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a guest
Jan 6th, 2017
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  1. ====================== SYSTEM INFORMATION ===================
  2. Linux localhost 3.10.84-g2bbfedd #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jan 4 22:09:19 CET 2017 aarch64
  3. [af.fast_track_multiplier]: [1]
  4. []: [NBQ]
  5. []: [true]
  6. [audio.offload.buffer.size.kb]: [32]
  7. [audio.offload.gapless.enabled]: [true]
  8. [audio.offload.multiple.enabled]: [false]
  9. [audio.offload.pcm.16bit.enable]: [true]
  10. [audio.offload.pcm.24bit.enable]: [true]
  11. []: [true]
  12. [audio_hal.period_size]: [192]
  13. [bluetooth.enable_timeout_ms]: [12000]
  14. [bluetooth.hfp.client]: [1]
  15. [camera.chromatix.versions.front]: [V01.1550.05]
  16. [camera.chromatix.versions.main]: [V10.1602.03]
  17. []: [FALSE]
  18. []: [TRUE]
  19. [dalvik.vm.appimageformat]: [lz4]
  20. [dalvik.vm.boot-dex2oat-threads]: [4]
  21. [dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
  22. [dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx]: [512m]
  23. [dalvik.vm.dex2oat-threads]: [2]
  24. [dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [256m]
  25. [dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree]: [8m]
  26. [dalvik.vm.heapminfree]: [2m]
  27. [dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [512m]
  28. [dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [16m]
  29. [dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization]: [0.75]
  30. [dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
  31. [dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx]: [64m]
  32. [dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-threads]: [4]
  33. [dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features]: [default]
  34. [dalvik.vm.isa.arm.variant]: [cortex-a7]
  35. [dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.features]: [default]
  36. [dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.variant]: [cortex-a53]
  37. [dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold]: [500]
  38. [dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]
  39. [dalvik.vm.usejit]: [true]
  40. [dalvik.vm.usejitprofiles]: [true]
  41. [debug.atrace.tags.enableflags]: [0]
  42. [debug.composition.type]: [c2d]
  43. [debug.egl.hw]: [1]
  44. [debug.force_rtl]: [0]
  45. [debug.mdpcomp.logs]: [0]
  46. [debug.sf.hw]: [1]
  47. [dev.bootcomplete]: [1]
  48. []: [1]
  49. []: [true]
  50. []: [LTE]
  51. [gsm.nitz.time]: [1483762510088]
  52. [gsm.operator.alpha]: [Mint]
  53. [gsm.operator.iso-country]: [us]
  54. [gsm.operator.isroaming]: [false]
  55. [gsm.operator.numeric]: [310260]
  56. [gsm.sim.operator.alpha]: []
  57. [gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: [us]
  58. [gsm.sim.operator.numeric]: [310260]
  59. [gsm.sim.state]: [READY]
  60. [gsm.version.baseband]: [M8992FAAAANAAM]
  61. []: [Qualcomm RIL 1.0]
  62. [hw.cabl.version]: [1.1.20130401]
  63. [hw.cabl.yuv]: [0]
  64. [hw.pp.cfg]: [/data/misc/display/pp_data.cfg]
  65. [init.svc.adbd]: [stopped]
  66. [init.svc.adsprpcd]: [running]
  67. [init.svc.audiod]: [running]
  68. [init.svc.audioserver]: [running]
  69. [init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]
  70. [init.svc.cameraserver]: [running]
  71. [init.svc.clear-bcb]: [stopped]
  72. [init.svc.cnd]: [running]
  73. [init.svc.cnss-daemon]: [running]
  74. [init.svc.config_bluetooth]: [stopped]
  75. [init.svc.config_bt_addr]: [stopped]
  76. [init.svc.debuggerd]: [running]
  77. [init.svc.debuggerd64]: [running]
  78. [init.svc.dpmd]: [running]
  79. [init.svc.drm]: [running]
  80. []: [stopped]
  81. [init.svc.fingerprintd]: [running]
  82. [init.svc.gatekeeperd]: [running]
  83. [init.svc.healthd]: [running]
  84. [init.svc.imscmservice]: [running]
  85. [init.svc.imsdatadaemon]: [running]
  86. [init.svc.imsqmidaemon]: [running]
  87. [init.svc.installd]: [running]
  88. [init.svc.iop]: [restarting]
  89. [init.svc.ipacm-diag]: [running]
  90. [init.svc.irsc_util]: [stopped]
  91. [init.svc.keystore]: [running]
  92. [init.svc.lmkd]: [running]
  93. [init.svc.loc_launcher]: [running]
  94. [init.svc.logcatd]: [stopped]
  95. [init.svc.logd]: [running]
  96. [init.svc.logd-reinit]: [stopped]
  97. [init.svc.magisk_pfs]: [stopped]
  98. [init.svc.magisk_pfsd]: [stopped]
  99. [init.svc.magisk_service]: [stopped]
  100. []: [running]
  101. [init.svc.mediacodec]: [running]
  102. [init.svc.mediadrm]: [running]
  103. [init.svc.mediaextractor]: [running]
  104. [init.svc.msm_irqbalance]: [running]
  105. [init.svc.netd]: [running]
  106. [init.svc.netmgrd]: [running]
  107. [init.svc.p2p_supplicant]: [running]
  108. [init.svc.per_mgr]: [running]
  109. [init.svc.per_proxy]: [running]
  110. [init.svc.perfd]: [running]
  111. [init.svc.perfprofd]: [running]
  112. [init.svc.ppd]: [running]
  113. [init.svc.qcamerasvr]: [running]
  114. [init.svc.qcom-c_core-sh]: [stopped]
  115. [init.svc.qcom-debug]: [stopped]
  116. [init.svc.qcom-post-boot]: [stopped]
  117. [init.svc.qcom-sh]: [stopped]
  118. [init.svc.qmuxd]: [running]
  119. [init.svc.qseecomd]: [running]
  120. [init.svc.qti]: [running]
  121. [init.svc.qti-testscripts]: [stopped]
  122. [init.svc.rfs_access]: [running]
  123. []: [running]
  124. [init.svc.rmt_storage]: [running]
  125. [init.svc.sensors]: [running]
  126. [init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
  127. [init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [running]
  128. [init.svc.thermal-engine]: [running]
  129. [init.svc.time_daemon]: [running]
  130. [init.svc.ueventd]: [running]
  131. [init.svc.vold]: [running]
  132. [init.svc.zygote]: [running]
  133. [init.svc.zygote_secondary]: [running]
  134. [keyguard.no_require_sim]: [true]
  135. [log.tag.WifiHAL]: [D]
  136. [logd.logpersistd]: []
  137. [logd.logpersistd.buffer]: []
  138. [logd.logpersistd.enable]: [true]
  139. [magisk.version]: [10.2]
  140. [media.aac_51_output_enabled]: [true]
  141. []: [0]
  142. [mm.enable.smoothstreaming]: [true]
  143. []: [Android]
  144. [net.change]: [net.dns2]
  145. [net.dns1]: []
  146. [net.dns2]: []
  147. [net.hostname]: [android-a065190dfeacdd92]
  148. []: [true]
  149. [net.qtaguid_enabled]: [1]
  150. [net.rmnet_data0.dns1]: [fd00:976a:0:0:0:0:0:9]
  151. [net.rmnet_data0.dns2]: [fd00:976a:0:0:0:0:0:10]
  152. []: [2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b]
  153. [net.rmnet_data1.dns1]: []
  154. [net.rmnet_data1.dns2]: []
  155. []: []
  156. [net.tcp.2g_init_rwnd]: [10]
  157. [net.tcp.buffersize.default]: [4096,87380,524288,4096,16384,110208]
  158. [net.tcp.buffersize.edge]: [4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040]
  159. [net.tcp.buffersize.evdo]: [4094,87380,524288,4096,16384,262144]
  160. [net.tcp.buffersize.gprs]: [4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680]
  161. [net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
  162. [net.tcp.buffersize.hspa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
  163. [net.tcp.buffersize.hspap]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
  164. [net.tcp.buffersize.hsupa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
  165. [net.tcp.buffersize.lte]: [2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576]
  166. [net.tcp.buffersize.umts]: [4094,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  167. [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]: [524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576]
  168. [net.tcp.default_init_rwnd]: [60]
  169. []: [true]
  170. []: [false]
  171. []: [broadside]
  172. []: [true]
  173. []: [true]
  174. []: [false]
  175. []: [false]
  176. []: [1]
  177. []: [false]
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  179. []: [true]
  180. []: [concurrent]
  181. []: [true]
  182. []: [true]
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  185. [persist.env.fastdorm.enabled]: [true]
  186. [persist.gps.qc_nlp_in_use]: [0]
  187. [persist.hwc.enable_vds]: [1]
  188. [persist.hwc.mdpcomp.enable]: [true]
  189. [persist.hwc.ptor.enable]: [true]
  190. [persist.logd.logpersistd]: []
  191. [persist.logd.logpersistd.buffer]: []
  192. [persist.logd.size]: []
  193. [persist.mdpcomp.4k2kSplit]: [1]
  194. [persist.mdpcomp_perfhint]: [50]
  195. [persist.metadata_dynfps.disable]: [true]
  196. []: [true]
  197. []: [1]
  198. []: [1]
  199. []: [true]
  200. []: [1]
  201. []: [1]
  202. []: [112,911,000,08,110,999,118,119,120,122]
  203. []: [1]
  204. []: [0]
  205. []: [false]
  206. []: [0]
  207. []: [true]
  208. []: [GSM|WCDMA|LTE]
  209. []: [0]
  210. []: [0]
  211. []: [1]
  212. []: [0]
  213. [persist.service.bdroid.bdaddr]: [22:22:4d:8c:0e:12]
  214. [persist.speaker.prot.enable]: [false]
  215. []: [0]
  216. [persist.sys.cnd.iwlan]: [1]
  217. [persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2]: []
  218. [persist.sys.dpmd.tcm]: [2]
  219. [persist.sys.gps.lpp]: []
  220. [persist.sys.locale]: [en-US]
  221. [persist.sys.profiler_ms]: [0]
  222. [persist.sys.root_access]: [1]
  223. [persist.sys.timezone]: [America/New_York]
  224. [persist.sys.usb.config]: [mtp]
  225. [persist.sys.webview.vmsize]: [116905264]
  226. [persist.sys.wfd.virtual]: [0]
  227. [pm.dexopt.ab-ota]: [speed-profile]
  228. []: [speed-profile]
  229. [pm.dexopt.boot]: [verify-profile]
  230. [pm.dexopt.core-app]: [speed]
  231. [pm.dexopt.first-boot]: [interpret-only]
  232. [pm.dexopt.forced-dexopt]: [speed]
  233. [pm.dexopt.install]: [interpret-only]
  234. [pm.dexopt.nsys-library]: [speed]
  235. [pm.dexopt.shared-apk]: [speed]
  236. [qcom.bluetooth.soc]: [rome]
  237. [ril.ecclist]: [911,112,*911,#911]
  238. [ril.gprs_anite_gcf]: [false]
  239. [ril.qcril_pre_init_lock_held]: [0]
  240. [ril.subscription.types]: [NV,RUIM]
  241. [rild.libpath]: [/vendor/lib64/]
  242. []: [1]
  243. [ro.alarm_boot]: [false]
  244. [ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]
  245. []: [300]
  246. [ro.baseband]: [msm]
  247. [ro.bluetooth.dun]: [true]
  248. [ro.bluetooth.emb_wp_mode]: [true]
  249. [ro.bluetooth.hfp.ver]: [1.6]
  250. []: [true]
  251. [ro.bluetooth.wipower]: [true]
  252. [ro.board.platform]: [msm8992]
  253. [ro.boot.baseband]: [msm]
  254. [ro.boot.bbox]: [8]
  255. [ro.boot.bootdevice]: [f9824900.sdhci]
  256. [ro.boot.cause]: [0x00000200]
  257. [ro.boot.device]: [nbq]
  258. [ro.boot.fac]: [0]
  259. [ro.boot.hardware]: [qcom]
  260. [ro.boot.mode]: [0]
  261. [ro.boot.serialno]: [NBQGLMB652604744]
  262. [ro.boot.verifiedbootstate]: [green]
  263. [ro.boot.veritymode]: [enforcing]
  264. []: [Wed Jan 4 21:59:48 CET 2017]
  265. []: [1483563588]
  266. []: [Nextbit/omni_ether/ether:7.1.1/N4F26I/45:userdebug/test-keys]
  267. [ro.bootloader]: [unknown]
  268. [ro.bootmode]: [0]
  269. []: [default]
  270. []: [Wed Jan 4 21:59:48 CET 2017]
  271. []: [1483563588]
  272. []: [ether-user 6.0.1 MMB29M 00WW_1_450 release-keys]
  273. []: [omni_ether-userdebug 7.1.1 N4F26I 45 test-keys]
  274. []: [Nextbit/ether/ether:6.0.1/MMB29M/00WW_1_450:user/release-keys]
  275. []: [omni_ether-userdebug]
  276. []: []
  277. []: [N4F26I]
  278. []: [ether]
  279. []: [test-keys]
  280. []: [userdebug]
  281. []: [jenkins]
  282. []: [REL]
  283. []: []
  284. []: [REL]
  285. []: [45]
  286. []: [0]
  287. []: [7.1.1]
  288. []: [25]
  289. []: [2017-01-05]
  290. [ro.carrier]: [unknown]
  291. []: [true]
  292. []: [GoogleGuest]
  293. []: [android-google]
  294. [ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Alarm_Classic.ogg]
  295. [ro.config.notification_sound]: [pixiedust.ogg]
  296. [ro.config.ringtone]: [Ring_Synth_04.ogg]
  297. [ro.crypto.state]: [unencrypted]
  298. [ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge]: [0]
  299. []: [true]
  300. [ro.debuggable]: [1]
  301. [ro.device_owner]: [false]
  302. [ro.expect.recovery_id]: []
  303. [ro.frp.pst]: [/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/config]
  304. [ro.gps.agps_provider]: [1]
  305. [ro.hardware]: [qcom]
  306. [ro.hwui.drop_shadow_cache_size]: [8]
  307. [ro.hwui.gradient_cache_size]: [2]
  308. [ro.hwui.layer_cache_size]: [58]
  309. [ro.hwui.path_cache_size]: [32]
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  317. [ro.modversion]: [OmniROM-7.1.1-20170104-ether-WEEKLY]
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  320. [ro.omni.version]: [7.1.1-20170104-ether-WEEKLY]
  321. [ro.opa.eligible_device]: [true]
  322. [ro.opengles.version]: [196609]
  323. [ro.product.board]: [ether]
  324. [ro.product.brand]: [Nextbit]
  325. [ro.product.cpu.abi]: [arm64-v8a]
  326. [ro.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
  327. [ro.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
  328. [ro.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
  329. [ro.product.device]: [ether]
  330. [ro.product.locale]: [en-US]
  331. [ro.product.manufacturer]: [Nextbit]
  332. [ro.product.model]: [Robin]
  333. []: [omni_ether]
  334. []: [fluence]
  335. []: [false]
  336. []: [false]
  337. []: [false]
  338. [ro.qc.sdk.sensors.gestures]: [true]
  339. [ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.ftp]: [true]
  340. [ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.hfp]: [true]
  341. [ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.hsp]: [true]
  342. []: [true]
  343. [ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.nap]: [true]
  344. [ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.opp]: [true]
  345. [ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.pbap]: [true]
  346. [ro.qualcomm.cabl]: [2]
  347. [ro.recovery_id]: [0x0d2908ec58a0ce1a2fb95d2e8174101cdbd5ba7f000000000000000000000000]
  348. [ro.revision]: [0]
  349. []: [false]
  350. []: [false]
  351. [ro.runtime.firstboot]: [1483675943775]
  352. []: [1]
  353. [ro.serialno]: [NBQGLMB652604744]
  354. [ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode]: [1]
  355. [ro.sf.lcd_density]: [420]
  356. [ro.telephony.call_ring.multiple]: [false]
  357. [ro.telephony.default_network]: [9]
  358. []: []
  359. [ro.use_data_netmgrd]: [true]
  360. [ro.vendor.at_library]: []
  361. [ro.vendor.extension_library]: []
  362. [ro.vendor.gt_library]: []
  363. [ro.wifi.channels]: []
  364. [ro.zygote]: [zygote64_32]
  365. [security.perf_harden]: [1]
  366. [service.bootanim.exit]: [1]
  367. [sys.boot_completed]: [1]
  368. []: [0]
  369. [sys.ims.QMI_DAEMON_STATUS]: [1]
  370. [sys.keymaster.loaded]: [true]
  371. [sys.listeners.registered]: [true]
  372. [sys.oem_unlock_allowed]: [1]
  373. [sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes]: [24300]
  374. [sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd]: [60]
  375. [sys.usb.config]: [mtp]
  376. [sys.usb.configfs]: [0]
  377. [sys.usb.ffs.ready]: [1]
  378. [sys.usb.state]: [mtp]
  379. [use.voice.path.for.pcm.voip]: [true]
  380. [vidc.debug.level]: [1]
  381. [vidc.enc.dcvs.extra-buff-count]: [2]
  382. [vold.has_adoptable]: [0]
  383. [vold.post_fs_data_done]: [1]
  384. [wifi.interface]: [wlan0]
  385. [wlan.driver.status]: [ok]
  386. ======================= SYSTEM LOG ===================
  387. 01-06 23:16:46.878 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  388. 01-06 23:16:46.879 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 484 to 1
  389. 01-06 23:16:46.880 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 16 lines
  390. 01-06 23:16:46.926 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  391. 01-06 23:16:46.927 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 484 to 0
  392. 01-06 23:16:46.927 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_1 expire 11 lines
  393. 01-06 23:16:50.092 D/SoftapController( 1032): SoftAP started successfully
  394. 01-06 23:16:50.138 E/hostapd ( 2772): Configuration file: /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf
  395. 01-06 23:16:50.175 I/hostapd ( 2772): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  396. 01-06 23:16:50.186 E/hostapd ( 2772): Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f and ssid "mike"
  397. 01-06 23:16:50.303 E/BatteryStatsService( 1916): no controller energy info supplied
  398. 01-06 23:16:50.314 E/KernelWakelockReader( 1916): neither /proc/wakelocks nor /d/wakeup_sources exists
  399. 01-06 23:16:50.315 W/BatteryStatsImpl( 1916): Couldn't get kernel wake lock stats
  400. 01-06 23:16:50.318 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  401. 01-06 23:16:50.318 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  402. 01-06 23:16:50.319 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  403. 01-06 23:16:50.319 I/hostapd ( 2772): wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ENABLED
  404. 01-06 23:16:50.307 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13267): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  405. 01-06 23:16:50.319 I/hostapd ( 2772): wlan0: AP-ENABLED
  406. 01-06 23:16:50.307 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13268): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  407. 01-06 23:16:50.307 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13269): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  408. 01-06 23:16:50.320 I/hostapd ( 2772): wlan0: IEEE 802.11 driver had channel switch: freq=2462, ht=1, offset=0, width=1 (20 MHz), cf1=2462, cf2=0
  409. 01-06 23:16:50.320 I/hostapd ( 2772): wlan0: IEEE 802.11 driver had channel switch: freq=2462, ht=1, offset=0, width=1 (20 MHz), cf1=2462, cf2=0
  410. 01-06 23:16:50.320 I/hostapd ( 2772): wlan0: AP-CSA-FINISHED freq=2462 dfs=0
  411. 01-06 23:16:50.327 E/BatteryStatsService( 1916): no controller energy info supplied
  412. 01-06 23:16:50.327 D/CommandListener( 1032): Setting iface cfg
  413. 01-06 23:16:50.328 D/CommandListener( 1032): Trying to bring up wlan0
  414. 01-06 23:16:50.330 D/TetherController( 1032): tetherInterface(wlan0)
  415. 01-06 23:16:50.331 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  416. 01-06 23:16:50.327 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13270): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  417. 01-06 23:16:50.327 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13271): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  418. 01-06 23:16:50.337 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13272): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  419. 01-06 23:16:50.337 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13273): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  420. 01-06 23:16:50.336 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  421. 01-06 23:16:50.341 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  422. 01-06 23:16:50.341 E/KernelWakelockReader( 1916): neither /proc/wakelocks nor /d/wakeup_sources exists
  423. 01-06 23:16:50.337 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13274): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  424. 01-06 23:16:50.337 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13275): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  425. 01-06 23:16:50.337 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13276): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  426. 01-06 23:16:50.342 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  427. 01-06 23:16:50.342 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  428. 01-06 23:16:50.342 W/BatteryStatsImpl( 1916): Couldn't get kernel wake lock stats
  429. 01-06 23:16:50.342 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  430. 01-06 23:16:50.343 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  431. 01-06 23:16:50.396 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  432. 01-06 23:16:50.387 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13277): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  433. 01-06 23:16:50.408 D/TetherController( 1032): Setting IP forward enable = 1
  434. 01-06 23:16:50.409 I/QtiTetherService/TetherNotifier( 4175): Active=[wlan0]; Available=[]; Errored=[]
  435. 01-06 23:16:50.409 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 4175): Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[wlan0], Available=[], Errored=[]}
  436. 01-06 23:16:50.397 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13278): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  437. 01-06 23:16:50.409 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 4175): Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherRequested{tether=wlan0}
  438. 01-06 23:16:50.410 I/QtiTetherService( 4175): handleMessage(TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[wlan0], Available=[], Errored=[]})
  439. 01-06 23:16:50.410 I/QtiTetherService( 4175): handleMessage(TetherEvent -- TetherRequested{tether=wlan0})
  440. 01-06 23:16:50.410 D/QtiTetherService( 4175): Creating V6 SM for wlan0
  441. 01-06 23:16:50.410 I/QtiTetherService/V6SM( 4175): makeV6SM(tether=wlan0)
  442. 01-06 23:16:50.410 I/QtiTetherService/V6SM( 4175): registerForEvents()
  443. 01-06 23:16:50.407 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13279): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  444. 01-06 23:16:50.411 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  445. 01-06 23:16:50.411 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  446. 01-06 23:16:50.411 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  447. 01-06 23:16:50.411 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  448. 01-06 23:16:50.407 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13280): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  449. 01-06 23:16:50.407 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13281): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  450. 01-06 23:16:50.413 D/QtiTetherService( 4175): Creating Offload SMs for wlan0
  451. 01-06 23:16:50.413 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): makeOffloadSM(tether=wlan0 provider=IPAtype=IPv4
  452. 01-06 23:16:50.413 D/TetherController( 1032): Starting tethering services
  453. 01-06 23:16:50.413 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): registerForEvents()
  454. 01-06 23:16:50.414 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): makeOffloadSM(tether=wlan0 provider=IPAtype=IPv6
  455. 01-06 23:16:50.414 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): registerForEvents()
  456. 01-06 23:16:50.414 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 4175): Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherRequested{tether=wlan0}
  457. 01-06 23:16:50.414 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): Enter: OffloadSM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0 type=IPv6
  458. 01-06 23:16:50.415 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): Enter: OffloadSM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0 type=IPv4
  459. 01-06 23:16:50.415 I/QtiTetherService/V6SM( 4175): Enter: V6SM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0
  460. 01-06 23:16:50.416 D/TetherController( 1032): Sending update msg to dnsmasq [update_ifaces|wlan0]
  461. 01-06 23:16:50.416 D/TetherController( 1032): Tethering services running
  462. 01-06 23:16:50.419 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/1916 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=197, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  463. 01-06 23:16:50.419 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  464. 01-06 23:16:50.421 W/clatd ( 2726): read_packet: unknown packet type = 0x86dd
  465. 01-06 23:16:50.422 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 1 line
  466. 01-06 23:16:50.423 D/PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener( 3153): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=197, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 50
  467. 01-06 23:16:50.428 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) expire 3 lines
  468. 01-06 23:16:50.429 D/TetherController( 1032): setDnsForwarders(0xf0091 0 = 'fd00:976a::9')
  469. 01-06 23:16:50.430 D/TetherController( 1032): setDnsForwarders(0xf0091 1 = 'fd00:976a::10')
  470. 01-06 23:16:50.430 D/TetherController( 1032): Sending update msg to dnsmasq [update_dns|0xf0091|fd00:976a::9|fd00:976a::10]
  471. 01-06 23:16:50.434 V/NatController( 1032): enableNat(intIface=<wlan0>, extIface=<v4-rmnet_data0>)
  472. 01-06 23:16:50.456 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -A natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING -o v4-rmnet_data0 -j MASQUERADE) res=0
  473. 01-06 23:16:50.457 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): started, version 2.51 cachesize 150
  474. 01-06 23:16:50.457 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-DBus no-I18N DHCP no-scripts no-TFTP
  475. 01-06 23:16:50.457 W/dnsmasq ( 2778): warning: no upstream servers configured
  476. 01-06 23:16:50.457 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
  477. 01-06 23:16:50.458 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
  478. 01-06 23:16:50.458 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
  479. 01-06 23:16:50.458 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
  480. 01-06 23:16:50.458 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
  481. 01-06 23:16:50.459 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
  482. 01-06 23:16:50.459 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
  483. 01-06 23:16:50.459 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
  484. 01-06 23:16:50.459 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
  485. 01-06 23:16:50.461 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): Closing wildcard listener family=2
  486. 01-06 23:16:50.462 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): Closing wildcard listener family=10
  487. 01-06 23:16:50.463 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): using nameserver fd00:976a::10#53
  488. 01-06 23:16:50.463 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): using nameserver fd00:976a::9#53
  489. 01-06 23:16:50.484 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -g natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  490. 01-06 23:16:50.505 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -i v4-rmnet_data0 -o wlan0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -g natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  491. 01-06 23:16:50.527 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -i wlan0 -o v4-rmnet_data0 -m state --state INVALID -j DROP) res=0
  492. 01-06 23:16:50.547 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -i wlan0 -o v4-rmnet_data0 -g natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  493. 01-06 23:16:50.570 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A natctrl_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -m rpfilter --invert ! -s fe80::/64 -j DROP) res=1
  494. 01-06 23:16:50.591 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -D natctrl_FORWARD -i wlan0 -o v4-rmnet_data0 -g natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  495. 01-06 23:16:50.616 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -D natctrl_FORWARD -i wlan0 -o v4-rmnet_data0 -m state --state INVALID -j DROP) res=0
  496. 01-06 23:16:50.638 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -D natctrl_FORWARD -i v4-rmnet_data0 -o wlan0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -g natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  497. 01-06 23:16:50.638 E/NatController( 1032): Error setting forward rules
  498. 01-06 23:16:50.668 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -F natctrl_FORWARD) res=0
  499. 01-06 23:16:50.690 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -F natctrl_FORWARD) res=0
  500. 01-06 23:16:50.710 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP) res=0
  501. 01-06 23:16:50.732 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -F natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING) res=0
  502. 01-06 23:16:50.751 V/NatController( 1032): runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -F natctrl_raw_PREROUTING) res=0
  503. 01-06 23:16:50.753 D/TetherController( 1032): Sending update msg to dnsmasq [update_ifaces|wlan0]
  504. 01-06 23:16:50.758 D/TetherController( 1032): untetherInterface(wlan0)
  505. 01-06 23:16:50.807 D/CommandListener( 1032): Setting iface cfg
  506. 01-06 23:16:50.810 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  507. 01-06 23:16:50.797 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13282): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  508. 01-06 23:16:50.811 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  509. 01-06 23:16:50.812 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  510. 01-06 23:16:50.812 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  511. 01-06 23:16:50.813 D/CommandListener( 1032): Trying to bring down wlan0
  512. 01-06 23:16:50.807 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13283): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  513. 01-06 23:16:50.807 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13284): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  514. 01-06 23:16:50.807 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13285): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  515. 01-06 23:16:50.817 I/hostapd ( 2772): wlan0: INTERFACE-DISABLED
  516. 01-06 23:16:50.824 D/TetherController( 1032): setDnsForwarders(0xf0091 0 = 'fd00:976a::9')
  517. 01-06 23:16:50.824 D/TetherController( 1032): setDnsForwarders(0xf0091 1 = 'fd00:976a::10')
  518. 01-06 23:16:50.825 I/QtiTetherService/TetherNotifier( 4175): Active=[]; Available=[]; Errored=[wlan0]
  519. 01-06 23:16:50.825 D/TetherController( 1032): Sending update msg to dnsmasq [update_dns|0xf0091|fd00:976a::9|fd00:976a::10]
  520. 01-06 23:16:50.825 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 4175): Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[], Errored=[wlan0]}
  521. 01-06 23:16:50.825 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): using nameserver fd00:976a::10#53
  522. 01-06 23:16:50.825 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): using nameserver fd00:976a::9#53
  523. 01-06 23:16:50.825 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 4175): Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherUnrequested{tether=wlan0}
  524. 01-06 23:16:50.826 I/QtiTetherService( 4175): handleMessage(TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[], Errored=[wlan0]})
  525. 01-06 23:16:50.826 I/QtiTetherService( 4175): handleMessage(TetherEvent -- TetherUnrequested{tether=wlan0})
  526. 01-06 23:16:50.826 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 4175): Posting: TetherEvent -- ForceQuitEvent{}
  527. 01-06 23:16:50.827 I/QtiTetherService/V6SM( 4175): V6SM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0:processMessage(TetherEvent -- ForceQuitEvent{})
  528. 01-06 23:16:50.827 I/QtiTetherService/V6SM( 4175): V6SM/wlan0:unhandledMessage(TetherEvent -- ForceQuitEvent{})
  529. 01-06 23:16:50.827 I/QtiTetherService/V6SM( 4175): Exit: V6SM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0
  530. 01-06 23:16:50.827 D/TetherController( 1032): Stopping tethering services
  531. 01-06 23:16:50.827 I/QtiTetherService/V6SM( 4175): Quitting V6SM: wlan0
  532. 01-06 23:16:50.827 I/dnsmasq ( 2778): exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
  533. 01-06 23:16:50.828 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): OffloadSM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0 type=IPv4:processMessage(TetherEvent -- ForceQuitEvent{})
  534. 01-06 23:16:50.828 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): unhandledMessage(TetherEvent -- ForceQuitEvent{})
  535. 01-06 23:16:50.828 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): Exit: OffloadSM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0 type=IPv4
  536. 01-06 23:16:50.828 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): Quitting OffloadSM: wlan0
  537. 01-06 23:16:50.828 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): OffloadSM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0 type=IPv6:processMessage(TetherEvent -- ForceQuitEvent{})
  538. 01-06 23:16:50.829 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): unhandledMessage(TetherEvent -- ForceQuitEvent{})
  539. 01-06 23:16:50.829 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): Exit: OffloadSM/RequestedState: tether=wlan0 type=IPv6
  540. 01-06 23:16:50.829 I/QtiTetherService/OffloadSM( 4175): Quitting OffloadSM: wlan0
  541. 01-06 23:16:50.831 D/TetherController( 1032): Tethering services stopped
  542. 01-06 23:16:50.832 D/TetherController( 1032): Setting IP forward enable = 0
  543. 01-06 23:16:50.817 W/iop ( 2794): type=1400 audit(0.0:13286): avc: denied { create } for name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  544. 01-06 23:16:50.836 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=197, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  545. 01-06 23:16:50.844 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 2 lines
  546. 01-06 23:16:50.851 W/clatd ( 2726): read_packet: unknown packet type = 0x86dd
  547. 01-06 23:16:50.974 W/GmsClient( 4607): mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected
  548. 01-06 23:16:50.974 W/GmsClient( 4607): mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected
  549. 01-06 23:16:50.975 W/GmsClient( 4607): mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected
  550. 01-06 23:16:50.975 W/GmsClient( 4607): mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected
  551. 01-06 23:16:54.509 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  552. 01-06 23:16:54.512 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  553. 01-06 23:16:54.514 D/SoftapController( 1032): Stopping the SoftAP service...
