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Dec 2nd, 2016
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  1. // =====================================================================================
  2. //
  3. // idiotSavants Configs
  4. //
  5. // A mettre dans: C:\Users\Nom_Du_PC\AppData\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3
  6. //
  7. // A changer: set name "",
  8. // cg_drawcrosshair, (type de viseur)
  9. // s_volume,
  10. // sensitivity, (souris)
  11. //
  12. // =====================================================================================
  13. unbindall
  15. // PLAYER
  16. // ++++++
  17. set name "" // Your ingame player name.
  18. set clan "" // Your ingame clan name.
  19. set sex "male" // The Gender of the player.
  20. set model "bitterman/default" // The model for your ingame character.
  21. set cg_forceteammodel "" // The model for your team players.
  22. set cg_forceenemymodel "keel/bright" // The model for your enemy team players. For example "keel/bright".
  23. set cg_forceredteammodel "keel/bright" // Overrides cg_forceEnemyModel/cg_forceTeamModel when spectating.
  24. set cg_forceblueteammodel "keel/bright" // Overrides cg_forceEnemyModel/cg_forceTeamModel when spectating.
  26. seta cg_enemyUpperColor "0x00ff00ff"
  27. seta cg_enemyLowerColor "0x00ff00ff"
  28. seta cg_enemyHeadColor "0x00ff00ff"a
  29. seta cg_forceEnemyModel "tankjr/bright"
  30. seta cg_deadBodyColor "0x101010FF"
  31. seta cg_forceredteammodel "tankjr/bright"
  32. seta cg_forceblueteammodel "tankjr/bright"
  33. seta cg_drawAttacker "0"
  34. seta r_lodbias "0"
  36. // HUD
  37. // +++
  38. set cg_drawcrosshair "19" // Crosshair (min = 1, max =10, 0 = no crosshair)
  39. set cg_crosshaircolor "8" // Color of your crosshair, unless cg_crosshairhealth is set to 1.
  40. set cg_crosshairsize "16" // Size of the crosshair.
  41. set cg_crosshairhealth "0" // Colors the crosshair to indicate your health status. (This overrides regular crosshaircolor choice)
  42. set cg_crosshairpulse "0" // Pulsates the crosshair when picking up items.
  43. set cg_drawcrosshairnames "1" // Draw the name of players above the crosshair when targetting them.
  44. set cg_kickscale "0" // Screen shakes when hit.
  45. set cg_bob "0" // Screen sways when moving around.
  46. set cg_fov "120" // Field of vision. (min = 10, max 130)
  47. set cg_zoomfov "40" // Field of view while zoomed in.
  48. set cg_drawfps "1" // Shows fps - frames per second - rate.
  49. set cg_drawtimer "1" // Shows the game timer.
  50. set cg_leveltimerdirection "0" // The direction of the timer: 0 = counting up, 1 = counting down.
  51. set cg_lagometer "2" // 1 = Show network information. 2 = 1 + client ping estimation.
  52. set cg_draw3dicons "1" // Draw 3D elements on hud instead of 2D.
  53. set cg_drawteamoverlay "1" // Topright corner teammember followup frame.
  54. set cg_selfonteamoverlay "0"
  55. set cg_drawfriend "1" // Yellow triangles on top of team members.
  56. set cg_drawattacker "1" // Draw the face and nameof who is currently attacking you.
  57. set ui_bigfont "0.4" // Hudfont size of health, armor and ammo counters
  58. set ui_smallfont "0.25" // Hudfont manipulation
  59. set cl_demorecordmessage "1"
  61. // GRAPHICS
  62. // ++++++++
  63. set r_mode "-2" // Screen resolution.
  64. set r_fullscreen "0" // Loads the screen fullscreen on 1 or in window mode when set to 0.
  65. set com_maxfps "125" // Maximum frames rendered per second.
  66. set r_displayrefresh "60" // Controls the monitor's refresh rate. (Only usefull with CRT monitors)
  67. set r_swapinterval "0" // Forces vsync, use in combination with r_displayrefresh. (Only usefull with CRT monitors)
  68. set r_dynamiclight "1" // Enable dynamic lights. (For example rockets flying by light up the area.)
  69. set r_vertexlight "0" // Vertex lighting instead of lightmap.
  70. set r_enablepostprocess "1" // A value of 0 will degrade the quality of lighting in exchange for a boost in performance.
