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Aug 3rd, 2011
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  26. trivia = new Array('Name the largest lake in Australia.','Eyre','Name the largest river forming part of the U.S. - Mexican border.','Rio Grande','Name the last province to become part of Canada.','Newfoundland','Name the longest river in Asia.','Yangtze','Name the longest river in Nigeria.','Niger','Name the most north-easterly of the 48 contiguous states.','Maine','Name the only Central American country without an Atlantic coastline.','El Salvador','Name the sea between Asia Minor and Greece.','Aegean','Name the sea between Korea and China.','Yellow Sea','Name the sea north of Alaska.','Beaufort','Name the sea north of Murmansk',' Russia.','Barents','Name the sea west of Alaska.','Bering','Name the second largest country in Africa.','Algeria','Name the second largest country in South America.','Argentina','Name the second largest lake in North America.','Huron','Name the smallest of the Great Lakes.','Ontario','Name the strait joining the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.','Gibraltar','Name the world\'s most photographed and most climbed mountain.','Fuji','Nassau is the capital of which country?','Bahamas','On what island is Honolulu?','Oahu','On what island is Pearl Harbour?','Oahu','On what island is the Blue Grotto?','Capri','On what island is the U.S. naval base',' Guantanamo?','Cuba','On what mountain are four presidents\' faces carved?','Rushmore','On what peninsula are Spain and Portugal located?','The Iberian peninsula','On what river is the capital city of Canada?','Ottawa','On which river is London',' England?','Thames','On which river is Rome located?','Tiber','On which river is the Aswan High Dam?','Nile','Over 75% of the Earth\'s surface is covered by some form of ·····.','Water','Rabat is the capital of which country?','Morocco','San Francisco Bay is located near what city?','San Francisco','Seoul is the capital of which country?','South Korea','St. George\'s is the capital city of what island country?','Grenada','Surfing is believed to have originated here.','Hawaii','The Auckland Islands belong to which country?','New Zealand','The Hebrides are part of this country.','Scotland','The Ionian and Cyclades are island groups of which country?','Greece','The Little Mermaid is found in the harbour of which city?','Copenhagen','The Nationalist Chinese occupy this island.','Taiwan','The Thatcher Ferry Bridge crosses what canal?','Panama Canal','The United States is made up of ·· states.','50','The Volta is the largest river in which country?','Ghana','The countries of Belgium',' Netherlands',' and Luxembourg are together called ········.','Benelux','The longest river in Western Europe is ·········?','Rhine','The sun sets in the ····?','west','This Canadian island is the world\'s fifth largest.','Baffin','This Pacific island\'s puzzling monoliths attract ethnologists.','Easter Island','This country is divided at the 38th parallel.','Korea','This country occupies the \"horn of Africa\".','Somalia','This country\'s flag has a large \"R\" on it.','Rwanda','This imaginary line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean.','international date line','This is called the \"Honeymoon Capital\" of the world.','Niagara Falls','This is the bridge with the longest span in the U.S.A.','Verrazano','This is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island.','The Bronx','This is the port city serving Tokyo.','Yokohama','This is the residence of English monarchs.','Buckingham Palace','This island group is off the east coast of southern South America.','Falkland Islands','This re-opened in 1975 after being closed for 8 years.','Suez Canal','This section of Manhattan is noted for its Negro and Latin American residents.','Harlem','To what country do the Faeroe Islands belong?','Denmark','To what country does the Gaza Strip belong?','Egypt','True Or False:  The Easter Bunny is from Easter Island.','false','True Or False:  There are only virgins on the Virgin Islands.','false','Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run?','Hudson','Warsaw is the capital of what country?','Poland','What American city is known as Little Havana?','Miami','What Asian city was once called Edo?','Tokyo','What Canadian city is at the west end of Lake Ontario?','Hamilton','What English city does the Prime Meridian pass through?','Greenwich','What European country administers the island of Martinique?','France','What European country has \"Vaduz\" as its capital city?','Liechtenstein','What U.S. city is known as Insurance City?','Hartford','What U.S. city is named after Saint Francis of Assisi?','San Francisco','What U.S. state is known as The Land of 10','000 Lakes?','Minnesota','What US state is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean?','Hawaii','What are drumlins and eskers formed by?','glaciers','What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically?','Arctic',' Atlantic',' Indian and Pacific','What body of water borders Saudi Arabia to the east?','Persian Gulf','What canal connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?','Welland','What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Impanema?','Rio de Janeiro','What city is associated with Alcatraz?','San Francisco','What city is on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River?','Cleveland','What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in?','Boston','What city is the Kremlin located in?','Moscow','What city was the setting for \"Gone With the Wind\"?','Atlanta','What color does the bride wear in China?','red','What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of?','Asia','What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries?','Africa','What country are the Islands of Quemoy and Matsu part of?','Taiwan','What country borders Egypt on the west?','Libya','What country borders Egypt to the south?','Sudan','What country does the island of Mykonos belong to?','Greece','What country formed the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar?','Tanzania','What country has the world\'s most southerly city?','Chile','What country is Phnom Penh the capital of?','Cambodia','What country is Santo Domingo the capital of?','Dominican Republic','What country is directly north of Israel?','Lebanon','What country is directly north of the continental United States?','Canada','What country is directly west of Spain?','Portugal','What country is known as the Hellenic Republic?','Greece','What country is located between Panama and Nicaragua?','Costa Rica','What country owns the island of Corfu?','Greece','What country was once known as Gaul?','France','What country was the setting for \"Casablanca\"?','Morocco','What country was the setting for \"Doctor Zhivago\"?','Russia','What famous geyser erupts regularly at the Yellowstone National Park?','Old Faithful','What is the capital of Alaska?','Juneau','What is the capital of Bangladesh?','Dacca','What is the capital of Burma?','Rangoon','What is the capital of Chile?','Santiago','What is the capital of Colorado?','Denver','What is the capital of Florida?','Tallahassee','What is the capital of India?','New Delhi','What is the capital of Indonesia?','Jakarta','What is the capital of Kansas?','Topeka','What is the capital of Maine?','Augusta','What is the capital of Nebraska','Lincoln','What is the capital of New Zealand?','Wellington','What is the capital of Washington state?','Olympia','What is the capital of West Virginia?','Charleston','What is the capital of Wisconsin?','Madison','What is the capital of Zimbabwe?','Salisbury','What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?','Abu Dhabi','What is the current name for south-west Africa?','Namibia','What is the highest mountain in Canada?','Mt. Logan','What is the largest city in Australia',' in terms of population?','Sydney','What is the largest city in China?','Shanghai','What is the largest of the countries in Central America?','Nicaragua','What is the monetary unit of India?','Rupee','What is the most sacred river in India?','Ganges','What is the official language of Egypt?','Arabic','What is the principal river of Ireland?','Shannon','What is the second largest of the United States?','Texas','What is the smallest Canadian province?','Prince Edward Island','What is the smallest independent state in the world?','Vatican City','What is the smallest of the Central American countries?','El Salvador','What is the world\'s highest city?','Lhasa','What island has Hamilton as its capital?','Bermuda','What island is known as the Spice Island?','Zanzibar','What mountain range separates Europe from Asia?','Ural','What prison island was off the coast of French Guiana?','Devil\'s Island','What river has the largest drainage basin?','Amazon','What river is Liverpool on?','Mersey','What river is called \"Old Man River\"?','Mississippi','What river is known as China\'s Sorrow?','Yellow','What river is the Temple of Karnak near?','Nile','What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia?','Adriatic','What south American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline?','Colombia','What state borders Alabama to the north?','Tennessee','What state is the Golden State?','California','What state was the home to Mayberry?','North Carolina','What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam?','star','What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq',' Jordan',' Tunisia',' and Yugoslavia?','Dinar','What volcano showers ash on Sicily?','Etna','What\'s the former name of Istanbul?','Constantinople','What\'s the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous U.S. states?','Whitney','Where are the Nazca Lines?','Peru','Where are the pyramids located?','Egypt','Where is Beacon Street?','Boston','Where is Euston Station?','London','Where is George Washington buried?','Mt. Vernon',' Virginia','Where is Queen Maud Land located?','Antarctica','Where is Westminster Abbey located?','London','Where is the Admirality Arch?','London','Where is the Holy Kaaba?','Mecca','Where is the Parthenon located?','Athens','Where is the city of Brotherly Love?','Philadelphia','Where were the Pillars of Hercules located?','Gibraltar','Which Canadian province extends farthest north?','Quebec','Which Central American country extends furthest north?','Belize','Which European country has the highest population density?','Monaco','Which European country has the lowest population density?','Iceland','Which Irish city is famous for its crystal?','Waterford','Which U.S. city is known as Beantown?','Boston','Which U.S. city is known as the Biggest Little City in the World?','Reno','Which U.S. state borders a Canadian territory?','Alaska','Which U.S. state has the least rainfall?','Nevada','Which U.S. state receives the most rainfall?','Hawaii','Which capital is known as the Glass Capital of the World?','Toledo','Which city has the largest rodeo in the world?','Calgary','Which city is known as Motown?','Detroit','Which city is known as the Windy City?','Chicago','Which city is on the east side of San Francisco Bay?','Oakland','Which country administers Christmas Island?','Australia','Which country are the Galapagos Islands part of?','Ecuador','Which country borders Italy',' Switzerland',' West Germany',' Czechoslovakia',' Hungary',' Yugoslavia',' and Liechtenstein?','Austria','Which country developed \"Tae-Kwan-Do\"?','Korea','Which country has Ankara as its capital?','Turkey','Which country has Budapest as its capital?','Hungary','Which country has the longest land border?','China','Which country hosted the 1982 World Cup of soccer?','Spain','Which country uses the \"yen\" for currency?','Japan','Which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries?','Afghanistan','Which islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain?','The Philippines','Which mainland Latin American country is in neither South America nor Central America?','Mexico','Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north?','Minnesota','Which of the U.S. states borders only one other state?','Maine','Which river contains the most fresh water?','Amazon','Which state has the most hospitals?','California','Which state is divided into two parts by a large lake?','Michigan','Which state is the Evergreen State?','Washington','Which state is the Garden State?','New Jersey','Which state is the Wolverine State?','Michigan','With what country is Fidel Castro associated?','Cuba','With which country is Prince Rainier III identified?','Monaco','Name the capital city of Utah.','Salt Lake City','Earth\'s outer layer of surface soil or crust is called the ·······.','cithosphere','Peat',' lignite and bituminous are types of ·········.','coal','Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of ·········.','shale','The green variety of beryl is called ········.','emerald','The molten material from a volcano is ········?','lava','The spot on the Earth\'s surface directly above an earthquake\'s focus is called the ······.','epicenter','The violet variety of quartz is called ········.','amethyst','There are three types of rocks: metamorphic',' sedimentary',' and ·········.','igneous','These limestone deposits rise from the floor of caves.','stalagmites','This is the hardest naturally occurring substance.','diamond','What name is used to describe permanently-frozen subsoil?','permafrost','This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now.','chair','Name the first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule.','Haiti','Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982.','Falklands Islands','Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott ··········.','Trudeau','Churchill',' F.D. Roosvelt and Stalin met here in 1945.','Yalta','Eras are divided into units called ········.','periods','For what country did Columbus make his historic voyage?','Spain','Four Japanese carriers were destroyed in this battle.','Midway','Frankish ruler Charles the Great is better known as ·········.','Charlemagne','From what country did the U.S. buy the Virgin Islands?','Denmark','General Sherman burned this city in 1864.','Atlanta','Germany\'s WW I allies were Austria-Hungary',' Bulgaria',' and ········.','Turkey','Germany\'s allies in WW II were Japan',' Italy',' Hungary',' Bulgaria',' Finland',' Libya',' and ·········.','Romania','He allowed the bugging of the Democratic Committee headquarters.','Richard Nixon','He discovered the Grand Canyon.','Francisco Coronado','He is identified with the expression',' \"Eureka\".','Archimedes','He is said to have fiddled while Rome burned.','Nero','He led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979.','Jim Jones','He ordered the persecution of Christians in which Peter and Paul died.','Nero','He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his civil rights leadership.','Martin Luther King Jr.','He said',' \"I have nothing to offer but blood',' tears',' toil and sweat.\"','Sir Winston Churchill','He shot Lee Harvey Oswald.','Jack Ruby','He taught Alexander the Great.','Aristotle','He was assassinated on Dec. 8',' 1980 in New York City.','John Lennon','He was assassinated on Nov. 22',' 1963.','John Fitzgerald Kennedy','He was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn.','General Custer','He was stabbed by Cassius.','Julius Caesar','He was the American inventor of the Cotton Gin.','Eli Whitney','He was the U.S. president during the Civil War.','Abraham Lincoln','His ship was the H.M.S. Beagle.','Charles Darwin','His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was ········.','Alexander the Great','How do you write 69 in Roman numerals?','LXIX','How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight?','three','How old was John F. Kennedy when he became president?','forty three','In 1902 this volcano erupted',' killing 30','000.','Pelee','In what country did \"Sepoy Mutiny\" occur?','India','In what year did England\'s lease on Hong Kong expire?','1997','In what year did man first set foot on the moon?','1969','In what year of WW II did Russia declare war on Japan?','1945','In which city was President Kennedy killed?','Dallas','In which city were the Hanging Gardens?','Babylon','In which country did the Boxer Rebellion take place?','China','In which country was Adolf Hitler born?','Austria','In which country was the Rosetta Stone found?','Egypt','Israel occupied the Golan Heights.  Whose territory was it?','Syria','Israel occupied the West Bank.  It belonged to ·······.','Jordan','John F. Kennedy Airport used to be called ··········.','Idlewild','Mussolini invaded this country in 1935.','Ethiopia','Name Jacques Cousteau\'s research ship.','Calypso','Name the incident in which tea was dumped into the harbour.','Boston Tea Party','One who fought professionally in Roman arenas was a(n) ············.','Gladiator','She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar.','Helen Keller','She was Queen of Egypt and mistress of Julius Caesar.','Cleopatra','She was called \"The Maid of Orleans\".','Joan of Arc','She was the first First Lady to be received privately by the Pope.','Jackie Kennedy','She was the first woman premier of Israel.','Golda Meir','She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo.','Amelia Earhart','She was the first woman to swim the English channel.','Gertrude Caroline Ederle','She was the greatest trick shot artist of all time.','Annie Oakley','She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor.','Mother Teresa','Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory.','Cuba','The \"Bay of Pigs\" fiasco took place in this country.','Cuba','The Devonian Period is also known as the Age of ··········.','fish','The Inquisition forced him to recant his belief in the Copernican Theory.','Galileo','The Romans built these to convey water.','aqueducts','The St. Valentine\'s Day massacre took place in this city.','Chicago','The first dog in space was named ·········.','Laika','The last line of this document is \"Working men of all countries',' unite.\"','Communist Manifesto','This F.B.I agent headed the investigation of Al Capone.','Elliot Ness','This French peasant girl led the army to victories.','Joan of Arc','This Indian group ruled in early Peru.','Inca','This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death.','Joseph Goebbels','This Queen of France was beheaded in 1793.','Marie Antoinette','This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium.','Marc Antony','This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill\'s Wild West Show.','Sitting Bull','This Spaniard conquered Mexico.','Cortes','This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973.','Henry Kissinger','This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881.','James Garfield','This assassin of Julius Caesar was his friend.','Brutus','This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo.','Davy Crockett','This is said to be history\'s greatest military evacuation.','Dunkirk','This military attack took place on Dec. 7',' 1941.','Pearl Harbour','This organization was founded by William Booth.','Salvation Army','This racist organization was formed in Tennessee in 1865.','Klu Klux Klan','This war began on June 25',' 1950.','Korean','This was the largest real estate deal in U.S. history.','Louisiana Purchase','This word describes the Nazi annihilation of Jews.','holocaust','Those big black CD\'s that you see at garage sales that people call \"albums\" are made of ·····.','vinyl','Two 747\'s collided here in 1977.','Canary Islands','U.S. President',' Chester Alan ········.','Arthur','U.S. President',' Herbert C. ·········.','Hoover','U.S. President',' John Quincy ········.','Adams','U.S. President: Calvin ·········.','Coolidge','What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar?','Susan B. Anthony','What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911?','Manchu','What age preceded the Iron Age?','The Bronze Age','What did President J. Buchanan not have?','A wife','What did presidents Madison',' Monroe',' Polk',' and Garfield have in common?','The first name \"James\"','What group landed in America in 1620?','The Pilgrims','What is the Roman numeral for fifty?','L','What is the name of the Russian Czar\'s daughter who might-or might not-have survived the Russian revolution?','Anastasia','What volcano destroyed Pompeii?','Vesuvius','What was the instrument of execution during the \"Reign of Terror\"?','guillotine','What was the name of Plato\'s school?','Academy','What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb?','Enola Gay','What was the nationality of the prisoners in the \"Black hole of Calcutta\"?','British','What was the third country to get the \"bomb\"?','Britain','What\'s the resting place of those buried at sea?','Davey Jones\'s Locker','Which U.S. president said',' \"The buck stops here\"?','Truman','Which military battle took place in 1815?','Waterloo','Which nation was led by Genghis Khan?','The Mongols','Which president was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase?','Jefferson','Who is \"The Iron Lady\"?','Margaret Thatcher','Who led the attack on the Alamo?','Santa Anna','Who rode naked through the streets of Coventry?','Lady Godiva','Who said \"Veni',' vidi',' vici\" (I came',' I saw',' I conquered)?','Julius Caesar','Who said: \"Let them eat cake\"?','Marie Antoinette','Who sang Happy Birthday to John F. Kennedy for his 45th?','Marilyn Monroe','Who succeeded Churchill when he resigned in 1955?','Sir Anthony Eden','Who was \"The Mad Monk\"?','Rasputin','Who was George Washington\'s vice-president?','Adams','Who was the first chancellor of West Germany after WW II?','Konrad Adenauer','Who was the second man to set foot on the moon?','Edwin \"Buzz\" Aldrin','Who was',' \"First in war',' first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen\"?','George Washington','What three letters are overly used to indicate \"Laugh Out Loud\"?','lol','Many Meanings:  Fuel',' vapor',' flattulence',' helium.  What is it?','gas','Multiple Meanings:  Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers.','glasses','Multiple Meanings:  Slamming your hands together quickly',' or a venereal disease.','clap','Name the soda that is often confused with a drug.','Coke','Subject',' verb and object are parts of a ·········.','sentence','This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia','aardvark','What is the only English word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet?','cab','What three letter word means the same as \"to ingest\"?','eat','\"faux pas\" means ···········.','mistake','Mardi Gras is French for ···········.','fat tuesday','The name Australia is derived from the Latin word \"australis\" which means ·······.','southern','The name for this semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for \"sea water\"','aquamarine','What ONE word fits? ····hood',' ····hole',' ····date.','man','What ONE word fits? ····stream',' ····hill',' ·····pour.','down','What does \"c\'est la vie\" mean?','that\'s life','What word contains the combination of letters: \"xop\"?','saXOPhone','\"The Diary of Anne Frank\" was first published in English under what title?','The Diary of a Young Girl','Captain Hook',' Tiger Lily',' and Tinker Bell are characters in what story?','Peter Pan','Dr. Seuss wrote this book: The Cat in the ······.','Hat','Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about this animal.','raven','From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: \"Double',' double ... \"','Macbeth','From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: \"Goodnight',' goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow',' That I should say goodnight till it be morrow.\"','Romeo and Juliet','From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: \"To be or not to be?\"','Hamlet','From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: \"What in a name? That which we call a rose',' by any other name would smell as sweet.\"','Romeo and Juliet','How many lines are in a sonnet?','fourteen','How many plays is Shakespeare generally credited with today?','thirty seven','Name the Shakespeare play from this ultra short plot summary: Urged on by his wife',' a man murders his king in order to take his place.','Macbeth','Stephen King\'s: \"Pet ········\".','Cemetary','Stephen King\'s: \"Salem\'s ·········\".','Lot','Stephen King\'s: \"The Dead ········\".','Zone','This Shakespearean king was the actual king of Scotland for 17 years.','Macbeth','This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam.','Anne Frank','What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses?','Romeo and Juliet','What did Jeannie C. Riley describe as \"a little Peyton Place\"?','Harper Valley','What other name does Stephen King write under?','Richard Bachman','What publication was subtitled The What\'s New Magazine?','Popular Science','What was the name of Mother Goose\'s son?','Jack','What\'s Penthouse\'s sister publication for women?','Viva','Homer wrote this account of the Trojan War.','Iliad','You are in a room where all walls face south.  A bear walks by.  What color is it?','White','A U.S. dime is worth ··· cents.','ten','A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) ·······.','median','A triangle with three equal sides is called ·······.','equilateral','A triangle with two equal sides is called ··········.','isosceles','An angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees is a(n) ········ angle.','reflex','An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be ·········.','obtuse','An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n) ·······.','prime','Approximately how many inches are there in one meter?','thirty nine','Arc',' radius',' and sector are parts of a(n) ·········.','circle','He is known as \"The Father of Geometry\".','Euclid','How many corners are there in a cube?','eight','How many nickles are there in $2.25?','forty five','If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be?','circle','Name the number system which uses only the symbols 1 and 0.','The binary system','The angles inside a square total ······· degrees.','three hundred and sixty','The mathematical study of properties of lines',' angels',' etc.',' is ········.','geometry','The space occupied by a body is called its ······.','volume','The square root of 1 is?','1','Two angles that total 180 degrees are called ·······.','supplementary','What geometric shape has 4 equal sides?','square','Doctors often have this instrument around their neck.','stethoscope','A baby doctor is a ·········.','pediatrician','A bone specialist is a(n) ········.','osteopath','A loss of memory is known as ··········.','amnesia','A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a ········.','laxative','A non-cancerous tumor is said to be ·······.','benign','A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) ·········.','ligature','Carditis',' affects the ········.','heart','Due to a lack of vitamin C',' sailors used to contract this disease.','scurvy','Encephalitis affects the ········.','brain','Gastritis affects the ··········.','stomach','Hammer',' anvil',' and stirrup are parts of the ········.','ear','He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox.','Edward Jenner','Hepatitis affects the ··········.','Liver','How many bones are there in the human body?','two hundred and six','How many chambers does the human heart have?','four','How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body?','twelve','In the field of psychiatry this term means self-love.','narcissism','In what organ of the body is insulin produced?','pancreas','In which organ is a clear watery solution known as the \"aqueous humor\" found?','eye','In which organ is a pulmonary disease located?','lung','In which organ is your \"hypothalmus\" located?','brain','Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as ········.','polio','Meningitis affects the ·········.','brain','Myositis affects the ·········.','muscles','Name the hardest substance in the human body.','enamel','Name the largest artery in the human body.','aorta','Name the largest gland in the human body.','liver','Osteomyelitis affects the ·········.','bones','Peritonitis',' affects the ········.','abdomen','Prosthetics deals with the making of ··········.','artificial limbs','Tarsus',' metatarsus',' and phalanges are parts of a(n) ·········.','foot','The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ········.','surgery','The lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre.','iodine','The largest single organ of the human body is the ········.','skin','The medical name for the voice box is the ·········.','larynx','The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as ·······.','incisors','These animals were once used to bleed the sick.','leeches','These attach muscles to bones or cartilage.','tendons','This branch of medicine deals with old age and its diseases.','geriatrics','This disease consists of a purposeless',' continual growth of white blood cells.','leukemia','This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine.','appendix','This is known as \"The Royal Disease\".','hemophilia','This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed.','spleen','This membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye.','iris','This organ is a small pouch that stores bile.','gall bladder','This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals.','tapeworm','This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth.','pituitary','Ulna',' radius',' and clavicle are types of ··········.','bone','What disease is also known as \"rubella\"?','German measles','What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands?','adrenaline','What is a skin specialist called?','dermatologist','What is an organism called that lives on or in a host animal?','parasite','What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts?','eyesight','What is the medical term for cancer of the blood?','leukemia','What is the name of the bone in the lower leg?','tibia','What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism?','lead poisoning','What toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head?','big toe','Where do you find the medulla oblongata?','brain','Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle?','ear','Which disease is also known as \"Hansen\'s Disease\"?','leprosy','With what body part is otology involved?','ear','If the groundhog sees his shadow on Feb. 2',' there will be how many more weeks of bad weather?','six','This dry',' warm wind flows eastward down the slopes of the Rocky Mountains.','Chinook','Actor: ······· Borgnine.','Ernest','Actor: ········ Hackman.','Gene','Actor: ·········· Nimoy.','Leonard','Actor: ·········· Savalas.','Telly','At the end of \"Planet of the Apes\" what protruded from the rocks?','Statue of Liberty','Barbara Streisand was the female lead in \"Hello',' Dolly\".  Who was the male lead?','Walter Matthau','Charles Laughton played Quasimodo in this epic film.','Hunchback of Notre Dame','Darth Vader was the villan in the movie',' \"···· Wars\".','Star','Film Title: An Officer and a(n) ·········.','Gentleman','Film Title: Fahrenheit ········. (a number)','451','Film Title: The Last Days of ·········. (a city)','Pompeii','Film Title: ···· : A Space Oddessey.','2001','Film Title: ······ (a number) Leagues Under the Sea.','20','000','Forrest ···· liked shrimp.','Gump','He directed \"The Godfather\".','Francis Ford Coppola','He directed the movie E.T.','Stephen Spielberg','He played Superman in the 1978 movie version.','Christopher Reeve','He starred in \"Conan the Barbarian\".','Arnold Schwarzenegger','He starred in',' \"City Lights\".','Charlie Chaplin','He was known as the \"Elephant Man\".','John Merrick','He was the villain in \"Star Wars\".','Darth Vader','His films include: Giant',' Written on the Wind',' and A Farewell to Arms.','Rock Hudson','His films include: Spartacus',' The Vikings',' and Ulysses.','Kirk Douglas','In \"Gone With the Wind\"',' Scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business?','sawmill','In 1975 Jack Nicholson won the best actor Oscar for his role in this film.','One Flew Over the Cuckoo\'s Nest','In the 1996 version of \"Romeo and Juliet\"',' who played Juliet?','Claire Danes','In the film \"Bright Eyes\"',' Shirley Temple sang about this boat.','The Good Ship Lollipop','In this 1968 film the husband of an unsuspecting young wife becomes involved with a witch\'s coven.','Rosemary\'s Baby','In which Disney movie is the song \"So This Is Love\"?','Cinderella','Name the Disney cartoon in which the character \"Belle\" appears.','Beauty and the Beast','Name the actor who played the leading role in \"The Good',' the Bad',' and the Ugly\".','Clint Eastwood','Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture.','Snow White','Name the musical film named after a state.','Oklahoma','Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film.','48 Hours','Peter Sellers is best known for his role as Inspector ·········.','Clouseau','She played Lois Lane in the 1978 film version of \"Superman\".','Margot Kidder','She played a Polish refugee in \"Sophie\'s Choice\".','Meryl Streep','She played the lead role in \"Coal Miner\'s Daughter\".','Sissy Spacek','She starred in the 1952 film',' \"Niagara\".','Marilyn Monroe','The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white.','Wizard of Oz','The song \"Matchmaker',' Matchmaker\" came from which musical play?','Fiddler On The Roof','The two rival gangs in \"West Side Story\" were the Sharks and the ·········.','Jets','This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series \"Happy Days\".','American Graffiti','This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation.','TRON','This actress appeared in \"St. Elmo\'s Fire\"',' \"The Scarlett Letter\"',' and \"Striptease\".','Demi Moore','This actress was Miss Hungary of 1936.','Zsa-Zsa Gabor','This film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer wont he best picture Oscar for 1965.','Sound of Music','This film starring Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood won the best picture Oscar for 1961.','West Side Story','This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney.','Fantasia','This is a classic film about a huge gorilla.','King Kong','This magic word was in the movie',' \"Mary Poppins\".','Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious','This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978.','Annie Hall','This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the Californian fruit valleys.','The Grapes of Wrath','This movie starring Marlon Brando won the best picture award in 1972.','The Godfather','This was the first 3-D film.','Bwana Devil','This was the first cartoon talking picture.','Steamboat Willie','This was the sequel to \"Star Wars\".','The Empire Strikes Back','This was the sequel to \"The Empire Strikes Back\".','Return of the Jedi','What actor appeared in all three of these films',' Straw Dogs',' Midnight Cowboy',' and The Graduate?','Dustin Hoffman','What actress has received the most Oscar nominations?','Katherine Hepburn','What actress\'s real name was Frances Gumm?','Judy Garland','What city\'s police force did Charlie Chan work with?','Honolulu','What color was Bullitt\'s car?','Green','What country was the setting for \"The King and I\"?','Siam (Thailand)','What detective duo was featured in Mystery at Devil\'s Paw?','Hardy','What does the statue of Oscar stand on?','A Reel of Film','What famous animal character called \"Skull Island\" home?','King Kong','What film did John Wayne win his only Oscar for?','True Grit','What is Hawkeye\'s full name in M.A.S.H.?','Benjamin Franklin Pierce','What is the destination of the plane at the end of the film \"Casablanca\"?','Lisbon','What is the name of Pearce Brosnan\'s first James Bond film?','Goldeneye','What is the name of the Volkswagen in the film',' \"The Love Bug\"?','Herbie','What is the name of the rabbit in the film',' \"Bambi\"?','Thumper','What is the name of the skunk in the film',' \"Bambi\"?','Flower','What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio.','Monstro','What is the stage name of Greta Gustafson?','Greta Garbo','What is the title of the 1996 sequel to \"Terms of Endearment\"?','Morning Star','What kind of creature was Chewbacca in \"Star Wars\"?','Wookiee','What two words are normally at the end of most movies?','The End','What was \"Rocky\'s\" last name?','Balboa','What was Citizen Kane\'s dying word?','Rosebud','What was Dorothy\'s last name in \"The Wizard of Oz\"?','Gale','What was Rocky\'s nickname in the ring?','The Italian Stallion','What was Sir Alec Guinness\'s role in \"Star Wars\"?','Obi-Wan Kenobi','What was the first film directed by Robert Redford?','Ordinary People','What was the name of Ashley Wilkes\' plantation in \"Gone With the Wind\"?','Twelve Oaks','What was the name of Han Solo\'s spaceship in \"Star Wars\"?','Millenium Falcon','What was the name of Luke\'s strange little advisor in \"The Empire Strikes Back\"?','Yoda','What was the name of the motel in the film \"Psycho\"?','Bates Motel','What was the setting for \"The Sound of Music\"?','Austria','Which actor said',' \"Love means never having to say you\'re sorry\"?','Ryan O\'Neil','Which character in \"Forrest Gump\" loved shrimp?','Bubba','Which character sang \"Come Out',' Come Out',' Wherever You Are\" in \"The Wizard of Oz\"?','Glinda','Which character sang',' \"When you wish upon a star..\" in Disney\'s \"Pinocchio\"?','Jiminy Cricket','Which comedy duo did the famous',' \"Who\'s on first?\" routine?','Abbott and Costello','Which planet was the \"Planet of the Apes\"?','Earth','Who co-starred with Julie Andrews in \"Mary Poppins\"?','Dick Van Dyke','Who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards?','Ellen Degeneres','Who is Warren Beatty\'s sister?','Shirley MacLaine','Who is the fastest mouse in all of Mexico?','Speedy Gonzales','Who is the male lead in the \"Naked Gun\" movies?','Leslie Nielsen','Who is the voice of Darth Vadar?','James Earl Jones','Who played \"Robin\" to Val Kilmer\'s \"Batman\"?','Christopher O\'Donnell','Who played Brad Pitt\'s cop partner in the movie \"Seven\"?','Morgan Freeman','Who played Dorothy in \"The Wizard of Oz\"?','Judy Garland','Who played Garth in \"Wayne\'s World\"?','Dana Carvey','Who played Matt Helm in the movies?','Dean Martin','Who played Scarlette O\'Hara in \"Gone With the Wind\"?','Vivien Leigh','Who played the \'Wicked Witch of the West\' in \"The Wizard of Oz\"','Margaret Hamilton','Who played the role of Richard Blaine in Casablanca?','Humphrey Bogart','Who plays the character of the only escapee from Alcatraz in the movie \"The Rock\"?','Sean Connery','Who portrayed Han Solo in \"Star Wars\"?','Harrison Ford','Who portrayed Moses in \"The Ten Commandments\"?','Charlton Heston','Who produced',' directed and starred in \"Citizen Kane\"?','Orson Welles','Who starred with John Travolta in the movie \"Broken Arrow\"?','Christian Slater','Who was C3PO\'s sidekick in \"Star Wars\"?','R2D2','\"He\'s So Fine\"',' \"One Fine Day\" and \"A Love So Fine\" where hits for what fine group?','The Chiffons','\"Joy to the World\" was a hit in 1971 for what band with three lead vocalists?','Three Dog Night','Besides \"Auld Lang Syne\" and \"For He\'s a Jolly Good Fellow\"',' what is the most frequently sung song in English?','Happy Birthday','Fifties rock \"n\" roll was revived by what greased hair',' T-shirted',' TV frequenting group?','Sha Na Na','Jerry Lee Lewis had Great ····· Of Fire.','balls!','Name Jerry Garcia\'s long lived group.','The Grateful Dead','The Who\'s rock musical stars Elton John.  It\'s called ········.','Tommy','This female artist enjoyed sucess on both popular and country & western stations with such tunes as \"Let Me Be There\" and \"Have You Never Been Mellow.\"','Olivia Newton-John','This was the Beatle\'s first film.','A Hard Day\'s Night','Through 1963 this duo\'s total record sales exceeded 18 million with successes including \"Cathy\'s Clown\" and \"Wake Up Little Suzie\".','The Everly Brothers','What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata \"Sleepers Awake\"?','A Whiter Shade of Pale','What band recorded the 1978 hit album: \"Briefcase Full of Blues\"?','The Blues Brothers','What city is also known as Music City',' U.S.A.?','Nashville','What country singer/songwriter (and sometimes actor) is known as \"the country outlaw\"?','Willie Nelson','What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving?','Michael Jackson','What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf?','Ludwig van Beethoven','What famous singer was known to give automobiles to complete strangers?','Elvis Presley','What group refused to have their pictures taken while they were not in their makeup?','Kiss','What group\'s biggest-ever hit was Be My Baby?','The Ronettes','What song by Don McLean talks about the day Buddy Holly died?','American Pie','What song did Aretha Franklin sing in \"The Blues Brothers\"?','Think','What was Elvis Presley\'s wife\'s name?','Priscilla','What was The Beatles\' biggest hit single?','Hey Jude','What\'s the name of B.B. King\'s guitar?','Lucille','Which of Paul Simon\'s musical characters was told to hop on the bus?','Gus','Who invented the electrical bass?','Leo Fender','Who recorded the 1957 hit \"Tammy\"?','Debby Reynolds','Who recorded the lengthy song: \"In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida\" in 1969?','Iron Butterfly','Who was the first singer in Genesis?','Peter Gabriel','Whose theme song was Back In The Saddle Again?','Gene Autry\'s','The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) ········.','trident','This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods.','Olympus','What has no reflection',' no shadow',' and can\'t stand the smell of garlic?','vampire','What\'s heaven to fallen Norse warriors?','Valhalla','Where did Robin Hood supposedly live?','Sherwood Forest','Which ancient continent is said to be submerged?','Atlantis','Name the largest of the dinosaurs.','brachiosaurus','The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ········.','fossils','A \"sirocco\" refers to a type of ··········.','wind','A calm ocean region near the equator.','doldrums','A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) ········.','atoll','A great wave resulting from an earthquakes is called a (an) ········.','tsunami','A group of gorillas is known as a ···········.','band','A group of kangaroos is known as a ·······.','troop','A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a ·······.','geyser','A one-humped camel is called a ·········.','dromedary','A relationship between two different types of organism which live together for their mutual benefit.','symbiosis','A terrapin is a type of ·········.','turtle','An animal is a bird if it has ·······.','feathers','An animal is a fish if it has ·········.','gills','Corolla',' filament and stigma are parts of a(n) ·········.','flower','Dense sea-water swamps along coasts of hot countries are called ········.','mangroves','Dogs bark.  What do donkeys do?','bray','Excluding man',' what is the longest-lived land mammal?','elephant','Fandible',' lateral line',' and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ········.','fish','From what animal is \"ambergis\" obtained?','sperm whale','How man legs does a crab have?','ten','How many teats does a cow have?','four','How many tentacles does a squid have?','ten','Imperial',' Buck',' and Luna are types of ·········.','moth','Knife',' Clown',' and Pencil are types of ··········.','fish','Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant?','flax','Maxillary palps',' abdomen',' and metathorax are parts of a(n) ········.','insect','Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1','000 yd. plus)','antelope','Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog.','St. Bernard','Name the heaviest flying bird of prey.','condor','Name the largest living bird.','ostrich','Name the largest web-footed bird.','albatross','Name the longest venomous snake.','cobra','Name the mammal living at the highest altitude.','yak','Name the most venomous spider.','black widow','Name the only native North American marsupial.','opossum','Name the slowest moving land mammal.','sloth','Name the smallest breed of dog.','chihuahua','Name the wild dogs of Australia.','dingo','Paper is made from the pulp of ·····.','wood','Snakes are reptiles.  What are frogs?','amphibians','Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as ·········.','hibernation','The \"canebrake\"',' \"timber\" and \"pygmy\" are types of what?','rattlesnake','The fins of which fish are made into a soup?','shark','The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg',' adult',' pupa',' and ········.','larva','The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree.','eucalyptus','These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships.','barnacles','This African animal kills the most people.','crocodile','This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened.','armadillo','This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras.','mongoose','This animal is normally measured in \"hands\".','horse','This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party.','donkey','This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party.','elephant','This animal\'s name is the same as that given to a high church official.','cardinal','This animal\'s shell is used to make attractive jewelry.','abalone','This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.','cuckoo','This is the largest of the deer family.','moose','This is the main food of the blue whale.','plankton','This is the only mammal with four knees.','elephant','This order of insects contains the most species.','beetle','This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal.','coral','This small animal is trained to hunt rats and rabbits.','ferret','This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour.','rhinoceros','This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end.','mandrill','Walrus tusks are made of ········.','ivory','What are the pouched animals called?','marsupials','What bird is an excellent swimmer',' but can\'t fly?','penguin','What does a camel store in its hump?','fat','What fish is the fastest?','sailfish','What is a group of larks called?','exaltation','What is a group of peacocks called?','muster','What is a group of whales called?','pod','What is a male goose called?','gander','What is a male swan called?','cob','What is a male swine called?','boar','What is a young goose called?','gosling','What is a young swan called?','cygnet','What is an emasculated stallion called?','gelding','What is another term for a black leopard?','panther','What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of?','hair','What is the only dog that doesn\'t have a pink tongue?','chow','What is the world\'s longest snake?','python','What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night?','antelope','What name is given to a female calf?','heifer','What plant is opium derived from?','poppy','What travels in gaggles?','geese','What type of animal is a wallaby?','kangaroo','What type of animal lives in a formicary?','ant','What word is used for a female fox?','vixen','What word is used for a female sheep?','ewe','What word is used for a male ass? (Other than that the word used for that #*$^*&%@! ex-boyfriend.)','jack','What word is used for a male deer?','buck','What word is used for a male duck?','drake','What do oak trees grow from?','acorns','What would be kept in an \"aviary\"?','birds','Where is the Ocean of Storms located?','On the moon','Who is Robert Zimmermann?','Bob Dylan','What are white dwarfs and red giants?','stars','What are these: chrysolite',' beryl',' jasper',' and tourmaline?','gems','Jack and Jill went up a ···· to fetch a pail of water?','hill','Name the nursery rhyme mother whos last name is that of a bird?','goose','The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion is called ········.','kinetic','The pivot point of a lever is called the ·········.','fulcrum','The process of water changing to water vapor is known as ·······.','evaporation','The rate of change of velocity is known as ·········.','acceleration','The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to ········.','violet','True Or False: Contrary to popular belief',' a lightbulb actually absorbs darkness?','false','Two 1.5 volt batteries',' when connected in series',' produces _ volts.','3','Water freezes at _ degrees Celcius.','zero','Water freezes at ·· degrees Fahrenheit.','thirty two','What is measured by a Geiger counter?','radioactivity','When light waves pass from one medium into another they change direction.  This is called ·········.','refraction','Work done',' equals force multiplied by ········.','distance','For what does O.P.E.C. stand?','The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries','He was elected President of France',' in 1981.','Francios Mitterrand','Name Ronald Reagan\'s first wife.','Wyman','U.S. President',' Woodrow ··········.','Wilson','How is the state of Mississippi spelled?','Mississippi','Name the circular plastic media you put in a CD-ROM drive.','CD','On a standard computer keyboard',' this is the letter just to the right of Z.','x','The longest key on your keyboard is the ····· bar.','space','The season ······ comes right after Spring.','summer','There are ·· seconds in a minute.','sixty','This is required to make all electric things work?','electricity','What color is a blue crayon?','blue','What color is a green crayon?','green','What color is a red crayon?','red','What company makes Microsoft Windows 2000?','microsoft','Whats radar spelled backwards?','radar','Whats the abbreviation for United States of America?','USA','When spelled backwards',' the word \"retupmoc\" becomes what?','computer','Followers of the Unification Church are called ········.','Moonies','He led the Israelites out of Egypt.','Moses','He was the first King of the Hebrews.','Saul','He was the second King of Israel.','David','In what month is Christmas observed?','December','Name the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.','Yom Kippur','On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?','Sinai','Which city is sacred to Jews',' Christians',' and Muslims?','Jerusalem','Who founded Mormonism?','Joseph Smith','Who founded the People\'s Temple Commune?','Jim Jones','A flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a(n) ··········.','erlenmeyer flask','A phrenologist reads ·········.','skulls','A point to which rays of light converge is called a(n) ········.','focus','A shallow dish with a cover',' used for science specimens is a(n) ········.','petri dish','Acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as ·········.','aspirin','Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of ·······.','biology','By what chemical process do plants manufacture food?','photosynthesis','By what name is Lysergic acid diethylamide better known?','LSD','Cetology is the study of ········.','whales','Circuits can be wired in series or in ·········.','parallel','Cocci',' Spirilla',' and Streptococci are types of ········.','bacteria','Deoxyribonucleic acid is better known as ··········.','DNA','Dermatitis affects the ··········.','skin','Epidermal cells',' palisade cells',' and veins are parts of a(n) ········.','leaf','Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles.. How?','anti-freeze','Forked',' Sheet',' and Ball are types of ··········.','lightning','Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as ········.','hydroponics','He designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine.','Karl Freidrich Benz','He invented \"bifocal\" lenses for eyeglasses.','Benjamin Franklin','He is known for his theory of \"Evolution\".','Charles Darwin','He transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic in 1901.','Enrico Marconi','He wrote \"Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male\" in 1948.','Alfred Kinsey','How many degrees does the earth rotate each hour?','fifteen','In which country was the match invented?','France','Nitrous oxide is better known as ··········.','laughing gas','Nuclear membrane',' cytoplasm',' and nucleus are parts of a(n) ··········.','cell','Pulp',' crown',' and root are parts of a(n) ········.','tooth','Quinine is added to water to make ·······.','tonic water','Sound Navigation Ranging is better known as ·········.','sonar','The Kelvin scale is used to measure ·········.','temperature','The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of ········.','tungsten','The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n) ·······.','protractor','The name for the Russian equivalent of Skylab is ········.','Salyut','The second space shuttle was named ··········.','Challenger','The vernal equinox is the beginning of ········.','spring','This Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes.','Ivan Pavlov','This is like an airplane but has its propeller on top instead.','helicopter','This is the reading system used by the blind.','Braille','This science deals with the motion of projectiles.','ballistics','To make a car go backwards you have to put it in what gear?','reverse','What are these: Ceres',' Juno',' Iris',' and Flora?','asteroids','What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air?','aerodynamics','What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884?','fountain pen','What does the \"lithosphere\" refer to?','The earth\'s crust','What does the Binet test measure?','intelligence','Who invented dynamite?','Alfred Nobel','Who is known as the father of genetics?','Gregor Mendel','As bold as ·······.','brass','As clean as a(n) ········.','whistle','As clear as a(n) ·········.','bell','As cute as a(n) ········.','button','As easy as ········.','pie','As fit as a(n) ··········.','fiddle','As good as ·········.','gold','As graceful as a(n) ·········.','swan','As large as ········.','life','As loud as ·········.','thunder','As pale as a(n) ···········.','ghost','As pleased as ·········.','punch','As pretty as a(n) ········.','picture','As proud as a(n) ···········.','peacock','As quiet as a(n) ·········.','mouse','As sick as a(n) ···········.','dog','As sly as a(n) ··········.','fox','As smart as a(n) ········.','whip','Fresh as a(n) ··············.','daisy','Baseball: The Baltimore ········.','Orioles','Baseball: The Toronto ·········.','Bluejays','Basketball: The Boston ···········.','Celtics','Basketball: The Denver ·········.','Nuggets','Basketball: The Los Angeles ·········.','Lakers','Basketball: The New York ··········.','Knicks','Basketball: The Seattle ········.','Supersonics','Basketball: The Utah ········.','Jazz','Football: The Baltimore ········.','Colts','Football: The Buffalo ·······.','Bills','Football: The Cincinnati ·········.','Bengals','Football: The Cleveland ········.','Browns','Football: The Dallas ·········.','Cowboys','Football: The Denver ·········.','Broncos','Football: The Miami ··········.','Dolphins','Football: The Minnesota ·······.','Vikings','Football: The New Orleans ··········.','Saints','Football: The Seattle ·······.','Seahawks','He holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during the regular season.','Wayne Gretzky','He was the NBA',' MVP in 1976',' 77',' and 80.','Kareem Abdul-Jabbar','Hockey: The Boston ···········.','Bruins','Hockey: The Buffalo ·········.','Sabres','Hockey: The Calgary ··········.','Flames','Hockey: The Chicago ·········.','Black Hawks','Hockey: The Detroit ········.','Red Wings','Hockey: The Edmonton ··········.','Oilers','Hockey: The Los Angeles ········.','Kings','Hockey: The Montreal ········.','Canadiens','Hockey: The Pittsburgh ··········.','Penguins','Hockey: The St. Louis ··········.','Blues','Hockey: The Toronto ·······.','Maple Leafs','Hockey: The Vancouver ········.','Canucks','How many feet high is a basketball net?','ten','How many games must you win to win a normal set in tennis?','six','How many minutes is a major penalty in hockey?','five','How many minutes is each period of hockey?','twenty','How many players are there on a soccer team?','eleven','How many players are there on a water polo team?','seven','How many players make up a field hockey team?','eleven','How many points are awarded for a safety touch in football?','two','How many referees work a soccer game?','one','How many seams are there on a football? (American)','four','How many sides does a home-plate have?','five','In pro football a \"sudden death\" period lasts how many minutes long?','fifteen','In ten-pin bowling',' how many points does a perfect game consist of?','three hundred','In this team sport each player gets a chance to play every position.','volleyball','In what sport is the Heisman trophy awarded?','American football','In which city is the Cotton Bowl played?','Dallas','In which city is the Hockey Hall of Fame located?','Toronto','In which game or sport is a \"Zamboni\" used?','hockey','In which sport is a \"hole-in-one\" possible?','golf','In which sport is the America\'s Cup awarded?','sailing','In which sport is the Cy Young Trophy awarded?','baseball','In which sport is the Davis Cup awarded?','tennis','In which sport is the term \"love\" used?','tennis','In which sport is the term \"wishbone\" used?','football','In which sport is the term',' \"Hang ten\" used?','surfing','In which sport would you find the \"slapshot\".','hockey','Name the hockey trophy awarded to the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship.','The Lady Byng Trophy','On what type of surface are the tennis matches at Wimbledon played?','grass','She was \"Sports Illustrated\'s\" first female \"Sportsman of the Year\".','Billie Jean King','Soccer: The New York ·········.','Cosmos','The 1976 Summer Olympics were held in this city.','Montreal','The Japanese martial art of fencing is called ········.','kendo','The person who carries the golfer\'s clubs is called a(n) ········.','caddie','The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ········.','hash marks','This is the most coveted trophy in Candian football.','Grey Cup','This sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play.','hockey','This sport is called the \"American pastime\".','baseball','This team won their first World Series in 1969.','New York Mets','This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring.','sumo','Two under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) ········.','eagle','What are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms?','moguls','What do runners pass to each other in a relay race?','baton','What do the letters ERA mean in baseball?','Earned Run Average','What does TKO stand for?','Technical Knock Out','What football player rushed for 2','003 yards in 1973?','OJ Simpson','What game features the largest ball?','earthball','What is it called when a football team loses possession of the ball due to a misplay?','turnover','What is the heaviest class of weight-lifting?','super heavyweight','What number wood is a driver in golf?','one','What sport do the Harlem Globetrotters play?','basketball','What sport has a hooker in a scrum?','rugby','What sport would you helicopter to the Bugaboos for?','skiing','What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL play-offs?','Stanley Cup','What vehicles are involved in the \"Tour de France\"?','bicycles','What was football player Dick Lane\'s nickname?','Night Train','What\'s the nickname of the University of Georgia football team?','Bulldogs','Where are the U.S. Tennis Open Championships