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ban involontario

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Mar 22nd, 2014
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  1. [16:20:29] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: raga facciamo la coltiazione
  2. [16:20:29] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » Spidy_Teo99
  3. [16:20:32] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **TheEmpire MmaxX97: Non devi assolutamente accettare tpa a nessuno
  4. [16:20:32] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » si?
  5. [16:20:33] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » di a me
  6. [16:20:34] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: bhe.. casa mia e' solo 1 claim ed e' tutta ossidiana
  7. [16:20:38] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **TheEmpire MmaxX97: E ripeto NESSUNO
  8. [16:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **blood hollow_6: mi ripassi il piccone ke vado pure io
  9. [16:20:41] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » dite a lui sto lavorando
  10. [16:20:41] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: si si
  11. [16:20:43] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » zRobyBoy pensa che io sia givv
  12. [16:20:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Emmyzed issued server command: /w panther gamer e un nostro alleato
  13. [16:20:47] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » nono
  14. [16:20:49] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **TheEmpire MmaxX97: Nemmeno se sono tuoi amici
  15. [16:20:51] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » mi ha attaccato
  16. [16:20:51] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » in effetti lo eri un po
  17. [16:20:52] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: dammene uno
  18. [16:20:54] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /msg xGaMeR96
  19. [16:20:54] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **blood hollow_6: grazie
  20. [16:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: si si..
  21. [16:20:59] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » lui mi leva le cose che faccio io
  22. [16:21:01] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **TheEmpire MmaxX97: Tieni sempre la power in positivo
  23. [16:21:01] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /invsee xGaMeR96
  24. [16:21:02] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: classico
  25. [16:21:05] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » se eri givvati
  26. [16:21:06] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: /warp
  27. [16:21:07] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » se eri givvato
  28. [16:21:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Panther issued server command: /home
  29. [16:21:08] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » Spidy_Teo99 non sono givvato
  30. [16:21:08] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » xGaMeR96 quella roba era givvata
  31. [16:21:09] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » io le levo
  32. [16:21:13] [Server thread/INFO]: hollow_6 issued server command: /warp foresta
  33. [16:21:13] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » ho il permesso di Spidy_Teo99
  34. [16:21:14] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: /warp parkour
  35. [16:21:14] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **TheEmpire MmaxX97: E soprattutto non rivelare le coordinate a nessuno
  36. [16:21:20] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: /thru
  37. [16:21:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Saving holograms...
  38. [16:21:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Holograms saved!
  39. [16:21:22] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: MmaxX97 e NocioSolo fatemi tpa se.. nn ci credete alla casa solo 1 claim
  40. [16:21:23] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » vuole farmi levare mod
  41. [16:21:24] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: classico se continui cosi ti metto mod fazz
  42. [16:21:26] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » si ma quella spada era mia
  43. [16:21:26] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » asd
  44. [16:21:29] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » vuole farmi levare mod
  45. [16:21:31] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » xGaMeR96 quale
  46. [16:21:33] [Server thread/INFO]: NocioSolo issued server command: /tpa IuborPlay
  47. [16:21:34] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » vuole diventa lui
  48. [16:21:36] [Server thread/INFO]: IuborPlay issued server command: /tpaccept
  49. [16:21:39] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » quell'altra era di snowman
  50. [16:21:41] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: /warp
  51. [16:21:42] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » lui e givv
  52. [16:21:44] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » zRobyBoy ridagliela, ma a enchant ridotto
  53. [16:21:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Panther issued server command: /tpa stark
  54. [16:21:45] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » non io
  55. [16:21:45] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: /warp kit
  56. [16:21:46] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: wow, cowm hai fatto?
  57. [16:21:49] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » ok
  58. [16:21:53] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: dove l'hai trovata?
  59. [16:21:54] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: cn i soldini :3
  60. [16:21:55] [Server thread/INFO]: DarckMaster99[/] logged in with entity id 3829011 at ([world] -216.5, 62.0, -99.5)
  61. [16:21:55] [pool-6-thread-1/INFO]: Creazione configurazione vuota: /home/desktop/bungeecord/factions/plugins/Essentials/userdata/darckmaster99.yml
  62. [16:21:55] [Server thread/INFO]: DarckMaster99 è entrato nel server
  63. [16:21:57] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /encahnt
  64. [16:21:59] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: l'ho ftt
  65. [16:22:02] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: ragazzi avete legna
  66. [16:22:05] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » chi e stato a givvare snowman?