  554. 01-06 23:16:54.515 I/hostapd ( 2772): wlan0: interface state ENABLED->DISABLED
  555. 01-06 23:16:54.517 I/hostapd ( 2772): wlan0: AP-DISABLED
  556. 01-06 23:16:54.517 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf0075180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  557. 01-06 23:16:54.518 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  558. 01-06 23:16:54.518 W/msm8974_platform( 1023): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  559. 01-06 23:16:54.518 I/hostapd ( 2772): nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
  560. 01-06 23:16:54.518 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  561. 01-06 23:16:54.518 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  562. 01-06 23:16:54.522 I/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices Selected apptype: 69937
  563. 01-06 23:16:54.522 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
  564. 01-06 23:16:54.523 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  566. 01-06 23:16:54.523 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  568. 01-06 23:16:54.524 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audtable
  569. 01-06 23:16:54.524 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  570. 01-06 23:16:54.524 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  571. 01-06 23:16:54.525 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  572. 01-06 23:16:54.525 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  573. 01-06 23:16:54.525 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  574. 01-06 23:16:54.526 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  575. 01-06 23:16:54.526 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  576. 01-06 23:16:54.526 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  577. 01-06 23:16:54.527 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0
  579. 01-06 23:16:54.528 I/audio_hw_utils( 1023): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 15, sample_rate 48000
  580. 01-06 23:16:54.529 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker
  581. 01-06 23:16:54.531 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: done
  582. 01-06 23:16:54.536 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  583. 01-06 23:16:54.536 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  584. 01-06 23:16:54.555 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: exit
  585. 01-06 23:16:54.609 D/SoftapController( 1032): SoftAP stopped successfully
  586. 01-06 23:16:55.014 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf0075180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  587. 01-06 23:16:55.039 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
  588. 01-06 23:16:55.041 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  589. 01-06 23:16:55.041 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  590. 01-06 23:16:55.110 E/NetdConnector( 1916): NDC Command {2219 softap stopap} took too long (597ms)
  591. 01-06 23:16:55.887 W/iop ( 2804): type=1400 audit(0.0:13287): avc: denied { create } for name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  592. 01-06 23:16:56.371 W/clatd ( 2726): read_packet: unknown packet type = 0x86dd
  593. 01-06 23:16:57.300 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  594. 01-06 23:16:57.301 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  595. 01-06 23:16:57.304 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf0075180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  596. 01-06 23:16:57.304 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  597. 01-06 23:16:57.304 W/msm8974_platform( 1023): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  598. 01-06 23:16:57.305 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  599. 01-06 23:16:57.305 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  600. 01-06 23:16:57.307 I/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices Selected apptype: 69937
  601. 01-06 23:16:57.312 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
  602. 01-06 23:16:57.312 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  604. 01-06 23:16:57.313 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  606. 01-06 23:16:57.313 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audtable
  607. 01-06 23:16:57.313 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  608. 01-06 23:16:57.313 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  609. 01-06 23:16:57.314 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  610. 01-06 23:16:57.314 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  611. 01-06 23:16:57.314 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  612. 01-06 23:16:57.314 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  613. 01-06 23:16:57.315 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  614. 01-06 23:16:57.315 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  615. 01-06 23:16:57.315 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0
  617. 01-06 23:16:57.316 I/audio_hw_utils( 1023): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 15, sample_rate 48000
  618. 01-06 23:16:57.317 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker
  619. 01-06 23:16:57.318 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: done
  620. 01-06 23:16:57.322 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  621. 01-06 23:16:57.322 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  622. 01-06 23:16:57.343 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: exit
  623. 01-06 23:16:57.435 D/Index (22740): Indexing locale 'en_US' took 32 millis
  624. 01-06 23:16:57.494 D/Index (22740): Indexing locale 'en_US' took 8 millis
  625. 01-06 23:16:57.602 D/NetlinkEvent( 1032): Unknown ifindex 67 in RTM_DELADDR
  626. 01-06 23:16:57.617 I/QtiTetherService/TetherNotifier( 4175): Active=[]; Available=[]; Errored=[]
  627. 01-06 23:16:57.617 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 4175): Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[], Errored=[]}
  628. 01-06 23:16:57.618 I/QtiTetherService( 4175): handleMessage(TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[], Errored=[]})
  629. 01-06 23:16:57.777 W/GmsLocationProvider(12132): Error removing location updates: 16
  630. 01-06 23:16:57.802 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf0075180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  631. 01-06 23:16:57.828 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
  632. 01-06 23:16:57.830 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  633. 01-06 23:16:57.830 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  634. 01-06 23:16:58.181 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  635. 01-06 23:16:58.182 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  636. 01-06 23:16:58.185 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf0075180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  637. 01-06 23:16:58.185 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  638. 01-06 23:16:58.185 W/msm8974_platform( 1023): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  639. 01-06 23:16:58.185 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  640. 01-06 23:16:58.186 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  641. 01-06 23:16:58.188 I/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices Selected apptype: 69937
  642. 01-06 23:16:58.188 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
  643. 01-06 23:16:58.188 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  645. 01-06 23:16:58.189 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  647. 01-06 23:16:58.189 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audtable
  648. 01-06 23:16:58.189 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  649. 01-06 23:16:58.189 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  650. 01-06 23:16:58.190 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  651. 01-06 23:16:58.190 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  652. 01-06 23:16:58.190 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  653. 01-06 23:16:58.190 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  654. 01-06 23:16:58.191 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  655. 01-06 23:16:58.191 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  656. 01-06 23:16:58.191 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0
  658. 01-06 23:16:58.192 I/audio_hw_utils( 1023): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 15, sample_rate 48000
  659. 01-06 23:16:58.193 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker
  660. 01-06 23:16:58.195 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: done
  661. 01-06 23:16:58.197 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  662. 01-06 23:16:58.198 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  663. 01-06 23:16:58.217 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: exit
  664. 01-06 23:16:58.245 I/ActivityManager( 1916): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  665. 01-06 23:16:58.310 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  666. 01-06 23:16:58.311 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 6029 to 2
  667. 01-06 23:16:58.311 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 72 lines
  668. 01-06 23:16:58.328 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  669. 01-06 23:16:58.329 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 22740 to 1
  670. 01-06 23:16:58.338 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  671. 01-06 23:16:58.339 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 12132 to 2
  672. 01-06 23:16:58.356 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  673. 01-06 23:16:58.357 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 22740 to 0
  674. 01-06 23:16:58.357 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines
  675. 01-06 23:16:58.461 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line
  676. 01-06 23:16:58.492 I/MicroDetectionWorker(12132): Micro detection mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]].
  677. 01-06 23:16:58.498 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(12132): Starting detection.
  678. 01-06 23:16:58.499 I/MicrophoneInputStream(12132): mic_starting
  679. 01-06 23:16:58.504 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xee3fd3c0) io_handle(870) source(6)
  680. 01-06 23:16:58.510 I/AudioFlinger( 1023): AudioFlinger's thread 0xeb283740 ready to run
  681. 01-06 23:16:58.510 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): in_standby: enter: stream (0xee3fd3c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
  682. 01-06 23:16:58.518 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): in_standby: enter: stream (0xee3fd3c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
  683. 01-06 23:16:58.529 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=input_source=6;routing=-2147483644
  684. 01-06 23:16:58.539 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_input_stream: enter: stream(0xee3fd3c0)usecase(16: audio-record)
  685. 01-06 23:16:58.540 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(69: voice-rec-mic)
  686. 01-06 23:16:58.540 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = voice-rec-mic
  687. 01-06 23:16:58.540 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_snd_device: snd_device(69: voice-rec-mic)
  688. 01-06 23:16:58.542 I/MicrophoneInputStream(12132): mic_started
  689. 01-06 23:16:58.550 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, path = 1
  690. 01-06 23:16:58.550 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  692. 01-06 23:16:58.550 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  694. 01-06 23:16:58.551 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audtable
  695. 01-06 23:16:58.551 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  696. 01-06 23:16:58.551 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  697. 01-06 23:16:58.551 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  698. 01-06 23:16:58.551 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  699. 01-06 23:16:58.551 D/ ( 1023): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  700. 01-06 23:16:58.552 E/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  701. 01-06 23:16:58.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  702. 01-06 23:16:58.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  703. 01-06 23:16:58.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  704. 01-06 23:16:58.552 D/ ( 1023): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  705. 01-06 23:16:58.552 E/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  706. 01-06 23:16:58.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  707. 01-06 23:16:58.553 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path = 1
  709. 01-06 23:16:58.553 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
  710. 01-06 23:16:58.556 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: done
  711. 01-06 23:16:58.615 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_input_stream: exit
  712. 01-06 23:16:58.635 I/MicroDetectionWorker(12132): onReady
  713. 01-06 23:16:58.673 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf0075180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  714. 01-06 23:16:58.700 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
  715. 01-06 23:16:58.703 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  716. 01-06 23:16:58.703 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  717. 01-06 23:16:58.723 I/PlaceInferenceEngine( 4122): [anon] Setup for configuration 105:[]
  718. 01-06 23:16:58.723 I/PlaceInferenceEngine( 4122): [anon] Active modules after start(): 0
  719. 01-06 23:16:58.737 W/ctxmgr ( 4122): [AclManager]No 3 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=9683000, 1, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 3 for 6, account#-517948760#
  720. 01-06 23:16:58.742 E/PlaceStateUpdater(12132): Received no places
  721. 01-06 23:16:58.765 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  722. 01-06 23:16:58.765 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 22366 to 1
  723. 01-06 23:16:58.765 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_E expire 10 lines
  724. 01-06 23:16:58.803 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  725. 01-06 23:16:58.803 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 22366 to 0
  726. 01-06 23:16:58.804 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_1 expire 8 lines
  727. 01-06 23:16:58.856 I/Places ( 4122): ?: PlacesBleScanner start() with priority 2
  728. 01-06 23:16:58.856 I/PlaceInferenceEngine( 4122): [anon] Setup for configuration 102:[BeaconScoring, CategoryScoring, DistanceScoring, GeoJournalScoring, HomeWorkScoring, HulkPersonaScoring, PopularityScoring, SpotterScoring, TimeBasedScoring, WifiScoring]
  729. 01-06 23:16:58.857 I/PlaceInferenceEngine( 4122): [anon] Active modules after start(): 10
  730. 01-06 23:16:58.863 E/PlaceStateUpdater(12132): Received no places
  731. 01-06 23:16:58.877 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  732. 01-06 23:16:58.878 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 22366 to 1
  733. 01-06 23:16:58.878 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_18 expire 10 lines
  734. 01-06 23:16:58.899 E/ctxmgr ( 4122): [PlaceFenceHelper]NearbyBuffer is null!
  735. 01-06 23:16:58.910 W/ctxmgr ( 4122): [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=10084000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 3 for 18, account#-517948760#
  736. 01-06 23:16:58.914 E/PlaceStateUpdater(12132): Received no places
  737. 01-06 23:16:58.916 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  738. 01-06 23:16:58.916 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 22366 to 0
  739. 01-06 23:16:58.917 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_14 expire 8 lines
  740. 01-06 23:16:58.973 W/OpenGLRenderer( 6029): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  741. 01-06 23:16:59.140 D/SoftapController( 1032): Softap fwReload - Ok
  742. 01-06 23:16:59.142 E/NetdConnector( 1916): NDC Command {2220 softap fwreload wlan0 STA} took too long (4031ms)
  743. 01-06 23:16:59.137 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13288): avc: denied { dac_override } for capability=1 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  744. 01-06 23:16:59.144 E/NetdConnector( 1916): NDC Command {2221 bandwidth gettetherstats} took too long (1519ms)
  745. 01-06 23:16:59.144 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 10 lines
  746. 01-06 23:16:59.144 E/cnss-daemon( 1037): wlan_service_rps_enable: unable to open /sys/class/net/wlan0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus
  747. 01-06 23:16:59.145 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): wlan_service_rps_enable /sys/class/net/p2p0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus queue 0 map 0xe
  748. 01-06 23:16:59.146 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  749. 01-06 23:16:59.149 W/ContextImpl(22740): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613
  750. 01-06 23:16:59.150 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 2 lines
  751. 01-06 23:16:59.264 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line
  752. 01-06 23:16:59.270 I/QtiTetherService/TetherNotifier( 4175): Active=[]; Available=[wlan0]; Errored=[]
  753. 01-06 23:16:59.270 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 4175): Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[wlan0], Errored=[]}
  754. 01-06 23:16:59.271 I/QtiTetherService( 4175): handleMessage(TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[wlan0], Errored=[]})
  755. 01-06 23:16:59.349 E/BatteryStatsService( 1916): no controller energy info supplied
  756. 01-06 23:16:59.350 D/SoftapController( 1032): Softap fwReload - Ok
  757. 01-06 23:16:59.353 D/CommandListener( 1032): Setting iface cfg
  758. 01-06 23:16:59.353 D/CommandListener( 1032): Trying to bring down wlan0
  759. 01-06 23:16:59.355 D/CommandListener( 1032): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  760. 01-06 23:16:59.358 E/KernelWakelockReader( 1916): neither /proc/wakelocks nor /d/wakeup_sources exists
  761. 01-06 23:16:59.359 W/BatteryStatsImpl( 1916): Couldn't get kernel wake lock stats
  762. 01-06 23:16:59.367 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines
  763. 01-06 23:16:59.368 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Thread-543 expire 2 lines
  764. 01-06 23:16:59.461 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  765. 01-06 23:16:59.471 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 64 lines
  766. 01-06 23:16:59.473 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  767. 01-06 23:16:59.559 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  768. 01-06 23:16:59.568 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-AVOID-FREQ ranges=
  769. 01-06 23:17:00.490 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=UNKNOWN
  770. 01-06 23:17:00.516 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=US
  771. 01-06 23:17:00.533 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  772. 01-06 23:17:00.534 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer expire 1 line
  773. 01-06 23:17:00.534 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) WifiRttService expire 1 line
  774. 01-06 23:17:00.536 D/CommandListener( 1032): Setting iface cfg
  775. 01-06 23:17:00.536 D/CommandListener( 1032): Trying to bring up p2p0
  776. 01-06 23:17:00.537 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) WifiP2pService expire 3 lines
  777. 01-06 23:17:00.628 E/KernelWakelockReader( 1916): neither /proc/wakelocks nor /d/wakeup_sources exists
  778. 01-06 23:17:00.629 W/BatteryStatsImpl( 1916): Couldn't get kernel wake lock stats
  779. 01-06 23:17:00.629 V/BatteryStatsService( 1916): WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=86734760 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 }
  780. 01-06 23:17:00.649 E/KernelWakelockReader( 1916): neither /proc/wakelocks nor /d/wakeup_sources exists
  781. 01-06 23:17:00.650 W/BatteryStatsImpl( 1916): Couldn't get kernel wake lock stats
  782. 01-06 23:17:00.690 W/GmsClient( 4607): mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected
  783. 01-06 23:17:00.690 W/GmsClient( 4607): mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected
  784. 01-06 23:17:00.690 W/GmsClient( 4607): mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected
  785. 01-06 23:17:00.690 W/GmsClient( 4607): mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected
  786. 01-06 23:17:00.695 E/DataBuffer( 4122): Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected! Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object:
  787. 01-06 23:17:00.697 E/DataBuffer( 4122): Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected! Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object:
  788. 01-06 23:17:00.699 E/DataBuffer( 4122): Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected! Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object:
  789. 01-06 23:17:01.447 W/iop ( 2898): type=1400 audit(0.0:13289): avc: denied { create } for name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  790. 01-06 23:17:01.908 I/ActivityManager( 1916): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=3018
  791. 01-06 23:17:01.909 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  792. 01-06 23:17:01.910 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3018 to 2
  793. 01-06 23:17:01.910 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_1F expire 9 lines
  794. 01-06 23:17:01.915 D/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  795. 01-06 23:17:03.345 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
  796. 01-06 23:17:03.356 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
  797. 01-06 23:17:03.356 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'pokemon'
  798. 01-06 23:17:03.424 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): wlan0: Associated with 54:a0:50:84:10:5c
  799. 01-06 23:17:03.425 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
  800. 01-06 23:17:03.492 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 54:a0:50:84:10:5c [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  801. 01-06 23:17:03.493 I/wpa_supplicant( 2829): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 54:a0:50:84:10:5c completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22pokemon%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%7D]
  802. 01-06 23:17:03.502 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "pokemon", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]} network{146} nethandle{627081661150} lp{{LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]} Score{20} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
  803. 01-06 23:17:03.503 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 146] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
  804. 01-06 23:17:03.537 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13290): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  805. 01-06 23:17:03.543 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  806. 01-06 23:17:03.544 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  807. 01-06 23:17:03.544 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  808. 01-06 23:17:03.537 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13291): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  809. 01-06 23:17:03.537 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13292): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  810. 01-06 23:17:03.593 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Thread-545 expire 3 lines
  811. 01-06 23:17:03.599 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) DhcpClient expire 7 lines
  812. 01-06 23:17:03.601 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Thread-543 expire 2 lines
  813. 01-06 23:17:03.657 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13293): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  814. 01-06 23:17:03.664 D/CommandListener( 1032): Setting iface cfg
  815. 01-06 23:17:03.666 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  816. 01-06 23:17:03.668 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  817. 01-06 23:17:03.669 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  818. 01-06 23:17:03.670 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  819. 01-06 23:17:03.657 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13294): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  820. 01-06 23:17:03.657 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13295): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  821. 01-06 23:17:03.657 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13296): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  822. 01-06 23:17:03.680 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 146] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
  823. 01-06 23:17:03.683 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): Adding iface wlan0 to network 146
  824. 01-06 23:17:03.688 I/GCoreUlr( 4122): Starting service, intent=Intent { }, extras=null
  825. 01-06 23:17:03.699 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  826. 01-06 23:17:03.699 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): ip type is ipv6
  827. 01-06 23:17:03.687 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13297): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  828. 01-06 23:17:03.749 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  829. 01-06 23:17:03.737 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13298): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  830. 01-06 23:17:03.747 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13299): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  831. 01-06 23:17:03.753 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  832. 01-06 23:17:03.755 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  833. 01-06 23:17:03.747 W/cnss-daemon( 1037): type=1400 audit(0.0:13300): avc: denied { net_raw } for capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  834. 01-06 23:17:03.756 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): ip type is ipv4
  835. 01-06 23:17:03.759 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): Setting DNS servers for network 146 to [/]
  836. 01-06 23:17:03.790 I/GCoreUlr( 4122): Starting service, intent=Intent { }, extras=null
  837. 01-06 23:17:03.819 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) ConnectivityMan expire 1 line
  838. 01-06 23:17:03.821 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) expire 2 lines
  839. 01-06 23:17:03.821 W/QCNEJ ( 4175): |CORE| network available: 146
  840. 01-06 23:17:03.827 W/QCNEJ ( 4175): |CORE| onAvailable: bind the process to WIFI
  841. 01-06 23:17:03.828 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  842. 01-06 23:17:03.828 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): NDA_DST received: ul: 562992919980224
  843. 01-06 23:17:03.828 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): NDA_LLADDR received
  844. 01-06 23:17:03.831 W/QCNEJ ( 4175): |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576}
  845. 01-06 23:17:03.831 W/QCNEJ ( 4175): |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0}
  846. 01-06 23:17:04.021 D/NetworkNotificationManager( 1916): clearNotification id=146
  847. 01-06 23:17:04.022 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 146] validation passed
  848. 01-06 23:17:04.025 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "pokemon", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]} network{146} nethandle{627081661150} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -76]} Score{56} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
  849. 01-06 23:17:04.043 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): Lingering NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 145] for 30000ms
  850. 01-06 23:17:04.045 I/QCNEJ ( 4175): |CORE| network losing: 145 in 30000ms
  851. 01-06 23:17:04.045 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 0 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 145] isDefaultNetwork=true
  852. 01-06 23:17:04.047 D/ConnectivityService( 1916): Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 146] isDefaultNetwork=true
  853. 01-06 23:17:04.073 W/NetworkPolicy( 1916): shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
  854. 01-06 23:17:04.089 W/NetworkPolicy( 1916): shared quota unsupported; generating rule for each iface
  855. 01-06 23:17:04.101 D/RcsStack(28897): a: processConnectivityIntent(): mNetworkInfo=[type: MOBILE[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true] isConnected=false mState=DISCONNECTED
  856. 01-06 23:17:04.104 D/OpenDelta( 7665): network state --> 1
  857. 01-06 23:17:04.114 D/RcsStack(28897): a: processConnectivityIntent(): mNetworkInfo=[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "pokemon", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] isConnected=true mState=CONNECTED
  858. 01-06 23:17:04.115 D/RcsService(28897): Never provisioned and consent not granted, skipped config update request
  859. 01-06 23:17:04.117 D/NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect(12132): Network connectivity changed, type is: 2
  860. 01-06 23:17:04.119 D/NSConnectivityManager(30183): Network type changed to: 4
  861. 01-06 23:17:04.130 I/CastMediaRouteProvider( 4607): Network connectivity changed
  862. 01-06 23:17:04.131 D/NSConnectivityManager(30183): Network type changed to: 4
  863. 01-06 23:17:04.168 I/CastMediaRouteProvider( 4607): Network connectivity changed
  864. 01-06 23:17:04.241 W/MdnsClient_Cast( 4607): #acquireLock. Multicast lock not held. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED"
  865. 01-06 23:17:04.288 D/AuthManager(30584): onConnectionEvent(): event.isConnected == true
  866. 01-06 23:17:04.289 D/AuthManager(30584): invalidateXsctToken()
  867. 01-06 23:17:04.290 D/AuthManager(30584): revalidateInHomeAndRestrictionsStateIfNecessary()
  868. 01-06 23:17:04.291 D/AuthManager(30584): Not provisioned, skipping XSCT token refresh
  869. 01-06 23:17:04.298 D/ResumePointManager(30584): Beginning resume points and finished status sync to cloud
  870. 01-06 23:17:04.368 I/NetworkQualityMonitor(30183): Updated PredictedNetworkQuality to[
  871. 01-06 23:17:04.368 I/NetworkQualityMonitor(30183): networkType: 1
  872. 01-06 23:17:04.368 I/NetworkQualityMonitor(30183): predictedLatencyMicros: 521728
  873. 01-06 23:17:04.368 I/NetworkQualityMonitor(30183): predictedDownThroughputBps: 1558902
  874. 01-06 23:17:04.368 I/NetworkQualityMonitor(30183): predictedUpThroughputBps: -1
  875. 01-06 23:17:04.368 I/NetworkQualityMonitor(30183): ]
  876. 01-06 23:17:04.371 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  877. 01-06 23:17:04.372 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 22366 to 1
  878. 01-06 23:17:04.372 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_E expire 10 lines
  879. 01-06 23:17:04.394 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  880. 01-06 23:17:04.394 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 22366 to 0
  881. 01-06 23:17:04.395 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_A expire 8 lines
  882. 01-06 23:17:04.398 D/ConnectionChangedBroadcastReceiver(30584): Network info has not changed since last broadcast, ignoring
  883. 01-06 23:17:04.709 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
  884. 01-06 23:17:04.857 W/QCNEJ ( 4175): |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,fe80::cef3:a5ff:fec7:b39f/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576}
  885. 01-06 23:17:04.858 W/QCNEJ ( 4175): |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,fe80::cef3:a5ff:fec7:b39f/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0}
  886. 01-06 23:17:05.248 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  887. 01-06 23:17:05.248 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  888. 01-06 23:17:05.250 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf0075180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  889. 01-06 23:17:05.250 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  890. 01-06 23:17:05.250 W/msm8974_platform( 1023): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  891. 01-06 23:17:05.250 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  892. 01-06 23:17:05.250 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  893. 01-06 23:17:05.252 I/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices Selected apptype: 69937
  894. 01-06 23:17:05.252 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
  895. 01-06 23:17:05.252 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  897. 01-06 23:17:05.253 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  899. 01-06 23:17:05.253 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audtable
  900. 01-06 23:17:05.253 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  901. 01-06 23:17:05.253 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  902. 01-06 23:17:05.253 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  903. 01-06 23:17:05.253 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  904. 01-06 23:17:05.254 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  905. 01-06 23:17:05.254 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  906. 01-06 23:17:05.254 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  907. 01-06 23:17:05.255 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  908. 01-06 23:17:05.255 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0
  910. 01-06 23:17:05.255 I/audio_hw_utils( 1023): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 15, sample_rate 48000
  911. 01-06 23:17:05.256 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker
  912. 01-06 23:17:05.258 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: done
  913. 01-06 23:17:05.259 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  914. 01-06 23:17:05.260 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  915. 01-06 23:17:05.277 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: exit
  916. 01-06 23:17:05.306 W/InputMethodManagerService( 1916): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@36b9d1 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@298f5b4
  917. 01-06 23:17:05.558 I/ActivityManager( 1916): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=3018
  918. 01-06 23:17:05.559 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  919. 01-06 23:17:05.559 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3018 to 1
  920. 01-06 23:17:05.559 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) Binder:1916_10 expire 9 lines
  921. 01-06 23:17:05.562 D/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  922. 01-06 23:17:05.730 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf0075180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  923. 01-06 23:17:05.751 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
  924. 01-06 23:17:05.753 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  925. 01-06 23:17:05.753 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  926. 01-06 23:17:06.237 W/iop ( 3105): type=1400 audit(0.0:13301): avc: denied { create } for name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  927. 01-06 23:17:08.816 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  928. 01-06 23:17:08.817 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  929. 01-06 23:17:08.819 I/ActivityManager( 1916): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity bnds=[24,239][230,517] (has extras)} from uid 10035 on display 0
  930. 01-06 23:17:08.821 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf0075180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  931. 01-06 23:17:08.821 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  932. 01-06 23:17:08.821 W/msm8974_platform( 1023): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  933. 01-06 23:17:08.822 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  934. 01-06 23:17:08.822 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  935. 01-06 23:17:08.825 I/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices Selected apptype: 69937
  936. 01-06 23:17:08.825 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
  937. 01-06 23:17:08.825 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  939. 01-06 23:17:08.826 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  941. 01-06 23:17:08.826 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audtable
  942. 01-06 23:17:08.826 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  943. 01-06 23:17:08.827 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  944. 01-06 23:17:08.827 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  945. 01-06 23:17:08.827 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  946. 01-06 23:17:08.827 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  947. 01-06 23:17:08.828 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  948. 01-06 23:17:08.828 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  949. 01-06 23:17:08.828 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  950. 01-06 23:17:08.828 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0
  952. 01-06 23:17:08.830 I/audio_hw_utils( 1023): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 15, sample_rate 48000
  953. 01-06 23:17:08.830 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker
  954. 01-06 23:17:08.833 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: done
  955. 01-06 23:17:08.836 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  956. 01-06 23:17:08.836 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  957. 01-06 23:17:08.862 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: exit
  958. 01-06 23:17:08.895 I/ActivityManager( 1916): Start proc 3107:com.GetLogs/u0a152 for activity com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity
  959. 01-06 23:17:08.910 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  960. 01-06 23:17:08.910 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 12132 to 1
  961. 01-06 23:17:08.910 I/chatty ( 1916): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines
  962. 01-06 23:17:08.916 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  963. 01-06 23:17:08.917 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 6029 to 1
  964. 01-06 23:17:08.919 W/System.err( 1916): at$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.activityIdleInternal(
  965. 01-06 23:17:08.920 W/System.err( 1916): at$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.handleMessage(
  966. 01-06 23:17:08.920 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  967. 01-06 23:17:08.920 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  968. 01-06 23:17:08.920 W/System.err( 1916): at
  969. 01-06 23:17:08.920 W/System.err( 1916): at
  970. 01-06 23:17:08.955 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  971. 01-06 23:17:08.955 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3107 to 2
  972. 01-06 23:17:08.956 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3107
  973. 01-06 23:17:08.956 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  974. 01-06 23:17:08.956 W/System.err( 1916): at
  975. 01-06 23:17:08.956 W/System.err( 1916): at
  976. 01-06 23:17:08.956 W/System.err( 1916): at
  977. 01-06 23:17:08.956 W/System.err( 1916): at
  978. 01-06 23:17:08.956 W/System.err( 1916): at
  979. 01-06 23:17:08.957 W/System.err( 1916): at
  980. 01-06 23:17:08.957 W/System.err( 1916): at
  981. 01-06 23:17:08.957 W/System.err( 1916): at
  982. 01-06 23:17:08.957 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  983. 01-06 23:17:08.988 W/System ( 3107): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.GetLogs-1/lib/arm64
  984. 01-06 23:17:09.006 I/MicroDetector(12132): Keeping mic open: false
  985. 01-06 23:17:09.008 I/DeviceStateChecker(12132): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
  986. 01-06 23:17:09.019 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(12132): Stopping hotword detection.
  987. 01-06 23:17:09.019 I/AudioController(12132): internalShutdown
  988. 01-06 23:17:09.020 I/MicrophoneInputStream(12132): mic_close
  989. 01-06 23:17:09.027 W/SearchService(12132): Abort, client detached.
  990. 01-06 23:17:09.027 W/SearchService(12132): Abort, client detached.
  991. 01-06 23:17:09.027 W/SearchService(12132): Abort, client detached.
  992. 01-06 23:17:09.034 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): in_standby: enter: stream (0xee3fd3c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
  993. 01-06 23:17:09.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
  994. 01-06 23:17:09.081 W/System ( 3107): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Chrome/lib/arm64
  995. 01-06 23:17:09.081 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = voice-rec-mic
  996. 01-06 23:17:09.082 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_snd_device: snd_device(69: voice-rec-mic)
  997. 01-06 23:17:09.083 D/ApplicationLoaders( 3107): ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/app/Chrome/lib/arm64:/system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x7c712570f0
  998. 01-06 23:17:09.087 I/WebViewFactory( 3107): Loading version 55.0.2883.91 (code 288309152)
  999. 01-06 23:17:09.090 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=routing=0
  1000. 01-06 23:17:09.098 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(12132): Detection finished
  1001. 01-06 23:17:09.099 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xee3fd3c0)
  1002. 01-06 23:17:09.099 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): in_standby: enter: stream (0xee3fd3c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
  1003. 01-06 23:17:09.212 I/cr_LibraryLoader( 3107): Time to load native libraries: 10 ms (timestamps 5500-5510)
  1004. 01-06 23:17:09.213 I/cr_LibraryLoader( 3107): Expected native library version number "55.0.2883.91", actual native library version number "55.0.2883.91"
  1005. 01-06 23:17:09.249 I/cr_LibraryLoader( 3107): Expected native library version number "55.0.2883.91", actual native library version number "55.0.2883.91"
  1006. 01-06 23:17:09.250 I/chromium( 3107): [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  1007. 01-06 23:17:09.269 I/cr_BrowserStartup( 3107): Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true
  1008. 01-06 23:17:09.300 I/Adreno ( 3107): QUALCOMM build : 7d18700, I8ee426a9a2
  1009. 01-06 23:17:09.300 I/Adreno ( 3107): Build Date : 10/11/16
  1010. 01-06 23:17:09.300 I/Adreno ( 3107): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03
  1011. 01-06 23:17:09.300 I/Adreno ( 3107): Local Branch : mybranch22454642
  1012. 01-06 23:17:09.300 I/Adreno ( 3107): Remote Branch : quic/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.5
  1013. 01-06 23:17:09.300 I/Adreno ( 3107): Remote Branch : NONE
  1014. 01-06 23:17:09.300 I/Adreno ( 3107): Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
  1015. 01-06 23:17:09.327 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf0075180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  1016. 01-06 23:17:09.353 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
  1017. 01-06 23:17:09.355 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1018. 01-06 23:17:09.356 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1019. 01-06 23:17:09.578 E/wifi ( 1916): Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1020. 01-06 23:17:09.631 I/Ads ( 3107): To get test ads on this device, call adRequest.addTestDevice("B7310DDFF952D2C697204359DDE843D8");
  1021. 01-06 23:17:09.647 I/Ads ( 3107): adRequestUrlHtml: <html><head><script src=""></script><script>AFMA_buildAdURL({"hl":"en","cipa":0,"u_h":683,"mv":"","net":"wi","u_w":411,"app_name":"","format":"320x50_mb","js":"afma-sdk-a-v4.3.1","u_audio":3,"preqs":0,"msid":"com.GetLogs","u_sd":2.625,"isu":"B7310DDFF952D2C697204359DDE843D8","slotname":"a14f6b54026d1ef"});</script></head><body></body></html>
  1022. 01-06 23:17:09.715 W/cr_media( 3107): Requires BLUETOOTH permission
  1023. 01-06 23:17:09.735 I/cr_Ime ( 3107): ImeThread is enabled.