held?','Flushing Meadows',' NY','Which NFL team\'s defensive unit was nicknamed \"The Purple People Eaters\"?','Minnesota Vikings','Which country won the World Cup of Soccer in 1982.','Italy','Which football team was nicknamed the \"Orange Crush\"?','Denver Broncos','Which is the only position in soccer allowed to handle the ball?','goalkeeper','Which position is usually played by the tallest member on a basketball team?','centre','Which sport has a movement called a \"telemark\"?','skiing','Which sport uses stones and brooms?','curling','Which swimming stroke is named after an insect?','butterfly','Who was known as the \"Sultan of Swat\"?','Babe Ruth','Who was the 1978 Wimbledon Women\'s Singles champ?','Martina Navratilova','Who was the first NHL player to score 50 goals in one season?','Maurice Richard <-- pronounced \"Reeee-shard\"','Who was the first to win the grand slam of tennis?','Don Budge','With which sport is Chris Evert Lloyd identified?','tennis','When read upside down',' what does the term \"umop apisdn\" signify?','upside down','If you look at the sun long enough',' you go ·····.','blind','This is the sandy area nearest the ocean.','beach','What did TVs IMF stand for?','Impossible Mission Forces','What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll?','American Bandstand','Who was Carl in Five Easy Pieces before going to Walton\'s Mountain?','Waite','Who was Chief Marshall of the Mickey Mouse Club?','Walt Disney','Hook',' line and ···········.','sinker','\"7X\" was used to refer to the secret ingredient of which drink?','Coca Cola','A \"pigskin\" is another name for a(n) ········.','football','A can of Pepsi holds ·· fluid ounces.','twelve','A foot-long ruler is ·· inches long.','twelve','Most men do this each morning',' using a razor.','shave','Most people wear a watch on their ···· wrist.','left','Name the implement that removes water from your windshield on your car?','wiper','Traffic Trivia:  Red means stop',' ····· means go.','green','What US state has the Worlds Champion Chili Cookoff every year?','Texas','What bit of Bobby Goldsboro syrup focused on a dying young wife?','honey','What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair?','a bow','What does the typical American eat 263 of each year? not pizza!!','eggs','What game show had people dressed up funny?','Let\'s Make A Deal','What is Grimace of the McDonald\'s characters?','A tastebud','What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother\'s pail?','whale','What was the name of the Akla-Seltzer boy?','Speedy','What was the name of the dog in RCA Victor\'s trademark?','Nipper','What\'s the telephone area code for Chicago?','312','Where did Howdy Doody live?','Doodyville','Where were Archie and Edith Bunker\'s chairs enshrined?','The Smithsonian Institute','Who is also known as Mr. Warmth?','Don Rickles','Who is known as \"the world\'s oldest teenager\"?','Dick Clark','Ball and ········.','chain','Peace and ·········.','quiet','Which word is related to these three: nap',' walk',' call?','cat','Which word is related to these three: painting',' bowl',' nail?','finger','Which word is related to these three: rat',' blue',' cottage?','cheese','A castle or enclosed place.','FORt','Make holes through something.','perFORate','Many trees.','FORest','Pardon.','FORgive','A choice cut of meat.','tenderloin','What is the world\'s largest sea?','Mediterranean','Who led the children of Israel out of Egypt?','Moses','What do the initials \'VCP\' stand for?','Video Cassette Player','What do the initials \'VCR\' stand for?','Video Cassette Recorder','What does \'A&W\' (of root beer fame) stand for ?','Allen & Wright','What does \'AOL\' stand for?','America Online','What does S.O.S. stand for?','Save Our Souls','What does N.A.S.A stand for?','National Aeronautics and Space Administration','What does the acronym \'scuba\' mean?','Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus','Who is the dog on the crackerjack box?','Bingo','What is ground being \'rested\' for a season called?','fallow','After what were the B52 bombers named?','a fifties hairdo','How many engines are on a B52 bomber?','eight','How many gallons of fuel does a jumbo jet use during take off?','four thousand','What does a pilot drop to slow an airplane?','flaps','What is the world\'s fastest passenger aircraft?','Concorde','What type of craft is the US\'s Airforce One?','Boeing 747','Whic country developed the first jet fighter?','Germany','Which two nations built the concorde?','Britain and France','Who built the \'Cherokee\' and \'Commanche\' aircraft?','Piper','Who built the hurricane aircraft?','Hawker','From what is the liqueur kirsch made?','cherries','From which plant is tequila derived?','cactus','As what is California also known?','Golden State','As what is Minnesota also known?','Gopher State','What city is also known as Beantown?','Boston','What state is \'The Golden State\'?','California','What state is also called the \'Garden State\'?','New Jersey','What state is the \'Hoosier State\'?','Indiana','Where are the headquarters of the CIA?','Langley',' Virginia','Which date is inscribed on the book held by the Statue Of Liberty?','July 4 1776','What is the most air polluted city in the United States?','Los Angeles','Where is the Kitty Hawk?','The Smithsonian Institute','What mountain has the figures of three mounted confederate heroes of the Civil War?','Stone Mountain','What state is only part of the United States by treaty?','Texas','Which two fruits are an anagram of each other?','lemon and melon','How many litres of air is in an adult lung?','five','How many times do your ribs move every year during breathing?','five million','Like fingerprints',' what other print is individual?','tongueprints','Of what does the typical man have 13','000?','whiskers','What do the auricularis muscles move?','ears','What is the Scientific name for the eardrum?','tympanic membrane','What is the common name for the scapula?','breastbone','What is the common name for the tympanic membrane?','eardrum','What is the second largest bone in the foot?','talus','What is the smallest bone in the human body?','stirrup bone','Where are one quarter of the bones in the human body?','feet','Which is the most sensitive finger?','forefinger','As what is a camelopard also known?','giraffe','As what is a giraffe also known?','camelopard','As what is a moose also known?','algonquin','As what is an algonquin more commonaly known?','moose','At what age does a filly become a mare?','five','Does a wild rabbit live 10',' 15 or 20 years?','10','How fast (mph) can a kangaroo hop? ','forty ','How many hours a day does a ferret sleep?','twenty','How many hours does an antelope sleep at night?','one','How many teeth does a walrus have?','eighteen','If a robin\'s egg is put in vinegar for thirty days',' what colour does it become?','yellow','Name one male fish that gives birth?','sea horse or pipe fish','Of what are walrus tusks made?','ivory','On what do honeybees have a type of hair?','eyes','What animal can get the disease \'heaves\'?','horse','What animal can hop as fast as 40 mph?','kangaroo','What animal has red patches on its rear?','mandrill','What animal lives in a form?','hare','What animal lives in a warren?','rabbit','What animal\'s milk is more than 54% fat?','humpback whale','What are the only other animals on which the pill works?','gorillas','What bird is associated with Lundy Island?','puffin','What colour is a robin\'s egg?','blue','What comprises than 54% of humpback whale\'s milk?','fat','What dog is named after a Mexican state?','chihuahua','What herbivore sleeps one hour a night?','antelope','What insect has a type of hair on it\'s eyes?','honeybees','What is a female deer called?','doe','What is a male deer called?','buck','What is a marsupium?','pouch','What is a word for a castrated ram?','wether','What is a young whale called?','calf','What is another name for the coyote?','prairie wolf','What is another name for the prairie wolf?','coyote','What is the chihuahua named after?','A Mexican state','What is the heaviest snake?','anaconda','What is the largest lizard?','Komodo Dragon','What is the longest venomous snake?','king cobra','What is the scientific name for a turkey\'s wishbone?','furcula','What is the technical name for an animal\'s pouch?','marsupium','What lives in a formicary?','ants','What type of frog is the smallest frog?','gold frog','What was the first animal on the endangered species list?','peregrine falcon','What well known marsupial is the wallaby related to?','kangaroo','Where do ants live?','formicary','Which animal always grows new teeth to replace the old?','crocodile','Which is the largest African bird of prey?','lammergeyer','Which is the largest aquatic bird?','albatross','Which is the largest known butterfly?','Queen Alexandra\'s Birdwing','Which is the only animal other than humans that can get leprosy?','armadillos','Which mammals fly?','bats','Which snake kills the most humans?','king cobra','With which island is the puffin associated?','Lundy Island','Where are there over 58 million dogs?','USA','What is the most venomous snake?','king cobra','Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement?','three thousand','In which ruins was the first known written advertisement found?','Thebes','What date is the \'Ides\' of March?','Fifteenth','Which famous million dollar building cost more than a million dollars?','Sydney Opera House','Who painted \'Irises\'?','Vincent Van Gogh','What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them called?','lithography','Which is the largest museum in the world?','Louvre','Who is a successful recording artist',' talented landscape artist',' and author of children\'s books?','Ricky Van Shelton','Who was born when Pluto',' the astrological sign for death',' was directly above Dallas',' Texas?','John F. Kennedy','What is the astrological sign for death?','Pluto','What is the zodiacal symbol for Capricorn?','goat','Which constellation is represented by a goat?','Capricorn','As what is Polaris also known?','North Star','As what is the North Star also known?','Polaris','Saturday is named after which planet?','Saturn','What constellation is represented by scales?','Libra','What is the most essential tool in astronomy?','telescope','What is the name given to a group of stars?','constellation','What is the name of brightest asteroid visible from earth?','Vesta','What is the only day named after a planet?','Saturday','What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called?','Scooter','What is the technical name for \'falling stars\'?','meteors','What planet is nearest the sun?','Mercury','When does a full moon rise?','sunset','Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise?','Venus','Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun?','Nicolaus Copernicus','Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter?','Galileo','Who invented the telescope?','Galileo Galilei','What is the stratosphere immediately above?','troposphere','What is the troposphere immediately lower than?','stratosphere','How many \'Air Force One\'(s) are there?','two','Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap?','Babe Ruth','What drink is named after the queen of England who was famous for her \'sanguinary\' persecution of the protestants?','Bloody Mary','What is made of fermented grape juice?','wine','Which animal has the largest eyes?','giant squid','Approximately how many times a day does the human heart beat?','one million','As what is haemophilia also known?','royal disease','Of what is keratitis an inflammation?','cornea','On what side should you sleep to improve digestion?','right','To what disability can keratitis lead?','blindness','What appears when the sun activates melanocytes?','freckles','What body function is improved if you sleep on your right side?','digestion','What carries sensations from the tongue to the brain?','lingual nerve','What does the body release that dilates small blood vessels and so causes a person to blush?','peptides','What does the lack of iodine in the diet cause?','goitre','What does the pancreas produce?','insulin','What element is lacking in a diet when goitre occurs?','iodine','What falls out with phalacrosis?','hair','What falls out with phalacrosis?','hair','What fleshy muscular organ is joined to the hyoid bone?','tongue','What gland secretes fluid that washes the eyes?','tear gland','What is activated for freckles to appear?','melanocytes','What is the biological name for the shin bone?','tibia','What is the biological term for the voice box?','larynx','What is the common name for the larynx?','voice box','What is the hardest bone in the human body?','jawbone','What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae?','cervical','What is the royal disease?','haemophilia','What is the tibia more commonly known as?','shin bone','What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain?','tongue','What muscles move the ears?','auricularis','What protein makes blood red?','Haemoglobin','What small region at end of medulla oblongata serves as \'bridge\' to brain?','pons','When a tumour is cancerous',' what is it said to be?','malignant','With age',' what organ shrinks faster in males than in females?','brain','What is the birthstone for May?','emerald','What is the birthstone for September?','sapphire','Approximately how many years old are oak trees before they produce acorns?','fifty','One ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen?','one billion','To which family does the coffee plant belong?','madder','Which tree only produces acorns after it is fifty years old?','oak','How many inches tall are the bearskins worn by the guards at Buckingham Palace?','twenty','In the House of Lords',' where does the Lord Chancellor sit?','woolsack','In which park are Queen Mary\'s gardens?','Regents Park','What are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter \'e\'?','Ealing and Enfield','What does \'The Monument\' in London commemorate?','Great Fire of London','What was the second bridge built across the Thames?','Westminster Bridge','Where is Selfridges?','Oxford Street',' London','Who at Buckingham Palace wears bearskins?','guards','Which building commemorates the Great Fire of London?','Monument','What was Margaret Thatcher\'s nickname?','Iron Lady','What is the largest inhabited castle in the world?','Windsor Castle','Where is the \'whispering gallery\'?','St. Paul\'s Cathedral','Where would you find a nave',' apse',' atrium and narthex?','Basilica','How is 75% of petrol in an engine wasted?','combustion','What make of car is a \'Thunderbird\'?','Ford','What make of car is an \'Espace\'?','Renault','Which country has the most cars per mile of road?','England','Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he didn\'t wear ······?','pants','For which cartoon character was Beethoven a favourite composer?','Shroeder','How many freckles did Howdy Doody have?','forty eight','The maiden names of which two cartoon characters are Slaghoople and Mcbricker?','Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble','What are the names of Donald Duck\'s nephews?','Huey Dewey and Louey','What city do Batman and Robin patrol?','Gotham City','What expression did Clark Kent\'s newspaper boss like to use?','Great Caesar\'s ghost!','What is Dennis the Menace\'s surname?','Mitchell','What was the first cartoon character called?','Oswald the Rabbit','What were Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble\'s maiden names?','Slaghoople and Mcbricker','Which comic is drawn by Sam Keith?','The Maxx','Which magician did Lothar assist?','Mandrake','Who did the voices of Bugs Bunny',' Sylvester and Tweety Pie?','Mel Blanc','Who drew the comic \'The Maxx\'?','Sam Keith','Who patrols Gotham City?','Batman and Robin','Who took dictation from Perry Mason?','Della Street','Who was Barney Rubble\'s best friend?','Fred Flintstone','Who was Fred Flinstone\'s best friend?','Barney Rubble','Who was born on Krypton?','Superman','Who was the black assistant of Mandrake the Magician?','Lothar','Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse?','Walt Disney','What film was the last featuring Mel Blanc\'s voice?','Jetsons','20% of what is in the metal part at the end of a pencil?','sulphur','As what is sulphur also known?','brimstone','For what is the chemical formula H2O2?','hydrogen peroxide','For what metal is \'Au\' the chemical symbol?','gold','Of what is 98% of the weight of water made?','oxygen','To what group of elements do cerium',' praesiodymium and promethium belong?','rare earth metals','What does the symbol \'Am\' represent?','americium','What is a corrosive substance with a pH value less than 7 called?','acid','What is calcium oxide commonly called?','lime','What is the atomic number for thalium?','eighty one','What is the atomic number of Bromine?','thirty five','What is the atomic number of Molybdenum?','forty two','What is the atomic number of sulphur?','16','What is the atomic number of uranium?','ninety two','What is the chemical name for quicksilver?','mercury','What is the chemical symbol for gold?','Au','What is the chemical symbol for iron?','Fe','What is the heaviest naturally occuring element?','uranium','What is the symbol for copper?','Cu','What is the symbol for tin?','Sn','What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption?','denatured','What type of paper is used to test for acidity and alkalinity?','litmus','On what do approximately 100 people choke to death every year?','ballpoint pens','How long did it take God to create the Universe?','seven days','How many children did Noah have?','three','How many sayings did Jesus say from the cross?','seven','How many times did Peter deny Jesus?','three','How old was Sarah when she had a child?','ninety','On which day was the resurrection of Christ?','Easter Sunday','What are the first three words of The Bible?','In the beginning','What two biblical cities did God destroy with fire and brimstone?','Sodom and Gomorrah','Which two books in the Old Testament list the ten commandments? (in order of appearance)','Exodus and Deuteronomy','Who killed Goliath?','David','Who replaced Moses as the prophet of the Israelites?','Joshua','Whose name did God change to Israel?','Jacob','In the \'Twelve days of christmas\'',' how many items in total are sent by \'my true love\'?','seventy eight','As what is Constantinople now known?','Istanbul','Who has the world\'s largest double-decker tram fleet?','Hong Kong','A bird in the hand is worth ······?','two in the bush','A stitch in time saves ····?','nine','As clear as a ·······?','bell','As close as two ······ in a pod?','peas','As easy as ······?','pie','As mad as a ·······?','wet hen or hatter','As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of ······?','rocking chairs','As pretty as a ······?','picture','As sick as a ······?','dog','As sly as a ······?','fox','As tough as ·······?','nails','Hell hath no fury like a ······?','woman scorned','Time ···· when you\'re having fun?','flies','On what is an espadrille worn?','foot','What are the essential ingredients of a daiquiri?','rum and lemon','What cocktail is based on rum and lemon?','daiquiri','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'c\'?','charlie','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'f\'?','foxtrot','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'h\'?','hotel','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'t\'?','tango','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'x\'?','X-ray','Using morse code',' what does trasmitting using 3 dots',' 3 dashes and 3 dots?','SOS','What is a south african coin containing 1 troy ounce of gold called?','Krugerrand','What is a group of donkeys called?','herd','What is a group of geese called?','gaggle','The De Beers group of companies controls more than 80% of the world\'s supply of ······?','rough diamonds','What product built Hershey',' Pennsylvania?','chocolate','Which company controls more than 80% of the world\'s rough diamond supply?','De Beers','In what year was the Intel Pentium processor introduced?','1993','What country did the operating system \'Linux\' come from?','Finland','What does \'IBM\' stand for?','International Business Machines','What does the \'x\' mean when referring to the speed of a CD-rom (eg. 32x)?','times (faster than standard speed)','What type of printer did Seiko develop for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics?','dot matrix','What was invented over 3000 years ago that is now considered the first \'computer\'?','abacus','What was the first version of Microsoft Windows to have networking capabilities?','Windows for Workgroups','What was the first version of Microsoft Windows?','Windows 286','Who is the CEO of Apple computers?','Steve Jobs','After who is the \'Ramses\' brand condom named?','Pharaoh Ramses II','As what is America Online better known?','AOL','What is the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe?','Big Bang','What was created with the big bang?','Universe','What is kaolin?','pure china clay','What is liquid clay used in pottery called?','slip','What is pure china clay called?','kaolin','Because the emu and the kangaroo cannot walk backwards',' they are on the Australian ······?','coat of arms','For which country is the lotus flower the national symbol?','India','In which country is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests?','Tibet','In which country is milk the most popular beverage?','USA','In which town does the famous \'running of the bulls\' take place?','Pamplona','Israel has the highest per capital consumption of ······?','turkey','What London landmark has an 11 foot long hand?','Big Ben','What animals are on the Australian coat of arms?','emu and kangaroo','What are the roads of Guam paved with?','coral','What are the sandals called that are worn in ceremonial japanese tradition?','tabi','What city do the Italians call the Monaco of bavaria?','Munich','What do the Italians call Munich?','Monaco of Bavaria','What famous building is located on the banks of the river Jumna?','Taj Mahal','What happened on screen for the first time in India in 1977?','Screen kiss','What is a water taxi known as in Venice?','gondola','What is the most common name in italy?','Mario Rossi','What is the name of a quarter of Jerusalem that can be translated as \'hundred gates\'?','Mea Shearim','What is the name of the wrought iron tower in Paris?','Eiffel Tower','What is the national symbol for India?','lotus flower','What is the sacred river of Hinduism?','Ganges','What is the tribal african word for dowry?','lobola','When is turkey traditionally eaten in America?','thanksgiving','Where are the Hausa and Ibo tribes?','Nigeria','Where do the English monarchs live?','Buckingham Palace','Where is the Blarney Stone?','Blarney Castle',' Ireland','Where was it once against the law to have a pet dog?','Iceland','Where would one eat a taco?','Mexico','Which country eats the most turkey per capita?','Israel','Which famous museum is in Paris',' France?','Louvre','Which nationality calls Munich the \'Monaco of Bavaria\'?','Italians','Germany\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','deutsche mark','Israel\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','shekel','Italy\'s equivalant to the dollar is the ······?','lira','Japan\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','yen','Mexico\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','peso','Spain\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','peseta','The quetzal is the currency of ······?','Guatemala','What is the Japanese currency?','yen','What is the currency of Guatemala?','quetzal','What is the monetary unit of India?','rupee','Which country has the currency \'yen\'?','Japan','What country\'s currency is the Bolivar?','Venezuela','What is the currency of Venezuela?','Bolivar','What is armagnac?','brandy','What does a chronometer measure?','Time','What is a catalogue of languages called?','ethnologue','What is a gondola?','water taxi','What is a one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation?','fascism','What is a word for a sorcerer who deals in black magic?','necromancer','What is another name for a sleepwalker?','somnambulist','What is ornamental work in silver or gold thread called?','filigree','What is the name given to a pregnant goldfish?','twit','What word means \'to chew the cud\'?','ruminate','What has 336 dimples?','a golf ball','Sleeping sickness is carried by which insect?','tsetse fly','What disease is carried by the tsetse fly?','sleeping sickness','What is the international cry for help?','mayday','What degree do the intials \'DDS\' stand for?','Doctor of Dental Surgery','What egyptian object is also known as \'the key to the Nile\'?','Ankh','As what was Sony\'s video recorder known?','betamax','Circuits can be wired in parallel or ······?','series','What is the only insect that can turn its head?','praying mantis','Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for how many hours?','three ','Where is Sir Herbert Baker buried?','Westminster Abbey','For how much did an American urologist buy Napoleon\'s penis? (US Dollars)','$3800','For what are Allen and Wright most famous?','root beer','What Surrey town is famed for its salts?','Epsom','What is the most rural state in the USA?','North Dakota','If hell is a lake of fire',' what would the temperature be? (in degrees Fahrenheit)','833','Who is the main character in \'Touched By An Angel\'?','Monica','How many stars are there on the New Zealand flag?','four','What colours are on the Belgian flag?','yellow',' black and red','Which country has a plain green flag?','Libya','Whose flag has the national arms on one side and the treasury seal on the other?','Paraguay','How many times its own length can the average flea jump?','150','Who was the tallest of Robin Hood\'s men?','Little John','Cornflakes were invented in 1863',' 1890 or 1915?','1890','How many herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken?','eleven','How many pieces of bun are in a Mcdonald\'s Big Mac?','three','In which country did edam cheese originate?','Holland','In which country did the word \'biscuit\' originate?','France','What breakfast cereal was invented at Battle Creek Sanitarium?','Cornflakes','What did Charles Jung invent?','fortune cookies','What is another name for the carambula?','star fruit','What is the most widely used seasoning?','salt','What is the oldest known vegetable?','pea','Where were Cornflakes invented?','Battle Creek Sanitarium','Where were fortune cookies invented?','United States','Who invented fortune cookies?','Charles Jung','Who invented the Egg Mcmuffin?','Ed Peterson','What berries give gin its flavour?','juniper berries','A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits?','blackberry and raspberry','Unlike other oranges',' what does a navel orange not have?','seeds','What fruits are usually served \'belle helene\'?','pears','What is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry?','tayberry','What is another name for the star fruit?','carambula','Where is most of the vitamin C in fruits?','skin','What is San Francisco\'s equivalent to Sydney\'s \'City To Surf\' race?','Bay to Breakers footrace','What is the metal part of a lamp surrounding the bulb and supporting the shade called?','harp','Where did venetian blinds originate?','Japan','How many dots are on a twister mat?','thirty','How many folds does a Monopoly board have?','one','How many numbers are on the spinner in the game of \'Life\'?','ten','How much does Park Place cost in Monopoly (in US Dollars)?','450','In a game of horseshoes',' how many feet apart must the stakes be?','forty','In roulette',' what number is green?','zero','Moving anti-clockwise on a dartboard',' what is the number next to \'4\'?','eighteen','To what do opposite faces of a dice always add up?','seven','What is another name for the card game \'Blackjack\'?','Twenty-one','What is another name for the card game \'Twenty-one\'?','Blackjack','What is the best possible score in blackjack?','twenty one','What is the most popular sport in england?','darts','What is the tallest piece on a chessboard?','king','What number is at 12 o\'clock on a dartboard?','20','What sport/game is Bobby Fischer associated with?','chess','Where did the card game \'bridge\' originate?','Turkey','Where does the annual Poker World Series take place?','Las Vegas','Approximately how many pounds of cereal will the average american/canadian eat every year?','twelve','Peridot is the birthstone for ······?','August','What is the birthstone for August?','peridot','During which month is the longest day in the Northern hemisphere?','June','During which month is the longest day in the Southern hemisphere?','December','During which month is the shortest day in the Northern hemisphere?','December','During which month is the shortest day in the Southern hemisphere?','June','What does a month beginning with a Sunday always have?','Friday the 13th','What game usually starts with \'is it animal',' vegetable or mineral\'?','twenty questions','What is the name of the office used by the president in the Whitehouse?','Oval office','What is viewed during a a pyrotechnic display?','fireworks','What system do the blind use for reading?','braille','Where will children as young as 15 be jailed for cheating on their finals?','Bangladesh','With what day does a month start if it has a Friday the 13th?','Sunday','How many chromosomes do each body cell contain?','forty six','What is the capital of Zaire?','Kinshasa','Accra is the capital of ······?','Ghana','Albany is the capital of ·····?','New York','Ankara is the capital of ······?','Turkey','As what is Formosa now known?','Taiwan','As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known?','Bangkok','As what is the South Pole also known?','Amundsen Scott Station','As what was the Taj Mahal originally built?','tomb','Austin is the capital of ······?','Texas','Bamako is the capital of ······?','Mali','Bangkok is the capital of ······?','Thailand','Banjul is the capital of ······?','Gambia','Bismarck is the capital of ······?','North Dakota','Bissau is the capital of ······?','Guinea-Bissau','Bogota is the capital of ······?','Colombia','Boise is the capital of ······?','Idaho','Bridgetown is the capital of ······?','Barbados','Budapest is the capital of ······?','Hungary','Cheyenne is the capital of ······?','Wyoming','Columbus is the capital of ······?','Ohio','Dakar is the capital of ······?','Senegal','Des Moines is the capital of ······?','Iowa','Dhaka is the capital of ······?','Bangladesh','Djibouti is the capital of ······?','Djibouti','Five US states border which ocean?','Pacific Ocean','Guatemala is the capital of ······?','Guatemala','Helena is the capital of ······?','Montana','How many Great Lakes are there?','five','How many countries border the black sea?','four','If you flew due West from Portugal',' what is the first continent you would reach?','North America','In what state is Silicon Valley?','California','In which city is Westminster Abbey?','London','In which city is Westminster Abbey?','London','In which city is the Arch of Hadrian?','Athens','In which city is the famous Bond Street?','London','In which country is Tobruk?','Libya','In which country is the largest volcano in the world?','Ecuador','In which county are all ten of England\'s highest peaks?','Cumbria','In which modern day country is ancient Troy?','Turkey','In which state is Tupelo?','Mississippi','In which state is the Natchez Trail?','Mississippi','In which year did Macau revert to China?','1999','Into what ocean does the Zambezi River empty?','Indian Ocean','Into which bay does the Golden Gate Strait lead?','San Francisco Bay','Into which estuary do the Trent and Ouse flow?','Humber','Is Belfast in Northern or Southern Ireland?','Northern','Is Dublin in Northern or Southern ireland?','Southern','Jefferson City is the capital of ······?','Missouri','Kathmandu is the capital of ······?','Nepal','Kigali is the capital of ······?','Rwanda','Kingston is the capital of ······?','Jamaica','Kinshasa is the capital of ······?','Zaire','Kuwait is the capital of ······?','Kuwait','Lagos is the capital of ······?','Nigeria','Lansing is the capital of ······?','Michigan','Libreville is the capital of ······?','Gabon','Lilongwe is the capital of ······?','Malawi','Lome is the capital of ······?','Togo','Luxembourg is the capital of ······?','Luxembourg','Malabo is the capital of ······?','Equatorial Guinea','Mayfair',' London is a district of little streets near ······?','Hyde Park','Mexico City is the capital of ······?','Mexico','Montevideo is the capital of ······?','Uruguay','Nashville is the capital of ······?','Tennessee','Near what river is the Temple of Karnak?','Nile','New Delhi is the capital of ······?','India','Nicosia is the capital of ······?','Cyprus','Of what are Quemoy and Matsu part?','Taiwan','Of which country does the Kalahari Desert cover 84%?','Botswana','On the London Underground',' which station has a different name on two of its platforms?','Bank and Monument','On the banks of which river is the Taj Mahal?','River Jumna','On what island is Pearl Harbor?','Oahu','On what river is Blackpool?','River Fylde','On what river is Liverpool?','Mersey','On what sea is the Crimea?','Black Sea','On which coast of Australia is Sydney?','East','Ouagadougou is the capital of ······?','Burkino Faso','Port Louis is the capital of ······?','Mauritius','Port Moresby is the capital of ······?','Papua New Guinea','Raleigh is the capital of ······?','North Carolina','Richmond is the capital of ······?','Virginia','Riyadh is the capital of ······?','Saudi Arabia','Rome is the capital of ······?','Italy','Santiago is the capital of ······?','Chile','Santo Domingo is the capital of ······?','Dominican Republic','Singapore is the capital of ······?','Singapore','Springfield is the capital of ······?','Illinois','Sydney is on the east coast of ······?','Australia','Tegucigalpa is the capital of ······?','Honduras','Through which ocean does the International Date Line approximately follow the 180 degree meridian?','Pacific Ocean','Tirana is the capital of ······?','Albania','Ulan Bator is the capital of ······?','Mongolia','Vaduz is the capital of ······?','Liechtenstein','What Central American country extends furthest north?','Belize','What Scandinavian capital begins and ends with the same letter?','Oslo','What city has the world\'s largest black population?','New York City','What continent is part of both the East and Aest hemispheres?','Antarctica','What country borders Egypt on the West?','Libya','What country borders Egypt to the South?','Sudan','What country borders Libya on the East?','Egypt','What country borders Sudan to the North?','Egypt','What country has the biggest population?','China','What country is situated between Panama and Nicaragua?','Costa Rica','What country is surrounded by Brazil',' Argentina and Bolivia?','Paraguay','What country was once known as \'The Breadbasket of Russia\'?','Ukraine','What country\'s capital is Caracas?','Venezuela','What divides the American North from the South?','The Mason-Dixon Line','What do Americans traditionally eat on thanksgiving day?','turkey','What does the George Washington Bridge span?','Hudson River','What is a peanut if it is not a pea or a nut?','legume','What is also known as Amundsen Scott Station?','South Pole','What is the Southernmost country in continental Europe?','Spain','What is the capital of Albania?','Tirana','What is the capital of Australia?','Canberra','What is the capital of Bangladesh?','Dhaka','What is the capital of Barbados?','Bridgetown','What is the capital of Brazil?','Brasilia','What is the capital of Burkino Faso?','Ouagadougou','What is the capital of California?','Sacramento','What is the capital of Chile?','Santiago','What is the capital of Colombia?','Bogota','What is the capital of Cyprus?','Nicosia','What is the capital of Djibouti?','Djibouti','What is the capital of Equatorial Guinea?','Malabo','What is the capital of Gabon?','Libreville','What is the capital of Gambia?','Banjul','What is the capital of Ghana?','Accra','What is the capital of Guatemala?','Guatemala','What is the capital of Guinea-Bissau?','Bissau','What is the capital of Honduras?','Tegucigalpa','What is the capital of Hungary?','Budapest','What is the capital of Idaho?','Boise','What is the capital of Illinois?','Springfield','What is the capital of India?','New Delhi','What is the capital of Iowa?','Des Moines','What is the capital of Italy?','Rome','What is the capital of Jamaica?','Kingston','What is the capital of Kuwait?','Kuwait','What is the capital of Liechtenstein?','Vaduz','What is the capital of Luxembourg?','Luxembourg','What is the capital of Luxembourg?','Luxembourg','What is the capital of Malawi?','Lilongwe','What is the capital of Mali?','Bamako','What is the capital of Mauritius?','Port Louis','What is the capital of Mexico?','Mexico City','What is the capital of Michigan?','Lansing','What is the capital of Missouri?','Jefferson City','What is the capital of Mongolia?','Ulan Bator','What is the capital of Montana?','Helena','What is the capital of Nepal?','Kathmandu','What is the capital of New York state?','Albany','What is the capital of Nigeria?','Lagos','What is the capital of North Carolina?','Raleigh','What is the capital of North Dakota?','Bismarck','What is the capital of Ohio?','Columbus','What is the capital of Papua New Guinea?','Port Moresby','What is the capital of Pennsylvania?','Harrisberg','What is the capital of Rwanda?','Kigali','What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?','Riyadh','What is the capital of Singapore?','Singapore','What is the capital of Tennessee?','Nashville','What is the capital of Texas?','Austin','What is the capital of Thailand?','Bangkok','What is the capital of Togo?','Lome','What is the capital of Turkey?','Ankara','What is the capital of Uruguay?','Montevideo','What is the capital of Virginia?','Richmond','What is the capital of Wyoming?','Cheyenne','What is the capital of the Dominican Republic?','Santo Domingo','What is the circle of the earth at 0 degrees latitude called?','equator','What is the correct name of Bangkok?','Krung Thep','What is the deepest land gorge in the world?','Grand Canyon','What is the fifth largest country in the world?','Brazil','What is the highest peak in Fiji?','Mount Victoria','What is the largest city in China?','Shanghai','What is the largest city in Ecuador?','Guayaquil','What is the largest city in Switzerland?','Zurich','What is the largest country in Central America?','Nicaragua','What is the largest exclusively Indonesian island?','Sumatra','What is the largest ocean?','Pacific Ocean','What is the most mountainous country in Europe?','Switzerland','What is the oldest town in Belgium?','Tongeren','What is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island?','Bronx','What is the river capital of the world?','Akron','What is the saltiest sea in the world?','The Dead Sea','What is the second largest continent in the world?','Africa','What is the second largest ocean?','Atlantic Ocean','What is the second largest state in the USA?','Texas','What is the smallest Canadian province?','Prince Edward Island','What is the smallest state in the USA?','Rhode Island','What is the windiest place on earth?','Mount Washington',' New Hampshire','What is the world\'s highest waterfall?','Angel Falls','What is the world\'s largest desert?','Sahara Desert','What is the world\'s largest lake?','Caspian Sea','What is the world\'s widest river?','Amazon','What lake is approximately 394','000 sq. km in area?','Caspian Sea','What ocean is found along the East border of Asia?','Pacific Ocean','What place is known as \'the land nowhere near\'?','Cape Three Points','What seaport\'s name is spanish for \'white house\'?','Casablanca','What small island is in the bay of Naples?','Isle of Capri','Where are the \'wallops\'?','Hampshire','Where are the Nazca lines?','Peru','Where are the two steepest streets in the USA?','San Francisco','Where is Angel Falls?','Venezuela','Where is Calcutta?','India','Where is Cape Hatteras?','North Carolina','Where is Eurodisney?','Paris',' France','Where is Gorky Park?','Moscow','Where is Lake Maracaibo?','Venezuela','Where is Mount Washington?','New Hampshire','Where is Tabasco?','Mexico','Where is Tongeren?','Belgium','Where is area 51 generally said to be?','Groom Lake','Where is the Blue Grotto?','Capri',' Italy','Where is the Machu Picchu?','Peru','Where is the Taj Mahal?','India','Where is the bridge of San Luis Rey?','Peru','Where is the land of 10','000 lakes?','Minnesota','Where is the statue \'Le Petit Pissoir\'?','Brussels','Where is the wailing wall?','Jerusalem','Where is the world\'s biggest prison camp?','Siberia','Where is the world\'s largest desert?','North Africa','Which Californian desert drops below sea level?','Death Valley','Which English county has the smallest perimeter?','Isle of Wight','Which Portuguese colony reverted to China in December 1999?','Macau','Which South American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline?','Colombia','Which US state gets the most rainfall?','Hawaii','Which bridge spans the Hudson River?','George Washington Bridge','Which country administers Martinique?','France','Which country has the most emigrants?','Mexico','Which country is known as the roof of the world?','Tibet','Which country occupies the \'horn\' of Africa?','Somalia','Which country owns Corfu?','Greece','Which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean?','International Date Line','Which is the largest lake in South America?','Lake Maracaibo','Which is the most populated state/territory in Australia?','New South Wales','Which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean?','Bouvet Island','Which is the only musical bird that can fly backwards?','hummingbird','Which is the only sea below sea level?','Dead Sea','Which is the smallest independent country?','Vatican City','Which island country lies immediately to the East of Mauritius?','Australia','Which island country lies immediately to the West of Australia?','Mauritius','Which large city is on the Southeastern coast of Australia?','Sydney','Which ocean has an area of approximately 166 sq. km?','Pacific Ocean','Which river passes through Germany',' Austria',' Slovakia',' Hungary',' Croatia',' Yugoslavia',' Romania',' Bulgaria and Ukraine before arriving at the Black Sea?','Danube','Which tropic passes through Australia?','Tropic of Capricorn','Who owns the island of Bermuda?','Britain','Yaounde is the capital of ······?','Cameroon','What is the capital of Senegal?','Dakar','Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover?','seventy one','What is the largest volcano in the world?','Cotopaxi','What is the most reliable geyser in the world?','Old Faithful','What type of rock is marble?','metamorphic','What is the sum of all the angles in a square? (in degrees)','three hundred and sixty','What is the glass capital of the world?','Toledo','By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back',' in what can you not sink?','quicksand','Who invented the predecessor to today\'s computers?','Charles Babbage','\'Operation Desert Storm\' took place in 1989',' 1991 or 1995?','1991','After who was America named?','Amerigo Vespucci','After who was Mickey Mouse named?','Mickey Rooney','Approximately how many children did pharaoh Ramses II father?','one hundred and sixty','As what was Istanbul previously known?','Constantinople','As what was Taiwan formerly known?','Formosa','As what was winchester known by the Romans?','Venta Bulgarum','Between which countries was the shortest war in history?','Zanzibar and England','Bill and Hilary Clinton switched on the Christmas tree lights in Belfast in 1990',' 1995 or 1996?','1995','By who was Gerald Ford almost assassinated?','Squeaky Fromme','Did Rotheim invent the aerosol in 1919',' 1926 or 1931?','1926','East Berlin was the capital of ······?','East Germany','From what did Alexander the Great suffer?','epilepsy','George Washington Carver advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace what?','cotton and tobacco','George Washington Carver advocated planting what to replace cotton and tobacco?','peanuts and sweet potatoes','Germany was split into two zones by which agreement?','Yalta agreement','His wife was Roxana',' his horse was Bacephalus',' he was?','Alexander the Great','How many British officers were forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta?','146','How many people were killed in the battle of Lexington?','eight','How many years was Nelson Mandela in prison?','twenty seven','In 1962',' for what did Britain and France sign an agreement to build together?','Concorde','In 1975',' what re-opened after an 8 year closure?','Suez Canal','In the 15th century',' what was the war between the houses of Lancaster and York?','War of the Roses','In what year did the Berlin Wall come down?','1989','In which battle was George A. Custer defeated?','Battle of Little Bighorn','In which country was paper money first used?','China','In which year did Disneyland open?','1955','In which year did Richard Burton die?','1984','In which year did Skylab crashland in Western Australia?','1979','In which year did the first man walk on the moon?','1969','In which year was Nelson Mandela released from Robben Island?','1990','In which year was Nelson Mandela released from prison?','1990','In which year was the shortest war in history?','1896','In which year was the smoke detector invented?','1969','Kate Barton became the first bus conductress in 1909',' 1920 or 1933?','1909','King Richard the ········?','Lionhearted','Louis XVI was guillotined in 1732',' 1793 or 1842?','1793','Marconi transmitted radio signals across the atlantic in 1901',' 1902 or 1903?','1901','Near what falls did Jimmy Angel crash his plane in 1937?','Angel Falls','Of which Cambodian party was Pol Pot the leader?','Khmer Rouge','Of which ship was Miles Standish captain?','The Mayflower','On what date did America become an independant nation?','July 4th',' 1776','On what day of the week did Solomon Grundy die?','Saturday','On what was Pennsylvania incorrectly spelled?','Liberty Bell','The Empire State Building was completed in 1930',' 1931 or 1932?','1931','The date of which Christian festival was fixed in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea?','Easter','The first charity flag day was held in 1914',' 1917 or 1919?','1914','The first metered taxi become operational in 1899',' 1903 or 1907?','1907','The wristwatch invented in 1896',' 1898 or 1904?','1904','The ······ Tea Party?','Boston','Through the streets of what town did Lady Godiva ride naked?','Coventry','What 19th century war between Russia and England',' Turkey',' Britain and France',' was named after a peninsula in the Black Sea?','Crimean War','What English city was known to the Romans as Venta Bulgarum?','Winchester','What Shakespearean king was actually king of Scotland for 17 years?','Macbeth','What United States president was in office during the civil war?','Abraham Lincoln','What colour was Diana Spencer\'s engagement photograph suit?','blue','What country was formerly known as Siam?','Thailand','What country was ruled by Pol Pot',' leader of the Khmer Rouge party?','Cambodia (Kampuchea)','What did \'DMZ\' stand for in the vietnam war?','Demilitarized Zone','What did David Stirling found?','SAS','What did Ed Peterson invent?','Egg Mcmuffin','What did Eli Whitney invent?','cotton gin','What did Erik Rotheim invent in 1926?','aerosol','What did Henry Shrapnel invent?','The exploding shell','What did Louis Cartier invent?','wristwatch','What did Marie Curie die of on 4th July',' 1934?','radiation poisoning','What did Pennsylvania legalise before any other colony?','witchcraft','What did Victorian women bathe in to try to enlarge their breasts?','strawberries','What famous artist could write with both his left and right hand at the same time?','Leonardo da Vinci','What food was almost non-existent in Ireland in the 1840\'s?','potatoes','What is the 15\' by 18\' cell that 146 captured british officers were forced into by indian troops in the 19th century called?','Black Hole of Calcutta','What kind of teeth did George Washington have?','wooden','What missionary station was built by Albert Schweitzer?','Lambarene','What period is also known as the age of fish?','Devonian period','What pre-tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired?','War Of The Worlds','What war lasted from June 5 to June 11',' 1967?','Six day war','What was Alaska called before 1867?','Russian America','What was Alexander The Great\'s wife\'s name?','Roxana','What was George A Custer\'s horses\' name?','Commanche','What was King Arthur\'s mother\'s name?','Igraine','What was Russian America called after 1867?','Alaska','What was Thailand formerly known as?','Siam','What was named after Amerigo Vespucci?','America','What was the D-Day invasion password?','Mickey Mouse','What was the capital of East Germany?','East Berlin','What was the first American colony to legalise witchcraft?','Pennsylvania','What was the first fighting vehicle?','war chariot','What was the first product to have a barcode?','Wrigley\'s gum','What was the first ship to reach the Titanic after it sank?','Carpathia','What was the last chinese dynasty?','Manchu','What was the leading cause of death in the late 19th century?','tuberculosis','What was the name of the first ironclad warship ever launched?','HMS Warrior','What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Nixon?','Watergate','What wonder stood 32m high in rhodes harbour?','Colossus of Rhodes','When was D-day?','June 6th',' 1944','When was Julius Caesar murdered?','Ides of March','When was the Greek alphabet first used?','800 BC','Where did \'The Mayflower\' take the pilgrims?','New World','Where did Bill and Hilary Clinton switch on Christmas lights in 1995?','Belfast',' Ireland','Where did Churchill',' Roosevelt and Stalin meet in 1945?','Yalta','Where did Guinevere retire to die?','Amesbury','Where did the Bay Of Pigs take place?','Cuba','Where did the Birkenhead sink?','Danger Point','Where did the bayonet originate?','Bayonne',' France','Where was Napoleon defeated?','Waterloo','Where was Nelson mandela in prison?','Robben Island','Where were numerous French nuclear tests conducted?','Muraroa Atoll','Where were the Hanging Gardens?','Babylon','Where were the first books printed?','China','Which Apollo space mission put the first men on the moon ?','Apollo 11','Which Baltic seaport was the German rocket centre during WWII?','Peenemunde','Which Spanish explorer first travelled to Jamaica?','Christopher Columbus','Which US president said \'the buck stops here\'?','Harry Truman','Which british comedian was the first man to appear on the cover of \'playboy\'?','Peter Sellers','Which country blew up a Greenpeace ship in New Zealand?','France','Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement?','Germany','Which emperor made his horse a senator?','Caligula','Which famous actor is honored in a statue in Leicester Square?','Charlie Chaplin','Which famous explorer visited Australia and New Zealand',' then surveyed the Pacific coast of North America?','Captain George Vancouver','Which frontiersman died at the Alamo?','Davy Crockett','Which houses fought the War of the Roses?','Lancaster and York','Which is the most ancient walled city?','Jericho','Which nation did Moshoeshoe found?','Basotho','Which nation was led by Genghis Khan?','Mongolia','Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording?','Mary Had A Little Lamb','Which period was first',' jurassic or carboniferous?','carboniferous','Which president was responsible for the \'Louisiana Purchase\'?','Thomas Jefferson','Which racist organisation was formed in Tennessee in 1865?','Klu Klux Klan','Which ship did Charles Darwin captain?','HMS Beagle','Which was the first Chinese dynasty?','Shang','Which was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover?','National Geographic','Who advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco?','George Washington Carver','Who appeared on the back of a US banknote in 1875?','Pocahontas','Who assassinated John Lennon?','Mark David Chapman','Who assassinated president Kennedy?','Lee Harvey Oswald','Who became president of South Africa in 1989?','F.W. de Klerk','Who built Camelot?','King Arthur','Who built the Lambarene missionary station?','Albert Schweitzer','Who built the Taj Mahal?','Shah Jahan','Who burned Atlanta in 1864?','General Sherman','Who captained the HMS Beagle?','Charles Darwin','Who committed the first daytime robbery?','Frank and Jesse James','Who developed the first nuclear submarine?','Soviet Union','Who did Squeaky Fromme try to assassinate?','Gerald Ford','Who died three days after Elvis Presley?','Groucho Marx','Who died three days before Groucho Marx?','Elvis Presley','Who discovered the Grand Canyon?','Francisco Coronado','Who drafted most of the American Declaration of Independence?','Thomas Jefferson','Who fiddled while Rome burned?','Nero','Who fixed the date of the Christian festival \'Easter\'?','Council of Nicaea','Who forced 146 captured British officers into the Black Hole of Calcutta?','Indian troops','Who introduced bagpipes to the British Isles?','Romans','Who invented crop insurance?','Benjamin Franklin','Who invented the aerosol?','Erik Rotheim','Who invented the ballpoint pen?','Georgo and Laszlo Biro','Who invented the cotton gin?','Eli Whitney','Who invented the exploding shell?','Henry Shrapnel','Who invented the gatling gun?','Richard Gatling','Who invented the wristwatch?','Louis Cartier','Who is considered the father of medicine?','Hippocrates','Who is identified with the word \'eureka\'?','Archimedes','Who is known as the high priest of revenge?','Philip Seldon','Who is known for his \'theory of evolution\'?','Charles Darwin','Who is recognised as the father of geometry?','Euclid','Who killed Jesse James?','Robert Ford','Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979?','Jim Jones','Who led the mongols?','Genghis Khan','Who married actress Nancy Davis?','Ronald Reagan','Who met in Yalta in 1945 (in alphabetical order)?','Churchill Roosevelt Stalin','Who ordered the persecution of the Christians in which Peter and Paul died?','Nero','Who presided over the trial of Jesus?','Pontius Pilate','Who received the nobel peace prize in 1964 for civil rights leadership?','Martin Luther King Jr','Who ruled rome when Christ was born?','Augustus Caesar','Who said \'eureka\'?','Archimedes','Who said \'public service is my motto\'?','Al Capone','Who sailed to the new world in \'The mayflower\'?','pilgrims','Who shot Abraham Lincoln?','John Wilkes Booth','Who signed the \'thanksgiving proclamation\'?','Abraham Lincoln','Who started the second Punic war?','Carthage','Who succeeded Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of England?','Anthony Eden','Who tried to create the \'Great Society\'?','Lyndon B Johnson','Who was \'The Elephant Man\'?','John Merrick','Who was George Washington\'s vice-president?','John Adams','Who was John Merrick?','The Elephant Man','Who was King Arthur\'s foster-father?','Ector','Who was Ulysses\' son',' who grew to manhood in his absence?','Telemachus','Who was assassinated on December 8',' 1980 in New York City?','John Lennon','Who was assassinated on November 22',' 1963 in Dallas',' Texas?','President John F. Kennedy','Who was captain of \'The Mayflower\'?','Miles Standish','Who was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn?','George A. Custer','Who was forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta?','British officers','Who was given the only Nobel Peace Prize award during WWI?','International Red Cross','Who was kidnapped on the night of March 1',' 1932?','Charles Lindbergh Jr','Who was known as \'the peanut president\'?','Jimmy Carter','Who was the first (and last) catholic president?','John Fitzerald Kennedy','Who was the first person to break the sound barrier?','Chuck Yager','Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?','Captain Matthew Webb','Who was the first woman in space?','Valentina Tereshkova','Who was the lead singer for Creedence Clearwater Revival',' and recently released \'Blue Moon Swamp\'?','John Fogerty','Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge?','Pol Pot','Who was the only survivor of Custer\'s last stand?','his horse','Who were the first people to be elected into the Aviation Hall Of Fame?','The Wright Brothers','Who wrote \'The Starry Messenger\'?','Galileo','Winston Churchill resigned from office in 1954',' 1955 or 1956?','1955','What hobby was developed by the Palmer Paint Company?','Painting by numbers','Who invented painting by numbers?','palmer paint company','How many years in a vicennial?','twenty','Who hit the first golf shot on the moon?','Alan Sheppard','What does the abbreviation \'UNICEF\' stand for?','United Nations Childrens\' Emergency Fund','In mIRC',' what colour does control-4 give?','red','On IRC',' how do you ask age',' sex',' location?','asl','On irc',' what does a/s/l mean?','age/sex/location','What animal can live several weeks without its head?','cockroach','South africa is the biggest producer and exporter of ······?','mohair','Which country is the biggest producer and exporter of mohair?','South Africa','Who founded the SAS?','David Stirling','More people are killed by donkeys every year than are killed in ······?','plane crashes','Who invented \'bifocal\' lenses for eyeglasses?','Benjamin Franklin','Who invented the most common projection for world maps?','Gerardus Mercator','In the old gag',' where is Prince Albert?','In a can','From what Irish words is \'Dublin\' derived?','dubh linn','From what language is the term \'finito\'?','Italian','Merging the words \'melt\' and \'weld\' created which word?','meld','Other than Germany',' whose official language is German?','Austria','The word rodent comes from the italian \'rodere\'',' which means?','gnaw','What city\'s name is derived from the words \'dubh linn\'?','Dublin','What does \'alma mater\' mean in English?','bountiful mother','What does \'majuba\' mean?','place of rock pigeons','What does \'shogun\' mean in English?','military governer','What does the Irish \'dubh linn\' mean?','black pool','What does the word \'karate\' translate to in English?','open hand','What is \'blackpool\' in Irish?','dubh linn','What is \'bountiful mother\' in Latin?','alma mater','What is \'military governer\' in Japanese?','shogun','What is the English word for \'fiesta\'?','festival','What is the Israeli \'knesset\'?','parliament','What is the Old English word for \'sneeze\'?','fneasan','What is the Spanish word for \'festival\'?','fiesta','What is the language of Hungary?','Magyar','What is the literal meaning of \'pince-nez\'?','pinch nose','What is the meaning of the Mercedes Benz motto \'Das beste oder nichts\'?','The best or nothing','What is the official language of Austria?','german','What two words make the word \'meld\'?','melt and weld','What was the language of ancient India?','Sanskrit','In which country was it once against the law to slam your car door?','Switzerland','How fast does the tip of a standard rotary mower travel? (in km/h)','two hundred','What was the Lone Ranger\'s real name?','John Reid','Where does Nessie live?','Loch Ness','Who are santa\'s reindeer',' in alphabetical order?','blitzen',' comet',' dancer',' dasher',' prancer and vixen','Who created the round table?','Merlin','Who was Bonnie Parker\'s partner?','Clyde