

Sep 15th, 2013
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  1. Sep 14 17:02:36 <Shawyun_Sariri> MEANWHILE, IN NEW IVYHOLLOW.
  2. Sep 14 17:03:45 <Shawyun_Sariri> Shawyun, being sort of lost on what to do while Thomas is dorking around in Thundercry and Ben doing Lady Ben things, has taken up a new hobby. Couponing.
  3. Sep 14 17:05:50 <Shawyun_Sariri> As he makes his way through the local grocery store, fighting housewives for THE DAILY SPECIALS with a cart full of bulk products and a wallet full of a silly amount of coupons that can be used together (Seriously he's saving SO MUCH MONEY ON THIS STUFF), a poster in the store catches his attention!
  4. Sep 14 17:08:40 <Shawyun_Sariri> "For every 20 ounces of steak purchased today comes a ticket for a raffle for an all expenses paid trip to New Jamestown for you and all your friends! Includes tickets to a Lady Alvar concert!"
  5. Sep 14 17:09:16 <Shawyun_Sariri> He squints, reading the fine print, and checking his coupons...He, being the enthusiast he is, knows New Jamestown is the Unovan moon colony. "Hrrrrrm. HRRRRRM."
  6. Sep 14 17:10:03 <Shawyun_Sariri> "THIS PLEAES THE SHAWYUN." He cackles, tossing as much steak as he can into his cart.
  7. Sep 14 17:10:08 <Shawyun_Sariri> </meanwhile>
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