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a guest
Jan 17th, 2017
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  1. My self-summary
  2. Haha. I hate self-summaries. I like me. If you like me, message me. I think that pretty much summarizes that. Job well done. Next question.
  3. What I’m doing with my life
  4. Since people don't make it to the "message me if" section most of the time (reading is hard), I'll put this up here. I'm not looking for people who already own children. I'm also not interested in smokers or people who live outside of the Phoenix/Tempe area. ENTP if you're into that type of stuff. Pro tip: mention something that caught your interest in the profile. I didn't write all this for my benefit. There are a lot of profiles on here, let's not make this harder than it has to be :) Edit: if I tell you I'm not interested, don't get butt hurt about it. Whining or calling me a cunt won't change my mind. I don't even know why this has to be mentioned.
  5. When I'm older I want to be a wise, but good natured wizard like Gandalf.
  6. I’m really good at
  7. Things I really enjoy and might be somewhat good at:
  8. I love playing games (board, video, sports, card...almost any type of game you could think of) Crazy Make Em Ups is my current addiction (Being drunk, silly, and naked with friends? What could top that?), learning new things, marathoning Netflix for way longer than I should... Speaking of, I'm really looking for someone who can re-watch GoT with me and won't mind if I pause every 30 seconds to ask, "who is that?"
  9. Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
  10. Books: The Harry Potter Series, anything by Brene Brown, The Book Thief, The Last Lecture, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Inheritance Series, The Fault in our Stars, all of the LoTR series. I've heard Dune was good and tried to get through it, but couldn't. Choke was an interesting read. I'm not sure Chuck Palahniuk is my cup of tea. Me Before You was the first book that I thought the movie was better. I would recommend The Alchemist to anyone and everyone. Currently I'm reading Ready Player One and Neverwhere. Always looking for book suggestions. I'll read anything once (or in Dune's case, I'll attempt to)
  12. Podcasts: Stuff You Should Know, Freakonomics, 99% Invisible, Nerdist, anything by Dan Carlin, 60 Second Brain/Science
  14. Movies: Comet, Pride and Prejudice, Love and Other Drugs, The Devil Wears Prada, Les Miserables (right about here you notice I have a bit of an Anne Hathaway problem), obligatory Mean Girls, LotR, and Harry Potter. Trainwreck was hilarious.I love a lot of movies so feel free to send me suggestions.
  16. Shows: You Me Her, The Girlfriend Experience, Sherlock, Orange is the New Black, Scrubs, House, The IT Crowd, New Girl, Once Upon a Time, That 70s Show, The League, House of Cards, The Killing, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I always like new series suggestions.
  18. Food: Yes.
  19. The six things I could never do without
  20. Close friends
  21. Good beer
  22. Running shoes
  23. Google Maps
  24. Carbs
  25. Existential Crisis Showers
  26. I spend a lot of time thinking about
  27. I spend a lot of time planning fun things to do with my crazy group of friends. So if you've done something with your friends you thought was awesome and think we should try out, I'd love to hear it! Some things we've done include: playing a life-sized Candyland game we warped into a drinking game, dirty Harry Potter party, Rubix's Cube pub crawls, and Crazy Make Em Ups is a card shenanigans game we play weekly. It's like a mix between King's Cup, truth or dare, strip poker, Cards Against Humanity and Mad Libs. "Make your own" parties are our jam(s).
  28. On a typical Friday night I am
  29. With every intention of going out, I'm usually asleep by 9pm. If I'm not asleep by 9pm, I'm probably crawling into bed at 9am...It's a hit or miss
  30. You should message me if
  31. You should message me if you have something interesting to say. I enjoy book/movie/shows/beer suggestions and pseudo-intellectual conversations after two beers :P
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