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a guest
Aug 25th, 2014
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  1. version=12;
  2. class Mission
  3. {
  4. addOns[]=
  5. {
  6. "mbg_celle2",
  7. "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR",
  8. "a3_characters_f_beta",
  9. "a3_characters_f",
  10. "A3_Modules_F"
  11. };
  12. addOnsAuto[]=
  13. {
  14. "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR",
  15. "a3_characters_f",
  16. "A3_Modules_F"
  17. };
  18. randomSeed=16426086;
  19. class Intel
  20. {
  21. briefingName="co10 Escape 1.7 Dev17 Roy v4.24";
  22. resistanceWest=0;
  23. resistanceEast=1;
  24. startWeather=0;
  25. startWind=0.099999994;
  26. startWaves=0.099999994;
  27. forecastWeather=0;
  28. forecastWind=0.099999994;
  29. forecastWaves=0.099999994;
  30. forecastLightnings=0.099999994;
  31. year=2035;
  32. month=7;
  33. day=6;
  34. hour=15;
  35. minute=35;
  36. startFogBase=0.001;
  37. forecastFogBase=0.001;
  38. startFogDecay=0.0049999999;
  39. forecastFogDecay=0.0049999999;
  40. };
  41. class Groups
  42. {
  43. items=2;
  44. class Item0
  45. {
  46. side="WEST";
  47. class Vehicles
  48. {
  49. items=10;
  50. class Item0
  51. {
  52. position[]={5966.7705,326.97836,8664.3574};
  53. azimut=-7.9580002;
  54. id=0;
  55. side="WEST";
  56. vehicle="B_Soldier_TL_F";
  57. player="PLAYER COMMANDER";
  58. leader=1;
  59. rank="CAPTAIN";
  60. skill=0.60000002;
  61. text="p1";
  62. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  63. };
  64. class Item1
  65. {
  66. position[]={5964.8877,326.79041,8662.6172};
  67. azimut=3.57658;
  68. special="NONE";
  69. id=1;
  70. side="WEST";
  71. vehicle="B_soldier_AR_F";
  72. player="PLAY CDG";
  73. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  74. skill=0.60000002;
  75. text="p4";
  76. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  77. };
  78. class Item2
  79. {
  80. position[]={5964.1807,326.8392,8665.1621};
  81. azimut=3.57658;
  82. special="NONE";
  83. id=2;
  84. side="WEST";
  85. vehicle="B_Soldier_F";
  86. player="PLAY CDG";
  87. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  88. skill=0.60000002;
  89. text="p2";
  90. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  91. };
  92. class Item3
  93. {
  94. position[]={5964.0938,326.7825,8663.7949};
  95. azimut=3.57658;
  96. special="NONE";
  97. id=3;
  98. side="WEST";
  99. vehicle="B_engineer_F";
  100. player="PLAY CDG";
  101. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  102. skill=0.60000002;
  103. text="p3";
  104. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  105. };
  106. class Item4
  107. {
  108. position[]={5967.4883,326.93378,8661.9453};
  109. azimut=3.57658;
  110. special="NONE";
  111. id=4;
  112. side="WEST";
  113. vehicle="B_Soldier_GL_F";
  114. player="PLAY CDG";
  115. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  116. skill=0.60000002;
  117. text="p5";
  118. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  119. };
  120. class Item5
  121. {
  122. position[]={5968.8223,327.04181,8662.4688};
  123. azimut=3.57658;
  124. special="NONE";
  125. id=5;
  126. side="WEST";
  127. vehicle="B_soldier_AR_F";
  128. player="PLAY CDG";
  129. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  130. skill=0.60000002;
  131. text="p6";
  132. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  133. };
  134. class Item6
  135. {
  136. position[]={5966.083,326.8439,8661.9941};
  137. azimut=3.57658;
  138. special="NONE";
  139. id=6;
  140. side="WEST";
  141. vehicle="B_soldier_LAT_F";
  142. player="PLAY CDG";
  143. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  144. skill=0.59000003;
  145. text="p7";
  146. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  147. };
  148. class Item7
  149. {
  150. position[]={5969.9922,327.14111,8663.0996};
  151. azimut=3.57658;
  152. special="NONE";
  153. id=7;
  154. side="WEST";
  155. vehicle="B_Soldier_A_F";
  156. player="PLAY CDG";
  157. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  158. skill=0.60000002;
  159. text="p8";
  160. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  161. };
  162. class Item8
  163. {
  164. position[]={5970.8115,327.23407,8664.1953};
  165. azimut=3.57658;
  166. special="NONE";
  167. id=8;
  168. side="WEST";
  169. vehicle="B_soldier_M_F";
  170. player="PLAY CDG";
  171. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  172. skill=0.60000002;
  173. text="p9";
  174. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  175. };
  176. class Item9
  177. {
  178. position[]={5971.4326,327.31372,8665.2813};
  179. azimut=3.57658;
  180. special="NONE";
  181. id=9;