  1024. 01-06 23:17:09.831 I/HAL ( 3107): loaded HAL id=gralloc path=/system/lib64/hw/ hmi=0x43275ef3660d3b0b handle=0x7c70f5ad30
  1025. 01-06 23:17:09.861 I/ActivityManager( 1916): Displayed com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity: +999ms
  1026. 01-06 23:17:09.871 W/InputMethodService( 2966): Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
  1027. 01-06 23:17:09.911 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1028. 01-06 23:17:09.912 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 12132 to 0
  1029. 01-06 23:17:09.912 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 12132
  1030. 01-06 23:17:09.912 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1031. 01-06 23:17:09.912 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1032. 01-06 23:17:09.913 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1033. 01-06 23:17:09.913 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1034. 01-06 23:17:09.913 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1035. 01-06 23:17:09.913 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1036. 01-06 23:17:09.913 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1037. 01-06 23:17:09.913 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1038. 01-06 23:17:09.913 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  1039. 01-06 23:17:09.914 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1040. 01-06 23:17:09.915 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 6029 to 0
  1041. 01-06 23:17:09.916 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 6029
  1042. 01-06 23:17:09.916 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1043. 01-06 23:17:09.916 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1044. 01-06 23:17:09.916 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1045. 01-06 23:17:09.917 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1046. 01-06 23:17:09.917 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1047. 01-06 23:17:09.917 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1048. 01-06 23:17:09.917 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1049. 01-06 23:17:09.917 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1050. 01-06 23:17:09.918 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  1051. 01-06 23:17:09.924 E/chromium( 3107): [] Failed to locate a binder for interface: autofill::mojom::PasswordManagerDriver
  1052. 01-06 23:17:09.930 W/SurfaceFlinger( 958): couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
  1053. 01-06 23:17:09.945 E/libEGL ( 3107): validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
  1054. 01-06 23:17:10.000 W/VideoCapabilities( 3107): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
  1055. 01-06 23:17:10.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3107): Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
  1056. 01-06 23:17:10.029 W/VideoCapabilities( 3107): Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
  1057. 01-06 23:17:10.036 W/InputConnectionWrapper( 2966): Fixing selection indices to 0, 0
  1058. 01-06 23:17:10.054 I/VideoCapabilities( 3107): Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
  1059. 01-06 23:17:10.102 W/cr_BindingManager( 3107): Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 3107
  1060. 01-06 23:17:10.280 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  1061. 01-06 23:17:10.281 E/cnss-daemon( 1037): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 32
  1062. 01-06 23:17:10.333 I/chromium( 3107): [INFO:CONSOLE(361)] "Use of the Application Cache is deprecated on insecure origins. Support will be removed in the future. You should consider switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. See for more details.", source: (361)
  1063. 01-06 23:17:10.431 I/Choreographer( 2966): Skipped 32 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1064. 01-06 23:17:10.472 W/Ads ( 3107): Invalid admob request error: Non google play services version of AdMob Android SDK is deprecated. Please update your SDK to the most recent SDK version to get the latest features and bug fixes. The latest SDK can be downloaded from .
  1065. 01-06 23:17:10.475 I/Ads ( 3107): onFailedToReceiveAd(Invalid Google Ad request.)
  1066. 01-06 23:17:10.485 W/chromium( 3107): [] Failed to find the associated render view host for url: gmsg://
  1067. 01-06 23:17:11.327 W/iop ( 3196): type=1400 audit(0.0:13302): avc: denied { create } for name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  1068. 01-06 23:17:12.606 E/wifi ( 1916): Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1069. 01-06 23:17:12.611 I/UsageStatsService( 1916): User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
  1070. 01-06 23:17:12.988 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1071. 01-06 23:17:12.989 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1072. 01-06 23:17:12.997 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf0075180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  1073. 01-06 23:17:12.998 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  1074. 01-06 23:17:12.999 W/msm8974_platform( 1023): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  1075. 01-06 23:17:12.999 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1076. 01-06 23:17:12.999 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1077. 01-06 23:17:13.003 I/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices Selected apptype: 69937
  1078. 01-06 23:17:13.004 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
  1079. 01-06 23:17:13.004 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1080. 01-06 23:17:13.004 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1081. 01-06 23:17:13.005 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1082. 01-06 23:17:13.005 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1083. 01-06 23:17:13.005 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audtable
  1084. 01-06 23:17:13.005 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1085. 01-06 23:17:13.006 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1086. 01-06 23:17:13.006 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1087. 01-06 23:17:13.006 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1088. 01-06 23:17:13.007 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1089. 01-06 23:17:13.007 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1090. 01-06 23:17:13.007 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1091. 01-06 23:17:13.007 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1092. 01-06 23:17:13.008 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0
  1094. 01-06 23:17:13.009 I/audio_hw_utils( 1023): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 15, sample_rate 48000
  1095. 01-06 23:17:13.009 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker
  1096. 01-06 23:17:13.012 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: done
  1097. 01-06 23:17:13.016 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  1098. 01-06 23:17:13.016 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  1099. 01-06 23:17:13.038 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: exit
  1100. 01-06 23:17:13.058 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1101. 01-06 23:17:13.081 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1102. 01-06 23:17:13.091 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1103. 01-06 23:17:13.116 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1104. 01-06 23:17:13.122 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1105. 01-06 23:17:13.127 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1106. 01-06 23:17:13.130 D/su ( 3205): starting daemon client 10152 10152
  1107. 01-06 23:17:13.152 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1108. 01-06 23:17:13.160 D/su ( 3207): connecting client 3202
  1109. 01-06 23:17:13.197 D/su ( 3209): remote pid: 3202
  1110. 01-06 23:17:13.222 D/su ( 3210): remote pts_slave:
  1111. 01-06 23:17:13.251 D/su ( 3211): remote uid: 10152
  1112. 01-06 23:17:13.272 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  1113. 01-06 23:17:13.272 E/cnss-daemon( 1037): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 32
  1114. 01-06 23:17:13.285 D/su ( 3212): remote req pid: 3107
  1115. 01-06 23:17:13.327 D/su ( 3213): remote args: 1
  1116. 01-06 23:17:13.361 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1117. 01-06 23:17:13.363 D/su ( 3215): waiting for child exit
  1118. 01-06 23:17:13.364 D/su ( 3218): su invoked.
  1119. 01-06 23:17:13.400 W/su ( 3220): hacks: Testing (com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup:-1:0)
  1120. 01-06 23:17:13.441 D/su ( 3222): /dev/me.phh.superuser/.socket3216
  1121. 01-06 23:17:13.498 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf0075180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  1122. 01-06 23:17:13.527 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
  1123. 01-06 23:17:13.529 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1124. 01-06 23:17:13.530 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1125. 01-06 23:17:14.086 E/ctxmgr ( 4122): [ProducerActiveIntervalImpl]closeActiveInterval: Error: ongoing, trying to close
  1126. 01-06 23:17:14.132 I/PlaceInferenceEngine( 4122): [anon] Setup for configuration 105:[]
  1127. 01-06 23:17:14.132 I/PlaceInferenceEngine( 4122): [anon] Active modules after start(): 0
  1128. 01-06 23:17:14.147 D/AndroidRuntime( 3223): >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
  1129. 01-06 23:17:14.168 D/AndroidRuntime( 3223): CheckJNI is OFF
  1130. 01-06 23:17:14.170 E/cutils-trace( 3223): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1131. 01-06 23:17:14.434 D/ICU ( 3223): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  1132. 01-06 23:17:14.523 I/HAL ( 3223): loaded HAL id=memtrack path=/system/lib64/hw/ hmi=0x0 handle=0x10b85590f022393f
  1133. 01-06 23:17:14.526 I/Radio-JNI( 3223): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  1134. 01-06 23:17:14.581 D/AndroidRuntime( 3223): Calling main entry
  1135. 01-06 23:17:14.590 I/ActivityManager( 1916): START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=me.phh.superuser/com.koushikdutta.superuser.RequestActivity (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0
  1136. 01-06 23:17:14.616 D/AndroidRuntime( 3223): Shutting down VM
  1137. 01-06 23:17:14.637 I/ActivityManager( 1916): Start proc 3235:me.phh.superuser:superuser/u0a115 for activity me.phh.superuser/com.koushikdutta.superuser.RequestActivity
  1138. 01-06 23:17:14.740 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1139. 01-06 23:17:14.741 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3107 to 1
  1140. 01-06 23:17:14.741 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3107
  1141. 01-06 23:17:14.741 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1142. 01-06 23:17:14.742 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1143. 01-06 23:17:14.742 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1144. 01-06 23:17:14.742 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1145. 01-06 23:17:14.742 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1146. 01-06 23:17:14.742 W/System.err( 1916): at$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.activityIdleInternal(
  1147. 01-06 23:17:14.742 W/System.err( 1916): at$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.handleMessage(
  1148. 01-06 23:17:14.743 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1149. 01-06 23:17:14.743 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1150. 01-06 23:17:14.743 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1151. 01-06 23:17:14.743 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1152. 01-06 23:17:14.758 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1153. 01-06 23:17:14.759 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3235 to 2
  1154. 01-06 23:17:14.759 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3235
  1155. 01-06 23:17:14.760 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1156. 01-06 23:17:14.760 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1157. 01-06 23:17:14.760 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1158. 01-06 23:17:14.760 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1159. 01-06 23:17:14.760 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1160. 01-06 23:17:14.760 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1161. 01-06 23:17:14.761 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1162. 01-06 23:17:14.761 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1163. 01-06 23:17:14.761 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1164. 01-06 23:17:14.761 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  1165. 01-06 23:17:14.800 I/art ( 3235): Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
  1166. 01-06 23:17:14.802 W/System ( 3235): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/me.phh.superuser-1/lib/arm64
  1167. 01-06 23:17:14.840 I/ActivityManager( 1916): START u0 {flg=0x10800000 cmp=me.phh.superuser/com.koushikdutta.superuser.MultitaskSuRequestActivity (has extras)} from uid 10115 on display 0
  1168. 01-06 23:17:14.845 I/art ( 1916): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 141187(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 6(120KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 24MB/37MB, paused 1.393ms total 120.209ms
  1169. 01-06 23:17:14.967 I/Superuser( 3235): Got bind from to
  1170. 01-06 23:17:14.989 D/su ( 3254): waiting for user
  1171. 01-06 23:17:14.990 I/HAL ( 3235): loaded HAL id=gralloc path=/system/lib64/hw/ hmi=0x7fd0c3e920 handle=0x7c70f5ad30
  1172. 01-06 23:17:15.019 I/Adreno ( 3235): QUALCOMM build : 7d18700, I8ee426a9a2
  1173. 01-06 23:17:15.019 I/Adreno ( 3235): Build Date : 10/11/16
  1174. 01-06 23:17:15.019 I/Adreno ( 3235): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03
  1175. 01-06 23:17:15.019 I/Adreno ( 3235): Local Branch : mybranch22454642
  1176. 01-06 23:17:15.019 I/Adreno ( 3235): Remote Branch : quic/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.5
  1177. 01-06 23:17:15.019 I/Adreno ( 3235): Remote Branch : NONE
  1178. 01-06 23:17:15.019 I/Adreno ( 3235): Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
  1179. 01-06 23:17:15.055 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3235): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1180. 01-06 23:17:15.056 D/OpenGLRenderer( 3235): Swap behavior 1
  1181. 01-06 23:17:15.127 I/ActivityManager( 1916): Displayed me.phh.superuser/com.koushikdutta.superuser.MultitaskSuRequestActivity: +238ms (total +510ms)
  1182. 01-06 23:17:15.199 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3107): finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
  1183. 01-06 23:17:15.201 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3107): finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
  1184. 01-06 23:17:15.204 W/InputMethodService( 2966): Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
  1185. 01-06 23:17:15.224 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3107): reportFullscreenMode on inexistent InputConnection
  1186. 01-06 23:17:15.224 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3107): finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
  1187. 01-06 23:17:15.555 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1188. 01-06 23:17:15.556 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3107 to 0
  1189. 01-06 23:17:15.556 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3107
  1190. 01-06 23:17:15.556 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1191. 01-06 23:17:15.557 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1192. 01-06 23:17:15.557 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1193. 01-06 23:17:15.557 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1194. 01-06 23:17:15.557 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1195. 01-06 23:17:15.557 W/System.err( 1916): at$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.activityIdleInternal(
  1196. 01-06 23:17:15.557 W/System.err( 1916): at$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.handleMessage(
  1197. 01-06 23:17:15.557 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1198. 01-06 23:17:15.558 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1199. 01-06 23:17:15.558 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1200. 01-06 23:17:15.558 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1201. 01-06 23:17:15.637 E/wifi ( 1916): Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1202. 01-06 23:17:16.273 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  1203. 01-06 23:17:16.274 E/cnss-daemon( 1037): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 32
  1204. 01-06 23:17:16.381 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  1205. 01-06 23:17:16.381 E/cnss-daemon( 1037): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 4
  1206. 01-06 23:17:16.397 W/iop ( 3260): type=1400 audit(0.0:13303): avc: denied { create } for name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  1207. 01-06 23:17:18.652 E/wifi ( 1916): Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1208. 01-06 23:17:18.964 D/VideoCall_LowBattery( 3153): BatteryIntent received: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
  1209. 01-06 23:17:18.966 W/QCNEJ ( 4175): |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
  1210. 01-06 23:17:19.020 D/VideoCall_LowBattery( 3153): allowVideoCallsInLowBattery: false isCarrierOneSupported: false mIsLowbattery: false
  1211. 01-06 23:17:19.026 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1212. 01-06 23:17:19.027 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 12132 to 1
  1213. 01-06 23:17:19.027 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 12132
  1214. 01-06 23:17:19.027 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1215. 01-06 23:17:19.027 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1216. 01-06 23:17:19.027 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1217. 01-06 23:17:19.028 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1218. 01-06 23:17:19.028 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1219. 01-06 23:17:19.028 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1220. 01-06 23:17:19.028 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1221. 01-06 23:17:19.028 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1222. 01-06 23:17:19.028 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1223. 01-06 23:17:19.028 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1224. 01-06 23:17:19.029 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1225. 01-06 23:17:19.029 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1226. 01-06 23:17:19.029 W/System.err( 1916): at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(
  1227. 01-06 23:17:19.029 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1228. 01-06 23:17:19.029 W/System.err( 1916): at$
  1229. 01-06 23:17:19.037 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1230. 01-06 23:17:19.038 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 12132 to 0
  1231. 01-06 23:17:19.038 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 12132
  1232. 01-06 23:17:19.038 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1233. 01-06 23:17:19.038 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1234. 01-06 23:17:19.039 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1235. 01-06 23:17:19.039 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1236. 01-06 23:17:19.039 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1237. 01-06 23:17:19.039 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1238. 01-06 23:17:19.039 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1239. 01-06 23:17:19.039 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1240. 01-06 23:17:19.039 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1241. 01-06 23:17:19.040 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  1242. 01-06 23:17:19.272 I/cnss-daemon( 1037): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  1243. 01-06 23:17:19.273 E/cnss-daemon( 1037): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 32
  1244. 01-06 23:17:19.468 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1245. 01-06 23:17:19.470 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1023): FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1246. 01-06 23:17:19.474 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf0075180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  1247. 01-06 23:17:19.474 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  1248. 01-06 23:17:19.475 W/msm8974_platform( 1023): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  1249. 01-06 23:17:19.475 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1250. 01-06 23:17:19.475 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1251. 01-06 23:17:19.478 I/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices Selected apptype: 69937
  1252. 01-06 23:17:19.479 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
  1253. 01-06 23:17:19.479 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1254. 01-06 23:17:19.479 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1255. 01-06 23:17:19.479 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1256. 01-06 23:17:19.480 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1257. 01-06 23:17:19.480 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audtable
  1258. 01-06 23:17:19.480 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1259. 01-06 23:17:19.480 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1260. 01-06 23:17:19.481 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1261. 01-06 23:17:19.481 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1262. 01-06 23:17:19.481 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1263. 01-06 23:17:19.481 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1264. 01-06 23:17:19.482 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1265. 01-06 23:17:19.482 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1266. 01-06 23:17:19.482 D/ACDB-LOADER( 1023): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0
  1268. 01-06 23:17:19.484 I/audio_hw_utils( 1023): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 15, sample_rate 48000
  1269. 01-06 23:17:19.484 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker
  1270. 01-06 23:17:19.486 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): select_devices: done
  1271. 01-06 23:17:19.490 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  1272. 01-06 23:17:19.490 D/msm8974_platform( 1023): platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  1273. 01-06 23:17:19.517 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): start_output_stream: exit
  1274. 01-06 23:17:19.528 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1275. 01-06 23:17:19.528 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3107 to 2
  1276. 01-06 23:17:19.528 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3107
  1277. 01-06 23:17:19.529 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1278. 01-06 23:17:19.529 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1279. 01-06 23:17:19.529 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1280. 01-06 23:17:19.529 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1281. 01-06 23:17:19.530 W/su ( 3266): hacks: Testing (com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup:10152), 0
  1282. 01-06 23:17:19.530 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1283. 01-06 23:17:19.530 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1284. 01-06 23:17:19.530 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1285. 01-06 23:17:19.530 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1286. 01-06 23:17:19.530 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1287. 01-06 23:17:19.534 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1288. 01-06 23:17:19.534 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1289. 01-06 23:17:19.534 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  1290. 01-06 23:17:19.536 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1291. 01-06 23:17:19.536 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3235 to 1
  1292. 01-06 23:17:19.537 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3235
  1293. 01-06 23:17:19.537 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1294. 01-06 23:17:19.537 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1295. 01-06 23:17:19.537 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1296. 01-06 23:17:19.538 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1297. 01-06 23:17:19.538 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1298. 01-06 23:17:19.538 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1299. 01-06 23:17:19.538 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1300. 01-06 23:17:19.538 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1301. 01-06 23:17:19.538 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1302. 01-06 23:17:19.539 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1303. 01-06 23:17:19.539 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1304. 01-06 23:17:19.539 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  1305. 01-06 23:17:19.564 D/su ( 3272): 10152 /magisk/phh/bin/su executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  1306. 01-06 23:17:19.592 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1307. 01-06 23:17:19.601 D/OpenGLRenderer( 3235): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7c6d534400 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7c5376b5a0
  1308. 01-06 23:17:19.602 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1309. 01-06 23:17:19.619 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1310. 01-06 23:17:19.649 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1311. 01-06 23:17:19.680 I/art ( 1916): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 30050(1486KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(200KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 24MB/36MB, paused 1.207ms total 118.939ms
  1312. 01-06 23:17:19.700 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1313. 01-06 23:17:19.939 D/AndroidRuntime( 3271): >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
  1314. 01-06 23:17:19.943 D/AndroidRuntime( 3271): CheckJNI is OFF
  1315. 01-06 23:17:19.944 E/cutils-trace( 3271): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1316. 01-06 23:17:19.974 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf0075180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  1317. 01-06 23:17:20.001 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
  1318. 01-06 23:17:20.003 D/hardware_info( 1023): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1319. 01-06 23:17:20.003 D/audio_hw_primary( 1023): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1320. 01-06 23:17:20.019 D/ICU ( 3271): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  1321. 01-06 23:17:20.049 I/HAL ( 3271): loaded HAL id=memtrack path=/system/lib64/hw/ hmi=0x0 handle=0x43495a32dd710fb
  1322. 01-06 23:17:20.050 I/Radio-JNI( 3271): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  1323. 01-06 23:17:20.063 D/AndroidRuntime( 3271): Calling main entry
  1324. 01-06 23:17:20.088 I/ActivityManager( 1916): Start proc 3292:me.phh.superuser/u0a115 for broadcast me.phh.superuser/com.koushikdutta.superuser.SuReceiver
  1325. 01-06 23:17:20.125 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1326. 01-06 23:17:20.126 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3292 to 0
  1327. 01-06 23:17:20.126 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3292
  1328. 01-06 23:17:20.126 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1329. 01-06 23:17:20.127 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1330. 01-06 23:17:20.127 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1331. 01-06 23:17:20.127 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1332. 01-06 23:17:20.127 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1333. 01-06 23:17:20.127 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1334. 01-06 23:17:20.127 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1335. 01-06 23:17:20.127 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1336. 01-06 23:17:20.128 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1337. 01-06 23:17:20.128 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1338. 01-06 23:17:20.128 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  1339. 01-06 23:17:20.147 I/art ( 3292): Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
  1340. 01-06 23:17:20.148 W/System ( 3292): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/me.phh.superuser-1/lib/arm64
  1341. 01-06 23:17:20.209 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1342. 01-06 23:17:20.211 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3292 to 1
  1343. 01-06 23:17:20.212 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3292
  1344. 01-06 23:17:20.217 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1345. 01-06 23:17:20.217 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1346. 01-06 23:17:20.217 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1347. 01-06 23:17:20.217 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1348. 01-06 23:17:20.219 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1349. 01-06 23:17:20.219 W/System.err( 1916): at$5.enqueueToast(
  1350. 01-06 23:17:20.219 W/System.err( 1916): at$Stub.onTransact(
  1351. 01-06 23:17:20.219 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  1352. 01-06 23:17:20.222 D/AndroidRuntime( 3271): Shutting down VM
  1353. 01-06 23:17:20.234 I/HAL ( 3292): loaded HAL id=gralloc path=/system/lib64/hw/ hmi=0x7fd0c3eb10 handle=0x7c70f5ad30
  1354. 01-06 23:17:20.259 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1355. 01-06 23:17:20.265 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1356. 01-06 23:17:20.282 I/Adreno ( 3292): QUALCOMM build : 7d18700, I8ee426a9a2
  1357. 01-06 23:17:20.282 I/Adreno ( 3292): Build Date : 10/11/16
  1358. 01-06 23:17:20.282 I/Adreno ( 3292): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03
  1359. 01-06 23:17:20.282 I/Adreno ( 3292): Local Branch : mybranch22454642
  1360. 01-06 23:17:20.282 I/Adreno ( 3292): Remote Branch : quic/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.5
  1361. 01-06 23:17:20.282 I/Adreno ( 3292): Remote Branch : NONE
  1362. 01-06 23:17:20.282 I/Adreno ( 3292): Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
  1363. 01-06 23:17:20.291 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3292): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1364. 01-06 23:17:20.293 D/OpenGLRenderer( 3292): Swap behavior 1
  1365. 01-06 23:17:20.297 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1366. 01-06 23:17:20.332 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1367. 01-06 23:17:20.345 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1368. 01-06 23:17:20.363 E/SchedPolicy( 1916): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1
  1369. 01-06 23:17:20.364 W/ActivityManager( 1916): Failed setting process group of 3235 to 0
  1370. 01-06 23:17:20.364 W/System.err( 1916): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument: 3235
  1371. 01-06 23:17:20.364 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Process.setProcessGroup(Native Method)
  1372. 01-06 23:17:20.365 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1373. 01-06 23:17:20.365 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1374. 01-06 23:17:20.365 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1375. 01-06 23:17:20.365 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1376. 01-06 23:17:20.366 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1377. 01-06 23:17:20.366 W/System.err( 1916): at$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.activityIdleInternal(
  1378. 01-06 23:17:20.366 W/System.err( 1916): at$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.handleMessage(
  1379. 01-06 23:17:20.366 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1380. 01-06 23:17:20.366 W/System.err( 1916): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1381. 01-06 23:17:20.367 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1382. 01-06 23:17:20.367 W/System.err( 1916): at
  1383. 01-06 23:17:20.373 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1384. 01-06 23:17:20.380 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1385. 01-06 23:17:20.395 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1386. 01-06 23:17:20.901 V/PhoneStatusBar( 3018): setLightsOn(true)
  1387. ======================= RADIO LOG ===================
  1388. 01-06 23:16:45.671 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1389. 01-06 23:16:45.672 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1390. 01-06 23:16:45.672 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1391. 01-06 23:16:45.672 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1392. 01-06 23:16:45.672 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1393. 01-06 23:16:45.673 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1394. 01-06 23:16:45.673 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1395. 01-06 23:16:45.673 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1396. 01-06 23:16:45.673 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1397. 01-06 23:16:45.673 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1398. 01-06 23:16:45.673 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
  1399. 01-06 23:16:45.673 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: android request id 109
  1400. 01-06 23:16:45.674 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: handling caps 40200010 hex
  1401. 01-06 23:16:45.674 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1402. 01-06 23:16:45.674 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
  1403. 01-06 23:16:45.674 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: .. params for Android request id 109 require no copy action (usually means empty payload)
  1404. 01-06 23:16:45.674 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
  1405. 01-06 23:16:45.674 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: clean family 0
  1406. 01-06 23:16:45.674 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
  1407. 01-06 23:16:45.675 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: android_request_param_holder fcac4f00 hex
  1408. 01-06 23:16:45.675 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
  1409. 01-06 23:16:45.675 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: token under exec 14863
  1410. 01-06 23:16:45.675 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: pre-exec token id 14863, a-r-id 109, audit 0, nrender 0
  1411. 01-06 23:16:45.675 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 14863
  1412. 01-06 23:16:45.675 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_execute_event: Need to spawn a dedicated thread for this event..Processing information
  1413. 01-06 23:16:45.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_get_cell_info_list_ncl: completed with 0
  1414. 01-06 23:16:45.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_destroy_android_live_params_copy: action to destroy cloned Android request parameters, a-r-id 109, appron 3
  1415. 01-06 23:16:45.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-39(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: ..exec res 0
  1416. 01-06 23:16:45.676 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
  1417. 01-06 23:16:45.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: .. params for Android request id 109 require no copy action (usually means empty payload)
  1418. 01-06 23:16:45.677 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
  1419. 01-06 23:16:45.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: ..operational state 3
  1420. 01-06 23:16:45.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: Calling dispatch event..
