
You Wouldn't Pirate a Departure

Apr 21st, 2014
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  1. Apr 19 12:15:55 <Aori_Radidjiu> Sunday, May 30th, 11 AM. It's lightly raining in Conch City, a gentle rain that you could stand to walk through without an umbrella or jacket if you wanted to, although you'd still get pretty wet. The rain patters on all the buildings in the city, all the docks, all the people walking to and from destinations, and of course it taps the mutiny gently, over and over, as if to carefully
  2. Apr 19 12:15:55 <Aori_Radidjiu> try to wake the ship up. The ship remains mostly quiet. Mirai is cooking in the galley, Lani is in the captain's quarters, watching the rain through a window, and Auriga is up on deck, with an umbrella, leaning on the railing of the deck, silently.
  3. Apr 19 12:21:18 * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined
  4. Apr 19 12:22:38 <Melons> 4d6+3 Make a stealthy mad dash out of Knox's room and back to hers. Although stealthy mad is more like zombified hangover and trying desperately not to be seen.
  5. Apr 19 12:22:38 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Make a stealthy mad dash out of Knox's room and back to hers. Although stealthy mad is more like zombified hangover and trying desperately not to be seen.: 15 [4d6=2,4,4,2]
  6. Apr 19 12:23:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hrm, sec~
  7. Apr 19 12:23:34 * Mackenzie is up on the deck, leaning against the wall. He's only wearing a thin white shirt, which is soaked and easily seen through. His arms are folded, and he's looking out at the water.
  8. Apr 19 12:23:58 <Knox> Knox stretches as the rain patters on the roof and begins to get up. He casts a glance at the bed, and considers going to the galley to cook something - grilled cheese might sound nice. Or maybe omelettes... but then after a moment he probably smells whatever Mirai's cooking, too and just shrugs. He's in a fairly good mood for a change, though it seems he misses Mel's departure as soon
  9. Apr 19 12:23:58 <Knox> as he looked away. He frowns, shrugs, and starts getting dressed proper and starts doing some morning exercises.
  10. Apr 19 12:23:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6+2 Miraiception
  11. Apr 19 12:23:59 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Miraiception: 16 [3d6=5,4,5]
  12. Apr 19 12:26:04 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai turns around to grab some eggs and sees Mel probably in some state of undress dashing past her. She blinks a few times. "Well, that's a question to ask!"
  13. Apr 19 12:26:54 * Melons pauses briefly with a hand-in-the-cookie-jar expression and just hurries off wordlessly to shower, change, and cry.
  14. Apr 19 12:27:24 <Mayuri> 3d6+1 Naomi sees all <3
  15. Apr 19 12:27:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, Naomi sees all <3: 8 [3d6=3,3,1]
  16. Apr 19 12:27:27 <Mayuri> (:()
  17. Apr 19 12:27:29 <Mayuri> (Cursed dicemaid)
  18. Apr 19 12:27:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> (kurse all maids)
  19. Apr 19 12:29:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> As for your current condition, feels like you've got dirt under everything. Dirt under your eyes, dirt under your skin, horrible dirt that squiggles a little whenever it touches something, and a bit of a headache, like you've got dirt in your brain
  20. Apr 19 12:29:59 * Med ( has joined
  21. Apr 19 12:30:27 <Knox> Eventually, though, Knox gets up and about, and probably heads to the deck himself He stops a bit behind Mack, and snorts, making a photographic pose with his hands. "The picturesque brooding hero looks out to sea. What is he longing for? The rain falls, hiding his true feelings." he says, actually in a bit of a teasing mood.
  22. Apr 19 12:31:03 * Ramiel is now known as Lesieli
  23. Apr 19 12:32:41 * Mackenzie looks over at Knox with a displeased expression. "Hey, can you blame me for trying to take advantage of a quiet moment in this crew?"
  24. Apr 19 12:34:42 * Mayuri stumbled out of her room-- apparently with Chiri having already taken roost in her hair
  25. Apr 19 12:34:49 <Knox> "Not really, I guess. Least it doesn't seem to get dull." he says idly and leans on the railing - probably still bent from where Tenebraw threw t hat robot. "Where are we heading to next?"
  26. Apr 19 12:34:54 <Mayuri> "What's with all the noise out here..."
  27. Apr 19 12:35:18 * Melons tries as vigorously as she can muster to wash the omnidirt off, momentarily wishing she had steel wool. Unfortunately the water pounding on her head from the showerhead feels like she's getting hammered, and not the fun kind(s) of being hammered. After a time, she gives up and drags herself out to get dressed, grabbing random parts of various outfits and throwing them on however she's able.
  28. Apr 19 12:36:51 <Knox> "It's called rain." he says facetiously to Mayuri.
  29. Apr 19 12:37:09 <Aori_Radidjiu> Chiri chirps a greeting to Mirai, who's cooking in the galley, and Mirai turns to give Mayuri a wave~
  30. Apr 19 12:37:21 * Mayuri blinks and waves back~
  31. Apr 19 12:39:05 <Knox> Somehow, it lacks the usual venom Knox has towards Mayuri, though.
  32. Apr 19 12:40:20 <Med> 1d6-1 where is med anyway? i dont know. didnt she want to meet up with a friend or visit family or something while she was in conch? maybe she's getting ready to do that, i muse as i roll anyway
  33. Apr 19 12:40:21 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, where is med anyway? i dont know. didnt she want to meet up with a friend or visit family or something while she was in conch? maybe she's getting ready to do that, i muse as i roll anyway: 0 [1d6=1]
  34. Apr 19 12:40:59 <Mackenzie> Mack stands up and shakes his head slightly. "I have no idea what we're doing now. I can't really imagine that we've learned anything new or interesting, despite having done things that are of some apparent degree of importance."
  35. Apr 19 12:41:56 <Melons> Mel bites the bullet and creeps out to the galley, awkwardly standing there in severe discomfort until she gets noticed.
  36. Apr 19 12:43:10 <Knox> "Wonderful. Maybe someone needs to apply a boot to the crew's collective ass." he smirks. "I don't mind staying around Conch for a bit, but Aether isn't being idle. If we just sit around waiting for things to happen, we're likely to just be wasting our time."
  37. Apr 19 12:43:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Eggs, bacon, french toast?
  38. Apr 19 12:43:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> " is Mirai's response to Mel showing up
  39. Apr 19 12:43:47 <Melons> Do any of those things sound like something Mel could keep down?
  40. Apr 19 12:45:11 <Knox> "If you haven't heard anything on the official channels, it might be worth checking out the rumor mill in the city, instead."
  41. Apr 19 12:45:12 * Mayuri is nomming on a bag of hard candies!
  42. Apr 19 12:45:25 <Mayuri> "You have anything sugary~?"
  43. Apr 19 12:48:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med is...
  44. Apr 19 12:48:36 <Mackenzie> "Maybe. I'm trying to think about when we've had out big breakthroughs so far..."
  45. Apr 19 12:48:45 <Mackenzie> *our
  46. Apr 19 12:49:33 <Knox> "Yeah?"
  47. Apr 19 12:49:43 <Knox> "Do tell, I haven't exactly heard everything yet."
  48. Apr 19 12:49:57 <Mackenzie> "There's... Oh right. That's something I'm pretty sure we can definitively tie to Aether now. One of the first things we've seen, too."
  49. Apr 19 12:50:41 <Mackenzie> "Ice cave. It has this strange lab-like room in it, with odd recording devices."
  50. Apr 19 12:51:26 <Mackenzie> "When Med turned shadow the first time and attacked us, she basically outright said that the room was linked to Aether's research."
  51. Apr 19 12:51:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med's not sure where she is, but it's with Siet. He's going around visiting some local exorcists and other stuff to see how legitimate they are and/or comment on their technique. He said you don't have to tag along if you don't want to, though.
  52. Apr 19 12:53:09 <Knox> He raises an eyebrow at that. "She knows a lot more about that, then? Hm. Where was this at, anyway?"
  53. Apr 19 12:53:13 * Mayuri blinks
  54. Apr 19 12:53:27 <Mayuri> "Merging with your weird shadow half doesn't erase memories or anything, right?" o.o
  55. Apr 19 12:54:01 <Knox> Since everyone's all over the place right now anyway, between the deck and the galley, let's say Knox is getting some breakfast too.
  56. Apr 19 12:54:07 * Med is okay with that - at least until she can find out, naturally via text messaging, if Luc's available for hanging outness~
  57. Apr 19 12:54:46 <Mackenzie> "I don't know how much she personally knows. I think it was just some knowledge gleaned during her pleasant family reunion with her mother and... I think sister...? which basically turned her completely shadow mand hostile."
  58. Apr 19 12:55:26 <Mackenzie> "Her mother is most assuredly Aether."
  59. Apr 19 12:56:37 * Melons quietly sits down. "Um...bacon..."
  60. Apr 19 12:57:46 * Mackenzie is probably too busy thinking to notice whether Knox is trying to physaically lead on that he wants to go to the galley if he is doing so.
  61. Apr 19 12:58:00 <Knox> "Well, if she wants to help, I suppose she'll be back, then. If not, I guess it can't be helped. Reinvestigating this cave might be a good lead..."
  62. Apr 19 12:58:19 <Knox> "Either way, I'm going to get some food. You staying up here or what?"
  63. Apr 19 12:59:23 <Mackenzie> "I supose I could go for some breakfast." Mack turns toward the door and waits for Knox to lead.
  64. Apr 19 12:59:27 <Mayuri> "So, uhm... What's for breakfast today?"
  65. Apr 19 12:59:32 <Mayuri> "Other than that."
  66. Apr 19 13:00:47 <Knox> He heads down to the galley, then! He strolls in and grabs a plate of everything. "Morning." He glances at Melanie for a moment, but then looks back to Mack. "That all we have to go on at the moment?"
  67. Apr 19 13:01:52 <Mackenzie> "No. I'd also like to see how the mermaid we rescued is faring, and her accounts of having been essentially experimented on by Aether."
  68. Apr 19 13:02:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai hands Mel a platter of bacon and a glass of orange juice. "Eat up~! You look pretty bad this morning!"