  67. [16:22:05] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » benvenuto DarckMaster99
  68. [16:22:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f home
  69. [16:22:08] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /encahnt
  70. [16:22:11] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /enchant
  71. [16:22:11] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy Accesso negato al comando.
  72. [16:22:12] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » non lo so
  73. [16:22:13] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **blood hollow_6: la recupero io adesso
  74. [16:22:13] [Server thread/INFO]: DarckMaster99 registered
  75. [16:22:15] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » grazie
  76. [16:22:16] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: tipo ho preso 1 stack e 50 di enderchest D:
  77. [16:22:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Panther issued server command: /home
  78. [16:22:16] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **TheEmpire MmaxX97: Dai allora IuborPlay
  79. [16:22:17] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » lui ha cubi diamond
  80. [16:22:17] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » mettimi comando enchant
  81. [16:22:18] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: grz
  82. [16:22:21] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: si MmaxX97
  83. [16:22:22] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » è lui il giv
  84. [16:22:28] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: però perdi la casa se entri in fazione
  85. [16:22:29] [Server thread/WARN]: MmaxX97 moved wrongly!
  86. [16:22:30] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » Spidy_Teo99 mettimi comando enchant
  87. [16:22:33] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » zRobyBoy usa incudine :P
  88. [16:22:35] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » zRobyBoy se voto che premio ricevo ?
  89. [16:22:36] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » ecco perke ho leftato dalla faz
  90. [16:22:36] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » sto lavorando
  91. [16:22:39] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: NocioSolo si puo' claimare?
  92. [16:22:42] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » bravo xGaMeR96
  93. [16:22:42] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » ok
  94. [16:22:43] [Server thread/INFO]: STARK issued server command: /spawn
  95. [16:22:54] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » Spidy_Teo99 se voti che ricevi?
  96. [16:22:56] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » founder se voto che premio ricevo ?
  97. [16:22:56] [Server thread/INFO]: STARK issued server command: /tpa panther
  98. [16:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Panther issued server command: /tpaccept
  99. [16:23:00] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: insomma, preferirei tenere il claim tutto a casa
  100. [16:23:03] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: mia
  101. [16:23:03] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: ragazzi mi prendete la legna
  102. [16:23:03] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » diversi premi
  103. [16:23:06] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » cioe
  104. [16:23:07] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » xGaMeR96 te la rido ora
  105. [16:23:12] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » zRobyBoy me la ridaresti ?
  106. [16:23:15] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » si
  107. [16:23:15] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » grazie
  108. [16:23:15] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: prendetemi la legna
  109. [16:23:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] MmaxX97: /f map
  110. [16:23:16] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: diamantii!!!
  111. [16:23:17] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » ecco la faccio
  112. [16:23:19] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » su mine ita fai REWARDS
  113. [16:23:22] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: grznde
  114. [16:23:23] [Server thread/INFO]: STARK issued server command: /sethome
  115. [16:23:25] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: grande
  116. [16:23:26] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » scegline uno e poi fai /premio
  117. [16:23:30] [Server thread/INFO]: pasquale issued server command: /
  118. [16:23:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] hollow_6: /f home
  119. [16:23:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f home
  120. [16:23:34] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: se vuoi restiamo ally
  121. [16:23:36] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » non c'è ne sono altri che date voi
  122. [16:23:37] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: 4 diamanti
  123. [16:23:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Panther issued server command: /home
  124. [16:23:39] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: NocioSolo bhe.. ho 10 di power con questo claim che e' sl 1
  125. [16:23:39] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » ?
  126. [16:23:40] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: ??
  127. [16:23:43] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » Gamer disband la tua faz
  128. [16:23:46] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: e se ti attaccano
  129. [16:23:47] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: altri diamanti DD:
  130. [16:23:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f home
  131. [16:23:50] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » emmy
  132. [16:23:50] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: ti difendiamo
  133. [16:23:52] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » perke?
  134. [16:23:56] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » DarckMaster99 ti do 6 diamanti
  135. [16:23:56] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » entri nella mia
  136. [16:23:58] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: NocioSolo bhe.. ho 10 di power con questo claim che e' sl 1??
