="price">Dkr100.00</span>
  29. </span>
  30. </label>
  31. </span>
  32. <script type="text/javascript">
  33. $('options_6032_3').advaiceContainer = 'options-6032-container';$('options_6032_3').callbackFunction = 'validateOptionsCallback';
  34. </script>
  35. </li>
  36. </ul>
  37. <span id="options-6032-container"></span>
  38. </div>
  39. </dd>
  40. <dt>
  41. <label class="required">
  42. <em>*</em>
  43. Barns navn
  44. </label>
  45. </dt>
  46. <dd>
  47. <div class="input-box">
  48. <input id="options_6030_text mirror" class="input-text required-entry validate-length maximum-length-25 product-custom-option form-control" type="text" value="" name="options[6030]" onchange="opConfig.reloadPrice()">
  49. <p class="note">
  50. Maximum number of characters:
  51. <strong>25</strong>
  52. </p>
  53. </div>
  54. </dd>
  55. <dt>
  56. <label class="required">
  57. <em>*</em>
  58. Vælg tråd skrifttype
  59. </label>
  60. </dt>
  61. <dd>
  62. <div class="input-box fontclass">
  63. <select id="select_6031" class="required-entry product-custom-option form-control" onchange="opConfig.reloadPrice()" title="" name="options[6031]">
  64. <option value="">-- Please Select --</option>
  65. <option price="0" value="42968">standard skrifttype </option>
  66. <option price="0" value="42969">Arial </option>
  67. <option price="0" value="42970">Lato </option>
  68. <option price="0" value="42971">Disney Print </option>
  69. <option price="0" value="42972">Filxgirl </option>
  70. <option price="0" value="42973">Freshman </option>
  71. <option price="0" value="42974">Harry Potter </option>
  72. <option price="0" value="42975">Nightmare Before Christmas </option>
  73. <option price="0" value="42976">Pooh </option>
  74. <option price="0" value="42977">Walt Disney Script </option>
  75. </select>
  76. </div>
  77. </dd>
  78. <dt>
  79. <label class="required">
  80. <em>*</em>
  81. Fødselsdato
  82. </label>
  83. </dt>
  84. <dd>
  85. <div class="input-box">
  86. <input id="options_6029_text mirror" class="input-text required-entry validate-length maximum-length-12 product-custom-option form-control" type="text" value="" name="options[6029]" onchange="opConfig.reloadPrice()">
  87. <p class="note">
  88. Maximum number of characters:
  89. <strong>12</strong>
  90. </p>
  91. </div>
  92. </dd>
  93. <dt>
  94. <label class="required">
  95. <em>*</em>
  96. Trådfarve
  97. </label>
  98. </dt>
  99. <dd class="last">
  100. <div class="input-box colorclass">
  101. <select id="select_6028" class="required-entry product-custom-option form-control" onchange="opConfig.reloadPrice()" title="" name="options[6028]">
  102. <option value="">-- Please Select --</option>
  103. <option price="0" value="42965">red </option>
  104. <option price="0" value="42966">black </option>
  105. <option price="0" value="42967">blue </option>
  106. </select>
  107. </div>
  108. </dd>
  109. </dl>
  110. <p class="required">* Required Fields</p>
  111. </div>
  112. </div>
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