Barrow','Who was Clyde Barrow\'s partner?','Bonnie Parker','Who was John Reid?','Lone Ranger','Who was the Lone Ranger\'s Indian companion?','Tonto','As what did H.G. Wells refer to Adolf Hitler?','A certifiable lunatic','How many books are there in Anne Rice\'s vampire series?','five','How many stories did enid blyton publish in 1959?','fifty nine','In \'A Christmas Carol\'',' how many ghosts visited Scrooge?','four','In \'A Christmas Carol\'',' what was the name of the miser?','Ebenezer Scrooge','In \'Alice In Wonderland\'',' who never stopped sobbing?','Mock Turtle','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' about what was Mercutio\'s long monologue?','Queen Mab','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' who gave a long monologue about Queen Mab?','Mercutio','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' who said \'I have a faint cold',' fear thrills through my veins\'?','Juliet','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' who says \'make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies?','Juliet','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' who says \'what must be must be\'?','Juliet','In one of Donald Horne\'s novels',' as what was Australia dubbed?','The lucky country','In one of Donald Horne\'s novels',' which was \'the lucky country\'?','Australia','In the Dr Seuss books',' which elephant hatched an egg?','Horton','In which book did four ghosts visit Scrooge?','A Christmas Carol','On what book was \'Three Days Of The Condor\' based?','Six Days Of The Condor','The Hardy Boys and ······?','Nancy Drew','What Dr Seuss character steals Christmas?','Grinch','What controversial book did Germaine Greer write?','The Female Eunuch','What shakespearean play refers to the date of epiphany?','Twelfth Night','What story features flopsy',' mopsy and cottontail?','Peter Rabbit','What subject did \'Mr. Chips\' teach?','Latin','What was H.G Wells\' first novel?','The Time Machine','What was Lestat\'s last name?','de Lioncourt','What were the dolls in the novel \'Valley Of The Dolls\'?','pills','What were the two cities in \'A Tale Of Two Cities\'?','London and Paris','Which Tennesee Williams play is about a Sicilian-American woman?','The Rose Tattoo','Which book featured the miser Scrooge?','A Christmas Carol','Which is the only book written by Margaret Mitchell?','Gone With The Wind','Who created \'Horton\' the elephant?','Dr. Seuss','Who created \'Maudie Frickett\'?','Jonathan Winters','Who created \'The Saint\'?','Leslie Charteris','Who did Macduff kill?','Macbeth','Who did author Leslie Charteris create?','The Saint','Who dubbed Australia \'the lucky country\'?','Donald Horne','Who killed Macbeth?','Macduff','Who said \'But',' soft! what light through yonder window breaks\'?','Romeo','Who was Winnie the Pooh\'s neighbour?','Piglet','Who was the author of \'Dracula\'?','Bram Stoker','Who was the human companion of Willow?','Mad Mardigan','Who wrote \'1984\'?','George Orwell','Who wrote \'A Christmas Carol\'?','Charles Dickens','Who wrote \'A Tale Of Two Cities\'?','Charles Dickens','Who wrote \'A Tale Of Two Cities\'?','Charles Dickens','Who wrote \'Alice In Wonderland\'?','Lewis Carroll','Who wrote \'Gone With The Wind\'?','Margaret Mitchell','Who wrote \'The Female Eunuch\'?','Germaine Greer','Who wrote \'The Hobbit\'?','J.R.R. Tolkien','Who wrote \'The Rose Tattoo\'?','Tennessee Williams','Who wrote \'The Time Machine\'?','H.G. Wells','Who wrote \'Valley Of The Dolls\'?','Jacqueline Susann','Who wrote \'Weird Harold and Fat Albert\'?','Bill Cosby','Who wrote \'little lamb',' who made thee\'?','William Blake','Who wrote the \'Dragonriders Of Pern\' series?','Anne Mcaffrey','Who wrote the \'Father Brown\' crime stories?','G.K. Chesterton','Who wrote the \'Myth\' series?','Robert Asprin','Who wrote the \'Noddy\' books?','Enid Blyton','Who wrote the vampire series that featured Lestat as the main character?','Anne Rice','Who\'s last words were \'Thus with a kiss I die\'?','Romeo','How old was the world\'s oldest man?','one hundred and forty one','Who was the world\'s oldest man?','Bir Narayan Chaudhari','On a ship',' what is the line that indicates the maximum load that may be transported?','Plimsoll Line','How many different letters are used in the roman numeral system?','seven','What is 65% of 60?','39','What is the maximum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle?','three hundred and fifty nine','What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an acute angle?','eighty nine','What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle?','one hundred and seventy nine','What is the minimum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle?','one hundred and eighty one','What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an acute angle?','one ','What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle?','ninety one','What is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value?','four','What is the square root of one quarter?','one half','What instrument measures walking distance?','pedometer','In what body part does an osteopath specialise?','bones','A salt enema was given to children to rid them of ······?','Threadworm','Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company?','Bayer','In the early 20th century',' rattlesnake venom was used to treat which illness?','epilepsy','North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the ······?','bladder','North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder?','gravel and stones','On what part of the body is an \'LTK procedure\' performed?','eyes','The first rubber gloves were used during surgery in 1890',' 1910 or 1920?','1890','The smallpox vaccine was invented in 1763',' 1784 or 1798?','1798','What did North American Indians eat to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder?','watercress','What does a sphygmomanometer measure?','blood pressure','What does hepatitis affect?','liver','What instrument measures blood pressure?','sphygmomanometer','What is a the technical name for a heart attack?','myocardial infarct','What is acute nasopharyngitis?','A cold','What is another name for consumption?','tuberculosis','What is another name for tuberculosis?','consumption','What was given to children to rid them of threadworm?','salt enema','Who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder?','North American Indians','Who invented the smallpox vaccine?','Edward Jenner','Who was the first to use rubber gloves during surgery?','Dr. W.S. Halstead','As a result of their wearing high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres',' as what were the first US marines known?','leathernecks','What do the letters \'SAM\' mean in SAM missiles?','Surface To Air','What is the mascot of the US naval academy?','goat','What is the naval equivalent of an army Major?','Lieutenant Commander','With which hand do soldiers salute?','right','What forms when a diamond is cut with a laser?','graphite dust','What is also known as the \'bishop\'s stone\'?','amethyst','What is the violet variety of quartz otherwise known as?','amethyst','Approximately how deep are the deepest mines? (in km)','four','In which country is the largest gold refinery?','South Africa','What is the deepest mine in the world?','Western Deep Levels Mine','What is the name of the largest gold refinery?','Rand Refinery','Where are the deepest mines?','South Africa','Graphite dust is formed when what is cut with a laser?','diamond','What are Swedish buns called?','Danishes','What has no reflection',' no shadow',' and can\'t stand the smell of garlic?','vampire','Which man has the most monuments erected in his honour?','Buddha','Which woman has the most monuments erected in her honour?','Virgin Mary','From which team did Marlboro switch its backing to Mclaren in the 1974 season?','BRM','How many pole positions did Ayrton Senna score?','sixty five','In 1976',' James Hunt was disqualified after winning which Grand Prix?','British ','Name the first automobile racetrack in America.','Indianapolis Motor Speedway','Over what time period is the Le Mans endurance motor race?','Twenty four hours','To which team did Marlboro switch its backing from BRM in the 1974 season?','Mclaren','What colours was the Ferrari Formula 1 car in the 1964 US Grand prix?','blue and white','What event marked the 1954 french grand prix?','The return of Mercedes','Where do the Italians host the Grand Prix?','Monza','Which car won the 1953 Italian Grand Prix?','Maserati','Which new engine regulation replaced the 2.5 litre rule at the start of the 1961 season?','1.5 litre rule','Who hosts the Monza Grand Prix?','Italy','Who qualified for pole position in the 1984 Brazilian Grand Prix?','Elio de Angelis','Who was disqualified after winning the 1976 British Grand Prix?','James Hunt','Who was the driver for the Jordan team in the 1998 Grand Prix?','Damon Hill','Who won the 1966 F1 championship?','Jack Brabham','Whose motto is \'Be prepared\'?','Boy Scouts','Who conquered the Matterhorn in 1865?','Edward Whymper','Who was Lauren Bacall\'s first husband?','Humphrey Bogart','About which family are the Godfather films?','Corleone','For which film did Art Carney win best actor Oscar in 1974?','Harry and Tonto','In \'Star Wars\'',' who was C3P0\'s sidekick?','R2D2','In \'The Shining\' what was the child\'s imaginary friend\'s name (the one who told him things that were going to happen)?','Tony','In the \'Nightmare On Elm Street\' films',' who played Freddy Frueger?','Robert Englund','In the film \'American Hot Wax\'',' who did Jay Leno play?','Mookie','In the film \'American Hot Wax\'',' who played the \'Mookie\'?','Jay Leno','In the film \'Hackers\'',' how old was \'zero_kool\' when he was first arrested?','eleven','In the film \'Home Alone\'',' who played the baddies?','Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern','In the film \'Pretty Woman\'',' for who was Goldie Hawn the body double?','Julia Roberts','In the film \'The Day Of The Jackal\'',' who played the Jackal?','Edward Fox','In what did someone squish her hands to make the sound of e.t walking?','jelly','In what film did Whoopi Goldberg make her screen debut?','The Color Purple','In which James Bond film does the villain cheat at golf?','Goldfinger','In which film did Henry Fonda play a fallen priest?','The Fugitive','In which film did Paul Newman and Robert Redford hold hands and jump into a river?','Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid','In which film was Goldie Hawn the body double for Julia Roberts?','Pretty Woman','Juliette Binoch won an academy award for best supporting role in which film?','English Patient','Pancho was whose faithful sidekick?','Cisco Kid\'s','The film \'The Wizard Of ······\'?','Oz','Tippi Hedren is best known for her lead role in which film?','The Birds','Was Shirley Temple 21',' 25 or 29 when she made her last film?','21','What Marlon Brando film was widely banned?','Last Tango In Paris','What did Dorothy\'s house land on in \'The Wizard Of Oz\'?','The Wicked Witch of the West','What film featured a cat named Mr. Bigglesworth?','Austin Powers','What film is generally considered the worst film ever made?','Attack of the Killer Tomatoes','What film marked James Cagney\'s return to the screen after 20 years?','Ragtime','What film starred Helen Hunt',' Gary Elwes and Bill Paxton?','Twister','What film starred Rosie O\'Donnell',' Rita Wilson and Meg Ryan?','Sleepless in Seattle','What is the name of the film in which Steven Segal\'s character dies?','Executive Decision','What is the sequel to the film \'Every Which Way But Loose\'?','Every Which Way You Can','What was Ben Stiller\'s character called in \'Mystery Men\'?','Mr. Furious','What was Eddie Murphy\'s character name in \'Beverley Hills Cop\'?','Axel Foley','What was Garth\'s last name in \'Wayne\'s World\'?','Algar','What was John Wayne\'s real name?','Marion Morrison','What was Keanu Reeves\' computer world alias in \'The Matrix\'?','Neo','What was Keanu Reeves\' first big film?','Point Break','What was Kevin Bacon\'s first big hit?','Footloose','What was painted on Peter Fonda\'s helmet motorcycle helmet in \'Easy Rider\'?','stars and stripes','What was the first film directed by Robert Redford?','Ordinary People','What was the name of the pinball machine in the film \'Tommy\'?','Wizard','What was the name of the two space shuttles in \'Armegeddon\'?','Freedom and Independence','What was used for blood in the film \'psycho\'?','chocolate syrup','Which basketball star played a genie in \'Kazaam\'?','Shaquille O\'Neal','Which film preceded \'Magnum Force\' and \'The Enforcer\'?','Dirty Harry','Which films are about the Corleone family?','The Godfather films','Which was the first \'Indiana Jones\' film?','Raiders Of The Lost Ark','Who appeared in \'St. Elmo\'s Fire\'',' \'The Scarlett Letter\' and \'Striptease\'?','Demi Moore','Who did Charlie Becker play in \'The Wizard of Oz\'?','The mayor of the munchkins','Who directed \'The Shining\'?','Stanley Kubrick','Who directed the film \'Ordinary People\'?','Robert Redford','Who does the voice for Yoda in the Star Wars films?','Frank Oz','Who played \'Johnny Mnemonic\'?','Keanu Reeves','Who played Clyde to Faye Dunaway\'s Bonnie?','Warren Beatty','Who played Dr. Frankenfurter in the pop-culture film \'The Rocky Horror Picture Show?','Tim Curry','Who played Dr. Kildare?','Richard Chamberlain','Who played Eddie in the pop-culture film \'The Rocky Horror Picture Show?','Meatloaf','Who played Hopalong Cassidy?','William Boyd','Who played Louis in \'Interview With The Vampire\'?','Brad Pitt','Who played Queen Amidala in the latest \'Star Wars\' film?','Natalie Portman','Who played in the film \'Ragtime\' after 20 years offscreen?','James Cagney','Who played the \'Universal Soldier\'?','Jean-Claude Van Damme','Who played the mayor of the munchkins in \'The Wizard of Oz\'?','Charlie Becker','Who played the murder victim in the original version of \'Psycho\'?','Janet Leigh','Who played the president of the U.S in \'Air Force One\'?','Harrison Ford','Who played the title role in the \'Mad Max\' series of films?','Mel Gibson','Who played the title role in the 1978 version of \'Superman\'?','Christopher Reeve','Who starred in \'Conan The Barbarian\'?','Arnold Schwarzenegger','Who starred in the 1952 film \'Niagara\'?','Marilyn Monroe','Who starred in the film \'The Man With Two Brains\'?','Steve Martin','Who starred in the film version of \'To Kill A Mockingbird\'?','Gregory Peck','Who was Dr. Zhivago\'s great love?','Lara','Who was John Wayne\'s musical co-star in true grit?','Glen Campbell','Who was Miss Hungary in 1936?','Zsa Zsa Gabor','Who was the Cisco Kid\'s faithful sidekick?','Pancho','Who was the director of \'Terminator\' and \'Titanic\'?','James Cameron','Who was the villain in \'Star Wars\'?','Darth Vader','Who wrote \'Psycho\'?','Alfred Hitchcock','Who wrote \'The Birds\'?','Alfred Hitchcock','Who wrote the classic thriller \'The Birds\'?','Alfred Hitchcock','Whose films include \'Giant\'',' \'Written On The Wind\' and \'A Farewell To Arms\'?','Rock Hudson','In which film did Jay Leno play \'Mookie\'?','American Hot Wax','What animal has the same name as a high church official?','cardinal','\'Hang On Sloopy\' was the official rock song of which band?','Ohio','\'White Room\' was a hit off which Eric Clapton album?','Cream','As what is Merle Haggard also known as?','Okie from Muskogee','Besides the Stones',' which group had the longest touring career until the founder\'s death in 1995?','The Grateful Dead','Bill Justis was a studio musician when he recorded this \'sloppy\' instrumental in october 1957?','Raunchy','Country singer Vince ····?','Gill','Crosby',' Stills and Nash\'s debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes. Name that song.','Sweet Judy Blue Eyes','For whom did Colonel Tom Parker act as manager?','Elvis Presley','Formerly with Spencer Davis',' he went on to form Traffic with Dave Mason. He is?','Steve Winwood','From what platform does the \'Chattanooga Choo Choo\' leave Pennsylvania station?','twenty nine','From which station does the \'Chattanooga Choo Choo\' leave?','Pennsylvania station','Hey! What was the name of the hit song released by \'The Romantics\' in February 1980?','That\'s What I Like About You','How many members are in the \'fairfield four\'?','five','How old was Leann Rhimes when she became a country music star?','fourteen','How old was Leann Rhimes when she recorded her first album?','eleven','In \'La Traviata\'',' what does Violetta sing?','Sempre Libera','In \'La Traviata\'',' who sings \'Sempre Libera\'?','Violetta','In 1958',' who had a pop music hit with \'Willie and the Hand Jive\'?','Johnny Otis','In 1968',' who released \'Carnival of life\' and \'Recital\'?','Lee Michaels','In 1981',' who won song of the year with \'Sailing\'?','Christopher Cross','In 1987',' who released her second album \'Solitude Standing\'?','Suzanne Vega','In a 1976 release',' who wanted to \'fly like an eagle\'?','Steve Miller Band','In late 1957',' Buddy Holly\'s solo release \'Peggy Sue\' challenged which song recorded with The Crickets?','Oh Boy','In the opera \'Don Giovanni\'',' what was Leporello?','servant','In which Verdi opera does Violetta sing \'Sempre Libera\'?','La Traviata','In which opera does Leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover?','Don Giovanni','In which year was George Jones inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame?','1992','Michael di Lorenzo was one of the lead dancers on which Michael Jackson video?','Beat It','R. Kelly sings: \'If I can see it then I can do it',' if I just believe it',' there\'s nothing to it\'. What\'s the song title?','I Believe I Can Fly','Randy Travis said his love was \'deeper than the ······\'?','holler','Savage Garden took 13 nominations and 10 wins at which awards?','ARIA awards','Singer Paula ······?','Abdul','Sung by Robert Palmer',' \'······ to love\'?','Addicted','The first Eurovision Song Contest was in 1951',' 1956 or 1958?','1956','What Don Mclean song laments the day Buddy Holly died?','American Pie','What album holds the world record for copies sold?','Thriller','What are the separators on a guitar neck called?','frets','What classic rock band sang the song \'Paint It',' Black\'?','Rolling Stones','What did George Harrison discover on the Witwatersrand?','gold','What did Sheryl Crow do before she became a singer?','teach','What does the term \'DJ\' mean?','Disc Jockey','What hardcore rock group sings',' \'Blind\' and \'Clown\'?','Korn','What instrument are you playing when you perform a rim shot?','drums','What instrument does an organ grinder play?','hurdy gurdy','What is Cape Town\'s major choir called?','Philharmonic choir','What is Elton John\'s real name?','Reginald Dwight','What is Vanilla Ice\'s real name?','Robert van Winkle','What is a cello\'s full name?','violoncello','What is a violoncello usually called?','cello','What is the name given to the type of West Indian music made famous by artists such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh?','reggae','What is the official birthplace of country music?','Bristol','What song did Elton John and George Michael sing as a duet?','Don\'t Let The Sun Go Down On Me','What song was originally \'Good Morning To You\' before the words were changed and it was published in 1935?','Happy Birthday To You','What song\'s words were changed and then published in 1935 as \'Happy Birthday To You\'?','Good Morning To You','What was Elvis Presley\'s twin brother\'s name?','Garon','What was Jethro Tull before donating his name to a British epic rock group?','agriculturist','What was the average age of United States soldiers in the Vietnam war?','nineteen','What was the first CD pressed in the USA?','Born In The USA','What was the original name of Paul McCartney\'s fictional church cleaner \'Eleanor Rigby\'?','Miss Daisy Hawkins','Where did George Harrison discover gold?','Witwatersrand','Where is the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame?','Cleveland',' Ohio','Which 1960\'s group sang a song inspired by \'Alice In Wonderland\'?','The Jefferson Airplane','Which 1980\'s Pink Floyd album was made into a film that starred Bob Geldof',' and featured the artwork of cartoonist Gerald Scarfe?','The Wall','Which Australian duo took 13 nominations and 10 wins at the ARIA awards?','Savage Garden','Which Elton John song was re-recorded as a requiem for Lady Diana Spencer?','Candle In The Wind','Which country and western singer is known as the \'okie from muskogee\'?','Merle Haggard','Which singer is a former school teacher?','Sheryl Crow','Which singer/songwriter worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded \'Aint No Sunshine\'?','Bill Withers','Who \'imagined\' a better world?','John Lennon','Who advised us to \'break on through to the other side\'?','Jim Morrison (of The Doors)','Who appeared solo at the Woodstock festival after leaving \'The Lovin\' Spoonful\'?','John Sebastian','Who began his career with \'The Yardbirds\' and established himself as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation?','Eric Clapton','Who began his professional career with Black Sabbath?','Ozzy Osbourne','Who collaborated with John Lennon on \'Whatever Gets You Through The Night\'?','Elton John','Who did a version of \'One Bourbon',' One Scotch',' One Beer\' on his 1977 debut album?','George Thorogood','Who did the music for the 1970\'s film \'Saturday Night Fever\'?','Bee Gees','Who discovered gold on the Witwatersrand?','George Harrison','Who founded \'Live Aid\' and \'Band Aid\'?','Bob Geldof','Who is Reginald Dwight known as?','Elton John','Who is Robert van Winkle?','Vanilla Ice','Who is the elder statesman of \'british blues\'',' and fronted \'The Bluesbreakers\'?','John Mayall','Who is the lead singer of \'The Doors\'?','Jim Morrison','Who is the only singer to have no.1 hits in the 50\'s',' 60\'s',' 70\'s',' 80\'s and 90\'s?','Cliff Richard','Who produced \'Sgt Pepper\'s Lonely Hearts Club Band\'?','George Martin','Who recorded \'A Boy Named Sue\'?','Johnny Cash','Who released \'Time',' Love and Tenderness\' in 1981?','Michael Bolton','Who released \'Tuesday Night Music Club\' in 1993?','Sheryl Crow','Who released a chart-busting album in 1976 which featured \'The Lido Shuffle\'?','Boz Scaggs','Who released the double album \'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\' in 1973?','Elton John','Who sang \'All Right Now\'?','Free','Who sang \'Any Way You Want Me\'?','Elvis Presley','Who sang \'Bad Case Of Loving You\'?','Robert Palmer','Who sang \'Beat It\'?','Michael Jackson','Who sang \'Beauty and the Beast\'?','Celine Dion','Who sang \'Born In The USA\'?','Bruce Springsteen','Who sang \'Forever and Ever',' Amen\'?','Randy Travis','Who sang \'Good Morning To You?','Mildred and Patty Hill','Who sang \'I\'m A Believer\'?','Monkees','Who sang \'In The Air Tonight\'?','Phil Collins','Who sang \'Islands In The Stream\' with Dolly Parton?','Kenny Rogers','Who sang \'Islands In The Stream\' with Kenny Rogers?','Dolly Parton','Who sang \'Jet Airliner\'?','Steve Miller Band','Who sang \'Rescue Me\'?','Fontella Bass','Who sang \'That\'s Alright Mama\'?','Elvis Presley','Who sang \'We\'ve only just begun\'?','Carpenters','Who sang \'You Can Call Me Al\'?','Paul Simon','Who sang about \'Commitment\'?','Leann Rhimes','Who sang about \'The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B\'?','The Andrews Sisters','Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones?','The Beatles','Who sang for \'Bad company\' and \'Free\'',' then went out on his own?','Paul Rodgers','Who sang with \'The Dakotas\'?','Billy J. Kramer','Who sings \'Sweet Home Alabama\'?','Lynyrd Skynyrd','Who wanted \'a lover with a slow hand\'?','The Pointer Sisters','Who wanted \'a new drug\'?','Huey Lewis and The News','Who was \'hooked on a feeling\'?','Blue Suede','Who was a member of \'Crosby',' Stills and Nash\' and \'The Hollies\'?','Graham Nash','Who was the Indian maiden in Johnny Preston\'s \'Running Bear\'?','Little White Dove','Who was the first female to enter the Billboard charts in 1985?','Whitney Houston','Who was the oldest member of The Beatles?','Ringo Starr','Who was the only songwriter to win the Eurovision Song Contest twice?','Johnny Logan','Who wrote \'Roll Over Beethoven\'?','Chuck Berry','Who wrote the opera \'The Giant\'?','Sergei Prokofiev','Who wrote the opera \'The Masked Ball\'?','Guiseppe Verdi','Who wrote the opera \'Tosca\'?','Giacomo Puccini','Who wrote the opera \'norma\'?','Vincenzo Bellini','Who wrote the oprea \'La Traviata\'?','Guiseppe Verdi','Who wrote the song \'Do They Know It\'s Christmas\' with Bob Geldof?','Midge Ure','Who wrote the song \'Do They Know It\'s Christmas\' with Midge Ure?','Bob Geldof','Who\'s first release was \'Talking Heads 77\'?','Psycho Killer','····· in the name of love?','Stop','What license plate number is on the Volkswagon on the cover of The Beatles\' \'Abbey Road\' Album?','281F','In Greek mythology',' the riddle of what did Oedipus solve?','sphinx','Apollo was the Greek god of ······?','prophecy and archery','Dionysus was the greek god of ······?','Wine','In Egyptian mythology',' what is the life force called?','Ka','In Egyptian mythology',' who is known as the god of the desert?','Ash','In Egyptian mythology',' who is the god of the underworld?','Cherti','In Egyptian mythology',' who was Horus\' mother?','Isis','In Egyptian mythology',' who was Isis the wife of?','Osiris','In English mythology',' who caused the death of the Lady of Shallot?','Sir Lancelot','In Greek mythology who did Athena turn into a spider?','Arachne','In Greek mythology',' how many heads did Hydra have?','nine','In Greek mythology',' into what did Athena turn Arachne?','spider','In Greek mythology',' what animal is associated with Athena?','owl','In Greek mythology',' what did Daedalus construct for Minos?','labyrinth','In Greek mythology',' what was Minos the king of?','Crete','In Greek mythology',' where did Perseus kill his grandfather?','Larrisan games','In Greek mythology',' who did Jocasta marry?','Oedipus','In Greek mythology',' who did Minos hire to construct the labyrinth?','Daedalus','In Greek mythology',' who had nine heads?','Hydra','In Greek mythology',' who hired Daedalus to construct the labyrinth?','Minos','In Greek mythology',' who ruled over the island of Samos?','Polycrates','In Greek mythology',' who solved the riddle of the Sphinx?','Oedipus','In Greek mythology',' who turned Arachne into a spider?','Athena','In Greek mythology',' who was Jason\'s wife?','Medea','In Greek mythology',' who was Medea\'s husband?','Jason','In Greek mythology',' who was the only mortal gorgon?','Medusa','In Greek mythology',' who was the son of Peleus and Thetis?','Achilles','In Greek mythology',' who were Achilles\' parents?','Peleus and Thetis','Neptune was the Roman god of the ······?','sea','Persephone was the Greek goddess of ······?','spring','Poseidon was the Greek god of the ······?','sea','What mythical Scottish town appears for one day every 100 years?','Brigadoon','Which Norse god had the Valkyries as handmaidens?','Odin','Which Titan had snakes for hair?','Medusa','Who did the Norse god Odin have as handmaidens?','Valkyries','Who is the Greek messenger god?','Hermes','Who is the Norse god of lightning?','Odin','Who is the Norse god of mischief?','Loki','Who is the Norse god of thunder and war?','Thor','Who is the mother of Apollo and Artemis?','Leto','Who was Hercules\' father?','Zeus','Who was Hercules\' stepmother?','Hera','Who was the Greek god of fire?','Hephaestus','Who was the Greek god of prophecy and archery?','Apollo','Who was the Greek god of wine?','Dionysus','Who was the Greek goddess of spring?','Persephone','Who',' in Egyptian mythology',' is the god of the dead?','Aker','Which people invented the compass?','Chinese','Approximately how many pounds of salt is in every gallon of seawater?','one quarter','At which time of year do children grow fastest?','springtime','By what process is rock worn down by the weather?','erosion','During pregnancy',' how many times its normal size does the human uterus expand?','five hundred','How many hearts do earthworms have?','five','Of what do earthworms have five?','hearts','What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if it is frightened?','armadillo','What has approximately 1/4 pound of salt in every gallon?','seawater','What is the heart rate of the blue whale? (in beats per minute)','nine','When does the human uterus expand 500 times its normal size?','during pregnancy','Eras are divided into units called ········?','periods','What can be either new',' last or gibbous?','The moon','Who sat on her tuffet?','Little Miss Muffet','In the song \'Skip To My Lou\'',' in what beverage are the flies?','Buttermilk','Where did Little Miss Muffet sit?','On her tuffet','Who is Mother Goose\'s son?','Jack','Is wholemeal bread brown or white?','brown','Lack of Vitamin D causes which disease?','rickets','Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin?','vitamin D','Six ounces of orange juice contains the minimum daily requirement for which vitamin?','vitamin C','What does iron deficiency cause?','anaemia','What makes brown bread healthier than white bread?','wholemeal','Basmati is a type of what?','Rice','What does a notaphile collect?','Banknotes','What does a philluminist collect?','Match box labels','What does an ombrometer measure?','rainfall','What is a \'funambulist\'?','A tightrope walker','What is a pugilist?','boxer','What is another name for a  tightrope walker?','funambulist','What is someone who collects banknotes called?','Notaphile','With what is rainfall measured?','ombrometer','What is a \'somnambulist\'?','sleepwalker','Which south african oil company has estblished the only commercially proven \'oil from coal\' operations in the world?','Sasol','In ancient Greece',' where were the original Olympics held?','Olympia','The Olympic motto \'citius',' altius',' fortius\' means what?','Faster',' higher',' stronger','What is the Olympic motto in the original Latin?','Citius',' altius',' fortius','Where were the 1956 Summer Olympics held?','Melbourne',' Australia','Where were the 1960 summer Olympics held?','Rome',' Italy','Who did Zola Budd trip in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?','Mary Decker','Who tripped Mary Decker in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?','Zola Budd','Approximately how many spoons are there in the New Jersey Spoon Museum?','5400','How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series?','seventy five','In \'Star Trek\' Jean ······ Picard?','Luc','In \'Star Trek\'',' what is Data\'s rank?','Lieutenant Commander','In \'Star Trek\'',' who was the captain of the \'Enterprise C\'?','Rachel Garret','What is the registry number of the enterprise in the original Star Trek?','NCC 1701','Who played Deanna Troi in \'Star Trek The Next Generation\'?','Marina Sirtis','What colour on black produces the most visible combination?','yellow','On maps',' what is the technical name for the \'you are here\' arrow?','ideo locator','The last line of which document is \'working men of all countries',' unite!\'?','Communist Manifesto','At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow? (in degrees)','forty ','Waves \'break\' when their height is how much more than the depth of the water?','seven tenths','What is the name given to elementary particles originating in the sun and other stars',' that continuously rain down on the earth?','cosmic rays','In England',' what is the Speaker of the House not allowed to do?','speak','Of which island do Ireland',' Britain',' Iceland and Norway dispute ownership?','Rockall','What does Israel call its parliament?','Knesset','Which island do the nationalist Chinese occupy?','Taiwan','Which nation calls its parliament \'The Knesset\'?','Israel','Who succeeded Charles de Gaulle as president of France?','Georges Pompidour','What colour lenses are required to view a 3-D film?','red and green','Who invented popsicles?','Frank Epperson','As who is Vincent Furnier known?','Alice Cooper','What is Alice Cooper\'s real name?','Vincent Furnier','What is Conway Twitty\'s real name?','Harold Lloyd Jenkins','What is Harold Lloyd Jenkins\' stage name?','Conway Twitty','What is Wynonna Judd\'s real name?','Christina Clair Ciminella','Who is Anne Mae Bullock better known as?','Tina Turner','Who is Christina Claire Ciminella otherwise known as?','Wynonna Judd','Approximately how many dreams does a person have every year?','1460','Of what did Sigmund Freud have a morbid fear?','ferns','Who wrote \'Sexual Behavior In The Human Male\' in 1948?','Alfred Kinsey','With what branch of medicine is Franz Mesmer associated?','hypnotism','New York has the longest subway system in ······?','North America','What city has the most underground stations in the world?','New York','Who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes \'Tae Bo\'?','Billy Blanks','What is the common name for lysergic acid diethylamide?','LSD','What does the \'c\' in the equation e=mc^2 stand for?','speed of light','A catholic minister is known as a?','Priest','In what city does a certain church forbid burping or sneezing?','Omaha',' Nebraska','Of the 266 popes',' how many died violently?','thirty three','To where do Muslims make pilgrimage?','Mecca','What is God called in the Muslim faith?','Allah','What is a person who has made a pilgimage to Mecca?','Hajji','What religious movement was founded by William Booth?','Salvation Army','Who founded the Salvation Army?','William Booth','What are 35% of people using personal ads for dating?','married','St Frideswide the patron saint ······?','Oxford','St Patrick the patron saint of ······?','Ireland','St. Bernard the patron saint of ·····?','skiers','St. Christopher the patron saint of ······?','travellers','Who is the patron saint of skiers?','St. Bernard','What country has the third most satellites in orbit?','France','As what is minus forty celcius the same?','minus forty fahrenheit','As what is minus forty fahrenheit the same?','minus forty celcius','How many beams of light are used to record a holograph?','two','In what does a rhinologist specialise?','human nose','In what was the strength of early lasers measured?','gillettes','In which branch of science are monocotyledon and dicotyledon terms?','Botany','Meteorology is the study of ······?','weather','Of what did Aristotle say all things were made up?','air',' earth',' fire',' and water','Of what is genetics the study?','heredity','Paedology is the study of ...... ?','soil','What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895?','X-rays','What does breaking the sound barrier cause?','A sonic boom','What does the Rankine scale measure?','temperature','What is name applied to the study of soil?','paedology','What is the number of blue razor blades a given beam can puncture?','gillette','What is the scientific name for brimstone?','sulphur','What is the scientific name for earth\'s outer layer of surface soil or crust?','lithosphere','What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals?','paleontology','What is the study of the composition of substances and the changes they undergo?','chemistry','What is the study of the earth\'s physical divisions termed?','Geography','What is the term that refers to the search for the existence of ghosts?','eidology','What was the first recorded message?','Mary had a little lamb','Which freezes faster - hot or cold water?','hot','Who developed the laws of electrolysis?','Michael Faraday','Who discovered X-rays?','Wilhelm Roentgen','Who first transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic?','Enrico Marconi','Who said all things were made up of air',' earth',' fire',' and water?','Aristotle','Who spoke the first recorded message?','Thomas Edison','X-rays were discovered in 1850',' 1895 or 1924?','1895','What is the boy scout motto?','Be prepared','Who founded the Boy Scouts?','Lord Baden Powell','How many legs does a crab have?','ten','What is cerumen?','earwax','What is the scientific name for earwax?','cerumen','What is a female calf called?','heifer','What is a female cat called?','queen','What is a male cat called?','tom','What is a resident of Manchester called?','Mancunian','What is a resident of liverpool?','Liverpudlian','What is another word for a female sheep?','ewe','What is podobromhidrosis?','Smelly feet','What is the name given to male sheep?','ram','What is the name given to the switching of letters in an expression (e.g. saying Jag of Flapan instead of Flag of Japan)?','spoonerism','What is the study of weather technically called?','meteorology','What is a person who makes barrels called?','cooper','What is the covering on the tip of a shoelace called?','aglet','After who was Deana Carter named?','Dean Martin','What instrument does Woody Allen play?','clarinet','What is Cher\'s maiden name?','Sarkassian','What is Tina Turner\'s real name?','Anne Mae Bullock','What is tattooed on Glen Campbell\'s arm?','dagger','What musical instrument did Jack Benny play?','violin','What was Betty Grable\'s nickname?','The Legs','What was Don Rickles\' nickname?','Mr. Warmth','Who is Melanie Griffith\'s mother?','Tippi Hedren','Who is Tippi Hedren\'s daughter?','Melanie Griffith','Who is married to Eddie Van Halen?','Valerie Bertanelli','Who is married to Valerie Bertanelli?','Eddie Van Halen','Who married Mutt Lange?','Shania Twain','Who married Shania Twain?','Robert \"Mutt\" Lange','Who said \'you\'d be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap\'?','Dolly Parton','As neat as a ······?','pin','In which state is the Houston Space Centre?','Texas','What is the biggest criterion for prospective astronauts?','eyesight','As who is Cassius Clay now known?','Mohammed Ali','Baseball: The Atlanta ······?','Braves','Baseball: The Boston ······?','Red Sox','Baseball: The Chicago ······?','Cubs','Baseball: The Cleveland ······?','Indians','Baseball: The Florida ······?','Marlins','Baseball: The Houston ······?','Astros','Baseball: The Kansas City ······?','Royals','Baseball: The Milwaukee ······?','Brewers','Baseball: The New York ······?','Mets','Baseball: The Philadelphia ······?','Phillies','Baseball: The St. Louis ······?','Cardinals','Baseball: The Texas ······?','Rangers','Basketball: The Denver ······?','Nuggets','Football: The Chicago ······?','Bears','Football: The Dallas ······?','Cowboys','Football: The Denver ····?','Broncos','Football: The Pittsburgh ······?','Steelers','Football: The San Diego ······?','Chargers','Hockey: The Calgary ·······?','Flames','Hockey: The Toronto ······?','Maple Leafs','How many dimples does a golf ball have?','three hundred and thirty six','How many sides does a baseball homeplate have?','five','How many stitches are on a regulation baseball?','108','In baseball',' who won their first world series in 1969?','New York Mets','In hockey',' what is the equivalent of a rugby scrum?','face-off','In rugby',' what is the equivalent of a hockey face-off?','scrum','In showjumping',' how many points are incurred for knocking down a fence?','four','In what sport did the word \'crestfallen\' originate?','cockfighting','In what sport do you find \'coursing\'?','greyhound racing','In what sport is the term \'terminal speed\' used?','Drag Racing','Other than England',' which european country took part in the 1996 cricket World Cup?','Netherlands','Other than skiing',' which sport takes place on a piste?','fencing','The first cricket one-day international was held between england and ······?','Australia','What are the two basic aids in orienteering?','map and compass','What is soccer star Pele\'s real name?','Edson Arantes do Nascimento','What is the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round?','fourteen','What is the misshapen ear that boxers often have called?','cauliflower ear','What is the name given to a rower who competes in an individual event?','sculler','What is the regulation height for a pin in tenpin bowling? (in inches)','fifteen','What is the score of a forfeited baseball game?','9-0','What is the score of a forfeited softball game?','7-0','What nationality is Gabriela Sabatini?','Argentinian','What sport has sprint',' tandem and team pursuit events?','cycling','What sport is sometimes called \'rugger\'?','rugby union','What sport/game is Chris Evert associated with?','tennis','What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL playoffs?','Stanley Cup','What was Jack Nicklaus\' nickname?','Golden Bear','What was Mohammed Ali\'s original name?','Cassius Clay','When did the New York Mets win their first World Series?','1969','Where is Capitol Hill?','Washington DC','Which country always leads the opening Olympic procession?','Greece','Which cricket player holds the world record for the highest individual score in first-class cricket?','Brian Lara','Which sport allows substitutions without stoppage in play?','hockey','Which tennis star wore denim shorts during matches?','Andre Agassi','Who did \'Tennis World\' name rookie of the year in 1974?','Martina Navratilova','Who had the nickname \'Golden Bear\'?','Jack Nicklaus','Who has played in the most consecutive baseball games?','Cal Ripken Jr','Who holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during a regular season?','Wayne Gretzky','Who hosted the 1999 cricket World Cup?','England','Who is Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known as?','Pele','Who was the 1990 Wimbledon women\'s singles runner-up?','Zina Garrison','Who was the NBA MVP in 1976',' 1977 and 1980?','Kareem Abdul-Jabbar','Who was the NBA\'s most valuable player in 1976',' 1977 and 1980?','Kareem Abdul-Jabbar','Who was the last Briton to win the men\'s singles at Wimbledon?','Fred Perry','Who was the only boxer to knock out Mohammed Ali?','Larry Holmes','Who won the 1982 soccer world cup?','Italy','With what sport is Chris Boardman associated?','cycling','With what sport is Gabriela Sabatini associated?','tennis','With what sport is Jack Nicklaus associated?','golf','With what did cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi frequently play with in his hands?','glass eye','What swimming stroke is named after an insect?','butterfly','How many tentacles does a squid have?','ten','What were comfrey baths were believed to restore?','virginity','According to superstition',' what do you make when you stub the toes on your right foot?','A wish','What did Captain Matthew Webb swim first?','English Channel','As who is Terry Bollea known?','Hulk Hogan','For which ad campaign was the line \'I can\'t believe I ate the whole thing\' used?','Alka Seltzer','From where was Ricky in \'I Love Lucy\'?','Cuba','In \'Coronation Street\'',' who is Ken and Denise\'s son?','Daniel','In the TV series \'Seinfeld\'',' who does Michael Richards play?','Kramer','In the TV series \'Seinfeld\'',' who plays Kramer?','Michael Richards','In the TV series \'The Brady Bunch\'',' what was Cindy\'s toy doll\'s name?','Kitty Carrie All','In the TV series \'The Fall Guy\'',' who did Lee Majors play?','Colt Seavers','In the TV series \'The Fall Guy\'',' who played Colt Seavers?','Lee Majors','In the TV sitcom \'Married With Children\'',' what is the dog\'s name?','Buck','In the children\'s tv series \'Sesame Street\'',' what two characters were roomates?','Bert and Ernie','Kelsey Grammar sings and plays the theme song for which TV show?','Frasier','On \'Dragnet\'',' who played officer Bill Gannon?','Harry Morgan','On \'The Lucy Show\'',' who played Vivian Bagley?','Vivian Vance','TV series: \'American ······\'?','Bandstand','To which elemetary school did TV\'s \'Brady Bunch\' go?','Dixie Canyon Elementary','What TV network features programming just for children?','Nickelodeon','What TV series from 1970-1974 starred Susan Dey?','Partridge Family','What did Dr. David Banner become when he got angry?','The Incredible Hulk','What is Hulk Hogan\'s real name?','Terry Bollea','What is Kermit D Frog\'s girlfriend\'s name?','Miss Piggy','What is the drummer\'s name in \'The Muppet Show\'?','Animal','What is the frog\'s name in \'The Muppet Show\'?','Kermit D Frog','What is the name of Jaleel White\'s character in the tv series \'Family ties\'?','Steve Erkel','What night club did Ricky work at on \'I Love Lucy\'?','The Tropicana','What show/game has characters such as Bulbasaur and Pikachu?','Pokemon','What was Lucy\'s maiden name on \'I Love Lucy\'?','McGillicuddy','What was the name of Ross\' pet monkey on \'Friends\'?','Marcel','When did the series \'Lost In Space\' premier on CBS?','1965','Which famous male actor made his name in \'I Dream Of Jeannie\'?','Larry Hagman','Who did Larry Hagman portray in the TV series \'Dallas\'?','J.R. Ewing','Who did Pat Sajak play on the soapie \'Days Of Our Lives\'?','Kevin Hathaway','Who did Patrick Duffy portray in the TV series \'Dallas\'?','Bobby Ewing','Who did Vivian Vance play on \'The Lucy Show\'?','Vivian Bagley','Who killed Kenny?','They','Who played Bobby Ewing in the TV series \'Dallas\'?','Patrick Duffy','Who played George Costanza on \'Seinfeld\'?','Jason Alexander','Who played Kevin Hathaway on the soapie \'Days Of Our Lives\'?','Pat Sajak','Who played Steve Erkel in \'Family Matters\'?','Jaleel White','Who played commander Riker in \'Star Trek\'?','Jonathan Frakes','Who plays many voices',' such as Dr Nick',' and Moe on \'The Simpsons\'?','Hank Azaria','Who sings and plays the theme song for the TV show \'Frasier\'?','Kelsey Grammar','Who starred as \'ouboet\' in the first TV series of \'Orkney Snork Nie\'?','Frank Opperman','Who was the alter ego of \'The Incredible Hulk\'?','Dr. David Banner','Who were Lucy and Ricky\'s next door neighbours and best friends?','Fred and Ethel','Over what place in india is it forbidden to fly an airplane?','Taj Mahal','What colour thread is used for filigree?','silver or gold','What was the name of the first space shuttle ever built?','Enterprise','In the opera \'La Traviata\'',' what was Violetta\'s occupation?','courtesan','Which is the largest theme resort hotel?','Lost City','What can be tulip',' balloon or flute?','wine glasses','From what were balloons originally made?','animal bladders','What toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal?','balloon','What city does Orly airport serve?','Paris','Which airline has the registration prefix \'VR\'?','Cathay Pacific','Which city is served by Ringway Airport?','Manchester','5% of Canadians don\'t know the first seven words of the Canadian anthem',' but know the first nine words of which anthem?','The American anthem','7% of Americans don\'t know the first nine words of the American anthem',' but know the first seven words of which anthem?','Canadian anthem','Betsy Ross is the only real person to ever have been the head of a ······?','Pez dispenser','How much do nine pennies weigh?','one ounce','Like what can a fully ripened cranberry be dribbled?','basketball','Of what are throat',' foxing and platform parts?','shoe','What have woodpecker scalps',' porpoise teeth and giraffe tails all been used as?','money','What is \'mother\'s ruin\'?','gin','What is the range',' in miles',' of an Aim-7 Sparrow?','twenty eight ','What keeps one from crying when peeling onions?','chewing gum','Who is the only real person to ever have been the head on a Pez dispenser?','Betsy Ross','How long is the longest tunnel? (in kms)','one hundred and sixty nine','The world\'s longest tunnel connects Delaware and ······?','New York','The world\'s longest tunnel connects New York and ······?','Delaware','What is the world\'s longest tunnel?','The Water Supply Tunnel','Where is the Kennedy Space Centre?','Cape Canaveral',' Florida','In the USA',' for how many years is a patent good?','seventeen ','In what year was the first black mayor of Chicago elected?','1983','What is on a 5000 acre landfill at the head of Jamaica Bay near New York City?','John F. Kennedy Airport','What is the most popular street name in the US?','Park Street','What was Nancy Davis Reagan\'s birth name?','Anne Frances Robbins','What was the Statue Of Liberty originally named?','Liberty Enlightening The World','Where is Stone Mountain?','Atlanta','Where were Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore freshman roommates?','Harvard University','Which city is a \'player with railroads',' and the nation\'s freight handler\'?','Chicago','Which two cities are known as the twin cities?','Minneapolis and Saint Paul','Who is the only man to have been both chief justice and president of the US?','William Taft','Who was Al Gore\'s freshman roommate at Harvard?','Tommy Lee Jones','Who was Tommy Lee Jones\' freshman roommate at Harvard?','Al Gore','Who was born Anne Frances Robbins?','Nancy Davis Reagan','Who was born Sarah Jane Fulks?','Jane Wyman Reagan','Who was the first black mayor of Chicago?','Harold Washington','What was Jane Wyman Reagan\'s birth name?','Sarah Jane Fulks','If locked in a completely sealed room',' of what will you die before you suffocate?','carbon monoxide poisoning','Where is the biggest calibre cannon?','Kremlin','Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth?','six thousand','Which country holds the record for most snowfall in a day',' recorded February 7',' 1916?','Alaska','What is 9 metres high',' 7 metres wide and 2','500 kilometres long?','Great Wall of China','Good Rhine wines are bottled in what colour bottles?','brown','How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?','All the wood that a wood chuck could if a wood chuck could chuck wood','Which word is related to these three: rat',' blue',' cottage?','cheese','Cattle are bovine',' sheep are ······ ?','ovine','Pardon?','FORgive','What arabian peninsula nations recently merged under communist leadership?','Yemen','What is a calm ocean region near the equator called?','doldrums','Which british group recorded the 1983 hit \'Owner Of A Lonely Heart\'?','Yes','Baseball: The San Diego ·······?','Padres','If Brazil had won the 1998 tournament',' how many times would they have won the soccer World Cup?','five','If body temperature was 86 degrees',' how many years would a man man live?','two hundred','In 1986',' what was the maximum fuel capacity (in litres) imposed in Formula 1 racing?','195','What was the name of Buffy\'s doll in the 1970\'s show \'Family Affair\'?','Mrs. Beasley','When was the date of the Christian festival Easter fixed by the Council of Nicaea?','325 AD','Which film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer won the Oscar for best picture in 1965?','The Sound Of Music','Which two teams automatically qualified for the France \'98 soccer world cup?','France and Brazil','Which substance has the chemical formula H2SO4?','sulfuric acid','What composer was working on his 10th symphony at the time of his death?','Ludwig van Beethoven','Sartre',' de Beauvior and Camus all belonged to this philosophical movement.','Existentialism','Indifference to pleasure or pain',' Greek philosophical system following the teachings of Zeno.','stoicism','What does SOS stand for','Save Our Souls','What does the abbreviation N/A mean?','not applicable','What statuette is awarded annually for the best television commercial?','Clio','What is the national airline of Indonesia?','Garuda','These glands are located on top of the kidneys.','Adrenal','Whats the technical name for the skull ?','Cranium','These essential body cells do not contain nuclei.','red blood cells','In the animal kingdom',' if reptiles are in class reptilia',' then birds are in class ____','aves','Often hunted for its fur',' this South American rodent bathes in dust and is often sold in the pet trade.','chinchilla','On Borneo and Sumatra',' the literal translation of this ape\'s name means \"man of the forest.\"','orangutan','Term for an emasculated male pig','barrow','The closest living relative of this African mammal is the giraffe.','Okapi','The insect class \"hymenoptera\" includes ants and these colonial honey-makers.','bees','The silkworm only eats the leaves of what plant?','mulberry','What aminal is the logo of the World Wildlife Fund?','panda','Which is a small',' flightless bird is also New Zealand\'s national symbol?','kiwi','Which plant is known for attracting hummingbirds?','hibiscus','The Komodo Dragon',' the biggest known lizard to science',' is endemic to the Komodo islands of what country?','Indonesia','French impressionist Claude -----','Monet','Spanish modernist Pablo -------','Picasso','The surrealist painter Salvador Dali was a native of which country?','Spain','What are arranged in the Japanese art of Ikebana?','flowers','Which date starts the astrological year?','March 21','At the equator',' what is the brightest star in the night sky?','Sirius','Excluding the sun',' what star is closest to the earth?','Proxima Centauri (aka Alpha Centauri)','In which constellation would you look to find the center of The Milky Way?','Sagittarius','Mercury\'s period of orbit takes how many earth days?','eighty eight','Phobos and Deimos are the moons of which planet?','Mars','The four Galilean moons of Jupiter are: Callisto',' Io',' Ganymede',' and _________ ','Europa','This astronomer had a metal nose','Tycho Brahe','What is the sixth planet from our sun?','Saturn','Which astronomer first observed 4 moons of Jupiter in 1610?','Galileo','Which planet is 6th from the sun?','Saturn','Who are the four major moons of Jupiter named after?','Galileo','What is the heaviest element that can be formed by regular fusion reactions in the core of a star?','iron','This drink is made from espresso coffee',' steamed milk and chocolate.','Mocha','The latin word for lips is:','labia','What chemical compound causes pain in muscles after exercise?','lactic acid','What is the birthstone for February?','Amethyst','Linen is obtained from the fibers of what plant?','flax','The leaves of the tomato plant are poisonous',' they contain ________','strychnine','This plant has leaves with delicate trigger hairs',' allowing it to sense and trap insects.','venus flytrap','This spikey succulent',' native of Africa is often an additive in creams and lotions.','aloe vera','What gives leaves their colour ?','Chlorophyll','What is the term for a tree which sheds its foliage at the end of the growing season?','deciduous','What is the term for the group of plants that catch and digest insects?','carnivorous','Tarzan had a chimpanzee',' what was his name?','Cheta','What is Peter Parker\'s secret identity?','Spiderman','What is the name of Yogi Bear\'s best freind','Boo Boo','What was the name of Barney and Betty Rubble\'s son?','Bam Bam','Fat Albert and friends was created by ...... ?','Bill Cosby','Ascorbic acid is commonly reffered to as Vitamin - ?','C','Coal is predominantly made up of this element.','carbon','In organic chemistry nomenclature',' the prefix \"meth\" means how many atoms of carbon?','one','The chemical compound sodium chloride is often sprinkled on food before ingestion. What is it\'s common name?','salt','This Latin word meaning \"iron\" is the reason for iron\'s modern day chemical symbol (Fe).','ferrium','What element is represented by the symbol W?','tungsten','What foul smelling compound is commonly known as rotten egg gas?','hydrogen sulphide','What is the chemical symbol for californium?','Cf','What is the chemical symbol for curium?','Cm','What is the chemical symbol for einsteinium?','Es','What is the chemical symbol for lead?','Pb','What is the chemical symbol for mercury?','Hg','What is the chemical symbol for radium?','Ra','What is the chemical symbol for radon?','Rn','What is the chemical symbol for tungsten?','W','What is the heaviest of the naturally occuring Noble gases?','Radon','What is the modern name for Plumbum?','lead','What is the most reactive element?','flourine','Whats the chemical symbol for Helium ?','He','When traces of a calcium compound are held in a bunsen flame',' the colour of the flame changes to ...?','red','Which Russian chemist founded our modern periodic table?','Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev','Which chemical element was foremerly known as the latin \"Kalium\"',' hence bears the symbol \"K\"?','potassium','Which isotope of carbon is used for dating (give number) ?','14','Which substance has the chemical formula  H3PO4?','phosphoric acid','Which substance has the chemical formula HCl?','hydrochloric acid','Which substance has the chemical formula HNO3?','Nitric Acid','Which substance has the chemical formula NaOH?','Sodium Hydroxide','Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Pa?','protactinium','The pen is mightier then the ......','sword','To make Drambuie',' you add some honey to what type of whiskey?','Scotch','Vodka or gin',' ____ juice and sugar make a gimlet.','lime','A meaningless distraction is a ... herring.','red','How many is a baker\'s dozen?','thirteen','What is often refferred to as \"the oldest profession\"?','prostitution','What does DMA stand for?','Direct Memory Access','What does the acronym COBOL stand for?','Common Business Oriented Language','Who owns Weight Watchers?','Heinz Foods','What term is given to the center of a black hole?','singularity','Who wrote \'A Brief History of Time\'?','Stephen Hawking','What country has the highest kidnapping rate?','Colombia','Australian Ratite (3)','emu','Joie de _______ (5)','Vivre','A chinese imperial dragon has how many toes?','five','What is the monetary unit of Malaysia?','ringgit','From which country is UN Secretary General Kofi Annan?','Ghana','Who is the current Secretary General of the United Nations?','Kofi Annan','In which country is the importation of bubble gum illegal?','Singapore','An iron hook with a handle used for landing large fish.','gaff','The practice of women taking more than one husband is called?','polyandry','A catalogue of words and synonyms.','thesaurus','-isms: A psychological disorder marked by self absorption',' short attention span and an inability to treat others as people.','autism','A form of government where the ruler is the absolute dicatator',' unhindered by laws or constitutional government.','Totalitarianism','The greyhound',' along with this smaller relative',' is used in the sport of coursing.','whippet','Heroin is derived from which plant?','Opium poppy','What does LED stand for?','Light Emitting Diode','What is the longest running musical in Broadway history?','Cats','What is the world\'s largest insect?','Goliath beetle','Which country is the world\'s biggest gold producer?','South Africa','French farmers get help from this barnyard animal to dig out truffles.','pig','On which item of clothing are the letters YKK often found?','zipper','How many stars are there on Brazil\'s flag?','twenty three','The Lebanese flag bears which tree?','Cedar','Ethanoic (or acetic) acid is the major constituent of which everyday condiment?','vinegar','This spiny fruit with a pungent odor and rich yellow flesh is considered \"The King of Fruits\" by many southeast asians.','durian','What is the animal product used in the making of the Italian dessert \'cassata\'?','egg whites','These beans are the most often used in the production of bean sprouts.','mung beans','Which fruit has the most calories per gram?','avocado','From which country does the \'lassi\' originate?','India','Tequila is made from an extract of which species of cactus?','Agave','The agave cactus is the source of which liquor?','tequila','What is the name given to the watery part of milk left after making cheese?','whey','In snooker',' how many points are accumulated in a perfect break?','one hundred and forty seven','In the game of chess',' which piece has the most freedom to move?','queen','This chess term means \"in passing\"','en passant','What are a cheesboard\'s vertical rows called?','files','What are a chessboard\'s horizontal rows called?','ranks','This weapon lends its name to a type of woman\'s shoe with a slender',' tapered high-heel.','Stiletto','What is this sign called \"*\"?','asterisk','How many lines make up a number on a digital clock?','Seven','In which country would you find the spectacular rock formation known as The Three Sisters?','Australia','\"Yellow River\" is the common name for which Chinese river?','Hwang Ho','In total',' how many provinces and territories are there in Canada?','thirteen','In which country is K2',' the second-highest mountain in the world',' located?','Pakistan','In which country would you find Angkor Wat?','Cambodia','Located above and just below the Arctic Circle',' this region became an official territory of Canada in April 1999.','Nunavut','Name the highest mountain in Africa.','Mt. Kilimanjaro','The \"Old City\" of this holy location is divided into four quarters — a Christian quarter',' a Muslim Quarter',' a Jewish Quarter',' and an Armenian Quarter.','Jerusalem','The Andaman Islands belong to which country?','india','The Indus River flows through which country?','Pakistan','The Palk Strait runs between which two countries?','India and Sri Lanka','The island of Hispaniola consists of the Dominican Republic and this country.','Haiti','This Moslem republic in asia was formerly part of India.','Pakistan','This country is divided into two parts: Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo',' and a peninsula north of Singapore.','Malaysia','This coutry holds the distinction of being the least densely populated in the world.','Mongolia','This is the longest mountain chain in the world.','Andes','What American state has a Thames river?','Connecticut','What is the capital of Wales??','Cardiff','What is the capital of the Italian province Lazio?','Rome','What is the capitol of Iceland?','Reykjavik','What is the highest mountain in Europe?','Mont Blanc','What is the highest point in South America?','Aconcagua','What is the largest island in the Caribbean?','Cuba','What is the largest island in the East Indies?','Borneo','What is the largest island in the Indian Ocean?','Madagascar','What is the largest island in the Mediterranean?','Sicily','What is the largest lake in Europe?','Lake Lagoda','What is the largest natural lake found in Africa?','Lake Victoria','What is the longest mountain range in the world?','Andes','What is the longest river in Australia?','Darling','What is the name of the famous large coral reef located off the coast of northeastern Australia?','Great Barrier Reef','What is the name of the mountain chain separating most of Spain from France?','Pyrenees','What is the worlds longest concrete dam?','Grand Coulee Dam','Which city is home to the 4th largest pyramid in the world?','Las Vegas','Which is the only South East Asian country that is a member of the British Commonwealth?','malaysia','Which is the only land-locked country in South East Asia?','Laos','Which river produces the most sediment?','Yellow River','Which sea is located between Australia and New Zealand?','Tasman','Wracked by heavy monsoon rains 3 to 4 months of the year',' this is the wettest and most flood-prone nation in Asia.','Bangladesh','what river separates the city of Florence?','Arno','In which state is the source of the Mississippi River?','Minnesota','Jakarta is located on which Indonesian island?','Java','Near what major city is Mount Fuji?','Tokyo','What is the largest island in the Philippines?','Luzon','A line that touches a circle at only one point is called a ....... ?','tangent','How many degrees in an interior angles of an equilateral triangle?','sixty','How many faces does a dodecahedron have?','twelve','The longest side in a right-angled triangle is called the .......','hypotenuse','The volume of which solid is given by the formula 4/3(pi)r^3?','sphere','What is the name given to a quadrilateral with one',' and only one',' pair of sides parallel to each other?','trapezium','What is the highest waterfall in the USA?','Yosemite','A line that touches a circle at two points is called a .....','chord','After the fall of the iron curtain',' Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev introduced a period of restructuring known as ________.','Perestroika','After the fall of the manchu dynasty',' there existed three political parties in china: The KMT',' Nationalists and The ...... ?','Communists','Also known as the \'Isle of Apples\'',' Christ and Joseph of Aramathea travelled here in ancient times.','Avalon','Elizabeth I was the daughter of which king?','Henry VIII','Gangster Al Capone',' boss of the Chicago underworld',' was finally gaoled for 11 years for what crime?','tax evasion','How many presidents of the United States fought in the Civil War?','six','In 1959',' Tibet was invaded by which country?','China','In what year did the Battle of Hastings occur?','1066','In what year was the Battle of Hastings fought?','1066','In which English town was William Shakespeare born?','Stratford-Upon-Avon','In which war did Florence Nightingale earn her reputation ?','Crimean War','In which year did India become independent from the British?','1947','Queen Cleopatra proclaimed herself to be which Egyptian goddess?','Isis','Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper were killed in a plane crash in 1959. Which other famous singer was killed in that crash?','Buddy Holly','Sir Stamford Raffles founded which minor Asian nation?','Singapore','The Greek army under Leonides was annihilated here by Persians in 480BC.','Thermopylae','The _____ universe was replaced by the Copernican universe.','Ptolemic','The birthplace of Napoleon',' also the capital of Corsica',' is?','Ajaccio','The massacre at Kent State occurred as students protested the bombing of Cambodia and the _____ war.','Vietnam','The three buildings of the Acropolis are the Propylaea',' the Erectheum',' and the _________.','Parthenon','These fighters always began a bout by saying',' \"Hail Emperor',' those about to die salute you!