#!/bin/bash -e if [[ "$UID" != "0" ]] ; then echo 'This script can only be run as root' exit 1 fi export DEV='/dev/sdc' export USB="${DEV}1" export CHROOT='/media/chroot' export ARCH='i386' export CODE_NAME='testing' export MNT='/mnt' export MIRROR='http://http.us.debian.org/debian/' export KERNEL="linux-image-686" #These are extra packages that make using the USB for #non-installation tasks easier. export EXTRAS='xorg lxde-common iceweasel build-essential ntfs-3g rsync p7zip unzip unrar' #This funtion checks that a given device or path is mounted, and if the #parameter is, this function then unmounts it. #param: A mount point or device file function unmount { if mount | grep $1 > /dev/null ; then if ! umount -v -f $1 ; then #Try lazy unmounting as a last resort umount -v -l $1 fi fi } #This function unmounts all the mount-points created in this script. It is used #to clean-up at the end or after an error occurs. This function does not check #"devices" it instead calls the unmount function using mount points. Hence the #$USB device may still be mounted after a call to this function if it is #mounted anywhere other then $MNT. function unmount_all { unmount $CHROOT/proc unmount $CHROOT/dev/pts unmount $CHROOT/dev/shm unmount $CHROOT/dev unmount $CHROOT/sys unmount $CHROOT/boot unmount $MNT } #This function is used to cleanly exit the script. It does this by unmounting #all devices, displaying a given error message, and exiting with an error #code. #param: The error message to display. #usage: die "This is an error" function die { unmount_all echo echo "***************************************************" echo "$@" echo "***************************************************" echo exit 1 } #We may have been left in a bad state so unmount everything unmount_all if [ ! -e $DEV ] ; then die "USB device $DEV does not exist." fi #Unmount the USB drive if it is mounted if mount | grep $USB >/dev/null ; then echo "Unmounting device $USB" if ! umount -v $USB ; then die "Could not unmount $USB" fi fi echo "Remaking the file USB drive's partition table" if ! ( echo -e 'o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nt\n83\na\n1\nw\n' | fdisk -c -u "$DEV" ) ; then die 'Could not fix the USB drives partition table' fi echo "Formating and tuning the USB drive" if ! (mkfs.ext3 -L 'USB-Installer' "$USB" && tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 $USB) ; then die 'Could not format drive' fi #If the $CHROOT directory exits, destroy it so we have a clean slate. if [ -d $CHROOT ] ; then echo "Clearing $CHROOT for a clean slate ..." if ! rm -rf "$CHROOT" ; then die "Could not remove the directory" fi fi #Create the $CHROOT directory if ! mkdir -vp "$CHROOT" ; then die "Could not create the chroot directory at $CHROOT" fi if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/debootstrap ] ; then sudo apt-get -y install debootstrap fi echo 'Bootstraping in a basic system' if ! /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch "$ARCH" "$CODE_NAME" "$CHROOT" "$MIRROR" ; then die 'Failed to bootstrap' fi #Copy the timezone info from the system to the new USB drive if ! cp /etc/timezone "$CHROOT/etc/timezone" ; then die 'Failed to update the /etc/timezone file' fi #Set some imporant networking configuration files echo "Set $CHROOT/etc/hostname" if ! echo 'usb' > $CHROOT/etc/hostname ; then die "Failed to update the /etc/hostname file" fi if ! echo ' localhost usb' > $CHROOT/etc/hosts ; then die 'Failed to create the /etc/hosts file' fi if ! echo "deb $MIRROR ${CODE_NAME} main contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org ${CODE_NAME}/updates main contrib non-free " > $CHROOT/etc/apt/sources.list ; then die 'Failed to create /etc/apt/sources.list file' fi if ! echo " proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0 #Allow useless files to be automatically deleted tmpfs /var/lock tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0 tmpfs /var/run tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0 tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0 " > $CHROOT/etc/fstab ; then die 'Failed to create /etc/fstab file' fi if ! echo " # Kernel Image management overrides # See kernel-img.conf(5) for details do_symlinks = yes relative_links = yes do_bootloader = no do_bootfloppy = no do_initrd = yes link_in_boot = no" > $CHROOT/etc/kernel-img.conf ; then die 'Failed to create /etc/kernel-img.conf file' fi if ! echo "syntax on set noai set expandtab set ts=2 set sw=2" > $CHROOT/root/.vimrc ; then die 'Failed to create /root/.vimrc file' fi if ! cp $CHROOT/root/.vimrc $CHROOT/etc/skel/ ; then die 'Copy the .vimrc file to /etc/skel' fi echo "Binding the needed directories under $CHROOT ..." if [ ! -d ${CHROOT}${MNT} ] ; then mkdir ${CHROOT}${MNT} fi if ! (mount -v --bind /proc $CHROOT/proc && mount -v --bind /sys $CHROOT/sys && mount -v --bind /dev $CHROOT/dev && mount -v --bind /dev/pts $CHROOT/dev/pts && mount -v --bind /dev/shm $CHROOT/dev/shm ) ; then die 'A mount failed!' fi if ! mount -v -t ext3 $USB $MNT ; then die "Failed to mount $USB at $MNT" fi if ! mkdir -v $MNT/boot $MNT/live ; then die "Could not create $MNT/boot and $MNT/live" fi if ! mount -v -o bind $MNT/boot $CHROOT/boot ; then die "Could not bind $MNT/boot to $CHROOT/boot" fi #Install the .bashrc file for the new system cat > $CHROOT/root/.bashrc < /dev/null | grep -q 'inet addr' ; then sed 's/allow-hotplug/auto/' /etc/network/interfaces > /tmp/interfaces mv /tmp/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces if ! ( /etc/init.d/networking stop && /etc/init.d/networking start ); then echo "Networking is not functioning!!!!" fi fi EOF #This should keep any prompts from showing up if ! echo "grub-pc grub-pc/kopt_extracted boolean false grub-pc grub2/kfreebsd_cmdline string grub-pc grub2/device_map_regenerated note grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices multiselect $USB grub-pc grub-pc/postrm_purge_boot_grub boolean false grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices_failed_upgrade boolean true grub-pc grub2/linux_cmdline string grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices_empty boolean false grub-pc grub2/kfreebsd_cmdline_default string quiet grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices_failed boolean false grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices_disks_changed multiselect grub-pc grub2/linux_cmdline_default string quiet grub-pc grub-pc/chainload_from_menu.lst boolean true grub-pc grub-pc/mixed_legacy_and_grub2 boolean true keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/modelcode string pc105 keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/unsupported_config_options booleantrue keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/unsupported_config_layout booleantrue keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/toggle select No toggling keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/compose select No compose key keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/layout select keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/variant select USA keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/switch select No temporary switch keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/unsupported_options boolean true keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/altgr select The default for the keyboard layout keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/ctrl_alt_bksp boolean false keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/unsupported_layout boolean true keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/variantcode string keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/model select Generic 105-key (Intl) PC keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/layoutcode string us keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/store_defaults_in_debconf_db booleantrue keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/optionscode string console-setup console-setup/codeset47 select . Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Greek console-setup console-setup/fontface47 select Fixed console-setup console-setup/fontsize-text47 select 16 console-setup console-setup/charmap47 select UTF-8 console-setup console-setup/codesetcode string Uni2 console-setup console-setup/store_defaults_in_debconf_db boolean true console-setup console-setup/fontsize-fb47 select 16 console-setup console-setup/fontsize string 16 " > $CHROOT/root/conf ; then die "Failed to create pre-selections file." fi #Create a script that does installation under chroot if ! echo "#!