  71. set r_picmip "5" // Lowers texture quality by blending out colors. (Lowering does not increase FPS if you have more than 32MB videoram.)
  72. set r_overbrightbits "2" // Ambient lighting of local objects only: anything added to a map like players, ammo and weapons. (Works best with vertex enabled) [values: 0 to 4]
  73. set r_mapoverbrightbits "2" // Ambient lighting of the map. (Makes the map more radiant.) [values: 0 to 10]
  74. set r_gamma "1" // Overall brightness.
  75. //set r_fullbright "1" // When this variable is set to 1 the renderer system will render all textures on the map at full brightness.
  76. set r_fastsky "1" // When set to 1, blacks out the sky with no texture. (This disables seeing through portals as well!)
  77. set r_lodbias "0" // Dictates what the highest level of detail to show on ingame elements (players, weapons, ...). (Min: -2 = highest, Max: 2 = lowest)
  78. set cg_shadows "1" // 0 = Disables player shadows.
  79. set r_subdivisions "4" // Controls curved surfaces. Can be 4 or 80.
  80. set cg_simpleitems "1" // Replaces pickup 3D models with iconic 2D images.
  81. set cg_marks "1" // Render bullet marks on walls
  82. set cg_brasstime "2500" // Amount of time expelled shells remain on screen.
  83. set cg_noprojectiletrail "1" // No smoke trails on rockets and grenades.
  85. // SOUND
  86. // +++++
  87. set s_volume "0.10" // Volume of the game effects.
  88. set s_musicvolume "0" // Volume of the ingame background music.
  89. set s_doppler "1" // Doppler sound effects. (bypassing sounds)
  90. set s_ambient "0" // Ambient sound effects. (s_restart or a map load required for change to take effect)
  91. set cg_chatbeep "1"
  92. set cg_teamchatbeep "1"
  94. // NET
  95. // +++
  96. set rate "25000" // Controls packets so that your downstream connection bandwidth does not get saturated. (Max bytes per second)
  97. set cl_maxpackets "125" // Controls how many gameworld updates you send to the server. (min 30, max 125)
  98. set cg_smoothclients "0" // Smooth out other players movement when they suffer from packetloss.
  99. set cl_packetdup "1" // Determines how many duplicate packets you send to the server to avoid packetloss. (0 to disable; min 1, max 5)
  100. set cg_predictitems "0" // Client prediction for picking up items.
  101. set cg_predictlocalrailshots "0" // A value of 0 will feel less responsive in high ping environments but may prevent wrongly predicted railshots and/or impacts.
  103. // CONTROLS
  104. // ++++++++
  105. set in_mouse "2" // -1 = Windows mouse input, 1 = Direct input, 2 = Raw input
  106. set sensitivity "4" // Mouse sensitivity.
  107. set cl_mouseaccel "0" // Mouse acceleration. (min 0, max 10)
  108. set m_filter "0"
  109. set cl_mouseSensCap "0"
  110. set m_yaw "0.022" // Horizontal mouse speed finetune. (negative value inverts)
  111. set m_pitch "0.022" // Vertical mouse speed finetune. (negative value inverts)
  112. //Binds:
  113. bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu" // Toggles the menu.
  114. bind "`" "toggleconsole" // Opens or closes the console.
  115. bind "TAB" "+scores" // Toggles the scoreboard.
  116. bind "F1" "vote yes" // Vote yes on the currently active vote.
  117. bind "F2" "vote no" // Vote no on the currently active vote.
  118. bind "F3" "readyup" // Toggle your ready status. If you're ready, you indicate to others that you are willing to stop the warmup and proceed to the actual match.
  119. bind "F11" "screenshotjpeg" // Takes a TGA screenshot.
  120. bind "F4" "record" // Starts recording a demo.
  121. bind "F5" "stoprecord" // Stops recording a demo
  122. bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" // Fires a weapon.
  123. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "weapprev" // Selects the previous weapon from available weapons. (Gauntlet and weapons without ammo are skipped.)
  124. bind "MWHEELUP" "weapnext" // Selects the next weapon from available weapons. (Gauntlet and weapons without ammo are skipped.)
  125. bind "MOUSE3" "+button2" // Uses/Activates an item. (Medkit, Kamikaze, ...)
  126. bind "W" "+forward" // Move forward.
  127. bind "S" "+back" // Move backward.