  69. Apr 19 13:02:17 <Knox> "A rescued mermaid... where's she at, then?"
  70. Apr 19 13:02:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, and for Mayuri Mirai hands some of the french toast with extra syrup on it
  71. Apr 19 13:02:39 * Melons visibly tenses up and just stairs down at the plate. She speaks loud enough for Knox and Mack to hear,"...there's also Jackknife."
  72. Apr 19 13:02:44 <Melons> *stares
  73. Apr 19 13:03:06 <Mackenzie> "Last I heard she was at a hospital recovering from an eaten foot and heavy general bleeding and damage."
  74. Apr 19 13:03:16 * Mayuri blinks
  75. Apr 19 13:03:19 <Mayuri> "I guess that works!"
  76. Apr 19 13:04:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai, now that sh'es cooked up enough food for everyone, knocks on Lesieli's door. "You gonna' eat, hon~?
  77. Apr 19 13:04:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> "
  78. Apr 19 13:05:11 <Knox> "Thanks." he says to Mirai as he gets his own food. "Where at...?" he says to Mack. And then at Mel. "Jackknife, huh? Always did want to explore the place."
  79. Apr 19 13:06:06 <Lesieli> The moment she stops the door slams open with a loud BAM! Out stumbles a groggy, disheveled Les still in sleepwear.
  80. Apr 19 13:06:18 <Lesieli> "Ugh, I don't know how you people can STAND this"
  81. Apr 19 13:06:42 <Melons> "There's...actively weird shit happening there. Aether-sounding shit." She nibbles at the bacon, nearly choking in surprise at the loud sound.
  82. Apr 19 13:06:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai blinks and hurriedly fetchs Les a glass of water, which she puts in Les' hand
  83. Apr 19 13:08:49 <Knox> "I've heard a rumor or two that the place was supposed to be cursed, but that's a new one."
  84. Apr 19 13:08:51 <Mackenzie> "The ice cave is right here on this island, so checking there could be an easy activity to reach."
  85. Apr 19 13:09:49 <Lesieli> "Mnnnggh, thanks" she grumbles in response
  86. Apr 19 13:09:50 * Mayuri blinks
  87. Apr 19 13:10:31 <Knox> He doesn't really react to Lesieli's outburst besides looking in the direction of the galley door.
  88. Apr 19 13:10:46 <Melons> "We've already been there a number of times and saw no evidence it was still in use. Jackknife on the other hand may be related to this extradimensional bullshit they've apparently been pulling."
  89. Apr 19 13:11:11 <Mackenzie> Mack reflexively blinks at the door being slammed open, but that's about it.
  90. Apr 19 13:11:32 <Knox> "That sounds a damn good deal more relevant, then."
  91. Apr 19 13:11:51 * Mayuri can hear Knox and co?
  92. Apr 19 13:12:05 <Knox> Yes, we're all in the galley now, apart from maybe Les
  93. Apr 19 13:12:24 * Knox digs into his french toast and bacon.
  94. Apr 19 13:12:53 <Knox> He... actually wedges bacon and egg between two pieces of french toast with just a little syrup, like some sort of unholy breakfast sandwich.
  95. Apr 19 13:12:57 * Mayuri nibbles syrup covered bread
  96. Apr 19 13:12:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med, you've gotten a text from Luc that she'll be open for a visit tonight, after sh'es done with work~
  97. Apr 19 13:13:39 * Melons makes a briefly disgusted face at her bacon and starts inspecting it very carefully.
  98. Apr 19 13:13:41 * Med texts back with an 'okay' and an adorable emoticon or two. maybe one of them is a heart!
  99. Apr 19 13:14:36 <Lesieli> And now the delicious bacony smells finally waft to her nose, and she realizes breakfast is served. "Well, I guess that does make things a bit better"
  100. Apr 19 13:15:31 <Mackenzie> "I still want to visit the mermaid, though. I don't know how she's coping with the whole 'contributing to the mass murder of her own race' thing, and if there's anyone that knows anything about any Aether specifics, it could be her," Mack says, divided periodically by bites of toast.
  101. Apr 19 13:15:49 <Melons> "Isn't she on Arc?"
  102. Apr 19 13:16:21 <Mackenzie> "Last I heard. I'
  103. Apr 19 13:16:28 <Mackenzie> ( :( )
  104. Apr 19 13:16:39 <Knox> He looks up at Les as she enters. "Well well. The recluse joins us."
  105. Apr 19 13:17:13 * Med will at some point ask Siet if he approves or disapproves of what she's done~
  106. Apr 19 13:17:21 <Mackenzie> "Last I heard. I'm pretty sure she was, collectively speaking, in PIRATES care, so I don't know if she's been relocated."
  107. Apr 19 13:17:29 <Melons> "It's on the way to Jackknife, so we could stop by...there are a few other people I should probably talk to there..."
  108. Apr 19 13:17:34 <Lesieli> She merely grunts in acknowledgement while getting herself a nice, big plate full of deliciousness
  109. Apr 19 13:18:29 * Mayuri blinks
  110. Apr 19 13:18:34 <Mayuri> "Is she OK?"
  111. Apr 19 13:18:56 <Knox> "Given what he just said, I doubt it."
  112. Apr 19 13:19:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> Siet adjusts his hair a little. "I'd say I'm glad you did that. I think alleviating the struggle within yourself will allow you to accomplish your goals, one by one, and you had to do that in order to start really accomplishing things."
  113. Apr 19 13:19:47 <Knox> He said this to Mayuri.
  114. Apr 19 13:20:02 <Knox> "You know people there?" he asks Mel.
  115. Apr 19 13:20:45 <Mackenzie> Mack has definitely not been distracted. "This french toast is really good. Not so much egg that it just takes like a bread-shaped egg, but not so little that it just tastes like bad toast. And completely ideal color and texture from just the right time and treatment on the fire."
  116. Apr 19 13:21:09 * Melons chews more dirtbacon. "...sort of."
  117. Apr 19 13:21:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai smiles at Mack. "Thank you~! I've had a lot of practice making this, you know~"
  118. Apr 19 13:21:44 <Med> "It felt like some people wanted to cut me apart." @_@
  119. Apr 19 13:21:50 * Lesieli just listens while stuffing her face and slowly waking up
  120. Apr 19 13:21:58 <Med> "For a long time, I was one of them, too!" @_@
  121. Apr 19 13:22:18 <Mackenzie> "I think she means Mako's family. I don't... know if he was ever heard from again, since he disappeared during the whole mermaid thing."
  122. Apr 19 13:22:55 <Knox> "Oh right, Melanie told me about him."
  123. Apr 19 13:23:19 * Melons moves her plate aside, crosses her arms on the table, and puts her head down to hide her face.
  124. Apr 19 13:24:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai scooots over next to Mel and starts gently caressing her head, playing a little with her hair. "You all right, Mel?"
  125. Apr 19 13:25:09 * Melons shakes her head.
  126. Apr 19 13:25:44 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Do you need anything?"
  127. Apr 19 13:26:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mel you get the feeling that this patting would feel really nice if it weren't for the dirt under your skin aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  128. Apr 19 13:26:49 <Knox> He watches Mel a moment with a frown. He's actually concerned too, but it'd be awkward for him to say anything, really.
  129. Apr 19 13:28:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> Stuff is awful and it'd be awfully nice if you didn't feel the awful but you feel awful
  130. Apr 19 13:31:47 <Melons> Melanie...tiredly shrugs Mirai off and stumbles off to Knox's room.
  131. Apr 19 13:31:53 <Mackenzie> "We all got forced out of that room. There's no way we could have kept track of him, and it's a miracle we found each other and made it out how we had. ...I uh. I was planning on offering a prayer to Raijin. If you're beat up about it, that might help you."
  132. Apr 19 13:32:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai blinks at that, watching Mel leave, then turns to Knox with eyebrows raised.
  133. Apr 19 13:34:33 <Knox> He watches her go. "..." He looks over to Mirai and shrugs. "Give her a little time, she'll probably be feeling better later."
  134. Apr 19 13:35:00 <Mayuri> "Did she get drunk or something?" ^.^;
  135. Apr 19 13:35:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Ah, w-well, um, let me know when she's feeling better, I want to talk to her for a bit."
  136. Apr 19 13:36:33 * Mackenzie just hums and scratches his head.
  137. Apr 19 13:36:41 * Lesieli blinks while her mind processes things. Come to think of it, she really hasn't seen Mako around in awhile. Huh.
  138. Apr 19 13:37:07 * Knox isn't sure why Mirai is saying that to him - are the doors to all the rooms visible from here?
  139. Apr 19 13:39:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> The galley's next to the hallway where most of the rooms are located, although there is a lower floor of rooms that isn't visible. Most of th edoors are in fact visible from here
  140. Apr 19 13:40:30 <Melons> There's also probably a fair bit of noise as Mel clomps about his room, trying to find the syringe and vial or whatever the stuff's in. Used needles are okay when they're your own, right?
  141. Apr 19 13:41:16 <Knox> "Alright...?" he's not entirely sure he should be getting involved in this but whatever. He needs to talk to Mel too later.
  142. Apr 19 13:42:29 <Mackenzie> "So... Pit stop in Ark then?"
  143. Apr 19 13:43:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai scrunches her face a little. "Are we taking Med and her brother along? Was that decided on?"
  144. Apr 19 13:44:04 <Knox> "Unless we have any other leads into Aether activity or other important things, then probably." he says to Mack. "It's on the way back towards Jackknife anyway."
  145. Apr 19 13:45:18 <Mackenzie> "I should probably confirm if the mermaid's precise whereabouts are known first, though... That's the important thing I want to check before we push forward."
  146. Apr 19 13:46:03 <Knox> To Mirai, he says, "I think that's more dependant on Med than any of us. I'm fine with it, but she had issues of her own with everything, and if she got over them after her recent... recovery then she hasn't stopped by to talk about it."
  147. Apr 19 13:46:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> It's at this point that Jennifer sits down, already fully dressed in businesslike attire, and starts eating some eggs and bacon. "Morning."