  1421. 01-06 23:16:45.677 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
  1422. 01-06 23:16:45.677 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
  1423. 01-06 23:16:45.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: ctx check 0
  1424. 01-06 23:16:45.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: ctx check 4
  1425. 01-06 23:16:45.680 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_info_process: rsp: f943a0c0, ts: fbd4cd78, resp: f943a078, len: f943a06c
  1426. 01-06 23:16:45.680 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: data: f9439ec8, data->parm1: fbd4cd78, data->input: f943a0c0
  1427. 01-06 23:16:45.681 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Running v12 conversion
  1428. 01-06 23:16:45.681 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE Intra-freq Cells found 3
  1429. 01-06 23:16:45.681 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE Inter-freq cells found: 2
  1430. 01-06 23:16:45.681 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE - GSM Neighbor Cells found: 0
  1431. 01-06 23:16:45.681 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE - WCDMA Neighbor Cells found: 0
  1432. 01-06 23:16:45.681 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: Total Cells found: 5
  1433. 01-06 23:16:45.682 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: CellInfo slots allocated: 5. Buflen: 360, buf: fcbd7000
  1434. 01-06 23:16:45.682 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_util_calculate_neighbor_cell_rssi_no_cache: cell_value: -851. radioif: 0x8
  1435. 01-06 23:16:45.682 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Serving cell rsrp: -1106. rsrq: -102. rssi: -851. srxlev: 0. output signal Strength: 14 ta: 31
  1436. 01-06 23:16:45.682 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Output rsrp: 110, rsrq: 10, rssnr: 2147483647, cqi: 2147483647, ta: 31
  1437. 01-06 23:16:45.682 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_util_calculate_neighbor_cell_rssi_no_cache: cell_value: -928. radioif: 0x8
  1438. 01-06 23:16:45.682 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Neighbor cell rsrp: 120. rssi: -928. srxlev: 0. output signal Strength: 11
  1439. 01-06 23:16:45.682 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_util_calculate_neighbor_cell_rssi_no_cache: cell_value: -974. radioif: 0x8
  1440. 01-06 23:16:45.683 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Neighbor cell rsrp: 128. rssi: -974. srxlev: 0. output signal Strength: 8
  1441. 01-06 23:16:45.683 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_util_calculate_neighbor_cell_rssi_no_cache: cell_value: -928. radioif: 0x8
  1442. 01-06 23:16:45.683 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Neighbor cell (inter) rsrp: 110. rssi: -851. srxlev: 0. output signal Strength: 11
  1443. 01-06 23:16:45.683 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_util_calculate_neighbor_cell_rssi_no_cache: cell_value: -928. radioif: 0x8
  1444. 01-06 23:16:45.683 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Neighbor cell (inter) rsrp: 110. rssi: -851. srxlev: 0. output signal Strength: 11
  1445. 01-06 23:16:45.683 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_info_process: >>CELL_LOCATION_INFO -> RIL_CellInfo_v12<< Successful
  1446. 01-06 23:16:45.684 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
  1447. 01-06 23:16:45.691 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 14863, Success, Len 360 ]
  1448. 01-06 23:16:45.691 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14863
  1449. 01-06 23:16:45.692 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14863
  1450. 01-06 23:16:45.692 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14863
  1451. 01-06 23:16:45.692 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 1
  1452. 01-06 23:16:45.692 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd faf6d450, cur trd f943b450
  1453. 01-06 23:16:45.692 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
  1454. 01-06 23:16:45.692 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
  1455. 01-06 23:16:45.692 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
  1456. 01-06 23:16:45.693 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 14863, completion token id 14863
  1457. 01-06 23:16:45.693 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 14863, req-id 109(109)
  1458. 01-06 23:16:45.693 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
  1459. 01-06 23:16:45.694 D/RILJ ( 3153): [8511]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=YES mTimeStampType=oem_ril mTimeStamp=56051979035528ns CellIdentityLte:{ mMcc=310 mMnc=260 mCi=6652437 mPci=197 mTac=41984 mEarfcn=5035} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=14 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-10 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=31}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStampType=oem_ril mTimeStamp=56051979035528ns CellIdentityLte:{ mMcc=2147483647 mMnc=2147483647 mCi=2147483647 mPci=195 mTac=2147483647 mEarfcn=5035} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=11 rsrp=-120 rsrq=-18 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStampType=oem_ril mTimeStamp=56051979035528ns CellIdentityLte:{ mMcc=2147483647 mMnc=2147483647 mCi=2147483647 mPci=329 mTac=2147483647 mEarfcn=5035} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=8 rsrp=-128 rsrq=-20 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStampType=oem_ril mTimeStamp=56051979035528ns CellIdentityLte:{ mMcc=2147483647 mMnc=2147483647 mCi=2147483647 mPci=2147483647 mTac=2147483647 mEarfcn=2147483647} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=11 rsrp=-117 rsrq=-15 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStampType=oem_ril mTimeStamp=56051979035528ns CellIdentityLte:{ mMcc=2147483647 mMnc=2147483647 mCi=2147483647 mPci=2147483647 mTac=2147483647 mEarfcn=2147483647} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=11 rsrp=-117 rsrq=-15 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647}] [SUB0]
  1460. 01-06 23:16:45.694 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
  1461. 01-06 23:16:45.694 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1462. 01-06 23:16:45.695 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1463. 01-06 23:16:45.695 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1464. 01-06 23:16:45.695 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1465. 01-06 23:16:45.695 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1466. 01-06 23:16:45.695 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1467. 01-06 23:16:45.695 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1468. 01-06 23:16:45.695 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1469. 01-06 23:16:45.695 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1470. 01-06 23:16:45.696 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1471. 01-06 23:16:45.696 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1472. 01-06 23:16:45.696 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1473. 01-06 23:16:45.696 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1474. 01-06 23:16:45.696 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1475. 01-06 23:16:45.696 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1476. 01-06 23:16:45.696 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1477. 01-06 23:16:45.697 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
  1478. 01-06 23:16:45.697 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_get_cell_info_list_ncl: completed with 0
  1479. 01-06 23:16:45.697 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_destroy_android_live_params_copy: action to destroy cloned Android request parameters, a-r-id 109, appron 3
  1480. 01-06 23:16:45.697 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-39(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: ..exec res 0
  1481. 01-06 23:16:45.701 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1482. 01-06 23:16:45.753 D/SST ( 3153): getCellLocation(): X good mCellLoc=[41984,6652437,-1]
  1483. 01-06 23:16:45.767 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1484. 01-06 23:16:45.767 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1485. 01-06 23:16:46.133 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1486. 01-06 23:16:46.345 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1487. 01-06 23:16:46.345 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1488. 01-06 23:16:46.446 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1489. 01-06 23:16:46.446 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1490. 01-06 23:16:50.404 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null
  1491. 01-06 23:16:50.422 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 3153): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=197, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 50
  1492. 01-06 23:16:50.424 D/PhoneSwitcher( 3153): evaluating due to netRequest
  1493. 01-06 23:16:50.426 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null
  1494. 01-06 23:16:50.439 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1495. 01-06 23:16:50.822 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null
  1496. 01-06 23:16:50.837 D/PhoneSwitcher( 3153): evaluating due to netReleased
  1497. 01-06 23:16:50.953 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1498. 01-06 23:16:52.002 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (40 bytes)(obj 0x7cf88210c0)
  1499. 01-06 23:16:52.003 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  1500. 01-06 23:16:52.004 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (655396)(obj 0x7cf88210c0)
  1501. 01-06 23:16:52.004 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS(655396), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  1502. 01-06 23:16:52.005 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  1503. 01-06 23:16:52.005 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: invoked msg 0x51
  1504. 01-06 23:16:52.006 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  1505. 01-06 23:16:52.006 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_sig_info_ind_conv_qmi2ril: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  1506. 01-06 23:16:52.007 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  1507. 01-06 23:16:52.007 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  1508. 01-06 23:16:52.008 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity err rate GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0
  1509. 01-06 23:16:52.008 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  1510. 01-06 23:16:52.009 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1511. 01-06 23:16:52.009 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  1512. 01-06 23:16:52.010 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1513. 01-06 23:16:52.010 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  1514. 01-06 23:16:52.011 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1515. 01-06 23:16:52.013 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  1516. 01-06 23:16:52.014 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1517. 01-06 23:16:52.014 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  1518. 01-06 23:16:52.015 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1519. 01-06 23:16:52.015 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  1520. 01-06 23:16:52.016 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1521. 01-06 23:16:52.016 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  1522. 01-06 23:16:52.017 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1523. 01-06 23:16:52.017 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  1524. 01-06 23:16:52.018 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  1525. 01-06 23:16:52.018 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  1526. 01-06 23:16:52.019 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  1527. 01-06 23:16:52.019 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1528. 01-06 23:16:52.019 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..qmi_request_need_sig_info-0, qmi_request_need_err_rate-0
  1529. 01-06 23:16:52.020 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_send_known_signal_strength: .. Fetch sig strength info 0
  1530. 01-06 23:16:52.020 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  1531. 01-06 23:16:52.021 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1532. 01-06 23:16:52.022 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  1533. 01-06 23:16:52.022 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1534. 01-06 23:16:52.022 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  1535. 01-06 23:16:52.023 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1536. 01-06 23:16:52.023 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  1537. 01-06 23:16:52.024 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1538. 01-06 23:16:52.024 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  1539. 01-06 23:16:52.025 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1540. 01-06 23:16:52.025 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  1541. 01-06 23:16:52.026 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1542. 01-06 23:16:52.026 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  1543. 01-06 23:16:52.027 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1544. 01-06 23:16:52.027 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  1545. 01-06 23:16:52.027 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  1546. 01-06 23:16:52.028 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  1547. 01-06 23:16:52.028 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  1548. 01-06 23:16:52.029 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1549. 01-06 23:16:52.029 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  1550. 01-06 23:16:52.030 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
  1551. 01-06 23:16:52.030 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
  1552. 01-06 23:16:52.031 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
  1553. 01-06 23:16:52.033 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  1554. 01-06 23:16:52.033 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  1555. 01-06 23:16:52.033 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  1556. 01-06 23:16:52.033 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  1557. 01-06 23:16:52.034 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  1558. 01-06 23:16:52.034 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 14, rsrp 111, rsrq 12, rsnnr 44
  1559. 01-06 23:16:52.034 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  1560. 01-06 23:16:52.036 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: .. operational state 3
  1561. 01-06 23:16:52.036 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS, err_no 0
  1562. 01-06 23:16:52.036 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  1563. 01-06 23:16:52.454 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: ENTRY
  1564. 01-06 23:16:52.454 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb 1 ind
  1565. 01-06 23:16:52.455 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: process QMI_WDS_EVENT_REPORT_IND_V01
  1566. 01-06 23:16:52.455 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  1567. 01-06 23:16:52.456 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK (327683)(obj 0x7cf8821100)
  1568. 01-06 23:16:52.456 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK(327683), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  1569. 01-06 23:16:52.457 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  1570. 01-06 23:16:52.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK (664 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821100)
  1571. 01-06 23:16:52.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: EXIT
  1572. 01-06 23:16:52.459 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: ENTRY
  1573. 01-06 23:16:52.460 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: entry
  1574. 01-06 23:16:52.460 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: Handling ind [1]
  1575. 01-06 23:16:52.461 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: PHYSLINK went dormant
  1576. 01-06 23:16:52.461 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_all_calls_dormant: Dormancy status for inst: 0, wds_hndl 0xce, status: 1
  1577. 01-06 23:16:52.462 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: qcril_data_post_qmi_events: entry
  1578. 01-06 23:16:52.462 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: >>>Mem debug>>> event obj alloc [0x7cf8630800]
  1579. 01-06 23:16:52.463 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK (9672 bytes)(obj 0x7cf88210c0)
  1580. 01-06 23:16:52.463 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: qcril_data_post_qmi_events: exit with success
  1581. 01-06 23:16:52.464 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: exit with success
  1582. 01-06 23:16:52.464 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: EXIT
  1583. 01-06 23:16:52.465 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK, err_no 0
  1584. 01-06 23:16:52.465 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK (327682)(obj 0x7cf88210c0)
  1585. 01-06 23:16:52.466 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK(327682), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  1586. 01-06 23:16:52.466 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  1587. 01-06 23:16:52.469 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: qcril_data_event_hdlr: ENTRY
  1588. 01-06 23:16:52.470 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: >>>Mem debug>>> event obj [0x7cf8630800]
  1589. 01-06 23:16:52.470 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: >>>Mem debug>>> info_tbl [0x7cfbd67b60]
  1590. 01-06 23:16:52.470 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: RIL REQ NOT pend
  1591. 01-06 23:16:52.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: <<<DSI_EVT_PHYSLINK_DOWN_STATE: processing Started<<<
  1592. 01-06 23:16:52.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_data_control_cb: .. 2
  1593. 01-06 23:16:52.473 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
  1594. 01-06 23:16:52.474 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 4812
  1595. 01-06 23:16:52.474 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_client_notify: Posting event[2] payload[0x0] to client[ffff0000]
  1596. 01-06 23:16:52.475 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_all_calls_dormant: Dormancy status for inst: 0, wds_hndl 0xce, status: 1
  1597. 01-06 23:16:52.475 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: ENTRY
  1598. 01-06 23:16:52.476 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: sending RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED
  1599. 01-06 23:16:52.476 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_get_active_call_list: active call table size:[1] start from: [0xfca39590]
  1600. 01-06 23:16:52.477 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_get_active_call_list: EXIT with succ
  1601. 01-06 23:16:52.478 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED (1010) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 72, (null)]
  1602. 01-06 23:16:52.484 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: free memory
  1603. 01-06 23:16:52.484 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: EXIT with succ
  1604. 01-06 23:16:52.485 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: try event obj dealloc
  1605. 01-06 23:16:52.485 D/RILJ ( 3153): Unsol response received for UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED Sending ack to ril.cpp [SUB0]
  1606. 01-06 23:16:52.485 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: qcril_data_event_hdlr: EXIT with suc
  1607. 01-06 23:16:52.486 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK, err_no 0
  1608. 01-06 23:16:52.486 D/RILJ ( 3153): responseDataCallList ver=11 num=1 [SUB0]
  1609. 01-06 23:16:52.487 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  1610. 01-06 23:16:52.487 D/RILJ ( 3153): [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=1 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}] [SUB0]
  1611. 01-06 23:16:52.493 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsList=[DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=1 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}] mDcListActiveByCid={0={DC-2: State=DcActiveState mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false RefCount=1 mCid=0 mCreateTime=-1 mLastastFailTime=-1 mLastFailCause=NONE mTag=32 mLinkProperties={InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::48e6:3b7f:d965:701b rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576} linkCapabilities=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>] mRestrictedNetworkOverride=false mApnContexts={{mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=connected mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}={mTag=32 mApnContext={mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=connected mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} mProfileId=0 mRat=14 mOnCompletedMsg={what=0x42000 when=-15h34m18s791ms obj=Pair{{mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=connected mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} 23} target=Handler ( {7662240} replyTo=null}}}}}
  1612. 01-06 23:16:52.494 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsToRetry=[]
  1613. 01-06 23:16:52.498 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: Found ConnId=0 newState=DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=1 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}
  1614. 01-06 23:16:52.498 D/DataCallResponse( 3153): addr/pl=2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64
  1615. 01-06 23:16:52.499 D/DC-2 ( 3153): MTU set by call response to: 1500
  1616. 01-06 23:16:52.499 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: no change
  1617. 01-06 23:16:52.499 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: Data Activity updated to DORMANT. stopNetStatePoll
  1618. 01-06 23:16:52.500 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsToRetry=[] apnsToCleanup=[]
  1619. 01-06 23:16:52.500 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]stopNetStatPoll
  1620. 01-06 23:16:52.506 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setActivity = DORMANT
  1621. 01-06 23:16:57.435 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (40 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821180)
  1622. 01-06 23:16:57.435 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  1623. 01-06 23:16:57.435 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (655396)(obj 0x7cf8821180)
  1624. 01-06 23:16:57.436 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS(655396), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  1625. 01-06 23:16:57.436 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  1626. 01-06 23:16:57.436 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: invoked msg 0x51
  1627. 01-06 23:16:57.437 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  1628. 01-06 23:16:57.437 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_sig_info_ind_conv_qmi2ril: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  1629. 01-06 23:16:57.437 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  1630. 01-06 23:16:57.437 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  1631. 01-06 23:16:57.438 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity err rate GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0
  1632. 01-06 23:16:57.438 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  1633. 01-06 23:16:57.438 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1634. 01-06 23:16:57.438 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  1635. 01-06 23:16:57.439 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1636. 01-06 23:16:57.439 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  1637. 01-06 23:16:57.439 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1638. 01-06 23:16:57.439 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  1639. 01-06 23:16:57.439 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1640. 01-06 23:16:57.440 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  1641. 01-06 23:16:57.440 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1642. 01-06 23:16:57.440 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  1643. 01-06 23:16:57.440 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1644. 01-06 23:16:57.441 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  1645. 01-06 23:16:57.443 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1646. 01-06 23:16:57.444 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  1647. 01-06 23:16:57.444 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  1648. 01-06 23:16:57.444 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  1649. 01-06 23:16:57.444 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  1650. 01-06 23:16:57.444 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1651. 01-06 23:16:57.445 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..qmi_request_need_sig_info-0, qmi_request_need_err_rate-0
  1652. 01-06 23:16:57.445 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_send_known_signal_strength: .. Fetch sig strength info 0
  1653. 01-06 23:16:57.445 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  1654. 01-06 23:16:57.445 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1655. 01-06 23:16:57.446 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  1656. 01-06 23:16:57.446 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1657. 01-06 23:16:57.446 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  1658. 01-06 23:16:57.446 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1659. 01-06 23:16:57.446 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  1660. 01-06 23:16:57.447 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1661. 01-06 23:16:57.447 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  1662. 01-06 23:16:57.447 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1663. 01-06 23:16:57.448 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  1664. 01-06 23:16:57.448 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1665. 01-06 23:16:57.449 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  1666. 01-06 23:16:57.449 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1667. 01-06 23:16:57.449 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  1668. 01-06 23:16:57.449 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  1669. 01-06 23:16:57.450 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  1670. 01-06 23:16:57.450 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  1671. 01-06 23:16:57.450 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1672. 01-06 23:16:57.450 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  1673. 01-06 23:16:57.451 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
  1674. 01-06 23:16:57.451 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
  1675. 01-06 23:16:57.452 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
  1676. 01-06 23:16:57.452 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  1677. 01-06 23:16:57.452 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  1678. 01-06 23:16:57.452 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  1679. 01-06 23:16:57.456 D/ImsManager(22740): GBA capable=true, ISF=e200
  1680. 01-06 23:16:57.517 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  1681. 01-06 23:16:57.517 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  1682. 01-06 23:16:57.517 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 13, rsrp 111, rsrq 9, rsnnr 38
  1683. 01-06 23:16:57.518 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  1684. 01-06 23:16:57.519 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: .. operational state 3
  1685. 01-06 23:16:57.519 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS, err_no 0
  1686. 01-06 23:16:57.519 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  1687. 01-06 23:16:57.529 D/ImsManager(22740): getWfcMode - setting=2
  1688. 01-06 23:16:57.612 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null
  1689. 01-06 23:16:58.440 D/RILJ ( 3153): [8513]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
  1690. 01-06 23:16:58.445 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 14865, data len 0]
  1691. 01-06 23:16:58.446 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
  1692. 01-06 23:16:58.446 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: android request id 109
  1693. 01-06 23:16:58.446 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: handling caps 40200010 hex
  1694. 01-06 23:16:58.446 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
  1695. 01-06 23:16:58.446 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: .. params for Android request id 109 require no copy action (usually means empty payload)
  1696. 01-06 23:16:58.447 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
  1697. 01-06 23:16:58.447 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: clean family 0
  1698. 01-06 23:16:58.447 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
  1699. 01-06 23:16:58.447 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: android_request_param_holder fcac4f00 hex
  1700. 01-06 23:16:58.447 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
  1701. 01-06 23:16:58.447 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: token under exec 14865
  1702. 01-06 23:16:58.448 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: pre-exec token id 14865, a-r-id 109, audit 0, nrender 0
  1703. 01-06 23:16:58.448 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 14865
  1704. 01-06 23:16:58.448 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_execute_event: Need to spawn a dedicated thread for this event..Processing information
  1705. 01-06 23:16:58.448 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
  1706. 01-06 23:16:58.448 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: .. params for Android request id 109 require no copy action (usually means empty payload)
  1707. 01-06 23:16:58.449 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
  1708. 01-06 23:16:58.449 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
  1709. 01-06 23:16:58.449 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
  1710. 01-06 23:16:58.449 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: ..operational state 3
  1711. 01-06 23:16:58.450 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: Calling dispatch event..
  1712. 01-06 23:16:58.457 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: ctx check 0
  1713. 01-06 23:16:58.457 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: ctx check 4
  1714. 01-06 23:16:58.457 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_info_process: rsp: f943a0c0, ts: fbd4cd78, resp: f943a078, len: f943a06c
  1715. 01-06 23:16:58.457 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: data: f9439ec8, data->parm1: fbd4cd78, data->input: f943a0c0
  1716. 01-06 23:16:58.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Running v12 conversion
  1717. 01-06 23:16:58.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE Intra-freq Cells found 1
  1718. 01-06 23:16:58.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE Inter-freq cells found: 0
  1719. 01-06 23:16:58.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE - GSM Neighbor Cells found: 0
  1720. 01-06 23:16:58.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE - WCDMA Neighbor Cells found: 0
  1721. 01-06 23:16:58.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: Total Cells found: 1
  1722. 01-06 23:16:58.458 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: CellInfo slots allocated: 1. Buflen: 72, buf: fca393b0
  1723. 01-06 23:16:58.459 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_util_calculate_neighbor_cell_rssi_no_cache: cell_value: -834. radioif: 0x8
  1724. 01-06 23:16:58.459 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Serving cell rsrp: -1087. rsrq: -114. rssi: -834. srxlev: 15. output signal Strength: 15 ta: -1
  1725. 01-06 23:16:58.459 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Output rsrp: 108, rsrq: 11, rssnr: 2147483647, cqi: 2147483647, ta: 2147483647
  1726. 01-06 23:16:58.459 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_info_process: >>CELL_LOCATION_INFO -> RIL_CellInfo_v12<< Successful
  1727. 01-06 23:16:58.459 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
  1728. 01-06 23:16:58.480 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 14865, Success, Len 72 ]
  1729. 01-06 23:16:58.481 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14865
  1730. 01-06 23:16:58.481 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14865
  1731. 01-06 23:16:58.481 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14865
  1732. 01-06 23:16:58.482 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 1
  1733. 01-06 23:16:58.482 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd faf6d450, cur trd f943b450
  1734. 01-06 23:16:58.482 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
  1735. 01-06 23:16:58.482 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
  1736. 01-06 23:16:58.483 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
  1737. 01-06 23:16:58.483 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 14865, completion token id 14865
  1738. 01-06 23:16:58.483 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 14865, req-id 109(109)
  1739. 01-06 23:16:58.483 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
  1740. 01-06 23:16:58.485 D/RILJ ( 3153): [8513]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=YES mTimeStampType=oem_ril mTimeStamp=56064756154586ns CellIdentityLte:{ mMcc=310 mMnc=260 mCi=6652437 mPci=197 mTac=41984 mEarfcn=5035} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=15 rsrp=-108 rsrq=-11 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647}] [SUB0]
  1741. 01-06 23:16:58.486 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1742. 01-06 23:16:58.486 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
  1743. 01-06 23:16:58.487 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1744. 01-06 23:16:58.487 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1745. 01-06 23:16:58.487 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1746. 01-06 23:16:58.487 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1747. 01-06 23:16:58.487 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1748. 01-06 23:16:58.487 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1749. 01-06 23:16:58.487 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1750. 01-06 23:16:58.488 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1751. 01-06 23:16:58.488 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1752. 01-06 23:16:58.489 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1753. 01-06 23:16:58.489 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1754. 01-06 23:16:58.489 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1755. 01-06 23:16:58.489 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1756. 01-06 23:16:58.489 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1757. 01-06 23:16:58.490 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1758. 01-06 23:16:58.490 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1759. 01-06 23:16:58.492 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
  1760. 01-06 23:16:58.493 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_get_cell_info_list_ncl: completed with 0
  1761. 01-06 23:16:58.493 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_destroy_android_live_params_copy: action to destroy cloned Android request parameters, a-r-id 109, appron 3
  1762. 01-06 23:16:58.493 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-39(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: ..exec res 0
  1763. 01-06 23:16:58.501 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1764. 01-06 23:16:58.502 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1765. 01-06 23:16:58.540 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1766. 01-06 23:16:58.540 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1767. 01-06 23:16:59.268 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null
  1768. 01-06 23:16:59.276 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1769. 01-06 23:16:59.287 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1770. 01-06 23:16:59.472 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]Wifi state changed
  1771. 01-06 23:16:59.472 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
  1772. 01-06 23:17:00.001 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (40 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821200)
  1773. 01-06 23:17:00.002 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  1774. 01-06 23:17:00.003 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (655396)(obj 0x7cf8821200)
  1775. 01-06 23:17:00.004 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS(655396), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  1776. 01-06 23:17:00.004 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  1777. 01-06 23:17:00.005 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: invoked msg 0x51
  1778. 01-06 23:17:00.005 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  1779. 01-06 23:17:00.006 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_sig_info_ind_conv_qmi2ril: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  1780. 01-06 23:17:00.006 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  1781. 01-06 23:17:00.007 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  1782. 01-06 23:17:00.007 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity err rate GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0
  1783. 01-06 23:17:00.008 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  1784. 01-06 23:17:00.008 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1785. 01-06 23:17:00.009 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  1786. 01-06 23:17:00.010 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1787. 01-06 23:17:00.010 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  1788. 01-06 23:17:00.011 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1789. 01-06 23:17:00.013 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  1790. 01-06 23:17:00.014 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1791. 01-06 23:17:00.015 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  1792. 01-06 23:17:00.015 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1793. 01-06 23:17:00.016 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  1794. 01-06 23:17:00.016 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1795. 01-06 23:17:00.017 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  1796. 01-06 23:17:00.017 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1797. 01-06 23:17:00.018 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  1798. 01-06 23:17:00.018 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  1799. 01-06 23:17:00.019 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  1800. 01-06 23:17:00.019 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  1801. 01-06 23:17:00.020 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1802. 01-06 23:17:00.021 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..qmi_request_need_sig_info-0, qmi_request_need_err_rate-0
  1803. 01-06 23:17:00.021 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_send_known_signal_strength: .. Fetch sig strength info 0
  1804. 01-06 23:17:00.022 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  1805. 01-06 23:17:00.022 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1806. 01-06 23:17:00.023 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  1807. 01-06 23:17:00.023 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1808. 01-06 23:17:00.024 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  1809. 01-06 23:17:00.024 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1810. 01-06 23:17:00.025 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  1811. 01-06 23:17:00.026 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1812. 01-06 23:17:00.026 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  1813. 01-06 23:17:00.027 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1814. 01-06 23:17:00.027 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  1815. 01-06 23:17:00.028 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  1816. 01-06 23:17:00.028 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  1817. 01-06 23:17:00.029 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1818. 01-06 23:17:00.029 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  1819. 01-06 23:17:00.030 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  1820. 01-06 23:17:00.030 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  1821. 01-06 23:17:00.031 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  1822. 01-06 23:17:00.032 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  1823. 01-06 23:17:00.032 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  1824. 01-06 23:17:00.032 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
  1825. 01-06 23:17:00.033 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
  1826. 01-06 23:17:00.033 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
  1827. 01-06 23:17:00.033 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  1828. 01-06 23:17:00.033 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  1829. 01-06 23:17:00.034 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  1830. 01-06 23:17:00.034 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  1831. 01-06 23:17:00.034 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  1832. 01-06 23:17:00.034 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 15, rsrp 109, rsrq 12, rsnnr 46
  1833. 01-06 23:17:00.035 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  1834. 01-06 23:17:00.035 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: .. operational state 3
  1835. 01-06 23:17:00.036 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS, err_no 0
  1836. 01-06 23:17:00.036 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  1837. 01-06 23:17:00.488 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]Wifi state changed
  1838. 01-06 23:17:00.490 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=true mIsWifiConnected=false
  1839. 01-06 23:17:00.544 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1840. 01-06 23:17:03.278 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1841. 01-06 23:17:03.365 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1842. 01-06 23:17:03.431 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1843. 01-06 23:17:03.434 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1844. 01-06 23:17:03.498 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1845. 01-06 23:17:03.501 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1846. 01-06 23:17:03.505 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1847. 01-06 23:17:03.657 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  1848. 01-06 23:17:03.688 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  1849. 01-06 23:17:03.698 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  1850. 01-06 23:17:03.805 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1851. 01-06 23:17:03.823 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: ENTRY
  1852. 01-06 23:17:03.824 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb 1 ind
  1853. 01-06 23:17:03.824 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: process QMI_WDS_EVENT_REPORT_IND_V01
  1854. 01-06 23:17:03.824 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK (664 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821040)
  1855. 01-06 23:17:03.824 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: EXIT
  1856. 01-06 23:17:03.824 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  1857. 01-06 23:17:03.825 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK (327683)(obj 0x7cf8821040)
  1858. 01-06 23:17:03.825 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK(327683), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  1859. 01-06 23:17:03.825 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  1860. 01-06 23:17:03.825 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: ENTRY
  1861. 01-06 23:17:03.825 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: entry
  1862. 01-06 23:17:03.825 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: Handling ind [1]
  1863. 01-06 23:17:03.826 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: PHYSLINK went active
  1864. 01-06 23:17:03.826 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: qcril_data_post_qmi_events: entry
  1865. 01-06 23:17:03.826 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: >>>Mem debug>>> event obj alloc [0x7cf8630800]
  1866. 01-06 23:17:03.826 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK (9672 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821200)
  1867. 01-06 23:17:03.826 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: qcril_data_post_qmi_events: exit with success
  1868. 01-06 23:17:03.826 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: exit with success
  1869. 01-06 23:17:03.827 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: EXIT
  1870. 01-06 23:17:03.827 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK, err_no 0
  1871. 01-06 23:17:03.827 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK (327682)(obj 0x7cf8821200)
  1872. 01-06 23:17:03.827 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK(327682), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  1873. 01-06 23:17:03.827 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  1874. 01-06 23:17:03.828 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1875. 01-06 23:17:03.828 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: qcril_data_event_hdlr: ENTRY
  1876. 01-06 23:17:03.828 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: >>>Mem debug>>> event obj [0x7cf8630800]
  1877. 01-06 23:17:03.828 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: >>>Mem debug>>> info_tbl [0x7cfbd67b60]
  1878. 01-06 23:17:03.829 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: RIL REQ NOT pend
  1879. 01-06 23:17:03.829 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: <<<DSI_EVT_PHYSLINK_UP_STATE: processing Started<<<
  1880. 01-06 23:17:03.829 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_data_control_cb: .. 1
  1881. 01-06 23:17:03.829 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
  1882. 01-06 23:17:03.829 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 4813
  1883. 01-06 23:17:03.829 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_client_notify: Posting event[1] payload[0x0] to client[ffff0000]
  1884. 01-06 23:17:03.830 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: ENTRY
  1885. 01-06 23:17:03.830 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: sending RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED
  1886. 01-06 23:17:03.830 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_get_active_call_list: active call table size:[1] start from: [0xfca39590]
  1887. 01-06 23:17:03.830 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_get_active_call_list: EXIT with succ
  1888. 01-06 23:17:03.830 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED (1010) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 72, (null)]
  1889. 01-06 23:17:03.833 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: free memory
  1890. 01-06 23:17:03.833 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: EXIT with succ
  1891. 01-06 23:17:03.833 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: try event obj dealloc
  1892. 01-06 23:17:03.833 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: qcril_data_event_hdlr: EXIT with suc
  1893. 01-06 23:17:03.833 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK, err_no 0
  1894. 01-06 23:17:03.833 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  1895. 01-06 23:17:03.834 D/RILJ ( 3153): Unsol response received for UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED Sending ack to ril.cpp [SUB0]
  1896. 01-06 23:17:03.834 D/RILJ ( 3153): responseDataCallList ver=11 num=1 [SUB0]
  1897. 01-06 23:17:03.835 D/RILJ ( 3153): [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=2 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}] [SUB0]
  1898. 01-06 23:17:03.836 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsList=[DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=2 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}] mDcListActiveByCid={0={DC-2: State=DcActiveState mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false RefCount=1 mCid=0 mCreateTime=-1 mLastastFailTime=-1 mLastFailCause=NONE mTag=32 mLinkProperties={InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::48e6:3b7f:d965:701b rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576} linkCapabilities=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>] mRestrictedNetworkOverride=false mApnContexts={{mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=connected mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}={mTag=32 mApnContext={mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=connected mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} mProfileId=0 mRat=14 mOnCompletedMsg={what=0x42000 when=-15h34m30s134ms obj=Pair{{mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=connected mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} 23} target=Handler ( {7662240} replyTo=null}}}}}
  1899. 01-06 23:17:03.836 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsToRetry=[]
  1900. 01-06 23:17:03.836 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: Found ConnId=0 newState=DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=2 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}
  1901. 01-06 23:17:03.837 D/DataCallResponse( 3153): addr/pl=2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64
  1902. 01-06 23:17:03.837 D/DC-2 ( 3153): MTU set by call response to: 1500
  1903. 01-06 23:17:03.837 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: no change
  1904. 01-06 23:17:03.837 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: Data Activity updated to NONE. isAnyDataCallActive = true isAnyDataCallDormant = false
  1905. 01-06 23:17:03.838 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsToRetry=[] apnsToCleanup=[]
  1906. 01-06 23:17:03.838 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]startNetStatPoll
  1907. 01-06 23:17:03.846 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setActivity = NONE
  1908. 01-06 23:17:03.927 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: is_current 1
  1909. 01-06 23:17:03.927 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: is_dsd 1
  1910. 01-06 23:17:03.927 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: Report DSD technology Index 0
  1911. 01-06 23:17:03.928 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: technology 0 rat_value 3 so_mask 0x0000000000001000
  1912. 01-06 23:17:03.928 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: before translation : pref_data_tech UNKNOWN
  1913. 01-06 23:17:03.928 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_convert_rat_mask_to_technology: technology LTE
  1914. 01-06 23:17:03.928 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: after translation : pref_data_tech LTE technology 14
  1915. 01-06 23:17:03.928 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_nw_reg_data_reg_snapshot_validity_tmr_expry_handler: is cache still valid 1, pref data tech is extrap 0, need upd 0, need peep guard 0
  1916. 01-06 23:17:04.026 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 3153): onReleaseNetworkFor NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  1917. 01-06 23:17:04.029 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]onEnableApn: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=connected mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} call applyNewState
  1918. 01-06 23:17:04.030 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]applyNewState(default, false(true), true(true))
  1919. 01-06 23:17:04.072 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1920. 01-06 23:17:04.088 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  1921. 01-06 23:17:04.168 D/RILJ ( 3153): [8515]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
  1922. 01-06 23:17:04.170 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 14867, data len 0]
  1923. 01-06 23:17:04.171 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
  1924. 01-06 23:17:04.171 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: android request id 109
  1925. 01-06 23:17:04.171 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: handling caps 40200010 hex
  1926. 01-06 23:17:04.171 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
  1927. 01-06 23:17:04.171 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: .. params for Android request id 109 require no copy action (usually means empty payload)
  1928. 01-06 23:17:04.171 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
  1929. 01-06 23:17:04.172 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: clean family 0
  1930. 01-06 23:17:04.172 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
  1931. 01-06 23:17:04.172 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: android_request_param_holder fcac4f00 hex
  1932. 01-06 23:17:04.172 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
  1933. 01-06 23:17:04.172 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: token under exec 14867
  1934. 01-06 23:17:04.172 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: pre-exec token id 14867, a-r-id 109, audit 0, nrender 0
  1935. 01-06 23:17:04.172 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 14867
  1936. 01-06 23:17:04.173 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_execute_event: Need to spawn a dedicated thread for this event..Processing information
  1937. 01-06 23:17:04.173 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
  1938. 01-06 23:17:04.173 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: .. params for Android request id 109 require no copy action (usually means empty payload)
  1939. 01-06 23:17:04.173 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
  1940. 01-06 23:17:04.173 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
  1941. 01-06 23:17:04.174 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][main] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
  1942. 01-06 23:17:04.174 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: ..operational state 3
  1943. 01-06 23:17:04.174 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: Calling dispatch event..