  137. [16:24:04] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » per il voto ?
  138. [16:24:04] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: ho trovato 10 diamanti loool
  139. [16:24:06] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: /home
  140. [16:24:07] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » emmy mi fai mod?
  141. [16:24:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Spidy_Teo99 issued server command: /msg DarckMaster99 te ne do 10
  142. [16:24:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] pasquale has protected a block or door.
  143. [16:24:11] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » ah grazie
  144. [16:24:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] pasquale just tried to change a non-editable sign. (Bukkit bug, or plugin conflict?)
  145. [16:24:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Spidy_Teo99 issued server command: /msg DarckMaster99 ok?
  146. [16:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Panther issued server command: /home
  147. [16:24:14] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » gia lo sei panther
  148. [16:24:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Spidy_Teo99 issued server command: /msg DarckMaster99 te ne do 10
  149. [16:24:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Spidy_Teo99 issued server command: /msg DarckMaster99 ok?
  150. [16:24:15] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **blood hollow_6: hHhHhH BRAVO ZIO
  151. [16:24:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Panther claimed land at (627,562) for the faction: Anonymous
  152. [16:24:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f claim
  153. [16:24:17] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: si, ma se ti ucccidono 3 volte è già conquistabile
  154. [16:24:17] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » tok
  155. [16:24:19] [Server thread/INFO]: xGaMeR96 issued server command: /home
  156. [16:24:20] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » ;)
  157. [16:24:22] [Server thread/INFO]: NocioSolo issued server command: /tpa mmaxx97
  158. [16:24:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Panther claimed land at (628,562) for the faction: Anonymous
  159. [16:24:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f autoclaim
  160. [16:24:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Panther claimed land at (628,563) for the faction: Anonymous
  161. [16:24:26] [Server thread/INFO]: MmaxX97 issued server command: /tpaccept
  162. [16:24:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Panther claimed land at (627,563) for the faction: Anonymous
  163. [16:24:29] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: hollow fatte una tua chest
  164. [16:24:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Panther claimed land at (627,561) for the faction: Anonymous
  165. [16:24:34] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » non claimare troppo pero xd
  166. [16:24:36] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: pero' e' tutta ossidiana
  167. [16:24:37] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]DarckMaster99 » aspe che mo apro internet e accedo e voto
  168. [16:24:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Panther claimed land at (627,560) for the faction: Anonymous
  169. [16:24:40] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » DarckMaster99 scherzo
  170. [16:24:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Panther claimed land at (628,560) for the faction: Anonymous
  171. [16:24:44] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » è mia emmy
  172. [16:24:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Panther claimed land at (628,561) for the faction: Anonymous
  173. [16:24:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f autoclaim
  174. [16:24:49] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » non possiamo dare premi
  175. [16:24:49] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » gamerw
  176. [16:24:50] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » l'ho fatta per i police
  177. [16:24:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Panther issued server command: /home
  178. [16:24:52] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /enderchest xGaMeR96
  179. [16:24:52] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » -.-
  180. [16:24:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f home
  181. [16:24:55] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: classico ti faccio due chets poi vieni che te le do
  182. [16:24:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Emmyzed was slain by xGaMeR96 using [§4§lSpada di oro]
  183. [16:25:05] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » xD
  184. [16:25:06] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: altri diamanti!
  185. [16:25:07] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » CHE ******** FAI
  186. [16:25:08] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » tpa
  187. [16:25:09] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » DarckMaster99 scherzo
  188. [16:25:10] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » non possiamo dare premi
  189. [16:25:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Danielx16[/] logged in with entity id 3852073 at ([world] -181.99431018020263, 62.0, 4.1667128910010405)
  190. [16:25:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Danielx16 è entrato nel server
  191. [16:25:11] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » posso invitare un mio amci emmy?
  192. [16:25:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] hollow_6 has protected a block or door.
  193. [16:25:11] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: ok pasuqale
  194. [16:25:18] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /msg Spidy_Teo99 guarda enderchest di xGaMeR96
  195. [16:25:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] hollow_6 just tried to change a non-editable sign. (Bukkit bug, or plugin conflict?)
  196. [16:25:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] NocioSolo: /f home
  197. [16:25:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f invit
  198. [16:25:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Danielx16 logged in!