  148. Apr 19 13:47:28 <Knox> Has Knox even seen this lady before?
  149. Apr 19 13:47:35 <Mackenzie> "Hello, Jennifer."
  150. Apr 19 13:48:19 <Lesieli> Heck, has Les even seen this lady before?
  151. Apr 19 13:48:57 <Lesieli> Still not sure who the growlithe lady is. There is one hanging around here, isn't there?
  152. Apr 19 13:49:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> She hasn't been particularly visible, but she's been around. Les is likely to not have seen her due to only coming out of her room for ~missions~ or whatever, but Knox has seen her eating or doing other things on the ship.
  153. Apr 19 13:49:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> Auriga is out on deck, without Mr. Puppy in the moment. She's standing out there with an umbrella, leaning on the railing.
  154. Apr 19 13:52:38 <Knox> "Morning." he says to Jennifer, though he really hasn't spoken to her much before. He's kind of curious, but maybe another time. He finishes his breakfast either way.
  155. Apr 19 13:53:41 <Mackenzie> "Jennifer, you haven't heard anything down the line about our rescued mermaid, have you?"
  156. Apr 19 13:54:29 <Mayuri> "I thought you fight pirates and stuff."
  157. Apr 19 13:54:33 <Melons> The more perceptive folks might hear a soft gasp from Knox's room, but I don't think we have any of those.
  158. Apr 19 13:54:35 <Mayuri> "Not big mysterious organizations."
  159. Apr 19 13:54:46 <Med> 1d6-1 med totally notices it from off the ship.
  160. Apr 19 13:54:46 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, med totally notices it from off the ship.: 1 [1d6=2]
  161. Apr 19 13:55:12 <Knox> "So I guess we're waiting for Med to stop by and make her decision, then we something something. Brilliant plans. Let me know if something comes up." he says, getting up and then heading back to his room for now.
  162. Apr 19 13:55:16 * Med manages to walk into Siet at least once as a result of him stopping walking.
  163. Apr 19 13:55:45 <Med> Although she seems a bit less attentive than usual. Or... more accurately, she seems much more attentive than usual, but in a very sort of scattered way.
  164. Apr 19 13:55:59 <Med> Even though it's just her that's different, everything feels kind of new because of it!
  165. Apr 19 13:56:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> She finishes chewing some bacon and swallows, taking a sip of water. "I asked to be informed when she was let out of her hospital, and I haven't gotten a notification yet, so I assume she's still in there. I haven't asked about her condition, though."
  166. Apr 19 13:57:05 <Mayuri> 'Can someone... explain for me what this is all about?" o.o
  167. Apr 19 13:58:37 <Lesieli> "Half the time I'm not even sure myself."
  168. Apr 19 13:59:22 <Med> "When're we gonna get lunch?" she asks Siet.
  169. Apr 19 14:00:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> "It's simple, really. This organization fights pirates, which are causing trouble all over the place, and it just so happens that a lot of the pirates are being organized by a bigger organization, so it would be better to get rid of the entire organization than to eliminate the groups of pirates they're supporting."
  170. Apr 19 14:01:01 * Melons is presumably maximum relaxed on Knox's bed unless withdrawal fucks up the way it works.
  171. Apr 19 14:01:13 <Mackenzie> "Yes. A lot of this boild down to shadow pokemon as well, and Aether has both been engineering and experimenting iwth shadow pokemon, as well as passing them out to pirates in the area. For what purpose is not perfectly clear."
  172. Apr 19 14:01:19 <Mackenzie> *boils
  173. Apr 19 14:01:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> The numbing cleaned away alllll the diiiiirt~
  174. Apr 19 14:01:53 <Knox> He closes the door behind himself and has a look at Mel for a bit.
  175. Apr 19 14:01:58 <Knox> 1d6+1 Intuition
  176. Apr 19 14:01:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Intuition: 6 [1d6=5]
  177. Apr 19 14:03:47 <Knox> "Already having withdrawals? Potent shit." hw says, pulling his desk chair over near the bed.
  178. Apr 19 14:03:50 <Lesieli> "Yeah, guess that would tie together most of the stuff we've seen so far"
  179. Apr 19 14:04:29 <Melons> "...where's Mirai? I can tell her now..."
  180. Apr 19 14:07:45 <Knox> "She's still in the galley. She's worried about you, either way." he leans back in his c hair for a moment, looking at her. "And so am I, really. What were you worried about? Did I end up crossing a line after all, or what?"
  181. Apr 19 14:08:40 <Mayuri> "Don't they control them or something? Probably just so they have leashes on people..."
  182. Apr 19 14:09:32 <Melons> "A line, every line, what's the difference...go get her...I need to tell her before we leave port..."
  183. Apr 19 14:09:54 <Lesieli> "So, what're our plans for now? No real leads it sounds like?"
  184. Apr 19 14:11:01 <Mackenzie> "Jackknife Island, apparently. All I've heard that we know about it is 'bad Aether shit is happening there,' if sources are to be believed."
  185. Apr 19 14:12:55 <Mayuri> "Aether sounds actually scary.. unlike random pirates."
  186. Apr 19 14:13:25 <Mackenzie> "If they weren't dangerous, we probably wouldn't be here."
  187. Apr 19 14:14:22 <Knox> He contemplates it a moment, for once in his life being hesitant over this kind of thing, before nodding, getting up, and heading back to the galley.
  188. Apr 19 14:16:14 <Knox> He pops his head in. "Mirai." he gestures for her to follow him.
  189. Apr 19 14:16:32 <Lesieli> "Yeah. Messing up innocent mermaids, torturing innocent kids, all sorts of messed up stuff they've done"
  190. Apr 19 14:18:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai takes a sip of orange juice, nods to Knox, then stands up and follows.
  191. Apr 19 14:19:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med, Siet didn't answer the lunch question, but instead when you guys were near the docks (and thus the boat) he just walked right into a restaurant. "Lunch."
  192. Apr 19 14:19:44 * Med totally pouts at seemingly getting ignored.
  193. Apr 19 14:20:13 <Med> 6d6+6 moe damage at siet
  194. Apr 19 14:20:14 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, moe damage at siet: 32 [6d6=2,5,6,5,5,3]
  195. Apr 19 14:20:20 <Mayuri> (Where's Med?)
  196. Apr 19 14:22:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Would you rather go to the Mutiny?" He stares blankly back at Med.
  197. Apr 19 14:22:47 <Knox> "This is going to be awkward as fuck." he says, echoing Mel's words last night. "I guess that's part of her whole deal, though."
  198. Apr 19 14:23:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai walks into the room, closes teh door behind her, and puts her hands on her hips. "Okay. So."
  199. Apr 19 14:23:50 <Med> "Nah~"
  200. Apr 19 14:24:27 <Mayuri> "I hope they aren't doing it just because they think it's fun or something..."
  201. Apr 19 14:24:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> "All right. Do you know if they're leaving today?" He waves one of the waitresses over, who starts looking into seating arrangements
  202. Apr 19 14:24:40 * Melons waves at Mirai, having very nearly nodded off. "Come sit with me..."
  203. Apr 19 14:24:50 <Med> "Nope! I'm not, though."
  204. Apr 19 14:24:57 <Med> "I'm visiting Luc later tonight~"
  205. Apr 19 14:26:13 <Knox> Knox leans on the wall nearby, not really sure where to interject in all of this, but it seems clear he's ready to answer Mirai on something if Mel isn't in the state of mind to.
  206. Apr 19 14:26:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai sits down on the bed, next to Mirai. "All right. Hi."
  207. Apr 19 14:26:32 <Med> FUCKING KNEW SHE WAS A CELEBI
  208. Apr 19 14:26:36 <Med> how else would there be two of her
  209. Apr 19 14:27:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  210. Apr 19 14:27:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> *next to Mel
  211. Apr 19 14:27:47 <Melons> Mel holds up the syringe with some effort. "So...I...kind of fucked so many ways...and got fucked like two ways..."
  212. Apr 19 14:29:07 <Knox> "She asked me to make her something called Limbo. It's an anxiety relief and relaxation drug, among other things." he clarifies to Mirai.
  213. Apr 19 14:31:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> "That's one way you got fucked up. I'm assuming the other was by the more traditional kind of fucked up?"
  214. Apr 19 14:33:52 <Melons> "Oh...I guess I don't know...if it's technically getting fucked? was...basically that, yeah...can you guess whooooo?~"
  215. Apr 19 14:34:56 <Aori_Radidjiu> "'If it's technically'? Either way, considering the drug's in here, it's pretty obvious you did it in here, with the person whose room this is." She crosses her arms.
  216. Apr 19 14:36:06 <Melons> "I thought it me not be me...but then there's another part after that part's so good! Rub my head again!"
  217. Apr 19 14:36:25 * Med is, by the way, wearing bright pastel colors~ she has a pastel lavender shirt and a pastel pink skirt, with pastel blue ribbons. the skirt has sewn-on white petticoat, while the shirt has white sleeves. also white stockings and white/blue sneakers. the outfit in general uses ribbons wherever elastic would normally be used.
  218. Apr 19 14:37:01 <Knox> He gives a bit of a drawn out sigh. "The drug also enhances her sense of touch, or whatever. I decided to give her a backrub and then one thing led to another as we talked. Only my hands were involved, if that helps."
  219. Apr 19 14:37:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> Siet's gotten stuff ordered and hsa probably gotten sat down with you, Med. "You planning on going with those guys when they leave?"
  220. Apr 19 14:37:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai nods. "Ah, got it. I'm...well..." Her face goes into :S mode
  221. Apr 19 14:38:00 <Knox> "I didn't figure this would be a big deal after what Med said, but guess it turned out to be anyway."
  222. Apr 19 14:38:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I'm okay with you doing stuff with other people, Mel, but i would've preferred if you'd asked first." :S
  223. Apr 19 14:38:36 <Mackenzie> "...So, how's Gennis been? I haven't been there since before the shooting for Visiwa started."
  224. Apr 19 14:38:53 <Med> "I dunno! I haven't decided yet. I guess there's no risk of Aether turning me into a shadow thing anymore - but they might just kill me instead now!"
  225. Apr 19 14:39:25 <Knox> He snorts. "Mirai, she had to come back and get high just to work up the nerve to tell you this much."