  1944. 01-06 23:17:04.179 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: ctx check 0
  1945. 01-06 23:17:04.180 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: ctx check 4
  1946. 01-06 23:17:04.180 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_info_process: rsp: f943a0c0, ts: fbd4cd78, resp: f943a078, len: f943a06c
  1947. 01-06 23:17:04.180 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: data: f9439ec8, data->parm1: fbd4cd78, data->input: f943a0c0
  1948. 01-06 23:17:04.180 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Running v12 conversion
  1949. 01-06 23:17:04.180 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE Intra-freq Cells found 2
  1950. 01-06 23:17:04.180 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE Inter-freq cells found: 0
  1951. 01-06 23:17:04.181 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE - GSM Neighbor Cells found: 0
  1952. 01-06 23:17:04.181 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: LTE - WCDMA Neighbor Cells found: 0
  1953. 01-06 23:17:04.181 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_count_cell_location_info_cells: Total Cells found: 2
  1954. 01-06 23:17:04.181 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: CellInfo slots allocated: 2. Buflen: 144, buf: fca4e040
  1955. 01-06 23:17:04.181 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_util_calculate_neighbor_cell_rssi_no_cache: cell_value: -869. radioif: 0x8
  1956. 01-06 23:17:04.181 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Serving cell rsrp: -1100. rsrq: -92. rssi: -869. srxlev: 0. output signal Strength: 14 ta: 31
  1957. 01-06 23:17:04.181 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Output rsrp: 110, rsrq: 9, rssnr: 2147483647, cqi: 2147483647, ta: 31
  1958. 01-06 23:17:04.182 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_util_calculate_neighbor_cell_rssi_no_cache: cell_value: -927. radioif: 0x8
  1959. 01-06 23:17:04.182 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_location_to_ril_cell_info_v12: Neighbor cell rsrp: 120. rssi: -927. srxlev: 0. output signal Strength: 11
  1960. 01-06 23:17:04.182 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_cell_info_process: >>CELL_LOCATION_INFO -> RIL_CellInfo_v12<< Successful
  1961. 01-06 23:17:04.182 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
  1962. 01-06 23:17:04.194 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 14867, Success, Len 144 ]
  1963. 01-06 23:17:04.195 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14867
  1964. 01-06 23:17:04.195 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14867
  1965. 01-06 23:17:04.195 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 14867
  1966. 01-06 23:17:04.195 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 1
  1967. 01-06 23:17:04.195 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd faf6d450, cur trd f943b450
  1968. 01-06 23:17:04.195 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
  1969. 01-06 23:17:04.196 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
  1970. 01-06 23:17:04.196 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
  1971. 01-06 23:17:04.196 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 14867, completion token id 14867
  1972. 01-06 23:17:04.196 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 14867, req-id 109(109)
  1973. 01-06 23:17:04.196 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
  1974. 01-06 23:17:04.197 D/RILJ ( 3153): [8515]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=YES mTimeStampType=oem_ril mTimeStamp=56070478625573ns CellIdentityLte:{ mMcc=310 mMnc=260 mCi=6652437 mPci=197 mTac=41984 mEarfcn=5035} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=14 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-9 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=31}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStampType=oem_ril mTimeStamp=56070478625573ns CellIdentityLte:{ mMcc=2147483647 mMnc=2147483647 mCi=2147483647 mPci=195 mTac=2147483647 mEarfcn=5035} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=11 rsrp=-120 rsrq=-18 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647}] [SUB0]
  1975. 01-06 23:17:04.198 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
  1976. 01-06 23:17:04.198 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1977. 01-06 23:17:04.198 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1978. 01-06 23:17:04.198 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1979. 01-06 23:17:04.198 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1980. 01-06 23:17:04.198 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1981. 01-06 23:17:04.198 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1982. 01-06 23:17:04.199 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1983. 01-06 23:17:04.199 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1984. 01-06 23:17:04.199 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1985. 01-06 23:17:04.199 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1986. 01-06 23:17:04.199 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1987. 01-06 23:17:04.199 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1988. 01-06 23:17:04.199 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1989. 01-06 23:17:04.200 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1990. 01-06 23:17:04.200 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1991. 01-06 23:17:04.200 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
  1992. 01-06 23:17:04.200 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
  1993. 01-06 23:17:04.200 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qcril_qmi_nas_get_cell_info_list_ncl: completed with 0
  1994. 01-06 23:17:04.200 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-109(856)] qmi_ril_fw_destroy_android_live_params_copy: action to destroy cloned Android request parameters, a-r-id 109, appron 3
  1995. 01-06 23:17:04.200 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][cmd-39(856)] qmi_ril_fw_dedicated_request_exec_thread: ..exec res 0
  1996. 01-06 23:17:04.204 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1997. 01-06 23:17:04.327 D/SST ( 3153): getCellLocation(): X good mCellLoc=[41984,6652437,-1]
  1998. 01-06 23:17:04.344 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  1999. 01-06 23:17:04.357 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  2000. 01-06 23:17:04.471 D/SST ( 3153): getCellLocation(): X good mCellLoc=[41984,6652437,-1]
  2001. 01-06 23:17:04.475 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  2002. 01-06 23:17:04.475 D/SST ( 3153): SST.getAllCellInfo(): return last, back to back calls
  2003. 01-06 23:17:04.675 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (40 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821240)
  2004. 01-06 23:17:04.675 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  2005. 01-06 23:17:04.675 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (655396)(obj 0x7cf8821240)
  2006. 01-06 23:17:04.676 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS(655396), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  2007. 01-06 23:17:04.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  2008. 01-06 23:17:04.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: invoked msg 0x51
  2009. 01-06 23:17:04.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2010. 01-06 23:17:04.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_sig_info_ind_conv_qmi2ril: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2011. 01-06 23:17:04.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2012. 01-06 23:17:04.676 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2013. 01-06 23:17:04.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity err rate GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0
  2014. 01-06 23:17:04.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2015. 01-06 23:17:04.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2016. 01-06 23:17:04.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2017. 01-06 23:17:04.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2018. 01-06 23:17:04.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2019. 01-06 23:17:04.677 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2020. 01-06 23:17:04.678 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2021. 01-06 23:17:04.678 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2022. 01-06 23:17:04.678 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2023. 01-06 23:17:04.678 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2024. 01-06 23:17:04.678 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2025. 01-06 23:17:04.678 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2026. 01-06 23:17:04.678 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2027. 01-06 23:17:04.678 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2028. 01-06 23:17:04.679 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2029. 01-06 23:17:04.679 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2030. 01-06 23:17:04.679 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2031. 01-06 23:17:04.679 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2032. 01-06 23:17:04.679 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2033. 01-06 23:17:04.679 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..qmi_request_need_sig_info-0, qmi_request_need_err_rate-0
  2034. 01-06 23:17:04.679 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_send_known_signal_strength: .. Fetch sig strength info 0
  2035. 01-06 23:17:04.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2036. 01-06 23:17:04.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2037. 01-06 23:17:04.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2038. 01-06 23:17:04.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2039. 01-06 23:17:04.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2040. 01-06 23:17:04.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2041. 01-06 23:17:04.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2042. 01-06 23:17:04.680 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2043. 01-06 23:17:04.681 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2044. 01-06 23:17:04.681 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2045. 01-06 23:17:04.681 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2046. 01-06 23:17:04.681 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2047. 01-06 23:17:04.681 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2048. 01-06 23:17:04.681 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2049. 01-06 23:17:04.682 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2050. 01-06 23:17:04.682 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2051. 01-06 23:17:04.682 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2052. 01-06 23:17:04.682 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2053. 01-06 23:17:04.682 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2054. 01-06 23:17:04.682 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  2055. 01-06 23:17:04.682 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
  2056. 01-06 23:17:04.683 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
  2057. 01-06 23:17:04.683 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
  2058. 01-06 23:17:04.683 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  2059. 01-06 23:17:04.683 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  2060. 01-06 23:17:04.683 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  2061. 01-06 23:17:04.683 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  2062. 01-06 23:17:04.683 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  2063. 01-06 23:17:04.684 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 15, rsrp 110, rsrq 11, rsnnr 40
  2064. 01-06 23:17:04.684 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  2065. 01-06 23:17:04.686 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: .. operational state 3
  2066. 01-06 23:17:04.686 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS, err_no 0
  2067. 01-06 23:17:04.686 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  2068. 01-06 23:17:05.711 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (40 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821280)
  2069. 01-06 23:17:05.712 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  2070. 01-06 23:17:05.712 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (655396)(obj 0x7cf8821280)
  2071. 01-06 23:17:05.713 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS(655396), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  2072. 01-06 23:17:05.713 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  2073. 01-06 23:17:05.713 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: invoked msg 0x51
  2074. 01-06 23:17:05.713 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2075. 01-06 23:17:05.713 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_sig_info_ind_conv_qmi2ril: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2076. 01-06 23:17:05.713 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2077. 01-06 23:17:05.714 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2078. 01-06 23:17:05.714 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity err rate GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0
  2079. 01-06 23:17:05.714 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2080. 01-06 23:17:05.714 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2081. 01-06 23:17:05.714 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2082. 01-06 23:17:05.714 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2083. 01-06 23:17:05.715 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2084. 01-06 23:17:05.715 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2085. 01-06 23:17:05.715 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2086. 01-06 23:17:05.716 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2087. 01-06 23:17:05.716 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2088. 01-06 23:17:05.716 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2089. 01-06 23:17:05.716 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2090. 01-06 23:17:05.716 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2091. 01-06 23:17:05.716 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2092. 01-06 23:17:05.716 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2093. 01-06 23:17:05.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2094. 01-06 23:17:05.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2095. 01-06 23:17:05.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2096. 01-06 23:17:05.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2097. 01-06 23:17:05.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2098. 01-06 23:17:05.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..qmi_request_need_sig_info-0, qmi_request_need_err_rate-0
  2099. 01-06 23:17:05.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_send_known_signal_strength: .. Fetch sig strength info 0
  2100. 01-06 23:17:05.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2101. 01-06 23:17:05.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2102. 01-06 23:17:05.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2103. 01-06 23:17:05.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2104. 01-06 23:17:05.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2105. 01-06 23:17:05.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2106. 01-06 23:17:05.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2107. 01-06 23:17:05.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2108. 01-06 23:17:05.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2109. 01-06 23:17:05.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2110. 01-06 23:17:05.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2111. 01-06 23:17:05.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2112. 01-06 23:17:05.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2113. 01-06 23:17:05.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2114. 01-06 23:17:05.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2115. 01-06 23:17:05.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2116. 01-06 23:17:05.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2117. 01-06 23:17:05.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2118. 01-06 23:17:05.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2119. 01-06 23:17:05.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  2120. 01-06 23:17:05.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
  2121. 01-06 23:17:05.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
  2122. 01-06 23:17:05.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
  2123. 01-06 23:17:05.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  2124. 01-06 23:17:05.721 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  2125. 01-06 23:17:05.721 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  2126. 01-06 23:17:05.721 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  2127. 01-06 23:17:05.721 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  2128. 01-06 23:17:05.721 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 15, rsrp 109, rsrq 9, rsnnr 50
  2129. 01-06 23:17:05.721 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  2130. 01-06 23:17:05.722 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: .. operational state 3
  2131. 01-06 23:17:05.722 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS, err_no 0
  2132. 01-06 23:17:05.722 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  2133. 01-06 23:17:06.220 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setPolicyDataEnabled: true
  2134. 01-06 23:17:08.714 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (40 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821380)
  2135. 01-06 23:17:08.716 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  2136. 01-06 23:17:08.716 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (655396)(obj 0x7cf8821380)
  2137. 01-06 23:17:08.717 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS(655396), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  2138. 01-06 23:17:08.717 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  2139. 01-06 23:17:08.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: invoked msg 0x51
  2140. 01-06 23:17:08.718 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2141. 01-06 23:17:08.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_sig_info_ind_conv_qmi2ril: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2142. 01-06 23:17:08.719 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2143. 01-06 23:17:08.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2144. 01-06 23:17:08.720 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity err rate GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0
  2145. 01-06 23:17:08.721 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2146. 01-06 23:17:08.722 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2147. 01-06 23:17:08.722 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2148. 01-06 23:17:08.722 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2149. 01-06 23:17:08.723 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2150. 01-06 23:17:08.723 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2151. 01-06 23:17:08.724 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2152. 01-06 23:17:08.724 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2153. 01-06 23:17:08.725 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2154. 01-06 23:17:08.725 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2155. 01-06 23:17:08.726 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2156. 01-06 23:17:08.726 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2157. 01-06 23:17:08.727 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2158. 01-06 23:17:08.727 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2159. 01-06 23:17:08.728 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2160. 01-06 23:17:08.728 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2161. 01-06 23:17:08.728 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2162. 01-06 23:17:08.729 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2163. 01-06 23:17:08.729 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2164. 01-06 23:17:08.730 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..qmi_request_need_sig_info-0, qmi_request_need_err_rate-0
  2165. 01-06 23:17:08.730 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_send_known_signal_strength: .. Fetch sig strength info 0
  2166. 01-06 23:17:08.732 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2167. 01-06 23:17:08.733 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2168. 01-06 23:17:08.733 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2169. 01-06 23:17:08.734 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2170. 01-06 23:17:08.735 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2171. 01-06 23:17:08.735 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2172. 01-06 23:17:08.735 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2173. 01-06 23:17:08.736 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2174. 01-06 23:17:08.736 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2175. 01-06 23:17:08.737 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2176. 01-06 23:17:08.737 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2177. 01-06 23:17:08.737 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2178. 01-06 23:17:08.738 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2179. 01-06 23:17:08.738 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2180. 01-06 23:17:08.739 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2181. 01-06 23:17:08.739 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2182. 01-06 23:17:08.739 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2183. 01-06 23:17:08.740 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2184. 01-06 23:17:08.740 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2185. 01-06 23:17:08.741 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  2186. 01-06 23:17:08.741 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
  2187. 01-06 23:17:08.742 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
  2188. 01-06 23:17:08.742 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
  2189. 01-06 23:17:08.742 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  2190. 01-06 23:17:08.743 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  2191. 01-06 23:17:08.743 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  2192. 01-06 23:17:08.744 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  2193. 01-06 23:17:08.744 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  2194. 01-06 23:17:08.744 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 14, rsrp 111, rsrq 9, rsnnr 38
  2195. 01-06 23:17:08.745 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  2196. 01-06 23:17:08.747 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: .. operational state 3
  2197. 01-06 23:17:08.747 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS, err_no 0
  2198. 01-06 23:17:08.748 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  2199. 01-06 23:17:09.784 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: ENTRY
  2200. 01-06 23:17:09.784 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb 1 ind
  2201. 01-06 23:17:09.784 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: process QMI_WDS_EVENT_REPORT_IND_V01
  2202. 01-06 23:17:09.784 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK (664 bytes)(obj 0x7cf88210c0)
  2203. 01-06 23:17:09.785 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: qcril_data_qmi_wds_ind_cb: EXIT
  2204. 01-06 23:17:09.785 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  2205. 01-06 23:17:09.785 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK (327683)(obj 0x7cf88210c0)
  2206. 01-06 23:17:09.786 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK(327683), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  2207. 01-06 23:17:09.786 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  2208. 01-06 23:17:09.786 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: ENTRY
  2209. 01-06 23:17:09.786 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: entry
  2210. 01-06 23:17:09.786 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: Handling ind [1]
  2211. 01-06 23:17:09.786 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: PHYSLINK went dormant
  2212. 01-06 23:17:09.787 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_all_calls_dormant: Dormancy status for inst: 0, wds_hndl 0xce, status: 1
  2213. 01-06 23:17:09.787 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: qcril_data_post_qmi_events: entry
  2214. 01-06 23:17:09.787 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: >>>Mem debug>>> event obj alloc [0x7cf8630800]
  2215. 01-06 23:17:09.787 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK (9672 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821380)
  2216. 01-06 23:17:09.787 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_post_qmi_events: qcril_data_post_qmi_events: exit with success
  2217. 01-06 23:17:09.787 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_process_wds_ind: qcril_data_process_wds_ind: exit with success
  2218. 01-06 23:17:09.787 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: qcril_data_wds_event_hdlr: EXIT
  2219. 01-06 23:17:09.788 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_DATA_WDS_EVENT_CALLBACK, err_no 0
  2220. 01-06 23:17:09.788 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK (327682)(obj 0x7cf8821380)
  2221. 01-06 23:17:09.788 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK(327682), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  2222. 01-06 23:17:09.788 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  2223. 01-06 23:17:09.789 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: qcril_data_event_hdlr: ENTRY
  2224. 01-06 23:17:09.789 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: >>>Mem debug>>> event obj [0x7cf8630800]
  2225. 01-06 23:17:09.789 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: >>>Mem debug>>> info_tbl [0x7cfbd67b60]
  2226. 01-06 23:17:09.789 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: RIL REQ NOT pend
  2227. 01-06 23:17:09.790 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: <<<DSI_EVT_PHYSLINK_DOWN_STATE: processing Started<<<
  2228. 01-06 23:17:09.790 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_data_control_cb: .. 2
  2229. 01-06 23:17:09.790 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
  2230. 01-06 23:17:09.791 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 4814
  2231. 01-06 23:17:09.791 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_client_notify: Posting event[2] payload[0x0] to client[ffff0000]
  2232. 01-06 23:17:09.791 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_all_calls_dormant: Dormancy status for inst: 0, wds_hndl 0xce, status: 1
  2233. 01-06 23:17:09.791 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: ENTRY
  2234. 01-06 23:17:09.791 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: sending RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED
  2235. 01-06 23:17:09.792 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_get_active_call_list: active call table size:[1] start from: [0xfca39590]
  2236. 01-06 23:17:09.792 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_get_active_call_list: EXIT with succ
  2237. 01-06 23:17:09.792 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED (1010) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 72, (null)]
  2238. 01-06 23:17:09.794 D/RILJ ( 3153): Unsol response received for UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED Sending ack to ril.cpp [SUB0]
  2239. 01-06 23:17:09.794 D/RILJ ( 3153): responseDataCallList ver=11 num=1 [SUB0]
  2240. 01-06 23:17:09.795 D/RILJ ( 3153): [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=1 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}] [SUB0]
  2241. 01-06 23:17:09.795 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: free memory
  2242. 01-06 23:17:09.795 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: qcril_data_unsol_call_list_changed: EXIT with succ
  2243. 01-06 23:17:09.795 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: try event obj dealloc
  2244. 01-06 23:17:09.796 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_data_event_hdlr: qcril_data_event_hdlr: EXIT with suc
  2245. 01-06 23:17:09.796 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK, err_no 0
  2246. 01-06 23:17:09.796 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  2247. 01-06 23:17:09.797 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsList=[DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=1 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}] mDcListActiveByCid={0={DC-2: State=DcActiveState mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false RefCount=1 mCid=0 mCreateTime=-1 mLastastFailTime=-1 mLastFailCause=NONE mTag=32 mLinkProperties={InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::48e6:3b7f:d965:701b rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576} linkCapabilities=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>] mRestrictedNetworkOverride=false mApnContexts={{mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=dataDisabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}={mTag=32 mApnContext={mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=dataDisabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} mProfileId=0 mRat=14 mOnCompletedMsg={what=0x42000 when=-15h34m36s95ms obj=Pair{{mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] T-Mobile US 260, 771, 310260,, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IPV6, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 1440, , , false} mReason=dataDisabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 23} target=Handler ( {7662240} replyTo=null}}}}}
  2248. 01-06 23:17:09.797 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsToRetry=[]
  2249. 01-06 23:17:09.797 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: Found ConnId=0 newState=DataCallResponse: {version=11 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=1 type=IPV6 ifname=rmnet_data0 mtu=1500 addresses=[2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64] dnses=[fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0009,fd00:976a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010] gateways=[fe80:0000:0000:0000:48e6:3b7f:d965:701b] pcscf=[]}
  2250. 01-06 23:17:09.797 D/DataCallResponse( 3153): addr/pl=2607:fb90:23d6:fa5a:5a30:2a05:8ca0:4e9c/64
  2251. 01-06 23:17:09.798 D/DC-2 ( 3153): MTU set by call response to: 1500
  2252. 01-06 23:17:09.798 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: no change
  2253. 01-06 23:17:09.799 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: Data Activity updated to DORMANT. stopNetStatePoll
  2254. 01-06 23:17:09.799 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]stopNetStatPoll
  2255. 01-06 23:17:09.799 D/Dcc ( 3153): onDataStateChanged: dcsToRetry=[] apnsToCleanup=[]
  2256. 01-06 23:17:09.804 D/DCT ( 3153): [0]setActivity = DORMANT
  2257. 01-06 23:17:12.800 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (40 bytes)(obj 0x7cf8821100)
  2258. 01-06 23:17:12.801 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  2259. 01-06 23:17:12.802 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (655396)(obj 0x7cf8821100)
  2260. 01-06 23:17:12.802 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS(655396), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  2261. 01-06 23:17:12.802 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  2262. 01-06 23:17:12.803 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: invoked msg 0x51
  2263. 01-06 23:17:12.803 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2264. 01-06 23:17:12.803 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_sig_info_ind_conv_qmi2ril: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2265. 01-06 23:17:12.803 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2266. 01-06 23:17:12.804 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2267. 01-06 23:17:12.804 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity err rate GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0
  2268. 01-06 23:17:12.804 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2269. 01-06 23:17:12.804 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2270. 01-06 23:17:12.804 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2271. 01-06 23:17:12.804 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2272. 01-06 23:17:12.804 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2273. 01-06 23:17:12.805 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2274. 01-06 23:17:12.805 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2275. 01-06 23:17:12.805 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2276. 01-06 23:17:12.805 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2277. 01-06 23:17:12.805 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2278. 01-06 23:17:12.805 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2279. 01-06 23:17:12.805 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2280. 01-06 23:17:12.806 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2281. 01-06 23:17:12.806 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2282. 01-06 23:17:12.806 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2283. 01-06 23:17:12.806 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2284. 01-06 23:17:12.806 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2285. 01-06 23:17:12.806 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2286. 01-06 23:17:12.806 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2287. 01-06 23:17:12.806 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..qmi_request_need_sig_info-0, qmi_request_need_err_rate-0
  2288. 01-06 23:17:12.807 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_send_known_signal_strength: .. Fetch sig strength info 0
  2289. 01-06 23:17:12.807 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2290. 01-06 23:17:12.807 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2291. 01-06 23:17:12.807 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2292. 01-06 23:17:12.807 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2293. 01-06 23:17:12.807 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2294. 01-06 23:17:12.807 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2295. 01-06 23:17:12.808 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2296. 01-06 23:17:12.808 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2297. 01-06 23:17:12.808 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2298. 01-06 23:17:12.808 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2299. 01-06 23:17:12.808 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2300. 01-06 23:17:12.808 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2301. 01-06 23:17:12.808 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2302. 01-06 23:17:12.808 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2303. 01-06 23:17:12.809 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2304. 01-06 23:17:12.809 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2305. 01-06 23:17:12.809 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2306. 01-06 23:17:12.809 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2307. 01-06 23:17:12.809 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2308. 01-06 23:17:12.809 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  2309. 01-06 23:17:12.809 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
  2310. 01-06 23:17:12.810 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
  2311. 01-06 23:17:12.810 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
  2312. 01-06 23:17:12.810 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  2313. 01-06 23:17:12.810 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  2314. 01-06 23:17:12.810 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  2315. 01-06 23:17:12.810 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  2316. 01-06 23:17:12.810 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  2317. 01-06 23:17:12.810 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 14, rsrp 111, rsrq 12, rsnnr 32
  2318. 01-06 23:17:12.811 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  2319. 01-06 23:17:12.813 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: .. operational state 3
  2320. 01-06 23:17:12.813 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS, err_no 0
  2321. 01-06 23:17:12.813 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  2322. 01-06 23:17:19.018 D/SubscriptionController( 3153): [getActiveSubscriptionInfoForSimSlotIndex]+ slotIdx=0 subId={id=1, iccId=8901260963163866689 simSlotIndex=0 displayName=CARD 1 carrierName=Mint nameSource=0 iconTint=-16746133 dataRoaming=0 mcc 310 mnc 260}
  2323. 01-06 23:17:20.465 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][qmi_cb] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (40 bytes)(obj 0x7cf88213c0)
  2324. 01-06 23:17:20.465 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
  2325. 01-06 23:17:20.465 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS (655396)(obj 0x7cf88213c0)
  2326. 01-06 23:17:20.466 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS(655396), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  2327. 01-06 23:17:20.466 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_execute_event: Dispatching event/android request..
  2328. 01-06 23:17:20.466 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: invoked msg 0x51
  2329. 01-06 23:17:20.466 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2330. 01-06 23:17:20.466 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_sig_info_ind_conv_qmi2ril: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2331. 01-06 23:17:20.466 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_considered_registered: .. cache valid 1
  2332. 01-06 23:17:20.467 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity sign info GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0, 1x 0, HRPD 0, LTE 1
  2333. 01-06 23:17:20.467 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: validity err rate GSM 0, WCDMA 0, TDSCDMA 0
  2334. 01-06 23:17:20.467 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2335. 01-06 23:17:20.467 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2336. 01-06 23:17:20.467 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2337. 01-06 23:17:20.467 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2338. 01-06 23:17:20.467 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2339. 01-06 23:17:20.467 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2340. 01-06 23:17:20.468 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2341. 01-06 23:17:20.468 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2342. 01-06 23:17:20.468 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2343. 01-06 23:17:20.468 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2344. 01-06 23:17:20.468 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2345. 01-06 23:17:20.468 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2346. 01-06 23:17:20.468 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2347. 01-06 23:17:20.469 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2348. 01-06 23:17:20.469 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2349. 01-06 23:17:20.469 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2350. 01-06 23:17:20.469 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2351. 01-06 23:17:20.469 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2352. 01-06 23:17:20.470 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2353. 01-06 23:17:20.470 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..qmi_request_need_sig_info-0, qmi_request_need_err_rate-0
  2354. 01-06 23:17:20.470 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_send_known_signal_strength: .. Fetch sig strength info 0
  2355. 01-06 23:17:20.470 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 4
  2356. 01-06 23:17:20.470 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2357. 01-06 23:17:20.471 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, data rte 5 confd 1
  2358. 01-06 23:17:20.471 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 2, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2359. 01-06 23:17:20.471 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 5
  2360. 01-06 23:17:20.471 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2361. 01-06 23:17:20.471 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, data rte 5 confd 1
  2362. 01-06 23:17:20.471 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 3, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2363. 01-06 23:17:20.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 9
  2364. 01-06 23:17:20.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2365. 01-06 23:17:20.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, data rte 5 confd 1
  2366. 01-06 23:17:20.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 4, ims rte 0 confd 4
  2367. 01-06 23:17:20.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 1
  2368. 01-06 23:17:20.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2369. 01-06 23:17:20.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 1, data rte 5 confd 1
  2370. 01-06 23:17:20.472 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 2
  2371. 01-06 23:17:20.473 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 6, data rte 5 confd 1
  2372. 01-06 23:17:20.473 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_radio_if: isn on tech whereabouts - questioned tech 8
  2373. 01-06 23:17:20.473 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_is_using_rte: questioned rte 5, voice rte 5 confd 1
  2374. 01-06 23:17:20.473 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  2375. 01-06 23:17:20.473 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, bitErrorRate 0
  2376. 01-06 23:17:20.473 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..TDSCDMA
  2377. 01-06 23:17:20.473 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 2147483647
  2378. 01-06 23:17:20.474 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  2379. 01-06 23:17:20.474 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  2380. 01-06 23:17:20.474 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  2381. 01-06 23:17:20.474 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  2382. 01-06 23:17:20.474 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  2383. 01-06 23:17:20.474 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 14, rsrp 109, rsrq 9, rsnnr 58
  2384. 01-06 23:17:20.474 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  2385. 01-06 23:17:20.475 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb_helper: .. operational state 3
  2386. 01-06 23:17:20.476 I/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: Exit QCRIL_EVT_QMI_NAS_HANDLE_INDICATIONS, err_no 0
  2387. 01-06 23:17:20.476 W/RILQ ( 1033): (0/1033): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
  2388. ======================= KERNEL LOG ===================
  2389. [55877.000289] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32099) exited with status 0
  2390. [55877.000325] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32099) killing any children in process group
  2391. [55877.581973] type=1400 audit(1483762430.724:13081): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2392. [55877.582924] type=1400 audit(1483762430.724:13082): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2393. [55877.583156] type=1400 audit(1483762430.724:13083): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2394. [55877.685345] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2395. [55877.690036] type=1400 audit(1483762430.834:13084): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2396. [55877.690915] type=1400 audit(1483762430.834:13085): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2397. [55877.691706] type=1400 audit(1483762430.834:13086): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2398. [55877.797799] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2399. [55877.798325] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2400. [55877.822629] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2401. [55877.822647] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2402. [55877.823042] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2403. [55877.823051] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2404. [55877.823333] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2405. [55877.823341] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2406. [55877.899216] HTB: quantum of class 10001 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2407. [55877.926587] HTB: quantum of class 10010 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2408. [55878.252974] type=1400 audit(1483762431.394:13087): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2409. [55878.263898] type=1400 audit(1483762431.404:13088): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2410. [55878.318792] type=1400 audit(1483762431.454:13089): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2411. [55878.336762] type=1400 audit(1483762431.484:13090): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2412. [55878.337094] type=1400 audit(1483762431.484:13091): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2413. [55878.348558] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2414. [55878.351024] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2415. [55878.351386] type=1400 audit(1483762431.494:13092): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2416. [55878.352902] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2417. [55878.353071] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2418. [55878.353891] type=1400 audit(1483762431.494:13093): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2419. [55878.354128] type=1400 audit(1483762431.494:13094): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2420. [55878.357069] type=1400 audit(1483762431.504:13095): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2421. [55878.798178] type=1400 audit(1483762431.944:13096): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2422. [55879.038577] type=1400 audit(1483762432.184:13097): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2423. [55880.573139] type=1400 audit(1483762433.714:13098): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2424. [55881.102308] wlan: [23091:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a058, vdev_id 0
  2425. [55881.103247] wlan: [8392:E :SME] Found 4 BSS, statusCode 0
  2426. [55882.589645] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2427. [55882.655341] type=1400 audit(1483762435.804:13099): avc: denied { create } for pid=32331 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2428. [55882.658677] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32331) exited with status 0
  2429. [55882.658714] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32331) killing any children in process group
  2430. [55884.077087] type=1400 audit(1483762437.224:13100): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2431. [55886.118601] [fih_update_status] PRE: 1, STS: 0/4, HEL: 0/1, CAP: 100/100/0/0, VOL: 4355, CUR: 0, TMP: 257/0, CEN: 1, CUM: 2400, ICM: 500, STL: 0, UPR: 1, UON: 1, UTP: 4, UVL: 5102400, IDR: 143733, MTM: 35, PMIC: 32
  2432. [55887.159460] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2433. [55887.231142] type=1400 audit(1483762440.374:13101): avc: denied { create } for pid=32344 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2434. [55887.234216] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32344) exited with status 0
  2435. [55887.234253] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32344) killing any children in process group
  2436. [55892.186179] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2437. [55892.269622] type=1400 audit(1483762445.414:13102): avc: denied { create } for pid=32357 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2438. [55892.270599] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32357) exited with status 0
  2439. [55892.270636] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32357) killing any children in process group
  2440. [55894.367289] type=1400 audit(1483762447.610:13103): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2441. [55894.367613] type=1400 audit(1483762447.610:13104): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2442. [55894.367800] type=1400 audit(1483762447.620:13105): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2443. [55894.463217] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2444. [55894.466088] type=1400 audit(1483762447.720:13106): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2445. [55894.466297] type=1400 audit(1483762447.720:13107): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2446. [55894.466608] type=1400 audit(1483762447.720:13108): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2447. [55894.576900] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2448. [55894.577701] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2449. [55894.645506] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2450. [55894.645524] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2451. [55894.645948] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2452. [55894.645961] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2453. [55894.646452] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2454. [55894.646467] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2455. [55894.720236] HTB: quantum of class 10001 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2456. [55894.745793] HTB: quantum of class 10010 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2457. [55895.094735] type=1400 audit(1483762448.350:13109): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2458. [55895.095816] type=1400 audit(1483762448.350:13110): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2459. [55895.138552] type=1400 audit(1483762448.390:13111): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2460. [55895.174215] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2461. [55895.174945] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2462. [55895.176196] type=1400 audit(1483762448.410:13112): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2463. [55895.176491] type=1400 audit(1483762448.410:13113): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2464. [55895.176671] type=1400 audit(1483762448.430:13114): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2465. [55895.178822] type=1400 audit(1483762448.430:13115): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2466. [55895.180349] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2467. [55895.180947] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2468. [55895.181371] type=1400 audit(1483762448.430:13116): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2469. [55895.194138] type=1400 audit(1483762448.450:13117): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2470. [55895.714722] type=1400 audit(1483762448.970:13118): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2471. [55897.118134] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2472. [55897.167892] type=1400 audit(1483762450.420:13119): avc: denied { create } for pid=32708 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2473. [55897.171862] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32708) exited with status 0
  2474. [55897.171900] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32708) killing any children in process group
  2475. [55897.339557] type=1400 audit(1483762450.590:13120): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2476. [55897.973857] wlan: [23091:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a059, vdev_id 0
  2477. [55897.974451] wlan: [8392:E :SME] Found 3 BSS, statusCode 0
  2478. [55898.239601] type=1400 audit(1483762451.490:13121): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2479. [55902.754056] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2480. [55902.833855] type=1400 audit(1483762456.090:13122): avc: denied { create } for pid=32726 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2481. [55902.836377] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32726) exited with status 0
  2482. [55902.836414] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32726) killing any children in process group
  2483. [55902.972374] FG: fg_is_batt_id_valid: fg batt sts 0x28
  2484. [55907.844418] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2485. [55907.917865] type=1400 audit(1483762461.170:13123): avc: denied { create } for pid=32732 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2486. [55907.920576] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32732) exited with status 0
  2487. [55907.920613] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32732) killing any children in process group
  2488. [55912.167528] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2489. [55912.238437] type=1400 audit(1483762465.490:13124): avc: denied { create } for pid=32736 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2490. [55912.241022] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32736) exited with status 0
  2491. [55912.241061] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32736) killing any children in process group
  2492. [55916.177165] [fih_update_status] PRE: 1, STS: 0/4, HEL: 0/1, CAP: 100/100/0/0, VOL: 4354, CUR: 0, TMP: 257/0, CEN: 1, CUM: 2400, ICM: 500, STL: 0, UPR: 1, UON: 1, UTP: 4, UVL: 5131600, IDR: 143733, MTM: 33, PMIC: 31
  2493. [55917.248666] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2494. [55917.318403] type=1400 audit(1483762470.570:13125): avc: denied { create } for pid=32738 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2495. [55917.321033] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32738) exited with status 0
  2496. [55917.321073] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32738) killing any children in process group
  2497. [55922.328785] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2498. [55922.399203] type=1400 audit(1483762475.650:13126): avc: denied { create } for pid=32742 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2499. [55922.401301] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32742) exited with status 0
  2500. [55922.401338] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32742) killing any children in process group
  2501. [55927.407614] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2502. [55927.460414] type=1400 audit(1483762480.710:13127): avc: denied { create } for pid=32747 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2503. [55927.462910] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32747) exited with status 0
  2504. [55927.462944] init: Service 'iop' (pid 32747) killing any children in process group
  2505. [55931.662633] wlan: [26720:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a05a, vdev_id 0
  2506. [55931.663119] wlan: [8392:E :SME] Found 1 BSS, statusCode 0
  2507. [55932.115549] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2508. [55932.150517] type=1400 audit(1483762485.724:13128): avc: denied { create } for pid=528 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2509. [55932.153926] init: Service 'iop' (pid 528) exited with status 0
  2510. [55932.153964] init: Service 'iop' (pid 528) killing any children in process group
  2511. [55933.772173] FG: fg_is_batt_id_valid: fg batt sts 0x28
  2512. [55935.499566] type=1400 audit(1483762489.074:13129): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2513. [55935.499860] type=1400 audit(1483762489.074:13130): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2514. [55935.501291] type=1400 audit(1483762489.074:13131): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2515. [55935.603945] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2516. [55935.608082] type=1400 audit(1483762489.184:13132): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2517. [55935.608507] type=1400 audit(1483762489.184:13133): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2518. [55935.608653] type=1400 audit(1483762489.184:13134): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2519. [55935.713235] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2520. [55935.713658] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2521. [55935.743022] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2522. [55935.743050] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2523. [55935.744581] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2524. [55935.744599] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2525. [55935.745009] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2526. [55935.745024] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2527. [55935.825504] HTB: quantum of class 10001 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2528. [55935.853085] HTB: quantum of class 10010 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2529. [55936.037950] type=1400 audit(1483762489.614:13135): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2530. [55936.041059] type=1400 audit(1483762489.614:13136): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2531. [55936.097558] type=1400 audit(1483762489.674:13137): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2532. [55936.097928] type=1400 audit(1483762489.674:13138): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2533. [55936.098414] type=1400 audit(1483762489.674:13139): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2534. [55936.105497] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2535. [55936.105991] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2536. [55936.107315] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2537. [55936.111447] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2538. [55936.111704] type=1400 audit(1483762489.684:13140): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2539. [55936.112450] type=1400 audit(1483762489.684:13141): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2540. [55936.114493] type=1400 audit(1483762489.684:13142): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2541. [55936.145415] type=1400 audit(1483762489.724:13143): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2542. [55936.145652] type=1400 audit(1483762489.724:13144): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2543. [55936.177215] type=1400 audit(1483762489.754:13145): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2544. [55936.591660] type=1400 audit(1483762490.164:13146): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2545. [55937.044093] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2546. [55937.094026] type=1400 audit(1483762490.674:13147): avc: denied { create } for pid=810 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2547. [55937.097392] init: Service 'iop' (pid 810) exited with status 0
  2548. [55937.097432] init: Service 'iop' (pid 810) killing any children in process group
  2549. [55938.903874] wlan: [26720:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a05b, vdev_id 0
  2550. [55938.904120] wlan: [8392:E :SME] Found 3 BSS, statusCode 0
  2551. [55942.794722] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2552. [55942.873853] type=1400 audit(1483762496.454:13148): avc: denied { create } for pid=914 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2553. [55942.876614] init: Service 'iop' (pid 914) exited with status 0
  2554. [55942.876652] init: Service 'iop' (pid 914) killing any children in process group
  2555. [55942.992815] type=1400 audit(1483762496.554:13149): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2556. [55944.689418] type=1400 audit(1483762498.264:13150): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2557. [55945.075351] type=1400 audit(1483762498.654:13151): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2558. [55945.178572] type=1400 audit(1483762498.754:13152): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2559. [55946.236988] [fih_update_status] PRE: 1, STS: 0/4, HEL: 0/1, CAP: 100/100/0/0, VOL: 4259, CUR: -793, TMP: 260/0, CEN: 1, CUM: 2400, ICM: 500, STL: 0, UPR: 1, UON: 1, UTP: 4, UVL: 5081000, IDR: 143733, MTM: 35, PMIC: 32
  2560. [55947.659409] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2561. [55947.726929] type=1400 audit(1483762501.304:13153): avc: denied { create } for pid=960 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2562. [55947.729812] init: Service 'iop' (pid 960) exited with status 0
  2563. [55947.729850] init: Service 'iop' (pid 960) killing any children in process group
  2564. [55952.324618] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2565. [55952.397694] type=1400 audit(1483762505.974:13154): avc: denied { create } for pid=1029 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2566. [55952.400200] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1029) exited with status 0
  2567. [55952.400240] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1029) killing any children in process group
  2568. [55952.993916] event_handler: reclaimed all bufs
  2569. [55954.159026] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2570. [55954.159416] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2571. [55954.166621] lowmemorykiller: Killing '' (20111), adj 906,
  2572. [55954.166621] to free 37912kB on behalf of 'DnsConfigServic' (1195) because
  2573. [55954.166621] cache 984312kB is below limit 322560kB for oom_score_adj 353
  2574. [55954.166621] Free memory is 54388kB above reserved.