\"','gladiators','This Chinese dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644.','Ming','This U.S. President suffered from polio during WWII.','Franklin D Roosevelt','What American city was called New Amsterdam in the early 17th century?','New York','What Venetian traveler and explorer landed in China and reached Kublai Khan\'s court in 1275?','Marco Polo','What colour was added to the French flag during the French revolution?','white','What did Napoleon have built to commemorate his victories?','Arc de Triomphe','What is the former name of Sri Lanka?','Ceylon','What treaty',' signed in 1713',' ended the War of the Spanish Succession?','Treaty of Utrecht','What was Europe\'s first super-high-speed passenger train powered by?','electricity','What was name of the Titanic\'s sister ship?','Lucitania','What was the name given to the atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima?','Fat Man','What was the year in which the Jews and Moors were expelled from Spain and Columbus sailed for America?','1492','Which English King issued the Magna Carta in 1215?','King John','Which country ruled Cambodia immediately before WWII?','France','Which poisonous concoction was Socrates given to drink to carry out his death sentence?','hemlock','Who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen?','Howard Carter','Who invented the record player ?','Thomas Alva Edison','Who is Prince Vladimir Tepes better known as?','Dracula','Who ruled England at the time of Shakespeare?','Elizabeth I','Who shot President James Garfield?','Charles Guiteau','Who was Henry VIII\'s second wife?','Anne Boleyn','Who was the father of Elizabeth I?','Henry VIII','Who was the man convicted of masterminding the 1969 LaBianca-Tate murders',' later to become known as the Helter Skelter killings?','Charles Manson','Who was the mother of Elizabeth I?','Anne Boleyn','Which light wood is commonly used for making aeromodels?','Balsa','Who wrote mIRC?','Khaled Mardam-Bey','What does FTP stand for?','File Transfer Protocol','What does the Greek root word \'chrom\' mean?','color','What is the first letter in the Greek alphabet?','Alpha','What is the last letter in the Greek alphabet?','Omega','What is the official language of Senegal?','French','Which is the only english word that contains all the vowels in alphabetical order?','facetious','How do you say \"I Love You\" in German?','Ich liebe Dich','From which language does the term \'Mayday\' come?','French','The Scots call it \'shinny\' - what do Canadians and Americans call it?','hockey','Which word means \"profound boredom\" in both french and english?','ennui','This defense is also know as compulsion by threat.','duress','From which of Shakespeare\'s plays is this line: \"All the world\'s a stage...\"','As You Like It','\"Now is the winter of our discontent\" is a line from which Shakespearian play?','Richard III','He wrote Ulysses',' Giacomo Joyce',' Dubliners and Finnegans Wake',' among others.','James Joyce','His many Romantic odes include \'Ode to Melancholy\' and \'Ode to a Graecian Urn\'','John Keats','Name the author of \'The Catcher in the Rye\'','J.D. Salinger','The ____ ____ school of poetry includes poets such as Frank O\'Hara',' John Ashbery and Kenneth Koch','New York','The ____ generation included such authors as Jack Kerouac',' William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsburg.','Beat','This Romantic poet and husband to Mary Shelley drowned in a boating accident.','Percy Bysshe Shelley','What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create?','Tarzan','What is the name of Hamlet\'s tragic admirer?','Ophelia','What is the name of the main character in Homer\'s Odyssey?','Odysseus','What is the opposite of an utopia?','dystopia','What play by Shakespeare features the following characters: Cornwall',' Gloucester',' Regan',' and Goneril?','King Lear','What was Dante\'s last name?','Alighieri','What was the sequel to Louisa May Alcott\'s \"Little Women\"?','Little Men','Which Shakesperian play features the line \"Now is the winter of our discontent\"?','Richard III','Which US author penned the novels \"Of Mice and Men\" and \"East Of Eden\"?','John Steinbeck','Which US dramatist was once married to Marylin Monroe and penned the plays \"Death Of A Salesman\" and \"The Crucible\"?','Arthur Miller','Who created Winnie the Pooh?','A. A. Milne','Who is the author of \"Brave New World\" ?','Aldous Huxley','Who is the author of \"Harry Potter\" ?','Joan Rowling','Who is the protagonist of Milton\'s Paradise Lost?','Satan','Who wrote \"Animal Farm\"?','George Orwell','Who wrote \"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?\"','Samuel Taylor Coleridge','Who wrote \'The Canterbury Tales\'?','Geoffrey Chaucer','Who wrote \'The Great Gatsby\'?','F. Scott Fitzgerald','Who wrote \'To Kill A Mockingbird\'?','Harper Lee','Who wrote Great Expectations?','Charles Dickens','Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?','Geoffrey Chaucer','Who wrote the epic poems',' the Iliad and the Odyssey?','Homer','Who wrote the long religious epic',' \"Paradise Lost\"?','John Milton','2 + 5 x 6 = ?','32','2.7182 is the approximation for which variable used in logarithms?','e','Benoit Mandelbrot discovered what mathematical structures?','fractals','Solve this: 10*3+2?','32','The first antiderivative of acceleration is:','velocity','What is x to the power of zero equal to?','one','What is the name given to a curve that approaches a line',' but never quite touches it?','asymptote','The sulphate of which metal is used to render the alimentary canal opaque to X-rays (symbol Ba)?','barium','This alkaloid extracted from chincona bark',' ______ is commonly used in malaria therapy.','quinine','What is hyperglycemia commonly known as ?','diabetes','This condition characterized by the swelling of the thyroid gland is caused by an iodine deficiency.','goiter','The valuable blue form of corundum is called:','sapphire','What is the yellow variety of quartz?','Citrine','What metal is the major constituent of Rubies ?','Aluminium','In what modified vegetable did Cinderalla travel to the ball in?','pumpkin','How many Oscars did Ben Hur win?','eleven','John Travolta',' Samuel Jackson',' Uma Thurman starred in which 1994 Quentin Tarantino film?','Pulp Fiction','Richard Strauss\' majestic overture \"Also Sprach Zarathustra\" was the theme music for which Stanley Kubrick film?','2001 : A Space Odyessy','Who directed the movie \"Blade Runner\"?','Ridley Scott','Who played the lead in the movie \"Braveheart\"?','Mel Gibson','Who played the lead in the movie \"Castaway\"?','Tom Hanks','Who played the lead in the movie \"Erin Brokovich\"?','Julia Roberts','Who played the lead in the movie \"Mission Impossible\"?','Tom Cruise','Who played the lead in the movie \"Snatch\"?','Brad Pitt','Who played the lead in the movie \"The Mask\"?','Jim Carey','Who played the lead in the movie \"The Matrix\"?','Keanu Reeves','Who was the first James Bond?','Sean Connery','What was the Oscar-winning theme song from \"Breakfast at Tiffany\'s\"?','Moon River','Who played the first James Bond?','Sean Connery','Who directed \'2001: A Space Odyssey\' and \'A Clockwork Orange\'.','Stanley Kubrick','(Music) Who recorded the 1969 hit \"Space Oddity\"?','David Bowie','A __________ helps to set and maintain your tempo while playing.','metronome','A set of graduated steel bars set in a frame and hit with a hammer',' used in the orchestra.','Glockenspiel','An arrangement for five performers is called a:','quintet','Band: \" ......... And the Bad Seeds\"','Nick Cave','Band: Elvis Costello and the ........... ?','Attractions','Beethoven\'s Sixth Symphony shares it\'s popular name with a method of animal farming. What is it?','Pastoral','Composer of the Brandenburg Concerti: J.S. ----','Bach','French impressionist Claude -------','Debussy','He wrote the operas \"The Magic Flute\" and \"The Marriage of Figaro\"','Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart','How many flats are in the key of B flat major?','two','How many semitones are there in an octave?','twelve','How many strings are there on a standard guitar?','six','How many symphonies did Beethoven complete?','nine','In 1962 Chubby Checker had a hit with a pop song and novelty dance that remains famous today. What was that dance?','The Twist','In which London recording studios did The Beatles record the majority of their work?','Abbey Road','Russian modernist Igor ---------','Stravinsky','The key of A major has ___ sharps.','three','The standard major scale is also known as the _______ mode.','Ionian','This band\'s highly original video for \"Whip it','\" characterized by red flower pot hats was criticized for being both sado-masochistic and racist.','Devo','This electronic instrument\'s creator was surnamed Moog',' and his models are worth a fortune! Other brands include Roland',' Korg',' and Casio.','synthesizer','This term means to play smoothly.','legato','To gradually decrease in volume.','decrescendo','What do the initials of the band NIN stand for?','Nine Inch Nails','What does the Italian term \"poco a poco\" mean?','little by little','What kind of eyes did the girl in \"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds\" have?','kaleidoscope','What was the first video to be played on MTV?','Video Killed the Radio Star ','What was the last Beatles album to be released before they broke up in 1970?','Let It Be','What was the name given to the popular genre of rock that arose in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) in the early 1990s. ','grunge','Which British group holds the record for the album to remain in the US Billboard charts for the longest time?','Pink Floyd','Which band does Eddie Vedder with?','Pearl Jam','Which instruments is used to tune the orchestra?','oboe','Which large tuned orchestral drum is also known as a kettledrum?','typmani','Who invented the synthesiser ?','Bob Moog','Who is the lead singer of the Rolling Stones?','Mick Jagger ','Who is the lead vocalist of U2?','Bono','Who sang Puff The Magic Dragon?','Peter',' Paul and Mary','Who sang the song \"Pretty Woman?\"','Roy Orbison','Who was the frontman of Nirvana?','Kurt Cobain','Who wrote Tubular Bells?','Mike Oldfield','With which period in music do we associate composers such as Beethoven',' Mozart and Haydn?','Classical period','With which period in music do we associate composers such as Tchaikovsky',' Mendelssohn',' and Chopin?','Romantic period','With which period in music do we associate with composers such as Bach',' Handel and Vivaldi?','Baroque Period','What do the initials B.B. stand for in B.B. King\'s name?','Blues Boy','What is the name of the Indian musical instrument made popular in western rock by The Beatles and Ravi Shankar?','sitar','Who is Gordon Sumner better known as?','Sting','He was condemned in Hades to forever push a boulder uphill',' only for it to come rolling down before it reached the top.','Sisyphus','He was the father of Zeus','Cronus','His wife was Penelope and his son',' Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods.','Odysseus','In Greek mythology',' who drove the sun across the sky in his chariot?','Helios','In Greek mythology',' who was the beautiful young man Echo fell in love with?','Narcissus','In Norse myth',' there were two separate races of gods: the Aesir gods which included Odin and Thor',' and the ____ gods from whom descended Freya.','Vanir','In what animal form did Zeus seduce Europa?','bull','The Greek goddess of fertility',' also known as a protectress of witches.','Hecate','What is the birthstone for January?','Garnet','What is the name of the most famous of the rivers in the Underworld',' the river of \'Hate\' which dead souls must cross over?','Styx','What was the name of the mythical hero-king who slew Grendal?','Beowulf','What was the town that ancient Greeks believed to be the centre of the world',' and was the home of a famous oracle?','Delphi','Which Roman God was the equivalent of the Greek God Dionysus?','Bacchus','Which Saint killed the dragon?','George','Animals and plants which produce light are said to be:','bioluminescent','Peter Piper picked a peck of what?','pickled peppers','The lack of what vitamin causes beriberi (numbness in the hands and feet)?','B1','In which year were the first winter Olympics held?','1924','What colour do you get when you mix blue and red together?','Purple','What colour do you get when you mix blue and yellow together?','Green','Complete the Palindrome: satan',' oscillate my metallic ________','sonatas','-isms: The belief in God as a \"divine clockmaker','\" originating in the age of Enlightenment.','Deism','-isms: This branch of philosophy',' characterised by the idea: \"The greatest pleasure and happiness for the greatest number','\" was founded by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill.','Utilitarianism','As opposed to Plato',' this Greek philosopher believed knowledge was a process of observation and classication.','Aristotle','Book: Thus Spoke _______ (Neitzche)','Zarathustra','Early deconstructionist',' Jacques _____','Derrida','In what he called his \"Copernican Revolution\" this German philosopher proposed that the mind imposes space time',' and causality on nature. He is Imannuel ---- ?','Immanuel Kant','Pessimistic author of The World as Will and Representation. Major influence on Neitzche.','Arthur Schopenhauer','Sartre',' Camus and de Beauvior all belonged to a movement known as ----','Existentialism','This Greek philosopher believed man is born with all knowledge and life and education are processes of remembering what is forgotten at birth.','Plato','What is the working class called in marxist terminology?','proletariat','What short book by Niccolo Machiavelli is a collection of rules and principles one must abide by in order to seize and hold power?','The Prince','What sort of man did Plato propose to rule his \"Republic\"?','A Philosopher King','Which French philosopher explored existentialist philosophy in his landmark book \"Nausea\" published in 1938?','Jean-Paul Sartre','After contracting this disease',' Neitzche went crazy and eventually died.','syphilis','Epicurus',' who believed that pleasure is the highest good',' gave us which term synonymous with hedonistic?','epicurean','Which French Philosopher used a method of systematic doubt to arrive at his famous conclusion \"Cogito ergo sum\" (I think therefore I am)?','Rene Descartes','A piece of glass that separates light into the visible spectrum is called a _____.','prism','As the speed of a body approaches the speed of light',' its mass approaches ........','infinity','Light rays consist of small packets of energy called .....','photons','The unit of electrical resistance is the .....','ohm','Which colour has highest wavelength in the visible spectrum?','red','Which particles are emitted by cathode ray tubes?','electrons','Absolute zero (zero degrees kelvin) is only theoretical. The lowest laboratory temperature achieved is 280 picoKelvin. In which Scandinavian country was this produced?','Finland','What is the current world population',' to the nearest billion?','six','A psychological disorder in which the patient refuses to eat.','anorexia nervosa','He developed the theory of the \'collective unconscious\' and was also interested in dream interpretation.','Carl Gustav Jung','Which behaviorist conducted the \"Little Albert\" experiment?','John Watson','Of what is \'FM\' an abbreviation?','frequency modulation','Which organic compound is the psychoactive ingredient in Budweiser?','ethanol','According to the Bible',' how many years did Methuselah live?','969','According to the Bible',' who was the brother of Jesus?','James','In theology',' the study of final things such as death',' judgement and the end of the world is called:','eschatology','These wounds of christ mysteriously appear on believers who sometimes weep blood as well.','stigmata','This roman soldier pierced the crucified Christ on His side with his spear.','Longinus','What animal\'s meat can a Hindu not eat?','cow','What animal\'s meat can a Muslim not eat?','pig','What is the 1st book of the Hindu scripture?','Rig Veda','What is the name given to the supreme reality in Hinduism?','Brahman','What is the name of the field where Christ was crucified?','Cavalry','What is the shortest verse in the bible? (John 11:35)','Jesus wept.','What was the first sign shown to Moses by God according to the Bible?','burning bush','Who is referred to in the New Testament as \'the disciple Jesus loved\'?','John','A scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians is known as a:','Herpetologist','The study of the size',' composition and distribution of the human population.','demography','A \"gyre\" is another term for what shape?','coil','What is Kenny G\'s real surname?','Gorelick','What was Marilyn Monroe\'s given name at birth?','Norma Jean Mortenson','As light as a .......','feather','As old as the ...?','hills','What is the only man-made structure on earth that can been seen from space?','Great Wall Of China','Who was the first man in space?','Uri Gagarin','In baseball',' how many outs are there in an inning?','six','Which country was judo developed in?','Japan','Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight?','bantamweight','What is the international governing board of football (soccer)?','FIFA','Which Grand Slam tennis event is played on a clay surface?','French Open','Frown',' it is not well regarded.','World Wrestling Federation','How many bends in a standard paperclip?','three','Josie and the ________','Pussycats','Which TV horse could talk?','Mr. Ed','What was the name of the restaurant the TV series \"Happy Days\"?','Arnolds','This is the Southeast Asian method of dying fabric using wax to create designs.','batik','Michael Jackson caught fire while filming a commercial for which carbonated beverage?','Pepsi','To the nearest 0.1 km',' how many kilometers in a mile?','1.6','What Gilbert and Sullivan work tells the story of a Japanese emperor who bans flirting?','The Mikado','Where do the souls of unbaptised babies go after death',' according to Catholocism?','limbo','An adjective meaning \'pertaining to the sun.\'','solar','What is the full name of the flavour enhancer MSG?','Monosodium glutamate','(Mathematics) What is the name given to the number equal to 10 raised to the power of 100?','A \"googol\"','(Philosophy) Which Greek philosopher proposed the Theory of Forms in \"The Republic\"?','Plato','How many keys are there on a grand piano?','eighty eight','The okapi is most closely related to what african mammal?','Giraffe','This more efficient distillate of coal was one of the main fuels of the industrial revolution:','coke','Where is the coldest desert in the world?','antarctica','what is the most frequently seen comet?','Encke','var new = What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Aquila ?','Eagle','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Auriga ?','Charioteer','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Camelopardalis ?','Giraffe','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Canes Venatici ?','Greyhounds','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cassiopeia ?','Cassiopeia','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cepheus ?','Cepheus','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Coma Berenices ?','Berenice\'s Hair','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Corona Borealis ?','Northern Crown','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cygnus ?','Swan','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Delphinus ?','Dolphin','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Draco ?','Dragon','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Equuleus ?','Colt','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lacerta ?','Lizard','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Leo Minor ?','Lesser Lion','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lyra ?','Lyre','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ophiuchus ?','Serpent Bearer','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Sagitta ?','Arrow','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Serpens ?','Serpent','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Triangulum ?','Triangle','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Major ?','Great Bear','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Minor ?','Little Bear','What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Vulpecula ?','Fox','Which meteor shower occurs on the 10th October ?','Draconids ','Which meteor shower occurs on the 12th August ?','Perseids ','Which meteor shower occurs on the 14th November ?','Andromedids ','Which meteor shower occurs on the 16th November ?','Leonids ','Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st April ?','Lyrids ','Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st October ?','Orionids ','Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th May ?','Eta Aquarids ','Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th November ?','Taurids ','In which continent would you find the Amazon river ?','South America','In which continent would you find the Amur river ?','Asia','In which continent would you find the Congo river ?','Africa','In which continent would you find the Lena river ?','Asia','In which continent would you find the Mackenzie river ?','North America','In which continent would you find the Mekong river ?','Asia','In which continent would you find the Mississippi river ?','North America','In which continent would you find the Niger river ?','Africa','In which continent would you find the Nile river ?','Africa','In which continent would you find the Ob\' river ?','Asia','In which continent would you find the Volga river ?','Europe','In which continent would you find the Yangtze river ?','Asia','In which continent would you find the Yellow river ?','Asia','In which continent would you find the Yenisey river ?','Asia','What is the basic unit of currency for China ?','yuan','What is the basic unit of currency for Colombia ?','peso','What is the basic unit of currency for Comoros ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Costa Rica ?','colon','What is the basic unit of currency for Croatia ?','kuna','What is the basic unit of currency for Cuba ?','peso','What is the basic unit of currency for Cyprus ?','pound','What is the basic unit of currency for Czech Republic ?','koruna','What is the basic unit of currency for Denmark ?','krone','What is the basic unit of currency for Djibouti ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Dominica ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Dominican Republic ?','peso','What is the basic unit of currency for Ecuador ?','sucre','What is the basic unit of currency for Egypt ?','pound','What is the basic unit of currency for El Salvador ?','colon','What is the basic unit of currency for Equatorial Guinea ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Eritrea ?','nakfa','What is the basic unit of currency for Estonia ?','kroon','What is the basic unit of currency for Ethiopia ?','birr','What is the basic unit of currency for Fiji ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Finland ?','markka','What is the basic unit of currency for France ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Gabon ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Gambia ?','dalasi','What is the basic unit of currency for Georgia ?','lari','What is the basic unit of currency for Germany ?','deutsche mark','What is the basic unit of currency for Ghana ?','cedi','What is the basic unit of currency for Greece ?','drachma','What is the basic unit of currency for Grenada ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Guatemala ?','quetzal','What is the basic unit of currency for Guinea ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Guinea-Bissau ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Guyana ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Haiti ?','gourde','What is the basic unit of currency for Honduras ?','lempira','What is the basic unit of currency for Hong Kong ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Hungary ?','forint','What is the basic unit of currency for Iceland ?','krona','What is the basic unit of currency for Samoa ?','tala','What is the basic unit of currency for San Marino ?','lira','What is the basic unit of currency for Saudi Arabia ?','riyal','What is the basic unit of currency for Senegal ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Seychelles ?','rupee','What is the basic unit of currency for Sierra Leone ?','leone','What is the basic unit of currency for Singapore ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Slovakia ?','koruna','What is the basic unit of currency for Slovenia ?','tolar','What is the basic unit of currency for Solomon Islands ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Somalia ?','shilling','What is the basic unit of currency for South Africa ?','rand','What is the basic unit of currency for South Korea ?','won','What is the basic unit of currency for Spain ?','peseta','What is the basic unit of currency for Sri Lanka ?','rupee','What is the basic unit of currency for Sudan ?','dinar','What is the basic unit of currency for Suriname ?','guilder','What is the basic unit of currency for Swaziland ?','lilangeni','What is the basic unit of currency for Sweden ?','krona','What is the basic unit of currency for Switzerland ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Syria ?','pound','What is the basic unit of currency for Taiwan ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Tajikistan ?','ruble','What is the basic unit of currency for Tanzania ?','shilling','What is the basic unit of currency for Thailand ?','baht','What is the basic unit of currency for Togo ?','franc','What is the basic unit of currency for Tonga ?','pa\'anga','What is the basic unit of currency for Trinidad and Tobago ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Tunisia ?','dinar','What is the basic unit of currency for Turkey ?','lira','What is the basic unit of currency for Turkmenistan ?','manat','What is the basic unit of currency for Tuvalu ?','dollar','What is the basic unit of currency for Uganda ?','shilling','What is the basic unit of currency for Ukraine ?','hryvnia','What is the basic unit of currency for United Arab Emirates ?','dirham','What is the basic unit of currency for United Kingdom ?','pound','What is the basic unit of currency for United States ?','dollar','What is the capital of Afghanistan ?','Kabul','What is the capital of Algeria ?','Algiers','What is the capital of Andorra ?','Andorra la Vella','What is the capital of Angola ?','Luanda','What is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda ?','Saint John\'s','What is the capital of Armenia ?','Yerevan','What is the capital of Australia ?','Canberra','What is the capital of Austria ?','Vienna','What is the capital of Azerbaijan ?','Baku','What is the capital of Bahrain ?','Manama','What is the capital of Barbados ?','Bridgetown','What is the capital of Belarus ?','Minsk','What is the capital of Belgium ?','Brussels','What is the capital of Belize ?','Belmopan','What is the capital of Bhutan ?','Thimphu','What is the capital of Bolivia ?','La Paz','What is the capital of Bosnia and Hercegovina ?','Sarajevo','What is the capital of Botswana ?','Gaborone','What is the capital of Brunei ?','Bandar Seri','What is the capital of Bulgaria ?','Sofia','What is the capital of Burkina Faso ?','Ouagadougou','What is the capital of Burundi ?','Bujumbura','What is the capital of Cambodia ?','Phnom Penh','What is the capital of Canada ?','Ottawa','What is the capital of Cape Verde ?','Praia','What is the capital of Central African Republic ?','Bangui','What is the capital of Chad ?','N\'Djamena','What is the capital of China ?','Beijing','What is the capital of Comoros ?','Moroni','What is the capital of Congo ?','Brazzaville','What is the capital of Croatia ?','Zagreb','What is the capital of Cuba ?','Havana','What is the capital of Cyprus ?','Nicosia','What is the capital of Czech Republic ?','Prague','What is the capital of Denmark ?','Copenhagen','What is the capital of Djibouti ?','Djibouti','What is the capital of Dominica ?','Roseau','What is the capital of Dominican Republic ?','Santo Domingo','What is the capital of Ecuador ?','Quito','What is the capital of Egypt ?','Cairo','What is the capital of El Salvador ?','San Salvador','What is the capital of Equatorial Guinea ?','Malabo','What is the capital of Eritrea ?','Asmara','What is the capital of Estonia ?','Tallinn','What is the capital of Ethiopia ?','Addis Ababa','What is the capital of Fiji ?','Suva','What is the capital of Finland ?','Helsinki','What is the capital of France ?','Paris','What is the capital of Gabon ?','Libreville','What is the capital of Gambia ?','Banjul','What is the capital of Georgia ?','Tbilisi','What is the capital of Germany ?','Berlin','What is the capital of Ghana ?','Accra','What is the capital of Greece ?','Athens','What is the capital of Grenada ?','Saint George\'s','What is the capital of Guatemala ?','Guatemala','What is the capital of Guinea ?','Conakry','What is the capital of Guinea-Bissau ?','Bissau','What is the capital of Guyana ?','Georgetown','What is the capital of Haiti ?','Port-au-Prince','What is the capital of Honduras ?','Tegucigalpa','What is the capital of Hungary ?','Budapest','What is the capital of Iran ?','Tehran','What is the capital of Iraq ?','Baghdad','What is the capital of Ireland ?','Dublin','What is the capital of Israel ?','Jerusalem','What is the capital of Jamaica ?','Kingston','What is the capital of Japan ?','Tokyo','What is the capital of Jordan ?','Amman','What is the capital of Kazakhstan ?','Alma-Ata','What is the capital of Kenya ?','Nairobi','What is the capital of Kiribati ?','Bairiki','What is the capital of Kuwait ?','Kuwait City','What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan ?','Bishkek','What is the capital of Laos ?','Vientiane','What is the capital of Latvia ?','Riga','What is the capital of Lebanon ?','Beirut','What is the capital of Lesotho ?','Maseru','What is the capital of Liberia ?','Monrovia','What is the capital of Libya ?','Tripoli','What is the capital of Liechtenstein ?','Vaduz','What is the capital of Lithuania ?','Vilnius','What is the capital of Luxembourg ?','Luxembourg','What is the capital of Macedonia ?','Skopje','What is the capital of Madagascar ?','Antananarivo','What is the capital of Malawi ?','Lilongwe','What is the capital of Malaysia ?','Kuala Lumpur','What is the capital of Maldives ?','Male','What is the capital of Mali ?','Bamako','What is the capital of Malta ?','Valletta','What is the capital of Marshall Islands ?','Dalap-Uliga-Darrit','What is the capital of Mauritania ?','Nouakchott','What is the capital of Mauritius ?','Port Louis','What is the capital of Mexico ?','Mexico City','What is the capital of Micronesia ?','Palikir','What is the capital of Moldova ?','Kishinev','What is the capital of Monaco ?','Monaco','What is the capital of Mongolia ?','Ulaanbaatar','What is the capital of Morocco ?','Rabat','What is the capital of Mozambique ?','Maputo','What is the capital of Namibia ?','Windhoek','What is the capital of Nauru ?','Yaren','What is the capital of Nepal ?','Kathmandu','What is the capital of Nicaragua ?','Managua','What is the capital of Niger ?','Niamey','What is the capital of Nigeria ?','Abuja','What is the capital of North Korea ?','Pyongyang','What is the capital of Norway ?','Oslo','What is the capital of Oman ?','Muscat','What is the capital of Pakistan ?','Islamabad','What is the capital of Panama ?','Panama City','What is the capital of Papua New Guinea ?','Port Moresby','What is the capital of Peru ?','Lima','What is the capital of Philippines ?','Manila','What is the capital of Poland ?','Warsaw','What is the capital of Portugal ?','Lisbon','What is the capital of Qatar ?','Doha','What is the capital of Romania ?','Bucharest','What is the capital of Russia ?','Moscow','What is the capital of Rwanda ?','Kigali','What is the capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis ?','Basseterre','What is the capital of Saint Lucia ?','Castries','What is the capital of Saint Vincent ?','Kingstown','What is the capital of San Marino ?','San Marino','What is the capital of Saudi Arabia ?','Riyadh','What is the capital of Senegal ?','Dakar','What is the capital of Seychelles ?','Victoria','What is the capital of Sierra Leone ?','Freetown','What is the capital of Singapore ?','Singapore','What is the capital of Slovakia ?','Bratislava','What is the capital of Slovenia ?','Ljubljana','What is the capital of Solomon Islands ?','Honiara','What is the capital of Somalia ?','Mogadishu','What is the capital of South Korea ?','Seoul','What is the capital of Spain ?','Madrid','What is the capital of Sudan ?','Khartoum','What is the capital of Suriname ?','Paramaribo','What is the capital of Swaziland ?','Mbabane','What is the capital of Sweden ?','Stockholm','What is the capital of Switzerland ?','Bern','What is the capital of Syria ?','Damascus','What is the capital of Taiwan ?','Taipei','What is the capital of Tajikistan ?','Dushanbe','What is the capital of Tanzania ?','Dar es Salaam','What is the capital of Thailand ?','Bangkok','What is the capital of The Bahamas ?','Nassau','What is the capital of The Netherlands ?','Amsterdam','What is the capital of Tonga ?','Nuku\'alofa','What is the capital of Trinidad and Tobago ?','Port-of-Spain','What is the capital of Tunisia ?','Tunis','What is the capital of Turkey ?','Ankara','What is the capital of Turkmenistan ?','Ashkhabad','What is the capital of Tuvalu ?','Fanafuti','What is the capital of Uganda ?','Kampala','What is the capital of Ukraine ?','Kiev','What is the capital of United Kingdom ?','London','What is the capital of United States ?','Washington','What is the capital of Uruguay ?','Montevideo','What is the capital of Uzbekistan ?','Tashkent','What is the capital of Vanuatu ?','Vila','What is the capital of Vatican City ?','Vatican City','What is the capital of Venezuela ?','Caracas','What is the capital of Vietnam ?','Hanoi','What is the capital of Western Samoa ?','Apia','What is the capital of Yugoslavia ?','Belgrade','What is the capital of Zaire ?','Kinshasa','What is the capital of Zambia ?','Lusaka','Which element makes up 2.5% of the Earth\'s crust ?','Potassium','Which element makes up 2.6% of the Earth\'s crust ?','Magnesium','Which element makes up 2.83% of the Earth\'s crust ?','Sodium','Which element makes up 27.72% of the Earth\'s crust ?','Silicon','Which element makes up 3.63% of the Earth\'s crust ?','Calcium','Which element makes up 46.6% of the Earth\'s crust ?','Oxygen','Which element makes up 5% of the Earth\'s crust ?','Iron','Which element makes up 8.13% of the Earth\'s crust ?','Aluminium','Which is the Earth\'s fifth largest continent ?','Antarctica ','Which is the Earth\'s fourth largest continent ?','South America','Which is the Earth\'s largest continent ?','Asia','Which is the Earth\'s second largest continent ?','Africa','Which is the Earth\'s second smallest continent ?','Europe','Which is the Earth\'s smallest continent ?','Oceania','Which is the Earth\'s third largest continent ?','North America','Who is the Linux operating system named after ? ','Linus Torvalds','Who is the Norse Watchman of the Gods ?','Heimdall','Who is the Norse god of justice ?','Forseti','Who is the Norse god of poetry ?','Bragi','Who is the Norse god of poetry ?','Bragi','Who is the Norse god of the sky and thunder ?','Thor','Who is the Norse god of the sky and thunder ?','Thor','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Cupid ?','Eros','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Diana ?','Artemis','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Discordia ?','Eris','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Juno ?','Hera','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Jupiter ?','Zeus','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mars ?','Ares','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mercury ?','Hermes','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Minerva ?','Athena','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Neptune ?','Poseidon','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Pluto ?','Hades','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Venus ?','Aphrodite','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vesta ?','Hestia','Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vulcan ?','Hephaistos','Where were the 1896 Olympics held ?','Athens',' Greece','Where were the 1900 Olympics held ?','Paris',' France','Where were the 1906 Olympics held ?','Athens',' Greece','Where were the 1908 Olympics held ?','London',' England','Where were the 1912 Olympics held ?','Stockholm',' Sweden','Where were the 1920 Olympics held ?','Antwerp',' Belgium','Where were the 1924 Olympics held ?','Paris',' France','Where were the 1928 Olympics held ?','Amsterdam',' The Netherlands','Where were the 1936 Olympics held ?','Berlin',' Germany','Where were the 1948 Olympics held ?','London',' England','Where were the 1952 Olympics held ?','Helsinki',' Finland','Where were the 1956 Olympics held ?','Melbourne',' Australia','Where were the 1960 Olympics held ?','Rome',' Italy','Where were the 1964 Olympics held ?','Tokyo',' Japan','Where were the 1968 Olympics held ?','Mexico City',' Mexico','Where were the 1972 Olympics held ?','Munich',' West Germany','Where were the 1980 Olympics held ?','Moscow',' U.S.S.R.','Where were the 1988 Olympics held ?','Seoul',' South Korea','Where were the 1992 Olympics held ?','Barcelona',' Spain','Alexander the Great was king of which country ?','Macedonia','At the time of Julius Caesar',' who was the ruler of Egypt ?','Cleopatra','Burma was the former name of which country ?','Myanmar','Denmark',' Norway',' Sweden',' and Iceland combine to make what ?','Scandinavia','Douglas Adams is famous for writing what ? ','The hitchhiker\'s guide to the galaxy','From what is velvet made ?','Silk','How is Samuel Clemens better known ?','Mark Twain','How is german measles also known ?','Rubella','How is the 15th March also known ?','Ides of March','How is the chess term \"shah mat\" better known ?','Checkmate','How is the mathematically related structure of beads strung on parallel wires in a rectangular frame better known ?','Abacus','How is the stockmarket collapse of the 24th October 1929 better known ?','Black Thursday','How many bits are in a nibble ?','4','How many countries have a population over 130 million ? ','Seven (Pakistan',' Russia',' Brazil',' Indonesia',' United States',' India and China)','How many countries have an area less then 10 square miles ? ','Four (Vatican City',' Monaco',' Nauru and Tuvalu)','How many countries joined the United Nations at it\'s start ?','51','How many feet are in a nautical mile ? ','6080','How many herrings are in a Warp ?','Four','How many muscles are in a human ?','639','How many pieces are found in a chess set ?','32','How many seconds are in a day ? ','86400','How many stab wounds did Julius Caesar have when he died ?','23','How many years were between the creation of the Mangna Carta and the American Declaration of Independence ? ','561','How old was Alexander the Great when he died ?','32','How was \"Abu Yusuf Ya\'qub ibn Is-haq ubn as-Sabbah ibn \'omran ibn Ismail al-Kindi\" better known  ? ','The philospher of the Arabs','How was William Pitt the Elder\'s son known ?','William Pitt the Younger','How was the 1839-42 Anglo-Chinese war better known ?','The Opium War','In 1911 Roald Amundsen became the first person to reach where ?','South Pole','In China why were kites flown on the ninth day of every month ?','To banish evil','In Dr Who',' what was Tardis an abbreviation of ?','Time and relative dimensions in space','In March 1979',' where did a major nuclear accident occur ?','Three Mile Island','In a period of 400 years how many times does the 1st of January fall on a Sunday ? ','58','In ancient Egypt which animal was considered sacred ?','Cat','In the 17th century which country started taxing beards ?','Russia','In the 1855 Russian War',' what were used to transport Torpedos ?','Kites','In the 9th century which city had several thousand bookstores ?','Baghdad','In the Gregorian calendar after 10','000 years by how many days will the calendar be wrong by ? ','Three','In the kama-sutra the art of which game is recommened for women to study ? ','chess','In the period 978-1016 England was ruled by which \"Unready\" king ?','Ethelred ','In the year 2000 which companies CEO was the worlds second richest man ? ','Oracle','In what type of building did Plato and Aristotle teach ?','Gymnasium','In what year did China become a communist state ?','1949','In which book is Scheherazade a story teller ?','Arabian Nights','In which city is the Sistine Chapel ?','Rome','In which country was natural gas first discovered ?','Greece','In which country was the first Zoo ?','China','In which country would you find Ayers Rock ?','Australia','In which country would you find Dunkirk ?','France','In which field of science is the history of the universe studied ?','Cosmology','In which month is the Earth nearest the Sun ?','January','In which organ is Bile produced ?','Liver','In which state are the Everglades ?','Florida','In which year did London Underground open ?','1863','In which year was John F. Kennedy elected ?','1960','In which year was the First Crusade ?','1095','In which year was the Rosetta stone written ?','196 BC','Nutagak',' perksertok and pokaktok are Eskimo words for what ? ','Snow','On a chemical what does a skull and cross-bone mean ?','Toxic','On which river was Rome built ?','Tiber','The 14th July 1789 marked the start of what ?','French Revolution','The Triassic',' Jurrasic',' and Cretaceous periods make up which era ?','Mesozoic Era','The book \"Wamyouruijoshou\" was the first to use what word ?','Kite','The name \"Lego\" comes from which Danish words ? ','leg godt','The second Beale code was encoded using what ?','The American Declaration of Independence','The term Bicentennial represents how many years ?','200','The term Centennial represents how many years ?','100','The term Quadricentennial represents how many years ?','400','The term Quartocentennial represents how many years ?','25','The term Quincentennial represents how many years ?','500','The term Semicentennial represents how many years ?','50','The term Septiquinquennial represents how many years ?','75','The term Sesquibicentennial represents how many years ?','250','The term Sesquincentennial represents how many years ?','150','The term Sesquiquadricentennial represents how many years ?','450','The term Sesquitercentennial represents how many years ?','350','The term Tercentennial represents how many years ?','300','Thomas Young the Physicist and Egyptologist spoke how many language when he was 14 ?','twelve','Tic-Tac-Toe is based on which game ? ','Nine men morris','To which island was Napoleon exiled',' after his loss at Waterloo ?','St Helena','What are Eastern',' Central',' Mountain',' and Pacific ?','American Time Zones','What are Helium',' Neon',' Argon',' Krypton and Xenon ?','Noble Gases','What are Petrol',' Naphta',' Kerosine',' Diesel and Oil ?','Hydrocarbons','What are Russian astronauts called ?','Cosmonauts','What are noctilucent',' cirrus',' and cirrostratus categories of ?','Clouds','What are the height and width of a horse measured in ?','Hands','What are the units of measurement for Energy ?','Joule','What are the units of measurement for Force ?','Newton','What are the units of measurement for Frequency ?','Hertz','What are the units of measurement for Power ?','Watt','What are the units of measurement for Pressure ?','Pascal','What bird is associated with the Tower of London ?','Raven','What book is the film Blade Runner based on ? ','Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep','What breed of dog has an inability to bark ?','Basenji','What city was founded in 753 BC ?','Rome','What country did Abel Tasman discover in 1642 ?','New Zealand','What device is used to measure weather pressure ?','Barometer','What device used to be described in Greek as \"watcher of the small\" ?','Microscope','What device was used to determine a ship\'s latitude ?','Sextant','What did AOL claim had been found',' on April Fool\'s Day in 1996 ?','Life on Jupiter','What did Peter Minuit buy in 1626 ?','Manhattan Island','What did Temujin change his name to ?','Genghis Khan','What did the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha change it\'s name to ?','House of Windsor','What do the letters F.D. on British coins mean ?','Defender of the Faith','What does \"Dan\" mean ? ','Grade','What does GDP stand for ?','Gross Domestic Product ','What does GNP stand for ?','Gross National Product','What does NATO stand for ?','North Atlantic Treaty Organization','What does UNESCO stand for ?','United Nation Educational',' Scientific and Cultural Organization','What does ietf stand for ? ','Internet Engineering Task Force','What does the \"touch of Midas\" turn everything into ?','Gold','What does the Latin RIP stand for ? ','requiescat in pace','What does the ancient Greek word \"electron\" mean ?','Amber','What does the latin \"luna\" mean ?','Moon','What does the latin \'carpe diem\' mean ?','Seize the day','What does the word khaki mean ?','Dusty','What element has the periodic table name Au ?','Gold','What element has the periodic table name Na ?','Sodium','What element has the periodic table name Sb ?','Antimony','What element has the periodic table name Sn ?','Tin','What famous stone structure is located near Salisbury ?','Stonehenge','What happened at 2:56 on the 21st July 1969 ?','Manned moon landing','What has superseded Newtonian mechanics of the atomic scale ?','Quantam mechanics','What is Harry Houdini famous for being ?','Escapologist','What is Interpol short for ?','International Criminal Police Commision','What is LCD an abbreviation of ?','Liquid Crystal Display','What is MUD an abbreviation for ? ','Multiple User Dungeon','What is PLO an abbreviation for ?','Palestine Liberation Organization','What is a Salamander ?','Amphibian','What is another name for iron oxide ?','Rust','What is brine ?','Salt water','What is e.g. an abbreviation of ?','exempli gratia','What is it that walks on four feet in the morning',' two feet at noon',' and three feet in the evening ?','Man','What is known as the Lost Continent ?','Atlantis','What is known as the graveyard of the Atlantic ?','Sable Island','What is the 30th longest river in the world ? ','The Thames','What is the British equivalent of the US Navy rank Rear Admiral (lower half) ?','Commodore','What is the Chess ranking system called ? ','Elo','What is the European equivalnet of a Nonillion ? ','Quintillion','What is the Maths equivalent of the Nobel prize ? ','Fields Medal','What is the fastest breed of dog ?','Greyhound','What is the fastest growing species of grass ?','Bamboo','What is the formal name for when a substance breaks down on heating ?','Termal Decomposition','What is the full term for the abbreviation \"zoo\" ?','Zoological garden','What is the headquarter of the British Metropolitan Police Force ?','Scotland Yard','What is the holy book of Islam ?','Koran','What is the lead in pencils made from ?','Graphite','What is the luminous intensity of light measured in ?','Candela','What is the most common animal ?','Sea worm','What is the name for 0.1 Newtons ?','Dyne','What is the name for the deepest part of the ocean ?','Abyss','What is the name of the belief that many gods exist',' but only one should be worshipped ?','Monolatry','What is the name of the board that Baduk is player on ? ','Goban','What is the name of the layer between the Earth\'s crust and the Earth\'s core ?','Mantle','What is the name of the process used by green plants for obtaining food ?','Photosynthesis','What is the process of converting glucose to energy in cells called ?','Respiration','What is the reason behind the layout of the Qwerty keyboard ? ','To slow down typing rates','What is the second best-selling book of all time ?','Quotations from the Works of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung','What is the second derivative of distance ? ','Acceleration','What is the square root of -1 ?  ','i','What is the study of insects called ?','Entomology','What is the world\'s deepest lake ?','Lake Baikel','What is the world\'s highest mountain ? ','Everest','What is the world\'s oldest newspaper(the name is swedish) ?','Post och Inrikes Tidningar','What is the world\'s oldest song ?','Shadouf chant','What is the world\'s oldest university ?','Fez University','What is the world\'s second highest mountain ? ','K2','What modern word comes from the Arab \"hashishi\" ?','Assassin','What name is given to a chemical reaction which gives out heat ?','Exothermic','What name is given to a chemical reaction which takes in heat ?','Endothermic','What name is given to a male bee ?','Drone','What name is given to a male witch ?','Warlock','What name is given to a settlement which is clustered around a central point ?','Nucleated','What name is given to a young frog ?','Tadpole','What name is given to animals which eat both plants and meat ?','Omnivore','What name is given to animals which have pouches ?','Marsupials','What name is given to animals which only eat meat ?','Carnivore','What name is given to animals which only eat plants ?','Herbivore','What name is given to farms which specialise in growing crops ?','Arable','What name is given to farms which specialise in rearing animals ?','Patoral','What name is given to the abominable snowman ?','Yeti','What name is given to the point where a river starts ?','Source','What name is given to the point where two rivers join ?','Confluence','What name is given to the single super-continent that existed 200 million years ago ?','Pangaea','What name is given to those days which have equal hours of daylight and darkness ?','Equinox','What product was the first TV advert advertising ?','Toothpaste','What purged the Great Plague of London ? ','Great Fire of London','What religion was founded by Guru Nanak ?','Sikhism','What religion was founded by Lao-tzu ?','Taoism','What religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama ?','Buddhism','What scale is used to measure wind speed ?','Beaufort','What series has Robert Jordan written ? ','Wheel of Time','What sport did James Naismith invent ?','Basketball','What term is used for the speed at which a piece of music is played ?','Tempo','What trilogy did J.R.R. Tolkien write ?','Lord of the Rings','What tunnel connects France and Italy ?','Mont Blanc Tunnel','What was Fortran designed for ? ','Formula Translation','What was first worn on the 10th October 1886 ?','Tuxedo','What was invented by Ludovic Zamenhof ?','Esperanto','What was launched on the 4th December 1996 ?','Mars Pathfinder','What was the Earth\'s first artificial satellite ?','Sputnik 1','What was the destination of the Mary Celeste on it\'s final voyage ?','Genoa','What was the first lighthouse ?','Pharos of Alexandria','What was the first newspaper produced in the United States ?','Publick Occurences','What was the first postage stamp ?','Penny Black','What was the first transatlantic radio message sent ? ','s','What was the name of Aristotle\'s school ?','Lyceum','What was the name of the \"fake\" evolutionary missing link found in Sussex',' England ?','Piltdown Man','What was the name of the first plane ever to fly ?','Flyer','What was the name of the government newspaper in ancient Rome ?','Acat Diurna (Daily Happenings)','What was the nationality of Marco Polo ?','Italian','What was the nationallity of Rasputin ?','Russian','What was the predecessor of the United Nations ?','League of Nations','What word is Isaac Asimov famous for coining ? ','Robotics','When was the Rosetta stone found ?','1799','Where are the great Walls of Babylon located in the modern day world ?','Iraq','Where did the Mafia originate ?','Sicily','Where is most of America\'s gold located ?','Fort Knox','Where was Methodism founded ?','Oxford University','Where was the Rosetta stone found ?','Cairo','Where were the ancient script of Linear A and Linear B found ?','Crete','Which American Military Academt was established in 1802 on the Hudson river ?','West Point','Which American state is known as the Lone Star State ?','Texas','Which American state passed a bill declaring Pi to be 3 ? ','Indiana','Which British prime minister died in 1965 ?','Winston Churchill','Which English book was written without using the letter \'E\' once ?','A Void','Which French book was written without using the letter \'E\' once ?','La Disparition','Which French king was known as the Sun King ?','Louis XIV','Which Japanese suicide technique translates to the English \"belly cutting\" ?','Hara-kiri','Which artificial fiber was invented in 1938 ?','Nylon','Which bird became extinct in 1861 ?','Dodo','Which breed of dog has a name derived from the old name for Greece ?','Greyhound','Which brothers built a home-made supercomputer to calculate the digits of Pi ? ','Chudnovsky','Which city has the highest population ?','Mexico City','Which country altered it\'s timezone in order to be the first to see in the year 2000 ?','Tonga','Which country has a flag of a red circle on a white background ?','Japan','Which country has the fourth largest population ? ','Indonesia','Which country has the oldest national flag ?','Denmark','Which country is also known as Suomi ?','Finland','Which country is the smallest population ? ','Vatican City','Which country\'s ships fly under the Union Jack ?','Britain','Which element is also known as Quicksilver ?','Mercury','Which famous building was built by Shah Jehan ?','Taj Mahal','Which famous building was built by Shih Huang Ti ?','Great Wall of China','Which famous piece of artwork depcits the Battle of Hastings ?','Bayeux Tapestry','Which famous ship sank in 1912 ?','Titanic','Which game has 361 intersections ? ','Go','Which gangster died on the 25th January 1947 ?','Al Capone','Which gestalt entity produced the cult TV show Red Dwarf ?','Grant Naylor','Which group of people elect the pope ?','Cardinals','Which is the largest of the Egyptian Pyramids ?','Pyramid of Cheops','Which island was born near Iceland in 1963 ?','Surtsey','Which major international organization was created in 1945 ?','United Nations','Which mountains are regarded as the east border of Europe ?','Ural','Which part of a cat\'s eye reflects light ?','Tapetum','Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid ?','Venus','Which planet is known as the red planet ?','Mars','Which planet was discovered in 1930 ?','Pluto','Which river made The Grand Canyon ?','Colorado','Which scale is based on the speed of sound ?','Mach','Which science studies animal behaviour in natural habitats ?','Ethology','Which sight problem occurs in men far more then in women ?','Colour Blindness','Which species of Elephant has the largest ears ?','African','Which star is nearest the Earth ?','Sun','Which tree do Druids regard sacred ?','Oak','Which was the first Pinball game that used flippers ? ','Humpty Dumpty','Which was the first manned aircraft to exceed the speed of sound ?','Bell X-1','Which was the longest dinosaur ?','Diplodocus','Which word is used to mean',' malicious enjoyment at the misfortunes of others ?','Schadenfreude','Who appears on the 10','000 dollar (US) note?','Salmon Chase  ','Who appears on the 100','000 dollar (US) note?','Woodrow Wilson  ','Who appears on the 5','000 dollar (US) note?','James Madison ','Who created Sherlock Holmes ?','Sir Arthur Conan Doyle','Who developed the vaccine for smallpox ?','Edward Jenner','Who does the Mona Lisa depict ?','Madonna Lisa Gherardini','Who does the statue',' the Colossus of Rhodes',' depict ?','Helios','Who first used antiseptics ?','Jospeh Lister','Who imported the first Go set into Britain ?','Marco Polo','Who in 1893 defined vegtables as plants eaten in a meal and fruits as plants eaten as dessert ?','United States Supreme Court','Who in 1988 became the first elected female prime minister in an Islamic country ? ','Benazir Bhutto','Who invented James Bond ?','Ian Fleming','Who invented Penicillin ?','Alexander Fleming','Who invented Tetris ? ','Alexi Pazhitnov','Who invented dynamite ?','Alfred Nobel','Who invented logarithms ?','John Napier','Who invented the Hoovercraft ?','Cristopher Cockrell','Who invented the Telephone ?','Alexander Graham Bell','Who invented the toothbrush ?','William Addis','Who is associated with the address 221B Baker Street',' London ?','Sherlock Holmes','Who is famous for historically riding naked on horseback through Coventry',' England ?','Lady Godiva','Who is known as the \"Father of History\" ?','Herodotus','Who is known as the \"Father of Modern Economics\" ?','Adam Smith','Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ?','Michelangelo','Who proved Fermat\'s Last Theorem ? ','Andrew Wiles','Who said \"If you want something said',' ask a man. If you want something done',' ask a woman.