  226. Apr 19 14:39:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> Siet frowns. "To think that mother is quite possibly go and hunt you down..." He shudders a loittle.
  227. Apr 19 14:39:35 <Melons> Mel looks surprised. " mad at me...get mad at me and..storm out and go back to Palm..." Apparently for a completely different reason.
  228. Apr 19 14:39:52 <Med> "Mm, and I don't particularly want to join them anymore."
  229. Apr 19 14:40:13 <Med> "I wonder if shadows still listen to me~"
  230. Apr 19 14:40:24 <Med> "I should check that out, at least~"
  231. Apr 19 14:41:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> Jennifer has cleaned her plate. "Mostly calm. There hasn't been any real director drama or anything, msot movies have been going smoothly, not much interesting in the news besides tabloids, and those are never reliable."
  232. Apr 19 14:41:47 <Med> "I might be able to get her to snap out of it, though. Knives seems to think she joined them for the same reason I was going to."
  233. Apr 19 14:42:09 <Med> "When she realizes what I managed to do, maybe she'll switch sides~"
  234. Apr 19 14:42:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai :S's even harder. "I am mad, but I'll get over it...or at least just for that. You want me to leave?"
  235. Apr 19 14:43:23 <Melons> " want you to...go to Palm...and be safe..."
  236. Apr 19 14:44:13 <Knox> "Well there's a sweet sentiment."
  237. Apr 19 14:44:42 <Knox> "The pedestal thing is a bit much though." he considers.
  238. Apr 19 14:47:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> "That...well..." Mirai's :S intensifies. "Do you think I can't take care of myself or something? I know Palm wants me to be safe and all, but I'm fine with putting myself in danger, but you seem to think I'm helpless or something and ugh."
  239. Apr 19 14:48:11 <Knox> "She's not thinking straight." he reminds her.
  240. Apr 19 14:48:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I know she isn't but that idea came from somewhere, right?"
  241. Apr 19 14:49:10 <Mayuri> (So, uh)
  242. Apr 19 14:49:17 <Mayuri> (who is in the gallery anyway)
  243. Apr 19 14:49:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> (Galley is Mayuri, Les, Mack, Jennifer)
  244. Apr 19 14:49:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> (Knox's room is Knox, Mel, Mirai)
  245. Apr 19 14:49:56 <Aori_Radidjiu> (restaurant is Siet and Med)
  246. Apr 19 14:49:58 <Melons> "No it's...I can't protect you in any other way!'re stronger...and all I do is drag you into dangerous places and then abandon you..."
  247. Apr 19 14:50:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Oh...that's..."
  248. Apr 19 14:50:42 <Med> "What about you? What're you gonna do?~"
  249. Apr 19 14:50:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> She breathes out a sigh. "I'm still mad, but that's okay." She takes a few breathers, she seems to be counting to ten or something
  250. Apr 19 14:51:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> Siet eats some of the tofu on his plate. "I'm going to stay in Conch for a while, see if there's any work there, or any frauds I should go expose."
  251. Apr 19 14:52:11 <Med> "Hm... will the two back at the mansion be okay, then?"
  252. Apr 19 14:53:05 <Mackenzie> "So the same old boring life I led then. Guess I'm not too surprised."
  253. Apr 19 14:53:10 <Knox> He seems somewhat satisfied with Mirai's reaction. Probably the best that could have been hoped for, really. He just gained a great deal of respect for her given what she said.
  254. Apr 19 14:53:56 <Med> "I wanna catch one of them, but it'll be a while before I can do that!"
  255. Apr 19 14:54:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I think as long as there isn't any major human activity there they'll stay dormant. I think part of the reason they activated with you all around is because of the large number of humans, and non-ghost pokemon."
  256. Apr 19 14:55:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> "It's like starting to wake because of a noise. You might wake up if the noise continues, but you might go back to sleep if the noise stops."
  257. Apr 19 14:55:09 <Med> "So they'll wait for me then~"
  258. Apr 19 14:55:24 <Mayuri> (("And there was a cute fruit thing there!")
  259. Apr 19 14:55:24 <Med> "Okay! Then that darkrai thing'll be my seventh pokemon!"
  260. Apr 19 14:55:45 <Med> (er)
  261. Apr 19 14:55:47 <Med> (nineth)
  262. Apr 19 14:55:50 <Med> (ninth)
  263. Apr 19 14:55:57 <Med> (NUMBERS ARE HARD)
  264. Apr 19 14:55:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> (I was about to have him correct you~)
  265. Apr 19 14:55:58 <Melons> " guess I fucked up in one more way..."
  266. Apr 19 14:56:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai :s's. "So you did all this to drive me off?"
  267. Apr 19 14:56:56 <Knox> "No, I think she fucked up for misjudging how you'd react."
  268. Apr 19 14:57:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I know that's what she meant! But...ugh."
  269. Apr 19 14:57:23 <Melons> Mel struggles to nod. "...empirical data suggests...I fuck everything around me up."
  270. Apr 19 14:57:48 * Med eats her food whenever it arrives. fuckin' Shadow Claw got her on some ridiculously early schedule for training, so now even eleven is like late for lunch :c
  271. Apr 19 14:58:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai raises an eyebrow and leans in close to Mel to prod her cheek. "So are you like, anesthesized or something?"
  272. Apr 19 14:58:22 <Knox> "I'll keep my hands to myself until you two feel like retracing this conversation without the drugs." he assures Mirai. "Until then... sorry, I guess."
  273. Apr 19 14:58:48 <Knox> "She's numb at first, but then her sense of touch actually gets heightened."
  274. Apr 19 14:59:00 <Knox> "Had to do a little research to make this stuff."
  275. Apr 19 14:59:06 <Mayuri> (Are Les and Mac actaully here)
  276. Apr 19 14:59:29 <Knox> (Good question)
  277. Apr 19 15:00:20 <Knox> "She was making a goddamn cocoon out of the blankets earlier." he says with a bit of amusement.
  278. Apr 19 15:00:29 <Melons> "Touch and...feelings...and all I'm probably about to get super mopey here in a bit?...oh and then later after that I feel gross...everywhere...should probably try to make something different next time...and use smaller doses..."
  279. Apr 19 15:02:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> Jennifer is drinking another glass of orange juice in the galley. She turns to Mayuri and gives her a smile. "So, little Miss. You're working the contest scene, correct?"
  280. Apr 19 15:02:50 * Mayuri nod!
  281. Apr 19 15:03:21 <Knox> "No wonder you looked miserable."
  282. Apr 19 15:03:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Do you have just your pokemon do performances or do you do them alongside your pokemon?"
  283. Apr 19 15:03:50 <Knox> He rubs his chin a bit, already thinking of ways of altering it.
  284. Apr 19 15:03:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai, in Knox's room, massages her temples. "Hmmmmmmmmmm..."
  285. Apr 19 15:04:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> She takes them off, snapping her fingers, grinning. "Hey Knox."
  286. Apr 19 15:04:55 <Knox> "Yeah?"
  287. Apr 19 15:05:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Am I too young for you?"
  288. Apr 19 15:05:47 * Mayuri blinks
  289. Apr 19 15:06:05 <Mayuri> "Well... I heard about the latter kind of contest... But I don't think I can impress people much when it comes time to do appeals..."
  290. Apr 19 15:06:25 <Knox> (Aori, remember to put like, character names in front of sentences and stuff D:)
  291. Apr 19 15:06:42 <Melons> (Every NPC is saying the same thing at the same time, duh)
  292. Apr 19 15:06:55 <Aori_Radidjiu> (That was Mirai)
  293. Apr 19 15:07:23 <Med> (he usually mentions when dialogue switches to a differnet npc :c )
  294. Apr 19 15:07:49 <Knox> He considers. "You're what, seventeen, eighteen? Old enough for me."
  295. Apr 19 15:08:18 <Med> (we could always separate this out into channels, but since it looks like dave and rammy died, two of them would just be NPC fun hour channels)
  296. Apr 19 15:08:48 <Med> ((although if aory wants to expedite med's return to the ship i am ok with that. she's just perfectly content to hang out with a brother she almost never gets to see!))
  297. Apr 19 15:09:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Jennifer nods to Mayuri. "That's fine. You know, there's a bit of demand for coordinators and trainers in show business, coordinators more so since they're less common and tend to know how to train pokemon in ways that are more useful for films..."
  298. Apr 19 15:09:51 <Mayuri> "I don't think I can train random Pokemon I don't know or anything..."
  299. Apr 19 15:10:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Well, depending on your own Pokemon, you could be useful anyway. But you'd need your parents' permission..."
  300. Apr 19 15:11:52 <Melons> 4d6+4 Focus to try to figure out what the fuck numbers have to do with anything through dat limbo haze
  301. Apr 19 15:11:54 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Focus to try to figure out what the fuck numbers have to do with anything through dat limbo haze: 21 [4d6=6,5,2,4]
  302. Apr 19 15:12:27 <Mackenzie> (I'm not dead. I said a thing a bit ago.)
  303. Apr 19 15:12:29 <Mayuri> "I think I'm a little too young for that~"
  304. Apr 19 15:12:37 <Med> (*attends dave's funeral*)
  305. Apr 19 15:13:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> Back to Knox's room, Mirai's grin widens a little. "How long is Mel going to be stuck laying down?"
  306. Apr 19 15:15:30 <Knox> "While she's numb? Little under an hour." He thinks he knows where this is going.
  307. Apr 19 15:19:20 <Melons> "What, why?" Mel looks concerned though confused.
  308. Apr 19 15:20:14 <Mayuri> "Hmmm... are you suggesting something?" o.o
  309. Apr 19 15:21:05 * Mackenzie stares at the corner of his third piece of french toast, now cold and less palatable. "Jennifer's a good one for bringing out peoples' potential."
  310. Apr 19 15:23:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> OVER IN THE GALLEY BECAUSE AORI IS JUGGLING, Jennifer nods. She pulls out a little card with contact info and stuff written on it and hands it to Mayuri. "That's my business card. If you don't think you'll do that until you're older, then just call me up when you're older and I'll help arrange something."
  311. Apr 19 15:27:09 <Mayuri> "I like contests for showing off my Pokemon though... I'm not entirely sure that'd be my thing, that's all!"