  2575. [55954.166621] Free CMA is 4kB
  2576. [55954.166621] Total reserve is 36676kB
  2577. [55954.166621] Total free pages is 54392kB
  2578. [55954.166621] Total file cache is 1007392kB
  2579. [55954.166621] Slab Reclaimable is 55020kB
  2580. [55954.166621] Slab UnReclaimable is 258868kB
  2581. [55954.166621] Total Slab is 313888kB
  2582. [55954.166621] GFP mask is 0x3080d0
  2583. [55954.451393] type=1400 audit(1483762508.024:13155): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2584. [55956.065749] type=1400 audit(1483762509.644:13156): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2585. [55956.066028] type=1400 audit(1483762509.644:13157): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2586. [55956.066180] type=1400 audit(1483762509.644:13158): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2587. [55956.176661] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2588. [55956.177591] type=1400 audit(1483762509.754:13159): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2589. [55956.177947] type=1400 audit(1483762509.754:13160): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2590. [55956.178629] type=1400 audit(1483762509.754:13161): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2591. [55956.181464] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2592. [55956.283464] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2593. [55956.283497] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2594. [55956.283639] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2595. [55956.283694] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2596. [55956.351119] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2597. [55956.351133] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2598. [55956.353453] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2599. [55956.353467] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2600. [55956.353809] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2601. [55956.353819] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2602. [55956.389442] FG: fg_vbatt_low_handler: vbatt-low triggered
  2603. [55956.389901] msm-dwc3 f9200000.ssusb: check_charger_detect_type_for_battery: return 4
  2604. [55956.389913] SMBCHG: smbchg_external_power_changed: smbchg_external_power_changed: charger type: 4
  2605. [55956.390052] SMBCHG: smbchg_external_power_changed: usb type = SDP current_limit = 500
  2606. [55956.390351] BBox::UPD;50::cycle2::22777
  2607. [55956.459325] HTB: quantum of class 10001 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2608. [55956.477981] HTB: quantum of class 10010 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2609. [55956.760298] type=1400 audit(1483762510.497:13162): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2610. [55956.760627] type=1400 audit(1483762510.497:13163): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2611. [55956.819130] type=1400 audit(1483762510.567:13164): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2612. [55956.838254] type=1400 audit(1483762510.587:13165): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2613. [55956.841286] type=1400 audit(1483762510.587:13166): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2614. [55956.845050] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2615. [55956.845834] type=1400 audit(1483762510.597:13167): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2616. [55956.847822] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2617. [55956.848263] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2618. [55956.848705] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2619. [55956.850089] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2620. [55956.850287] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2621. [55956.850660] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2622. [55956.850841] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2623. [55956.853464] type=1400 audit(1483762510.597:13168): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2624. [55956.863124] type=1400 audit(1483762510.607:13169): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2625. [55956.866622] type=1400 audit(1483762510.617:13170): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2626. [55956.990565] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2627. [55957.044099] type=1400 audit(1483762510.797:13171): avc: denied { create } for pid=1693 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2628. [55957.046699] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1693) exited with status 0
  2629. [55957.046738] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1693) killing any children in process group
  2630. [55957.063408] type=1400 audit(1483762510.817:13172): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2631. [55957.063620] type=1400 audit(1483762510.817:13173): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2632. [55957.068527] type=1400 audit(1483762510.817:13174): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2633. [55957.068749] type=1400 audit(1483762510.817:13175): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2634. [55957.068882] type=1400 audit(1483762510.817:13176): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2635. [55957.068996] type=1400 audit(1483762510.817:13177): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2636. [55957.126395] type=1400 audit(1483762510.877:13178): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2637. [55957.184459] type=1400 audit(1483762510.937:13179): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2638. [55957.185156] type=1400 audit(1483762510.937:13180): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2639. [55957.553577] type=1400 audit(1483762511.307:13181): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2640. [55957.855307] FG: fg_vbatt_low_handler: vbatt-low triggered
  2641. [55957.855394] msm-dwc3 f9200000.ssusb: check_charger_detect_type_for_battery: return 4
  2642. [55957.855400] SMBCHG: smbchg_external_power_changed: smbchg_external_power_changed: charger type: 4
  2643. [55957.855535] SMBCHG: smbchg_external_power_changed: usb type = SDP current_limit = 500
  2644. [55957.855791] BBox::UPD;50::cycle2::22777
  2645. [55958.303209] type=1400 audit(1483762512.047:13182): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2646. [55958.357350] type=1400 audit(1483762512.097:13183): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2647. [55958.360440] type=1400 audit(1483762512.097:13184): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2648. [55959.039072] type=1400 audit(1483762512.787:13185): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2649. [55959.713262] wlan: [26720:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a05c, vdev_id 0
  2650. [55959.713432] wlan: [8392:E :SME] Found 1 BSS, statusCode 0
  2651. [55961.156333] type=1400 audit(1483762514.907:13186): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2652. [55961.569847] type=1400 audit(1483762515.317:13187): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2653. [55961.571853] binder: 1166: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2654. [55961.571878] binder: 1916:3569 transaction failed 29201, size 76-0
  2655. [55961.574002] binder: 1166: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2656. [55961.574025] binder: 1916:3569 transaction failed 29201, size 448-8
  2657. [55961.575658] binder: 1166: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2658. [55961.575686] binder: 1916:3569 transaction failed 29201, size 76-0
  2659. [55961.591012] binder: undelivered transaction 9882958
  2660. [55961.639032] type=1400 audit(1483762515.387:13188): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2661. [55962.426690] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2662. [55962.508196] type=1400 audit(1483762516.257:13189): avc: denied { create } for pid=1835 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2663. [55962.511737] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1835) exited with status 0
  2664. [55962.511776] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1835) killing any children in process group
  2665. [55963.208605] type=1400 audit(1483762516.957:13190): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2666. [55963.220466] type=1400 audit(1483762516.967:13191): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2667. [55963.265510] type=1400 audit(1483762517.017:13192): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2668. [55963.317679] type=1400 audit(1483762517.067:13193): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2669. [55963.524259] binder: 1796: binder_alloc_buf failed to map pages in userspace, no vma
  2670. [55963.524281] binder: 1916:10541 transaction failed 29201, size 9908-8
  2671. [55963.570970] type=1400 audit(1483762517.307:13194): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2672. [55963.638462] binder: undelivered transaction 9884697
  2673. [55963.638478] binder: undelivered transaction 9884703
  2674. [55963.638565] binder: undelivered transaction 9884688
  2675. [55964.572224] FG: fg_is_batt_id_valid: fg batt sts 0x28
  2676. [55967.695005] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2677. [55967.766097] type=1400 audit(1483762521.517:13195): avc: denied { create } for pid=1880 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2678. [55967.770166] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1880) exited with status 0
  2679. [55967.770206] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1880) killing any children in process group
  2680. [55969.082390] type=1400 audit(1483762522.827:13196): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2681. [55969.123715] type=1400 audit(1483762522.877:13197): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2682. [55969.486996] binder: 1841: binder_alloc_buf failed to map pages in userspace, no vma
  2683. [55969.487021] binder: 1916:6601 transaction failed 29201, size 9908-8
  2684. [55969.554750] binder: undelivered transaction 9888001
  2685. [55969.554772] binder: undelivered transaction 9888017
  2686. [55969.554919] binder: undelivered transaction 9887995
  2687. [55971.717664] type=1400 audit(1483762525.467:13198): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2688. [55972.421225] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2689. [55972.438621] type=1400 audit(1483762526.187:13199): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2690. [55972.487094] type=1400 audit(1483762526.237:13200): avc: denied { create } for pid=1939 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2691. [55972.489653] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1939) exited with status 0
  2692. [55972.489689] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1939) killing any children in process group
  2693. [55973.435768] type=1400 audit(1483762527.187:13201): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2694. [55977.493914] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2695. [55977.551120] type=1400 audit(1483762531.297:13202): avc: denied { create } for pid=1953 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2696. [55977.553901] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1953) exited with status 0
  2697. [55977.553946] init: Service 'iop' (pid 1953) killing any children in process group
  2698. [55977.916395] [fih_update_status] PRE: 1, STS: 0/4, HEL: 0/1, CAP: 100/100/0/0, VOL: 4347, CUR: 0, TMP: 265/0, CEN: 1, CUM: 2400, ICM: 500, STL: 0, UPR: 1, UON: 1, UTP: 4, UVL: 5045960, IDR: 143733, MTM: 40, PMIC: 34
  2699. [55982.561518] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2700. [55982.646930] type=1400 audit(1483762536.397:13203): avc: denied { create } for pid=2103 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2701. [55982.650778] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2103) exited with status 0
  2702. [55982.650803] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2103) killing any children in process group
  2703. [55985.127341] binder: 2042: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2704. [55985.127371] binder: 1916:1952 transaction failed 29201, size 76-0
  2705. [55985.129163] binder: 1993: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2706. [55985.129195] binder: 1916:1952 transaction failed 29201, size 76-0
  2707. [55985.134572] binder: 1964: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2708. [55985.134598] binder: 1916:1952 transaction failed 29201, size 76-0
  2709. [55985.259118] binder: 1883: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2710. [55985.259144] binder: 1916:6601 transaction failed 29201, size 76-0
  2711. [55985.260669] binder: 1883: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2712. [55985.260695] binder: 1916:6601 transaction failed 29201, size 9908-8
  2713. [55985.262460] binder: 1883: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2714. [55985.262484] binder: 1916:6601 transaction failed 29201, size 76-0
  2715. [55985.294062] binder: undelivered transaction 9897697
  2716. [55985.294200] binder: undelivered transaction 9897509
  2717. [55985.465084] binder: undelivered transaction 9897970
  2718. [55986.531838] type=1400 audit(1483762540.277:13204): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2719. [55986.573790] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13205): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2720. [55986.576853] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13206): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2721. [55986.577079] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13207): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2722. [55986.580496] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13208): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2723. [55986.580661] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13209): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2724. [55986.580773] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13210): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2725. [55986.580880] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13211): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2726. [55986.580991] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13212): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2727. [55986.581105] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13213): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2728. [55986.581220] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13214): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2729. [55986.581329] type=1400 audit(1483762540.327:13215): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2730. [55986.896229] type=1400 audit(1483762540.647:13216): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2731. [55987.337671] binder: undelivered transaction 9899626
  2732. [55987.341342] binder: 1916:2934 transaction failed 29189, size 348-0
  2733. [55987.373725] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2734. [55987.412149] type=1400 audit(1483762541.157:13217): avc: denied { create } for pid=2153 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2735. [55987.415936] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2153) exited with status 0
  2736. [55987.415974] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2153) killing any children in process group
  2737. [55987.938978] [fih_update_status] PRE: 1, STS: 0/4, HEL: 0/1, CAP: 100/100/0/0, VOL: 4347, CUR: 0, TMP: 267/0, CEN: 1, CUM: 2400, ICM: 500, STL: 0, UPR: 1, UON: 1, UTP: 4, UVL: 5047900, IDR: 143733, MTM: 41, PMIC: 35
  2738. [55989.477222] type=1400 audit(1483762543.227:13218): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2739. [55989.477706] type=1400 audit(1483762543.227:13219): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2740. [55989.523762] type=1400 audit(1483762543.277:13220): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2741. [55989.560381] type=1400 audit(1483762543.307:13221): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2742. [55989.562021] type=1400 audit(1483762543.307:13222): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2743. [55992.423133] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2744. [55992.481294] type=1400 audit(1483762546.227:13223): avc: denied { create } for pid=2233 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2745. [55992.484184] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2233) exited with status 0
  2746. [55992.484226] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2233) killing any children in process group
  2747. [55995.292536] FG: fg_is_batt_id_valid: fg batt sts 0x28
  2748. [55996.332804] wlan: [32727:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a05d, vdev_id 0
  2749. [55996.333288] wlan: [8392:E :SME] Found 4 BSS, statusCode 0
  2750. [55996.414517] wlan: [8392:E :SME] csrSendJoinReqMsg: 13749: Connecting to ssid:pokemon bssid: 54:a0:50:84:10:5c rssi: -63 channel: 6 country_code: US
  2751. [55996.415015] wlan: [8392:E :WDA] wma_create_peer: Created peer with peer_addr 54:a0:50:84:10:5c vdev_id 0, peer_count - 1
  2752. [55996.470725] wlan: [8392:E :PE ] wlan_cfgGetInt: 356: Not valid cfg id 1
  2753. [55996.476300] wlan: [8392:E :WDA] wma_add_sta_req_sta_mode:statype 0 vdevid 0 aid 5 bssid 54:a0:50:84:10:5c staIdx 1 status 0
  2754. [55996.477293] wlan: [8392:E :HDD] cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f connected to 54:a0:50:84:10:5c
  2755. [55996.481530] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
  2756. [55996.483522] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 2147485700
  2757. [55996.483542] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 268444176
  2758. [55996.483554] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 0
  2759. [55996.483566] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 0
  2760. [55996.483578] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 0
  2761. [55996.483590] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 2147483648
  2762. [55996.483602] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 64
  2763. [55996.483613] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 0
  2764. [55996.483687] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] added beacon filter = 0
  2765. [55996.562082] wlan: [8392:E :TL ] WLANTL_ChangeSTAState:timeout for peer_authorized_event
  2766. [55996.567410] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2767. [55996.567555] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2768. [55996.579797] wlan: [2929:E :HDD] __wlan_hdd_cfg80211_bpf_offload: 10125: BPF offload is not supported by firmware
  2769. [55996.614893] type=1400 audit(1483762550.357:13224): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2770. [55996.615210] type=1400 audit(1483762550.357:13225): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2771. [55996.620967] type=1400 audit(1483762550.357:13226): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2772. [55996.698508] type=1400 audit(1483762550.447:13227): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2773. [55996.698558] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2774. [55996.698694] type=1400 audit(1483762550.447:13228): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2775. [55996.699220] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2776. [55996.699945] type=1400 audit(1483762550.447:13229): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2777. [55996.700101] type=1400 audit(1483762550.447:13230): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2778. [55996.729251] type=1400 audit(1483762550.477:13231): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2779. [55996.781236] type=1400 audit(1483762550.527:13232): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2780. [55996.783896] type=1400 audit(1483762550.537:13233): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2781. [55996.787423] type=1400 audit(1483762550.537:13234): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2782. [55997.382072] type=1400 audit(1483762551.127:13235): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2783. [55997.491169] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2784. [55997.540623] type=1400 audit(1483762551.287:13236): avc: denied { create } for pid=2263 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2785. [55997.543386] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2263) exited with status 0
  2786. [55997.543421] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2263) killing any children in process group
  2787. [55997.614521] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2788. [55997.614685] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2789. [56002.282118] __hif_pci_suspend: tx frames are pending
  2790. [56002.282140] TXRX: Total tx credits 1056 free_credits 1054
  2791. [56002.282152] __hif_pci_runtime_suspend: pci_suspend failed: -16
  2792. [56002.282221] pci_pm_runtime_suspend(): cnss_wlan_runtime_suspend+0x0/0xd8 returns -16
  2793. [56002.777900] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2794. [56002.845232] type=1400 audit(1483762556.597:13237): avc: denied { create } for pid=2372 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2795. [56002.847926] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2372) exited with status 0
  2796. [56002.847965] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2372) killing any children in process group
  2797. [56007.853692] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2798. [56007.920641] type=1400 audit(1483762561.667:13238): avc: denied { create } for pid=2377 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2799. [56007.923978] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2377) exited with status 0
  2800. [56007.924016] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2377) killing any children in process group
  2801. [56012.930242] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2802. [56012.980116] type=1400 audit(1483762566.727:13239): avc: denied { create } for pid=2385 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2803. [56012.982729] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2385) exited with status 0
  2804. [56012.982766] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2385) killing any children in process group
  2805. [56016.989474] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2806. [56017.058730] type=1400 audit(1483762570.807:13240): avc: denied { create } for pid=2395 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2807. [56017.060385] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2395) exited with status 0
  2808. [56017.060425] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2395) killing any children in process group
  2809. [56017.997321] [fih_update_status] PRE: 1, STS: 0/4, HEL: 0/1, CAP: 100/100/0/0, VOL: 4292, CUR: -455, TMP: 267/0, CEN: 1, CUM: 2400, ICM: 500, STL: 0, UPR: 1, UON: 1, UTP: 4, UVL: 5116040, IDR: 143733, MTM: 37, PMIC: 33
  2810. [56018.426566] wlan: [32727:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a05e, vdev_id 0
  2811. [56018.427263] wlan: [8392:E :SME] Found 5 BSS, statusCode 0
  2812. [56022.064450] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2813. [56022.142824] type=1400 audit(1483762575.897:13241): avc: denied { create } for pid=2399 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2814. [56022.145454] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2399) exited with status 0
  2815. [56022.145496] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2399) killing any children in process group
  2816. [56026.092218] FG: fg_is_batt_id_valid: fg batt sts 0x28
  2817. [56027.153839] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2818. [56027.234469] type=1400 audit(1483762580.987:13242): avc: denied { create } for pid=2400 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2819. [56027.236815] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2400) exited with status 0
  2820. [56027.236851] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2400) killing any children in process group
  2821. [56027.654544] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2822. [56027.654697] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2823. [56028.952878] event_handler: reclaimed all bufs
  2824. [56032.578495] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2825. [56032.648270] type=1400 audit(1483762586.397:13243): avc: denied { create } for pid=2499 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2826. [56032.651771] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2499) exited with status 0
  2827. [56032.651810] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2499) killing any children in process group
  2828. [56037.660160] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2829. [56037.737950] type=1400 audit(1483762591.487:13244): avc: denied { create } for pid=2502 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2830. [56037.741103] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2502) exited with status 0
  2831. [56037.741142] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2502) killing any children in process group
  2832. [56042.744421] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2833. [56042.801508] type=1400 audit(1483762596.547:13245): avc: denied { create } for pid=2506 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2834. [56042.803944] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2506) exited with status 0
  2835. [56042.803979] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2506) killing any children in process group
  2836. [56043.822377] wlan: [26720:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a05f, vdev_id 0
  2837. [56043.824253] wlan: [8392:E :SME] Found 5 BSS, statusCode 0
  2838. [56046.938926] wlan: [8392:E :WDA] wma_enable_specific_fw_logs: Not received event/log list from FW, yet
  2839. [56046.940921] wlan: [8392:E :WDA] wma_enable_specific_fw_logs: Not received event/log list from FW, yet
  2840. [56046.949535] wlan: [8403:E :HDD] __wlan_hdd_cfg80211_disconnect: 18425: Disconnect request from user space with reason: WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING
  2841. [56047.054677] wlan: [8392:E :PE ] limSendDeauthCnf: 3712: FT Preauth Session (ffffffc0bbbe0000,0) Cleanup Deauth reason 3 Trigger = 4
  2842. [56047.058005] TXRX: ol_txrx_peer_detach:peer ffffffc027c45640 (54:a0:50:84:10:5c)
  2843. [56047.058028] wlan: [8392:E :WDA] wma_remove_peer: Removed peer with addr 54:a0:50:84:10:5c vdevid 0 peer_count 0
  2844. [56047.058534] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 24 reference to peer ffffffc027c45640
  2845. [56047.058567] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 104 reference to peer ffffffc027c45640
  2846. [56047.058600] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 72 reference to peer ffffffc027c45640
  2847. [56047.058608] TXRX: Deleting peer ffffffc027c45640 (54:a0:50:84:10:5c)
  2848. [56047.058638] wlan: disconnected
  2849. [56047.059201] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] removed beacon filter = 0
  2850. [56047.244748] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  2851. [56047.278917] init: Service 'p2p_supplicant' (pid 8403) exited with status 0
  2852. [56047.306274] type=1400 audit(1483762601.057:13246): avc: denied { create } for pid=2583 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  2853. [56047.308964] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2583) exited with status 0
  2854. [56047.309001] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2583) killing any children in process group
  2855. [56047.371537] kickstart_driver: load: 0 wlan_hdd_inited: 1, mode_change: 0 caller: hdd_stop
  2856. [56047.374625] wlan: unloading driver v4.4.23.009
  2857. [56047.374651] wlan: [23091:E :VOS] vos_pkt_proto_trace_close 421
  2858. [56047.374847] wlan: [23091:E :HDD] hdd_wlan_exit: 12678: Unregister IPv6 notifier
  2859. [56047.375774] wlan: [8390:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2860. [56047.394124] wlan: [23091:E :HDD] hdd_wlan_exit: 12680: Unregister IPv4 notifier
  2861. [56047.395442] wlan: [8392:F :WDA] P2P Device: removing self peer ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  2862. [56047.395458] TXRX: ol_txrx_peer_detach:peer ffffffc01a6ee940 (ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f)
  2863. [56047.395473] wlan: [8392:E :WDA] wma_remove_peer: Removed peer with addr ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f vdevid 1 peer_count 0
  2864. [56047.395589] wlan: [8390:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2865. [56047.396105] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 88 reference to peer ffffffc01a6ee940
  2866. [56047.396134] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 40 reference to peer ffffffc01a6ee940
  2867. [56047.396142] TXRX: Deleting peer ffffffc01a6ee940 (ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f)
  2868. [56047.396626] Reset Device
  2869. [56047.400336] wlan: [8390:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2870. [56047.400473] wlan: [8392:E :VOS] VosMCThread: MC Thread exiting!!!!
  2871. [56047.400545] wlan: [8393:E :VOS] VosTlshimRxThread: Shutting down tl shim Tlshim rx thread
  2872. [56047.400554] wlan: [8393:E :VOS] VosTlshimRxThread: Exiting VOSS Tlshim rx thread
  2873. [56047.580293] fwpath_changed_handler : new_mode : ap, present_mode : sta
  2874. [56047.580318] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2875. [56047.607276] type=1400 audit(1483762601.357:13247): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2876. [56047.607889] type=1400 audit(1483762601.357:13248): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2877. [56047.608073] type=1400 audit(1483762601.357:13249): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2878. [56047.713095] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2879. [56047.717078] type=1400 audit(1483762601.467:13250): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2880. [56047.717350] type=1400 audit(1483762601.467:13251): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2881. [56047.717489] type=1400 audit(1483762601.467:13252): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2882. [56047.782081] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2883. [56047.822944] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2884. [56047.823320] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  2885. [56047.844808] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2886. [56047.844827] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2887. [56047.845254] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2888. [56047.845265] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2889. [56047.845635] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_send_to: permission failure for dpmd
  2890. [56047.845644] IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_sendmsg: Send_to failure -1
  2891. [56047.918543] HTB: quantum of class 10001 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2892. [56047.941005] HTB: quantum of class 10010 is big. Consider r2q change.
  2893. [56048.002104] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2894. [56048.066640] [fih_update_status] PRE: 1, STS: 0/4, HEL: 0/1, CAP: 100/100/0/0, VOL: 4342, CUR: -50, TMP: 267/0, CEN: 1, CUM: 2400, ICM: 500, STL: 0, UPR: 1, UON: 1, UTP: 4, UVL: 5047900, IDR: 143733, MTM: 35, PMIC: 33
  2895. [56048.212096] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2896. [56048.422093] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2897. [56048.632091] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2898. [56048.842088] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2899. [56049.052131] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2900. [56049.262090] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2901. [56049.472093] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2902. [56049.692089] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2903. [56049.902088] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2904. [56050.112109] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2905. [56050.139002] wlan: [8390:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2906. [56050.139140] wlan: [8390:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2907. [56050.172452] wlan: [23091:E :SAP] dfs_reset_alldelaylines[95]: pl==NULL, b5radars= (null)
  2908. [56050.181206] wlan_logging_thread: Exiting the thread
  2909. [56050.181220] wlan_logging_thread: Terminating
  2910. [56050.182236] wlan_logging_sock_deactivate_svc: Deactivate wlan_logging svc
  2911. [56050.202790] wlan: [23091:E :HDD] wlan_hdd_tdls_exit: 782: TDLS init was not done, exit
  2912. [56050.223276] wlan: [23091:E :HDD] wlan_hdd_tdls_exit: 782: TDLS init was not done, exit
  2913. [56050.322211] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_is_load_unload_ready: Waiting for load/unload active entry points to exit
  2914. [56050.337767] hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 0, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 1, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 2, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 3, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 4, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 5, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 6, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 7, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0
  2915. [56050.338617] pci_remove
  2916. [56050.382268] wlan: driver unloaded
  2917. [56050.532366] kickstart_driver: load: 1 wlan_hdd_inited: 0, mode_change: 1 caller: fwpath_changed_handler
  2918. [56050.532414] vos_mem_init: Memory Debug Enabled ******
  2919. [56050.532506] wlan: loading driver v4.4.23.009 +TIMER_MANAGER +MEMORY_DEBUG
  2920. [56050.608613] type=1400 audit(1483762604.357:13253): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  2921. [56050.636222] cnss:failed to get fw: evicted30.bin
  2922. [56050.637395] hif_pci_probe:, con_mode= 0x0
  2923. [56050.637523] PCI device id is 003e :003e
  2924. [56050.637572] cnss_wlan_pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xff400000-0xff5fffff 64bit]
  2925. [56050.639311]
  2926. [56050.639311] hif_pci_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
  2927. [56050.639482]
  2928. [56050.639482] Using PCI Legacy Interrupt
  2929. [56050.704719] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_apply_cfg_ini: Reg Parameter gtsf_gpio_pin > allowed Maximum [255 > 254]. Enforcing Default= 255
  2930. [56050.705312] wlan_logging_sock_activate_svc: Initalizing FEConsoleLog = 1 NumBuff = 256
  2931. [56050.706472] wlan_logging_sock_activate_svc: Activated wlan_logging svc
  2932. [56050.706751] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2933. [56050.706916] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2934. [56050.707092] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2935. [56050.707263] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2936. [56050.707436] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2937. [56050.707698] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_lock_init: already initialized lock
  2938. [56050.731204] NUM_DEV=1 FWMODE=0x2 FWSUBMODE=0x0 FWBR_BUF 0
  2939. [56050.735803] ol_download_firmware: Using 0x1234 for the remainder of init
  2940. [56050.735820] ol_transfer_codeswap_struct: failed to get codeswap structure
  2941. [56050.760362] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] __ol_transfer_bin_file: transferring file: otp30.bin size 23921 bytes done!