/bin/bash -e ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Central /etc/localtime groupadd admin usermod -a -G 'users,plugdev,audio,cdrom,admin,disk' root passwd -d root #/usr/sbin/locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 debconf-set-selections /root/conf rm /root/conf export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get clean apt-get update || apt-get update apt-get -y dist-upgrade && apt-get -y autoremove apt-get -y install grub2 apt-get -y install $KERNEL dhcpcd squashfs-tools \ dialog mingetty vim-nox wget jfsutils \ parted gpm laptop-detect debootstrap less \ initramfs-tools live-boot locales \ debconf-utils #network-manager apt-get -y install $EXTRAS apt-get -y clean #Force a black listing of the old pc-speaker driver echo blacklist snd-pcsp >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf echo '%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers sed 's|\([0-9]\):.*getty.*|\1:23:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --autologin root --noclear tty\1|' /etc/inittab > /tmp/inittab mv /tmp/inittab /etc/inittab chown root:root /root/.bashrc " | tee $CHROOT/chroot-install > /dev/null ; then die "Could not create the script that manages the chroot install." fi if ! chmod u+x $CHROOT/chroot-install ; then die "Could not make the chroot install script executable." fi echo 'Performing chroot install ...' if ! LANG=C chroot $CHROOT /chroot-install ; then die "Chroot install failed!" fi #udev is attached to *this* machine's network card now. #Get rid of this rule to make udev think it is a brand new install if ! rm /media/chroot/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ; then echo "WARNING: Could not fix network card udev rules" fi #By default the interfaces file has allow-hotplug instead of #the auto keyword. The allow-hotplug won't allow the network #card to start. We need the interfaces file to be modified #before ifup is executed. So we will rewrite part of the #networking startup script to fix the interfaces file #just before ifup is executed. cat $CHROOT/etc/init.d/networking | awk " /ifup -a/ { print \"\tsed 's/allow-hotplug/auto/' /etc/network/interfaces > /tmp/interfaces\" ; print \"\tmv /tmp/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces\" } {print \$0}" > /tmp/networking mv /tmp/networking $CHROOT/etc/init.d/networking chmod 755 $CHROOT/etc/init.d/networking if ! echo 'live/* proc/* sys/* tmp/* boot/* lost+found/* media/* mnt/* srv/* var/lock/* var/log/* var/tmp/* var/run/* var/lib/dhcp?/* var/lib/urandom/* var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb var/lib/dpkg/*-old var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb etc/mtab chroot-install ' | tee $CHROOT/tmp/exclude > /dev/null ; then die 'Could not create the squashfs exclusion file' fi echo 'Discovering what files to zero out...' if ! (find $CHROOT/usr/share/doc -type f -size +1b > /tmp/commit_zerosize && find $CHROOT/usr/share/man -type f -size +1b >> /tmp/commit_zerosize && find $CHROOT/usr/share/info -type f -size +1b >> /tmp/commit_zerosize ) ; then die "Could not find /usr/shar/doc files to zero out" fi echo 'Making the man, doc, and info files have zero size ...' NFILES=`wc -l /tmp/commit_zerosize | awk '{ print $1 }'` i=1 cat /tmp/commit_zerosize | while read file ; do echo -n -e "\tZeroing $i/$NFILES files\r" rm $file touch $file i=$[i + 1] done ; echo echo 'Unmounting runtime filesystems' unmount $CHROOT/proc unmount $CHROOT/dev/pts unmount $CHROOT/dev/shm unmount $CHROOT/dev unmount $CHROOT/sys mount -v --bind ${MNT} $CHROOT${MNT} echo 'Creating the file system file.' if ! chroot $CHROOT /usr/bin/mksquashfs / $MNT/live/filesystem.squashfs -noappend -always-use-fragments -wildcards -ef /tmp/exclude -processors 1; then die "Failed to squash the file system." fi echo "Rebinding the needed directories under $CHROOT ..." if ! (mount -v --bind /proc $CHROOT/proc && mount -v --bind /sys $CHROOT/sys && mount -v --bind /dev $CHROOT/dev && mount -v --bind /dev/pts $CHROOT/dev/pts && mount -v --bind /dev/shm $CHROOT/dev/shm ) ; then die 'A mount failed!' fi ############################################################################### # # Install Extlinux # ############################################################################### if ! mkdir $MNT/extlinux; then echo 'Could not make extlinux directory' fi pushd $MNT >/dev/null cat > $MNT/extlinux/extlinux.conf < /dev/null if ! which extlinux > /dev/null ; then echo 'Installing Extlinux' apt-get -y install extlinux fi if ! extlinux --install $MNT/extlinux 2> /dev/null ; then die 'Could not install extlinux' fi umount $MNT if ! dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=$DEV 2> /dev/null; then die 'Could not install mbr' fi echo 'Cleanly unmounting everything before finishing' unmount_all echo echo 'Installation Finished Successfully !!!' echo