
You Wouldn't Pirate an Armpit Tattoo

May 26th, 2014
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  1. May 19 20:19:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> Tuesday, June 1st, 11 AM. Melanie has managed to shiiiift away from the group while most of them go off to the ship to regroup. Team ReSET is still around at the cave, but they're not pursuing. Roll me a stealth check anyway though.
  2. May 19 20:20:58 <Melons> 4d6+3
  3. May 19 20:21:00 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 4d6+3: 17 [4d6=2,3,3,6]
  4. May 19 20:22:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> Gretty pud.
  5. May 19 20:24:26 * Melons sighs a bit as she slips out of the cave. She has a hard time trusting this memory of hers about a hogtied Kadabra considering she didn't put it there, but heads toward the area nonetheless.
  6. May 19 20:25:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> After a bit of walking, you do in fact find it, tied up and still miraculously knocked out. If you remember correctly from not-you's memory, this thing's a Shadow Pokemon, so it's agood thing it's knocked out.
  7. May 19 20:26:22 <Melons> You awake magic not-me in my eye?...can you hear this? Ohgodyoucanprobablyhearthis.
  8. May 19 20:27:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> [I can totally hear this.]
  9. May 19 20:28:37 <Melons> You mind explaining what the fuck I'm looking at?
  10. May 19 20:29:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> [A tied up sacrifice~. Your memories seemed to indicate you wanted this sort of thing so I went and got it as a surprise gift for being my host~]
  11. May 19 20:29:52 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Like how a good pet kills birds and puts them on their master's doorstep!]
  12. May 19 20:30:30 <Melons> There's a little bit of squiddling. I...I said I didn't want to think of you like a pet or pokemon or thing or anything!
  13. May 19 20:30:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Except you can actually use this, and I know you can hunt for yourself.]
  14. May 19 20:31:28 * Melons checks to see whether the thing is even still alive.
  15. May 19 20:31:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Then merge fasteeeeeeeeer! Then we won't have a weird relationship, we'll just be us! We can be one~] You get the mental image of her holding both her cheeks and looking off to the side, blushing. Yes she put that in your head.
  16. May 19 20:32:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> It's breathing!
  17. May 19 20:32:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> Lightly.
  18. May 19 20:32:35 <Melons> Well I did...does anyone else know about it?
  19. May 19 20:32:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> [I'm not sure! I don't think so, though!]
  20. May 19 20:33:23 * Vandaeron has quit (Ping timeout)
  21. May 19 20:33:56 * Melons rifles through her things to pull out the relevant grimoire and read through the important parts of the ritual.
  22. May 19 20:36:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> You have to dig in the pile of the bikinis for a bit, but it's there!
  23. May 19 20:36:55 * Melons picks through them like she's moving the underwear part of someone else's laundry.
  24. May 19 20:40:19 * Melons starts idly drawing lines in the dirt with her foot as she flips through the grimoire, a little nonchalantly for one preparing ritual sacrifice.
  25. May 19 20:42:03 <Melons> This isn't the worst idea, right? The thought is more to herself than to the cosmic being in her head.
  26. May 19 20:42:34 * Vandaeron ( has joined
  27. May 19 20:43:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Well, the only way to get something you want is to TAKE IT BY FORCE, right? I mean, I would never have gone past being a bunch of static and garbage images if I hadn't taken all that information from you by force, and then I wouldn't be able to bring anything I want to say to light! Just cryptic all day every day.]
  28. May 19 20:44:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> [And now I can understand how sublime it is to speak things in rhyme~]
  29. May 19 20:45:12 <Melons> Mel jumps a bit at the response. She's still not entirely convinced she isn't crazier than she thought and the voice is all in her head. Well it is all in her h- Melanie pulls the Odd Keystone out of her bag as well as the random kitchen knife she'd used before.
  30. May 19 20:45:42 <Melons> Sublime? More in below in worse th- nevermind.
  31. May 19 20:48:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Don't be sour!]
  32. May 19 20:49:35 <Melons> She pulls the Kadabra upright, filling in some lines in the dirt it previously rested on. Do these things ever shave? Do people sell Kadabra hair as an herbal remedy? She sets the Odd Keystone down below the Kadabra, being as careful as though it were an egg. It's a little more comforting when the voice in your head exists objectively and is just as shitty at making jokes as you.