  128. bind "D" "+moveright" // Strafe right.
  129. bind "A" "+moveleft" // Strafe left.
  130. bind "SPACE" "+moveup" // Jump.
  131. bind "CTRL" "+movedown" // Crouch/duck.
  132. bind "SHIFT" "+speed" // Walk.
  133. bind "T" "messagemode" // Says a message to everyone else.
  134. bind "Y" "messagemode2" // Says a message to teammembers only.
  135. bind "H" "+chat" // Show chat history
  136. bind "-" "sizedown" // Sizes down the viewing area
  137. bind "=" "sizeup" // Sizes up the viewing area
  139. // WEAPONS
  140. // +++++++
  141. set cg_drawgun "2" // Show your gun. (0 = hidden, 1 = swaying, 2 = fixed)
  142. set cg_gunx "0" // Gun X-Axis placement.
  143. set cg_guny "0" // Gun Y-Axis placement.
  144. set cg_gunz "0" // Gun Z-Axis placement.
  145. set cg_newweaponbar "0" // Position and layout of the weapon bar.
  146. set cg_switchonempty "1" // Automatically switch to the next weapon in line when current is empty.
  147. set cg_autoswitch "0" // Automatically switch to a weapon you pick up.
  148. set cg_railtrailtime "400" // Amount of time the railbeam remains visible.
  149. set color1 "4" // The color of the rail beam.
  150. set color2 "1" // The color of the rail swirl/disc effects.
  151. set cg_oldrail "1" // Rail style (0 = new style = beam + swirl, 1 = old style = beam + discs)
  152. set r_railwidth "16" // Diameter of railgun beam effect in pixels, as well as the impact effect.
  153. set r_railcorewidth "6" // Diameter of railgun core effect in pixels.
  154. set r_railsegmentlength "32" // Lenght of a single section of railgun effect in pixels.
  155. set cg_oldplasma "1" // A value of 0 will add fizzling spark effects to the blasma balls.
  156. set cg_oldrocket "1" // New style adds a red bloom of fire that burns out from the explosion.
  157. set cg_truelightning "1" // The amount of how much the lightning beam sways (1.0 = fixed on crosshair, 0.0 = spaghetti)
  158. set cg_lightningstyle "4" // Lightning Style, 4 = Line
  159. bind 1 "weapon 1" // Gauntlet
  160. bind 2 "weapon 2" // Machine gun
  161. bind 3 "weapon 3" // Shotgun
  162. bind 4 "weapon 4" // Grenade launcher
  163. bind Q "weapon 5" // Rocket launcher
  164. bind E "weapon 6" // Lightning gun
  165. bind R "weapon 7" // Railgun
  166. bind F "weapon 8" // Plasma rifle
  167. bind 9 "weapon 9" // BFG
  169. // CHAT
  170. // ++++
  172. // SCRIPTS
  173. // +++++++
  175. bind MOUSE2 "+moveup;+attack" // RJ
  176. bind p "qlrdAnnounce" // QLR: will attempt to output the player list
  177. bind o "qlrdChangeOutput" // QLR: will change the output method.
  178. bind z "dropflag"
  179. bind x "droppowerup"
  180. bind c "dropweapon"
  181. bind z "say ^1D^2A^3N^4S ^5T^6A ^7M^1E^2R^3E"
  182. bind x "say ^1B^2E^3T^4E ^5D^5E ^6C^7O^1N^2T^3R^4O^5L"
  183. bind c "say ^1G^2R^3O^4S ^5M^6E^3N^7T^1A^2L"
  184. bind v "say ^0:DDDD"
  185. bind b "+acc" // ACC
  187. // GENERAL
  188. // +++++++
  189. set cl_contimestamps "1"
  190. set cg_followkiller "1" // When you die, spectate your killer. (in CA)
  191. set cg_followpowerup "2" // 1 = While spectating, switches to a player who picks up a powerup. 2 = Same as one, but will not switch to a player who picks up a lesser powerup if already following a flag carrier.
  192. set cg_autoaction "0" // autorecords demo and/or endgame screenshot, 0 = do nothing, 1 = demo, 2 = screenshot, 3 = demo + screenshot
  193. seta com_allowconsole "1" // Allows quick toggle of console (0 = press ctrl+alt+console-bind to toggle console)
  194. vid_restart // Restart video rendering system to apply graphical settings
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