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May 24th, 2016
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  1. [07:21] <WhereIsMySpoon> still
  2. [07:21] <AlexMoll> and is really 115k+ benefits ;D
  3. [07:21] <WhereIsMySpoon> ah fuck you
  4. [07:21] <WhereIsMySpoon> lol
  5. [07:21] <AlexMoll> and honestly my codeis shit
  6. [07:22] <WhereIsMySpoon> im on $50k and im almost 25 lol
  7. [07:22] <AlexMoll> this is my most proud piece of logging code
  8. [07:22] <WhereIsMySpoon> everyone's code is shit
  9. [07:22] <WhereIsMySpoon> some ppl didnt find the shit yet
  10. [07:22] <WhereIsMySpoon> :p
  11. [07:22] <AlexMoll> do you have a reruiter?
  12. [07:22] <WhereIsMySpoon> im happy in my job
  13. [07:22] <WhereIsMySpoon> dont wanna move just now
  14. [07:22] <WhereIsMySpoon> :)
  15. [07:23] <WhereIsMySpoon> not sure id wanna work in a huge company tbh
  16. [07:23] <AlexMoll> yeah you d
  17. [07:23] <WhereIsMySpoon> i work with big clients, the glimpse i get into it is some shit
  18. [07:23] <AlexMoll> oo
  19. [07:23] <AlexMoll> tou want to work with the RIGHT ones
  20. [07:23] <WhereIsMySpoon> hm
  21. [07:23] <WhereIsMySpoon> i see
  22. [07:24] <AlexMoll> Not companies who run 3 weeks behind
  23. [07:24] <AlexMoll> and work 70 hour weeks
  24. [07:24] <WhereIsMySpoon> and how do you go about finding this stuff out
  25. [07:24] <AlexMoll> okay so I was a QA right
  26. [07:24] <AlexMoll> No coding involved
  27. [07:24] <AlexMoll> yeah?
  28. [07:25] <AlexMoll> MAybe some SQL
  29. [07:25] <WhereIsMySpoon> i see
  30. [07:25] <WhereIsMySpoon> im a web dev
  31. [07:25] <AlexMoll> Well i call up 3 or 4 recruiters (always let them know of each other so your resume doesn't get spread like the plague0
  32. [07:26] <AlexMoll> Thats cool?
  33. [07:26] <AlexMoll> Angular, React?
  34. [07:26] <AlexMoll> Html5?
  35. [07:26] <WhereIsMySpoon> ha
  36. [07:26] <WhereIsMySpoon> no
  37. [07:26] <AlexMoll> don't say
  38. [07:27] <WhereIsMySpoon> not that bad
  39. [07:27] <WhereIsMySpoon> java/javascript
  40. [07:27] <AlexMoll> huh?
  41. [07:27] <WhereIsMySpoon> but older stuff
  42. [07:27] <AlexMoll> Everything I mentionedis java/javascript
  43. [07:27] <WhereIsMySpoon> java 7, using old js libraries
  44. [07:27] <WhereIsMySpoon> like prototype
  45. [07:27] <WhereIsMySpoon> support ie8
  46. [07:27] <AlexMoll> Yokay
  47. [07:27] <AlexMoll> well
  48. [07:27] <WhereIsMySpoon> etc
  49. [07:27] <AlexMoll> thatsthe first thing you tell recruiters
  50. [07:28] <AlexMoll> you want these libraries
  51. [07:28] <AlexMoll> these MVC structures
  52. [07:28] <AlexMoll> like
  53. [07:28] <WhereIsMySpoon> they are tech savvy like this?
  54. [07:28] <WhereIsMySpoon> i thought recruiters didnt know much about this stuff
  55. [07:28] <AlexMoll> ... okay so you have never had a good recruiter?
  56. [07:28] <WhereIsMySpoon> ive only ever worked with like 1 recruiter lol
  57. [07:28] <WhereIsMySpoon> i started work 3 years ago
  58. [07:28] <AlexMoll> jsus man
  59. [07:28] <WhereIsMySpoon> still in the same job
  60. [07:28] <AlexMoll> you wasted 3 yeahs
  61. [07:29] <AlexMoll> s/
  62. [07:29] <WhereIsMySpoon> nawww
  63. [07:29] <WhereIsMySpoon> i enjoy my job
  64. [07:29] <AlexMoll> So does my mentor from before :)
  65. [07:29] <AlexMoll> But he is getting to be 40 now
  66. [07:29] <WhereIsMySpoon> why you say its wasted?