  312. Apr 19 15:29:37 <Mackenzie> "Well, why show your pokemon off to a hall, when you could show them off to the world?"
  313. Apr 19 15:37:55 * Mayuri tries to remember the last time she's seen a Pokemon like a Swablu or a Minccino in a movie
  314. Apr 19 15:38:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> There's plenty, actually, especially in movies meant for young children!
  315. Apr 19 15:41:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> There was one about a little swablu who's looking for their mommy, and another about a bunch of Minccino getting into trouble stealing food from people and then eventually helping them drive off a big tyranitar and other ones
  316. Apr 19 15:46:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway, I guess I'd been a little nervous about doing this last bit but of course back to Knox's room.
  317. Apr 19 15:47:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> "All right then, I guess I can get back at Mel a little for sleeping around without asking me. And for other things. If you don't mind helping, Nick~" Mirai twirls her hair a little.
  318. Apr 19 15:49:53 * Melons fails to remember who is actually named Nick and is more confused.
  319. Apr 19 15:50:08 * Lecia ( has joined
  320. Apr 19 15:50:20 <Knox> He considers a moment, as if contemplating if this is going to snowball into more drama later, but he he just returns her grin. "Sounds like good fun to me."
  321. Apr 19 15:50:31 * Hissori has quit (Ping timeout)
  322. Apr 19 15:50:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> OKAY THAT SCENE IS DONE FOR NOW
  323. Apr 19 15:50:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> We now resume t he galley.
  324. Apr 19 15:52:11 <Mayuri> "It'd be different for sure..."
  325. Apr 19 15:54:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> Jennifer finishes off her orange juice, now jotting down some notes in a notebook. "It would, but when you're older, you have to figure out a way to make a living somehow or another, and it's one option for you!"
  326. Apr 19 15:58:31 <Lesieli> "Ugh, don't remind me"
  327. Apr 19 16:00:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> Jennifer turns to Les, thinking. "Hmmmmmm..."
  328. Apr 19 16:00:16 <Lesieli> NEET4Lyfe
  329. Apr 19 16:00:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> "...what do you look like cleaned up?"
  330. Apr 19 16:00:34 <Mayuri> ”Dun contests have price money anyway?" :o
  331. Apr 19 16:00:39 <Mayuri> "I could just work my way up that and stuff~"
  332. Apr 19 16:01:03 <Lesieli> "I dunno, ask my mother, maybe she remembers those days"
  333. Apr 19 16:05:29 * Mayuri checks to see if Lesieli has any fluffy Pokemon around her
  334. Apr 19 16:05:52 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Well, okay then. I could get you a job for backstage things, you seem like the type to be competent with technical things, or maybe on one of those makeover shows..." she shudders "...nah."
  335. Apr 19 16:06:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> Les has the fluffiest mareep to ever fluff
  336. Apr 19 16:08:49 <Lesieli> Yes, yes I do. Not sure where he is, probably in bed, Maybe he'll waddle out; that'd be a first.
  337. Apr 19 16:09:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Mareep actually has waddled out and is sitting next to Lesieli's chair, occasionally looking up at the foooood she's consuming
  338. Apr 19 16:09:48 <Lesieli> It can actually walk, who would have guessed?
  339. Apr 19 16:10:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> MEANWHILE IN RESTAURANTLAND Siet finishes his meal. "I'm going to look at more local places, you don't have to come with me if you don't want to. YOu have any business you want to take care of, Med?"
  340. Apr 19 16:10:41 * Mayuri pets a Minccino or a Swirlix or something! Iunno
  341. Apr 19 16:12:23 <Med> "Maybe. I guess I should find out if I'm still working on the Mutiny."
  342. Apr 19 16:14:23 * Mayuri puts her finger on her cheek.
  343. Apr 19 16:14:33 <Mayuri> "Hmm... You dun have anything to do with Mackenzie do you? :o"
  344. Apr 19 16:14:39 <Med> "I'll letcha know if or when I'm leaving as soon as I know~"
  345. Apr 19 16:14:48 <Med> "And, um..."
  346. Apr 19 16:14:56 * Med hugs the fuck out of Siet.
  347. Apr 19 16:14:57 <Med> "Thankyousomuch!"
  348. Apr 19 16:15:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> Siet pats Med on the back. "I prefer my sister whole, thank you."
  349. Apr 19 16:17:10 * Med kisses him on the cheek. "I'll see you around~"
  350. Apr 19 16:17:25 * Med SPLITS UP WITH HER BRO TO GO BACK TO THE SHIP
  351. Apr 19 16:20:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> Cool, now we can stay on the ship. Med heads through the rain onto the ship, where Auriga is standing by the rail, watching the rain fall into the ocean. Heading into the galley, you can see that Lesieli, Mayuri, and Jennifer are eating, or at least sitting there, and Mackenzie seems to have fallen asleep at the table.
  352. Apr 19 16:20:54 * Mayuri has a Swablu hat!
  353. Apr 19 16:21:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> That she does. She also has a Minccino sitting on the table munching some french toast
  354. Apr 19 16:21:40 * Med is under her adorable politoed umbrella.
  355. Apr 19 16:21:55 <Med> Until she goes inside, anyway. Then she folds it up.
  356. Apr 19 16:22:01 <Med> And rests it against a wall.
  357. Apr 19 16:22:48 <Med> "Yo!"
  358. Apr 19 16:23:07 <Aori_Radidjiu> It's about this point where Mirai pops out of Knox's room into the hallway, face slightly redder than normal but otherwise normal, and gets a glass of water. She waves to Med. "Yo!"
  359. Apr 19 16:23:48 <Med> 1d6-1 perception to see where mirai came from;5d6+6 intuition to know what mirai did
  360. Apr 19 16:23:49 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, perception to see where mirai came from: 2 [1d6=3]; intuition to know what mirai did: 29 [5d6=6,5,4,6,2]
  361. Apr 19 16:25:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai came from whereevenwhoknows
  362. Apr 19 16:26:00 <Med> "So, like, I'm totally not sure anymore who's an official crewmate and who's a tagalong, but I wanted to find out if I'm going with you guys." she doesn't comment on Mirai, but does giggle at her before getting to the important business.
  363. Apr 19 16:26:25 <Knox> Knox waits for a bit himself before coming out of his room, probably hearing the tail end of Med's statement.
  364. Apr 19 16:26:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> But you totally figure out YEAH and all. Mirai straightens her hair a little. "That's what I was wondering!"
  365. Apr 19 16:26:47 <Med> 5d6+6 wait knox too?
  366. Apr 19 16:26:48 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, wait knox too?: 24 [5d6=4,2,2,6,4]
  367. Apr 19 16:26:57 <Knox> 6d6 Guile
  368. Apr 19 16:26:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Guile: 19 [6d6=1,6,6,1,4,1]
  369. Apr 19 16:27:06 * Med chokes a bit.
  370. Apr 19 16:27:07 <Mayuri> "I think I'm a tagalong."
  371. Apr 19 16:27:08 <Med> "W-wait..."
  372. Apr 19 16:27:54 <Knox> "Oh, hey Med." he says, keeping a straight face. "You mean you haven't decided?"
  373. Apr 19 16:28:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I'm a tagalong, too!" Mirai nods.
  374. Apr 19 16:28:45 <Med> "Nope."
  375. Apr 19 16:29:02 <Med> "How can I decide that? That's not my decision at all!"
  376. Apr 19 16:29:04 <Knox> "I don't think there's anyone here who wouldn't appreciate your help, but we can't tell you whether or not to come with us."
  377. Apr 19 16:29:21 <Med> "I mean, it's my decision not to go with you guys, but...
  378. Apr 19 16:29:21 <Med> "
  379. Apr 19 16:29:46 <Melons> Mel finally returns to the galley, muttering something about seeing what food tastes like before everything goes to hell with an unusual look of serenity on her face that's only slightly perturbed by noticing Med.
  380. Apr 19 16:30:17 <Med> "The only thing Aether can do to me now is kill me, and they're gonna try to do that whether I'm with you guys or not~"
  381. Apr 19 16:30:34 <Knox> "So, that begs the question."
  382. Apr 19 16:30:37 <Knox> "Do you want to come with us?"
  383. Apr 19 16:30:46 <Med> "That depends on you guys~"
  384. Apr 19 16:30:54 <Med> "I'm not accepting second rate work anymore~"
  385. Apr 19 16:31:12 <Knox> "What's that supposed to mean, exactly?"
  386. Apr 19 16:31:20 <Med> "I'm going out to save my mom, my brother, my sister, and the world itself!"
  387. Apr 19 16:31:26 <Med> "Can you guys keep up with that?"
  388. Apr 19 16:32:01 <Melons> "It's an old joke about us sucking." Mel reclaims her old bacon, now quite cold. Fortunately cold, cooked bacon is awesome even without being hopped up on drugs.
  389. Apr 19 16:32:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> (seconding that)
  390. Apr 19 16:32:58 <Med> "It's not a joke."
  391. Apr 19 16:33:59 <Knox> "I think you already know well enough that I intend to run Aether into the ground." he shrugs. "I don't see why you feel the need to even ask."
  392. Apr 19 16:34:10 <Mayuri> "Saving people sounds hard.
  393. Apr 19 16:34:29 <Med> "What're you willing to do to achieve that?"
  394. Apr 19 16:34:36 <Melons> "No, see, it was a joke because it was funny that we managed to suck so hard." She looks with delight on her bacon as she devours it. "...running them into the ground doesn't even remotely encapsulate the hell I'm going to inflict on them."
  395. Apr 19 16:34:42 <Knox> "You might be surprised."
  396. Apr 19 16:34:49 <Knox> He leaves it at that.
  397. Apr 19 16:35:00 <Med> "Are you willing to befriend them, save them, and let them get away with everything?"
  398. Apr 19 16:35:41 <Med> "Because that's what I'm going to do with my mom - and she's killed people. Probably a lot of people."
  399. Apr 19 16:36:37 <Knox> "You can't befriend everyone in an organization like this. If you can convince the people important to you, fine." he shrugs.