  2942. [56050.764428] __ol_transfer_bin_file: Failed to get bdwlan30.b00
  2943. [56050.764445] __ol_transfer_bin_file: Trying to load default bdwlan30.bin
  2944. [56050.768951] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
  2945. [56050.774982] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] __ol_transfer_bin_file: transferring file: bdwlan30.bin size 8124 bytes done!
  2946. [56050.775409] __ol_transfer_bin_file: no Setup file defined
  2947. [56051.451968] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] __ol_transfer_bin_file: transferring file: qwlan30.bin size 712638 bytes done!
  2948. [56051.454019] +HTCCreate .. HIF :ffffffc027c45fc0
  2949. [56051.454262] -HTCCreate (0xffffffc08e8ce9c0)
  2950. [56051.456475] wlan: [2071:F :WDA] WMA --> wmi_unified_attach - success
  2951. [56051.456807] ol_if_dfs_attach: called; ptr=ffffffc0bba71c9c, radar_info=ffffffc05a207818
  2952. [56051.460782] wlan: [2071:E :SAP] dfs_init_radar_filters[201]: Unknown dfs domain 0
  2953. [56051.460944] +HWT
  2954. [56051.460952] pipe_num:0 pipe_info:0xffffffc027c460c0
  2955. [56051.461223] pipe_num:3 pipe_info:0xffffffc027c462b8
  2956. [56051.461247] pipe_num:4 pipe_info:0xffffffc027c46360
  2957. [56051.462227] pipe_num:5 pipe_info:0xffffffc027c46408
  2958. [56051.465558] Target Ready! : transmit resources : 2 size:1792, MaxMsgsPerHTCBundle = 1
  2959. [56051.465572] HTC Service Index : 1 TX : 0x100 : alloc:2
  2960. [56051.465580] HTC Service:0x0001, ULpipe:0 DLpipe:1 id:0 Ready
  2961. [56051.465585] -HWT
  2962. [56051.465980] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2963. [56051.467177] is_full_reorder_offloaded? 1
  2964. [56051.467187] HTC Service TX : 0x300 : allocation is zero!
  2965. [56051.467425] HTC Service:0x0300, ULpipe:4 DLpipe:1 id:1 Ready
  2966. [56051.467432] HTC Service:0x0300 ep:1 TX flow control disabled
  2967. [56051.486539] HTT: full reorder offload enabled
  2968. [56051.493199] HTC Service:0x0100, ULpipe:3 DLpipe:2 id:2 Ready
  2969. [56051.493216] wlan: [2071:F :WDA] WMA --> wmi_unified_connect_htc_service - success
  2970. [56051.493271] wlan: [2711:F :WDA] McThread: WNI_CFG_DNLD_REQ
  2971. [56051.493348] HTC using TX credit flow control
  2972. [56051.493724] __wmi_control_rx: WMI UNIFIED SERVICE READY event
  2973. [56051.493740] wlan: [26720:F :WDA] WMA <-- WMI_SERVICE_READY_EVENTID
  2974. [56051.493754] wlan: [26720:E :WDA] wma_rx_service_ready_event: Firmware build version : 200700c5
  2975. [56051.493763] wlan: [26720:E :WDA] wma_rx_service_ready_event: Board version: 0.1031311
  2976. [56051.493794] wlan: [26720:F :WDA] WMA --> WMI_INIT_CMDID
  2977. [56051.510071] __wmi_control_rx: WMI UNIFIED READY event
  2978. [56051.510113] wlan: [26720:F :WDA] WMA <-- WMI_READY_EVENTID
  2979. [56051.510750] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2980. [56051.512155] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] wiphy is not yet registered with the kernel
  2981. [56051.512169] wlan: [2071:F :HDD] pAdapter is null !!
  2982. [56051.512303] wlan: [2071:E :WDA] regdmn_set_dfs_region: dfs_region: 1
  2983. [56051.513869] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2984. [56051.514130] wlan: [2071:E :SME] csr_init_chan_list: 333: init time country code US
  2985. [56051.514211] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] Invalid wda_cli_set pdev command/Not yet implemented 0x4d
  2986. [56051.562812] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2987. [56051.563820] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2988. [56051.564082] cnss_pci_get_wlan_mac_address: Platform Driver doesn't have any mac address
  2989. [56051.570234] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_ipa_init:4871: UC Ready
  2990. [56051.574213] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_ipa_uc_ol_init:2056: hdd_ipa_uc_ol_init CONS DB pipe out 0xfd4fa0c8
  2991. [56051.581641] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_ipa_uc_ol_init:2108: hdd_ipa_uc_ol_init PROD DB pipe out 0xfd4fa0c0
  2992. [56051.581760] wlan: [2071:E :WDA] MCC TX Pause Event Handler register
  2993. [56051.581778] wlan: [2071:E :WDA] Target does not support cesium network
  2994. [56051.582110] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2995. [56051.583544] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  2996. [56051.583559] Pkt log is enabled
  2997. [56051.583627] wlan: [2071:E :SME] sme_AddChAvoidCallback: Plug in CH AVOID CB
  2998. [56051.583805] target uses HTT version 3.27; host uses 3.27
  2999. [56051.583929] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3000. [56051.584660] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3001. [56051.585045] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3002. [56051.585445] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 0 VAP Addr = cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3003. [56051.586026] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3004. [56051.586289] wlan: [26720:E :HDD] wlan_hdd_validate_context: 1155: wlan_hdd_roc_request_dequeue+0x20/0xf8 Unloading/Loading in Progress. Ignore!!!
  3005. [56051.586922] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3006. [56051.599413] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] Invalid wda_cli_set pdev command/Not yet implemented 0x34
  3007. [56051.599514] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3008. [56051.599591] wmi_dbg_cfg_send: param 0x1 val 0xffff0004
  3009. [56051.599591]
  3010. [56051.599711] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 1 VAP Addr = ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3011. [56051.599792] wlan: [2711:F :WDA] Creating self peer ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f, vdev_id 1
  3012. [56051.599841] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_create_peer: Created peer with peer_addr ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f vdev_id 1, peer_count - 1
  3013. [56051.600108] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3014. [56051.600333] wlan: [23091:E :HDD] wlan_hdd_validate_context: 1155: wlan_hdd_roc_request_dequeue+0x20/0xf8 Unloading/Loading in Progress. Ignore!!!
  3015. [56051.610632] Host SW:, FW:, HW:QCA6174_REV3_2
  3016. [56051.610824] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] Invalid wda_cli_set pdev command/Not yet implemented 0x34
  3017. [56051.611477] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_hex_string_to_u16_array: 6208: str ffffffc0b330f22d intArray ffffffc05a2079fa intArrayMaxLen 6
  3018. [56051.611671] ol_pktlog_init: pktlogmod_init successfull
  3019. [56051.611821] hif_pci_pm_runtime_init: Enabling RUNTIME PM, Delay: 500 ms
  3020. [56051.611918] wlan: driver loaded in 1079509
  3021. [56051.619910] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
  3022. [56051.610904] wmi_dbg_cfg_send: param 0x1 val 0xffff0004
  3023. [56051.610904]
  3024. [56051.620725] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] hdd_ch_avoid_cb: Failed to set unsafe channel
  3025. [56051.621370] type=1400 audit(1483762605.367:13254): avc: denied { dac_override } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=1 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3026. [56051.743153] type=1400 audit(1483762605.497:13255): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3027. [56051.743880] type=1400 audit(1483762605.497:13256): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3028. [56051.789924] type=1400 audit(1483762605.537:13257): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3029. [56051.801117] type=1400 audit(1483762605.547:13258): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3030. [56051.813083] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3031. [56051.813548] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3032. [56051.814933] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3033. [56051.815435] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3034. [56051.817092] type=1400 audit(1483762605.547:13259): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3035. [56051.817271] type=1400 audit(1483762605.557:13260): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3036. [56051.817406] type=1400 audit(1483762605.557:13261): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3037. [56051.819459] type=1400 audit(1483762605.567:13262): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3038. [56051.854381] type=1400 audit(1483762605.607:13263): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3039. [56051.924124] type=1400 audit(1483762605.677:13264): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3040. [56052.345792] type=1400 audit(1483762606.097:13265): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3041. [56052.936455] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  3042. [56053.009290] type=1400 audit(1483762606.757:13266): avc: denied { create } for pid=2770 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  3043. [56053.012506] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2770) exited with status 0
  3044. [56053.012544] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2770) killing any children in process group
  3045. [56056.383630] wlan: [2711:F :WDA] P2P Device: removing self peer ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3046. [56056.383648] TXRX: ol_txrx_peer_detach:peer ffffffc0046026c0 (ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f)
  3047. [56056.383664] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_remove_peer: Removed peer with addr ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f vdevid 1 peer_count 0
  3048. [56056.385765] wlan: [2772:E :HDD] wlan_hdd_tdls_exit: 782: TDLS init was not done, exit
  3049. [56056.412285] wlan: [2772:E :HDD] __hdd_netdev_notifier_call: 975: device adapter is not matching!!!
  3050. [56056.436127] wlan: [2772:E :SME] csrChangeDefaultConfigParam failed with status=1
  3051. [56056.436752] wlan: [2772:E :SME] csrChangeDefaultConfigParam failed with status=1
  3052. [56056.436923] wlan: [2772:E :SAP] WLANSAP_set_Dfs_Restrict_JapanW53: 3198: Regdomain not japan, set disable JP W53 not valid
  3053. [56056.436934] wlan: [2772:E :SAP] WLANSAP_set_Dfs_Preferred_Channel_location: 3272: sapdfs:NOT JAPAN REG, Invalid Set preferred chans location
  3054. [56056.437385] wlan: [2772:E :SME] csrChangeDefaultConfigParam failed with status=1
  3055. [56056.437631] wlan: [2772:E :SME] sme_SelectCBMode: HW: 256 CH: 11 ORIG_BW: 0
  3056. [56056.437631]
  3057. [56056.438045] wlan: [2772:E :SME] csrChangeDefaultConfigParam failed with status=1
  3058. [56056.438464] wlan: [2772:E :SME] sme_SelectCBMode: HW: 256 CH: 11 ORIG_BW: 0
  3059. [56056.438464]
  3060. [56056.438875] wlan: [2772:E :SME] csrChangeDefaultConfigParam failed with status=1
  3061. [56056.439089] wlan: [2772:E :SME] sme_SelectCBMode: HW: 256 CH: 11 ORIG_BW: 0
  3062. [56056.439089]
  3063. [56056.439486] wlan: [2772:E :SME] csrChangeDefaultConfigParam failed with status=1
  3064. [56056.439976] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 0 VAP Addr = cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3065. [56056.441119] wlan: [2711:E :PE ] limMlmAddBss: 1705: TRYING TO HIDE SSID 0
  3066. [56056.441145] wlan: [2711:E :PE ] mlm_add_sta: 1601: GF: 0, ChnlWidth: 0, MimoPS: 3, lsigTXOP: 0, dsssCCK: 0, SGI20: 1, SGI401
  3067. [56056.441232] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_create_peer: Created peer with peer_addr cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f vdev_id 0, peer_count - 1
  3068. [56056.468110] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 88 reference to peer ffffffc0046026c0
  3069. [56056.468159] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 40 reference to peer ffffffc0046026c0
  3070. [56056.468173] TXRX: Deleting peer ffffffc0046026c0 (ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f)
  3071. [56056.557230] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] hdr::
  3072. [56056.557247] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 7f aa
  3073. [56056.557256] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] 00000010: bb cc cc f3 a5 c7 b3 9f 08 00
  3074. [56056.557293] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] hdr::
  3075. [56056.557302] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 7f aa
  3076. [56056.557310] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] 00000010: bb cc cc f3 a5 c7 b3 9f 86 dd
  3077. [56056.557472] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] AP(11) cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3078. [56056.557653] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_ipa_offload_enable_disable: offload_type=0, enable=1
  3079. [56056.557940] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
  3080. [56056.560135] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3081. [56056.560285] type=1400 audit(1483762610.307:13267): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3082. [56056.560463] type=1400 audit(1483762610.307:13268): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3083. [56056.560548] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3084. [56056.560591] type=1400 audit(1483762610.307:13269): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3085. [56056.560692] wlan: [2711:F :WDA] BSS Key setup with vdev_mac cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3086. [56056.560692]
  3087. [56056.561082] wlan: [2711:E :HDD] hdd_ch_avoid_cb: Failed to set unsafe channel
  3088. [56056.579911] wlan: [13096:E :HDD] __hdd_hostapd_ioctl: 573: ifr or ifr->ifr_data is NULL
  3089. [56056.580265] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3090. [56056.580668] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3091. [56056.583161] wlan: [13096:E :HDD] __hdd_hostapd_ioctl: 573: ifr or ifr->ifr_data is NULL
  3092. [56056.583762] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3093. [56056.584296] type=1400 audit(1483762610.327:13270): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3094. [56056.584507] type=1400 audit(1483762610.327:13271): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3095. [56056.584559] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3096. [56056.584624] type=1400 audit(1483762610.337:13272): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3097. [56056.584732] type=1400 audit(1483762610.337:13273): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3098. [56056.584835] type=1400 audit(1483762610.337:13274): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3099. [56056.584876] wlan: [13096:E :HDD] __hdd_hostapd_ioctl: 573: ifr or ifr->ifr_data is NULL
  3100. [56056.586884] type=1400 audit(1483762610.337:13275): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3101. [56056.587080] type=1400 audit(1483762610.337:13276): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3102. [56056.637384] type=1400 audit(1483762610.387:13277): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3103. [56056.652989] type=1400 audit(1483762610.397:13278): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3104. [56056.653235] type=1400 audit(1483762610.407:13279): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3105. [56056.653362] type=1400 audit(1483762610.407:13280): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3106. [56056.654943] type=1400 audit(1483762610.407:13281): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3107. [56056.893024] FG: fg_is_batt_id_valid: fg batt sts 0x28
  3108. [56057.004695] wlan: [13096:E :HDD] __hdd_hostapd_ioctl: 573: ifr or ifr->ifr_data is NULL
  3109. [56057.004944] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3110. [56057.005285] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3111. [56057.017925] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  3112. [56057.052271] type=1400 audit(1483762610.797:13282): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3113. [56057.053966] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3114. [56057.055501] type=1400 audit(1483762610.807:13283): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3115. [56057.055664] type=1400 audit(1483762610.807:13284): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3116. [56057.055770] type=1400 audit(1483762610.807:13285): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3117. [56057.055965] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_delete_all_ap_remote_peers: vdev_id - 0
  3118. [56057.055976] wlan: [0:E :WDA] wma_delete_all_ap_remote_peers: self peer removed by caller
  3119. [56057.055987] TXRX: ol_txrx_peer_detach:peer ffffffc0429e4cc0 (cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f)
  3120. [56057.056001] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_remove_peer: Removed peer with addr cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f vdevid 0 peer_count 0
  3121. [56057.056737] wlan: [2711:E :PE ] limFTCleanup: 162: psessionEntry is not in STA mode
  3122. [56057.057423] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 88 reference to peer ffffffc0429e4cc0
  3123. [56057.057452] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 40 reference to peer ffffffc0429e4cc0
  3124. [56057.057486] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 8 reference to peer ffffffc0429e4cc0
  3125. [56057.057494] TXRX: Deleting peer ffffffc0429e4cc0 (cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f)
  3126. [56057.057889] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_ipa_offload_enable_disable: offload_type=0, enable=0
  3127. [56057.058065] wlan: [2711:E :PE ] limProcessUpdateAddIEs: 7002: Session not found for given bssid. cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3128. [56057.058085] wlan: [2711:E :PE ] limProcessUpdateAddIEs: 7002: Session not found for given bssid. cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3129. [56057.058103] wlan: [2711:E :PE ] limProcessUpdateAddIEs: 7002: Session not found for given bssid. cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3130. [56057.061020] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3131. [56057.062399] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3132. [56057.062797] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3133. [56057.074180] type=1400 audit(1483762610.817:13286): avc: denied { create } for pid=2794 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  3134. [56057.077045] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2794) exited with status 0
  3135. [56057.077077] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2794) killing any children in process group
  3136. [56060.842968] wlan: [2772:E :HDD] wlan_hdd_tdls_disable_offchan_and_teardown_links: 201: Station Adapter Not Found
  3137. [56060.843387] wlan: [2711:E :WDA] wma_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 0 VAP Addr = cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3138. [56061.353327] fwpath_changed_handler : new_mode : sta, present_mode : ap
  3139. [56061.353372] kickstart_driver: load: 1 wlan_hdd_inited: 1, mode_change: 1 caller: fwpath_changed_handler
  3140. [56061.353384] wlan: unloading driver v4.4.23.009
  3141. [56061.353410] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_pkt_proto_trace_close 421
  3142. [56061.353659] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_wlan_exit: 12678: Unregister IPv6 notifier
  3143. [56061.363045] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_wlan_exit: 12680: Unregister IPv4 notifier
  3144. [56061.366614] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3145. [56061.367798] Reset Device
  3146. [56061.372576] wlan: [2711:E :VOS] VosMCThread: MC Thread exiting!!!!
  3147. [56061.372599] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3148. [56061.372679] wlan: [2712:E :VOS] VosTlshimRxThread: Shutting down tl shim Tlshim rx thread
  3149. [56061.372693] wlan: [2712:E :VOS] VosTlshimRxThread: Exiting VOSS Tlshim rx thread
  3150. [56062.084597] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  3151. [56062.140457] type=1400 audit(1483762615.887:13287): avc: denied { create } for pid=2804 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  3152. [56062.142351] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2804) exited with status 0
  3153. [56062.142385] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2804) killing any children in process group
  3154. [56063.581602] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3155. [56063.581630] wlan: [2707:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3156. [56063.759306] wlan: [2071:E :SAP] dfs_reset_alldelaylines[95]: pl==NULL, b5radars= (null)
  3157. [56063.773878] wlan_logging_thread: Exiting the thread
  3158. [56063.773894] wlan_logging_thread: Terminating
  3159. [56063.774689] wlan_logging_sock_deactivate_svc: Deactivate wlan_logging svc
  3160. [56063.852126] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3161. [56063.852571] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3162. [56063.923238] hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 0, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 1, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 2, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 3, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 4, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 5, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 6, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0hif_dump_pipe_debug_count pipe_id = 7, recv_bufs_needed = 0, nbuf_alloc_err_count = 0, nbuf_dma_err_count = 0, nbuf_ce_enqueue_err_count = 0
  3163. [56063.924059] pci_remove
  3164. [56063.934077] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_mem_clean: List is not Empty. listSize 2
  3165. [56063.934091] wlan: [2071:F :VOS] Call stack for the source of leaked memory:
  3166. [56063.934096] [<ffffffc000a2f798>] vos_mem_malloc_debug+0x16c/0x218
  3167. [56063.934112] [<ffffffc000a96a74>] adf_os_mem_alloc_debug+0x30/0x58
  3168. [56063.934122] [<ffffffc0008ec72c>] hdd_ipa_wlan_evt+0x734/0x840
  3169. [56063.934132] [<ffffffc0008b8c68>] hdd_hostapd_SAPEventCB+0x61c/0x1768
  3170. [56063.934142] [<ffffffc000988090>] sapSignalHDDevent+0x84c/0x87c
  3171. [56063.934152] [<ffffffc000988d40>] sapRoamSessionCloseCallback+0x28/0x38
  3172. [56063.934160] [<ffffffc0009b8e90>] csrProcessDelStaSessionRsp+0xc0/0x198
  3173. [56063.934170] [<ffffffc0009a2fd0>] sme_ProcessMsg+0x5dc/0xd90
  3174. [56063.934179] [<ffffffc000a32ed0>] VosMCThread+0x4cc/0x660
  3175. [56063.934188] [<ffffffc0000c8fc8>] kthread+0xb4/0xc0
  3176. [56063.934198] [<ffffffc0000873ac>] ret_from_fork+0xc/0x20
  3177. [56063.934208] [<ffffffffffffffff>] 0xffffffffffffffff
  3178. [56063.934224] wlan: [2071:F :VOS] Call stack for the source of leaked memory:
  3179. [56063.934228] [<ffffffc000a2f798>] vos_mem_malloc_debug+0x16c/0x218
  3180. [56063.934236] [<ffffffc000a96a74>] adf_os_mem_alloc_debug+0x30/0x58
  3181. [56063.934244] [<ffffffc0008ec72c>] hdd_ipa_wlan_evt+0x734/0x840
  3182. [56063.934252] [<ffffffc0008b8900>] hdd_hostapd_SAPEventCB+0x2b4/0x1768
  3183. [56063.934260] [<ffffffc000988090>] sapSignalHDDevent+0x84c/0x87c
  3184. [56063.934268] [<ffffffc00098a704>] sapFsm+0x80c/0xbfc
  3185. [56063.934276] [<ffffffc000984848>] WLANSAP_RoamCallback+0xe6c/0xeec
  3186. [56063.934284] [<ffffffc0009ae1a8>] csrRoamCallCallback+0x2e0/0x554
  3187. [56063.934293] [<ffffffc0009be624>] csrRoamProcessResults+0x1064/0x1800
  3188. [56063.934302] [<ffffffc0009bee48>] csrRoamComplete+0x88/0x134
  3189. [56063.934309] [<ffffffc0009c2aec>] csrRoamingStateMsgProcessor+0x358/0x6ec
  3190. [56063.934317] [<ffffffc0009d0eac>] csrMsgProcessor+0x1a4/0x308
  3191. [56063.934326] [<ffffffc0009a36ec>] sme_ProcessMsg+0xcf8/0xd90
  3192. [56063.934333] [<ffffffc000a32ed0>] VosMCThread+0x4cc/0x660
  3193. [56063.934340] [<ffffffc0000c8fc8>] kthread+0xb4/0xc0
  3194. [56063.934348] [<ffffffc0000873ac>] ret_from_fork+0xc/0x20
  3195. [56063.934369] wlan: [2071:F :VOS] 2 Time memory Leak@ File ../../../../../../kernel/nextbit/msm8992/drivers/staging/qcacld-2.0/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_ipa.c, @Line 4452, size 38
  3196. [56063.943372] wlan: driver unloaded
  3197. [56064.152312] vos_mem_init: Memory Debug Enabled ******
  3198. [56064.152438] wlan: loading driver v4.4.23.009 +TIMER_MANAGER +MEMORY_DEBUG
  3199. [56064.240479] cnss:failed to get fw: evicted30.bin
  3200. [56064.241480] hif_pci_probe:, con_mode= 0x0
  3201. [56064.241562] PCI device id is 003e :003e
  3202. [56064.241603] cnss_wlan_pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xff400000-0xff5fffff 64bit]
  3203. [56064.244458]
  3204. [56064.244458] hif_pci_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
  3205. [56064.244677]
  3206. [56064.244677] Using PCI Legacy Interrupt
  3207. [56064.281775] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_apply_cfg_ini: Reg Parameter gtsf_gpio_pin > allowed Maximum [255 > 254]. Enforcing Default= 255
  3208. [56064.282188] wlan_logging_sock_activate_svc: Initalizing FEConsoleLog = 1 NumBuff = 256
  3209. [56064.283190] wlan_logging_sock_activate_svc: Activated wlan_logging svc
  3210. [56064.283477] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3211. [56064.283645] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3212. [56064.283823] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3213. [56064.283996] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3214. [56064.284175] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3215. [56064.284443] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] vos_lock_init: already initialized lock
  3216. [56064.309215] NUM_DEV=1 FWMODE=0x2 FWSUBMODE=0x0 FWBR_BUF 0
  3217. [56064.313837] ol_download_firmware: Using 0x1234 for the remainder of init
  3218. [56064.313854] ol_transfer_codeswap_struct: failed to get codeswap structure
  3219. [56064.337058] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] __ol_transfer_bin_file: transferring file: otp30.bin size 23921 bytes done!
  3220. [56064.340599] __ol_transfer_bin_file: Failed to get bdwlan30.b00
  3221. [56064.340615] __ol_transfer_bin_file: Trying to load default bdwlan30.bin
  3222. [56064.343981] Board extended Data download address: 0x0
  3223. [56064.349907] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] __ol_transfer_bin_file: transferring file: bdwlan30.bin size 8124 bytes done!
  3224. [56064.350341] __ol_transfer_bin_file: no Setup file defined
  3225. [56065.185828] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] __ol_transfer_bin_file: transferring file: qwlan30.bin size 712638 bytes done!
  3226. [56065.186572] +HTCCreate .. HIF :ffffffc040566940
  3227. [56065.186758] -HTCCreate (0xffffffc0560323c0)
  3228. [56065.186922] wlan: [2071:F :WDA] WMA --> wmi_unified_attach - success
  3229. [56065.186970] ol_if_dfs_attach: called; ptr=ffffffc0bba71c9c, radar_info=ffffffc05a207818
  3230. [56065.192829] wlan: [2071:E :SAP] dfs_init_radar_filters[201]: Unknown dfs domain 0
  3231. [56065.193027] +HWT
  3232. [56065.193035] pipe_num:0 pipe_info:0xffffffc040566a40
  3233. [56065.193316] pipe_num:3 pipe_info:0xffffffc040566c38
  3234. [56065.193342] pipe_num:4 pipe_info:0xffffffc040566ce0
  3235. [56065.194532] pipe_num:5 pipe_info:0xffffffc040566d88
  3236. [56065.198098] Target Ready! : transmit resources : 2 size:1792, MaxMsgsPerHTCBundle = 1
  3237. [56065.198115] HTC Service Index : 1 TX : 0x100 : alloc:2
  3238. [56065.198124] HTC Service:0x0001, ULpipe:0 DLpipe:1 id:0 Ready
  3239. [56065.198128] -HWT
  3240. [56065.199881] is_full_reorder_offloaded? 1
  3241. [56065.199897] HTC Service TX : 0x300 : allocation is zero!
  3242. [56065.200192] HTC Service:0x0300, ULpipe:4 DLpipe:1 id:1 Ready
  3243. [56065.200210] HTC Service:0x0300 ep:1 TX flow control disabled
  3244. [56065.200486] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3245. [56065.235285] HTT: full reorder offload enabled
  3246. [56065.242476] HTC Service:0x0100, ULpipe:3 DLpipe:2 id:2 Ready
  3247. [56065.242502] wlan: [2071:F :WDA] WMA --> wmi_unified_connect_htc_service - success
  3248. [56065.242578] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] McThread: WNI_CFG_DNLD_REQ
  3249. [56065.242697] HTC using TX credit flow control
  3250. [56065.243089] __wmi_control_rx: WMI UNIFIED SERVICE READY event
  3251. [56065.243105] wlan: [32727:F :WDA] WMA <-- WMI_SERVICE_READY_EVENTID
  3252. [56065.243120] wlan: [32727:E :WDA] wma_rx_service_ready_event: Firmware build version : 200700c5
  3253. [56065.243130] wlan: [32727:E :WDA] wma_rx_service_ready_event: Board version: 0.1031311
  3254. [56065.243163] wlan: [32727:F :WDA] WMA --> WMI_INIT_CMDID
  3255. [56065.259406] __wmi_control_rx: WMI UNIFIED READY event
  3256. [56065.259440] wlan: [32727:F :WDA] WMA <-- WMI_READY_EVENTID
  3257. [56065.260098] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3258. [56065.261561] wlan: [2071:E :VOS] wiphy is not yet registered with the kernel
  3259. [56065.261575] wlan: [2071:F :HDD] pAdapter is null !!
  3260. [56065.261697] wlan: [2071:E :WDA] regdmn_set_dfs_region: dfs_region: 1
  3261. [56065.263451] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3262. [56065.263706] wlan: [2071:E :SME] csr_init_chan_list: 333: init time country code US
  3263. [56065.263775] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] Invalid wda_cli_set pdev command/Not yet implemented 0x4d
  3264. [56065.313178] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3265. [56065.313594] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3266. [56065.313836] cnss_pci_get_wlan_mac_address: Platform Driver doesn't have any mac address
  3267. [56065.317360] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_ipa_init:4871: UC Ready
  3268. [56065.321436] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_ipa_uc_ol_init:2056: hdd_ipa_uc_ol_init CONS DB pipe out 0xfd4fa0c8
  3269. [56065.334987] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_ipa_uc_ol_init:2108: hdd_ipa_uc_ol_init PROD DB pipe out 0xfd4fa0c0
  3270. [56065.335212] wlan: [2071:E :WDA] MCC TX Pause Event Handler register
  3271. [56065.335246] wlan: [2071:E :WDA] Target does not support cesium network
  3272. [56065.336032] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3273. [56065.341000] Pkt log is enabled
  3274. [56065.341005] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3275. [56065.341124] wlan: [2071:E :SME] sme_AddChAvoidCallback: Plug in CH AVOID CB
  3276. [56065.341280] target uses HTT version 3.27; host uses 3.27
  3277. [56065.341479] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3278. [56065.342948] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3279. [56065.343305] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3280. [56065.343749] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3281. [56065.344309] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 0 VAP Addr = cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3282. [56065.345045] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3283. [56065.345395] wlan: [27351:E :HDD] wlan_hdd_validate_context: 1155: wlan_hdd_roc_request_dequeue+0x20/0xf8 Unloading/Loading in Progress. Ignore!!!
  3284. [56065.347387] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3285. [56065.363511] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] Invalid wda_cli_set pdev command/Not yet implemented 0x34
  3286. [56065.363853] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3287. [56065.363677] wmi_dbg_cfg_send: param 0x1 val 0xffff0004
  3288. [56065.363677]
  3289. [56065.363898] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 1 VAP Addr = ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3290. [56065.364077] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] Creating self peer ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f, vdev_id 1
  3291. [56065.364175] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_create_peer: Created peer with peer_addr ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f vdev_id 1, peer_count - 1
  3292. [56065.364637] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3293. [56065.364938] wlan: [29491:E :HDD] wlan_hdd_validate_context: 1155: wlan_hdd_roc_request_dequeue+0x20/0xf8 Unloading/Loading in Progress. Ignore!!!