  33. May 19 20:50:57 <Melons> Melanie scans her surroundings to make sure she hasn't attracted an audience.
  34. May 19 20:51:00 <Melons> 3d6+7 Obligatory perception
  35. May 19 20:51:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Obligatory perception: 16 [3d6=3,5,1]
  36. May 19 20:51:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> NOthing. [You think that Mistral girl is trailing you?]
  37. May 19 20:52:47 <Melons> Well she didn't, not actively at least...until it was suggested. does like to sneak...but if we were starting to head back to the boat, she'd probably also head back to make sure we didn't think she'd been sneaking out, right?
  38. May 19 20:54:44 <Aori_Radidjiu> [She's complicated! I can't wait to meet her for real! Maybe we can catch her off guard and do terrible things to her~. The good kind of terrible!]
  39. May 19 20:55:11 <Melons> Mel's face flushes. I'm...trying to focus...
  40. May 19 20:55:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Oh, sorry, sorry~]
  41. May 19 20:57:10 * Melons taps the Kadabra on the nose and speaks with a hushed voice, "You're not conscious, are you?"
  42. May 19 20:57:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> It snorts, but doesn't seem to wake.
  43. May 19 20:59:02 <Melons> Shrug. Gotta seed the ritual circle some time, so might as well be now. Melanie carefully draws the knife across the Kadabra's throat, making sure a fair bit of the blood drizzles onto the Keystone and the rest into the dirt sigil.
  44. May 19 21:01:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> It coughs and sputters and its eyes open wide! It's trying to focus on you but can't seem to through the pain. [Oh no, hurry up hurry up!]
  45. May 19 21:03:21 <Melons> Mel tears up. "'s not personal, you know...y-you were just...unlucky..." Her hand swiftly traces her cut back to the middle of its throat and more forcefully digs the knife in.
  46. May 19 21:03:43 <Aori_Radidjiu> It gurgles and then collapses.
  47. May 19 21:05:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> [There, it's dead! Don't worry, it was either you or him!]
  48. May 19 21:05:20 <Melons> The blood seeps down through the channels dug into the dirt. Rather than soak through to the earth below, it seems to halt within the grooves as though awaiting something.
  49. May 19 21:06:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Huh? Is it working? I dunno', I didn't really get the rituals even though I had your memories of them. Grrr.]
  50. May 19 21:06:57 <Melons> Melanie nods to the voice in her head. Still sniffling, she turns the knife to her own hand and cuts over the same scar from her last rituals and puts it against the glyph.
  51. May 19 21:23:21 <Melons> The moment her palm touches the glyph, the blood starts to boil and jerk towards her hand. Her fingers seize as the Kadabra's blood flows through her own open wound, clenching the dirt with Mel unable to pry them away from the blood no matter how desperately she tries. Within little time, her body is wracked with pain that brings her to her knees. The blood circulates through her veins like a demonic dialysis. As she convulses,
  52. May 19 21:23:21 <Melons> an blood-red upsidedown five-pointed star forms on her forehead, fairly well hidden behind her bangs. Likewise, several meandering tendrils are seared into her abdomen. Both burn like a heated brand until the blood in the sigil is spent, their color fading to the color of red iron. Melanie is left gasping for air and whimpering in the dirt.
  53. May 19 21:26:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Well, now your hairstyle options are limited! That kind of sucks.]
  54. May 19 21:27:40 <Melons> OhgodamIdying?I'mdyingfuckthissuckswhydoesithurtsomuch?!
  55. May 19 21:29:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> [I thought you liiiiked hurting! I bet if you approach this with the right mindset it can feel goooood~.]
  56. May 19 21:31:27 <Melons> Thatsoundsfuckinginsanewhyw-...waitthat's not....that's not even...the craziest thing to have happened today...or in the last hour...or in the last minute...I can share more of myself without completely merging, right? You can help shoulder this a bit, riiiiiight? Despite these being thoughts, her headvoice still manages to break at times.
  57. May 19 21:32:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Hmmm, I wouldn't mind. I can't really feel any of it in your eye, after all! You should give me something more sensitive!]
  58. May 19 21:33:43 <Melons> Like what? Though the pain seems to be subsiding, she definitely sounds...or...feels...headsounds a little impatient.
  59. May 19 21:34:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Neck. Hands. Belly. Feet. Anywhere with a lot of nerve endings!]
