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Aug 28th, 2016
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  1. //Tow Trucks
  2. //ez cash
  3. //Author: Cobra
  4. if (playerside != civilian) exitWith { hint "Only civilians can become a tow truck driver!"; };
  5. if (Life_Working == 1) exitWith { hint "You're already working! Leave your current job first."; };
  6. if (Life_TowTruck == 1) exitWith { hint "You're already a tow truck driver!"; };
  7. Life_Working = 1;
  8. Life_TowTruck = 1;
  9. hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1.25' color='#ff0000'>You have become a tow truck, a tow truck will be delivered to the impound lot for you to use. Once you're inside your tow truck you are able to tow vehicles to the impound lot and deposit them for cash.</t>"];
  10. //need to add a check if vehicles close to spawn
  11. //Attempt to spawn tow truck
  12. _veh = "A3L_Towtruck" createVehicle (position TowTruckSpawn);
  13. _Dir = getdir(TowTruckSpawn);
  14. _veh setdir _Dir;
  15. _count = 6;
  16. uiSleep 15;
  17. hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1.25' color='#ff0000'>Your tow truck has been delivered to the impound lot succesfully. Remember: You will get an extra payment every 5 minutes until your contact expires. Your contract will last 30 minutes.</t>"];
  18. while (Life_TowTruck == 1) do {
  19. uiSleep 300;
  20. hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1.25' color='#ff0000'>A payment of $6,500 arrived in your bank as you're on duty as a tow truck driver. Remember: Staying out of your tow truck for too long will risk you being fired.</t>"];
  21. _count = _count - 1;
  22. if (_count == 0) exitWith { hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1.25' color='#ff0000'>Your job contract has expired. Feel free to sign up to become a tow truck driver again!</t>"]; };
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