  67. [07:29] <AlexMoll> guess what he is doing
  68. [07:29] <AlexMoll> not wasted
  69. [07:29] <AlexMoll> at all
  70. [07:29] <WhereIsMySpoon> what then :)
  71. [07:30] <AlexMoll> Developing ASP.NET and working wtih AS400 for "The Company" he is loyal to
  72. [07:30] <AlexMoll> Yes. there are many technical recruiters
  73. [07:30] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok well im not entrenched here dude :P
  74. [07:31] <WhereIsMySpoon> ill probably stay here longer for sure
  75. [07:31] <AlexMoll> and you should be interviewing atleast once every 2 weeks
  76. [07:31] <AlexMoll> if not more
  77. [07:31] <WhereIsMySpoon> wut
  78. [07:31] <WhereIsMySpoon> why
  79. [07:31] <AlexMoll> /facepalm
  80. [07:31] <WhereIsMySpoon> i dont wanna change jobs lol
  81. [07:31] <AlexMoll> How small is your city
  82. [07:31] <WhereIsMySpoon> i live in london
  83. [07:31] <AlexMoll> /facepalm
  84. [07:32] <AlexMoll> /facepalm
  85. [07:32] <AlexMoll> /facepalm
  86. [07:32] <AlexMoll> /facepalm
  87. [07:32] <WhereIsMySpoon> what is your deal
  88. [07:32] <WhereIsMySpoon> why do u think i should be interviewing every 2 weeks? because u think im not getting paid enough?
  89. [07:32] <WhereIsMySpoon> job isnt just about pay
  90. [07:32] <AlexMoll> exactly...
  91. [07:32] <AlexMoll> you are losing out on an unique opportunity
  92. [07:32] <AlexMoll> to see what another company is like
  93. [07:32] <AlexMoll> every week
  94. [07:33] <AlexMoll> what their CVS is
  95. [07:33] <AlexMoll> what their scrum/agile strat is
  96. [07:33] <AlexMoll> what techs they are interested in
  97. [07:33] <AlexMoll> what techs they are trying to fade out
  98. [07:33] <AlexMoll> And when you do want to change
  99. [07:34] <AlexMoll> you think you being at your mediocre level of dev pay will have any leverage
  100. [07:34] <AlexMoll> (unless you are amazing)
  101. [07:34] <AlexMoll> (which you will be if you have interviewed 55+ times)
  102. [07:35] <AlexMoll> Can someone please back me up?
  103. [07:35] <WhereIsMySpoon> and how do u think my boss would like it if i was interviewing every 2 weeks lol
  104. [07:35] <AlexMoll> Well it always starts with a phone screen
  105. [07:35] <AlexMoll> lunch hour
  106. [07:35] <AlexMoll> 30 mins
  107. [07:35] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok, and then a recruiter tells him?
  108. [07:35] <AlexMoll> for references
  109. [07:36] <WhereIsMySpoon> or a recruiter tells our recruiter and they tell him
  110. [07:36] <AlexMoll> put: >london
  111. [07:36] <AlexMoll> er
  112. [07:36] <AlexMoll> >londom
  113. [07:36] <AlexMoll> >london
  114. [07:36] <AlexMoll> >web developer
  115. [07:36] <AlexMoll> and even so
  116. [07:37] <AlexMoll> you say I am exploring what i am worth
  117. [07:37] == tony2 [~tony@] has joined #selenium
  118. [07:37] <WhereIsMySpoon> that sounds kinda dodgy, like if i see something with better pay that im just gonna up and move
  119. [07:37] <AlexMoll> how many contractors
  120. [07:37] <AlexMoll> does your company
  121. [07:37] <AlexMoll> use
  122. [07:37] <WhereIsMySpoon> none
  123. [07:38] <WhereIsMySpoon> we're tiny man
  124. [07:38] <WhereIsMySpoon> ~15 ppl
  125. [07:38] <AlexMoll> [07:35] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok, and then a recruiter tells him? [07:35] <AlexMoll> for references [07:36] <WhereIsMySpoon> or a recruiter tells our recruiter and they tell him
  126. [07:38] <AlexMoll> [07:35] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok, and then a recruiter tells him? [07:35] <AlexMoll> for references [07:36] <WhereIsMySpoon> or a recruiter tells our recruiter and they tell him
  127. [07:38] <AlexMoll> [07:35] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok, and then a recruiter tells him? [07:35] <AlexMoll> for references [07:36] <WhereIsMySpoon> or a recruiter tells our recruiter and they tell him[07:35] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok, and then a recruiter tells him? [07:35] <AlexMoll> for references [07:36] <WhereIsMySpoon> or a recruiter tells our recruiter and they tell him[07:35] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok, and then a recruiter tells him? [07:35] <AlexMoll> for references [07:36] <WhereIsMySpoon> or a r
  128. [07:38] <AlexMoll> Hey, Tony
  129. [07:38] <AlexMoll> you there
  130. [07:38] <WhereIsMySpoon> AlexMoll: whats with the spam
  131. [07:38] <AlexMoll> Sorry, my poor way of expression
  132. [07:39] Ignored tony2, to unignore type: /UNIGNORE tony2
  133. [07:39] Unignored tony2.
  134. [07:39] <AlexMoll> I guess we are only two in here
  135. [07:39] <WhereIsMySpoon> im so confused
  136. [07:40] <AlexMoll> Okay, if your company doesn't have any contractors
  137. [07:40] <AlexMoll> they likely don't talk to any recruiters
  138. [07:40] <WhereIsMySpoon> wrong
  139. [07:40] <WhereIsMySpoon> we have a recruitment agency we use when we need to recruit
  140. [07:40] <WhereIsMySpoon> i used it to get here
  141. [07:40] <AlexMoll> So you lied
  142. [07:40] <AlexMoll> ?