  182. side="WEST";
  183. vehicle="B_medic_F";
  184. player="PLAY CDG";
  185. rank="LIEUTENANT";
  186. skill=0.60000002;
  187. text="p10";
  188. init="this setCaptive true;this setVariable [""drn_var_initializing"", true];this addeventhandler [""killed"",{ if ((_this select 1) in (call drn_fnc_Escape_GetPlayers) && (_this select 1) != (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 1), -9] call drn_fnc_CL_AddScore;}; }];";
  189. };
  190. };
  191. };
  192. class Item1
  193. {
  194. side="LOGIC";
  195. class Vehicles
  196. {
  197. items=1;
  198. class Item0
  199. {
  200. position[]={-2039.187,0.0011562761,695.42932};
  201. id=10;
  202. side="LOGIC";
  203. vehicle="Logic";
  204. leader=1;
  205. skill=0.60000002;
  206. text="server";
  207. };
  208. };
  209. };
  210. };
  211. class Markers
  212. {
  213. items=3;
  214. class Item0
  215. {
  216. position[]={6588.2329,333.02402,9268.6162};
  217. name="Respawn_east";
  218. type="Empty";
  219. colorName="ColorRed";
  220. angle=-118.63451;
  221. };
  222. class Item1
  223. {
  224. position[]={6558.6392,333.93796,9281.459};
  225. name="Respawn_west";
  226. type="Empty";
  227. colorName="ColorBlue";
  228. angle=88.291168;
  229. };
  230. class Item2
  231. {
  232. position[]={6575.8022,333.42667,9273.2422};
  233. name="Boot_Hill";
  234. type="Empty";
  235. };
  236. };
  237. class Sensors
  238. {
  239. items=4;
  240. class Item0
  241. {
  242. position[]={-1293.415,0.077680901,829.51782};
  243. timeoutMin=3;
  244. timeoutMid=3;
  245. timeoutMax=3;
  246. interruptable=1;
  247. type="END2";
  248. age="UNKNOWN";
  249. expCond="drn_var_Escape_MissionComplete;";
  250. class Effects
  251. {
  252. };
  253. };
  254. class Item1
  255. {
  256. position[]={-968.1272,0.011063501,810.16528};
  257. timeoutMin=1;
  258. timeoutMid=1;
  259. timeoutMax=1;
  260. interruptable=1;
  261. age="UNKNOWN";
  262. expCond="drn_var_Escape_AllPlayersDead || drn_var_Escape_MissionComplete;";
  263. expActiv="1 cutText ["""", ""BLACK FADED"",3];";
  264. class Effects
  265. {
  266. };
  267. };
  268. class Item2
  269. {
  270. position[]={-1420.0127,-0.041704334,672.93286};
  271. timeoutMin=2;
  272. timeoutMid=2;
  273. timeoutMax=2;
  274. interruptable=1;
  275. age="UNKNOWN";
  276. expCond="drn_var_Escape_AllPlayersDead || drn_var_Escape_MissionComplete;";
  277. expActiv="setDate [date select 0, date select 1, date select 2, (date select 3) - drn_var_Escape_hoursSkipped, date select 4];";
  278. class Effects
  279. {
  280. };
  281. };
  282. class Item3
  283. {
  284. position[]={-1467.3357,0.020008299,828.18188};
  285. timeoutMin=3;
  286. timeoutMid=3;
  287. timeoutMax=3;
  288. interruptable=1;
  289. type="LOOSE";
  290. age="UNKNOWN";
  291. expCond="drn_var_Escape_AllPlayersDead;";
  292. class Effects
  293. {
  294. };
  295. };
  296. };
  297. };
  298. class Intro
  299. {
  300. addOns[]=
  301. {
  302. "mbg_celle2"
  303. };
  304. randomSeed=1050688;
  305. class Intel
  306. {
  307. timeOfChanges=1800.0002;
  308. startWeather=0.30000001;
  309. startWind=0.1;
  310. startWaves=0.1;
  311. forecastWeather=0.30000001;
  312. forecastWind=0.1;
  313. forecastWaves=0.1;
  314. forecastLightnings=0.1;
  315. year=2035;
  316. month=7;
  317. day=6;
  318. hour=12;
  319. minute=0;
  320. startFogBase=0.001;
  321. forecastFogBase=0.001;
  322. startFogDecay=0.0049999999;
  323. forecastFogDecay=0.0049999999;
  324. };
  325. };
  326. class OutroWin
  327. {
  328. addOns[]=
  329. {
  330. "mbg_celle2"
  331. };
  332. randomSeed=4252329;
  333. class Intel
  334. {
  335. timeOfChanges=1800.0002;
  336. startWeather=0.30000001;
  337. startWind=0.1;
  338. startWaves=0.1;
  339. forecastWeather=0.30000001;
  340. forecastWind=0.1;
  341. forecastWaves=0.1;
  342. forecastLightnings=0.1;
  343. year=2035;
  344. month=7;
  345. day=6;
  346. hour=12;
  347. minute=0;
  348. startFogBase=0.001;
  349. forecastFogBase=0.001;
  350. startFogDecay=0.0049999999;
  351. forecastFogDecay=0.0049999999;
  352. };
  353. };
  354. class OutroLoose
  355. {
  356. addOns[]=
  357. {
  358. "mbg_celle2"
  359. };
  360. randomSeed=2616540;
  361. class Intel
  362. {
  363. timeOfChanges=1800.0002;
  364. startWeather=0.30000001;
  365. startWind=0.1;
  366. startWaves=0.1;
  367. forecastWeather=0.30000001;
  368. forecastWind=0.1;
  369. forecastWaves=0.1;
  370. forecastLightnings=0.1;
  371. year=2035;
  372. month=7;
  373. day=6;
  374. hour=12;
  375. minute=0;
  376. startFogBase=0.001;
  377. forecastFogBase=0.001;
  378. startFogDecay=0.0049999999;
  379. forecastFogDecay=0.0049999999;
  380. };
  381. };
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