  60. May 19 21:34:44 <Melons> Fuck take my belly then, it's still stinging!
  61. May 19 21:35:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> Zoop~. It dulls a little, in a way, although you still feel it. [Ooooooh, the sensation~. It hurts but I'm aliiiiive~]
  62. May 19 21:35:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Great deal we've got here!]
  63. May 19 21:35:38 <Melons> Well glad you like it, becase we aren't fucking done.
  64. May 19 21:35:57 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Oh? Cool then, bring it on!]
  65. May 19 21:36:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> Now that you're sharing a bit more with her, more of her euphoria at existing and sensation leaks over into you.
  66. May 19 21:37:30 * Melons drags herself to her feet, a struggle gradually easier as her bond with...her...self? strengths. She begins scanning the ground wildly. I also needed...I had a plan of those little blue fucks...the odd ones...I need one.
  67. May 19 21:37:43 <Aori_Radidjiu> Perceeeeption!
  68. May 19 21:37:54 <Melons> 3d6+7
  69. May 19 21:37:56 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 3d6+7: 23 [3d6=6,6,4]
  70. May 19 21:38:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> It takes a bit of looking, but you eventually find one of the characteristic stalks of an Oddish sticking out of the ground.
  71. May 19 21:39:58 <Melons> 4d6+3 Quietly and carefully start drawing more lines in the dirt around the Oddish with the precision of the common stick.
  72. May 19 21:39:59 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Quietly and carefully start drawing more lines in the dirt around the Oddish with the precision of the common stick.: 18 [4d6=1,5,6,3]
  73. May 19 21:41:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> 2d6
  74. May 19 21:41:19 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 2d6: 10 [2d6=5,5]
  75. May 19 21:41:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Oddish dun' notice shit.
  76. May 19 21:43:32 <Melons> Meanwhile, in the way one mentally rehearses an explanation or discussion that is never likely to be had but one likes to think through it anyway, Melanie explains to herself that while the Kadabra was to help with her focus, the Oddish is to help her ...she struggles to find a word for 'trick' that sounds much less duplicitous, but gives up and instead goes the route of explaining it's to help her deal with people. The subconsc
  77. May 19 21:43:32 <Melons> ious has really got to be a pain for her glitchier half.
  78. May 19 21:45:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> [So you're trying to draw things to you, eh? Lure them in for whatever machinations you have~]
  79. May 19 21:47:19 <Melons> Satisfied with the second glyph, especially given the circumstances it was created under, she draws the knife and Keystone back out. Do Oddishes have blood? They're like plants. But sentient plants. With normal animal parts. Or maybe sap? They've got to have SOME liq- OHFUCKYOUCANSTILLHEAREVERYTHING! Melanie tries to shrug off the voice, but a thousand subconscious expletives show how much she's failing. Nope, a thousand and one
  80. May 19 21:47:19 <Melons> . Well, either way, are you ready? It's unclear which version of herself she's addressing.
  81. May 19 21:47:53 <Aori_Radidjiu> [I'm ready~! And remember, if the pain's too much you can always share more!]
  82. May 19 21:49:17 * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  83. May 19 21:49:42 <Melons> With the speed and precision of a first-place regional cupstacking champion, a ridiculous 'sport' Mel may or may not have practiced rigorously for a time, Melanie drops the keystone next to the Oddish and quickly takes a hold of its leaves, jerking HARD.
  84. May 19 21:50:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Odd!" It pops out, surprised, looking at you in the face!
  85. May 19 21:51:32 <Melons> Ohfuckwhycouldn'tithavebeenfacingtheotherway! With a whimper and more tears, she quickly moves to cut it in half like she were preparing a normal vegetable.
  86. May 19 21:51:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> Roll me a struggle attack!
  87. May 19 21:52:10 <Melons> 1d20 Gogo AC4
  88. May 19 21:52:11 <Jessie> Melons, Gogo AC4: 14 [1d20=14]
  89. May 19 21:52:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hit! You manage to chop it in half, the thing giving out some kind of pained noise as you do so!