  199. [16:25:24] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /invsee xGaMeR96
  200. [16:25:24] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » Panther
  201. [16:25:25] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » emmy
  202. [16:25:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Panther: /f invite stark
  203. [16:25:27] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » tpa
  204. [16:25:28] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: no?
  205. [16:25:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Spidy_Teo99 issued server command: /enderchest xGaMeR96
  206. [16:25:33] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » xGaMeR96 te la ho messa nell inv
  207. [16:25:34] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » avremo piu power
  208. [16:25:37] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » è bravo
  209. [16:25:40] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » grazie
  210. [16:25:41] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /msg Spidy_Teo99 guarda enderchest di xGaMeR96
  211. [16:25:43] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » l'importante e che non griffi e CHE NON ACCETTI I TPA diglielo
  212. [16:25:46] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **blood hollow_6: ok
  213. [16:25:47] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » ok?
  214. [16:25:47] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » fatto zRobyBoy
  215. [16:25:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] gamerover98: /f power NocioSolo
  216. [16:25:50] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » sisi lo sa
  217. [16:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] STARK joined the faction Anonymous.
  218. [16:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] STARK: /f join panther
  219. [16:25:55] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: /v
  220. [16:25:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [VanishNoPacket] gamerover98 reappeared.
  221. [16:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: /ev
  222. [16:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: NocioSolo
  223. [16:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /msg Spidy_Teo99 gli levo roba?
  224. [16:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » DarckMaster99
  225. [16:26:03] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: iubor, allora, ricapitolando: tu vuoi entrare nella nostra fazione? o restare solo ally?
  226. [16:26:04] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /enderchest xGaMeR96
  227. [16:26:06] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » gamer
  228. [16:26:08] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » non posso darti premio
  229. [16:26:12] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » si?
  230. [16:26:12] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » entra nella mia
  231. [16:26:17] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /enderchest xGaMeR96
  232. [16:26:18] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » lpllllssssss
  233. [16:26:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Danielx16 lost connection: Disconnected
  234. [16:26:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Danielx16 è uscito dal server
  235. [16:26:23] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: NocioSolo come vuoi.. tu io voglio entrare
  236. [16:26:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] hollow_6 just tried to change a non-editable sign. (Bukkit bug, or plugin conflict?)
  237. [16:26:32] [Server thread/INFO]: gamerover98 issued server command: //set 4
  238. [16:26:33] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » oppure ti ammazzo il cane
  239. [16:26:37] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » decidi
  240. [16:26:40] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » moderati
  241. [16:26:41] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » LOL
  242. [16:26:43] [Server thread/INFO]: pasquale issued server command: /tpa classico
  243. [16:26:43] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /tp Emmyzed
  244. [16:26:47] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: accetta classico
  245. [16:26:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Classico issued server command: /tpaccept
  246. [16:26:53] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: bene, allora settati la home a casa tua, quella in ossidiana
  247. [16:26:57] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » dai gamer
  248. [16:27:01] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: asp
  249. [16:27:03] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » cosa?
  250. [16:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » cosa7
  251. [16:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: poi entri in fazione
  252. [16:27:07] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » entra
  253. [16:27:07] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: :D
  254. [16:27:07] [Server thread/INFO]: IuborPlay issued server command: /sethome
  255. [16:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: ftt
  256. [16:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » gamer che prto hai?
  257. [16:27:11] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: e claimiamo li
  258. [16:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: ok ok
  259. [16:27:15] [Server thread/INFO]: hollow_6 issued server command: /warp foresta
  260. [16:27:15] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: classico allora è vero che sei un bravo scavatore sei il migiore
  261. [16:27:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] Emmyzed: /f invite xGaMeR96
  262. [16:27:16] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » entra tu
  263. [16:27:16] [Server thread/INFO]: IuborPlay issued server command: /home
  264. [16:27:19] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » tu
  265. [16:27:20] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: lol
  266. [16:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: hollow_6 issued server command: /warp shop
  267. [16:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]: xGaMeR96 issued server command: /spawn
  268. [16:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: classico
  269. [16:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » gamer che prot hai?