  3294. [56065.377827] Host SW:, FW:, HW:QCA6174_REV3_2
  3295. [56065.378559] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3296. [56065.378932] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] Invalid wda_cli_set pdev command/Not yet implemented 0x34
  3297. [56065.379767] wlan: [2071:E :HDD] hdd_hex_string_to_u16_array: 6208: str ffffffc08298e0ad intArray ffffffc05a2079fa intArrayMaxLen 6
  3298. [56065.380286] ol_pktlog_init: pktlogmod_init successfull
  3299. [56065.380349] wlan: [2810:E :VOS] vos_get_log_indicator: 2808: vos context initialization is in progress LoadUnload: 1 LogP: 0 ReInit: 0
  3300. [56065.380650] hif_pci_pm_runtime_init: Enabling RUNTIME PM, Delay: 500 ms
  3301. [56065.380817] wlan: driver loaded in 1228517
  3302. [56065.385410] type=1400 audit(1483762619.137:13288): avc: denied { dac_override } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=1 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3303. [56065.591164] fwpath_changed_handler : new_mode : sta, present_mode : sta
  3304. [56065.591199] kickstart_driver: load: 1 wlan_hdd_inited: 1, mode_change: 0 caller: fwpath_changed_handler
  3305. [56065.604277] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
  3306. [56065.379077] wmi_dbg_cfg_send: param 0x1 val 0xffff0004
  3307. [56065.379077]
  3308. [56065.605630] wlan: [2812:E :HDD] hdd_ch_avoid_cb: Failed to set unsafe channel
  3309. [56065.610910] init: Starting service 'p2p_supplicant'...
  3310. [56065.708121] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] P2P Device: removing self peer ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3311. [56065.708139] TXRX: ol_txrx_peer_detach:peer ffffffc08ada6940 (ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f)
  3312. [56065.708152] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_remove_peer: Removed peer with addr ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f vdevid 1 peer_count 0
  3313. [56065.711208] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_unified_vdev_create_send: ID = 1 VAP Addr = ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f
  3314. [56065.711242] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 88 reference to peer ffffffc08ada6940
  3315. [56065.711272] TXRX: ol_rx_peer_unmap_handler: Remove the ID 40 reference to peer ffffffc08ada6940
  3316. [56065.711279] TXRX: Deleting peer ffffffc08ada6940 (ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f)
  3317. [56065.711301] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] Creating self peer ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f, vdev_id 1
  3318. [56065.711353] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_create_peer: Created peer with peer_addr ce:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f vdev_id 1, peer_count - 1
  3319. [56065.716016] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): p2p0: link is not ready
  3320. [56065.719018] wlan: [2812:E :HDD] hdd_ch_avoid_cb: Failed to set unsafe channel
  3321. [56066.763238] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_enable_specific_fw_logs: Not received event/log list from FW, yet
  3322. [56066.764743] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_enable_specific_fw_logs: Not received event/log list from FW, yet
  3323. [56066.765721] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_enable_specific_fw_logs: Not received event/log list from FW, yet
  3324. [56066.767272] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_enable_specific_fw_logs: Not received event/log list from FW, yet
  3325. [56067.616851] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  3326. [56067.693030] type=1400 audit(1483762621.447:13289): avc: denied { create } for pid=2898 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  3327. [56067.696133] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2898) exited with status 0
  3328. [56067.696171] init: Service 'iop' (pid 2898) killing any children in process group
  3329. [56069.492502] wlan: [32727:E :WDA] scan complete - scan_id a001, vdev_id 0
  3330. [56069.493456] wlan: [2812:E :SME] Found 4 BSS, statusCode 0
  3331. [56069.601999] wlan: [2812:E :SME] csrSendJoinReqMsg: 13749: Connecting to ssid:pokemon bssid: 54:a0:50:84:10:5c rssi: -67 channel: 6 country_code: US
  3332. [56069.605147] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_create_peer: Created peer with peer_addr 54:a0:50:84:10:5c vdev_id 0, peer_count - 1
  3333. [56069.661011] wlan: [2812:E :PE ] wlan_cfgGetInt: 356: Not valid cfg id 1
  3334. [56069.662458] wlan: [2812:E :WDA] wma_add_sta_req_sta_mode:statype 0 vdevid 0 aid 5 bssid 54:a0:50:84:10:5c staIdx 1 status 0
  3335. [56069.663025] wlan: [2812:E :HDD] cc:f3:a5:c7:b3:9f connected to 54:a0:50:84:10:5c
  3336. [56069.663513] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
  3337. [56069.665225] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 2147485700
  3338. [56069.665240] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 268444176
  3339. [56069.665248] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 0
  3340. [56069.665256] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 0
  3341. [56069.665264] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 0
  3342. [56069.665272] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 2147483648
  3343. [56069.665280] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 64
  3344. [56069.665288] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] beacon filter ie map = 0
  3345. [56069.665343] wlan: [2812:F :WDA] added beacon filter = 0
  3346. [56069.732201] wlan: [2812:E :TL ] WLANTL_ChangeSTAState:timeout for peer_authorized_event
  3347. [56069.736254] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3348. [56069.736625] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3349. [56069.748169] wlan: [2929:E :HDD] __wlan_hdd_cfg80211_bpf_offload: 10125: BPF offload is not supported by firmware
  3350. [56069.782080] wlan: [2812:E :TL ] WLANTL_ChangeSTAState:timeout for peer_authorized_event
  3351. [56069.785333] type=1400 audit(1483762623.537:13290): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3352. [56069.785825] type=1400 audit(1483762623.537:13291): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3353. [56069.786822] type=1400 audit(1483762623.537:13292): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3354. [56069.908868] type=1400 audit(1483762623.657:13293): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3355. [56069.911772] type=1400 audit(1483762623.657:13294): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3356. [56069.912748] type=1400 audit(1483762623.657:13295): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3357. [56069.914104] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3358. [56069.914817] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3359. [56069.920178] type=1400 audit(1483762623.657:13296): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3360. [56069.941597] type=1400 audit(1483762623.687:13297): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3361. [56069.995050] type=1400 audit(1483762623.737:13298): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3362. [56069.995297] type=1400 audit(1483762623.747:13299): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3363. [56069.997588] type=1400 audit(1483762623.747:13300): avc: denied { net_raw } for pid=1037 comm="cnss-daemon" capability=13 scontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tcontext=u:r:wcnss_service:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
  3364. [56070.794242] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3365. [56070.794631] [RMNET:HI] rmnet_vnd_ioctl(): Unkown IOCTL 0x00008B01
  3366. [56072.438132] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  3367. [56072.487751] type=1400 audit(1483762626.237:13301): avc: denied { create } for pid=3105 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  3368. [56072.490303] init: Service 'iop' (pid 3105) exited with status 0
  3369. [56072.490341] init: Service 'iop' (pid 3105) killing any children in process group
  3370. [56074.182204] __hif_pci_suspend: tx frames are pending
  3371. [56074.182248] TXRX: Total tx credits 1056 free_credits 1055
  3372. [56074.182271] __hif_pci_runtime_suspend: pci_suspend failed: -16
  3373. [56074.182401] pci_pm_runtime_suspend(): cnss_wlan_runtime_suspend+0x0/0xd8 returns -16
  3374. [56075.276798] event_handler: reclaimed all bufs
  3375. [56077.498280] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  3376. [56077.573937] type=1400 audit(1483762631.327:13302): avc: denied { create } for pid=3196 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  3377. [56077.577372] init: Service 'iop' (pid 3196) exited with status 0
  3378. [56077.577411] init: Service 'iop' (pid 3196) killing any children in process group
  3379. [56078.150813] [fih_update_status] PRE: 1, STS: 0/4, HEL: 0/1, CAP: 100/100/0/0, VOL: 4343, CUR: -39, TMP: 270/0, CEN: 1, CUM: 2400, ICM: 500, STL: 0, UPR: 1, UON: 1, UTP: 4, UVL: 5065420, IDR: 143733, MTM: 37, PMIC: 33
  3380. [56082.584364] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  3381. [56082.647167] type=1400 audit(1483762636.397:13303): avc: denied { create } for pid=3260 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  3382. [56082.650870] init: Service 'iop' (pid 3260) exited with status 0
  3383. [56082.650907] init: Service 'iop' (pid 3260) killing any children in process group
  3384. [56087.612450] FG: fg_is_batt_id_valid: fg batt sts 0x28
  3385. [56087.653284] init: Starting service 'iop'...
  3386. [56087.711693] type=1400 audit(1483762641.457:13304): avc: denied { create } for pid=3318 comm="iop" name="iop" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iop_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
  3387. [56087.714848] init: Service 'iop' (pid 3318) exited with status 0
  3388. [56087.714888] init: Service 'iop' (pid 3318) killing any children in process group
  3389. ======================= RUNNING PROCESSES ===================
  3391. root 1 0 14452 1932 SyS_epoll_ 00004d4ef4 S /init
  3392. root 2 0 0 0 kthreadd 0000000000 S kthreadd
  3393. root 3 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/0
  3394. root 7 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/0
  3395. root 8 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_preempt
  3396. root 9 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_bh
  3397. root 10 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_sched
  3398. root 11 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/0
  3399. root 12 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/1
  3400. root 13 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/1
  3401. root 14 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/1
  3402. root 17 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/2
  3403. root 18 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/2
  3404. root 19 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/2
  3405. root 21 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:0H
  3406. root 22 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/3
  3407. root 23 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/3
  3408. root 24 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/3
  3409. root 26 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:0H
  3410. root 27 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/4
  3411. root 28 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/4
  3412. root 29 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/4
  3413. root 31 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:0H
  3414. root 32 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/5
  3415. root 33 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/5
  3416. root 34 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/5
  3417. root 36 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:0H
  3418. root 37 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S khelper
  3419. root 38 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S netns
  3420. root 39 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S perf
  3421. root 46 2 0 0 watchdog_k 0000000000 S msm_watchdog
  3422. root 47 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S smd_channel_clo
  3423. root 48 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S smsm_cb_wq
  3424. root 49 2 0 0 msm_mpm_wo 0000000000 D kworker/u12:1
  3425. root 50 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S deferwq
  3426. root 52 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S rpm-smd
  3427. root 53 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/48-cpr
  3428. root 54 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/51-cpr
  3429. root 55 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S mpm
  3430. root 57 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S writeback
  3431. root 58 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S bioset
  3432. root 59 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S crypto
  3433. root 60 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kblockd
  3434. root 61 2 0 0 hub_thread 0000000000 S khubd
  3435. root 62 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S edac-poller
  3436. root 63 2 0 0 ion_heap_d 0000000000 S system
  3437. root 64 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipa_power_mgmt
  3438. root 65 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S sps_ipa_power_m
  3439. root 66 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipawq14
  3440. root 67 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S iparepwq14
  3441. root 68 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipawq43
  3442. root 69 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S iparepwq43
  3443. root 70 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipawq13
  3444. root 71 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S iparepwq13
  3445. root 72 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipa_power_mgmt
  3446. root 73 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipa_rm_wq
  3447. root 74 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipa_interrupt_w
  3448. root 75 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/261-msm_iom
  3449. root 76 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/263-msm_iom
  3450. root 77 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/261-msm_iom
  3451. root 78 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/263-msm_iom
  3452. root 79 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/261-msm_iom
  3453. root 80 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/263-msm_iom
  3454. root 81 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/261-msm_iom
  3455. root 82 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/263-msm_iom
  3456. root 83 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/261-msm_iom
  3457. root 84 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/263-msm_iom
  3458. root 85 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/261-msm_iom
  3459. root 86 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/263-msm_iom
  3460. root 87 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/102-msm_iom
  3461. root 88 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/102-msm_iom
  3462. root 89 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/102-msm_iom
  3463. root 90 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/74-msm_iomm
  3464. root 91 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/75-msm_iomm
  3465. root 92 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/75-msm_iomm
  3466. root 93 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/75-msm_iomm
  3467. root 94 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/75-msm_iomm
  3468. root 95 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/273-msm_iom
  3469. root 96 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/273-msm_iom
  3470. root 97 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/272-msm_iom
  3471. root 98 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/97-msm_iomm
  3472. root 99 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/97-msm_iomm
  3473. root 100 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/97-msm_iomm
  3474. root 101 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/298-msm_iom
  3475. root 102 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/298-msm_iom
  3476. root 103 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/298-msm_iom
  3477. root 104 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/79-msm_iomm
  3478. root 105 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/78-msm_iomm
  3479. root 106 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/78-msm_iomm
  3480. root 107 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S devfreq_wq
  3481. root 108 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S cfg80211
  3482. root 109 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/460-bcl_vba
  3483. root 110 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/459-bcl_iba
  3484. root 133 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S power_off_alarm
  3485. root 134 2 0 0 watchdog 0000000000 S khungtaskd
  3486. root 135 2 0 0 kswapd 0000000000 S kswapd0
  3487. root 136 2 0 0 fsnotify_m 0000000000 S fsnotify_mark
  3488. root 156 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ad_calc_wq
  3489. root 157 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S rot_commit_work
  3490. root 158 2 0 0 dsi_event_ 0000000000 D mdss_dsi_event
  3491. root 159 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S hdmi_tx_workq
  3492. root 160 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S apr_driver
  3493. root 161 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S pil_vote_wq
  3494. root 162 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S k_hsuart
  3495. root 163 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S msm_serial_hs_0
  3496. root 164 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S msm_serial_hs_0
  3497. root 165 2 0 0 add_hwgene 0000000000 S hwrng
  3498. root 166 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S diag_real_time_
  3499. root 167 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S diag_modem_data
  3500. root 168 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S diag_lpass_data
  3501. root 169 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S diag_wcnss_data
  3502. root 170 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S diag_sensors_da
  3503. root 171 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S diag_wq
  3504. root 172 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S DIAG_USB_diag
  3505. root 173 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S diag_cntl_wq
  3506. root 174 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S diag_dci_wq
  3507. root 175 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kgsl-3d0
  3508. root 176 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kgsl-events
  3509. root 177 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S governor_msm_ad
  3510. root 178 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kgsl_devfreq_wq
  3511. root 199 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi12
  3512. root 200 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S usbnet
  3513. root 201 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S sharedmem_qmi_w
  3514. root 202 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S qmi_hndl0000000
  3515. root 203 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S msm_ipc_router
  3516. root 204 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/212-msm_dwc
  3517. root 205 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S k_gserial
  3518. root 206 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S uether
  3519. root 207 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/503-hd3ss32
  3520. root 210 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S dsx_exp_workque
  3521. root 213 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S msm_cpp_workque
  3522. root 215 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/494-batt-mi
  3523. root 216 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S fwu_workqueue
  3524. root 217 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S f54_status_work
  3525. root 218 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3526. root 219 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3527. root 220 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3528. root 221 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3529. root 222 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3530. root 223 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3531. root 224 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3532. root 225 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3533. root 226 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3534. root 227 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3535. root 228 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3536. root 229 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3537. root 230 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3538. root 231 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3539. root 232 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/216-tsens_i
  3540. root 233 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3541. root 234 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3542. root 235 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3543. root 236 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3544. root 237 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3545. root 238 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3546. root 239 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S dm_bufio_cache
  3547. root 240 2 0 0 cpufreq_in 0000000000 S cfinteractive
  3548. root 241 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/170-f982490
  3549. root 243 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/253-f98a490
  3550. root 245 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/498-qpnp_wl
  3551. root 246 2 0 0 mmc_queue_ 0000000000 S mmcqd/0
  3552. root 247 2 0 0 mmc_queue_ 0000000000 S mmcqd/0rpmb
  3553. root 248 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S usb_bam_wq
  3554. root 249 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/499-qpnp_sc
  3555. root 250 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/224-spdm_bw
  3556. root 251 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S binder
  3557. root 252 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S audio-etm
  3558. root 253 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S qmi_svc_event_w
  3559. root 254 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S modem-etm
  3560. root 255 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S wcn-etm
  3561. root 256 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S rpm-etm
  3562. root 257 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/602-spi12.1
  3563. root 258 2 0 0 rfcomm_run 0000000000 S krfcommd
  3564. root 260 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/606-adsp
  3565. root 261 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/638-modem
  3566. root 262 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S msm_vidc_worker
  3567. root 263 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S pm_workerq_venu
  3568. root 266 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3569. root 267 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/464-chg-err
  3570. root 268 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/9-chg-taper
  3571. root 269 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/10-chg-tcc-
  3572. root 270 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/8-chg-rechg
  3573. root 271 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/468-chg-p2f
  3574. root 272 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/469-batt-ho
  3575. root 273 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/11-batt-war
  3576. root 274 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/13-batt-coo
  3577. root 275 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/12-batt-col
  3578. root 276 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/470-batt-mi
  3579. root 277 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/15-batt-low
  3580. root 278 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/1-usbin-uv
  3581. root 279 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/2-usbin-ov
  3582. root 280 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/3-usbin-src
  3583. root 281 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/6-aicl-done
  3584. root 282 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/4-otg-fail
  3585. root 283 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/5-otg-oc
  3586. root 284 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/7-usbid-cha
  3587. root 285 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/472-dcin-uv
  3588. root 286 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/474-power-o
  3589. root 287 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/475-temp-sh
  3590. root 288 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/476-safety-
  3591. root 289 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/360-ARM64 p
  3592. root 290 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/361-ARM64 s
  3593. root 291 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/362-ARM64 p
  3594. root 292 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/363-ARM64 s
  3595. root 293 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/54-CCI erro
  3596. root 294 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S rq_stats
  3597. root 295 2 0 0 events_not 0000000000 S msm_perf:events
  3598. root 296 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S sb-1
  3599. root 297 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/195-ngd_sli
  3600. root 298 2 0 0 ngd_slim_r 0000000000 D ngd_rx_thread1
  3601. root 299 2 0 0 ngd_notify 0000000000 D ngd_notify_sl1
  3602. root 300 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S k_bam_data
  3603. root 301 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S f_mtp
  3604. root 302 2 0 0 sleep_thre 0000000000 S file-storage
  3605. root 303 2 0 0 do_samplin 0000000000 D msm-core:sampli
  3606. root 304 2 0 0 do_hotplug 0000000000 S msm_thermal:hot
  3607. root 305 2 0 0 do_freq_mi 0000000000 S msm_thermal:fre
  3608. root 306 2 0 0 do_thermal 0000000000 S msm_thermal:the
  3609. root 307 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3610. root 308 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3611. root 309 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3612. root 310 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3613. root 311 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3614. root 312 2 0 0 sensor_sys 0000000000 S therm_core:noti
  3615. root 313 2 0 0 boost_mig_ 0000000000 S boost_sync/0
  3616. root 314 2 0 0 boost_mig_ 0000000000 S boost_sync/1
  3617. root 315 2 0 0 boost_mig_ 0000000000 S boost_sync/2
  3618. root 316 2 0 0 boost_mig_ 0000000000 S boost_sync/3
  3619. root 317 2 0 0 boost_mig_ 0000000000 S boost_sync/4
  3620. root 318 2 0 0 boost_mig_ 0000000000 S boost_sync/5
  3621. root 320 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipa_A7_svc
  3622. root 321 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S qmi_hndl0000000
  3623. root 322 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S clnt_req
  3624. root 323 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S clnt_resp
  3625. root 324 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S clnt_req
  3626. root 325 1 6168 1436 poll_sched 00004d4f24 S /sbin/ueventd
  3627. root 327 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p34
  3628. root 328 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3629. root 330 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p50
  3630. root 331 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3631. root 335 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p52
  3632. root 336 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3633. root 340 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p51
  3634. root 341 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3635. root 343 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p39
  3636. root 344 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3637. root 345 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p47
  3638. root 346 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3639. logd 347 1 24176 6604 sigsuspend 756e0bad70 S /system/bin/logd
  3640. root 354 2 0 0 kauditd_th 0000000000 S kauditd
  3641. root 363 1 5480 804 __skb_recv 00f0a1a418 S /system/bin/debuggerd
  3642. root 364 1 10164 1272 __skb_recv 73cbef0b48 S /system/bin/debuggerd64
  3643. root 365 1 20288 2636 hrtimer_na 72b506a598 S /system/bin/vold
  3644. root 367 363 5096 528 __skb_recv 00f0a1b64c S debuggerd:signaller
  3645. root 368 364 9908 636 __skb_recv 73cbef16a0 S debuggerd64:signaller
  3646. u0_a104 484 1021 1862816 85460 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity
  3647. root 875 2 0 0 loop_threa 0000000000 S loop0
  3648. root 877 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/loop0-8
  3649. root 878 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3650. root 942 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S IPCRTR
  3651. root 944 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S adsp_IPCRTR
  3652. root 946 1 6360 548 SyS_epoll_ 00004747bc S /sbin/healthd
  3653. nobody 949 1 16836 1396 poll_sched 76286a4ce0 S /system/bin/rmt_storage
  3654. rfs 950 1 12316 1376 poll_sched 79c4115ce0 S /system/bin/rfs_access
  3655. system 953 1 10068 1248 do_wait 77c7457ca0 S /system/bin/qseecomd
  3656. system 954 1 20620 1868 do_sigtime 74c883ed88 S /system/bin/pm-service
  3657. nobody 955 1 8900 1308 poll_sched 7d0affbcc8 S /system/bin/msm_irqbalance
  3658. root 956 1 8944 1472 SyS_epoll_ 7205ffbba8 S /system/bin/lmkd
  3659. system 957 1 9444 1452 binder_thr 7894757c98 S /system/bin/servicemanager
  3660. system 958 1 159316 15716 SyS_epoll_ 7335b7dba8 S /system/bin/surfaceflinger
  3661. root 961 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:1H
  3662. root 962 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:1H
  3663. root 969 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S msm_slim_qmi_cl
  3664. root 970 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S qmi_hndl0000000
  3665. system 972 953 17900 1336 sigsuspend 77c7456d70 S /system/bin/qseecomd
  3666. root 990 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/501-wcd9xxx
  3667. root 994 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:1H
  3668. system 1004 1 15644 1568 hrtimer_na 754311e598 S /system/bin/pm-proxy
  3669. root 1008 1 15536 1400 futex_wait 767e259d70 S /system/vendor/bin/perfd
  3670. system 1010 1 67856 6668 SyS_epoll_ 756cdcfba8 S /system/bin/cnd
  3671. radio 1012 1 15948 1868 poll_sched 74ffac9ce0 S /system/bin/qmuxd
  3672. radio 1013 1 50500 5648 __skb_recv 78bd563b48 S /system/bin/netmgrd
  3673. system 1014 1 10856 1288 poll_sched 7bc3ec2ce0 S /system/bin/ipacm-diag
  3674. radio 1015 1 17612 1824 poll_sched 768f027ce0 S /system/vendor/bin/qti
  3675. root 1016 1 63912 2956 sigsuspend 75fe416d70 S /system/vendor/bin/thermal-engine
  3676. media 1017 1 11716 1128 poll_sched 7e7aed8cc8 S /system/bin/adsprpcd
  3677. system 1018 1 11764 1508 poll_sched 757eed9ce0 S /system/bin/imsqmidaemon
  3678. system 1019 1 67796 5460 binder_thr 78ddafcc98 S /system/bin/imscmservice
  3679. root 1021 1 2134744 39156 poll_sched 7c6e3cbcc8 S zygote64
  3680. root 1022 1 1571304 22372 poll_sched 00f3f856a4 S zygote
  3681. audioserver 1023 1 76292 11256 binder_thr 00f03795fc S /system/bin/audioserver
  3682. cameraserver 1024 1 76228 7756 binder_thr 00e8dd35fc S /system/bin/cameraserver
  3683. drm 1025 1 13776 1556 binder_thr 00e7b845fc S /system/bin/drmserver
  3684. root 1026 1 9800 1948 unix_strea 74812d76a0 S /system/bin/installd
  3685. keystore 1027 1 12892 2172 binder_thr 765fcd3c98 S /system/bin/keystore
  3686. mediacodec 1028 1 47476 11604 binder_thr 00f27ea5fc S media.codec
  3687. mediaex 1030 1 45120 3684 binder_thr 00e87725fc S media.extractor
  3688. media 1031 1 85768 7700 binder_thr 00f42a65fc S /system/bin/mediaserver
  3689. root 1032 1 48496 4432 binder_thr 741c447c98 S /system/bin/netd
  3690. radio 1033 1 74036 10884 hrtimer_na 7cfd1d9598 S /system/bin/rild
  3691. root 1035 1 14060 1660 unix_strea 75065f46a0 S /system/bin/dpmd
  3692. root 1037 1 15872 1900 poll_sched 71c062ecc8 S /system/bin/cnss-daemon
  3693. gps 1038 1 11836 1380 sigsuspend 7378cdbd70 S /system/bin/loc_launcher
  3694. system 1040 1 16680 1856 binder_thr 73f864bc98 S /system/bin/fingerprintd
  3695. camera 1042 1 150696 20276 poll_sched 00ef1e46fc S /system/bin/mm-qcamera-daemon
  3696. system 1043 1 19112 2032 futex_wait 762f688d70 S /system/bin/time_daemon
  3697. system 1044 1 22828 2460 binder_thr 77cc2d3c98 S /system/bin/audiod
  3698. system 1045 1 14700 1700 do_sigtime 7209680d88 S /system/bin/mm-pp-daemon
  3699. system 1046 1 12552 1740 binder_thr 7227e8dc98 S /system/bin/gatekeeperd
  3700. root 1047 1 8284 1200 hrtimer_na 71a4de1598 S /system/xbin/perfprofd
  3701. root 1051 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:1H
  3702. system 1081 1 15004 1820 poll_sched 6fc314cce0 S /system/bin/imsdatadaemon
  3703. root 1091 2 0 0 notify_use 0000000000 S wrkld_notify
  3704. system 1099 1035 24676 2552 SyS_epoll_ 75065f3ba8 S /system/bin/dpmd
  3705. sensors 1210 1 62196 3208 poll_sched 7a5a22cce0 S /system/bin/sensors.qcom
  3706. u0_a29 1315 1021 1687256 41224 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3707. u0_a77 1386 1022 1130544 41580 SyS_epoll_ 00f3f854b8 S
  3708. root 1393 1 8324 576 __skb_recv 7ced0f2b48 S /sbin/su
  3709. root 1428 1 10556 716 pipe_wait 7acc2c16a0 S /data/magisk/magiskhide
  3710. root 1429 1428 7476 628 pipe_wait 7acc2c16a0 S /data/magisk/magiskhide
  3711. root 1441 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S IPCRTR
  3712. root 1442 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S modem_IPCRTR
  3713. root 1449 1428 7724 1036 sigsuspend 7daad4dd70 S sh
  3714. root 1457 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S qmi_hndl0000000
  3715. root 1464 1449 8164 1320 __skb_recv 7039b21700 S logcat
  3716. root 1480 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S qmi_hndl0000000
  3717. root 1718 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:4
  3718. root 1829 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u12:7
  3719. root 1838 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipawq44
  3720. root 1839 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S iparepwq44
  3721. system 1916 1021 2436284 160936 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S system_server
  3722. root 1950 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u12:8
  3723. u0_a50 2157 1022 1288616 58772 SyS_epoll_ 00f3f854b8 S
  3724. root 2179 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:0
  3725. u0_a5 2187 1021 1742732 60344 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3726. root 2388 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:0H
  3727. u0_a63 2477 1021 1684500 41016 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3728. clat 2726 1032 9016 2616 poll_sched 7144ac4cc8 S clatd-rmnet_data0
  3729. root 2810 2 0 0 wlan_loggi 0000000000 S wlan_logging_th
  3730. root 2811 2 0 0 VosWDThrea 0000000000 S VosWDThread
  3731. root 2812 2 0 0 VosMCThrea 0000000000 S VosMCThread
  3732. root 2813 2 0 0 VosTlshimR 0000000000 S VosTlshimRxThre
  3733. wifi 2829 1 13276 4036 poll_sched 76ae631ce0 S /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
  3734. u0_a80 2966 1021 1871828 141928 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3735. media_rw 2972 365 13884 2192 inotify_re 7369a2d6a0 S /system/bin/sdcard
  3736. u0_a25 3018 1021 1943604 163960 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3737. u0_a152 3107 1021 2383008 104764 0 7c6e3cbc98 R com.GetLogs
  3738. radio 3153 1021 1814344 96132 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3739. root 3198 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:0
  3740. u0_a152 3202 3107 8324 1380 unix_strea 7f01cd66a0 S su
  3741. root 3208 1 8324 528 do_wait 7ced0f3ca0 S /sbin/su
  3742. root 3214 3208 8324 496 do_wait 7ced0f3ca0 S /sbin/su
  3743. root 3216 3214 7724 1564 sigsuspend 77ea541d70 S sh
  3744. u0_a115 3235 1021 1709400 63108 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S me.phh.superuser:superuser
  3745. u0_a115 3292 1021 1713692 55108 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S me.phh.superuser
  3746. root 3321 3216 9124 1880 0 78efaa26a0 R ps
  3747. u0_a31 4040 1021 1687520 39620 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3748. u0_a95 4105 1021 1737892 76908 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3749. u0_a24 4122 1021 1862288 113828 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3750. u0_a8 4160 1021 2258772 42320 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3751. system 4175 1021 1704976 43952 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S .dataservices
  3752. u0_a16 4188 1021 1683372 36348 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S org.omnirom.omniswitch
  3753. nfc 4203 1021 1719448 47652 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3754. system 4220 1021 1685936 37112 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S com.quicinc.wbcserviceapp
  3755. u0_a94 4287 1021 1697768 42720 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3756. u0_a66 4302 1021 1682468 36148 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3757. u0_a24 4607 1021 2692388 151636 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3758. radio 5841 1021 1684632 38060 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel
  3759. u0_a35 6029 1021 1787004 100308 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3760. root 6574 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:2H
  3761. u0_a18 7665 1021 1687204 49596 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S eu.chainfire.opendelta
  3762. root 7737 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:2
  3763. root 9116 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:2H
  3764. root 11692 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:1H
  3765. u0_a8 12132 1021 2646132 222696 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3766. root 15551 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u13:1
  3767. root 18236 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/603-f98a490
  3768. u0_a24 22366 1021 1707708 45488 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3769. system 22740 1021 1773652 98636 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3770. root 22912 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:1
  3771. root 23091 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:4
  3772. u0_a1 24538 1021 1697704 53016 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S android.process.acore
  3773. root 24722 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u13:0
  3774. root 26062 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u12:3
  3775. root 26216 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:1
  3776. u0_a127 26265 1022 1169400 51788 SyS_epoll_ 00f3f854b8 S com.onforce.OnForce
  3777. root 26478 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:1
  3778. root 26720 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:1
  3779. root 26933 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u12:0
  3780. root 27113 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u12:2
  3781. root 27116 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:2
  3782. root 27140 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:1
  3783. root 27154 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u12:4
  3784. root 27156 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u12:5
  3785. root 27158 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u12:6
  3786. root 27240 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:2
  3787. u0_a10 27286 1021 1703952 56696 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3788. root 27351 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:1
  3789. root 27646 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:3
  3790. system 28360 1021 1685328 43836 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S com.qualcomm.telephony
  3791. u0_a82 28897 1021 1709824 60140 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3792. u0_a4 28982 1021 1684056 42556 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3793. root 29491 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:2
  3794. root 29493 2 0 0 mdss_mdp_c 0000000000 D mdss_fb0
  3795. root 29499 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/502-synapti
  3796. u0_a85 30183 1021 2256552 63184 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3797. root 30197 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:0
  3798. u0_a76 30477 1022 1687944 49832 SyS_epoll_ 00f3f854b8 S
  3799. u0_a56 30511 1021 1682408 39240 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S org.omnirom.omnijaws
  3800. u0_a101 30527 1022 1136492 42324 SyS_epoll_ 00f3f854b8 S com.nianticlabs.pokemongo
  3801. u0_a147 30551 1021 2238364 52932 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3802. u0_a121 30584 1022 1684608 62868 SyS_epoll_ 00f3f854b8 S
  3803. u0_a78 30997 1021 2417988 79676 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3804. u0_a124 31073 1021 1741784 66288 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3805. u0_a24 31417 1021 1872092 73780 SyS_epoll_ 7c6e3cbba8 S
  3806. media 31480 1 17404 5580 binder_thr 00ec39d5fc S /system/bin/mediadrmserver
  3807. root 31498 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:0
  3808. root 31599 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:1H
  3809. root 32181 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:0
  3810. root 32727 2 0 0 fg_req_and 0000000000 S kworker/0:0
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