\" ?','Margaret Thatcher','Who said \"In my free time I do differential and integral calculus\" ','Karl Marx','Who said \"The no-mind not-thinks no-thoughts about no-things\" ? ','Buddha','Who said \'Everything must either be or not be',' whether in the present or in the future\' ?','Aristotle','Who said \'Give me a firm place to stand and I will move the Earth\' ?','Archimedes','Who said \'So far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain. And so far as they are certain',' they do not refer to reality.\' ?','Albert Einstein','Who said \'The greater our knowledge increases',' the more our ignorance unfolds\' ?','John F. Kennedy','Who said \'The way of the warrior is the resolute acceptance of death\' ?','Miyamoto Musashi','Who said the line \"Dr Livingstone',' I presume!\" ?','Henry Morton Stanley','Who took the title \"Lord Protector of the Commonwelth of England',' Scotland',' and Ireland\" ?','Oliver Cromwell','Who was America named after ?','Amerigo Vespucci','Who was Ancient Egyptian fertility god ?','Min','Who was Ancient Egyptian moon god ?','Khensu  ','Who was Canada\'s first Prime Minister','John A. Macdonald','Who was known as \"the wizard of Menlo Park\" ?','Thomas Edison','Who was responsible for the American style of spelling ?','Noah Webster','Who was the first dog in space ?','Laika','Who was the first female American astronaut ?','Sally Ride','Who was the first fully Danish king of England ?','Canute the Great','Who was the first man to reach the North Pole ?','Robert Edwin Peary','Who was the first person to notice \"canals\" on Mars ?','Schiaparelli','Who was the first woman to fly the Atlantic alone ?','Amelia Earhart','Who wrote \"Ender\'s Game\" ? ','Orson Scott Card','Who wrote \"The Wind in the Willows\" ?','Kenneth Grahame','Who wrote 1984 ? ','George Orwell','Who wrote the Belgariad ? ','Leigh and David Eddings','Who wrote the Discworld series ? ','Terry Pratchett','Who wrote the Nutcracker Suite ?','Tchaikovsky','Who wrote the book \"The Origin of Species\" ?','Charles Darwin','Who wrote the epic poem Odyssey ?','Homer','Who wrote the novel \"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde\" ?','Stevenson','Who wrote the shortest ever letter ?','Victor Hugo','Who wrote three books under the title \"Das Kapital\" ?','Karl Marx','Whoose lasting testament was \"Cubum autem in duos cubos',' aut quadratoquadratum in duos quadratoquadratos',' et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatem in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere: cujus rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet.\" ? ','Fermat','With which sport is Babe Ruth associated ?','Baseball','With which sport is Bjorn Borg associated ?','Tennis','With which sport is Bobby Moore associated ?','Soccer','With which sport is Chirs Evert-Lloyd associated ?','Tennis','With which sport is Jack Nicklaus associated ?','Golf','With which sport is Muhammad Ali associated ?','Boxing','With which sport is Pele associated ?','Soccer','Britains say \'tarmac\'',' Americans say ······.','runway','Analogy: \'Ancient\' is to \'old\' as \'recent\' is to ········.','current','Bull - cow as fox - ··········.','vixen','Goose - geese as passerby - ···········.','passersby','Your ···· holds your head to your shoulders.','neck','In what field of study would you find \"flying buttresses\"?','architecture','The study of building design is ············.','architecture','This statue was found on the Greek island of Melos in 1820.','Venus de Milo','Three main types of Greek columns are Doric',' Ionic',' and ··········.','Corinthian','What Dutch master painted 64 self-portraits?','Rembrandt','Where is the Louvre located?','Paris','Who painted the Mona Lisa?','Leonardo da Vinci','Our galaxy is commonly known as the ········.','Milky Way','What is the only sign in the zodiac which doesn\'t represent a living thing?','Libra','Which month has a diamond as a birthstone?','April','A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) ·····.','comet','Does Uranus have an aurora?','yes','From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was ·······.','Neptune','How many planets are there in our solar system?','nine','If you\'re in the northern hemisphere',' Polaris',' the North Star',' can be found by looking which direction?','north','Name the largest planet in the solar system.','Jupiter','Name the second-largest planet in the solar system.','saturn','The Big Dipper is part of what constellation?','Ursa Major','The North Star is also known as ·······.','Polaris','The fourth planet from the sun is ····.','Mars','The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is ·····.','Orion','The planet closest to the sun is ·······.','Mercury','The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ········· galaxy.','Andromeda','The tides on the earth\'s oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ····.','Moon','This cluster of stars is also known as the Seven Sisters.','Pleiades','This comet appears every 76.3 years.','Comet Halley','This planet\'s diameter is most equal to that of the earth\'s.','Venus','What does \"Ursa Major\" mean in everyday English?','great bear','What is the astronomical name for a group of stars?','constellation','What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star?','black hole','What is the name used to describe the \"minor planets\"?','asteroids','What is the ocean of air around the earth called?','atmosphere','What is the proper name for falling stars?','meteors','What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space?','orbit','What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon?','tides','What planet boasts the Great Red Spot?','Jupiter','The two sexes of humans are male and ······?','female','This poisonous',' oily liquid occurs in tobacco leaves.','nicotine','This protein makes the blood red in color.','hemoglobin','Every human has one of these on their tummies.','navel','How many large holes are in your head?','seven','This complex substance makes up all living things.','protoplasm','What is normal body temperature for an adult human (in degrees fahrenheit)?','98.6','The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ········.','grafting','These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps.','lichen','This fruit has its seeds on the outside.','strawberry','This term means \'cone-bearing trees\'.','conifers','What fruit bear the latin name \"citrus grandis\"?','grapefruit','How many days where there in 1976?','three hundred and sixty six','Alvin & Simon had a brother called ····.','Theo','An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous',' cantankerous bird. Name him.','Woody Woodpecker','An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named ·······?','Chumley','An alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.  Where is he from?','Mars','Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone.  Who was he?','Ham Gravy','Benny and Cecil were at odds with whom?','John','Bugs always finds himself at the wrong end of a gun',' usually toted by either Elmer Fudd or who?','Yosemite Sam','Casper the Friendly Ghost frolicked with which witch?','Wendy','Charles Boyer inspired a cartoon skunk. Who?','Pepe le Pew','Famous Phrases: Who knows? The ······.','Shadow','Gadzookie has a large',' green friend. Who is he?','Godzilla','Hanna-Barbera rose to fame by creating what duo for MGM?','Tom and Jerry','How does Wonder Woman control her invisible airplane?','mental powers','In the cartoons who was Hokie Wolf\'s sidekick?','Ding','In what city does Fat Albert live?','Philadelphia','In what year did both Peanuts and Beetle Bailey first appear?','1950','Mentor of Titan had two children in the Marvel comics',' Thanos and ···?','Ero','Miss Buckley is secretary to what commanding officer?','General Halftrack','Name Alley Oop\'s girl friend.','Oola','Name Cathy\'s on again/off again boy friend?','Irving','Name Dennis the Menace\'s next door neighbors.','Mr and Mrs Wilson','Name Donald Duck\'s girlfriend?','Daisy','Name Hagar the Horrible\'s dog.','Snert','Name Li\'l Abner\'s favorite Indian drink.','Kickapoo Joy Juice','Name the European hit',' now an animated series about underwater people.','The Snorks','Name the apartments the Jetson\'s live in.','The Skypad Apartments','Name the dog in the Yankee Doodle cartoons.','Chopper','Name the fastest mouse in all of Mexico.','Speedy Gonzalez','Name the ranger who was always after Yogi Bear.','Rick','Name the town that Fred',' Wilma',' Barney',' and Betty lived in.','Bedrock','On what T.V. show could Tom Terrific be found?','Captain Kangaroo','Popeye\'s chief adversary has two names',' Bluto and ······?','Brutus','Porky Pig had a girlfriend named ········.','Petunia','Tess Trueheart married which plainclothes detective?','Dick Tracy','What came out of Milton\'s head?','steam','What character did Tex Avery first create upon arriving at MGM?','Screwball Squirrel','What comic strip character is Beetle Bailey\'s sister?','Lois (of Hi and Lois)','What did Dagwood give up to marry Blondie?','A family inheritance','What did Peppermint Patty always call Charlie Brown?','Chuck','What is Batman\'s butler Alfred\'s last name.','Pennyworth','What is Blondie\'s maiden name?','Oop','What is Dennis the Menace\'s last name?','Mitchell','What is Smokey Stover\'s job?','fireman','What is Super Chicken\'s partners name?','Fred','What is the mother\'s name in Family Circus?','Thelma','What is the name of Duddley Do-Right\'s horse?','Horse','What is the name of the Family Circus\'s dog?','Barf','What kind of dog is Scooby Doo?','great dane','What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell?','venus flytrap','What was Daffy Duck\'s favorite insult?','You\'re dispicable!','What was George of the Jungle always running in to?','A tree','What was the first cartoon to feature sound?','Steamboat Willie','What was the name of George of the Jungle\'s pet elephant?','Shep','What was the name of Speed Racer\'s car?','The Mach Five','What was the original name Charles Schultz had for Peanuts?','Li\'l Folks','What was the relationship between Superman and Supergirl?','cousin','When Tweety exclaimed',' \"I thought I saw a putty tat!\"',' who did he see?','Sylvester','When danger appeared',' Quick Draw McGraw became which super hero?','El KaBong','When not a Birdman',' what does Ray Randall do for a living?','police officer','When not fighting crime',' what did Underdog do for a living?','shoeshine boy','Where are Rocket J. Squirel and Bullwinkle Moose from?','Frostbite Falls','Where did Clark Kent attend college?','Metropolis University','Where did George of the Jungle live?','Imgwee Gwee Valley','Where did Mighty Mouse get his superpowers?','supermarket','Where do Rocky and Bullwinkle play football?','What\'samatta University','Where does George Jetson work?','Spacely Sprockets','Where does Yogi Bear Live?','Jellystone Park','Which comic strip was banned from \"Stars and Stripes\"?','Beetle Bailey','Which superhero loves peace enough to kill for it?','Peacemaker','Who always tried to kill Krazy Kat?','Captain Marvel','Who is Donald Duck\'s uncle?','Scrooge','Who is Sally Brown\'s sweet baboo?','Linus','Who is Scooby Doo\'s son?','Scrappy Doo','Who is Snoopy\'s arch enemy?','The Red Baron','Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips?','Beetle Bailey','Who runs Andy Capp\'s favorite pub?','Jack and Jill','Who says',' \"Th-th-th-that\'s all folks!\"','Porky Pig','Who shot Bruce Wayne\'s parents?','Chill','Who was Dick Dastardly\'s pet?','Muttley','Who was always trying to get rent from Andy Capp?','Percy','Who was the Hulk\'s first friend?','Rick Jones','Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse?','Walt Disney','Hydrogen Hydroxide is more commonly known as what?','water','Nitrogen',' a poisonous gas',' makes up 78% of the ··· that we breathe.','air','Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as ···.','lye','Sodium barcarbonate is better known as ·········.','baking soda','The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ···········.','desalination','The smallest portion of a substance capable of existing independently and retaining its original properties is a(n) ········.','molecule','This ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called ·······.','alchemy','This is the heaviest naturally occurring element.','uranium','This is the symbol for tin.','Sn','This poisonous gas is in the exhaust fumes from cars.','carbon monoxide','Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called ···· ·····.','soda water','What is it that turns blue litmus paper red?','acid','What is the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene?','TNT','What is the chemical symbol for copper?','Cu','What is the chemical symbol for gold?','Au','What is the main component of air?','nitrogen','What is the more scientific name for quicksilver?','mercury','What is the symbol for iron in chemistry?','Fe','What is the symbol for silver?','Ag','Name the loner rebel reindeer with the red shiny nose.','Rudolph','Santa Claus reportedly lives at the ····· Pole.','north','What comic strip is set at Camp Swampy?','Beetle Bailey','That big square thing you\'re staring at right now is called a ·······?','monitor','The Internet Relay Chat Program',' which normally connects to port 6667',' is more commonly known as ···.','IRC','--isms:  Exalting one\'s country above all others.','nationalism','--isms:  The belief that there is no God.','atheism','--isms:  The theory that man cannot prove the existence of a god.','agnosticism','-ism: The belief in the existence of a god or gods.','theism','-isms: A diseased condition resulting from the use of beverages such as whiskey.','alcoholism','-isms: A one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation.','fascism','-isms: A painful stiffness of the muscles and joints','rheumatism','-isms: A severe or unfavorable judgment.','criticism','-isms: An economic system characterized by private ownership and competition.','capitalism','-isms: Excessive emphasis on financial gain.','commercialism','-isms: Excessive enthusiasm or zeal for a cause.','fanaticism','-isms: Poisoning caused by a toxin in improperly prepared food.','botulism','-isms: Public ownership of the basic means of production',' distribution',' and exchange.','socialism','-isms: The belief in living a very austere and self-denying life.','asceticism','A clip',' shaped like a bar to keep a woman\'s hair in place is a ·······.','barrette','A depilatory is a substance used for removing ····.','hair','A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a ··········.','transformer','A flat',' round hat sometimes worn by soldiers is a ·····.','beret','A government in which power is restricted to a few is a(n) ··········.','oligarchy','A person in his eighties is called a(n) ············.','octogenarian','A person who starts fires maliciously is a(n) ·········.','arsonist','A person with a strong desire to steal is a(n) ········.','kleptomaniac','A pugilist is a ·····.','boxer','A receptacle for holy water is a(n) ····.','font','A sun-dried grape is known as a(n) ······.','raisin','A word like \'NASA\' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) ······.','acronym','Acrophobia is a fear of ·······.','heights','An \"omniscient\" person has unlimited ··········.','knowledge','An anemometer measures ···· ········.','wind velocity','An animal stuffer is a(n) ···········.','taxidermist','An artist supports his canvas on a(n) ·····.','easel','An instrument on a car to measure the distance travelled is called a(n) ········.','odometer','Androphobia is the fear of ·····.','males','Animals that once existed but don\'t exist now are said to be ·······.','extinct','Any object worn as a charm may be called a(n) ······.','amulet','Bibliophobia is a fear of ·····.','books','Brontophobia is the fear of ·······.','thunder','Dendrochronology is better known as ··········.','ring dating','Doraphobia is the fear of ·········.','fur','Eleutherophobia is a fear of ·······.','freedom','Gymnophobia is the fear of ··········.','naked bodies','Hills and ridges composed of drifting sand are known as ·····.','dunes','Ichthyology is the study of ········.','fish','Legal Terms: A crime more serious than a misdemeanor.','felony','Legal Terms: A formal agreement enforceable by law.','contract','Legal Terms: A supplement to a will.','codicil','Legal Terms: The people chosen to render a verdict in a court.','jury','Legal Terms: To steal property entrusted to one\'s care.','embezzle','Name the pain-inflicting person you go to to get your teeth fixed.','dentist','Name the porceilan chair you sit on at least once a day.','toilet','One who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n) ··········.','astrologer','Rats',' mice',' beavers',' and squirrels are all ·······.','rodents','The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is ···········.','lithography','The covering on the tip of a shoelace is a(n) ·····.','aglet','The distance around the outside of a circle is its ············.','circumference','The earth\'s atmosphere and the space beyond is known as ·········.','aerospace','The effect produced when sound is reflected back is known as a(n) ····.','echo','The feeling of having experienced something before is known as ·······.','deja vu','The science of preparing and dispensing drugs is ········.','pharmacy','The science of providing men',' equipment and supplies for military operations is called ········.','logistics','The study of human behaviour is ··········.','psychology','The study of human pre-history is ···········.','archaeology','The study of insects is ··········.','entomology','The study of light and its relation to sight is called ······.','optics','The study of man and culture is known as ··········.','anthropology','The study of natural phenomena: motion',' forces',' light',' sound',' etc. is called ······.','physics','The study of plants is ······.','botany','The study of religion is ········.','theology','The study of sound is ·········.','acoustics','The study of the composition of substances and the changes that they undergo is ·········.','chemistry','The study of the earth\'s physical divisions into mountains',' seas',' etc. is ·········.','geography','The study of the manner in which organisms carry on their life processes is ·········.','physiology','The symbols used on a map are explained by the ······.','legend','The treatment of disease by chemical substances which are toxic to the causative micro-organisms is called ············.','chemotherapy','The weight at the end of a pendulum is a(n) ······.','bob','The wide wall built along the banks of rivers to stop flooding is a(n) ·····.','levee','The word \"cumulus\" refers to a type of ···········.','cloud','This instrument is used for measuring the distance between two points',' on a curved surface.','calliper','This instrument measures atmospheric pressure.','barometer','This instrument measures the velocity of the wind.','anemometer','This is the fear of enclosed spaces.','claustrophobia','This word is used as the international radio distress call.','mayday','This word means \"split personality\".','schizophrenia','Throat',' foxing',' and platform are parts of a(n) ········.','shoe','Toxiphobia is a fear of ·········.','poison','What does a brandophile collect?','cigar bands','What does a heliologist study?','the sun','What does an ornithologist study?','birds','What is a device to stem the flow of blood called?','tourniquet','What is a dried plum called?','prune','What is a female swan called?','pen','What is a figure with eight equal sides called?','octagon','What is another name for a tombstone inscription?','epitaph','What is measured by a chronometer?','time','What is the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree?','bonsai','What is the common name for the Aurora Borealis?','northern lights','What is the common term for a \"somnambulist\"?','sleepwalker','What is the name for a branch of a river?','tributary','What is the study of heredity called?','genetics','What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals called?','paleontology','What is the term for a castrated rooster?','capon','Which science studies weather?','meteorology','Name the clothing wrinkle remover that sounds like a kind of metal.','iron','A 3 1/2\" floppy disk measures ··· and 1/2 inches across.','3','A brown crayon is what color?','brown','A smoke detector will alarm if it detects ·····.','smoke','A water heater keeps ····· warm for you.','water','Although not all come from France',' ······ fries are often served with hamburgers.','french','An ····· clock usually wakes you in the morning.','alarm','During the American Revolution',' the Boston Tea Party took place in ······ Harbor.','boston','How do you spell abbreviation?','abbreviation','How many pencils are there in a dozen?','twelve','\"Our Town\" is a play by whom?','Thornton Wilder','The play \"Our Town\" is set where?','Grover\'s Corners','What is a sorcerer who deals in black magic called?','necromancer','Boston butt',' jowl',' and picnic ham are parts of a ······.','pig','Even though it tastes nothing like grapes',' a ·········· is often eaten for breakfast.','grapefruit','From what animal do we get venison?','deer','From which fish is caviar obtained?','sturgeon','From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made?','cherry','Iceberg',' Boston',' and Bibb are types of ·········.','lettuce','Laetrile is associated with the pit of which fruit?','apricot','Little round chocolate candies are known as _&m\'s.','m','Mustard',' ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all ··········.','condiments','Name the only fruit named for its color.','orange','Natural vanilla flavoring comes from this plant.','orchid','Often drunk',' this liquid is normally harvested from female cows.','milk','Often eaten for breakfast',' bacon is actually the flesh of what barnyard animal?','pig','Often eaten for breakfast',' the egg comes from what barnyard animal?','chicken','Rum is made from this plant.','sugar cane','Vermicelli literally means ···········.','little worms','What do you get when you add fresh fruit to red wine?','sangria','What is Japanese \"sake\" made from?','rice','What is the name of the syrup drained from raw sugar?','molasses','What kind of nuts are used in marzipan?','almonds','Where is the best brandy bottled?','cognac','Where was Budweiser first brewed?','St. Louis','Cocktails: Bourbon',' sugar and mint make a(n) ···········.','mint julep','Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) ·············.','stinger','Cocktails: Creme de Cacao',' cream',' and brandy make a(n) ··········.','brandy alexander','Cocktails: Gin and Collins mix make a(n) ··········.','Tom Collins','Cocktails: Rum',' lime',' and cola drink make a(n) ············.','cuba libre','Cocktails: Triple sec',' tequila',' and lemon or lime juice make a(n) ·········.','margarita','Cocktails: Vodka and Kahlua make a ···········.','black russian','Cocktails: Vodka',' orange juice and Galliano make a(n) ···········.','Harvey Wallbanger','Cocktails: Whiskey',' hot coffee',' and whipped cream make a(n) ·········.','Irish coffee','A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a ·······.','void','A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a ·······.','full house','How many balls are used in a game of snooker in addition to the cue ball?','twenty one','How many dots are there on a pair of dice?','forty two','How many squares are there on a chessboard?','sixty four','If you \"peg out\" what game are you playing?','cribbage','In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) ········.','flush','In pool',' what color is the eight ball?','black','In which game might a person have a \"full house\"?','poker','In which game or sport are \"Staunton\" pieces used?','chess','In which game or sport can a person be \"skunked\"?','cribbage','In which sport are terms \"spare\" and \"gutter\" used?','tenpin bowling','In which sport or game are the terms: \'pin\'',' \'fork\'',' and \'skewer\' used?','chess','In which sport or game is the term \"rook\" used?','chess','Name the only flexible murder weapon in the game of \"Cluedo\".','rope','Name the only woman suspect in the game of \"Cluedo\" who isn\'t married.','Miss Scarlett','These are the two highest valued letters in \"Scrabble\".  \"Q\" and ·····.','Z','This ancient Chinese game is played with 156 small rectangular tiles.','mah jongg','This is the lowest ranking suit in Bridge.','clubs','This term denotes a chess move in which both the king and the rook are moved.','castling','What bowling term means three straight strikes?','turkey','What game or sport is Bobby Fischer identified with?','chess','What number is on the opposite side of the \"five\" on dice?','two','What score is not possible for a cribbage hand?','nineteen','Which chess piece is usually valued as 5 points?','rook','Which game usually begins with',' \"Is it animal',' vegetable',' or mineral?\"','twenty questions','Although it doesn\'t sound like a dog',' ····dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds.','bark','Chicago Transit Authority is now known as which group?','Chicago','If you drive on a parkway',' you park on a ·······?','driveway','To refuel your car you go to a ····· station.','petrol','Wedding rings are normally worn on what finger of your hand?','ring finger','What are catalogued under the Dewey decimal system?','books','What are the 3 big colleges of the Ivy League? (name them alphabetically)','Harvard',' Princeton',' Yale','What company makes Pampers disposable diapers?','Proctor & Gamble','What do the initials U.F.O stand for?','Unidentified Flying Object','What do the letters in SAM missiles refer to?','Surface-to-Air Missile','What does IRS stand for?','Internal Revenue Service','What does a compass needle point to?','north','What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for?','Ante Meridian','What does the acronym CIA stand for?','Central Intelligence Agency','What is the minimum IQ score for the genius category?','one hundred and forty','What is this sign called \"&\"?','ampersand','When using a telephone',' you must wait for a ···· tone before starting your call.','dial','Which U.S. president is on the five-dollar bill?','Abraham Lincoln','Acadia was the original name of which Canadian province?','Nova Scotia','Bridgeport is the largest city in which state?','Connecticut','Bridgetown is the capital of ········.','Barbados','Brussels is the capital of which country?','Belgium','Frankfort is the capital of which state?','Kentucky','Guayaquil is the largest city in what country?','Ecuador','Halifax is the capital of which Canadian province?','Nova Scotia','Havana is the capital of which country?','Cuba','He invented the most common projection for world maps.','Gerardus Mercator','He visited Australia and New Zealand',' then surveyed the Pacific Coast of North America.','Vancouver','How many stars are on the flag of New Zealand?','four','If its 4:00pm in Seattle',' Washington what time is it in Portland',' Oregon?','4:00pm','In what city are the famous Tivoli Gardens?','Copenhagen','In what city is the Leaning Tower?','Pisa','In what city is the Smithsonian Institute?','Washington','In what country is Banff National Park?','Canada','In what country is Lahore?','Pakistan','In what country is Mandalay?','Myanmar (formerly known as Burma)','In what country is Taipei?','Taiwan','In what country is Thunder Bay?','Canada','In what country is the Jutland peninsula?','Denmark','In what country is the Mekong River Delta?','Vietnam','In what country is the Waterloo battlefield?','Belgium','In what country is the highest point in South America?','Argentina','In what country is the lowest point in South America?','Argentina','In what country is the source of the Blue Nile?','Ethiopia','In what island group is Corregidor?','Philippines','In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass?','Rocky','In what state is Concord?','New Hampshire','In which city is Red Square?','Moscow','In which city is Saint Paul\'s Cathedral?','London','In which city is Wembley Stadium?','London','In which city is the Bridge of Sighs?','Venice','In which city is the C.N. Tower?','Toronto','In which city is the Canale Grande?','Venice','In which city is the Colliseum located?','Rome','In which city is the Wailing Wall?','Jerusalem','In which country is Angel Falls?','Venezuela','In which country is Brest? (NOT Breast!)','France','In which country is Cusco?','Peru','In which country is Loch Ness?','Scotland','In which country is Madras?','India','In which country is Normandy?','France','In which country is Sapporo?','Japan','In which country is the Calabria region?','Italy','In which country is the Dalai Lama\'s palace?','Tibet','In which country is the Great Victoria Desert?','Australia','In which country is the Machu Picchu?','Peru','In which country would you find the Yucatan Peninsula?','Mexico','In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles?','Indian Ocean','In which state are Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell?','Pennsylvania','In which state are the Finger Lakes?','New York','In which state is Appomattax?','Virginia','In which state is Cape Hatteras?','North Carolina','In which state is Hoover Dam?','Arizona','In which state is Mount McKinley?','Alaska','In which state is Mount St. Helens?','Washington','In which state is Mount Vernon?','Virginia','In which state is Stone Mountain?','Georgia','In which state is Walla Walla?','Washington','In which state is the Kennedy Space Center?','Florida','In which state is the Mayo Clinic?','Minnesota','In which state is the Painted Desert?','Arizona','Into what bay does the Ganges River flow?','Bay Of Bengal','Into what body of water does the Danube River flow?','Black Sea','Into what body of water does the Yukon River flow?','Bering Sea','Into what sea does the Elbe River flow?','North Sea','Into what sea does the Mackenzie River flow?','Beaufort Sea','Khartoum is the capital of which country?','Sudan','Kingston is the capital of which country?','Jamaica','Linz',' Austria is a leading port on which river?','Danube','Madrid and Lisbon are both located near this river.','Tagus','Meridians converge at the ········.','poles','Mount Victoria is the highest peak of this island country.','Fiji','Name a country which has the same name as a bird.','Turkey','Name the U.S. state with the smallest population.','Alaska','Name the capital city of Massachusetts.','Boston','Name the capital city of Rhode Island.','Providence','Name the capital of Argentina.','Buenos Aires','Name the capital of Brazil.','Brasilia','Name the capital of Italy.','Rome','Name the city at the west end of Lake Superior.','Duluth','Name the continent that consists of a single country.','Australia','Name the desert located in south-east California.','Mojave','Name the large mountain chain in the eastern U.S.A.','The Appalachians','Name the largest cathedral in the world.','St. Peter\'s','Name the largest city in Canada.','Toronto','Name the largest island in the world.','Greenland','Name the largest lake in Australia.','Eyre','Name the largest river forming part of the U.S. - Mexican border.','Rio Grande','Name the last province to become part of Canada.','Newfoundland','Name the longest river in Asia.','Yangtze','Name the longest river in Nigeria.','Niger','Name the most north-easterly of the 48 contiguous states.','Maine','Name the only Central American country without an Atlantic coastline.','El Salvador','Name the sea between Asia Minor and Greece.','Aegean','Name the sea between Korea and China.','Yellow Sea','Name the sea north of Alaska.','Beaufort','Name the sea north of Murmansk',' Russia.','Barents','Name the sea west of Alaska.','Bering','Name the second largest country in Africa.','Algeria','Name the second largest country in South America.','Argentina','Name the second largest lake in North America.','Huron','Name the smallest of the Great Lakes.','Ontario','Name the strait joining the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.','Gibraltar','Name the world\'s most photographed and most climbed mountain.','Fuji','Nassau is the capital of which country?','Bahamas','On what island is Honolulu?','Oahu','On what island is Pearl Harbour?','Oahu','On what island is the Blue Grotto?','Capri','On what island is the U.S. naval base',' Guantanamo?','Cuba','On what mountain are four presidents\' faces carved?','Rushmore','On what peninsula are Spain and Portugal located?','The Iberian peninsula','On what river is the capital city of Canada?','Ottawa','On which river is London',' England?','Thames','On which river is Rome located?','Tiber','On which river is the Aswan High Dam?','Nile','Over 75% of the Earth\'s surface is covered by some form of ·····.','Water','Rabat is the capital of which country?','Morocco','San Francisco Bay is located near what city?','San Francisco','Seoul is the capital of which country?','South Korea','St. George\'s is the capital city of what island country?','Grenada','Surfing is believed to have originated here.','Hawaii','The Auckland Islands belong to which country?','New Zealand','The Hebrides are part of this country.','Scotland','The Ionian and Cyclades are island groups of which country?','Greece','The Little Mermaid is found in the harbour of which city?','Copenhagen','The Nationalist Chinese occupy this island.','Taiwan','The Thatcher Ferry Bridge crosses what canal?','Panama Canal','The United States is made up of ·· states.','50','The Volta is the largest river in which country?','Ghana','The countries of Belgium',' Netherlands',' and Luxembourg are together called ········.','Benelux','The longest river in Western Europe is ·········?','Rhine','The sun sets in the ····?','west','This Canadian island is the world\'s fifth largest.','Baffin','This Pacific island\'s puzzling monoliths attract ethnologists.','Easter Island','This country is divided at the 38th parallel.','Korea','This country occupies the \"horn of Africa\".','Somalia','This country\'s flag has a large \"R\" on it.','Rwanda','This imaginary line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean.','international date line','This is called the \"Honeymoon Capital\" of the world.','Niagara Falls','This is the bridge with the longest span in the U.S.A.','Verrazano','This is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island.','The Bronx','This is the port city serving Tokyo.','Yokohama','This is the residence of English monarchs.','Buckingham Palace','This island group is off the east coast of southern South America.','Falkland Islands','This re-opened in 1975 after being closed for 8 years.','Suez Canal','This section of Manhattan is noted for its Negro and Latin American residents.','Harlem','To what country do the Faeroe Islands belong?','Denmark','To what country does the Gaza Strip belong?','Egypt','True Or False:  The Easter Bunny is from Easter Island.','false','True Or False:  There are only virgins on the Virgin Islands.','false','Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run?','Hudson','Warsaw is the capital of what country?','Poland','What American city is known as Little Havana?','Miami','What Asian city was once called Edo?','Tokyo','What Canadian city is at the west end of Lake Ontario?','Hamilton','What English city does the Prime Meridian pass through?','Greenwich','What European country administers the island of Martinique?','France','What European country has \"Vaduz\" as its capital city?','Liechtenstein','What U.S. city is known as Insurance City?','Hartford','What U.S. city is named after Saint Francis of Assisi?','San Francisco','What U.S. state is known as The Land of 10','000 Lakes?','Minnesota','What US state is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean?','Hawaii','What are drumlins and eskers formed by?','glaciers','What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically?','Arctic',' Atlantic',' Indian and Pacific','What body of water borders Saudi Arabia to the east?','Persian Gulf','What canal connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?','Welland','What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Impanema?','Rio de Janeiro','What city is associated with Alcatraz?','San Francisco','What city is on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River?','Cleveland','What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in?','Boston','What city is the Kremlin located in?','Moscow','What city was the setting for \"Gone With the Wind\"?','Atlanta','What color does the bride wear in China?','red','What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of?','Asia','What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries?','Africa','What country are the Islands of Quemoy and Matsu part of?','Taiwan','What country borders Egypt on the west?','Libya','What country borders Egypt to the south?','Sudan','What country does the island of Mykonos belong to?','Greece','What country formed the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar?','Tanzania','What country has the world\'s most southerly city?','Chile','What country is Phnom Penh the capital of?','Cambodia','What country is Santo Domingo the capital of?','Dominican Republic','What country is directly north of Israel?','Lebanon','What country is directly north of the continental United States?','Canada','What country is directly west of Spain?','Portugal','What country is known as the Hellenic Republic?','Greece','What country is located between Panama and Nicaragua?','Costa Rica','What country owns the island of Corfu?','Greece','What country was once known as Gaul?','France','What country was the setting for \"Casablanca\"?','Morocco','What country was the setting for \"Doctor Zhivago\"?','Russia','What famous geyser erupts regularly at the Yellowstone National Park?','Old Faithful','What is the capital of Alaska?','Juneau','What is the capital of Bangladesh?','Dacca','What is the capital of Burma?','Rangoon','What is the capital of Chile?','Santiago','What is the capital of Colorado?','Denver','What is the capital of Florida?','Tallahassee','What is the capital of India?','New Delhi','What is the capital of Indonesia?','Jakarta','What is the capital of Kansas?','Topeka','What is the capital of Maine?','Augusta','What is the capital of Nebraska','Lincoln','What is the capital of New Zealand?','Wellington','What is the capital of Washington state?','Olympia','What is the capital of West Virginia?','Charleston','What is the capital of Wisconsin?','Madison','What is the capital of Zimbabwe?','Salisbury','What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?','Abu Dhabi','What is the current name for south-west Africa?','Namibia','What is the highest mountain in Canada?','Mt. Logan','What is the largest city in Australia',' in terms of population?','Sydney','What is the largest city in China?','Shanghai','What is the largest of the countries in Central America?','Nicaragua','What is the monetary unit of India?','Rupee','What is the most sacred river in India?','Ganges','What is the official language of Egypt?','Arabic','What is the principal river of Ireland?','Shannon','What is the second largest of the United States?','Texas','What is the smallest Canadian province?','Prince Edward Island','What is the smallest independent state in the world?','Vatican City','What is the smallest of the Central American countries?','El Salvador','What is the world\'s highest city?','Lhasa','What island has Hamilton as its capital?','Bermuda','What island is known as the Spice Island?','Zanzibar','What mountain range separates Europe from Asia?','Ural','What prison island was off the coast of French Guiana?','Devil\'s Island','What river has the largest drainage basin?','Amazon','What river is Liverpool on?','Mersey','What river is called \"Old Man River\"?','Mississippi','What river is known as China\'s Sorrow?','Yellow','What river is the Temple of Karnak near?','Nile','What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia?','Adriatic','What south American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline?','Colombia','What state borders Alabama to the north?','Tennessee','What state is the Golden State?','California','What state was the home to Mayberry?','North Carolina','What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam?','star','What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq',' Jordan',' Tunisia',' and Yugoslavia?','Dinar','What volcano showers ash on Sicily?','Etna','What\'s the former name of Istanbul?','Constantinople','What\'s the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous U.S. states?','Whitney','Where are the Nazca Lines?','Peru','Where are the pyramids located?','Egypt','Where is Beacon Street?','Boston','Where is Euston Station?','London','Where is George Washington buried?','Mt. Vernon',' Virginia','Where is Queen Maud Land located?','Antarctica','Where is Westminster Abbey located?','London','Where is the Admirality Arch?','London','Where is the Holy Kaaba?','Mecca','Where is the Parthenon located?','Athens','Where is the city of Brotherly Love?','Philadelphia','Where were the Pillars of Hercules located?','Gibraltar','Which Canadian province extends farthest north?','Quebec','Which Central American country extends furthest north?','Belize','Which European country has the highest population density?','Monaco','Which European country has the lowest population density?','Iceland','Which Irish city is famous for its crystal?','Waterford','Which U.S. city is known as Beantown?','Boston','Which U.S. city is known as the Biggest Little City in the World?','Reno','Which U.S. state borders a Canadian territory?','Alaska','Which U.S. state has the least rainfall?','Nevada','Which U.S. state receives the most rainfall?','Hawaii','Which capital is known as the Glass Capital of the World?','Toledo','Which city has the largest rodeo in the world?','Calgary','Which city is known as Motown?','Detroit','Which city is known as the Windy City?','Chicago','Which city is on the east side of San Francisco Bay?','Oakland','Which country administers Christmas Island?','Australia','Which country are the Galapagos Islands part of?','Ecuador','Which country borders Italy',' Switzerland',' West Germany',' Czechoslovakia',' Hungary',' Yugoslavia',' and Liechtenstein?','Austria','Which country developed \"Tae-Kwan-Do\"?','Korea','Which country has Ankara as its capital?','Turkey','Which country has Budapest as its capital?','Hungary','Which country has the longest land border?','China','Which country hosted the 1982 World Cup of soccer?','Spain','Which country uses the \"yen\" for currency?','Japan','Which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries?','Afghanistan','Which islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain?','The Philippines','Which mainland Latin American country is in neither South America nor Central America?','Mexico','Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north?','Minnesota','Which of the U.S. states borders only one other state?','Maine','Which river contains the most fresh water?','Amazon','Which state has the most hospitals?','California','Which state is divided into two parts by a large lake?','Michigan','Which state is the Evergreen State?','Washington','Which state is the Garden State?','New Jersey','Which state is the Wolverine State?','Michigan','With what country is Fidel Castro associated?','Cuba','With which country is Prince Rainier III identified?','Monaco','Name the capital city of Utah.','Salt Lake City','Earth\'s outer layer of surface soil or crust is called the ·······.','cithosphere','Peat',' lignite and bituminous are types of ·········.','coal','Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of ·········.','shale','The green variety of beryl is called ········.','emerald','The molten material from a volcano is ········?','lava','The spot on the Earth\'s surface directly above an earthquake\'s focus is called the ······.','epicenter','The violet variety of quartz is called ········.','amethyst','There are three types of rocks: metamorphic',' sedimentary',' and ·········.','igneous','These limestone deposits rise from the floor of caves.','stalagmites','This is the hardest naturally occurring substance.','diamond','What name is used to describe permanently-frozen subsoil?','permafrost','This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now.','chair','Name the first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule.','Haiti','Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982.','Falklands Islands','Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott ··········.','Trudeau','Churchill',' F.D. Roosvelt and Stalin met here in 1945.','Yalta','Eras are divided into units called ········.','periods','For what country did Columbus make his historic voyage?','Spain','Four Japanese carriers were destroyed in this battle.','Midway','Frankish ruler Charles the Great is better known as ·········.','Charlemagne','From what country did the U.S. buy the Virgin Islands?','Denmark','General Sherman burned this city in 1864.','Atlanta','Germany\'s WW I allies were Austria-Hungary',' Bulgaria',' and ········.','Turkey','Germany\'s allies in WW II were Japan',' Italy',' Hungary',' Bulgaria',' Finland',' Libya',' and ·········.','Romania','He allowed the bugging of the Democratic Committee headquarters.','Richard Nixon','He discovered the Grand Canyon.','Francisco Coronado','He is identified with the expression',' \"Eureka\".','Archimedes','He is said to have fiddled while Rome burned.','Nero','He led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979.','Jim Jones','He ordered the persecution of Christians in which Peter and Paul died.','Nero','He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his civil rights leadership.','Martin Luther King Jr.','He said',' \"I have nothing to offer but blood',' tears',' toil and sweat.\"','Sir Winston Churchill','He shot Lee Harvey Oswald.','Jack Ruby','He taught Alexander the Great.','Aristotle','He was assassinated on Dec. 8',' 1980 in New York City.','John Lennon','He was assassinated on Nov. 22',' 1963.','John Fitzgerald Kennedy','He was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn.','General Custer','He was stabbed by Cassius.','Julius Caesar','He was the American inventor of the Cotton Gin.','Eli Whitney','He was the U.S. president during the Civil War.','Abraham Lincoln','His ship was the H.M.S. Beagle.','Charles Darwin','His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was ········.','Alexander the Great','How do you write 69 in Roman numerals?','LXIX','How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight?','three','How old was John F. Kennedy when he became president?','forty three','In 1902 this volcano erupted',' killing 30','000.','Pelee','In what country did \"Sepoy Mutiny\" occur?','India','In what year did England\'s lease on Hong Kong expire?','1997','In what year did man first set foot on the moon?','1969','In what year of WW II did Russia declare war on Japan?','1945','In which city was President Kennedy killed?','Dallas','In which city were the Hanging Gardens?','Babylon','In which country did the Boxer Rebellion take place?','China','In which country was Adolf Hitler born?','Austria','In which country was the Rosetta Stone found?','Egypt','Israel occupied the Golan Heights.  Whose territory was it?','Syria','Israel occupied the West Bank.  It belonged to ·······.','Jordan','John F. Kennedy Airport used to be called ··········.','Idlewild','Mussolini invaded this country in 1935.','Ethiopia','Name Jacques Cousteau\'s research ship.','Calypso','Name the incident in which tea was dumped into the harbour.','Boston Tea Party','One who fought professionally in Roman arenas was a(n) ············.','Gladiator','She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar.','Helen Keller','She was Queen of Egypt and mistress of Julius Caesar.','Cleopatra','She was called \"The Maid of Orleans\".','Joan of Arc','She was the first First Lady to be received privately by the Pope.','Jackie Kennedy','She was the first woman premier of Israel.','Golda Meir','She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo.','Amelia Earhart','She was the first woman to swim the English channel.','Gertrude Caroline Ederle','She was the greatest trick shot artist of all time.','Annie Oakley','She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor.','Mother Teresa','Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory.','Cuba','The \"Bay of Pigs\" fiasco took place in this country.','Cuba','The Devonian Period is also known as the Age of ··········.','fish','The Inquisition forced him to recant his belief in the Copernican Theory.','Galileo','The Romans built these to convey water.','aqueducts','The St. Valentine\'s Day massacre took place in this city.','Chicago','The first dog in space was named ·········.','Laika','The last line of this document is \"Working men of all countries',' unite.\"','Communist Manifesto','This F.B.I agent headed the investigation of Al Capone.','Elliot Ness','This French peasant girl led the army to victories.','Joan of Arc','This Indian group ruled in early Peru.','Inca','This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death.','Joseph Goebbels','This Queen of France was beheaded in 1793.','Marie Antoinette','This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium.','Marc Antony','This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill\'s Wild West Show.','Sitting Bull','This Spaniard conquered Mexico.','Cortes','This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973.','Henry Kissinger','This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881.','James Garfield','This assassin of Julius Caesar was his friend.','Brutus','This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo.','Davy Crockett','This is said to be history\'s greatest military evacuation.','Dunkirk','This military attack took place on Dec. 7',' 1941.','Pearl Harbour','This organization was founded by William Booth.','Salvation Army','This racist organization was formed in Tennessee in 1865.','Klu Klux Klan','This war began on June 25',' 1950.','Korean','This was the largest real estate deal in U.S. history.','Louisiana Purchase','This word describes the Nazi annihilation of Jews.','holocaust','Those big black CD\'s that you see at garage sales that people call \"albums\" are made of ·····.','vinyl','Two 747\'s collided here in 1977.','Canary Islands','U.S. President',' Chester Alan ········.','Arthur','U.S. President',' Herbert C. ·········.','Hoover','U.S. President',' John Quincy ········.','Adams','U.S. President: Calvin ·········.','Coolidge','What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar?','Susan B. Anthony','What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911?','Manchu','What age preceded the Iron Age?','The Bronze Age','What did President J. Buchanan not have?','A wife','What did presidents Madison',' Monroe',' Polk',' and Garfield have in common?','The first name \"James\"','What group landed in America in 1620?','The Pilgrims','What is the Roman numeral for fifty?','L','What is the name of the Russian Czar\'s daughter who might-or might not-have survived the Russian revolution?','Anastasia','What volcano destroyed Pompeii?','Vesuvius','What was the instrument of execution during the \"Reign of Terror\"?','guillotine','What was the name of Plato\'s school?','Academy','What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb?','Enola Gay','What was the nationality of the prisoners in the \"Black hole of Calcutta\"?','British','What was the third country to get the \"bomb\"?','Britain','What\'s the resting place of those buried at sea?','Davey Jones\'s Locker','Which U.S. president said',' \"The buck stops here\"?','Truman','Which military battle took place in 1815?','Waterloo','Which nation was led by Genghis Khan?','The Mongols','Which president was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase?','Jefferson','Who is \"The Iron Lady\"?','Margaret Thatcher','Who led the attack on the Alamo?','Santa Anna','Who rode naked through the streets of Coventry?','Lady Godiva','Who said \"Veni',' vidi',' vici\" (I came',' I saw',' I conquered)?','Julius Caesar','Who said: \"Let them eat cake\"?','Marie Antoinette','Who sang Happy Birthday to John F. Kennedy for his 45th?','Marilyn Monroe','Who succeeded Churchill when he resigned in 1955?','Sir Anthony Eden','Who was \"The Mad Monk\"?','Rasputin','Who was George Washington\'s vice-president?','Adams','Who was the first chancellor of West Germany after WW II?','Konrad Adenauer','Who was the second man to set foot on the moon?','Edwin \"Buzz\" Aldrin','Who was',' \"First in war',' first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen\"?','George Washington','What three letters are overly used to indicate \"Laugh Out Loud\"?','lol','Many Meanings:  Fuel',' vapor',' flattulence',' helium.  What is it?','gas','Multiple Meanings:  Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers.','glasses','Multiple Meanings:  Slamming your hands together quickly',' or a venereal disease.','clap','Name the soda that is often confused with a drug.','Coke','Subject',' verb and object are parts of a ·········.','sentence','This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia','aardvark','What is the only English word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet?','cab','What three letter word means the same as \"to ingest\"?','eat','\"faux pas\" means ···········.','mistake','Mardi Gras is French for ···········.','fat tuesday','The name Australia is derived from the Latin word \"australis\" which means ·······.','southern','The name for this semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for \"sea water\"','aquamarine','What ONE word fits? ····hood',' ····hole',' ····date.','man','What ONE word fits? ····stream',' ····hill',' ·····pour.','down','What does \"c\'est la vie\" mean?','that\'s life','What word contains the combination of letters: \"xop\"?','saXOPhone','\"The Diary of Anne Frank\" was first published in English under what title?','The Diary of a Young Girl','Captain Hook',' Tiger Lily',' and Tinker Bell are characters in what story?','Peter Pan','Dr. Seuss wrote this book: The Cat in the ······.','Hat','Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about this animal.','raven','From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: \"Double',' double ... \"','Macbeth','From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: \"Goodnight',' goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow',' That I should say goodnight till it be morrow.\"','Romeo and Juliet','From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: \"To be or not to be?\"','Hamlet','From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: \"What in a name? That which we call a rose',' by any other name would smell as sweet.\"','Romeo and Juliet','How many lines are in a sonnet?','fourteen','How many plays is Shakespeare generally credited with today?','thirty seven','Name the Shakespeare play from this ultra short plot summary: Urged on by his wife',' a man murders his king in order to take his place.','Macbeth','Stephen King\'s: \"Pet ········\".','Cemetary','Stephen King\'s: \"Salem\'s ·········\".','Lot','Stephen King\'s: \"The Dead ········\".','Zone','This Shakespearean king was the actual king of Scotland for 17 years.','Macbeth','This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam.','Anne Frank','What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses?','Romeo and Juliet','What did Jeannie C. Riley describe as \"a little Peyton Place\"?','Harper Valley','What other name does Stephen King write under?','Richard Bachman','What publication was subtitled The What\'s New Magazine?','Popular Science','What was the name of Mother Goose\'s son?','Jack','What\'s Penthouse\'s sister publication for women?','Viva','Homer wrote this account of the Trojan War.','Iliad','You are in a room where all walls face south.  