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Oct 25th, 2014
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  1. Private Sub Dealbtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Dealbtn.Click
  2. Dim Suits() As String = {"S", "D", "C", "H"}
  3. Dim Faces() As String = {"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A"}
  4. Dim rand As New Random
  5. Dim rand1 As Integer = rand.Next(12)
  6. Dim rand2 As Integer = rand.Next(3)
  7. Label2.Text() = Faces(rand1) + Suits(rand2)
  8. End Sub
  10. Dim Suits() As String = {"S", "D", "C", "H"}
  11. Dim Faces() As String = {"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A"}
  13. Dim cards As New List(Of String)
  14. For Each s As String In Suits
  15. For Each f As String In Faces
  16. cards.Add(s & f)
  17. Next
  18. Next
  20. Dim r As New Random
  21. Dim cardsShuffled = cards.OrderBy(Function() r.Next)
  23. Dim deck As New Stack(Of String)(cardsShuffled)
  24. For Each lbl As Label in {Label1, Label2, Label3, ...} 'you need to write all
  25. Try
  26. lbl.Text = deck.Pop()
  27. Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
  28. MessageBox.Show("No more cards.")
  29. End Try
  30. Next
  32. Dim rand As New Random
  33. Dim rand1 As Integer = rand.Next(12)
  34. Dim rand2 As Integer = rand.Next(3)
  36. Public Class Card
  37. Public Property Suit As String
  38. Public Property Rank As Integer
  40. ' card images from
  41. '
  42. Public Property Img As Image
  44. Private Faces() As String = {"Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"}
  46. ' for text version of the game
  47. Public Function CardText() As String
  48. Dim tmp As String = Rank.ToString
  49. If Rank = 1 Then
  50. tmp = "Ace"
  51. ElseIf Rank >= 11 Then
  52. tmp = Faces(Rank - 11)
  53. End If
  54. Return String.Format("{0} of {1}", tmp, Suit)
  56. End Function
  58. ' iDeck class will assign Rank, Suit and img to an "empty" card
  59. Public Sub New(strSuit As String, nRank As Integer, i As Image)
  60. Suit = strSuit
  61. Rank = nRank
  62. Img = i
  63. End Sub
  65. Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
  66. Return CardText()
  67. End Function
  68. End Class
  70. Public Class Deck
  71. Dim rand As Random
  73. ' the deck will be built in the same order a real deck comes in
  74. Private Suits() As String = {"Spades", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Hearts"}
  75. Private Rank() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}
  77. ' useful for blackjack
  78. Private Const Ace As Integer = 1
  80. ' freshly opened pack where they are in order. this is reused rather
  81. ' than building a new deck each time
  82. Private freshDeck As List(Of Card)
  84. ' shuffled deck; Stack prevents any bugs from a botched counter var
  85. Private shoe As Stack(Of Card)
  87. ' using an imagelist but My.Resources could work depending on card names
  88. Private imglist As ImageList
  90. ' the GAME object passes us the imagelist holding the card pics
  91. Public Sub New(imgs As ImageList) ' ctor
  92. ' new random ONCE
  93. rand = New Random
  94. imglist = imgs
  95. NewDeck()
  96. End Sub
  98. ' create a new deck (done ONCE) but could be called again
  99. Private Sub NewDeck()
  100. freshDeck = New List(Of Card) ' new object
  102. For Each s As String In Suits
  103. For Each n As Integer In Rank
  104. Dim key As String = CardKey(s, n)
  106. freshDeck.Add(New Card(s, n, imglist.Images(key)))
  107. Next
  108. Next
  109. End Sub
  111. Private keys() As String = {"J", "Q", "K"}
  113. Private Function CardKey(suit As String, rank As Integer) As String
  114. ' convert Suit / Key to the key used in the imglist
  115. ' (e.g C1.JPG for Clubs, Ace)
  116. ' cards come from
  117. ' use the windows set (or rename them all)
  119. Dim key As String = suit.Substring(0, 1) ' => C, H, D, S
  120. If rank < 11 Then
  121. key &= rank.ToString
  122. Else
  123. key &= keys(rank - 11) ' cvt 11, 12, 13 => J, Q, K
  124. End If
  126. Return key & ".png"
  127. End Function
  129. ' Shuffle deck using Fisher-Yates; sub optimal here since we "use up"
  130. ' the shoe each hand and are not reshuffling a deck
  131. Public Sub Shuffle()
  132. ' new temp deck preserves the new deck starting point
  133. Dim thisDeck As New List(Of Card)(freshDeck.ToArray)
  134. Dim tmp As Card
  136. Dim j As Integer
  137. ' hi to low, so the rand pick result is meaningful
  138. ' lo to hi introduces a definite bias
  139. For i As Integer = thisDeck.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
  140. j = rand.Next(0, i + 1) ' NB max param is EXCLUSIVE
  142. tmp = thisDeck(j)
  143. ' swap Card j and Card i
  144. thisDeck(j) = thisDeck(i)
  145. thisDeck(i) = tmp
  146. Next
  148. ' using a stack for the actual deck in use; copy shuffled deck to the Shoe
  149. shoe = New Stack(Of Card)(thisDeck.ToArray)
  151. End Sub
  153. ' shuffle using random and LINQ (neo's answer)
  154. Public Sub ShuffleLinq()
  155. ' using the same rand per app run may be random enough
  156. ' but would not suffice for most 'serious' games or standards
  157. shoe = New Stack(Of Card)(freshDeck.OrderBy(Function() rand.Next))
  159. End Sub
  161. ' we run a clean game here, boy
  162. Public Sub DoubleShuffle()
  163. ' to try and avoid any bias, fill shoe as we go
  164. ' picking a random card from a randomized deck
  165. ' combination of the other two
  167. Dim thisDeck As New List(Of Card)(freshDeck.OrderBy(Function() rand.Next).ToArray)
  168. Dim j As Integer
  169. shoe = New Stack(Of Card) ' new shoe of shuffled cards
  171. ' backwards again
  172. For i As Integer = freshDeck.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
  173. j = rand.Next(0, i + 1)
  175. shoe.Push(thisDeck(j)) ' fill shoe
  177. thisDeck.RemoveAt(j) ' remove from shuffled deck
  178. Next
  180. End Sub
  182. Public Function DealCard() As Card
  183. ' get a card
  184. If shoe.Count = 0 Then
  185. ' ToDo: out of cards
  186. ' happens with 9+ handed, 7 card games and many hi-lo games...
  187. ' usually mucked and burn cards are reshuffled
  188. ' some games use shared cards at the end
  189. ' (muck/burn list not implemented)
  190. End If
  191. Return shoe.Pop
  192. End Function
  194. End Class
  196. Private poker As Game
  197. ...
  198. New Game(theImgList, 3) ' 3 == the human player
  200. poker.ShuffleDeck()
  201. poker.NewHand()
  202. thisRound = Game.Rounds.HoleCards
  204. Select Case thisRound
  205. Case Game.Rounds.HoleCards
  206. poker.NewHand() ' clears the display etc
  207. poker.DealRound(thisRound) ' deal cards
  208. thisRound = Game.Rounds.Flop ' change round indicator
  210. Case Game.Rounds.Flop ' even this could be internal to Game(poker)
  211. poker.DealRound(thisRound)
  212. thisRound = Game.Rounds.Turn
  214. Case Rounds.Flop
  215. myDeck.DealCard() ' burn card
  216. players(0).AddCard(myDeck.DealCard) ' Player(0) is the house or community
  217. players(0).AddCard(myDeck.DealCard)
  218. players(0).AddCard(myDeck.DealCard)
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