  400. Apr 19 16:37:05 <Med> "Nope - you can't."
  401. Apr 19 16:37:19 <Med> "That's why I have my pokemon~"
  402. Apr 19 16:37:29 <Med> "Chomps can eat them~"
  403. Apr 19 16:37:41 <Melons> "If she did any of what she's done willingly, I intend to treat her the same as the rest."
  404. Apr 19 16:38:56 <Mayuri> "E-Er... you don't intend on killing anyone... do you?"
  405. Apr 19 16:39:29 <Med> Mel's statement earns a glare from Med.
  406. Apr 19 16:40:00 <Lesieli> "Smash their faces right in. The head ones at least"
  407. Apr 19 16:40:01 <Med> "Are you planning on killing my mother?"
  408. Apr 19 16:40:46 <Melons> "If I need to." She meets Med's glare with an uncommon calmness.
  409. Apr 19 16:42:14 <Med> "Okay."
  410. Apr 19 16:42:20 <Med> "I'll go kill yours then."
  411. Apr 19 16:42:24 <Med> "If you kill mine."
  412. Apr 19 16:42:48 <Med> "So you can feel what it's like!"
  413. Apr 19 16:43:05 * Mayuri blinks
  414. Apr 19 16:43:15 <Med> "That's fair, right?!"
  415. Apr 19 16:43:31 <Mayuri> "How about we don't kill anybody we don't need to!" >.<
  416. Apr 19 16:43:37 <Mayuri> "And try to avoid that too.."
  417. Apr 19 16:43:41 <Med> "What the kid said!"
  418. Apr 19 16:43:57 <Med> "Do you think you're going to save the world by filling it with more blood?!"
  419. Apr 19 16:44:23 <Melons> "I said if I need to. It wouldn't make me happy, but weeds ruin a garden unless they're removed."
  420. Apr 19 16:44:40 <Med> "What's wrong with being a weed?!"
  421. Apr 19 16:45:25 <Melons> "Many things are wrong with parasitism."
  422. Apr 19 16:46:06 <Lesieli> "Hey now, maybe we shouldn't go quite that far. . ."
  423. Apr 19 16:46:22 <Melons> "Lesieli, how did it make you feel when you saw what happened to the mermaids?"
  424. Apr 19 16:46:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai takes a big gulp of water before clearing her throat. "I don't believe Melanie plans on killing your mom unless she's unrepentant and refuses to be turned to our side, Med."
  425. Apr 19 16:47:24 <Med> "How would you feel if we started talking about killing Palm?"
  426. Apr 19 16:47:26 <Lesieli> "Oh no, I'm all for going to smash their heads in."
  427. Apr 19 16:48:13 <Melons> "Palm is not a known assassin with no redeeming qualities."
  428. Apr 19 16:48:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> "If Palm did something awful and refused to own up to it...then sure." Mirai scrunches up her face. "I'm pretty confident he hasn't, but am willing to believe any good evidence of anything."
  429. Apr 19 16:48:52 <Med> "You're going to want to take that back, Melanie."
  430. Apr 19 16:48:59 <Mayuri> "Why's the weird ghost girl talking about killing people instead of the half--... er, wait. Right. Ghost girl..."
  431. Apr 19 16:49:04 * Mayuri pouts and crosses her arms.
  432. Apr 19 16:50:34 <Med> "If you want to get all justice on me, then I'll trash you and your pokemon like how you did to me!"
  433. Apr 19 16:50:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai pinches the bridge of her nose. "I don't think you all would kill anyone unless it was in self-defense anyway, and you're a government group with the ability to arrest people and take them to court where they'll be reasonably fairly judged."
  434. Apr 19 16:50:53 <Aori_Radidjiu> "...or so I'd hope."
  435. Apr 19 16:52:54 <Mayuri> 4d6+3 Occult Knowledge: Ghost type shifts totally involve murder, right?
  436. Apr 19 16:52:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, Occult Knowledge: Ghost type shifts totally involve murder, right?: 13 [4d6=2,2,5,1]
  437. Apr 19 16:53:26 <Melons> "I'd certainly kill to defend another should an actual arrest be out of the question. Med, if the possibility that your mother is nothing other than a cold hearted killer is too much to deal with, I can't support keeping you here. I didn't say she is, and I'm familiar enough with this shadow shit to know that it could be reversed, but there's always that possibility." Despite her demeanor, Mel is starting to tear up quite a bit.
  438. Apr 19 16:53:47 <Med> "My mother is a cold hearted killer."
  439. Apr 19 16:53:54 <Mayuri> "I would rather not have anybody kill anybody..." :<
  440. Apr 19 16:55:11 <Melons> "And if I, or any of us for that matter, were forced to put her down because there was no other good option, would you exact revenge on them?"
  441. Apr 19 16:55:27 <Med> "Why isn't there another option?"
  442. Apr 19 16:55:48 <Melons> "Because she's about to kill someone else unless we kill her."
  443. Apr 19 16:56:21 <Med> "That's the best you can come up with?"
  444. Apr 19 16:56:33 <Melons> "It's a possible scenario."
  445. Apr 19 16:56:53 <Med> "I can't work with you. You're going to kill these people - people who never asked to be turned into monsters."
  446. Apr 19 16:58:07 <Melons> "If that were the case, I would do my best to save her as a victim, unless it's too costly to try. You're completely missing the qualifications on any of my statements."
  447. Apr 19 16:58:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> "What if it turns out she can't be fixed, what if we exhaust every option besides killing her and they don't work? I think that's what Melanie's thinking of here." Mirai's set her water down, now.
  448. Apr 19 16:59:16 <Med> "Then you still don't talk about killing someone's mother before you've tried anything!"
  449. Apr 19 16:59:28 <Knox> "You're getting worked up over absolutely nothing." he says to Med. "The victims, the ones who didn't have a choice, get a pass in all but the worst case scenarios. The orchestrators get what's coming to them. You were making it sound more like she was the latter instead of the former."
  450. Apr 19 16:59:48 <Knox> "That's obviously not the case, so there isn't an issue here."
  451. Apr 19 17:00:11 <Med> "Yeah... it's weird having emotions, okay?"
  452. Apr 19 17:00:23 * Med lets out a sigh.
  453. Apr 19 17:01:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai gives Med a pat on the back. "Yeah, it's understandable to get worked up about something so personal. Rest assured that I don't think anyone in this crew thinks of killing someone as their first, best option in any situation."
  454. Apr 19 17:01:54 <Med> "I've never felt so many at once... it's... kind of amazing!
  455. Apr 19 17:01:55 <Med> "
  456. Apr 19 17:01:56 <Melons> "You of all people should know how aware of that I am..." Mel tries to smirk a bit but it twists into a bit of a grimace. "...but if you don't yet have a good understanding of them...maybe you should hold off on rejoining us..."
  457. Apr 19 17:03:50 <Med> "It's not like you have a good handle on them either!"
  458. Apr 19 17:04:06 <Med> "And you've had them all your life!"
  459. Apr 19 17:04:42 <Med> "Man, why did I ever want to shut this out?~"
  460. Apr 19 17:05:07 * Mayuri blinks
  461. Apr 19 17:05:46 <Melons> Mel glances at the time, trying to calculate how much longer she has until everything goes to hell again.
  462. Apr 19 17:05:46 <Med> "So, anyway... you need to realize that the real enemy is literally manipulating people's lives. They might not even be from this world."
  463. Apr 19 17:06:12 <Med> "Actually, I'm completely certain they're not."
  464. Apr 19 17:06:25 * Mayuri crosses her arms
  465. Apr 19 17:06:30 <Mayuri> "So, how do you even intend on fighting them.."
  466. Apr 19 17:06:41 <Med> "So... if someone's from this world, unless they made a deal with the supposed devil, you can bet they're a victim. This whole planet's a victim."
  467. Apr 19 17:08:04 * Med hugs Mirai's arm, since she's presumably still nearby. meds are crazy yo.
  468. Apr 19 17:08:37 <Med> "And I don't think any of us have the right to say whether someone lives or dies. If mom is about to kill someone, have a pokemon put her to sleep or something, duh."
  469. Apr 19 17:09:24 <Knox> "I don't really know how deep this buneary hole goes, I can only guess from what you all have said, but I don't really care - we'll deal with it as it comes. Our intentions are more or less the same, but you need to get ahold of yourself or this isn't going to work out. You should loosen up a bit. Relax."
  470. Apr 19 17:10:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai has no objection to arm hugging, she blinks in a little bit of surprise but lets it happen.
  471. Apr 19 17:11:31 <Med> "Yeah, yeah. Just do me a favor and don't go around telling people you're going to kill their family. Maybe I'm weird, but that feels like a definite faux pas."
  472. Apr 19 17:12:07 <Med> "'Specially if Mel says it - she gives off this aura that says 'and I'll do it, too.'"
  473. Apr 19 17:12:52 <Mayuri> 4d6+4 Detect Mel aura.
  474. Apr 19 17:12:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, Detect Mel aura.: 14 [4d6=1,1,5,3]
  475. Apr 19 17:13:22 * Melons only (hypocritically) glares at Med a little bit before standing up. "I'm...going to go lay down for a while...I believe we're heading for Jackknife and either stopping at Arc before or after?...I can't support Med staying but it's not like I have ultimate the majority of the crew says will go, I guess." She pauses a bit for any last questions or comments before shuffling to her room.
  476. Apr 19 17:14:11 <Knox> "Those people Chomps would eat have families too." he reminds her. "Either way this conversation really isn't going anywhere."
  477. Apr 19 17:14:33 <Med> "They do. You're right."
  478. Apr 19 17:15:11 <Med> "I'll be sure to teach Chomps not to eat people."
  479. Apr 19 17:15:33 <Knox> He just nods at Mel. Apparently he doesn't really care if Mel comes along at this point or not, which... is probably kind of bad since he was pretty positive in her favor before.
  480. Apr 19 17:15:38 <Knox> *if Med
  481. Apr 19 17:16:08 * Mayuri blinks
  482. Apr 19 17:16:11 <Med> "Hm. It sounds like the answer's no, then."
  483. Apr 19 17:16:15 <Knox> "I've said my bit, it's really up to everyone else and the Captain."
  484. Apr 19 17:16:39 <Med> "Lani?"
  485. Apr 19 17:17:06 <Knox> "Who else? Captain always has final say. I'm surprised he hasn't been participating in these discussions more."