  270. [16:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » io ho gia tt
  271. [16:27:27] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: reclutavampiresca Classico: dimmi
  272. [16:27:28] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: ora sei cosi
  273. [16:27:28] [Server thread/INFO]: DarkMonkey99 issued server command: /sethome
  274. [16:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: DarkMonkey99 issued server command: /spawn
  275. [16:27:35] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » xGaMeR96 mi porti alla f home
  276. [16:27:36] [Server thread/INFO]: hollow_6 issued server command: /warp fabbro
  277. [16:27:40] [Server thread/INFO]: DarkMonkey99 issued server command: /money
  278. [16:27:42] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » e questa
  279. [16:27:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] zRobyBoy joined the faction ThePolice.
  280. [16:27:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] zRobyBoy: /f join ThePolice
  281. [16:27:43] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » di chi?
  282. [16:27:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] zRobyBoy: /f home
  283. [16:27:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] pasquale: /f title classico minatorevampiro
  284. [16:27:45] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: bhe.. si tipo sara' "casa mia" nel senso che avro' le chest qui
  285. [16:27:46] [Server thread/INFO]: «ThePolice» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » tya
  286. [16:27:48] [Server thread/INFO]: «ThePolice» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » tua
  287. [16:27:48] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: minatorevampiro Classico: 3:
  288. [16:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: hollow_6 issued server command: /warp foresta
  289. [16:27:50] [Server thread/INFO]: DarkMonkey99 issued server command: /job
  290. [16:27:51] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /tp xGaMeR96
  291. [16:27:51] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » DarckMaster99
  292. [16:27:51] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » e questa
  293. [16:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: va bene
  294. [16:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: DarkMonkey99 issued server command: /jobs
  295. [16:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » ok
  296. [16:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: «ThePolice» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » vai alla f home
  297. [16:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: xGaMeR96 issued server command: /home
  298. [16:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: NocioSolo fmm tpa
  299. [16:28:09] [Server thread/INFO]: zRobyBoy issued server command: /tp xGaMeR96
  300. [16:28:09] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » dai gamer
  301. [16:28:11] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: *TheEmpire NocioSolo: arrivo
  302. [16:28:16] [Server thread/INFO]: NocioSolo issued server command: /tpa iubor
  303. [16:28:20] [Server thread/INFO]: IuborPlay issued server command: /tpaccept
  304. [16:28:21] [Server thread/INFO]: «**Anonymous» [YouTube]Emmyzed » entra
  305. [16:28:23] [Server thread/INFO]: «*Anonymous» [Helper]Panther » gamer che prot hai?
  306. [16:28:24] [Server thread/INFO]: «ThePolice» [Mod]+zRobyBoy » distruggi cartelli
  307. [16:28:26] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » vuoi vedere ancora?
  308. [16:28:28] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Founder]+SpidyTeo99 » zRobyBoy conosci DarckMaster99?
  309. [16:28:28] [Server thread/INFO]: AllianceChat: **LaFenice IuborPlay: al mio tre claimi
  310. [16:28:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] xGaMeR96 has released a container.
  311. [16:28:31] [Server thread/INFO]: «**ThePolice» [Utente]xGaMeR96 » 2
  312. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] The faction LaFenice (111) was disbanded by IuborPlay.
  313. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Board cleaner removed 111 from [world,-36,1315]
  314. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Board cleaner removed 111 from [world,-36,1316]
  315. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Board cleaner removed 111 from [world,26,1332]
  316. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] Reset faction data (invalid faction) for player IuborPlay
  317. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] IuborPlay: /f disband
  318. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: FactionChat blood: *pasquale: classico di solito quelli che incontro sono solo grifiers ma te sei un grande
  319. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]IuborPlay » 3
  320. [16:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] xGaMeR96 has released a container.
  321. [16:28:39] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]IuborPlay » claima
  322. [16:28:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] xGaMeR96 has released a container.
  323. [16:28:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5] NocioSolo claimed land at (26,1332) for the faction: TheEmpire
  324. [16:28:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] NocioSolo: /f claim
  325. [16:28:45] [Server thread/INFO]: «» [Utente]IuborPlay » ok
  326. [16:28:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] xGaMeR96 has released a container.
  327. [16:28:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] xGaMeR96 has released a container.
  328. [16:28:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] IuborPlay: /f join NocioSolo
  329. [16:28:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PLAYER_COMMAND] MmaxX97: /f invite IuborPlay
  330. [16:28:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Panther issued server command: /home
  331. [16:28:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Lockette] xGaMeR96 has released a container.
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