  90. May 19 21:54:04 <Aori_Radidjiu> Bloodlike sap rains out onto your sigil!
  91. May 19 21:55:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Score! Looks like you got a really weak one!]
  92. May 19 21:55:44 <Melons> probably wouldn't have fared well out here anyw-way, r-right?
  93. May 19 21:56:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Probably was gonna' get eaten by a Poochyena!]
  94. May 19 21:56:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Or something else!]
  95. May 19 21:56:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> [...those things eat meat don't they.]
  96. May 19 21:57:01 <Melons> I don't...I don't really...well nevermind that, what's done is done...
  97. May 19 21:57:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> SIGIL READY TO ACTIVATE
  98. May 19 22:08:23 <Melons> After a few big breaths, Mel slams her hand into the Oddish blood. The blood is drawn into Melanie like before, though she reacts slightly calmer to the pain as it surges in. This time, the shapes drawn resemble long, sinuous leaves with veins more befitting those of a mammal that snake out from within her armpits, fanning out to wrap around her back, side, and just barely along the side of her melons. At the center of each
  99. May 19 22:08:23 <Melons> armpit lies a terrified, bloodshot eye. Staring into it directly would give the impression that it were weeping, as well as show just how creepy it would be to stare at someone's armpit. Though Melanie weathers the start of the process with a much more stoic demeanor, the red shapes seem to burn brighter than before, eventually forcing her to cry aloud. "FUCKJUSTTAKEMYWHOLETORSO!"
  100. May 19 22:11:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Done!] It all dulls a bit, although the euphoria intensifies. [Just so you know, it won't dull up once we're completely merged, since we won't be seperate anymore!]
  101. May 19 22:12:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> [But then you might just enjoy it as much as I do, so no matter!]
  102. May 19 22:13:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> She tries to move your arm with her now partial control of your body and gently poke your cheek.
  103. May 19 22:13:56 <Melons> Mel takes a swig of her inhaler. I said torso, not arms!
  104. May 19 22:14:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> (whoops)
  105. May 19 22:14:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> (WELL WHATEVER, WISE CHOICE NOT TO GIVE HER ANY LIMBS YET)
  106. May 19 22:15:21 <Melons> They' much blood was I covered in before? Is it noticeable?
  107. May 19 22:16:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Ah I have a heart and lungs and breasts~. Lovely lovely lovely~]
  108. May 19 22:17:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hard to say, since you can't see yourself! [Worried about blood? Maybe you should take a bath in the sea water~! Or maybe there's a majestic waterfall here!]
  109. May 19 22:17:44 <Melons> I? Don't you mean we ha-...wait, IS there a maj- waterfall here?
  110. May 19 22:18:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Don't actually think so! So we'll just have to either find a pond or bathe in the sea like a mermaid!]
  111. May 19 22:18:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> [D-do you think your sacrifice magic can turn you into a mermaid?]
  112. May 19 22:18:55 <Melons> ...I'm not turning into a fish ever fucking again.
  113. May 19 22:19:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Why nooooooooooooooooooooooooot?]
  114. May 19 22:19:14 <Melons> READ OUR GODDAMN MEMORY!
  115. May 19 22:19:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Oh wait I'm digging...digging...]
  116. May 19 22:19:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Oh! What do you mean, that was wonderful! That's how I got the idea for my wonderful form~]
  117. May 19 22:20:35 <Melons> It was terrifying. Also, actual mermaids were driven mad and murdered each other. We really don't want to be a mermaid.
  118. May 19 22:21:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Oh not those mermaids. The fairy-like ones that have fins for legs and want to be part of that woooooorld and everything!]
  119. May 19 22:22:04 <Melons> Forks are not high-tech. Also, nobeingagoddamnfairy either.
  120. May 19 22:22:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Awww but then you don't have to wear clothes anymooooore]
  121. May 19 22:22:48 <Melons> You know these things are literaly fucking magical or some shit, right?
  122. May 19 22:23:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Then find other magical clothes! That turn you into a different form with noclothes!]
  123. May 19 22:24:08 <Melons> "THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!" Oop! She covers her mouth.
  124. May 19 22:25:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Totally should be a thing.]
  125. May 19 22:25:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Whatever just take a bath already so I can feel the water!]
  126. May 19 22:25:47 <Melons> Uuuugh, fine.
  127. May 19 22:26:06 * Melons goes to find water to bathe in and only freak out 99% of the time that it's probably gross water.
  128. May 19 22:27:26 * Melons and look for a Miltank. Which makes sense on heavily forested islands.
  129. May 19 22:27:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> [It's fine, it's fine! Gotta' clean the icky sticky blood!]
  130. May 19 22:28:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Maybe you can make friends! Maybe they'll be good for killing!]
  131. May 19 22:28:25 <Melons> Algae doesn't bleed! That is INFINITELY more disgustingly terrifying than foreign blood!
  132. May 19 22:30:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> [Well whatever. Water is niiice! I like existing. Thanks Melanie~]
  133. May 19 22:30:36 * Melons blushes again but doesn't respond. Consciously respond, at least.
  134. May 19 22:30:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> With that we can call </mini
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