  486. Apr 19 17:17:24 <Med> "I don't think he's an actual member of PIRATES - just, like, our ship's captain."
  487. Apr 19 17:18:05 <Med> "Your ship's captain," she corrects herself.
  488. Apr 19 17:18:57 <Med> "I'm pretty sure this is your guys' choice. If the government still wants me, and you guys don't, I'd just go to a different ship."
  489. Apr 19 17:19:48 <Mayuri> "I'm not sure what the problem is.." :T
  490. Apr 19 17:21:09 <Knox> "Mostly attitudes about things and tempers."
  491. Apr 19 17:22:26 <Lesieli> "Everyone being stupid, like normal"
  492. Apr 19 17:22:45 <Knox> "Like I said, Med, your help would be appreciated, but if you can't keep a handle on yourself then it's probably not worth it. You can get your points across without getting angry or jumping to counter-threats. It's all up to you there, not us."
  493. Apr 19 17:23:06 <Med> "Huh? Can't I be a little pissed off at Mel?"
  494. Apr 19 17:23:19 * zooftop ( has joined
  495. Apr 19 17:23:53 <Knox> "Jumping to directly threatening her was a bit much."
  496. Apr 19 17:24:08 <Med> "Was it?"
  497. Apr 19 17:24:50 <Med> "I thought it was a good test of her resolve." :c
  498. Apr 19 17:24:54 <Knox> "Yep. Having that kind of hostility around a ship, a team, isn't going to gel well at all. It'll just keep the fires warm, keep sour feelings boiling hot."
  499. Apr 19 17:25:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai nods. "It's a bit much, yeah. I'm sure you can put yourself in check well enough to be on the team, but you have to remember to do so."
  500. Apr 19 17:25:39 <Med> "Hehe, you guys are talking to me about this~"
  501. Apr 19 17:26:02 <Knox> "Look, I'm not the most friendly fucking guy on the planet, but I knew how to be a team player."
  502. Apr 19 17:26:22 <Med> "Oh, I don't mean you specifically. I guess you're right about that."
  503. Apr 19 17:26:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Oh, I'm not saying you're the only unstable one..."
  504. Apr 19 17:26:45 <Med> "But it's, like... the way I behaved is the way I feel this team always behaves."
  505. Apr 19 17:26:55 <Med> "I don't like it at all!"
  506. Apr 19 17:26:59 <Knox> "Then that needs to be worked on. But why perpetuate it?"
  507. Apr 19 17:27:19 <Knox> "Just think about that for a bit. Go and cool your head a bit, then get back to us."
  508. Apr 19 17:27:36 <Knox> "If I didn't give a fuck I wouldn't be standing here talking to you about it."
  509. Apr 19 17:27:44 <Med> "Cool my head?"
  510. Apr 19 17:27:47 * Med tilts her head.
  511. Apr 19 17:28:28 <Med> oh gosh i've been an awful roleplayer
  512. Apr 19 17:29:12 * Med has, like, flashed from GRAR ANGRY to playfully amused almost fluidly.
  513. Apr 19 17:29:30 * Mayuri blinks at Med
  514. Apr 19 17:29:40 <Knox> "Anyway, I'm going to go try to figure out what our next moves should be while we prepare to go to Ark or Jackknife or wherever."
  515. Apr 19 17:29:46 * Med also seemed slightly embarassed when Knox called her out on the Chomps thing
  516. Apr 19 17:29:47 <Mayuri> (Med's just unstable~)
  517. Apr 19 17:29:58 <Med> "Why're you going there?"
  518. Apr 19 17:30:29 <Knox> "Lacking any sort of lead on Aether activities, we're apparently going to visit an injured mermaid and then investigate strange shit, respectively."
  519. Apr 19 17:30:49 <Knox> "We need a more active approach but fuck if I'm in the loop enough yet to know what."
  520. Apr 19 17:30:53 <Med> "When're you leaving? 'Cause I'm staying here tonight, absolutely definitely no matter what."
  521. Apr 19 17:31:06 <Med> "Huh, well... I mean, if you have any questions, you could always just ask!"
  522. Apr 19 17:31:21 <Med> "Lecia's got a ton of information, and I know way more things than I should~"
  523. Apr 19 17:31:45 <Med> (unstable as fuck. in a weird lucid way. i THINK this is how she was supposed to be post-merge. :c )
  524. Apr 19 17:31:53 <Knox> "That's up to the whims of the Captain, I guess. He'll probably stick around if you decide you want to come with us. As for that... Yeah I get the feeling we'll be asking you a lot of things before we're through."
  525. Apr 19 17:32:23 <Med> "Hehe, even though I only know them 'cause I thought to ask the right people~"
  526. Apr 19 17:32:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> (that's the vibe I'm getting, so I think you're succeeding)
  527. Apr 19 17:32:48 <Med> "You guys really have got to work on your communication skills."
  528. Apr 19 17:33:09 <Mayuri> "I'm not sure I wanna know about a big evil organization that's out for everyone's heads..."
  529. Apr 19 17:33:26 <Knox> "You're telling ME? I've barely been told anything by anyone so I'm fighting for any scraps of information I can get. I haven't even been told enough to know who to ask, until now, really."
  530. Apr 19 17:33:52 <Med> "Well, uh... I know a lot about the enemy, and a bit about their methods."
  531. Apr 19 17:34:06 <Med> "Mel knows about occult stuff, Les I think knows a lot of stuff too, but I dunno what exactly."
  532. Apr 19 17:34:38 <Med> "Mack... is a total airhead, but he can act pretty well. You should leave the planning to someone else though." >_>
  533. Apr 19 17:35:08 <Med> "But he can get information from other people through that~"
  534. Apr 19 17:35:12 <Knox> "I'm pretty shit at leading but at least I'm trying to get some things done."
  535. Apr 19 17:35:30 <Lesieli> "I wish. Feel like I've no clue what's going on anymore. Though I suppose that seems true for most of us"
  536. Apr 19 17:35:30 <Knox> "Either way, may as well learn what I can..."
  537. Apr 19 17:35:33 <Mayuri> "People don't usually think people my age can use information against them!"
  538. Apr 19 17:35:42 <Mayuri> "I guess I have that going for me.."
  539. Apr 19 17:35:55 <Med> "Are you sure you wanna be with this crew?" she asks Mayuri.
  540. Apr 19 17:36:05 <Knox> (I'm getting kind of tired here, so Knox will probably interrogate Med later - preferably a med.txt but I suppose we could mini sometime if really necessary)
  541. Apr 19 17:36:43 <Knox> "She's already turning out to be a good little blackmailer, huh? Good for you." He pats Mayuri on the head like he finds that incredibly adorable.
  542. Apr 19 17:36:55 * Mayuri blinks
  543. Apr 19 17:37:08 <Mayuri> "I haven't blackmailed anyone here!"
  544. Apr 19 17:37:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> (Yeah, I'm calling it a wrap after this conversation~)
  545. Apr 19 17:37:16 <Med> "Knox, you're not going to turn this ship into some dumb harem anime, are you?"
  546. Apr 19 17:37:25 <Med> "I'm just, like, totally out if you are."
  547. Apr 19 17:40:12 <Knox> "What the fuck are you even on about." he says to Med. "Whatever happens, happens but it's only the business of those it happens to. Whatever my extracurricular activities are, they aren't going to affect other people on the ship."
  548. Apr 19 17:40:14 <Lesieli> "HAH, yeah, I don't think so"
  549. Apr 19 17:40:25 * Med gives Les a thumbs up~
  550. Apr 19 17:40:49 <Knox> "I doubt anything's going to suddenly turn into moe uguu whatevers. Ugh."
  551. Apr 19 17:41:13 <Med> 5d6+6+6 moe attack knox
  552. Apr 19 17:41:13 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, moe attack knox: 27 [5d6=2,4,5,1,3]
  553. Apr 19 17:41:23 <Med> (thats not actually canon or a thing that happened)
  554. Apr 19 17:41:27 <Knox> 6d6+5 anti-moe stare
  555. Apr 19 17:41:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, anti-moe stare: 29 [6d6=2,5,4,6,6,1]
  556. Apr 19 17:41:47 <Knox> (Neither is that)
  557. Apr 19 17:42:14 <Lesieli> Bam, shot down. Les would have smirked at the exchange, barely holding in a laugh, had it actually occurred.
  558. Apr 19 17:42:57 <Med> "Also, you're completely and totally wrong."
  559. Apr 19 17:43:03 <Med> "I can practically smell what you did~"
  560. Apr 19 17:43:31 <Mayuri> 6d6+4 Power of moe!
  561. Apr 19 17:43:31 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, Power of moe!: 24 [6d6=5,1,2,5,3,4]
  562. Apr 19 17:43:41 <Mayuri> (Is a 27 and 24 enough to overcome a 29?)
  563. Apr 19 17:44:03 * Lesieli watches curiously, completely clueless to what Med's talking about
  564. Apr 19 17:44:09 <Med> "And it's totally not cool making people jealous."
  565. Apr 19 17:44:38 <Knox> "I think being jealous is a choice."
  566. Apr 19 17:45:19 <Med> "Nope, it's an emotion, and if you're not careful, it could cost you your life!"
  567. Apr 19 17:45:34 <Med> "I'm not a murderer, but you hang out with unscrupulous people, so y'know."
  568. Apr 19 17:45:37 <Knox> He squints at Med, not sure if he should be taking that as a threat.
  569. Apr 19 17:45:58 <Melons> 4d6+4 Probably doesn't actually do anything but offer Mel peace of mind, but GHOSTHULKGO
  570. Apr 19 17:45:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Probably doesn't actually do anything but offer Mel peace of mind, but GHOSTHULKGO: 19 [4d6=5,3,1,6]
  571. Apr 19 17:46:01 <Med> "You're gonna make this pretty little thing jealous, and she'll turn out to have been a scorpion!"