  143. [07:40] <WhereIsMySpoon> ?
  144. [07:40] <WhereIsMySpoon> no?
  145. [07:41] <AlexMoll> it wasn't a lie...
  146. [07:41] <AlexMoll> but it wasn't completely true
  147. [07:41] <WhereIsMySpoon> what?
  148. [07:41] <WhereIsMySpoon> which bit are u talking about
  149. [07:41] <AlexMoll> Your company ot using any recruiters
  150. [07:42] <WhereIsMySpoon> i never said that?
  151. [07:42] <AlexMoll> L <AlexMoll> how many contractors [07:37] <AlexMoll> does your company [07:37] <AlexMoll> use [07:37] <WhereIsMySpoon> none [07:38] <WhereIsMySpoon> we're tiny man [07:38] <WhereIsMySpoon> ~15 ppl
  152. [07:42] <AlexMoll> gives the impression
  153. [07:43] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok sorry then
  154. [07:43] <WhereIsMySpoon> :)
  155. [07:43] <AlexMoll> that you would never really use a recruiter and are more of a post a job, interview, and "hire" firm.
  156. [07:43] <AlexMoll> Sorry for the ruckus mate.
  157. [07:43] <WhereIsMySpoon> nah that isnt how we work
  158. [07:43] <WhereIsMySpoon> afaik
  159. [07:43] <AlexMoll> Is ANYONE
  160. [07:43] <AlexMoll> in here?
  161. [07:43] <AlexMoll> besides us?
  162. [07:44] <WhereIsMySpoon> theyre all figments of our imagination
  163. [07:44] <WhereIsMySpoon> lol
  164. [07:44] <XgizmoX> I'm here
  165. [07:44] <XgizmoX> at least I'm pretty sure I'm here...
  166. [07:44] <AlexMoll> gizmo
  167. [07:44] <AlexMoll> have you been reading?
  168. [07:44] <XgizmoX> something about recruiters?
  169. [07:45] <WhereIsMySpoon> this dude's saying i should be doing an interview every 2 weeks
  170. [07:45] <WhereIsMySpoon> even if im not looking for a job
  171. [07:45] <XgizmoX> seems like a lot of time
  172. [07:45] <AlexMoll> i didn't say
  173. [07:45] <AlexMoll> full blown out interview
  174. [07:45] <AlexMoll> i said
  175. [07:45] <AlexMoll> phone screen 30 minutes
  176. [07:45] == davehunt [] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
  177. [07:45] <XgizmoX> I just accept recruiter linkedin requests
  178. [07:45] <WhereIsMySpoon> ok sure
  179. [07:45] <AlexMoll> gizmo he also mentioned
  180. [07:46] <XgizmoX> Yeah I always talk to recruiters when I have the chance
  181. [07:46] <AlexMoll> he has had 1 job and has been developing for 3 years
  182. [07:46] <XgizmoX> time to move :|
  183. [07:46] <AlexMoll> please
  184. [07:46] <WhereIsMySpoon> really
  185. [07:46] <XgizmoX> you're going to get more moving than you are staying
  186. [07:46] <AlexMoll> scroll up to 7:22
  187. [07:47] <AlexMoll> 7:22
  188. [07:47] <AlexMoll> and read on
  189. [07:47] == errant_rider [~Adium@2605:6000:ea50:b300:d52d:b135:ebe7:3de7] has joined #selenium
  190. [07:47] <AlexMoll> and please talk some sense into this mans career
  191. [07:47] == errant_rider [~Adium@2605:6000:ea50:b300:d52d:b135:ebe7:3de7]
  192. [07:47] == realname : Adium User
  193. [07:47] == channels : #selenium
  194. [07:47] == server : [Stockholm, SE]
  195. [07:47] == End of WHOIS
  196. [07:47] == errant_rider [~Adium@2605:6000:ea50:b300:d52d:b135:ebe7:3de7]
  197. [07:47] == realname : Adium User
  198. [07:47] == channels : #selenium
  199. [07:47] == server : [Stockholm, SE]
  200. [07:47] == End of WHOIS
  201. [07:47] == errant_rider [~Adium@2605:6000:ea50:b300:d52d:b135:ebe7:3de7]
  202. [07:47] == realname : Adium User
  203. [07:47] == channels : #selenium
  204. [07:47] == server : [Stockholm, SE]
  205. [07:47] == End of WHOIS
  206. [07:47] <WhereIsMySpoon> XgizmoX: and how do I explain to my boss if he finds ive been doing phone interviews even though I dont want to move? it'll look kinda bad
  207. [07:48] <XgizmoX> Don't tell your boss and don't make it obvious you're doing interviews :)
  208. [07:48] <WhereIsMySpoon> recruiters talk surely
  209. [07:48] <XgizmoX> Not if you tell them not to
  210. [07:48] <WhereIsMySpoon> i see
  211. [07:48] <XgizmoX> Theyre pretty good with that
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