A bear walks by.  What color is it?','White','A U.S. dime is worth ··· cents.','ten','A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) ·······.','median','A triangle with three equal sides is called ·······.','equilateral','A triangle with two equal sides is called ··········.','isosceles','An angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees is a(n) ········ angle.','reflex','An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be ·········.','obtuse','An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n) ·······.','prime','Approximately how many inches are there in one meter?','thirty nine','Arc',' radius',' and sector are parts of a(n) ·········.','circle','He is known as \"The Father of Geometry\".','Euclid','How many corners are there in a cube?','eight','How many nickles are there in $2.25?','forty five','If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be?','circle','Name the number system which uses only the symbols 1 and 0.','The binary system','The angles inside a square total ······· degrees.','three hundred and sixty','The mathematical study of properties of lines',' angels',' etc.',' is ········.','geometry','The space occupied by a body is called its ······.','volume','The square root of 1 is?','1','Two angles that total 180 degrees are called ·······.','supplementary','What geometric shape has 4 equal sides?','square','Doctors often have this instrument around their neck.','stethoscope','A baby doctor is a ·········.','pediatrician','A bone specialist is a(n) ········.','osteopath','A loss of memory is known as ··········.','amnesia','A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a ········.','laxative','A non-cancerous tumor is said to be ·······.','benign','A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) ·········.','ligature','Carditis',' affects the ········.','heart','Due to a lack of vitamin C',' sailors used to contract this disease.','scurvy','Encephalitis affects the ········.','brain','Gastritis affects the ··········.','stomach','Hammer',' anvil',' and stirrup are parts of the ········.','ear','He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox.','Edward Jenner','Hepatitis affects the ··········.','Liver','How many bones are there in the human body?','two hundred and six','How many chambers does the human heart have?','four','How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body?','twelve','In the field of psychiatry this term means self-love.','narcissism','In what organ of the body is insulin produced?','pancreas','In which organ is a clear watery solution known as the \"aqueous humor\" found?','eye','In which organ is a pulmonary disease located?','lung','In which organ is your \"hypothalmus\" located?','brain','Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as ········.','polio','Meningitis affects the ·········.','brain','Myositis affects the ·········.','muscles','Name the hardest substance in the human body.','enamel','Name the largest artery in the human body.','aorta','Name the largest gland in the human body.','liver','Osteomyelitis affects the ·········.','bones','Peritonitis',' affects the ········.','abdomen','Prosthetics deals with the making of ··········.','artificial limbs','Tarsus',' metatarsus',' and phalanges are parts of a(n) ·········.','foot','The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ········.','surgery','The lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre.','iodine','The largest single organ of the human body is the ········.','skin','The medical name for the voice box is the ·········.','larynx','The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as ·······.','incisors','These animals were once used to bleed the sick.','leeches','These attach muscles to bones or cartilage.','tendons','This branch of medicine deals with old age and its diseases.','geriatrics','This disease consists of a purposeless',' continual growth of white blood cells.','leukemia','This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine.','appendix','This is known as \"The Royal Disease\".','hemophilia','This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed.','spleen','This membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye.','iris','This organ is a small pouch that stores bile.','gall bladder','This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals.','tapeworm','This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth.','pituitary','Ulna',' radius',' and clavicle are types of ··········.','bone','What disease is also known as \"rubella\"?','German measles','What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands?','adrenaline','What is a skin specialist called?','dermatologist','What is an organism called that lives on or in a host animal?','parasite','What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts?','eyesight','What is the medical term for cancer of the blood?','leukemia','What is the name of the bone in the lower leg?','tibia','What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism?','lead poisoning','What toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head?','big toe','Where do you find the medulla oblongata?','brain','Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle?','ear','Which disease is also known as \"Hansen\'s Disease\"?','leprosy','With what body part is otology involved?','ear','If the groundhog sees his shadow on Feb. 2',' there will be how many more weeks of bad weather?','six','This dry',' warm wind flows eastward down the slopes of the Rocky Mountains.','Chinook','Actor: ······· Borgnine.','Ernest','Actor: ········ Hackman.','Gene','Actor: ·········· Nimoy.','Leonard','Actor: ·········· Savalas.','Telly','At the end of \"Planet of the Apes\" what protruded from the rocks?','Statue of Liberty','Barbara Streisand was the female lead in \"Hello',' Dolly\".  Who was the male lead?','Walter Matthau','Charles Laughton played Quasimodo in this epic film.','Hunchback of Notre Dame','Darth Vader was the villan in the movie',' \"···· Wars\".','Star','Film Title: An Officer and a(n) ·········.','Gentleman','Film Title: Fahrenheit ········. (a number)','451','Film Title: The Last Days of ·········. (a city)','Pompeii','Film Title: ···· : A Space Oddessey.','2001','Film Title: ······ (a number) Leagues Under the Sea.','20','000','Forrest ···· liked shrimp.','Gump','He directed \"The Godfather\".','Francis Ford Coppola','He directed the movie E.T.','Stephen Spielberg','He played Superman in the 1978 movie version.','Christopher Reeve','He starred in \"Conan the Barbarian\".','Arnold Schwarzenegger','He starred in',' \"City Lights\".','Charlie Chaplin','He was known as the \"Elephant Man\".','John Merrick','He was the villain in \"Star Wars\".','Darth Vader','His films include: Giant',' Written on the Wind',' and A Farewell to Arms.','Rock Hudson','His films include: Spartacus',' The Vikings',' and Ulysses.','Kirk Douglas','In \"Gone With the Wind\"',' Scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business?','sawmill','In 1975 Jack Nicholson won the best actor Oscar for his role in this film.','One Flew Over the Cuckoo\'s Nest','In the 1996 version of \"Romeo and Juliet\"',' who played Juliet?','Claire Danes','In the film \"Bright Eyes\"',' Shirley Temple sang about this boat.','The Good Ship Lollipop','In this 1968 film the husband of an unsuspecting young wife becomes involved with a witch\'s coven.','Rosemary\'s Baby','In which Disney movie is the song \"So This Is Love\"?','Cinderella','Name the Disney cartoon in which the character \"Belle\" appears.','Beauty and the Beast','Name the actor who played the leading role in \"The Good',' the Bad',' and the Ugly\".','Clint Eastwood','Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture.','Snow White','Name the musical film named after a state.','Oklahoma','Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film.','48 Hours','Peter Sellers is best known for his role as Inspector ·········.','Clouseau','She played Lois Lane in the 1978 film version of \"Superman\".','Margot Kidder','She played a Polish refugee in \"Sophie\'s Choice\".','Meryl Streep','She played the lead role in \"Coal Miner\'s Daughter\".','Sissy Spacek','She starred in the 1952 film',' \"Niagara\".','Marilyn Monroe','The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white.','Wizard of Oz','The song \"Matchmaker',' Matchmaker\" came from which musical play?','Fiddler On The Roof','The two rival gangs in \"West Side Story\" were the Sharks and the ·········.','Jets','This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series \"Happy Days\".','American Graffiti','This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation.','TRON','This actress appeared in \"St. Elmo\'s Fire\"',' \"The Scarlett Letter\"',' and \"Striptease\".','Demi Moore','This actress was Miss Hungary of 1936.','Zsa-Zsa Gabor','This film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer wont he best picture Oscar for 1965.','Sound of Music','This film starring Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood won the best picture Oscar for 1961.','West Side Story','This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney.','Fantasia','This is a classic film about a huge gorilla.','King Kong','This magic word was in the movie',' \"Mary Poppins\".','Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious','This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978.','Annie Hall','This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the Californian fruit valleys.','The Grapes of Wrath','This movie starring Marlon Brando won the best picture award in 1972.','The Godfather','This was the first 3-D film.','Bwana Devil','This was the first cartoon talking picture.','Steamboat Willie','This was the sequel to \"Star Wars\".','The Empire Strikes Back','This was the sequel to \"The Empire Strikes Back\".','Return of the Jedi','What actor appeared in all three of these films',' Straw Dogs',' Midnight Cowboy',' and The Graduate?','Dustin Hoffman','What actress has received the most Oscar nominations?','Katherine Hepburn','What actress\'s real name was Frances Gumm?','Judy Garland','What city\'s police force did Charlie Chan work with?','Honolulu','What color was Bullitt\'s car?','Green','What country was the setting for \"The King and I\"?','Siam (Thailand)','What detective duo was featured in Mystery at Devil\'s Paw?','Hardy','What does the statue of Oscar stand on?','A Reel of Film','What famous animal character called \"Skull Island\" home?','King Kong','What film did John Wayne win his only Oscar for?','True Grit','What is Hawkeye\'s full name in M.A.S.H.?','Benjamin Franklin Pierce','What is the destination of the plane at the end of the film \"Casablanca\"?','Lisbon','What is the name of Pearce Brosnan\'s first James Bond film?','Goldeneye','What is the name of the Volkswagen in the film',' \"The Love Bug\"?','Herbie','What is the name of the rabbit in the film',' \"Bambi\"?','Thumper','What is the name of the skunk in the film',' \"Bambi\"?','Flower','What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio.','Monstro','What is the stage name of Greta Gustafson?','Greta Garbo','What is the title of the 1996 sequel to \"Terms of Endearment\"?','Morning Star','What kind of creature was Chewbacca in \"Star Wars\"?','Wookiee','What two words are normally at the end of most movies?','The End','What was \"Rocky\'s\" last name?','Balboa','What was Citizen Kane\'s dying word?','Rosebud','What was Dorothy\'s last name in \"The Wizard of Oz\"?','Gale','What was Rocky\'s nickname in the ring?','The Italian Stallion','What was Sir Alec Guinness\'s role in \"Star Wars\"?','Obi-Wan Kenobi','What was the first film directed by Robert Redford?','Ordinary People','What was the name of Ashley Wilkes\' plantation in \"Gone With the Wind\"?','Twelve Oaks','What was the name of Han Solo\'s spaceship in \"Star Wars\"?','Millenium Falcon','What was the name of Luke\'s strange little advisor in \"The Empire Strikes Back\"?','Yoda','What was the name of the motel in the film \"Psycho\"?','Bates Motel','What was the setting for \"The Sound of Music\"?','Austria','Which actor said',' \"Love means never having to say you\'re sorry\"?','Ryan O\'Neil','Which character in \"Forrest Gump\" loved shrimp?','Bubba','Which character sang \"Come Out',' Come Out',' Wherever You Are\" in \"The Wizard of Oz\"?','Glinda','Which character sang',' \"When you wish upon a star..\" in Disney\'s \"Pinocchio\"?','Jiminy Cricket','Which comedy duo did the famous',' \"Who\'s on first?\" routine?','Abbott and Costello','Which planet was the \"Planet of the Apes\"?','Earth','Who co-starred with Julie Andrews in \"Mary Poppins\"?','Dick Van Dyke','Who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards?','Ellen Degeneres','Who is Warren Beatty\'s sister?','Shirley MacLaine','Who is the fastest mouse in all of Mexico?','Speedy Gonzales','Who is the male lead in the \"Naked Gun\" movies?','Leslie Nielsen','Who is the voice of Darth Vadar?','James Earl Jones','Who played \"Robin\" to Val Kilmer\'s \"Batman\"?','Christopher O\'Donnell','Who played Brad Pitt\'s cop partner in the movie \"Seven\"?','Morgan Freeman','Who played Dorothy in \"The Wizard of Oz\"?','Judy Garland','Who played Garth in \"Wayne\'s World\"?','Dana Carvey','Who played Matt Helm in the movies?','Dean Martin','Who played Scarlette O\'Hara in \"Gone With the Wind\"?','Vivien Leigh','Who played the \'Wicked Witch of the West\' in \"The Wizard of Oz\"','Margaret Hamilton','Who played the role of Richard Blaine in Casablanca?','Humphrey Bogart','Who plays the character of the only escapee from Alcatraz in the movie \"The Rock\"?','Sean Connery','Who portrayed Han Solo in \"Star Wars\"?','Harrison Ford','Who portrayed Moses in \"The Ten Commandments\"?','Charlton Heston','Who produced',' directed and starred in \"Citizen Kane\"?','Orson Welles','Who starred with John Travolta in the movie \"Broken Arrow\"?','Christian Slater','Who was C3PO\'s sidekick in \"Star Wars\"?','R2D2','\"He\'s So Fine\"',' \"One Fine Day\" and \"A Love So Fine\" where hits for what fine group?','The Chiffons','\"Joy to the World\" was a hit in 1971 for what band with three lead vocalists?','Three Dog Night','Besides \"Auld Lang Syne\" and \"For He\'s a Jolly Good Fellow\"',' what is the most frequently sung song in English?','Happy Birthday','Fifties rock \"n\" roll was revived by what greased hair',' T-shirted',' TV frequenting group?','Sha Na Na','Jerry Lee Lewis had Great ····· Of Fire.','balls!','Name Jerry Garcia\'s long lived group.','The Grateful Dead','The Who\'s rock musical stars Elton John.  It\'s called ········.','Tommy','This female artist enjoyed sucess on both popular and country & western stations with such tunes as \"Let Me Be There\" and \"Have You Never Been Mellow.\"','Olivia Newton-John','This was the Beatle\'s first film.','A Hard Day\'s Night','Through 1963 this duo\'s total record sales exceeded 18 million with successes including \"Cathy\'s Clown\" and \"Wake Up Little Suzie\".','The Everly Brothers','What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata \"Sleepers Awake\"?','A Whiter Shade of Pale','What band recorded the 1978 hit album: \"Briefcase Full of Blues\"?','The Blues Brothers','What city is also known as Music City',' U.S.A.?','Nashville','What country singer/songwriter (and sometimes actor) is known as \"the country outlaw\"?','Willie Nelson','What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving?','Michael Jackson','What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf?','Ludwig van Beethoven','What famous singer was known to give automobiles to complete strangers?','Elvis Presley','What group refused to have their pictures taken while they were not in their makeup?','Kiss','What group\'s biggest-ever hit was Be My Baby?','The Ronettes','What song by Don McLean talks about the day Buddy Holly died?','American Pie','What song did Aretha Franklin sing in \"The Blues Brothers\"?','Think','What was Elvis Presley\'s wife\'s name?','Priscilla','What was The Beatles\' biggest hit single?','Hey Jude','What\'s the name of B.B. King\'s guitar?','Lucille','Which of Paul Simon\'s musical characters was told to hop on the bus?','Gus','Who invented the electrical bass?','Leo Fender','Who recorded the 1957 hit \"Tammy\"?','Debby Reynolds','Who recorded the lengthy song: \"In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida\" in 1969?','Iron Butterfly','Who was the first singer in Genesis?','Peter Gabriel','Whose theme song was Back In The Saddle Again?','Gene Autry\'s','The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) ········.','trident','This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods.','Olympus','What has no reflection',' no shadow',' and can\'t stand the smell of garlic?','vampire','What\'s heaven to fallen Norse warriors?','Valhalla','Where did Robin Hood supposedly live?','Sherwood Forest','Which ancient continent is said to be submerged?','Atlantis','Name the largest of the dinosaurs.','brachiosaurus','The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ········.','fossils','A \"sirocco\" refers to a type of ··········.','wind','A calm ocean region near the equator.','doldrums','A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) ········.','atoll','A great wave resulting from an earthquakes is called a (an) ········.','tsunami','A group of gorillas is known as a ···········.','band','A group of kangaroos is known as a ·······.','troop','A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a ·······.','geyser','A one-humped camel is called a ·········.','dromedary','A relationship between two different types of organism which live together for their mutual benefit.','symbiosis','A terrapin is a type of ·········.','turtle','An animal is a bird if it has ·······.','feathers','An animal is a fish if it has ·········.','gills','Corolla',' filament and stigma are parts of a(n) ·········.','flower','Dense sea-water swamps along coasts of hot countries are called ········.','mangroves','Dogs bark.  What do donkeys do?','bray','Excluding man',' what is the longest-lived land mammal?','elephant','Fandible',' lateral line',' and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ········.','fish','From what animal is \"ambergis\" obtained?','sperm whale','How man legs does a crab have?','ten','How many teats does a cow have?','four','How many tentacles does a squid have?','ten','Imperial',' Buck',' and Luna are types of ·········.','moth','Knife',' Clown',' and Pencil are types of ··········.','fish','Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant?','flax','Maxillary palps',' abdomen',' and metathorax are parts of a(n) ········.','insect','Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1','000 yd. plus)','antelope','Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog.','St. Bernard','Name the heaviest flying bird of prey.','condor','Name the largest living bird.','ostrich','Name the largest web-footed bird.','albatross','Name the longest venomous snake.','cobra','Name the mammal living at the highest altitude.','yak','Name the most venomous spider.','black widow','Name the only native North American marsupial.','opossum','Name the slowest moving land mammal.','sloth','Name the smallest breed of dog.','chihuahua','Name the wild dogs of Australia.','dingo','Paper is made from the pulp of ·····.','wood','Snakes are reptiles.  What are frogs?','amphibians','Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as ·········.','hibernation','The \"canebrake\"',' \"timber\" and \"pygmy\" are types of what?','rattlesnake','The fins of which fish are made into a soup?','shark','The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg',' adult',' pupa',' and ········.','larva','The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree.','eucalyptus','These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships.','barnacles','This African animal kills the most people.','crocodile','This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened.','armadillo','This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras.','mongoose','This animal is normally measured in \"hands\".','horse','This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party.','donkey','This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party.','elephant','This animal\'s name is the same as that given to a high church official.','cardinal','This animal\'s shell is used to make attractive jewelry.','abalone','This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.','cuckoo','This is the largest of the deer family.','moose','This is the main food of the blue whale.','plankton','This is the only mammal with four knees.','elephant','This order of insects contains the most species.','beetle','This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal.','coral','This small animal is trained to hunt rats and rabbits.','ferret','This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour.','rhinoceros','This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end.','mandrill','Walrus tusks are made of ········.','ivory','What are the pouched animals called?','marsupials','What bird is an excellent swimmer',' but can\'t fly?','penguin','What does a camel store in its hump?','fat','What fish is the fastest?','sailfish','What is a group of larks called?','exaltation','What is a group of peacocks called?','muster','What is a group of whales called?','pod','What is a male goose called?','gander','What is a male swan called?','cob','What is a male swine called?','boar','What is a young goose called?','gosling','What is a young swan called?','cygnet','What is an emasculated stallion called?','gelding','What is another term for a black leopard?','panther','What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of?','hair','What is the only dog that doesn\'t have a pink tongue?','chow','What is the world\'s longest snake?','python','What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night?','antelope','What name is given to a female calf?','heifer','What plant is opium derived from?','poppy','What travels in gaggles?','geese','What type of animal is a wallaby?','kangaroo','What type of animal lives in a formicary?','ant','What word is used for a female fox?','vixen','What word is used for a female sheep?','ewe','What word is used for a male ass? (Other than that the word used for that #*$^*&%@! ex-boyfriend.)','jack','What word is used for a male deer?','buck','What word is used for a male duck?','drake','What do oak trees grow from?','acorns','What would be kept in an \"aviary\"?','birds','Where is the Ocean of Storms located?','On the moon','Who is Robert Zimmermann?','Bob Dylan','What are white dwarfs and red giants?','stars','What are these: chrysolite',' beryl',' jasper',' and tourmaline?','gems','Jack and Jill went up a ···· to fetch a pail of water?','hill','Name the nursery rhyme mother whos last name is that of a bird?','goose','The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion is called ········.','kinetic','The pivot point of a lever is called the ·········.','fulcrum','The process of water changing to water vapor is known as ·······.','evaporation','The rate of change of velocity is known as ·········.','acceleration','The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to ········.','violet','True Or False: Contrary to popular belief',' a lightbulb actually absorbs darkness?','false','Two 1.5 volt batteries',' when connected in series',' produces _ volts.','3','Water freezes at _ degrees Celcius.','zero','Water freezes at ·· degrees Fahrenheit.','thirty two','What is measured by a Geiger counter?','radioactivity','When light waves pass from one medium into another they change direction.  This is called ·········.','refraction','Work done',' equals force multiplied by ········.','distance','For what does O.P.E.C. stand?','The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries','He was elected President of France',' in 1981.','Francios Mitterrand','Name Ronald Reagan\'s first wife.','Wyman','U.S. President',' Woodrow ··········.','Wilson','How is the state of Mississippi spelled?','Mississippi','Name the circular plastic media you put in a CD-ROM drive.','CD','On a standard computer keyboard',' this is the letter just to the right of Z.','x','The longest key on your keyboard is the ····· bar.','space','The season ······ comes right after Spring.','summer','There are ·· seconds in a minute.','sixty','This is required to make all electric things work?','electricity','What color is a blue crayon?','blue','What color is a green crayon?','green','What color is a red crayon?','red','What company makes Microsoft Windows 2000?','microsoft','Whats radar spelled backwards?','radar','Whats the abbreviation for United States of America?','USA','When spelled backwards',' the word \"retupmoc\" becomes what?','computer','Followers of the Unification Church are called ········.','Moonies','He led the Israelites out of Egypt.','Moses','He was the first King of the Hebrews.','Saul','He was the second King of Israel.','David','In what month is Christmas observed?','December','Name the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.','Yom Kippur','On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?','Sinai','Which city is sacred to Jews',' Christians',' and Muslims?','Jerusalem','Who founded Mormonism?','Joseph Smith','Who founded the People\'s Temple Commune?','Jim Jones','A flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a(n) ··········.','erlenmeyer flask','A phrenologist reads ·········.','skulls','A point to which rays of light converge is called a(n) ········.','focus','A shallow dish with a cover',' used for science specimens is a(n) ········.','petri dish','Acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as ·········.','aspirin','Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of ·······.','biology','By what chemical process do plants manufacture food?','photosynthesis','By what name is Lysergic acid diethylamide better known?','LSD','Cetology is the study of ········.','whales','Circuits can be wired in series or in ·········.','parallel','Cocci',' Spirilla',' and Streptococci are types of ········.','bacteria','Deoxyribonucleic acid is better known as ··········.','DNA','Dermatitis affects the ··········.','skin','Epidermal cells',' palisade cells',' and veins are parts of a(n) ········.','leaf','Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles.. How?','anti-freeze','Forked',' Sheet',' and Ball are types of ··········.','lightning','Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as ········.','hydroponics','He designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine.','Karl Freidrich Benz','He invented \"bifocal\" lenses for eyeglasses.','Benjamin Franklin','He is known for his theory of \"Evolution\".','Charles Darwin','He transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic in 1901.','Enrico Marconi','He wrote \"Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male\" in 1948.','Alfred Kinsey','How many degrees does the earth rotate each hour?','fifteen','In which country was the match invented?','France','Nitrous oxide is better known as ··········.','laughing gas','Nuclear membrane',' cytoplasm',' and nucleus are parts of a(n) ··········.','cell','Pulp',' crown',' and root are parts of a(n) ········.','tooth','Quinine is added to water to make ·······.','tonic water','Sound Navigation Ranging is better known as ·········.','sonar','The Kelvin scale is used to measure ·········.','temperature','The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of ········.','tungsten','The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n) ·······.','protractor','The name for the Russian equivalent of Skylab is ········.','Salyut','The second space shuttle was named ··········.','Challenger','The vernal equinox is the beginning of ········.','spring','This Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes.','Ivan Pavlov','This is like an airplane but has its propeller on top instead.','helicopter','This is the reading system used by the blind.','Braille','This science deals with the motion of projectiles.','ballistics','To make a car go backwards you have to put it in what gear?','reverse','What are these: Ceres',' Juno',' Iris',' and Flora?','asteroids','What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air?','aerodynamics','What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884?','fountain pen','What does the \"lithosphere\" refer to?','The earth\'s crust','What does the Binet test measure?','intelligence','Who invented dynamite?','Alfred Nobel','Who is known as the father of genetics?','Gregor Mendel','As bold as ·······.','brass','As clean as a(n) ········.','whistle','As clear as a(n) ·········.','bell','As cute as a(n) ········.','button','As easy as ········.','pie','As fit as a(n) ··········.','fiddle','As good as ·········.','gold','As graceful as a(n) ·········.','swan','As large as ········.','life','As loud as ·········.','thunder','As pale as a(n) ···········.','ghost','As pleased as ·········.','punch','As pretty as a(n) ········.','picture','As proud as a(n) ···········.','peacock','As quiet as a(n) ·········.','mouse','As sick as a(n) ···········.','dog','As sly as a(n) ··········.','fox','As smart as a(n) ········.','whip','Fresh as a(n) ··············.','daisy','Baseball: The Baltimore ········.','Orioles','Baseball: The Toronto ·········.','Bluejays','Basketball: The Boston ···········.','Celtics','Basketball: The Denver ·········.','Nuggets','Basketball: The Los Angeles ·········.','Lakers','Basketball: The New York ··········.','Knicks','Basketball: The Seattle ········.','Supersonics','Basketball: The Utah ········.','Jazz','Football: The Baltimore ········.','Colts','Football: The Buffalo ·······.','Bills','Football: The Cincinnati ·········.','Bengals','Football: The Cleveland ········.','Browns','Football: The Dallas ·········.','Cowboys','Football: The Denver ·········.','Broncos','Football: The Miami ··········.','Dolphins','Football: The Minnesota ·······.','Vikings','Football: The New Orleans ··········.','Saints','Football: The Seattle ·······.','Seahawks','He holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during the regular season.','Wayne Gretzky','He was the NBA',' MVP in 1976',' 77',' and 80.','Kareem Abdul-Jabbar','Hockey: The Boston ···········.','Bruins','Hockey: The Buffalo ·········.','Sabres','Hockey: The Calgary ··········.','Flames','Hockey: The Chicago ·········.','Black Hawks','Hockey: The Detroit ········.','Red Wings','Hockey: The Edmonton ··········.','Oilers','Hockey: The Los Angeles ········.','Kings','Hockey: The Montreal ········.','Canadiens','Hockey: The Pittsburgh ··········.','Penguins','Hockey: The St. Louis ··········.','Blues','Hockey: The Toronto ·······.','Maple Leafs','Hockey: The Vancouver ········.','Canucks','How many feet high is a basketball net?','ten','How many games must you win to win a normal set in tennis?','six','How many minutes is a major penalty in hockey?','five','How many minutes is each period of hockey?','twenty','How many players are there on a soccer team?','eleven','How many players are there on a water polo team?','seven','How many players make up a field hockey team?','eleven','How many points are awarded for a safety touch in football?','two','How many referees work a soccer game?','one','How many seams are there on a football? (American)','four','How many sides does a home-plate have?','five','In pro football a \"sudden death\" period lasts how many minutes long?','fifteen','In ten-pin bowling',' how many points does a perfect game consist of?','three hundred','In this team sport each player gets a chance to play every position.','volleyball','In what sport is the Heisman trophy awarded?','American football','In which city is the Cotton Bowl played?','Dallas','In which city is the Hockey Hall of Fame located?','Toronto','In which game or sport is a \"Zamboni\" used?','hockey','In which sport is a \"hole-in-one\" possible?','golf','In which sport is the America\'s Cup awarded?','sailing','In which sport is the Cy Young Trophy awarded?','baseball','In which sport is the Davis Cup awarded?','tennis','In which sport is the term \"love\" used?','tennis','In which sport is the term \"wishbone\" used?','football','In which sport is the term',' \"Hang ten\" used?','surfing','In which sport would you find the \"slapshot\".','hockey','Name the hockey trophy awarded to the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship.','The Lady Byng Trophy','On what type of surface are the tennis matches at Wimbledon played?','grass','She was \"Sports Illustrated\'s\" first female \"Sportsman of the Year\".','Billie Jean King','Soccer: The New York ·········.','Cosmos','The 1976 Summer Olympics were held in this city.','Montreal','The Japanese martial art of fencing is called ········.','kendo','The person who carries the golfer\'s clubs is called a(n) ········.','caddie','The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ········.','hash marks','This is the most coveted trophy in Candian football.','Grey Cup','This sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play.','hockey','This sport is called the \"American pastime\".','baseball','This team won their first World Series in 1969.','New York Mets','This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring.','sumo','Two under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) ········.','eagle','What are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms?','moguls','What do runners pass to each other in a relay race?','baton','What do the letters ERA mean in baseball?','Earned Run Average','What does TKO stand for?','Technical Knock Out','What football player rushed for 2','003 yards in 1973?','OJ Simpson','What game features the largest ball?','earthball','What is it called when a football team loses possession of the ball due to a misplay?','turnover','What is the heaviest class of weight-lifting?','super heavyweight','What number wood is a driver in golf?','one','What sport do the Harlem Globetrotters play?','basketball','What sport has a hooker in a scrum?','rugby','What sport would you helicopter to the Bugaboos for?','skiing','What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL play-offs?','Stanley Cup','What vehicles are involved in the \"Tour de France\"?','bicycles','What was football player Dick Lane\'s nickname?','Night Train','What\'s the nickname of the University of Georgia football team?','Bulldogs','Where are the U.S. Tennis Open Championships held?','Flushing Meadows',' NY','Which NFL team\'s defensive unit was nicknamed \"The Purple People Eaters\"?','Minnesota Vikings','Which country won the World Cup of Soccer in 1982.','Italy','Which football team was nicknamed the \"Orange Crush\"?','Denver Broncos','Which is the only position in soccer allowed to handle the ball?','goalkeeper','Which position is usually played by the tallest member on a basketball team?','centre','Which sport has a movement called a \"telemark\"?','skiing','Which sport uses stones and brooms?','curling','Which swimming stroke is named after an insect?','butterfly','Who was known as the \"Sultan of Swat\"?','Babe Ruth','Who was the 1978 Wimbledon Women\'s Singles champ?','Martina Navratilova','Who was the first NHL player to score 50 goals in one season?','Maurice Richard <-- pronounced \"Reeee-shard\"','Who was the first to win the grand slam of tennis?','Don Budge','With which sport is Chris Evert Lloyd identified?','tennis','When read upside down',' what does the term \"umop apisdn\" signify?','upside down','If you look at the sun long enough',' you go ·····.','blind','This is the sandy area nearest the ocean.','beach','What did TVs IMF stand for?','Impossible Mission Forces','What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll?','American Bandstand','Who was Carl in Five Easy Pieces before going to Walton\'s Mountain?','Waite','Who was Chief Marshall of the Mickey Mouse Club?','Walt Disney','Hook',' line and ···········.','sinker','\"7X\" was used to refer to the secret ingredient of which drink?','Coca Cola','A \"pigskin\" is another name for a(n) ········.','football','A can of Pepsi holds ·· fluid ounces.','twelve','A foot-long ruler is ·· inches long.','twelve','Most men do this each morning',' using a razor.','shave','Most people wear a watch on their ···· wrist.','left','Name the implement that removes water from your windshield on your car?','wiper','Traffic Trivia:  Red means stop',' ····· means go.','green','What US state has the Worlds Champion Chili Cookoff every year?','Texas','What bit of Bobby Goldsboro syrup focused on a dying young wife?','honey','What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair?','a bow','What does the typical American eat 263 of each year? not pizza!!','eggs','What game show had people dressed up funny?','Let\'s Make A Deal','What is Grimace of the McDonald\'s characters?','A tastebud','What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother\'s pail?','whale','What was the name of the Akla-Seltzer boy?','Speedy','What was the name of the dog in RCA Victor\'s trademark?','Nipper','What\'s the telephone area code for Chicago?','312','Where did Howdy Doody live?','Doodyville','Where were Archie and Edith Bunker\'s chairs enshrined?','The Smithsonian Institute','Who is also known as Mr. Warmth?','Don Rickles','Who is known as \"the world\'s oldest teenager\"?','Dick Clark','Ball and ········.','chain','Peace and ·········.','quiet','Which word is related to these three: nap',' walk',' call?','cat','Which word is related to these three: painting',' bowl',' nail?','finger','Which word is related to these three: rat',' blue',' cottage?','cheese','A castle or enclosed place.','FORt','Make holes through something.','perFORate','Many trees.','FORest','Pardon.','FORgive','A choice cut of meat.','tenderloin','What is the world\'s largest sea?','Mediterranean','Who led the children of Israel out of Egypt?','Moses','What do the initials \'VCP\' stand for?','Video Cassette Player','What do the initials \'VCR\' stand for?','Video Cassette Recorder','What does \'A&W\' (of root beer fame) stand for ?','Allen & Wright','What does \'AOL\' stand for?','America Online','What does S.O.S. stand for?','Save Our Souls','What does N.A.S.A stand for?','National Aeronautics and Space Administration','What does the acronym \'scuba\' mean?','Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus','Who is the dog on the crackerjack box?','Bingo','What is ground being \'rested\' for a season called?','fallow','After what were the B52 bombers named?','a fifties hairdo','How many engines are on a B52 bomber?','eight','How many gallons of fuel does a jumbo jet use during take off?','four thousand','What does a pilot drop to slow an airplane?','flaps','What is the world\'s fastest passenger aircraft?','Concorde','What type of craft is the US\'s Airforce One?','Boeing 747','Whic country developed the first jet fighter?','Germany','Which two nations built the concorde?','Britain and France','Who built the \'Cherokee\' and \'Commanche\' aircraft?','Piper','Who built the hurricane aircraft?','Hawker','From what is the liqueur kirsch made?','cherries','From which plant is tequila derived?','cactus','As what is California also known?','Golden State','As what is Minnesota also known?','Gopher State','What city is also known as Beantown?','Boston','What state is \'The Golden State\'?','California','What state is also called the \'Garden State\'?','New Jersey','What state is the \'Hoosier State\'?','Indiana','Where are the headquarters of the CIA?','Langley',' Virginia','Which date is inscribed on the book held by the Statue Of Liberty?','July 4 1776','What is the most air polluted city in the United States?','Los Angeles','Where is the Kitty Hawk?','The Smithsonian Institute','What mountain has the figures of three mounted confederate heroes of the Civil War?','Stone Mountain','What state is only part of the United States by treaty?','Texas','Which two fruits are an anagram of each other?','lemon and melon','How many litres of air is in an adult lung?','five','How many times do your ribs move every year during breathing?','five million','Like fingerprints',' what other print is individual?','tongueprints','Of what does the typical man have 13','000?','whiskers','What do the auricularis muscles move?','ears','What is the Scientific name for the eardrum?','tympanic membrane','What is the common name for the scapula?','breastbone','What is the common name for the tympanic membrane?','eardrum','What is the second largest bone in the foot?','talus','What is the smallest bone in the human body?','stirrup bone','Where are one quarter of the bones in the human body?','feet','Which is the most sensitive finger?','forefinger','As what is a camelopard also known?','giraffe','As what is a giraffe also known?','camelopard','As what is a moose also known?','algonquin','As what is an algonquin more commonaly known?','moose','At what age does a filly become a mare?','five','Does a wild rabbit live 10',' 15 or 20 years?','10','How fast (mph) can a kangaroo hop? ','forty ','How many hours a day does a ferret sleep?','twenty','How many hours does an antelope sleep at night?','one','How many teeth does a walrus have?','eighteen','If a robin\'s egg is put in vinegar for thirty days',' what colour does it become?','yellow','Name one male fish that gives birth?','sea horse or pipe fish','Of what are walrus tusks made?','ivory','On what do honeybees have a type of hair?','eyes','What animal can get the disease \'heaves\'?','horse','What animal can hop as fast as 40 mph?','kangaroo','What animal has red patches on its rear?','mandrill','What animal lives in a form?','hare','What animal lives in a warren?','rabbit','What animal\'s milk is more than 54% fat?','humpback whale','What are the only other animals on which the pill works?','gorillas','What bird is associated with Lundy Island?','puffin','What colour is a robin\'s egg?','blue','What comprises than 54% of humpback whale\'s milk?','fat','What dog is named after a Mexican state?','chihuahua','What herbivore sleeps one hour a night?','antelope','What insect has a type of hair on it\'s eyes?','honeybees','What is a female deer called?','doe','What is a male deer called?','buck','What is a marsupium?','pouch','What is a word for a castrated ram?','wether','What is a young whale called?','calf','What is another name for the coyote?','prairie wolf','What is another name for the prairie wolf?','coyote','What is the chihuahua named after?','A Mexican state','What is the heaviest snake?','anaconda','What is the largest lizard?','Komodo Dragon','What is the longest venomous snake?','king cobra','What is the scientific name for a turkey\'s wishbone?','furcula','What is the technical name for an animal\'s pouch?','marsupium','What lives in a formicary?','ants','What type of frog is the smallest frog?','gold frog','What was the first animal on the endangered species list?','peregrine falcon','What well known marsupial is the wallaby related to?','kangaroo','Where do ants live?','formicary','Which animal always grows new teeth to replace the old?','crocodile','Which is the largest African bird of prey?','lammergeyer','Which is the largest aquatic bird?','albatross','Which is the largest known butterfly?','Queen Alexandra\'s Birdwing','Which is the only animal other than humans that can get leprosy?','armadillos','Which mammals fly?','bats','Which snake kills the most humans?','king cobra','With which island is the puffin associated?','Lundy Island','Where are there over 58 million dogs?','USA','What is the most venomous snake?','king cobra','Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement?','three thousand','In which ruins was the first known written advertisement found?','Thebes','What date is the \'Ides\' of March?','Fifteenth','Which famous million dollar building cost more than a million dollars?','Sydney Opera House','Who painted \'Irises\'?','Vincent Van Gogh','What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them called?','lithography','Which is the largest museum in the world?','Louvre','Who is a successful recording artist',' talented landscape artist',' and author of children\'s books?','Ricky Van Shelton','Who was born when Pluto',' the astrological sign for death',' was directly above Dallas',' Texas?','John F. Kennedy','What is the astrological sign for death?','Pluto','What is the zodiacal symbol for Capricorn?','goat','Which constellation is represented by a goat?','Capricorn','As what is Polaris also known?','North Star','As what is the North Star also known?','Polaris','Saturday is named after which planet?','Saturn','What constellation is represented by scales?','Libra','What is the most essential tool in astronomy?','telescope','What is the name given to a group of stars?','constellation','What is the name of brightest asteroid visible from earth?','Vesta','What is the only day named after a planet?','Saturday','What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called?','Scooter','What is the technical name for \'falling stars\'?','meteors','What planet is nearest the sun?','Mercury','When does a full moon rise?','sunset','Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise?','Venus','Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun?','Nicolaus Copernicus','Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter?','Galileo','Who invented the telescope?','Galileo Galilei','What is the stratosphere immediately above?','troposphere','What is the troposphere immediately lower than?','stratosphere','How many \'Air Force One\'(s) are there?','two','Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap?','Babe Ruth','What drink is named after the queen of England who was famous for her \'sanguinary\' persecution of the protestants?','Bloody Mary','What is made of fermented grape juice?','wine','Which animal has the largest eyes?','giant squid','Approximately how many times a day does the human heart beat?','one million','As what is haemophilia also known?','royal disease','Of what is keratitis an inflammation?','cornea','On what side should you sleep to improve digestion?','right','To what disability can keratitis lead?','blindness','What appears when the sun activates melanocytes?','freckles','What body function is improved if you sleep on your right side?','digestion','What carries sensations from the tongue to the brain?','lingual nerve','What does the body release that dilates small blood vessels and so causes a person to blush?','peptides','What does the lack of iodine in the diet cause?','goitre','What does the pancreas produce?','insulin','What element is lacking in a diet when goitre occurs?','iodine','What falls out with phalacrosis?','hair','What falls out with phalacrosis?','hair','What fleshy muscular organ is joined to the hyoid bone?','tongue','What gland secretes fluid that washes the eyes?','tear gland','What is activated for freckles to appear?','melanocytes','What is the biological name for the shin bone?','tibia','What is the biological term for the voice box?','larynx','What is the common name for the larynx?','voice box','What is the hardest bone in the human body?','jawbone','What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae?','cervical','What is the royal disease?','haemophilia','What is the tibia more commonly known as?','shin bone','What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain?','tongue','What muscles move the ears?','auricularis','What protein makes blood red?','Haemoglobin','What small region at end of medulla oblongata serves as \'bridge\' to brain?','pons','When a tumour is cancerous',' what is it said to be?','malignant','With age',' what organ shrinks faster in males than in females?','brain','What is the birthstone for May?','emerald','What is the birthstone for September?','sapphire','Approximately how many years old are oak trees before they produce acorns?','fifty','One ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen?','one billion','To which family does the coffee plant belong?','madder','Which tree only produces acorns after it is fifty years old?','oak','How many inches tall are the bearskins worn by the guards at Buckingham Palace?','twenty','In the House of Lords',' where does the Lord Chancellor sit?','woolsack','In which park are Queen Mary\'s gardens?','Regents Park','What are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter \'e\'?','Ealing and Enfield','What does \'The Monument\' in London commemorate?','Great Fire of London','What was the second bridge built across the Thames?','Westminster Bridge','Where is Selfridges?','Oxford Street',' London','Who at Buckingham Palace wears bearskins?','guards','Which building commemorates the Great Fire of London?','Monument','What was Margaret Thatcher\'s nickname?','Iron Lady','What is the largest inhabited castle in the world?','Windsor Castle','Where is the \'whispering gallery\'?','St. Paul\'s Cathedral','Where would you find a nave',' apse',' atrium and narthex?','Basilica','How is 75% of petrol in an engine wasted?','combustion','What make of car is a \'Thunderbird\'?','Ford','What make of car is an \'Espace\'?','Renault','Which country has the most cars per mile of road?','England','Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he didn\'t wear ······?','pants','For which cartoon character was Beethoven a favourite composer?','Shroeder','How many freckles did Howdy Doody have?','forty eight','The maiden names of which two cartoon characters are Slaghoople and Mcbricker?','Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble','What are the names of Donald Duck\'s nephews?','Huey Dewey and Louey','What city do Batman and Robin patrol?','Gotham City','What expression did Clark Kent\'s newspaper boss like to use?','Great Caesar\'s ghost!','What is Dennis the Menace\'s surname?','Mitchell','What was the first cartoon character called?','Oswald the Rabbit','What were Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble\'s maiden names?','Slaghoople and Mcbricker','Which comic is drawn by Sam Keith?','The Maxx','Which magician did Lothar assist?','Mandrake','Who did the voices of Bugs Bunny',' Sylvester and Tweety Pie?','Mel Blanc','Who drew the comic \'The Maxx\'?','Sam Keith','Who patrols Gotham City?','Batman and Robin','Who took dictation from Perry Mason?','Della Street','Who was Barney Rubble\'s best friend?','Fred Flintstone','Who was Fred Flinstone\'s best friend?','Barney Rubble','Who was born on Krypton?','Superman','Who was the black assistant of Mandrake the Magician?','Lothar','Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse?','Walt Disney','What film was the last featuring Mel Blanc\'s voice?','Jetsons','20% of what is in the metal part at the end of a pencil?','sulphur','As what is sulphur also known?','brimstone','For what is the chemical formula H2O2?','hydrogen peroxide','For what metal is \'Au\' the chemical symbol?','gold','Of what is 98% of the weight of water made?','oxygen','To what group of elements do cerium',' praesiodymium and promethium belong?','rare earth metals','What does the symbol \'Am\' represent?','americium','What is a corrosive substance with a pH value less than 7 called?','acid','What is calcium oxide commonly called?','lime','What is the atomic number for thalium?','eighty one','What is the atomic number of Bromine?','thirty five','What is the atomic number of Molybdenum?','forty two','What is the atomic number of sulphur?','16','What is the atomic number of uranium?','ninety two','What is the chemical name for quicksilver?','mercury','What is the chemical symbol for gold?','Au','What is the chemical symbol for iron?','Fe','What is the heaviest naturally occuring element?','uranium','What is the symbol for copper?','Cu','What is the symbol for tin?','Sn','What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption?','denatured','What type of paper is used to test for acidity and alkalinity?','litmus','On what do approximately 100 people choke to death every year?','ballpoint pens','How long did it take God to create the Universe?','seven days','How many children did Noah have?','three','How many sayings did Jesus say from the cross?','seven','How many times did Peter deny Jesus?','three','How old was Sarah when she had a child?','ninety','On which day was the resurrection of Christ?','Easter Sunday','What are the first three words of The Bible?','In the beginning','What two biblical cities did God destroy with fire and brimstone?','Sodom and Gomorrah','Which two books in the Old Testament list the ten commandments? (in order of appearance)','Exodus and Deuteronomy','Who killed Goliath?','David','Who replaced Moses as the prophet of the Israelites?','Joshua','Whose name did God change to Israel?','Jacob','In the \'Twelve days of christmas\'',' how many items in total are sent by \'my true love\'?','seventy eight','As what is Constantinople now known?','Istanbul','Who has the world\'s largest double-decker tram fleet?','Hong Kong','A bird in the hand is worth ······?','two in the bush','A stitch in time saves ····?','nine','As clear as a ·······?','bell','As close as two ······ in a pod?','peas','As easy as ······?','pie','As mad as a ·······?','wet hen or hatter','As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of ······?','rocking chairs','As pretty as a ······?','picture','As sick as a ······?','dog','As sly as a ······?','fox','As tough as ·······?','nails','Hell hath no fury like a ······?','woman scorned','Time ···· when you\'re having fun?','flies','On what is an espadrille worn?','foot','What are the essential ingredients of a daiquiri?','rum and lemon','What cocktail is based on rum and lemon?','daiquiri','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'c\'?','charlie','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'f\'?','foxtrot','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'h\'?','hotel','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'t\'?','tango','In alphabet radio code',' what word is used for \'x\'?','X-ray','Using morse code',' what does trasmitting using 3 dots',' 3 dashes and 3 dots?','SOS','What is a south african coin containing 1 troy ounce of gold called?','Krugerrand','What is a group of donkeys called?','herd','What is a group of geese called?','gaggle','The De Beers group of companies controls more than 80% of the world\'s supply of ······?','rough diamonds','What product built Hershey',' Pennsylvania?','chocolate','Which company controls more than 80% of the world\'s rough diamond supply?','De Beers','In what year was the Intel Pentium processor introduced?','1993','What country did the operating system \'Linux\' come from?','Finland','What does \'IBM\' stand for?','International Business Machines','What does the \'x\' mean when referring to the speed of a CD-rom (eg. 32x)?','times (faster than standard speed)','What type of printer did Seiko develop for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics?','dot matrix','What was invented over 3000 years ago that is now considered the first \'computer\'?','abacus','What was the first version of Microsoft Windows to have networking capabilities?','Windows for Workgroups','What was the first version of Microsoft Windows?','Windows 286','Who is the CEO of Apple computers?','Steve Jobs','After who is the \'Ramses\' brand condom named?','Pharaoh Ramses II','As what is America Online better known?','AOL','What is the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe?','Big Bang','What was created with the big bang?','Universe','What is kaolin?','pure china clay','What is liquid clay used in pottery called?','slip','What is pure china clay called?','kaolin','Because the emu and the kangaroo cannot walk backwards',' they are on the Australian ······?','coat of arms','For which country is the lotus flower the national symbol?','India','In which country is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests?','Tibet','In which country is milk the most popular beverage?','USA','In which town does the famous \'running of the bulls\' take place?','Pamplona','Israel has the highest per capital consumption of ······?','turkey','What London landmark has an 11 foot long hand?','Big Ben','What animals are on the Australian coat of arms?','emu and kangaroo','What are the roads of Guam paved with?','coral','What are the sandals called that are worn in ceremonial japanese tradition?','tabi','What city do the Italians call the Monaco of bavaria?','Munich','What do the Italians call Munich?','Monaco of Bavaria','What famous building is located on the banks of the river Jumna?','Taj Mahal','What happened on screen for the first time in India in 1977?','Screen kiss','What is a water taxi known as in Venice?','gondola','What is the most common name in italy?','Mario Rossi','What is the name of a quarter of Jerusalem that can be translated as \'hundred gates\'?','Mea Shearim','What is the name of the wrought iron tower in Paris?','Eiffel Tower','What is the national symbol for India?','lotus flower','What is the sacred river of Hinduism?','Ganges','What is the tribal african word for dowry?','lobola','When is turkey traditionally eaten in America?','thanksgiving','Where are the Hausa and Ibo tribes?','Nigeria','Where do the English monarchs live?','Buckingham Palace','Where is the Blarney Stone?','Blarney Castle',' Ireland','Where was it once against the law to have a pet dog?','Iceland','Where would one eat a taco?','Mexico','Which country eats the most turkey per capita?','Israel','Which famous museum is in Paris',' France?','Louvre','Which nationality calls Munich the \'Monaco of Bavaria\'?','Italians','Germany\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','deutsche mark','Israel\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','shekel','Italy\'s equivalant to the dollar is the ······?','lira','Japan\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','yen','Mexico\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','peso','Spain\'s equivalent to the dollar is the ······?','peseta','The quetzal is the currency of ······?','Guatemala','What is the Japanese currency?','yen','What is the currency of Guatemala?','quetzal','What is the monetary unit of India?','rupee','Which country has the currency \'yen\'?','Japan','What country\'s currency is the Bolivar?','Venezuela','What is the currency of Venezuela?','Bolivar','What is armagnac?','brandy','What does a chronometer measure?','Time','What is a catalogue of languages called?','ethnologue','What is a gondola?','water taxi','What is a one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation?','fascism','What is a word for a sorcerer who deals in black magic?','necromancer','What is another name for a sleepwalker?','somnambulist','What is ornamental work in silver or gold thread called?','filigree','What is the name given to a pregnant goldfish?','twit','What word means \'to chew the cud\'?','ruminate','What has 336 dimples?','a golf ball','Sleeping sickness is carried by which insect?','tsetse fly','What disease is carried by the tsetse fly?','sleeping sickness','What is the international cry for help?','mayday','What degree do the intials \'DDS\' stand for?','Doctor of Dental Surgery','What egyptian object is also known as \'the key to the Nile\'?','Ankh','As what was Sony\'s video recorder known?','betamax','Circuits can be wired in parallel or ······?','series','What is the only insect that can turn its