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Jul 5th, 2015
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  1. >Twilight 2013
  2. It's harvest moon. See, nuclear war JUST happened, and tons of places are still fucking smoking and glowing, you play a bunch of survivor experts (most people who weren't at least highly trained or 'important' enough to be in well protected places at the time are dead) in a very very recent post-nuclear-apocalypse where governments have basically just collapsed worldwide.
  4. The game has all this military stuff, and all these ideas about how you're going to be mad-maxing the fuck out of ~nope we got a farm.
  6. IT'S FUCKING INEVITABLE. IT CANNOT BE STOPPED. Like the inexorable, infinite downwards release of shaped block after shaped block from the top of a famous screen, land was found, crops get planted, livestock gets husbandry'd, and someone starts courting a nearby village girl with spa-boiled eggs and fresh sweet corn picked up just this afternoon.
  8. You'll see your players rebuild a ka-50 for electrical, somehow, with a barely-shielded naval reactor and engineering degrees you didn't know they actually did really have. You'll see them craft warheads, enhance autocannons, turn scrapheaps into MBTs...
  10. And you'll see them keep the damn things parked next to the giant gin-still/silo thing, ready to be turned on the next little fucker who thinks its okay to touch their goddamn strawberries, now let us all badassedly discuss next fall's crop rotation I believe we left last session undecided on potatoes or turnips.
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