Zanzetkuken The Great The Ancoran Confederacy tryrar Orangeworld Rolepgeek Istania notquitethere Greenland Kashyyk Na Draoithe Calodorn Ancora Ancoran Garrison 5th Battlemage 6th Battlemage Na Draoithe army 266 Spearmen (215) Elmscove Greenland army 210 Priests (167) The Wild Roses Dragoons (203) Horse Archers (185) Grunwald Greenland army 262 Air Mages (211) Firagan The Ancoran Confederacy army 239 Magicians (189) The Ancoran Confederacy army 247 Magicians (196) Valcoran Second Division 3rd Battlemage 7th Battlemage 2nd Battlemage 1st Medical Corps Fourth Guard Turncoats Verdantia Homeguard Pikemen (177) Pikemen (182) Pikemen (112) Wizards (192) Greenland army 263 Dragoons (212) The Cabal Wizards (140) Air Mages (183) Windhaven Greenland army 232 Priests (184) Valcoran Na Draoithe army 265 Wizards (214) Valcoran Guard 4th Battlemage Na Draoithe army 256 Horsemen (205) Greenlandistas Pikemen (77) Halberdiers (131) Halberdiers (126) Healers (103) Sylvania Sylvania Stalwarts Magicians (176) Halberdiers (96) The Pikers Greenland army 264 Wizards (213) Greenland army 253 Air Mages (202) Longreach Lonngreach Garrison 6th Swiss Valcoran Third Division 1st Battlemage The Bleedin' Cavalry Horsemen (107) Even More Raiders Horse Archers (133) Yes, Yes I Did Forstis First Calvary Army Mounted Crossbowmen (135) Mounted Crossbowmen (145) Orangeworld army 249 Dragoons (198) 1st Cavalry Delta Cavalry Gamma Cavalry Alpha Cavalry Epsilon Cavalry Knights (116) Horsemen (91) Horsemen (175) Orangeworld army 257 Dragoons (206) Orangeworld army 229 Mounted Crossbowmen (181) Portland Portland Garrison 5th Swiss 2nd Swiss HMS Affinity Jerask Boyd City Citadel Task Force Swordsmen (94) Pikemen (102) Pikemen (108) Spearmen (60) Healers (109) Halberdiers (119) Spearmen (114) Catapult (168) Crossbowmen (193) Deja Vu Lancers (101) Riverton Na Draoithe army 244 Halberdiers (194) First Guard 1st Swiss 7th Swiss 9th Swiss 10th Swiss 1st Spartan Utyug Ferma Istanian National Guard First Axe Reavers Second Berserkers Third Ravagers Fourth Lumberjacks Fifth Question Axers First Ignoble Blades Second Gloryhounds Third Swords Battalion Fourth Swords Battalion Devout of the Maiden Tyvenault Orangeworld army 228 Earth Mages (180) Orangeworld army 176 Wizards (150) Orangeworld army 248 Dragoons (197) Orangeworld army 240 Earth Mages (190) Bachein Siege Crews First-Stone Battery Istania army 252 Pegasus Riders (201) Orangecity Citrmonia Ambassadors Exchange Soldiers Istanian Patrol Companies Istani Templars Farrum Istanian Defense Force First Spines of Defense Second Rank Pikes Third Flag Wavers Fourth Pikes Battalion First Garrison Brigade Second Garrison Brigade Third Garrison Brigade Fourth Garrison Brigade Honor Guard Devout of The Mother First Circle Mages Istania army 261 Wizards (210) Destro Orangeworld army 250 Earth Mages (199) Orangeworld army 220 Earth Mages (174) Telorin Orangeworld army 258 Dragoons (207) Kerav Ista Istania army 260 Pegasus Riders (209) Expansion! Orangeworld army 259 Earth Mages (208) Meinas