head?','praying mantis','Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for how many hours?','three ','Where is Sir Herbert Baker buried?','Westminster Abbey','For how much did an American urologist buy Napoleon\'s penis? (US Dollars)','$3800','For what are Allen and Wright most famous?','root beer','What Surrey town is famed for its salts?','Epsom','What is the most rural state in the USA?','North Dakota','If hell is a lake of fire',' what would the temperature be? (in degrees Fahrenheit)','833','Who is the main character in \'Touched By An Angel\'?','Monica','How many stars are there on the New Zealand flag?','four','What colours are on the Belgian flag?','yellow',' black and red','Which country has a plain green flag?','Libya','Whose flag has the national arms on one side and the treasury seal on the other?','Paraguay','How many times its own length can the average flea jump?','150','Who was the tallest of Robin Hood\'s men?','Little John','Cornflakes were invented in 1863',' 1890 or 1915?','1890','How many herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken?','eleven','How many pieces of bun are in a Mcdonald\'s Big Mac?','three','In which country did edam cheese originate?','Holland','In which country did the word \'biscuit\' originate?','France','What breakfast cereal was invented at Battle Creek Sanitarium?','Cornflakes','What did Charles Jung invent?','fortune cookies','What is another name for the carambula?','star fruit','What is the most widely used seasoning?','salt','What is the oldest known vegetable?','pea','Where were Cornflakes invented?','Battle Creek Sanitarium','Where were fortune cookies invented?','United States','Who invented fortune cookies?','Charles Jung','Who invented the Egg Mcmuffin?','Ed Peterson','What berries give gin its flavour?','juniper berries','A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits?','blackberry and raspberry','Unlike other oranges',' what does a navel orange not have?','seeds','What fruits are usually served \'belle helene\'?','pears','What is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry?','tayberry','What is another name for the star fruit?','carambula','Where is most of the vitamin C in fruits?','skin','What is San Francisco\'s equivalent to Sydney\'s \'City To Surf\' race?','Bay to Breakers footrace','What is the metal part of a lamp surrounding the bulb and supporting the shade called?','harp','Where did venetian blinds originate?','Japan','How many dots are on a twister mat?','thirty','How many folds does a Monopoly board have?','one','How many numbers are on the spinner in the game of \'Life\'?','ten','How much does Park Place cost in Monopoly (in US Dollars)?','450','In a game of horseshoes',' how many feet apart must the stakes be?','forty','In roulette',' what number is green?','zero','Moving anti-clockwise on a dartboard',' what is the number next to \'4\'?','eighteen','To what do opposite faces of a dice always add up?','seven','What is another name for the card game \'Blackjack\'?','Twenty-one','What is another name for the card game \'Twenty-one\'?','Blackjack','What is the best possible score in blackjack?','twenty one','What is the most popular sport in england?','darts','What is the tallest piece on a chessboard?','king','What number is at 12 o\'clock on a dartboard?','20','What sport/game is Bobby Fischer associated with?','chess','Where did the card game \'bridge\' originate?','Turkey','Where does the annual Poker World Series take place?','Las Vegas','Approximately how many pounds of cereal will the average american/canadian eat every year?','twelve','Peridot is the birthstone for ······?','August','What is the birthstone for August?','peridot','During which month is the longest day in the Northern hemisphere?','June','During which month is the longest day in the Southern hemisphere?','December','During which month is the shortest day in the Northern hemisphere?','December','During which month is the shortest day in the Southern hemisphere?','June','What does a month beginning with a Sunday always have?','Friday the 13th','What game usually starts with \'is it animal',' vegetable or mineral\'?','twenty questions','What is the name of the office used by the president in the Whitehouse?','Oval office','What is viewed during a a pyrotechnic display?','fireworks','What system do the blind use for reading?','braille','Where will children as young as 15 be jailed for cheating on their finals?','Bangladesh','With what day does a month start if it has a Friday the 13th?','Sunday','How many chromosomes do each body cell contain?','forty six','What is the capital of Zaire?','Kinshasa','Accra is the capital of ······?','Ghana','Albany is the capital of ·····?','New York','Ankara is the capital of ······?','Turkey','As what is Formosa now known?','Taiwan','As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known?','Bangkok','As what is the South Pole also known?','Amundsen Scott Station','As what was the Taj Mahal originally built?','tomb','Austin is the capital of ······?','Texas','Bamako is the capital of ······?','Mali','Bangkok is the capital of ······?','Thailand','Banjul is the capital of ······?','Gambia','Bismarck is the capital of ······?','North Dakota','Bissau is the capital of ······?','Guinea-Bissau','Bogota is the capital of ······?','Colombia','Boise is the capital of ······?','Idaho','Bridgetown is the capital of ······?','Barbados','Budapest is the capital of ······?','Hungary','Cheyenne is the capital of ······?','Wyoming','Columbus is the capital of ······?','Ohio','Dakar is the capital of ······?','Senegal','Des Moines is the capital of ······?','Iowa','Dhaka is the capital of ······?','Bangladesh','Djibouti is the capital of ······?','Djibouti','Five US states border which ocean?','Pacific Ocean','Guatemala is the capital of ······?','Guatemala','Helena is the capital of ······?','Montana','How many Great Lakes are there?','five','How many countries border the black sea?','four','If you flew due West from Portugal',' what is the first continent you would reach?','North America','In what state is Silicon Valley?','California','In which city is Westminster Abbey?','London','In which city is Westminster Abbey?','London','In which city is the Arch of Hadrian?','Athens','In which city is the famous Bond Street?','London','In which country is Tobruk?','Libya','In which country is the largest volcano in the world?','Ecuador','In which county are all ten of England\'s highest peaks?','Cumbria','In which modern day country is ancient Troy?','Turkey','In which state is Tupelo?','Mississippi','In which state is the Natchez Trail?','Mississippi','In which year did Macau revert to China?','1999','Into what ocean does the Zambezi River empty?','Indian Ocean','Into which bay does the Golden Gate Strait lead?','San Francisco Bay','Into which estuary do the Trent and Ouse flow?','Humber','Is Belfast in Northern or Southern Ireland?','Northern','Is Dublin in Northern or Southern ireland?','Southern','Jefferson City is the capital of ······?','Missouri','Kathmandu is the capital of ······?','Nepal','Kigali is the capital of ······?','Rwanda','Kingston is the capital of ······?','Jamaica','Kinshasa is the capital of ······?','Zaire','Kuwait is the capital of ······?','Kuwait','Lagos is the capital of ······?','Nigeria','Lansing is the capital of ······?','Michigan','Libreville is the capital of ······?','Gabon','Lilongwe is the capital of ······?','Malawi','Lome is the capital of ······?','Togo','Luxembourg is the capital of ······?','Luxembourg','Malabo is the capital of ······?','Equatorial Guinea','Mayfair',' London is a district of little streets near ······?','Hyde Park','Mexico City is the capital of ······?','Mexico','Montevideo is the capital of ······?','Uruguay','Nashville is the capital of ······?','Tennessee','Near what river is the Temple of Karnak?','Nile','New Delhi is the capital of ······?','India','Nicosia is the capital of ······?','Cyprus','Of what are Quemoy and Matsu part?','Taiwan','Of which country does the Kalahari Desert cover 84%?','Botswana','On the London Underground',' which station has a different name on two of its platforms?','Bank and Monument','On the banks of which river is the Taj Mahal?','River Jumna','On what island is Pearl Harbor?','Oahu','On what river is Blackpool?','River Fylde','On what river is Liverpool?','Mersey','On what sea is the Crimea?','Black Sea','On which coast of Australia is Sydney?','East','Ouagadougou is the capital of ······?','Burkino Faso','Port Louis is the capital of ······?','Mauritius','Port Moresby is the capital of ······?','Papua New Guinea','Raleigh is the capital of ······?','North Carolina','Richmond is the capital of ······?','Virginia','Riyadh is the capital of ······?','Saudi Arabia','Rome is the capital of ······?','Italy','Santiago is the capital of ······?','Chile','Santo Domingo is the capital of ······?','Dominican Republic','Singapore is the capital of ······?','Singapore','Springfield is the capital of ······?','Illinois','Sydney is on the east coast of ······?','Australia','Tegucigalpa is the capital of ······?','Honduras','Through which ocean does the International Date Line approximately follow the 180 degree meridian?','Pacific Ocean','Tirana is the capital of ······?','Albania','Ulan Bator is the capital of ······?','Mongolia','Vaduz is the capital of ······?','Liechtenstein','What Central American country extends furthest north?','Belize','What Scandinavian capital begins and ends with the same letter?','Oslo','What city has the world\'s largest black population?','New York City','What continent is part of both the East and Aest hemispheres?','Antarctica','What country borders Egypt on the West?','Libya','What country borders Egypt to the South?','Sudan','What country borders Libya on the East?','Egypt','What country borders Sudan to the North?','Egypt','What country has the biggest population?','China','What country is situated between Panama and Nicaragua?','Costa Rica','What country is surrounded by Brazil',' Argentina and Bolivia?','Paraguay','What country was once known as \'The Breadbasket of Russia\'?','Ukraine','What country\'s capital is Caracas?','Venezuela','What divides the American North from the South?','The Mason-Dixon Line','What do Americans traditionally eat on thanksgiving day?','turkey','What does the George Washington Bridge span?','Hudson River','What is a peanut if it is not a pea or a nut?','legume','What is also known as Amundsen Scott Station?','South Pole','What is the Southernmost country in continental Europe?','Spain','What is the capital of Albania?','Tirana','What is the capital of Australia?','Canberra','What is the capital of Bangladesh?','Dhaka','What is the capital of Barbados?','Bridgetown','What is the capital of Brazil?','Brasilia','What is the capital of Burkino Faso?','Ouagadougou','What is the capital of California?','Sacramento','What is the capital of Chile?','Santiago','What is the capital of Colombia?','Bogota','What is the capital of Cyprus?','Nicosia','What is the capital of Djibouti?','Djibouti','What is the capital of Equatorial Guinea?','Malabo','What is the capital of Gabon?','Libreville','What is the capital of Gambia?','Banjul','What is the capital of Ghana?','Accra','What is the capital of Guatemala?','Guatemala','What is the capital of Guinea-Bissau?','Bissau','What is the capital of Honduras?','Tegucigalpa','What is the capital of Hungary?','Budapest','What is the capital of Idaho?','Boise','What is the capital of Illinois?','Springfield','What is the capital of India?','New Delhi','What is the capital of Iowa?','Des Moines','What is the capital of Italy?','Rome','What is the capital of Jamaica?','Kingston','What is the capital of Kuwait?','Kuwait','What is the capital of Liechtenstein?','Vaduz','What is the capital of Luxembourg?','Luxembourg','What is the capital of Luxembourg?','Luxembourg','What is the capital of Malawi?','Lilongwe','What is the capital of Mali?','Bamako','What is the capital of Mauritius?','Port Louis','What is the capital of Mexico?','Mexico City','What is the capital of Michigan?','Lansing','What is the capital of Missouri?','Jefferson City','What is the capital of Mongolia?','Ulan Bator','What is the capital of Montana?','Helena','What is the capital of Nepal?','Kathmandu','What is the capital of New York state?','Albany','What is the capital of Nigeria?','Lagos','What is the capital of North Carolina?','Raleigh','What is the capital of North Dakota?','Bismarck','What is the capital of Ohio?','Columbus','What is the capital of Papua New Guinea?','Port Moresby','What is the capital of Pennsylvania?','Harrisberg','What is the capital of Rwanda?','Kigali','What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?','Riyadh','What is the capital of Singapore?','Singapore','What is the capital of Tennessee?','Nashville','What is the capital of Texas?','Austin','What is the capital of Thailand?','Bangkok','What is the capital of Togo?','Lome','What is the capital of Turkey?','Ankara','What is the capital of Uruguay?','Montevideo','What is the capital of Virginia?','Richmond','What is the capital of Wyoming?','Cheyenne','What is the capital of the Dominican Republic?','Santo Domingo','What is the circle of the earth at 0 degrees latitude called?','equator','What is the correct name of Bangkok?','Krung Thep','What is the deepest land gorge in the world?','Grand Canyon','What is the fifth largest country in the world?','Brazil','What is the highest peak in Fiji?','Mount Victoria','What is the largest city in China?','Shanghai','What is the largest city in Ecuador?','Guayaquil','What is the largest city in Switzerland?','Zurich','What is the largest country in Central America?','Nicaragua','What is the largest exclusively Indonesian island?','Sumatra','What is the largest ocean?','Pacific Ocean','What is the most mountainous country in Europe?','Switzerland','What is the oldest town in Belgium?','Tongeren','What is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island?','Bronx','What is the river capital of the world?','Akron','What is the saltiest sea in the world?','The Dead Sea','What is the second largest continent in the world?','Africa','What is the second largest ocean?','Atlantic Ocean','What is the second largest state in the USA?','Texas','What is the smallest Canadian province?','Prince Edward Island','What is the smallest state in the USA?','Rhode Island','What is the windiest place on earth?','Mount Washington',' New Hampshire','What is the world\'s highest waterfall?','Angel Falls','What is the world\'s largest desert?','Sahara Desert','What is the world\'s largest lake?','Caspian Sea','What is the world\'s widest river?','Amazon','What lake is approximately 394','000 sq. km in area?','Caspian Sea','What ocean is found along the East border of Asia?','Pacific Ocean','What place is known as \'the land nowhere near\'?','Cape Three Points','What seaport\'s name is spanish for \'white house\'?','Casablanca','What small island is in the bay of Naples?','Isle of Capri','Where are the \'wallops\'?','Hampshire','Where are the Nazca lines?','Peru','Where are the two steepest streets in the USA?','San Francisco','Where is Angel Falls?','Venezuela','Where is Calcutta?','India','Where is Cape Hatteras?','North Carolina','Where is Eurodisney?','Paris',' France','Where is Gorky Park?','Moscow','Where is Lake Maracaibo?','Venezuela','Where is Mount Washington?','New Hampshire','Where is Tabasco?','Mexico','Where is Tongeren?','Belgium','Where is area 51 generally said to be?','Groom Lake','Where is the Blue Grotto?','Capri',' Italy','Where is the Machu Picchu?','Peru','Where is the Taj Mahal?','India','Where is the bridge of San Luis Rey?','Peru','Where is the land of 10','000 lakes?','Minnesota','Where is the statue \'Le Petit Pissoir\'?','Brussels','Where is the wailing wall?','Jerusalem','Where is the world\'s biggest prison camp?','Siberia','Where is the world\'s largest desert?','North Africa','Which Californian desert drops below sea level?','Death Valley','Which English county has the smallest perimeter?','Isle of Wight','Which Portuguese colony reverted to China in December 1999?','Macau','Which South American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline?','Colombia','Which US state gets the most rainfall?','Hawaii','Which bridge spans the Hudson River?','George Washington Bridge','Which country administers Martinique?','France','Which country has the most emigrants?','Mexico','Which country is known as the roof of the world?','Tibet','Which country occupies the \'horn\' of Africa?','Somalia','Which country owns Corfu?','Greece','Which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean?','International Date Line','Which is the largest lake in South America?','Lake Maracaibo','Which is the most populated state/territory in Australia?','New South Wales','Which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean?','Bouvet Island','Which is the only musical bird that can fly backwards?','hummingbird','Which is the only sea below sea level?','Dead Sea','Which is the smallest independent country?','Vatican City','Which island country lies immediately to the East of Mauritius?','Australia','Which island country lies immediately to the West of Australia?','Mauritius','Which large city is on the Southeastern coast of Australia?','Sydney','Which ocean has an area of approximately 166 sq. km?','Pacific Ocean','Which river passes through Germany',' Austria',' Slovakia',' Hungary',' Croatia',' Yugoslavia',' Romania',' Bulgaria and Ukraine before arriving at the Black Sea?','Danube','Which tropic passes through Australia?','Tropic of Capricorn','Who owns the island of Bermuda?','Britain','Yaounde is the capital of ······?','Cameroon','What is the capital of Senegal?','Dakar','Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover?','seventy one','What is the largest volcano in the world?','Cotopaxi','What is the most reliable geyser in the world?','Old Faithful','What type of rock is marble?','metamorphic','What is the sum of all the angles in a square? (in degrees)','three hundred and sixty','What is the glass capital of the world?','Toledo','By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back',' in what can you not sink?','quicksand','Who invented the predecessor to today\'s computers?','Charles Babbage','\'Operation Desert Storm\' took place in 1989',' 1991 or 1995?','1991','After who was America named?','Amerigo Vespucci','After who was Mickey Mouse named?','Mickey Rooney','Approximately how many children did pharaoh Ramses II father?','one hundred and sixty','As what was Istanbul previously known?','Constantinople','As what was Taiwan formerly known?','Formosa','As what was winchester known by the Romans?','Venta Bulgarum','Between which countries was the shortest war in history?','Zanzibar and England','Bill and Hilary Clinton switched on the Christmas tree lights in Belfast in 1990',' 1995 or 1996?','1995','By who was Gerald Ford almost assassinated?','Squeaky Fromme','Did Rotheim invent the aerosol in 1919',' 1926 or 1931?','1926','East Berlin was the capital of ······?','East Germany','From what did Alexander the Great suffer?','epilepsy','George Washington Carver advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace what?','cotton and tobacco','George Washington Carver advocated planting what to replace cotton and tobacco?','peanuts and sweet potatoes','Germany was split into two zones by which agreement?','Yalta agreement','His wife was Roxana',' his horse was Bacephalus',' he was?','Alexander the Great','How many British officers were forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta?','146','How many people were killed in the battle of Lexington?','eight','How many years was Nelson Mandela in prison?','twenty seven','In 1962',' for what did Britain and France sign an agreement to build together?','Concorde','In 1975',' what re-opened after an 8 year closure?','Suez Canal','In the 15th century',' what was the war between the houses of Lancaster and York?','War of the Roses','In what year did the Berlin Wall come down?','1989','In which battle was George A. Custer defeated?','Battle of Little Bighorn','In which country was paper money first used?','China','In which year did Disneyland open?','1955','In which year did Richard Burton die?','1984','In which year did Skylab crashland in Western Australia?','1979','In which year did the first man walk on the moon?','1969','In which year was Nelson Mandela released from Robben Island?','1990','In which year was Nelson Mandela released from prison?','1990','In which year was the shortest war in history?','1896','In which year was the smoke detector invented?','1969','Kate Barton became the first bus conductress in 1909',' 1920 or 1933?','1909','King Richard the ········?','Lionhearted','Louis XVI was guillotined in 1732',' 1793 or 1842?','1793','Marconi transmitted radio signals across the atlantic in 1901',' 1902 or 1903?','1901','Near what falls did Jimmy Angel crash his plane in 1937?','Angel Falls','Of which Cambodian party was Pol Pot the leader?','Khmer Rouge','Of which ship was Miles Standish captain?','The Mayflower','On what date did America become an independant nation?','July 4th',' 1776','On what day of the week did Solomon Grundy die?','Saturday','On what was Pennsylvania incorrectly spelled?','Liberty Bell','The Empire State Building was completed in 1930',' 1931 or 1932?','1931','The date of which Christian festival was fixed in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea?','Easter','The first charity flag day was held in 1914',' 1917 or 1919?','1914','The first metered taxi become operational in 1899',' 1903 or 1907?','1907','The wristwatch invented in 1896',' 1898 or 1904?','1904','The ······ Tea Party?','Boston','Through the streets of what town did Lady Godiva ride naked?','Coventry','What 19th century war between Russia and England',' Turkey',' Britain and France',' was named after a peninsula in the Black Sea?','Crimean War','What English city was known to the Romans as Venta Bulgarum?','Winchester','What Shakespearean king was actually king of Scotland for 17 years?','Macbeth','What United States president was in office during the civil war?','Abraham Lincoln','What colour was Diana Spencer\'s engagement photograph suit?','blue','What country was formerly known as Siam?','Thailand','What country was ruled by Pol Pot',' leader of the Khmer Rouge party?','Cambodia (Kampuchea)','What did \'DMZ\' stand for in the vietnam war?','Demilitarized Zone','What did David Stirling found?','SAS','What did Ed Peterson invent?','Egg Mcmuffin','What did Eli Whitney invent?','cotton gin','What did Erik Rotheim invent in 1926?','aerosol','What did Henry Shrapnel invent?','The exploding shell','What did Louis Cartier invent?','wristwatch','What did Marie Curie die of on 4th July',' 1934?','radiation poisoning','What did Pennsylvania legalise before any other colony?','witchcraft','What did Victorian women bathe in to try to enlarge their breasts?','strawberries','What famous artist could write with both his left and right hand at the same time?','Leonardo da Vinci','What food was almost non-existent in Ireland in the 1840\'s?','potatoes','What is the 15\' by 18\' cell that 146 captured british officers were forced into by indian troops in the 19th century called?','Black Hole of Calcutta','What kind of teeth did George Washington have?','wooden','What missionary station was built by Albert Schweitzer?','Lambarene','What period is also known as the age of fish?','Devonian period','What pre-tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired?','War Of The Worlds','What war lasted from June 5 to June 11',' 1967?','Six day war','What was Alaska called before 1867?','Russian America','What was Alexander The Great\'s wife\'s name?','Roxana','What was George A Custer\'s horses\' name?','Commanche','What was King Arthur\'s mother\'s name?','Igraine','What was Russian America called after 1867?','Alaska','What was Thailand formerly known as?','Siam','What was named after Amerigo Vespucci?','America','What was the D-Day invasion password?','Mickey Mouse','What was the capital of East Germany?','East Berlin','What was the first American colony to legalise witchcraft?','Pennsylvania','What was the first fighting vehicle?','war chariot','What was the first product to have a barcode?','Wrigley\'s gum','What was the first ship to reach the Titanic after it sank?','Carpathia','What was the last chinese dynasty?','Manchu','What was the leading cause of death in the late 19th century?','tuberculosis','What was the name of the first ironclad warship ever launched?','HMS Warrior','What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Nixon?','Watergate','What wonder stood 32m high in rhodes harbour?','Colossus of Rhodes','When was D-day?','June 6th',' 1944','When was Julius Caesar murdered?','Ides of March','When was the Greek alphabet first used?','800 BC','Where did \'The Mayflower\' take the pilgrims?','New World','Where did Bill and Hilary Clinton switch on Christmas lights in 1995?','Belfast',' Ireland','Where did Churchill',' Roosevelt and Stalin meet in 1945?','Yalta','Where did Guinevere retire to die?','Amesbury','Where did the Bay Of Pigs take place?','Cuba','Where did the Birkenhead sink?','Danger Point','Where did the bayonet originate?','Bayonne',' France','Where was Napoleon defeated?','Waterloo','Where was Nelson mandela in prison?','Robben Island','Where were numerous French nuclear tests conducted?','Muraroa Atoll','Where were the Hanging Gardens?','Babylon','Where were the first books printed?','China','Which Apollo space mission put the first men on the moon ?','Apollo 11','Which Baltic seaport was the German rocket centre during WWII?','Peenemunde','Which Spanish explorer first travelled to Jamaica?','Christopher Columbus','Which US president said \'the buck stops here\'?','Harry Truman','Which british comedian was the first man to appear on the cover of \'playboy\'?','Peter Sellers','Which country blew up a Greenpeace ship in New Zealand?','France','Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement?','Germany','Which emperor made his horse a senator?','Caligula','Which famous actor is honored in a statue in Leicester Square?','Charlie Chaplin','Which famous explorer visited Australia and New Zealand',' then surveyed the Pacific coast of North America?','Captain George Vancouver','Which frontiersman died at the Alamo?','Davy Crockett','Which houses fought the War of the Roses?','Lancaster and York','Which is the most ancient walled city?','Jericho','Which nation did Moshoeshoe found?','Basotho','Which nation was led by Genghis Khan?','Mongolia','Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording?','Mary Had A Little Lamb','Which period was first',' jurassic or carboniferous?','carboniferous','Which president was responsible for the \'Louisiana Purchase\'?','Thomas Jefferson','Which racist organisation was formed in Tennessee in 1865?','Klu Klux Klan','Which ship did Charles Darwin captain?','HMS Beagle','Which was the first Chinese dynasty?','Shang','Which was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover?','National Geographic','Who advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco?','George Washington Carver','Who appeared on the back of a US banknote in 1875?','Pocahontas','Who assassinated John Lennon?','Mark David Chapman','Who assassinated president Kennedy?','Lee Harvey Oswald','Who became president of South Africa in 1989?','F.W. de Klerk','Who built Camelot?','King Arthur','Who built the Lambarene missionary station?','Albert Schweitzer','Who built the Taj Mahal?','Shah Jahan','Who burned Atlanta in 1864?','General Sherman','Who captained the HMS Beagle?','Charles Darwin','Who committed the first daytime robbery?','Frank and Jesse James','Who developed the first nuclear submarine?','Soviet Union','Who did Squeaky Fromme try to assassinate?','Gerald Ford','Who died three days after Elvis Presley?','Groucho Marx','Who died three days before Groucho Marx?','Elvis Presley','Who discovered the Grand Canyon?','Francisco Coronado','Who drafted most of the American Declaration of Independence?','Thomas Jefferson','Who fiddled while Rome burned?','Nero','Who fixed the date of the Christian festival \'Easter\'?','Council of Nicaea','Who forced 146 captured British officers into the Black Hole of Calcutta?','Indian troops','Who introduced bagpipes to the British Isles?','Romans','Who invented crop insurance?','Benjamin Franklin','Who invented the aerosol?','Erik Rotheim','Who invented the ballpoint pen?','Georgo and Laszlo Biro','Who invented the cotton gin?','Eli Whitney','Who invented the exploding shell?','Henry Shrapnel','Who invented the gatling gun?','Richard Gatling','Who invented the wristwatch?','Louis Cartier','Who is considered the father of medicine?','Hippocrates','Who is identified with the word \'eureka\'?','Archimedes','Who is known as the high priest of revenge?','Philip Seldon','Who is known for his \'theory of evolution\'?','Charles Darwin','Who is recognised as the father of geometry?','Euclid','Who killed Jesse James?','Robert Ford','Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979?','Jim Jones','Who led the mongols?','Genghis Khan','Who married actress Nancy Davis?','Ronald Reagan','Who met in Yalta in 1945 (in alphabetical order)?','Churchill Roosevelt Stalin','Who ordered the persecution of the Christians in which Peter and Paul died?','Nero','Who presided over the trial of Jesus?','Pontius Pilate','Who received the nobel peace prize in 1964 for civil rights leadership?','Martin Luther King Jr','Who ruled rome when Christ was born?','Augustus Caesar','Who said \'eureka\'?','Archimedes','Who said \'public service is my motto\'?','Al Capone','Who sailed to the new world in \'The mayflower\'?','pilgrims','Who shot Abraham Lincoln?','John Wilkes Booth','Who signed the \'thanksgiving proclamation\'?','Abraham Lincoln','Who started the second Punic war?','Carthage','Who succeeded Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of England?','Anthony Eden','Who tried to create the \'Great Society\'?','Lyndon B Johnson','Who was \'The Elephant Man\'?','John Merrick','Who was George Washington\'s vice-president?','John Adams','Who was John Merrick?','The Elephant Man','Who was King Arthur\'s foster-father?','Ector','Who was Ulysses\' son',' who grew to manhood in his absence?','Telemachus','Who was assassinated on December 8',' 1980 in New York City?','John Lennon','Who was assassinated on November 22',' 1963 in Dallas',' Texas?','President John F. Kennedy','Who was captain of \'The Mayflower\'?','Miles Standish','Who was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn?','George A. Custer','Who was forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta?','British officers','Who was given the only Nobel Peace Prize award during WWI?','International Red Cross','Who was kidnapped on the night of March 1',' 1932?','Charles Lindbergh Jr','Who was known as \'the peanut president\'?','Jimmy Carter','Who was the first (and last) catholic president?','John Fitzerald Kennedy','Who was the first person to break the sound barrier?','Chuck Yager','Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?','Captain Matthew Webb','Who was the first woman in space?','Valentina Tereshkova','Who was the lead singer for Creedence Clearwater Revival',' and recently released \'Blue Moon Swamp\'?','John Fogerty','Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge?','Pol Pot','Who was the only survivor of Custer\'s last stand?','his horse','Who were the first people to be elected into the Aviation Hall Of Fame?','The Wright Brothers','Who wrote \'The Starry Messenger\'?','Galileo','Winston Churchill resigned from office in 1954',' 1955 or 1956?','1955','What hobby was developed by the Palmer Paint Company?','Painting by numbers','Who invented painting by numbers?','palmer paint company','How many years in a vicennial?','twenty','Who hit the first golf shot on the moon?','Alan Sheppard','What does the abbreviation \'UNICEF\' stand for?','United Nations Childrens\' Emergency Fund','In mIRC',' what colour does control-4 give?','red','On IRC',' how do you ask age',' sex',' location?','asl','On irc',' what does a/s/l mean?','age/sex/location','What animal can live several weeks without its head?','cockroach','South africa is the biggest producer and exporter of ······?','mohair','Which country is the biggest producer and exporter of mohair?','South Africa','Who founded the SAS?','David Stirling','More people are killed by donkeys every year than are killed in ······?','plane crashes','Who invented \'bifocal\' lenses for eyeglasses?','Benjamin Franklin','Who invented the most common projection for world maps?','Gerardus Mercator','In the old gag',' where is Prince Albert?','In a can','From what Irish words is \'Dublin\' derived?','dubh linn','From what language is the term \'finito\'?','Italian','Merging the words \'melt\' and \'weld\' created which word?','meld','Other than Germany',' whose official language is German?','Austria','The word rodent comes from the italian \'rodere\'',' which means?','gnaw','What city\'s name is derived from the words \'dubh linn\'?','Dublin','What does \'alma mater\' mean in English?','bountiful mother','What does \'majuba\' mean?','place of rock pigeons','What does \'shogun\' mean in English?','military governer','What does the Irish \'dubh linn\' mean?','black pool','What does the word \'karate\' translate to in English?','open hand','What is \'blackpool\' in Irish?','dubh linn','What is \'bountiful mother\' in Latin?','alma mater','What is \'military governer\' in Japanese?','shogun','What is the English word for \'fiesta\'?','festival','What is the Israeli \'knesset\'?','parliament','What is the Old English word for \'sneeze\'?','fneasan','What is the Spanish word for \'festival\'?','fiesta','What is the language of Hungary?','Magyar','What is the literal meaning of \'pince-nez\'?','pinch nose','What is the meaning of the Mercedes Benz motto \'Das beste oder nichts\'?','The best or nothing','What is the official language of Austria?','german','What two words make the word \'meld\'?','melt and weld','What was the language of ancient India?','Sanskrit','In which country was it once against the law to slam your car door?','Switzerland','How fast does the tip of a standard rotary mower travel? (in km/h)','two hundred','What was the Lone Ranger\'s real name?','John Reid','Where does Nessie live?','Loch Ness','Who are santa\'s reindeer',' in alphabetical order?','blitzen',' comet',' dancer',' dasher',' prancer and vixen','Who created the round table?','Merlin','Who was Bonnie Parker\'s partner?','Clyde Barrow','Who was Clyde Barrow\'s partner?','Bonnie Parker','Who was John Reid?','Lone Ranger','Who was the Lone Ranger\'s Indian companion?','Tonto','As what did H.G. Wells refer to Adolf Hitler?','A certifiable lunatic','How many books are there in Anne Rice\'s vampire series?','five','How many stories did enid blyton publish in 1959?','fifty nine','In \'A Christmas Carol\'',' how many ghosts visited Scrooge?','four','In \'A Christmas Carol\'',' what was the name of the miser?','Ebenezer Scrooge','In \'Alice In Wonderland\'',' who never stopped sobbing?','Mock Turtle','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' about what was Mercutio\'s long monologue?','Queen Mab','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' who gave a long monologue about Queen Mab?','Mercutio','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' who said \'I have a faint cold',' fear thrills through my veins\'?','Juliet','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' who says \'make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies?','Juliet','In \'Romeo and Juliet\'',' who says \'what must be must be\'?','Juliet','In one of Donald Horne\'s novels',' as what was Australia dubbed?','The lucky country','In one of Donald Horne\'s novels',' which was \'the lucky country\'?','Australia','In the Dr Seuss books',' which elephant hatched an egg?','Horton','In which book did four ghosts visit Scrooge?','A Christmas Carol','On what book was \'Three Days Of The Condor\' based?','Six Days Of The Condor','The Hardy Boys and ······?','Nancy Drew','What Dr Seuss character steals Christmas?','Grinch','What controversial book did Germaine Greer write?','The Female Eunuch','What shakespearean play refers to the date of epiphany?','Twelfth Night','What story features flopsy',' mopsy and cottontail?','Peter Rabbit','What subject did \'Mr. Chips\' teach?','Latin','What was H.G Wells\' first novel?','The Time Machine','What was Lestat\'s last name?','de Lioncourt','What were the dolls in the novel \'Valley Of The Dolls\'?','pills','What were the two cities in \'A Tale Of Two Cities\'?','London and Paris','Which Tennesee Williams play is about a Sicilian-American woman?','The Rose Tattoo','Which book featured the miser Scrooge?','A Christmas Carol','Which is the only book written by Margaret Mitchell?','Gone With The Wind','Who created \'Horton\' the elephant?','Dr. Seuss','Who created \'Maudie Frickett\'?','Jonathan Winters','Who created \'The Saint\'?','Leslie Charteris','Who did Macduff kill?','Macbeth','Who did author Leslie Charteris create?','The Saint','Who dubbed Australia \'the lucky country\'?','Donald Horne','Who killed Macbeth?','Macduff','Who said \'But',' soft! what light through yonder window breaks\'?','Romeo','Who was Winnie the Pooh\'s neighbour?','Piglet','Who was the author of \'Dracula\'?','Bram Stoker','Who was the human companion of Willow?','Mad Mardigan','Who wrote \'1984\'?','George Orwell','Who wrote \'A Christmas Carol\'?','Charles Dickens','Who wrote \'A Tale Of Two Cities\'?','Charles Dickens','Who wrote \'A Tale Of Two Cities\'?','Charles Dickens','Who wrote \'Alice In Wonderland\'?','Lewis Carroll','Who wrote \'Gone With The Wind\'?','Margaret Mitchell','Who wrote \'The Female Eunuch\'?','Germaine Greer','Who wrote \'The Hobbit\'?','J.R.R. Tolkien','Who wrote \'The Rose Tattoo\'?','Tennessee Williams','Who wrote \'The Time Machine\'?','H.G. Wells','Who wrote \'Valley Of The Dolls\'?','Jacqueline Susann','Who wrote \'Weird Harold and Fat Albert\'?','Bill Cosby','Who wrote \'little lamb',' who made thee\'?','William Blake','Who wrote the \'Dragonriders Of Pern\' series?','Anne Mcaffrey','Who wrote the \'Father Brown\' crime stories?','G.K. Chesterton','Who wrote the \'Myth\' series?','Robert Asprin','Who wrote the \'Noddy\' books?','Enid Blyton','Who wrote the vampire series that featured Lestat as the main character?','Anne Rice','Who\'s last words were \'Thus with a kiss I die\'?','Romeo','How old was the world\'s oldest man?','one hundred and forty one','Who was the world\'s oldest man?','Bir Narayan Chaudhari','On a ship',' what is the line that indicates the maximum load that may be transported?','Plimsoll Line','How many different letters are used in the roman numeral system?','seven','What is 65% of 60?','39','What is the maximum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle?','three hundred and fifty nine','What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an acute angle?','eighty nine','What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle?','one hundred and seventy nine','What is the minimum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle?','one hundred and eighty one','What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an acute angle?','one ','What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle?','ninety one','What is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value?','four','What is the square root of one quarter?','one half','What instrument measures walking distance?','pedometer','In what body part does an osteopath specialise?','bones','A salt enema was given to children to rid them of ······?','Threadworm','Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company?','Bayer','In the early 20th century',' rattlesnake venom was used to treat which illness?','epilepsy','North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the ······?','bladder','North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder?','gravel and stones','On what part of the body is an \'LTK procedure\' performed?','eyes','The first rubber gloves were used during surgery in 1890',' 1910 or 1920?','1890','The smallpox vaccine was invented in 1763',' 1784 or 1798?','1798','What did North American Indians eat to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder?','watercress','What does a sphygmomanometer measure?','blood pressure','What does hepatitis affect?','liver','What instrument measures blood pressure?','sphygmomanometer','What is a the technical name for a heart attack?','myocardial infarct','What is acute nasopharyngitis?','A cold','What is another name for consumption?','tuberculosis','What is another name for tuberculosis?','consumption','What was given to children to rid them of threadworm?','salt enema','Who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder?','North American Indians','Who invented the smallpox vaccine?','Edward Jenner','Who was the first to use rubber gloves during surgery?','Dr. W.S. Halstead','As a result of their wearing high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres',' as what were the first US marines known?','leathernecks','What do the letters \'SAM\' mean in SAM missiles?','Surface To Air','What is the mascot of the US naval academy?','goat','What is the naval equivalent of an army Major?','Lieutenant Commander','With which hand do soldiers salute?','right','What forms when a diamond is cut with a laser?','graphite dust','What is also known as the \'bishop\'s stone\'?','amethyst','What is the violet variety of quartz otherwise known as?','amethyst','Approximately how deep are the deepest mines? (in km)','four','In which country is the largest gold refinery?','South Africa','What is the deepest mine in the world?','Western Deep Levels Mine','What is the name of the largest gold refinery?','Rand Refinery','Where are the deepest mines?','South Africa','Graphite dust is formed when what is cut with a laser?','diamond','What are Swedish buns called?','Danishes','What has no reflection',' no shadow',' and can\'t stand the smell of garlic?','vampire','Which man has the most monuments erected in his honour?','Buddha','Which woman has the most monuments erected in her honour?','Virgin Mary','From which team did Marlboro switch its backing to Mclaren in the 1974 season?','BRM','How many pole positions did Ayrton Senna score?','sixty five','In 1976',' James Hunt was disqualified after winning which Grand Prix?','British ','Name the first automobile racetrack in America.','Indianapolis Motor Speedway','Over what time period is the Le Mans endurance motor race?','Twenty four hours','To which team did Marlboro switch its backing from BRM in the 1974 season?','Mclaren','What colours was the Ferrari Formula 1 car in the 1964 US Grand prix?','blue and white','What event marked the 1954 french grand prix?','The return of Mercedes','Where do the Italians host the Grand Prix?','Monza','Which car won the 1953 Italian Grand Prix?','Maserati','Which new engine regulation replaced the 2.5 litre rule at the start of the 1961 season?','1.5 litre rule','Who hosts the Monza Grand Prix?','Italy','Who qualified for pole position in the 1984 Brazilian Grand Prix?','Elio de Angelis','Who was disqualified after winning the 1976 British Grand Prix?','James Hunt','Who was the driver for the Jordan team in the 1998 Grand Prix?','Damon Hill','Who won the 1966 F1 championship?','Jack Brabham','Whose motto is \'Be prepared\'?','Boy Scouts','Who conquered the Matterhorn in 1865?','Edward Whymper','Who was Lauren Bacall\'s first husband?','Humphrey Bogart','About which family are the Godfather films?','Corleone','For which film did Art Carney win best actor Oscar in 1974?','Harry and Tonto','In \'Star Wars\'',' who was C3P0\'s sidekick?','R2D2','In \'The Shining\' what was the child\'s imaginary friend\'s name (the one who told him things that were going to happen)?','Tony','In the \'Nightmare On Elm Street\' films',' who played Freddy Frueger?','Robert Englund','In the film \'American Hot Wax\'',' who did Jay Leno play?','Mookie','In the film \'American Hot Wax\'',' who played the \'Mookie\'?','Jay Leno','In the film \'Hackers\'',' how old was \'zero_kool\' when he was first arrested?','eleven','In the film \'Home Alone\'',' who played the baddies?','Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern','In the film \'Pretty Woman\'',' for who was Goldie Hawn the body double?','Julia Roberts','In the film \'The Day Of The Jackal\'',' who played the Jackal?','Edward Fox','In what did someone squish her hands to make the sound of e.t walking?','jelly','In what film did Whoopi Goldberg make her screen debut?','The Color Purple','In which James Bond film does the villain cheat at golf?','Goldfinger','In which film did Henry Fonda play a fallen priest?','The Fugitive','In which film did Paul Newman and Robert Redford hold hands and jump into a river?','Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid','In which film was Goldie Hawn the body double for Julia Roberts?','Pretty Woman','Juliette Binoch won an academy award for best supporting role in which film?','English Patient','Pancho was whose faithful sidekick?','Cisco Kid\'s','The film \'The Wizard Of ······\'?','Oz','Tippi Hedren is best known for her lead role in which film?','The Birds','Was Shirley Temple 21',' 25 or 29 when she made her last film?','21','What Marlon Brando film was widely banned?','Last Tango In Paris','What did Dorothy\'s house land on in \'The Wizard Of Oz\'?','The Wicked Witch of the West','What film featured a cat named Mr. Bigglesworth?','Austin Powers','What film is generally considered the worst film ever made?','Attack of the Killer Tomatoes','What film marked James Cagney\'s return to the screen after 20 years?','Ragtime','What film starred Helen Hunt',' Gary Elwes and Bill Paxton?','Twister','What film starred Rosie O\'Donnell',' Rita Wilson and Meg Ryan?','Sleepless in Seattle','What is the name of the film in which Steven Segal\'s character dies?','Executive Decision','What is the sequel to the film \'Every Which Way But Loose\'?','Every Which Way You Can','What was Ben Stiller\'s character called in \'Mystery Men\'?','Mr. Furious','What was Eddie Murphy\'s character name in \'Beverley Hills Cop\'?','Axel Foley','What was Garth\'s last name in \'Wayne\'s World\'?','Algar','What was John Wayne\'s real name?','Marion Morrison','What was Keanu Reeves\' computer world alias in \'The Matrix\'?','Neo','What was Keanu Reeves\' first big film?','Point Break','What was Kevin Bacon\'s first big hit?','Footloose','What was painted on Peter Fonda\'s helmet motorcycle helmet in \'Easy Rider\'?','stars and stripes','What was the first film directed by Robert Redford?','Ordinary People','What was the name of the pinball machine in the film \'Tommy\'?','Wizard','What was the name of the two space shuttles in \'Armegeddon\'?','Freedom and Independence','What was used for blood in the film \'psycho\'?','chocolate syrup','Which basketball star played a genie in \'Kazaam\'?','Shaquille O\'Neal','Which film preceded \'Magnum Force\' and \'The Enforcer\'?','Dirty Harry','Which films are about the Corleone family?','The Godfather films','Which was the first \'Indiana Jones\' film?','Raiders Of The Lost Ark','Who appeared in \'St. Elmo\'s Fire\'',' \'The Scarlett Letter\' and \'Striptease\'?','Demi Moore','Who did Charlie Becker play in \'The Wizard of Oz\'?','The mayor of the munchkins','Who directed \'The Shining\'?','Stanley Kubrick','Who directed the film \'Ordinary People\'?','Robert Redford','Who does the voice for Yoda in the Star Wars films?','Frank Oz','Who played \'Johnny Mnemonic\'?','Keanu Reeves','Who played Clyde to Faye Dunaway\'s Bonnie?','Warren Beatty','Who played Dr. Frankenfurter in the pop-culture film \'The Rocky Horror Picture Show?','Tim Curry','Who played Dr. Kildare?','Richard Chamberlain','Who played Eddie in the pop-culture film \'The Rocky Horror Picture Show?','Meatloaf','Who played Hopalong Cassidy?','William Boyd','Who played Louis in \'Interview With The Vampire\'?','Brad Pitt','Who played Queen Amidala in the latest \'Star Wars\' film?','Natalie Portman','Who played in the film \'Ragtime\' after 20 years offscreen?','James Cagney','Who played the \'Universal Soldier\'?','Jean-Claude Van Damme','Who played the mayor of the munchkins in \'The Wizard of Oz\'?','Charlie Becker','Who played the murder victim in the original version of \'Psycho\'?','Janet Leigh','Who played the president of the U.S in \'Air Force One\'?','Harrison Ford','Who played the title role in the \'Mad Max\' series of films?','Mel Gibson','Who played the title role in the 1978 version of \'Superman\'?','Christopher Reeve','Who starred in \'Conan The Barbarian\'?','Arnold Schwarzenegger','Who starred in the 1952 film \'Niagara\'?','Marilyn Monroe','Who starred in the film \'The Man With Two Brains\'?','Steve Martin','Who starred in the film version of \'To Kill A Mockingbird\'?','Gregory Peck','Who was Dr. Zhivago\'s great love?','Lara','Who was John Wayne\'s musical co-star in true grit?','Glen Campbell','Who was Miss Hungary in 1936?','Zsa Zsa Gabor','Who was the Cisco Kid\'s faithful sidekick?','Pancho','Who was the director of \'Terminator\' and \'Titanic\'?','James Cameron','Who was the villain in \'Star Wars\'?','Darth Vader','Who wrote \'Psycho\'?','Alfred Hitchcock','Who wrote \'The Birds\'?','Alfred Hitchcock','Who wrote the classic thriller \'The Birds\'?','Alfred Hitchcock','Whose films include \'Giant\'',' \'Written On The Wind\' and \'A Farewell To Arms\'?','Rock Hudson','In which film did Jay Leno play \'Mookie\'?','American Hot Wax','What animal has the same name as a high church official?','cardinal','\'Hang On Sloopy\' was the official rock song of which band?','Ohio','\'White Room\' was a hit off which Eric Clapton album?','Cream','As what is Merle Haggard also known as?','Okie from Muskogee','Besides the Stones',' which group had the longest touring career until the founder\'s death in 1995?','The Grateful Dead','Bill Justis was a studio musician when he recorded this \'sloppy\' instrumental in october 1957?','Raunchy','Country singer Vince ····?','Gill','Crosby',' Stills and Nash\'s debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes. Name that song.','Sweet Judy Blue Eyes','For whom did Colonel Tom Parker act as manager?','Elvis Presley','Formerly with Spencer Davis',' he went on to form Traffic with Dave Mason. He is?','Steve Winwood','From what platform does the \'Chattanooga Choo Choo\' leave Pennsylvania station?','twenty nine','From which station does the \'Chattanooga Choo Choo\' leave?','Pennsylvania station','Hey! What was the name of the hit song released by \'The Romantics\' in February 1980?','That\'s What I Like About You','How many members are in the \'fairfield four\'?','five','How old was Leann Rhimes when she became a country music star?','fourteen','How old was Leann Rhimes when she recorded her first album?','eleven','In \'La Traviata\'',' what does Violetta sing?','Sempre Libera','In \'La Traviata\'',' who sings \'Sempre Libera\'?','Violetta','In 1958',' who had a pop music hit with \'Willie and the Hand Jive\'?','Johnny Otis','In 1968',' who released \'Carnival of life\' and \'Recital\'?','Lee Michaels','In 1981',' who won song of the year with \'Sailing\'?','Christopher Cross','In 1987',' who released her second album \'Solitude Standing\'?','Suzanne Vega','In a 1976 release',' who wanted to \'fly like an eagle\'?','Steve Miller Band','In late 1957',' Buddy Holly\'s solo release \'Peggy Sue\' challenged which song recorded with The Crickets?','Oh Boy','In the opera \'Don Giovanni\'',' what was Leporello?','servant','In which Verdi opera does Violetta sing \'Sempre Libera\'?','La Traviata','In which opera does Leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover?','Don Giovanni','In which year was George Jones inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame?','1992','Michael di Lorenzo was one of the lead dancers on which Michael Jackson video?','Beat It','R. Kelly sings: \'If I can see it then I can do it',' if I just believe it',' there\'s nothing to it\'. What\'s the song title?','I Believe I Can Fly','Randy Travis said his love was \'deeper than the ······\'?','holler','Savage Garden took 13 nominations and 10 wins at which awards?','ARIA awards','Singer Paula ······?','Abdul','Sung by Robert Palmer',' \'······ to love\'?','Addicted','The first Eurovision Song Contest was in 1951',' 1956 or 1958?','1956','What Don Mclean song laments the day Buddy Holly died?','American Pie','What album holds the world record for copies sold?','Thriller','What are the separators on a guitar neck called?','frets','What classic rock band sang the song \'Paint It',' Black\'?','Rolling Stones','What did George Harrison discover on the Witwatersrand?','gold','What did Sheryl Crow do before she became a singer?','teach','What does the term \'DJ\' mean?','Disc Jockey','What hardcore rock group sings',' \'Blind\' and \'Clown\'?','Korn','What instrument are you playing when you perform a rim shot?','drums','What instrument does an organ grinder play?','hurdy gurdy','What is Cape Town\'s major choir called?','Philharmonic choir','What is Elton John\'s real name?','Reginald Dwight','What is Vanilla Ice\'s real name?','Robert van Winkle','What is a cello\'s full name?','violoncello','What is a violoncello usually called?','cello','What is the name given to the type of West Indian music made famous by artists such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh?','reggae','What is the official birthplace of country music?','Bristol','What song did Elton John and George Michael sing as a duet?','Don\'t Let The Sun Go Down On Me','What song was originally \'Good Morning To You\' before the words were changed and it was published in 1935?','Happy Birthday To You','What song\'s words were changed and then published in 1935 as \'Happy Birthday To You\'?','Good Morning To You','What was Elvis Presley\'s twin brother\'s name?','Garon','What was Jethro Tull before donating his name to a British epic rock group?','agriculturist','What was the average age of United States soldiers in the Vietnam war?','nineteen','What was the first CD pressed in the USA?','Born In The USA','What was the original name of Paul McCartney\'s fictional church cleaner \'Eleanor Rigby\'?','Miss Daisy Hawkins','Where did George Harrison discover gold?','Witwatersrand','Where is the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame?','Cleveland',' Ohio','Which 1960\'s group sang a song inspired by \'Alice In Wonderland\'?','The Jefferson Airplane','Which 1980\'s Pink Floyd album was made into a film that starred Bob Geldof',' and featured the artwork of cartoonist Gerald Scarfe?','The Wall','Which Australian duo took 13 nominations and 10 wins at the ARIA awards?','Savage Garden','Which Elton John song was re-recorded as a requiem for Lady Diana Spencer?','Candle In The Wind','Which country and western singer is known as the \'okie from muskogee\'?','Merle Haggard','Which singer is a former school teacher?','Sheryl Crow','Which singer/songwriter worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded \'Aint No Sunshine\'?','Bill Withers','Who \'imagined\' a better world?','John Lennon','Who advised us to \'break on through to the other side\'?','Jim Morrison (of The Doors)','Who appeared solo at the Woodstock festival after leaving \'The Lovin\' Spoonful\'?','John Sebastian','Who began his career with \'The Yardbirds\' and established himself as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation?','Eric Clapton','Who began his professional career with Black Sabbath?','Ozzy Osbourne','Who collaborated with John Lennon on \'Whatever Gets You Through The Night\'?','Elton John','Who did a version of \'One Bourbon',' One Scotch',' One Beer\' on his 1977 debut album?','George Thorogood','Who did the music for the 1970\'s film \'Saturday Night Fever\'?','Bee Gees','Who discovered gold on the Witwatersrand?','George Harrison','Who founded \'Live Aid\' and \'Band Aid\'?','Bob Geldof','Who is Reginald Dwight known as?','Elton John','Who is Robert van Winkle?','Vanilla Ice','Who is the elder statesman of \'british blues\'',' and fronted \'The Bluesbreakers\'?','John Mayall','Who is the lead singer of \'The Doors\'?','Jim Morrison','Who is the only singer to have no.1 hits in the 50\'s',' 60\'s',' 70\'s',' 80\'s and 90\'s?','Cliff Richard','Who produced \'Sgt Pepper\'s Lonely Hearts Club Band\'?','George Martin','Who recorded \'A Boy Named Sue\'?','Johnny Cash','Who released \'Time',' Love and Tenderness\' in 1981?','Michael Bolton','Who released \'Tuesday Night Music Club\' in 1993?','Sheryl Crow','Who released a chart-busting album in 1976 which featured \'The Lido Shuffle\'?','Boz Scaggs','Who released the double album \'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\' in 1973?','Elton John','Who sang \'All Right Now\'?','Free','Who sang \'Any Way You Want Me\'?','Elvis Presley','Who sang \'Bad Case Of Loving You\'?','Robert Palmer','Who sang \'Beat It\'?','Michael Jackson','Who sang \'Beauty and the Beast\'?','Celine Dion','Who sang \'Born In The USA\'?','Bruce Springsteen','Who sang \'Forever and Ever',' Amen\'?','Randy Travis','Who sang \'Good Morning To You?','Mildred and Patty Hill','Who sang \'I\'m A Believer\'?','Monkees','Who sang \'In The Air Tonight\'?','Phil Collins','Who sang \'Islands In The Stream\' with Dolly Parton?','Kenny Rogers','Who sang \'Islands In The Stream\' with Kenny Rogers?','Dolly Parton','Who sang \'Jet Airliner\'?','Steve Miller Band','Who sang \'Rescue Me\'?','Fontella Bass','Who sang \'That\'s Alright Mama\'?','Elvis Presley','Who sang \'We\'ve only just begun\'?','Carpenters','Who sang \'You Can Call Me Al\'?','Paul Simon','Who sang about \'Commitment\'?','Leann Rhimes','Who sang about \'The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B\'?','The Andrews Sisters','Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones?','The Beatles','Who sang for \'Bad company\' and \'Free\'',' then went out on his own?','Paul Rodgers','Who sang with \'The Dakotas\'?','Billy J. Kramer','Who sings \'Sweet Home Alabama\'?','Lynyrd Skynyrd','Who wanted \'a lover with a slow hand\'?','The Pointer Sisters','Who wanted \'a new drug\'?','Huey Lewis and The News','Who was \'hooked on a feeling\'?','Blue Suede','Who was a member of \'Crosby',' Stills and Nash\' and \'The Hollies\'?','Graham Nash','Who was the Indian maiden in Johnny Preston\'s \'Running Bear\'?','Little White Dove','Who was the first female to enter the Billboard charts in 1985?','Whitney Houston','Who was the oldest member of The Beatles?','Ringo Starr','Who was the only songwriter to win the Eurovision Song Contest twice?','Johnny Logan','Who wrote \'Roll Over Beethoven\'?','Chuck Berry','Who wrote the opera \'The Giant\'?','Sergei Prokofiev','Who wrote the opera \'The Masked Ball\'?','Guiseppe Verdi','Who wrote the opera \'Tosca\'?','Giacomo Puccini','Who wrote the opera \'norma\'?','Vincenzo Bellini','Who wrote the oprea \'La Traviata\'?','Guiseppe Verdi','Who wrote the song \'Do They Know It\'s Christmas\' with Bob Geldof?','Midge Ure','Who wrote the song \'Do They Know It\'s Christmas\' with Midge Ure?','Bob Geldof','Who\'s first release was \'Talking Heads 77\'?','Psycho Killer','····· in the name of love?','Stop','What license plate number is on the Volkswagon on the cover of The Beatles\' \'Abbey Road\' Album?','281F','In Greek mythology',' the riddle of what did Oedipus solve?','sphinx','Apollo was the Greek god of ······?','prophecy and archery','Dionysus was the greek god of ······?','Wine','In Egyptian mythology',' what is the life force called?','Ka','In Egyptian mythology',' who is known as the god of the desert?','Ash','In Egyptian mythology',' who is the god of the underworld?','Cherti','In Egyptian mythology',' who was Horus\' mother?','Isis','In Egyptian mythology',' who was Isis the wife of?','Osiris','In English mythology',' who caused the death of the Lady of Shallot?','Sir Lancelot','In Greek mythology who did Athena turn into a spider?','Arachne','In Greek mythology',' how many heads did Hydra have?','nine','In Greek mythology',' into what did Athena turn Arachne?','spider','In Greek mythology',' what animal is associated with Athena?','owl','In Greek mythology',' what did Daedalus construct for Minos?','labyrinth','In Greek mythology',' what was Minos the king of?','Crete','In Greek mythology',' where did Perseus kill his grandfather?','Larrisan games','In Greek mythology',' who did Jocasta marry?','Oedipus','In Greek mythology',' who did Minos hire to construct the labyrinth?','Daedalus','In Greek mythology',' who had nine heads?','Hydra','In Greek mythology',' who hired Daedalus to construct the labyrinth?','Minos','In Greek mythology',' who ruled over the island of Samos?','Polycrates','In Greek mythology',' who solved the riddle of the Sphinx?','Oedipus','In Greek mythology',' who turned Arachne into a spider?','Athena','In Greek mythology',' who was Jason\'s wife?','Medea','In Greek mythology',' who was Medea\'s husband?','Jason','In Greek mythology',' who was the only mortal gorgon?','Medusa','In Greek mythology',' who was the son of Peleus and Thetis?','Achilles','In Greek mythology',' who were Achilles\' parents?','Peleus and Thetis','Neptune was the Roman god of the ······?','sea','Persephone was the Greek goddess of ······?','spring','Poseidon was the Greek god of the ······?','sea','What mythical Scottish town appears for one day every 100 years?','Brigadoon','Which Norse god had the Valkyries as handmaidens?','Odin','Which Titan had snakes for hair?','Medusa','Who did the Norse god Odin have as handmaidens?','Valkyries','Who is the Greek messenger god?','Hermes','Who is the Norse god of lightning?','Odin','Who is the Norse god of mischief?','Loki','Who is the Norse god of thunder and war?','Thor','Who is the mother of Apollo and Artemis?','Leto','Who was Hercules\' father?','Zeus','Who was Hercules\' stepmother?','Hera','Who was the Greek god of fire?','Hephaestus','Who was the Greek god of prophecy and archery?','Apollo','Who was the Greek god of wine?','Dionysus','Who was the Greek goddess of spring?','Persephone','Who',' in Egyptian mythology',' is the god of the dead?','Aker','Which people invented the compass?','Chinese','Approximately how many pounds of salt is in every gallon of seawater?','one quarter','At which time of year do children grow fastest?','springtime','By what process is rock worn down by the weather?','erosion','During pregnancy',' how many times its normal size does the human uterus expand?','five hundred','How many hearts do earthworms have?','five','Of what do earthworms have five?','hearts','What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if it is frightened?','armadillo','What has approximately 1/4 pound of salt in every gallon?','seawater','What is the heart rate of the blue whale? (in beats per minute)','nine','When does the human uterus expand 500 times its normal size?','during pregnancy','Eras are divided into units called ········?','periods','What can be either new',' last or gibbous?','The moon','Who sat on her tuffet?','Little Miss Muffet','In the song \'Skip To My Lou\'',' in what beverage are the flies?','Buttermilk','Where did Little Miss Muffet sit?','On her tuffet','Who is Mother Goose\'s son?','Jack','Is wholemeal bread brown or white?','brown','Lack of Vitamin D causes which disease?','rickets','Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin?','vitamin D','Six ounces of orange juice contains the minimum daily requirement for which vitamin?','vitamin C','What does iron deficiency cause?','anaemia','What makes brown bread healthier than white bread?','wholemeal','Basmati is a type of what?','Rice','What does a notaphile collect?','Banknotes','What does a philluminist collect?','Match box labels','What does an ombrometer measure?','rainfall','What is a \'funambulist\'?','A tightrope walker','What is a pugilist?','boxer','What is another name for a  tightrope walker?','funambulist','What is someone who collects banknotes called?','Notaphile','With what is rainfall measured?','ombrometer','What is a \'somnambulist\'?','sleepwalker','Which south african oil company has estblished the only commercially proven \'oil from coal\' operations in the world?','Sasol','In ancient Greece',' where were the original Olympics held?','Olympia','The Olympic motto \'citius',' altius',' fortius\' means what?','Faster',' higher',' stronger','What is the Olympic motto in the original Latin?','Citius',' altius',' fortius','Where were the 1956 Summer Olympics held?','Melbourne',' Australia','Where were the 1960 summer Olympics held?','Rome',' Italy','Who did Zola Budd trip in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?','Mary Decker','Who tripped Mary Decker in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?','Zola Budd','Approximately how many spoons are there in the New Jersey Spoon Museum?','5400','How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series?','seventy five','In \'Star Trek\' Jean ······ Picard?','Luc','In \'Star Trek\'',' what is Data\'s rank?','Lieutenant Commander','In \'Star Trek\'',' who was the captain of the \'Enterprise C\'?','Rachel Garret','What is the registry number of the enterprise in the original Star Trek?','NCC 1701','Who played Deanna Troi in \'Star Trek The Next Generation\'?','Marina Sirtis','What colour on black produces the most visible combination?','yellow','On maps',' what is the technical name for the \'you are here\' arrow?','ideo locator','The last line of which document is \'working men of all countries',' unite!