  572. Apr 19 17:46:21 <Med> "Or this really big bulky guy who can just crush your head."
  573. Apr 19 17:46:39 <Knox> "Med."
  574. Apr 19 17:47:03 <Med> "Nick."
  575. Apr 19 17:47:16 <Knox> He flexes his muscles without really doing stupid poses.
  576. Apr 19 17:47:24 <Knox> "I -am- the big bulky guy who can crush heads."
  577. Apr 19 17:47:31 * Med giggles at him
  578. Apr 19 17:48:01 <Med> "You're like a pretty boy!"
  579. Apr 19 17:48:01 <Knox> "Besides."
  580. Apr 19 17:48:18 <Knox> "A scorpion? Sometimes a little taste of poison isn't so bad, really."
  581. Apr 19 17:48:25 * Mayuri blinks
  582. Apr 19 17:49:06 <Knox> He stares at Med.
  583. Apr 19 17:49:37 * Lesieli whispers to Mayuri "You got any idea what's going on here now?"
  584. Apr 19 17:49:48 <Mayuri> "Knox and Med are having a peeing contest."
  585. Apr 19 17:50:06 <Med> "Nuh uh!"
  586. Apr 19 17:50:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai is wordlessly drinking the rest of her water.
  587. Apr 19 17:50:16 <Med> "I'm telling him that making girls jealous is dangerous."
  588. Apr 19 17:50:21 <Med> "Since he's completely oblivious."
  589. Apr 19 17:50:55 <Mayuri> "Oh. OK. Knox doesn't understand pure maidens who wanna run away with their prince!"
  590. Apr 19 17:51:38 <Med> "S-sure, something like that - although when I was twelve, I'd just beat them up."
  591. Apr 19 17:53:21 <Knox> "I don't think I'm even the type of guy most girls would get jealous over, but whatever." he crosses his arms. "Being jealous is still a choice. It's a passive alternative to expressing yourself. Either way, though, I guess I'll keep your words in mind."
  592. Apr 19 17:53:30 <Med> "I never said I was jealous over you."
  593. Apr 19 17:53:32 * Med stares at Knox.
  594. Apr 19 17:53:46 <Knox> "I never said you were. That was a general 'yourself'."
  595. Apr 19 17:53:59 <Knox> "Oneself? Whatever the fuck man, grammar."
  596. Apr 19 17:54:28 <Med> "Well, if it's passive, then what's the active approach?"
  597. Apr 19 17:55:46 <Mayuri> "I think it involves kissing and running away from parents?"
  598. Apr 19 17:56:01 * Med is probably still hugging Mirai's arm. maybe not exactly, but that is totally the context of this entire conversation.
  599. Apr 19 17:56:55 <Knox> "You tell me." he says with a smirk, and then he starts to go back to his room to clean up a bit.
  600. Apr 19 17:57:52 <Med> "Oh, well, if Mayuri thinks I should, who am I to argue!"
  601. Apr 19 17:58:25 * Med leans in to kiss Mirai. what chaos did mayuri cause.
  602. Apr 19 17:59:49 <Knox> That's Mirai's bugbear to deal with.
  603. Apr 19 17:59:54 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai gently leans back a little and puts a hand to Med's face. "N-not in front of everyone." She's blushing profusely.
  604. Apr 19 18:00:35 <Med> "Oh, so you wanna go back to your room?" '-'
  605. Apr 19 18:01:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I'm...a little loved out for today." Extra blush
  606. Apr 19 18:02:47 <Med> "I was just teasing, silly~"
  607. Apr 19 18:03:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> "P-plus I um...prefer to be the one who starts things..." Blinkblink. "Oh."
  608. Apr 19 18:03:56 <Med> "Yeah~ I'm just a little upset~"
  609. Apr 19 18:04:57 <Mayuri> "I think my mom wouldn't like seeing me with someone, like, 8 years older than me..."
  610. Apr 19 18:04:59 <Mayuri> "Right~?"
  611. Apr 19 18:05:27 <Med> "Who?" she turns to Mayuri.\
  612. Apr 19 18:05:38 <Med> "If Nicholas tries anything with you, tell me immediately."
  613. Apr 19 18:06:03 <Mayuri> "Any of you."
  614. Apr 19 18:06:22 <Med> "Okay, if any of us try to do anything with you, tell me immediately."
  615. Apr 19 18:06:44 <Knox> Somewhere, despite being well out of earshot, Knox somehow feels a little sick to his stomach.
  616. Apr 19 18:07:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai pffffts. "You're too young. The minimum age of someone you date should be half your age plus seven,a nd if that's bigger than your own age then you shouldn't in the first place!"
  617. Apr 19 18:08:46 <Lesieli> "Oh, don't be like that, you're just too cute to ignore~"
  618. Apr 19 18:09:03 * Lesieli suddenly pulls Mayrui over and huggles her while speaking
  619. Apr 19 18:09:12 * Mayuri blinks and is huggled!
  620. Apr 19 18:11:03 * Med gives Lesieli the most suspicious of looks
  621. Apr 19 18:12:10 <Mayuri> "Hugs usually aren't that sudden!"
  622. Apr 19 18:13:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai's eyes narrow a little at that exchange, and she shakes her head a little, but then she turns to Med. "Actually, Med, could we talk? On deck?"
  623. Apr 19 18:13:08 <Med> "Sure."
  624. Apr 19 18:13:47 * Mayuri tries escaping from Lesieli! ... for now at least!
  625. Apr 19 18:14:05 <Lesieli> What, it's just a hug
  626. Apr 19 18:14:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I hope your umbrella's big enough for two..."
  627. Apr 19 18:15:45 * Med goes to grab it, though she does stay around to make sure lesieli doesnt harass the twelve year old :c
  628. Apr 19 18:16:16 <Lesieli> SINCE WHEN IS HUGGING HARASSING
  629. Apr 19 18:18:55 <Med> it is when they say stop and you dont :c
  630. Apr 19 18:19:24 <Lesieli> But I did stop . . . eventually
  631. Apr 19 18:22:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai nudges Med towards the stairs up tot he deck, which has the cute Politoed umbrella near it
  632. Apr 19 18:22:57 * Med leads/follows Mirai to the deck once the Mayuri's safety is confirmed
  633. Apr 19 18:24:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> It's still raining. Auriga's still up there, and, seeing you two, she scoots over so she's not listening in.
  634. Apr 19 18:24:26 <Mayuri> (Mirai x Med ;o)
  635. Apr 19 18:24:31 <Mayuri> (So Mel x Knox can happen)
  636. Apr 19 18:25:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> "" She fidgets a little.
  637. Apr 19 18:25:47 <Med> "Huh?"
  638. Apr 19 18:34:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I...don't have a problem with you being here, your intentions are sound and I'm sure you're dedicated to doing good and getting things done, but I don't think Mel wants you here, and Knox isn't particularly for it, but willing to tolerate you, and Lesieli's not particularly for or against, and Mack...I'm not sure about Mack, but I don't think he's particularly for you being on here
  639. Apr 19 18:34:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> either, because of what happened between you two, and...I'm really sorry..." She grabs Med into a hug. "I know that all of this means so much to you, what with your mom and sister and everything going on, and I'm really sorry but I...well...I don't think this crew is a good place for you. You should go to Lecia. Straight to Lecia and request a transfer or something, and I really hope
  640. Apr 19 18:34:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> you end up in a group that can support you better and gels better wtih you and is more comfortable with you, and..." She sniffles a bit. "I'm really, really sorry, but I don't think I can see it working out here. I mean, I'm not really uncomfortable with you, and I think you're a great person, but..."
  641. Apr 19 18:34:49 <Med> "Um..."
  642. Apr 19 18:34:54 <Med> "I-I know all that already..."
  643. Apr 19 18:35:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I know you know but I wanted to tell you I'm sorry that it won't work out and...yeah..." She's holding on to you pretty tight, it's a bit uncomfortable.
  644. Apr 19 18:35:52 <Med> "A-are you okay?"
  645. Apr 19 18:38:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> Sniff. "I'll be fine...just a lot going on...especially with Mel, she's getting a bit screwed up and I'm not entirely sure how to handle it, and I know you're a good person but you can't really work with us and help Mel and the others out because of how they feel and...ugh."
  646. Apr 19 18:39:10 <Med> "Uh... whatever you did with Knox probably wasn't the answer."
  647. Apr 19 18:40:04 <Aori_Radidjiu> "...oh, yeah, I know."
  648. Apr 19 18:40:24 <Med> "And no, I can't help you guys. You guys're screwed, beyond all help."
  649. Apr 19 18:40:55 <Med> "I mean, not to be a downer, but... you can't force someone to be saved, and I don't think any of you want help."
  650. Apr 19 18:41:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Mmmmm, I can see that, yeah..."
  651. Apr 19 18:41:41 <Med> "Mel... whatever she's doing this time, she's the one doing it. Knox... is completely unrepetent about his behavior. And you're, like... a kid, I guess."
  652. Apr 19 18:42:02 <Med> "I should go punch Knox's face in for doing this to a kid."
  653. Apr 19 18:44:10 <Med> "Sorry, by the way. For leading you on, I mean. I'm still, like... getting used to... being me, I guess."
  654. Apr 19 18:44:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Naw, don't, I think we can fix our problems without violence...and besides, I'm close enough to an adult. I've wanted to be an adult for so long, ever since my parents died. So I could figure out everything about why they did, and bring whatever's coming to whoever did it. Those things. And really, I don't know if Mel's really an adult either. I mean, she's one by age, but..."
  655. Apr 19 18:45:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I don't think anyone would call her one by her behavior."
  656. Apr 19 18:46:00 <Med> "Yeah... I'm still getting used to this adult thing too."
  657. Apr 19 18:48:22 <Med> "Well, I guess I should get my stuff~"
  658. Apr 19 18:50:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Mmmhmmm. I'll help you with packing, if you want."
  659. Apr 19 18:50:21 <Med> "Thanks~"
  660. Apr 19 18:53:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> After that, Mirai would help Med pack things up (and even get Auriga in on it, since Mirai felt she needed to "stop being so emo"), and Med would leave the ship for good. Just before Med left, Mirai would give her one last hug goodbye.
  661. Apr 19 18:54:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> </session>
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