\'?','Communist Manifesto','At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow? (in degrees)','forty ','Waves \'break\' when their height is how much more than the depth of the water?','seven tenths','What is the name given to elementary particles originating in the sun and other stars',' that continuously rain down on the earth?','cosmic rays','In England',' what is the Speaker of the House not allowed to do?','speak','Of which island do Ireland',' Britain',' Iceland and Norway dispute ownership?','Rockall','What does Israel call its parliament?','Knesset','Which island do the nationalist Chinese occupy?','Taiwan','Which nation calls its parliament \'The Knesset\'?','Israel','Who succeeded Charles de Gaulle as president of France?','Georges Pompidour','What colour lenses are required to view a 3-D film?','red and green','Who invented popsicles?','Frank Epperson','As who is Vincent Furnier known?','Alice Cooper','What is Alice Cooper\'s real name?','Vincent Furnier','What is Conway Twitty\'s real name?','Harold Lloyd Jenkins','What is Harold Lloyd Jenkins\' stage name?','Conway Twitty','What is Wynonna Judd\'s real name?','Christina Clair Ciminella','Who is Anne Mae Bullock better known as?','Tina Turner','Who is Christina Claire Ciminella otherwise known as?','Wynonna Judd','Approximately how many dreams does a person have every year?','1460','Of what did Sigmund Freud have a morbid fear?','ferns','Who wrote \'Sexual Behavior In The Human Male\' in 1948?','Alfred Kinsey','With what branch of medicine is Franz Mesmer associated?','hypnotism','New York has the longest subway system in ······?','North America','What city has the most underground stations in the world?','New York','Who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes \'Tae Bo\'?','Billy Blanks','What is the common name for lysergic acid diethylamide?','LSD','What does the \'c\' in the equation e=mc^2 stand for?','speed of light','A catholic minister is known as a?','Priest','In what city does a certain church forbid burping or sneezing?','Omaha',' Nebraska','Of the 266 popes',' how many died violently?','thirty three','To where do Muslims make pilgrimage?','Mecca','What is God called in the Muslim faith?','Allah','What is a person who has made a pilgimage to Mecca?','Hajji','What religious movement was founded by William Booth?','Salvation Army','Who founded the Salvation Army?','William Booth','What are 35% of people using personal ads for dating?','married','St Frideswide the patron saint ······?','Oxford','St Patrick the patron saint of ······?','Ireland','St. Bernard the patron saint of ·····?','skiers','St. Christopher the patron saint of ······?','travellers','Who is the patron saint of skiers?','St. Bernard','What country has the third most satellites in orbit?','France','As what is minus forty celcius the same?','minus forty fahrenheit','As what is minus forty fahrenheit the same?','minus forty celcius','How many beams of light are used to record a holograph?','two','In what does a rhinologist specialise?','human nose','In what was the strength of early lasers measured?','gillettes','In which branch of science are monocotyledon and dicotyledon terms?','Botany','Meteorology is the study of ······?','weather','Of what did Aristotle say all things were made up?','air',' earth',' fire',' and water','Of what is genetics the study?','heredity','Paedology is the study of ...... ?','soil','What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895?','X-rays','What does breaking the sound barrier cause?','A sonic boom','What does the Rankine scale measure?','temperature','What is name applied to the study of soil?','paedology','What is the number of blue razor blades a given beam can puncture?','gillette','What is the scientific name for brimstone?','sulphur','What is the scientific name for earth\'s outer layer of surface soil or crust?','lithosphere','What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals?','paleontology','What is the study of the composition of substances and the changes they undergo?','chemistry','What is the study of the earth\'s physical divisions termed?','Geography','What is the term that refers to the search for the existence of ghosts?','eidology','What was the first recorded message?','Mary had a little lamb','Which freezes faster - hot or cold water?','hot','Who developed the laws of electrolysis?','Michael Faraday','Who discovered X-rays?','Wilhelm Roentgen','Who first transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic?','Enrico Marconi','Who said all things were made up of air',' earth',' fire',' and water?','Aristotle','Who spoke the first recorded message?','Thomas Edison','X-rays were discovered in 1850',' 1895 or 1924?','1895','What is the boy scout motto?','Be prepared','Who founded the Boy Scouts?','Lord Baden Powell','How many legs does a crab have?','ten','What is cerumen?','earwax','What is the scientific name for earwax?','cerumen','What is a female calf called?','heifer','What is a female cat called?','queen','What is a male cat called?','tom','What is a resident of Manchester called?','Mancunian','What is a resident of liverpool?','Liverpudlian','What is another word for a female sheep?','ewe','What is podobromhidrosis?','Smelly feet','What is the name given to male sheep?','ram','What is the name given to the switching of letters in an expression (e.g. saying Jag of Flapan instead of Flag of Japan)?','spoonerism','What is the study of weather technically called?','meteorology','What is a person who makes barrels called?','cooper','What is the covering on the tip of a shoelace called?','aglet','After who was Deana Carter named?','Dean Martin','What instrument does Woody Allen play?','clarinet','What is Cher\'s maiden name?','Sarkassian','What is Tina Turner\'s real name?','Anne Mae Bullock','What is tattooed on Glen Campbell\'s arm?','dagger','What musical instrument did Jack Benny play?','violin','What was Betty Grable\'s nickname?','The Legs','What was Don Rickles\' nickname?','Mr. Warmth','Who is Melanie Griffith\'s mother?','Tippi Hedren','Who is Tippi Hedren\'s daughter?','Melanie Griffith','Who is married to Eddie Van Halen?','Valerie Bertanelli','Who is married to Valerie Bertanelli?','Eddie Van Halen','Who married Mutt Lange?','Shania Twain','Who married Shania Twain?','Robert \"Mutt\" Lange','Who said \'you\'d be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap\'?','Dolly Parton','As neat as a ······?','pin','In which state is the Houston Space Centre?','Texas','What is the biggest criterion for prospective astronauts?','eyesight','As who is Cassius Clay now known?','Mohammed Ali','Baseball: The Atlanta ······?','Braves','Baseball: The Boston ······?','Red Sox','Baseball: The Chicago ······?','Cubs','Baseball: The Cleveland ······?','Indians','Baseball: The Florida ······?','Marlins','Baseball: The Houston ······?','Astros','Baseball: The Kansas City ······?','Royals','Baseball: The Milwaukee ······?','Brewers','Baseball: The New York ······?','Mets','Baseball: The Philadelphia ······?','Phillies','Baseball: The St. Louis ······?','Cardinals','Baseball: The Texas ······?','Rangers','Basketball: The Denver ······?','Nuggets','Football: The Chicago ······?','Bears','Football: The Dallas ······?','Cowboys','Football: The Denver ····?','Broncos','Football: The Pittsburgh ······?','Steelers','Football: The San Diego ······?','Chargers','Hockey: The Calgary ·······?','Flames','Hockey: The Toronto ······?','Maple Leafs','How many dimples does a golf ball have?','three hundred and thirty six','How many sides does a baseball homeplate have?','five','How many stitches are on a regulation baseball?','108','In baseball',' who won their first world series in 1969?','New York Mets','In hockey',' what is the equivalent of a rugby scrum?','face-off','In rugby',' what is the equivalent of a hockey face-off?','scrum','In showjumping',' how many points are incurred for knocking down a fence?','four','In what sport did the word \'crestfallen\' originate?','cockfighting','In what sport do you find \'coursing\'?','greyhound racing','In what sport is the term \'terminal speed\' used?','Drag Racing','Other than England',' which european country took part in the 1996 cricket World Cup?','Netherlands','Other than skiing',' which sport takes place on a piste?','fencing','The first cricket one-day international was held between england and ······?','Australia','What are the two basic aids in orienteering?','map and compass','What is soccer star Pele\'s real name?','Edson Arantes do Nascimento','What is the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round?','fourteen','What is the misshapen ear that boxers often have called?','cauliflower ear','What is the name given to a rower who competes in an individual event?','sculler','What is the regulation height for a pin in tenpin bowling? (in inches)','fifteen','What is the score of a forfeited baseball game?','9-0','What is the score of a forfeited softball game?','7-0','What nationality is Gabriela Sabatini?','Argentinian','What sport has sprint',' tandem and team pursuit events?','cycling','What sport is sometimes called \'rugger\'?','rugby union','What sport/game is Chris Evert associated with?','tennis','What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL playoffs?','Stanley Cup','What was Jack Nicklaus\' nickname?','Golden Bear','What was Mohammed Ali\'s original name?','Cassius Clay','When did the New York Mets win their first World Series?','1969','Where is Capitol Hill?','Washington DC','Which country always leads the opening Olympic procession?','Greece','Which cricket player holds the world record for the highest individual score in first-class cricket?','Brian Lara','Which sport allows substitutions without stoppage in play?','hockey','Which tennis star wore denim shorts during matches?','Andre Agassi','Who did \'Tennis World\' name rookie of the year in 1974?','Martina Navratilova','Who had the nickname \'Golden Bear\'?','Jack Nicklaus','Who has played in the most consecutive baseball games?','Cal Ripken Jr','Who holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during a regular season?','Wayne Gretzky','Who hosted the 1999 cricket World Cup?','England','Who is Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known as?','Pele','Who was the 1990 Wimbledon women\'s singles runner-up?','Zina Garrison','Who was the NBA MVP in 1976',' 1977 and 1980?','Kareem Abdul-Jabbar','Who was the NBA\'s most valuable player in 1976',' 1977 and 1980?','Kareem Abdul-Jabbar','Who was the last Briton to win the men\'s singles at Wimbledon?','Fred Perry','Who was the only boxer to knock out Mohammed Ali?','Larry Holmes','Who won the 1982 soccer world cup?','Italy','With what sport is Chris Boardman associated?','cycling','With what sport is Gabriela Sabatini associated?','tennis','With what sport is Jack Nicklaus associated?','golf','With what did cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi frequently play with in his hands?','glass eye','What swimming stroke is named after an insect?','butterfly','How many tentacles does a squid have?','ten','What were comfrey baths were believed to restore?','virginity','According to superstition',' what do you make when you stub the toes on your right foot?','A wish','What did Captain Matthew Webb swim first?','English Channel','As who is Terry Bollea known?','Hulk Hogan','For which ad campaign was the line \'I can\'t believe I ate the whole thing\' used?','Alka Seltzer','From where was Ricky in \'I Love Lucy\'?','Cuba','In \'Coronation Street\'',' who is Ken and Denise\'s son?','Daniel','In the TV series \'Seinfeld\'',' who does Michael Richards play?','Kramer','In the TV series \'Seinfeld\'',' who plays Kramer?','Michael Richards','In the TV series \'The Brady Bunch\'',' what was Cindy\'s toy doll\'s name?','Kitty Carrie All','In the TV series \'The Fall Guy\'',' who did Lee Majors play?','Colt Seavers','In the TV series \'The Fall Guy\'',' who played Colt Seavers?','Lee Majors','In the TV sitcom \'Married With Children\'',' what is the dog\'s name?','Buck','In the children\'s tv series \'Sesame Street\'',' what two characters were roomates?','Bert and Ernie','Kelsey Grammar sings and plays the theme song for which TV show?','Frasier','On \'Dragnet\'',' who played officer Bill Gannon?','Harry Morgan','On \'The Lucy Show\'',' who played Vivian Bagley?','Vivian Vance','TV series: \'American ······\'?','Bandstand','To which elemetary school did TV\'s \'Brady Bunch\' go?','Dixie Canyon Elementary','What TV network features programming just for children?','Nickelodeon','What TV series from 1970-1974 starred Susan Dey?','Partridge Family','What did Dr. David Banner become when he got angry?','The Incredible Hulk','What is Hulk Hogan\'s real name?','Terry Bollea','What is Kermit D Frog\'s girlfriend\'s name?','Miss Piggy','What is the drummer\'s name in \'The Muppet Show\'?','Animal','What is the frog\'s name in \'The Muppet Show\'?','Kermit D Frog','What is the name of Jaleel White\'s character in the tv series \'Family ties\'?','Steve Erkel','What night club did Ricky work at on \'I Love Lucy\'?','The Tropicana','What show/game has characters such as Bulbasaur and Pikachu?','Pokemon','What was Lucy\'s maiden name on \'I Love Lucy\'?','McGillicuddy','What was the name of Ross\' pet monkey on \'Friends\'?','Marcel','When did the series \'Lost In Space\' premier on CBS?','1965','Which famous male actor made his name in \'I Dream Of Jeannie\'?','Larry Hagman','Who did Larry Hagman portray in the TV series \'Dallas\'?','J.R. Ewing','Who did Pat Sajak play on the soapie \'Days Of Our Lives\'?','Kevin Hathaway','Who did Patrick Duffy portray in the TV series \'Dallas\'?','Bobby Ewing','Who did Vivian Vance play on \'The Lucy Show\'?','Vivian Bagley','Who killed Kenny?','They','Who played Bobby Ewing in the TV series \'Dallas\'?','Patrick Duffy','Who played George Costanza on \'Seinfeld\'?','Jason Alexander','Who played Kevin Hathaway on the soapie \'Days Of Our Lives\'?','Pat Sajak','Who played Steve Erkel in \'Family Matters\'?','Jaleel White','Who played commander Riker in \'Star Trek\'?','Jonathan Frakes','Who plays many voices',' such as Dr Nick',' and Moe on \'The Simpsons\'?','Hank Azaria','Who sings and plays the theme song for the TV show \'Frasier\'?','Kelsey Grammar','Who starred as \'ouboet\' in the first TV series of \'Orkney Snork Nie\'?','Frank Opperman','Who was the alter ego of \'The Incredible Hulk\'?','Dr. David Banner','Who were Lucy and Ricky\'s next door neighbours and best friends?','Fred and Ethel','Over what place in india is it forbidden to fly an airplane?','Taj Mahal','What colour thread is used for filigree?','silver or gold','What was the name of the first space shuttle ever built?','Enterprise','In the opera \'La Traviata\'',' what was Violetta\'s occupation?','courtesan','Which is the largest theme resort hotel?','Lost City','What can be tulip',' balloon or flute?','wine glasses','From what were balloons originally made?','animal bladders','What toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal?','balloon','What city does Orly airport serve?','Paris','Which airline has the registration prefix \'VR\'?','Cathay Pacific','Which city is served by Ringway Airport?','Manchester','5% of Canadians don\'t know the first seven words of the Canadian anthem',' but know the first nine words of which anthem?','The American anthem','7% of Americans don\'t know the first nine words of the American anthem',' but know the first seven words of which anthem?','Canadian anthem','Betsy Ross is the only real person to ever have been the head of a ······?','Pez dispenser','How much do nine pennies weigh?','one ounce','Like what can a fully ripened cranberry be dribbled?','basketball','Of what are throat',' foxing and platform parts?','shoe','What have woodpecker scalps',' porpoise teeth and giraffe tails all been used as?','money','What is \'mother\'s ruin\'?','gin','What is the range',' in miles',' of an Aim-7 Sparrow?','twenty eight ','What keeps one from crying when peeling onions?','chewing gum','Who is the only real person to ever have been the head on a Pez dispenser?','Betsy Ross','How long is the longest tunnel? (in kms)','one hundred and sixty nine','The world\'s longest tunnel connects Delaware and ······?','New York','The world\'s longest tunnel connects New York and ······?','Delaware','What is the world\'s longest tunnel?','The Water Supply Tunnel','Where is the Kennedy Space Centre?','Cape Canaveral',' Florida','In the USA',' for how many years is a patent good?','seventeen ','In what year was the first black mayor of Chicago elected?','1983','What is on a 5000 acre landfill at the head of Jamaica Bay near New York City?','John F. Kennedy Airport','What is the most popular street name in the US?','Park Street','What was Nancy Davis Reagan\'s birth name?','Anne Frances Robbins','What was the Statue Of Liberty originally named?','Liberty Enlightening The World','Where is Stone Mountain?','Atlanta','Where were Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore freshman roommates?','Harvard University','Which city is a \'player with railroads',' and the nation\'s freight handler\'?','Chicago','Which two cities are known as the twin cities?','Minneapolis and Saint Paul','Who is the only man to have been both chief justice and president of the US?','William Taft','Who was Al Gore\'s freshman roommate at Harvard?','Tommy Lee Jones','Who was Tommy Lee Jones\' freshman roommate at Harvard?','Al Gore','Who was born Anne Frances Robbins?','Nancy Davis Reagan','Who was born Sarah Jane Fulks?','Jane Wyman Reagan','Who was the first black mayor of Chicago?','Harold Washington','What was Jane Wyman Reagan\'s birth name?','Sarah Jane Fulks','If locked in a completely sealed room',' of what will you die before you suffocate?','carbon monoxide poisoning','Where is the biggest calibre cannon?','Kremlin','Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth?','six thousand','Which country holds the record for most snowfall in a day',' recorded February 7',' 1916?','Alaska','What is 9 metres high',' 7 metres wide and 2','500 kilometres long?','Great Wall of China','Good Rhine wines are bottled in what colour bottles?','brown','How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?','All the wood that a wood chuck could if a wood chuck could chuck wood','Which word is related to these three: rat',' blue',' cottage?','cheese','Cattle are bovine',' sheep are ······ ?','ovine','Pardon?','FORgive','What arabian peninsula nations recently merged under communist leadership?','Yemen','What is a calm ocean region near the equator called?','doldrums','Which british group recorded the 1983 hit \'Owner Of A Lonely Heart\'?','Yes','Baseball: The San Diego ·······?','Padres','If Brazil had won the 1998 tournament',' how many times would they have won the soccer World Cup?','five','If body temperature was 86 degrees',' how many years would a man man live?','two hundred','In 1986',' what was the maximum fuel capacity (in litres) imposed in Formula 1 racing?','195','What was the name of Buffy\'s doll in the 1970\'s show \'Family Affair\'?','Mrs. Beasley','When was the date of the Christian festival Easter fixed by the Council of Nicaea?','325 AD','Which film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer won the Oscar for best picture in 1965?','The Sound Of Music','Which two teams automatically qualified for the France \'98 soccer world cup?','France and Brazil','Which substance has the chemical formula H2SO4?','sulfuric acid','What composer was working on his 10th symphony at the time of his death?','Ludwig van Beethoven','Sartre',' de Beauvior and Camus all belonged to this philosophical movement.','Existentialism','Indifference to pleasure or pain',' Greek philosophical system following the teachings of Zeno.','stoicism','What does SOS stand for','Save Our Souls','What does the abbreviation N/A mean?','not applicable','What statuette is awarded annually for the best television commercial?','Clio','What is the national airline of Indonesia?','Garuda','These glands are located on top of the kidneys.','Adrenal','Whats the technical name for the skull ?','Cranium','These essential body cells do not contain nuclei.','red blood cells','In the animal kingdom',' if reptiles are in class reptilia',' then birds are in class ____','aves','Often hunted for its fur',' this South American rodent bathes in dust and is often sold in the pet trade.','chinchilla','On Borneo and Sumatra',' the literal translation of this ape\'s name means \"man of the forest.\"','orangutan','Term for an emasculated male pig','barrow','The closest living relative of this African mammal is the giraffe.','Okapi','The insect class \"hymenoptera\" includes ants and these colonial honey-makers.','bees','The silkworm only eats the leaves of what plant?','mulberry','What aminal is the logo of the World Wildlife Fund?','panda','Which is a small',' flightless bird is also New Zealand\'s national symbol?','kiwi','Which plant is known for attracting hummingbirds?','hibiscus','The Komodo Dragon',' the biggest known lizard to science',' is endemic to the Komodo islands of what country?','Indonesia','French impressionist Claude -----','Monet','Spanish modernist Pablo -------','Picasso','The surrealist painter Salvador Dali was a native of which country?','Spain','What are arranged in the Japanese art of Ikebana?','flowers','Which date starts the astrological year?','March 21','At the equator',' what is the brightest star in the night sky?','Sirius','Excluding the sun',' what star is closest to the earth?','Proxima Centauri (aka Alpha Centauri)','In which constellation would you look to find the center of The Milky Way?','Sagittarius','Mercury\'s period of orbit takes how many earth days?','eighty eight','Phobos and Deimos are the moons of which planet?','Mars','The four Galilean moons of Jupiter are: Callisto',' Io',' Ganymede',' and _________ ','Europa','This astronomer had a metal nose','Tycho Brahe','What is the sixth planet from our sun?','Saturn','Which astronomer first observed 4 moons of Jupiter in 1610?','Galileo','Which planet is 6th from the sun?','Saturn','Who are the four major moons of Jupiter named after?','Galileo','What is the heaviest element that can be formed by regular fusion reactions in the core of a star?','iron','This drink is made from espresso coffee',' steamed milk and chocolate.','Mocha','The latin word for lips is:','labia','What chemical compound causes pain in muscles after exercise?','lactic acid','What is the birthstone for February?','Amethyst','Linen is obtained from the fibers of what plant?','flax','The leaves of the tomato plant are poisonous',' they contain ________','strychnine','This plant has leaves with delicate trigger hairs',' allowing it to sense and trap insects.','venus flytrap','This spikey succulent',' native of Africa is often an additive in creams and lotions.','aloe vera','What gives leaves their colour ?','Chlorophyll','What is the term for a tree which sheds its foliage at the end of the growing season?','deciduous','What is the term for the group of plants that catch and digest insects?','carnivorous','Tarzan had a chimpanzee',' what was his name?','Cheta','What is Peter Parker\'s secret identity?','Spiderman','What is the name of Yogi Bear\'s best freind','Boo Boo','What was the name of Barney and Betty Rubble\'s son?','Bam Bam','Fat Albert and friends was created by ...... ?','Bill Cosby','Ascorbic acid is commonly reffered to as Vitamin - ?','C','Coal is predominantly made up of this element.','carbon','In organic chemistry nomenclature',' the prefix \"meth\" means how many atoms of carbon?','one','The chemical compound sodium chloride is often sprinkled on food before ingestion. What is it\'s common name?','salt','This Latin word meaning \"iron\" is the reason for iron\'s modern day chemical symbol (Fe).','ferrium','What element is represented by the symbol W?','tungsten','What foul smelling compound is commonly known as rotten egg gas?','hydrogen sulphide','What is the chemical symbol for californium?','Cf','What is the chemical symbol for curium?','Cm','What is the chemical symbol for einsteinium?','Es','What is the chemical symbol for lead?','Pb','What is the chemical symbol for mercury?','Hg','What is the chemical symbol for radium?','Ra','What is the chemical symbol for radon?','Rn','What is the chemical symbol for tungsten?','W','What is the heaviest of the naturally occuring Noble gases?','Radon','What is the modern name for Plumbum?','lead','What is the most reactive element?','flourine','Whats the chemical symbol for Helium ?','He','When traces of a calcium compound are held in a bunsen flame',' the colour of the flame changes to ...?','red','Which Russian chemist founded our modern periodic table?','Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev','Which chemical element was foremerly known as the latin \"Kalium\"',' hence bears the symbol \"K\"?','potassium','Which isotope of carbon is used for dating (give number) ?','14','Which substance has the chemical formula  H3PO4?','phosphoric acid','Which substance has the chemical formula HCl?','hydrochloric acid','Which substance has the chemical formula HNO3?','Nitric Acid','Which substance has the chemical formula NaOH?','Sodium Hydroxide','Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Pa?','protactinium','The pen is mightier then the ......','sword','To make Drambuie',' you add some honey to what type of whiskey?','Scotch','Vodka or gin',' ____ juice and sugar make a gimlet.','lime','A meaningless distraction is a ... herring.','red','How many is a baker\'s dozen?','thirteen','What is often refferred to as \"the oldest profession\"?','prostitution','What does DMA stand for?','Direct Memory Access','What does the acronym COBOL stand for?','Common Business Oriented Language','Who owns Weight Watchers?','Heinz Foods','What term is given to the center of a black hole?','singularity','Who wrote \'A Brief History of Time\'?','Stephen Hawking','What country has the highest kidnapping rate?','Colombia','Australian Ratite (3)','emu','Joie de _______ (5)','Vivre','A chinese imperial dragon has how many toes?','five','What is the monetary unit of Malaysia?','ringgit','From which country is UN Secretary General Kofi Annan?','Ghana','Who is the current Secretary General of the United Nations?','Kofi Annan','In which country is the importation of bubble gum illegal?','Singapore','An iron hook with a handle used for landing large fish.','gaff','The practice of women taking more than one husband is called?','polyandry','A catalogue of words and synonyms.','thesaurus','-isms: A psychological disorder marked by self absorption',' short attention span and an inability to treat others as people.','autism','A form of government where the ruler is the absolute dicatator',' unhindered by laws or constitutional government.','Totalitarianism','The greyhound',' along with this smaller relative',' is used in the sport of coursing.','whippet','Heroin is derived from which plant?','Opium poppy','What does LED stand for?','Light Emitting Diode','What is the longest running musical in Broadway history?','Cats','What is the world\'s largest insect?','Goliath beetle','Which country is the world\'s biggest gold producer?','South Africa','French farmers get help from this barnyard animal to dig out truffles.','pig','On which item of clothing are the letters YKK often found?','zipper','How many stars are there on Brazil\'s flag?','twenty three','The Lebanese flag bears which tree?','Cedar','Ethanoic (or acetic) acid is the major constituent of which everyday condiment?','vinegar','This spiny fruit with a pungent odor and rich yellow flesh is considered \"The King of Fruits\" by many southeast asians.','durian','What is the animal product used in the making of the Italian dessert \'cassata\'?','egg whites','These beans are the most often used in the production of bean sprouts.','mung beans','Which fruit has the most calories per gram?','avocado','From which country does the \'lassi\' originate?','India','Tequila is made from an extract of which species of cactus?','Agave','The agave cactus is the source of which liquor?','tequila','What is the name given to the watery part of milk left after making cheese?','whey','In snooker',' how many points are accumulated in a perfect break?','one hundred and forty seven','In the game of chess',' which piece has the most freedom to move?','queen','This chess term means \"in passing\"','en passant','What are a cheesboard\'s vertical rows called?','files','What are a chessboard\'s horizontal rows called?','ranks','This weapon lends its name to a type of woman\'s shoe with a slender',' tapered high-heel.','Stiletto','What is this sign called \"*\"?','asterisk','How many lines make up a number on a digital clock?','Seven','In which country would you find the spectacular rock formation known as The Three Sisters?','Australia','\"Yellow River\" is the common name for which Chinese river?','Hwang Ho','In total',' how many provinces and territories are there in Canada?','thirteen','In which country is K2',' the second-highest mountain in the world',' located?','Pakistan','In which country would you find Angkor Wat?','Cambodia','Located above and just below the Arctic Circle',' this region became an official territory of Canada in April 1999.','Nunavut','Name the highest mountain in Africa.','Mt. Kilimanjaro','The \"Old City\" of this holy location is divided into four quarters — a Christian quarter',' a Muslim Quarter',' a Jewish Quarter',' and an Armenian Quarter.','Jerusalem','The Andaman Islands belong to which country?','india','The Indus River flows through which country?','Pakistan','The Palk Strait runs between which two countries?','India and Sri Lanka','The island of Hispaniola consists of the Dominican Republic and this country.','Haiti','This Moslem republic in asia was formerly part of India.','Pakistan','This country is divided into two parts: Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo',' and a peninsula north of Singapore.','Malaysia','This coutry holds the distinction of being the least densely populated in the world.','Mongolia','This is the longest mountain chain in the world.','Andes','What American state has a Thames river?','Connecticut','What is the capital of Wales??','Cardiff','What is the capital of the Italian province Lazio?','Rome','What is the capitol of Iceland?','Reykjavik','What is the highest mountain in Europe?','Mont Blanc','What is the highest point in South America?','Aconcagua','What is the largest island in the Caribbean?','Cuba','What is the largest island in the East Indies?','Borneo','What is the largest island in the Indian Ocean?','Madagascar','What is the largest island in the Mediterranean?','Sicily','What is the largest lake in Europe?','Lake Lagoda','What is the largest natural lake found in Africa?','Lake Victoria','What is the longest mountain range in the world?','Andes','What is the longest river in Australia?','Darling','What is the name of the famous large coral reef located off the coast of northeastern Australia?','Great Barrier Reef','What is the name of the mountain chain separating most of Spain from France?','Pyrenees','What is the worlds longest concrete dam?','Grand Coulee Dam','Which city is home to the 4th largest pyramid in the world?','Las Vegas','Which is the only South East Asian country that is a member of the British Commonwealth?','malaysia','Which is the only land-locked country in South East Asia?','Laos','Which river produces the most sediment?','Yellow River','Which sea is located between Australia and New Zealand?','Tasman','Wracked by heavy monsoon rains 3 to 4 months of the year',' this is the wettest and most flood-prone nation in Asia.','Bangladesh','what river separates the city of Florence?','Arno','In which state is the source of the Mississippi River?','Minnesota','Jakarta is located on which Indonesian island?','Java','Near what major city is Mount Fuji?','Tokyo','What is the largest island in the Philippines?','Luzon','A line that touches a circle at only one point is called a ....... ?','tangent','How many degrees in an interior angles of an equilateral triangle?','sixty','How many faces does a dodecahedron have?','twelve','The longest side in a right-angled triangle is called the .......','hypotenuse','The volume of which solid is given by the formula 4/3(pi)r^3?','sphere','What is the name given to a quadrilateral with one',' and only one',' pair of sides parallel to each other?','trapezium','What is the highest waterfall in the USA?','Yosemite','A line that touches a circle at two points is called a .....','chord','After the fall of the iron curtain',' Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev introduced a period of restructuring known as ________.','Perestroika','After the fall of the manchu dynasty',' there existed three political parties in china: The KMT',' Nationalists and The ...... ?','Communists','Also known as the \'Isle of Apples\'',' Christ and Joseph of Aramathea travelled here in ancient times.','Avalon','Elizabeth I was the daughter of which king?','Henry VIII','Gangster Al Capone',' boss of the Chicago underworld',' was finally gaoled for 11 years for what crime?','tax evasion','How many presidents of the United States fought in the Civil War?','six','In 1959',' Tibet was invaded by which country?','China','In what year did the Battle of Hastings occur?','1066','In what year was the Battle of Hastings fought?','1066','In which English town was William Shakespeare born?','Stratford-Upon-Avon','In which war did Florence Nightingale earn her reputation ?','Crimean War','In which year did India become independent from the British?','1947','Queen Cleopatra proclaimed herself to be which Egyptian goddess?','Isis','Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper were killed in a plane crash in 1959. Which other famous singer was killed in that crash?','Buddy Holly','Sir Stamford Raffles founded which minor Asian nation?','Singapore','The Greek army under Leonides was annihilated here by Persians in 480BC.','Thermopylae','The _____ universe was replaced by the Copernican universe.','Ptolemic','The birthplace of Napoleon',' also the capital of Corsica',' is?','Ajaccio','The massacre at Kent State occurred as students protested the bombing of Cambodia and the _____ war.','Vietnam','The three buildings of the Acropolis are the Propylaea',' the Erectheum',' and the _________.','Parthenon','These fighters always began a bout by saying',' \"Hail Emperor',' those about to die salute you!\"','gladiators','This Chinese dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644.','Ming','This U.S. President suffered from polio during WWII.','Franklin D Roosevelt','What American city was called New Amsterdam in the early 17th century?','New York','What Venetian traveler and explorer landed in China and reached Kublai Khan\'s court in 1275?','Marco Polo','What colour was added to the French flag during the French revolution?','white','What did Napoleon have built to commemorate his victories?','Arc de Triomphe','What is the former name of Sri Lanka?','Ceylon','What treaty',' signed in 1713',' ended the War of the Spanish Succession?','Treaty of Utrecht','What was Europe\'s first super-high-speed passenger train powered by?','electricity','What was name of the Titanic\'s sister ship?','Lucitania','What was the name given to the atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima?','Fat Man','What was the year in which the Jews and Moors were expelled from Spain and Columbus sailed for America?','1492','Which English King issued the Magna Carta in 1215?','King John','Which country ruled Cambodia immediately before WWII?','France','Which poisonous concoction was Socrates given to drink to carry out his death sentence?','hemlock','Who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen?','Howard Carter','Who invented the record player ?','Thomas Alva Edison','Who is Prince Vladimir Tepes better known as?','Dracula','Who ruled England at the time of Shakespeare?','Elizabeth I','Who shot President James Garfield?','Charles Guiteau','Who was Henry VIII\'s second wife?','Anne Boleyn','Who was the father of Elizabeth I?','Henry VIII','Who was the man convicted of masterminding the 1969 LaBianca-Tate murders',' later to become known as the Helter Skelter killings?','Charles Manson','Who was the mother of Elizabeth I?','Anne Boleyn','Which light wood is commonly used for making aeromodels?','Balsa','Who wrote mIRC?','Khaled Mardam-Bey','What does FTP stand for?','File Transfer Protocol','What does the Greek root word \'chrom\' mean?','color','What is the first letter in the Greek alphabet?','Alpha','What is the last letter in the Greek alphabet?','Omega','What is the official language of Senegal?','French','Which is the only english word that contains all the vowels in alphabetical order?','facetious','How do you say \"I Love You\" in German?','Ich liebe Dich','From which language does the term \'Mayday\' come?','French','The Scots call it \'shinny\' - what do Canadians and Americans call it?','hockey','Which word means \"profound boredom\" in both french and english?','ennui','This defense is also know as compulsion by threat.','duress','From which of Shakespeare\'s plays is this line: \"All the world\'s a stage...\"','As You Like It','\"Now is the winter of our discontent\" is a line from which Shakespearian play?','Richard III','He wrote Ulysses',' Giacomo Joyce',' Dubliners and Finnegans Wake',' among others.','James Joyce','His many Romantic odes include \'Ode to Melancholy\' and \'Ode to a Graecian Urn\'','John Keats','Name the author of \'The Catcher in the Rye\'','J.D. Salinger','The ____ ____ school of poetry includes poets such as Frank O\'Hara',' John Ashbery and Kenneth Koch','New York','The ____ generation included such authors as Jack Kerouac',' William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsburg.','Beat','This Romantic poet and husband to Mary Shelley drowned in a boating accident.','Percy Bysshe Shelley','What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create?','Tarzan','What is the name of Hamlet\'s tragic admirer?','Ophelia','What is the name of the main character in Homer\'s Odyssey?','Odysseus','What is the opposite of an utopia?','dystopia','What play by Shakespeare features the following characters: Cornwall',' Gloucester',' Regan',' and Goneril?','King Lear','What was Dante\'s last name?','Alighieri','What was the sequel to Louisa May Alcott\'s \"Little Women\"?','Little Men','Which Shakesperian play features the line \"Now is the winter of our discontent\"?','Richard III','Which US author penned the novels \"Of Mice and Men\" and \"East Of Eden\"?','John Steinbeck','Which US dramatist was once married to Marylin Monroe and penned the plays \"Death Of A Salesman\" and \"The Crucible\"?','Arthur Miller','Who created Winnie the Pooh?','A. A. Milne','Who is the author of \"Brave New World\" ?','Aldous Huxley','Who is the author of \"Harry Potter\" ?','Joan Rowling','Who is the protagonist of Milton\'s Paradise Lost?','Satan','Who wrote \"Animal Farm\"?','George Orwell','Who wrote \"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?\"','Samuel Taylor Coleridge','Who wrote \'The Canterbury Tales\'?','Geoffrey Chaucer','Who wrote \'The Great Gatsby\'?','F. Scott Fitzgerald','Who wrote \'To Kill A Mockingbird\'?','Harper Lee','Who wrote Great Expectations?','Charles Dickens','Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?','Geoffrey Chaucer','Who wrote the epic poems',' the Iliad and the Odyssey?','Homer','Who wrote the long religious epic',' \"Paradise Lost\"?','John Milton','2 + 5 x 6 = ?','32','2.7182 is the approximation for which variable used in logarithms?','e','Benoit Mandelbrot discovered what mathematical structures?','fractals','Solve this: 10*3+2?','32','The first antiderivative of acceleration is:','velocity','What is x to the power of zero equal to?','one','What is the name given to a curve that approaches a line',' but never quite touches it?','asymptote','The sulphate of which metal is used to render the alimentary canal opaque to X-rays (symbol Ba)?','barium','This alkaloid extracted from chincona bark',' ______ is commonly used in malaria therapy.','quinine','What is hyperglycemia commonly known as ?','diabetes','This condition characterized by the swelling of the thyroid gland is caused by an iodine deficiency.','goiter','The valuable blue form of corundum is called:','sapphire','What is the yellow variety of quartz?','Citrine','What metal is the major constituent of Rubies ?','Aluminium','In what modified vegetable did Cinderalla travel to the ball in?','pumpkin','How many Oscars did Ben Hur win?','eleven','John Travolta',' Samuel Jackson',' Uma Thurman starred in which 1994 Quentin Tarantino film?','Pulp Fiction','Richard Strauss\' majestic overture \"Also Sprach Zarathustra\" was the theme music for which Stanley Kubrick film?','2001 : A Space Odyessy','Who directed the movie \"Blade Runner\"?','Ridley Scott','Who played the lead in the movie \"Braveheart\"?','Mel Gibson','Who played the lead in the movie \"Castaway\"?','Tom Hanks','Who played the lead in the movie \"Erin Brokovich\"?','Julia Roberts','Who played the lead in the movie \"Mission Impossible\"?','Tom Cruise','Who played the lead in the movie \"Snatch\"?','Brad Pitt','Who played the lead in the movie \"The Mask\"?','Jim Carey','Who played the lead in the movie \"The Matrix\"?','Keanu Reeves','Who was the first James Bond?','Sean Connery','What was the Oscar-winning theme song from \"Breakfast at Tiffany\'s\"?','Moon River','Who played the first James Bond?','Sean Connery','Who directed \'2001: A Space Odyssey\' and \'A Clockwork Orange\'.','Stanley Kubrick','(Music) Who recorded the 1969 hit \"Space Oddity\"?','David Bowie','A __________ helps to set and maintain your tempo while playing.','metronome','A set of graduated steel bars set in a frame and hit with a hammer',' used in the orchestra.','Glockenspiel','An arrangement for five performers is called a:','quintet','Band: \" ......... And the Bad Seeds\"','Nick Cave','Band: Elvis Costello and the ........... ?','Attractions','Beethoven\'s Sixth Symphony shares it\'s popular name with a method of animal farming. What is it?','Pastoral','Composer of the Brandenburg Concerti: J.S. ----','Bach','French impressionist Claude -------','Debussy','He wrote the operas \"The Magic Flute\" and \"The Marriage of Figaro\"','Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart','How many flats are in the key of B flat major?','two','How many semitones are there in an octave?','twelve','How many strings are there on a standard guitar?','six','How many symphonies did Beethoven complete?','nine','In 1962 Chubby Checker had a hit with a pop song and novelty dance that remains famous today. What was that dance?','The Twist','In which London recording studios did The Beatles record the majority of their work?','Abbey Road','Russian modernist Igor ---------','Stravinsky','The key of A major has ___ sharps.','three','The standard major scale is also known as the _______ mode.','Ionian','This band\'s highly original video for \"Whip it','\" characterized by red flower pot hats was criticized for being both sado-masochistic and racist.','Devo','This electronic instrument\'s creator was surnamed Moog',' and his models are worth a fortune! Other brands include Roland',' Korg',' and Casio.','synthesizer','This term means to play smoothly.','legato','To gradually decrease in volume.','decrescendo','What do the initials of the band NIN stand for?','Nine Inch Nails','What does the Italian term \"poco a poco\" mean?','little by little','What kind of eyes did the girl in \"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds\" have?','kaleidoscope','What was the first video to be played on MTV?','Video Killed the Radio Star ','What was the last Beatles album to be released before they broke up in 1970?','Let It Be','What was the name given to the popular genre of rock that arose in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) in the early 1990s. ','grunge','Which British group holds the record for the album to remain in the US Billboard charts for the longest time?','Pink Floyd','Which band does Eddie Vedder with?','Pearl Jam','Which instruments is used to tune the orchestra?','oboe','Which large tuned orchestral drum is also known as a kettledrum?','typmani','Who invented the synthesiser ?','Bob Moog','Who is the lead singer of the Rolling Stones?','Mick Jagger ','Who is the lead vocalist of U2?','Bono','Who sang Puff The Magic Dragon?','Peter',' Paul and Mary','Who sang the song \"Pretty Woman?\"','Roy Orbison','Who was the frontman of Nirvana?','Kurt Cobain','Who wrote Tubular Bells?','Mike Oldfield','With which period in music do we associate composers such as Beethoven',' Mozart and Haydn?','Classical period','With which period in music do we associate composers such as Tchaikovsky',' Mendelssohn',' and Chopin?','Romantic period','With which period in music do we associate with composers such as Bach',' Handel and Vivaldi?','Baroque Period','What do the initials B.B. stand for in B.B. King\'s name?','Blues Boy','What is the name of the Indian musical instrument made popular in western rock by The Beatles and Ravi Shankar?','sitar','Who is Gordon Sumner better known as?','Sting','He was condemned in Hades to forever push a boulder uphill',' only for it to come rolling down before it reached the top.','Sisyphus','He was the father of Zeus','Cronus','His wife was Penelope and his son',' Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods.','Odysseus','In Greek mythology',' who drove the sun across the sky in his chariot?','Helios','In Greek mythology',' who was the beautiful young man Echo fell in love with?','Narcissus','In Norse myth',' there were two separate races of gods: the Aesir gods which included Odin and Thor',' and the ____ gods from whom descended Freya.','Vanir','In what animal form did Zeus seduce Europa?','bull','The Greek goddess of fertility',' also known as a protectress of witches.','Hecate','What is the birthstone for January?','Garnet','What is the name of the most famous of the rivers in the Underworld',' the river of \'Hate\' which dead souls must cross over?','Styx','What was the name of the mythical hero-king who slew Grendal?','Beowulf','What was the town that ancient Greeks believed to be the centre of the world',' and was the home of a famous oracle?','Delphi','Which Roman God was the equivalent of the Greek God Dionysus?','Bacchus','Which Saint killed the dragon?','George','Animals and plants which produce light are said to be:','bioluminescent','Peter Piper picked a peck of what?','pickled peppers','The lack of what vitamin causes beriberi (numbness in the hands and feet)?','B1','In which year were the first winter Olympics held?','1924','What colour do you get when you mix blue and red together?','Purple','What colour do you get when you mix blue and yellow together?','Green','Complete the Palindrome: satan',' oscillate my metallic ________','sonatas','-isms: The belief in God as a \"divine clockmaker','\" originating in the age of Enlightenment.','Deism','-isms: This branch of philosophy',' characterised by the idea: \"The greatest pleasure and happiness for the greatest number','\" was founded by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill.','Utilitarianism','As opposed to Plato',' this Greek philosopher believed knowledge was a process of observation and classication.','Aristotle','Book: Thus Spoke _______ (Neitzche)','Zarathustra','Early deconstructionist',' Jacques _____','Derrida','In what he called his \"Copernican Revolution\" this German philosopher proposed that the mind imposes space time',' and causality on nature. He is Imannuel ---- ?','Immanuel Kant','Pessimistic author of The World as Will and Representation. Major influence on Neitzche.','Arthur Schopenhauer','Sartre',' Camus and de Beauvior all belonged to a movement known as ----','Existentialism','This Greek philosopher believed man is born with all knowledge and life and education are processes of remembering what is forgotten at birth.','Plato','What is the working class called in marxist terminology?','proletariat','What short book by Niccolo Machiavelli is a collection of rules and principles one must abide by in order to seize and hold power?','The Prince','What sort of man did Plato propose to rule his \"Republic\"?','A Philosopher King','Which French philosopher explored existentialist philosophy in his landmark book \"Nausea\" published in 1938?','Jean-Paul Sartre','After contracting this disease',' Neitzche went crazy and eventually died.','syphilis','Epicurus',' who believed that pleasure is the highest good',' gave us which term synonymous with hedonistic?','epicurean','Which French Philosopher used a method of systematic doubt to arrive at his famous conclusion \"Cogito ergo sum\" (I think therefore I am)?','Rene Descartes','A piece of glass that separates light into the visible spectrum is called a _____.','prism','As the speed of a body approaches the speed of light',' its mass approaches ........','infinity','Light rays consist of small packets of energy called .....','photons','The unit of electrical resistance is the .....','ohm','Which colour has highest wavelength in the visible spectrum?','red','Which particles are emitted by cathode ray tubes?','electrons','Absolute zero (zero degrees kelvin) is only theoretical. The lowest laboratory temperature achieved is 280 picoKelvin. In which Scandinavian country was this produced?','Finland','What is the current world population',' to the nearest billion?','six','A psychological disorder in which the patient refuses to eat.','anorexia nervosa','He developed the theory of the \'collective unconscious\' and was also interested in dream interpretation.','Carl Gustav Jung','Which behaviorist conducted the \"Little Albert\" experiment?','John Watson','Of what is \'FM\' an abbreviation?','frequency modulation','Which organic compound is the psychoactive ingredient in Budweiser?','ethanol','According to the Bible',' how many years did Methuselah live?','969','According to the Bible',' who was the brother of Jesus?','James','In theology',' the study of final things such as death',' judgement and the end of the world is called:','eschatology','These wounds of christ mysteriously appear on believers who sometimes weep blood as well.','stigmata','This roman soldier pierced the crucified Christ on His side with his spear.','Longinus','What animal\'s meat can a Hindu not eat?','cow','What animal\'s meat can a Muslim not eat?','pig','What is the 1st book of the Hindu scripture?','Rig Veda','What is the name given to the supreme reality in Hinduism?','Brahman','What is the name of the field where Christ was crucified?','Cavalry','What is the shortest verse in the bible? (John 11:35)','Jesus wept.','What was the first sign shown to Moses by God according to the Bible?','burning bush','Who is referred to in the New Testament as \'the disciple Jesus loved\'?','John','A scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians is known as a:','Herpetologist','The study of the size',' composition and distribution of the human population.','demography','A \"gyre\" is another term for what shape?','coil','What is Kenny G\'s real surname?','Gorelick','What was Marilyn Monroe\'s given name at birth?','Norma Jean Mortenson','As light as a .......','feather','As old as the ...?','hills','What is the only man-made structure on earth that can been seen from space?','Great Wall Of China','Who was the first man in space?','Uri Gagarin','In baseball',' how many outs are there in an inning?','six','Which country was judo developed in?','Japan','Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight?','bantamweight','What is the international governing board of football (soccer)?','FIFA','Which Grand Slam tennis event is played on a clay surface?','French Open','Frown',' it is not well regarded.','World Wrestling Federation','How many bends in a standard paperclip?','three','Josie and the ________','Pussycats','Which TV horse could talk?','Mr. Ed','What was the name of the restaurant the TV series \"Happy Days\"?','Arnolds','This is the Southeast Asian method of dying fabric using wax to create designs.','batik','Michael Jackson caught fire while filming a commercial for which carbonated beverage?','Pepsi','To the nearest 0.1 km',' how many kilometers in a mile?','1.6','What Gilbert and Sullivan work tells the story of a Japanese emperor who bans flirting?','The Mikado','Where do the souls of unbaptised babies go after death',' according to Catholocism?','limbo','An adjective meaning \'pertaining to the sun.\'','solar','What is the full name of the flavour enhancer MSG?','Monosodium glutamate','(Mathematics) What is the name given to the number equal to 10 raised to the power of 100?','A \"googol\"','(Philosophy) Which Greek philosopher proposed the Theory of Forms in \"The Republic\"?','Plato','How many keys are there on a grand piano?','eighty eight','The okapi is most closely related to what african mammal?','Giraffe','This more efficient distillate of coal was one of the main fuels of the industrial revolution:','coke','Where is the coldest desert in the world?','antarctica','what is the most frequently seen comet?','Encke');
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